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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Chapter 5 | State Insignia; Seals; Holidays

Section 5.01 | Ohio state flag.

The flag of the state shall be burgee-shaped. It shall have three red and two white horizontal stripes that represent the roads and waterways of the state. The union of the flag shall be seventeen five-pointed stars, white in a blue triangular field that represents the state's hills and valleys, the base of which shall be the staff end or vertical edge of the flag, and the apex of which shall be the center of the middle red stripe. The stars shall be grouped around a red disc superimposed upon a white circular "O." The thirteen stars grouped around the "O" represent the original states of the United States and the four stars added to the peak of the triangle symbolize that Ohio was the seventeenth state admitted to the union. The "O" represents the "O" in "Ohio" and suggests the state's nickname, the buckeye state. The proportional dimensions of the flag and of its various parts shall be according to the official design on file in the office of the secretary of state. One state flag of uniform dimensions shall be furnished to each company of the organized militia.

Section 5.011 | Ohio governor's flag.

The flag of the governor of this state will be of scarlet wool bunting, six feet eight inches hoist by ten feet six inches fly. In each of the four corners will be a white five-pointed star with one point upward. The centers of these stars will be twelve inches from the long edges and seventeen inches from the short edges of the flag. In the center of the flag will be a reproduction of the great seal of Ohio in proper colors, three feet in diameter, surrounded by thirteen white stars equally spaced with their centers on an imaginary circle four feet three inches in diameter. All stars shall be of such size that their points would lie on the circumference of an imaginary circle ten inches in diameter.

The official colors of the governor of Ohio will be of scarlet silk, four feet four inches on the pike by five feet six inches fly, of the same design as the flag of the governor of Ohio, with the seal and stars proportionately reduced in size and embroidered. The colors will be trimmed on three edges with a knotted fringe of yellow silk two and one half inches wide. Attached below the head of the pike will be a silk cord of scarlet and white eight feet six inches in length with a tassel at each end.

The naval flag of the governor of Ohio will be of scarlet wool bunting, three feet hoist by four feet fly. The design will be the same as the flag of the governor of Ohio with the seal and the stars proportionately reduced in size.

The automobile flag of the governor of Ohio will be of scarlet silk, or wool bunting, one foot six inches on the staff by two feet six inches on the fly. The design will be the same as the flag of the governor of Ohio with the seal and stars proportionately reduced in size. The flag will be trimmed on three edges with a knotted fringe of silk or wool one and one half inches wide.

Section 5.012 | Display and maintenance of state flag.

(A) Display of the state flag at all state buildings and public institutions, such as public school buildings and state parks, is encouraged. If the state flag is displayed, it may be flown every day when weather permits and shall be flown from sunrise until sunset on all national and state holidays and on any other days that the governor proclaims. The state flag may be flown at night when properly lighted. When the state flag is displayed outdoors, it shall be flown either from a flagpole or a staff. Any staff from which the state flag is flown shall be at least two and one-half times as long as the state flag.

(B) When the state flag and the United States flag are displayed at the same time, the state flag shall not be larger than the United States flag. When the state flag and the United States flag are displayed together against a wall from crossed staffs, the state flag shall be on the left of the United States flag, and the staff supporting the state flag shall be behind the staff supporting the United States flag. When the state flag is flown from the same halyard as the United States flag, the state flag shall be displayed beneath the United States flag. When the state flag is carried in a procession in which the United States flag is unfurled, the state flag shall be displayed on the marching left of the United States flag.

(C) The state flag shall be washed or dry cleaned when soiled and may be repaired. When the state flag is damaged beyond repair, it shall be destroyed privately either by cutting it into small pieces and burning it until only ashes remain or by sealing it in a plastic bag or box before discarding it in a trash collection.

Section 5.013 | Pledge to the state flag.

"I salute the flag of the state of Ohio and pledge to the buckeye state respect and loyalty" is hereby adopted as the official pledge to the state flag. The pledge shall not replace, preempt, or be recited before the pledge of allegiance to the United States flag.

Section 5.014 | Procedure for folding state flag.

The general assembly hereby establishes a recommended procedure for the folding of the state flag by two people. The procedure is as follows:

With the flag unfolded, fold the flag in half lengthwise so that the points of the flag are aligned. Fold the flag in half lengthwise a second time to form a long strip with the red disc facing the ground. Next, fold the pointed end back onto itself to form a rectangle. These steps entail three folds.

Starting on the end formed by the fold of the pointed end back onto itself, fold two inches of the flag onto itself for a flag with a three-foot hoist and a five-foot fly, or another appropriate width of fold for a flag of a different size. Repeat the folds a total of fourteen times, alternating the folds in a fan-like manner.

The result is a total of seventeen folds symbolizing that Ohio was the seventeenth state admitted to the union. Finally, neatly and snugly wrap the remaining length of flag around the fan-folds to form a compact rectangle.

Section 5.015 | Suggested ceremonial procedure for retirement of state flag.

(A) The general assembly recommends the following ceremonial procedure for the retirement of the state flag, to be followed, voluntarily, with respect and dignity, by civilians and civilian groups or organizations.

(B) The ceremony shall consist of three parts: a preamble, a pledge, and the retirement by burning of the separated parts of the state flag.

(C) Before the ceremony to retire the state flag, the dedicated parts of the state flag shall be separated as specified in division (G) of this section in preparation for the ceremony. A written preamble as set forth in division (D) of this section shall be provided to all persons upon entering the premises where the ceremony will occur along with a copy of the pledge set forth in section 5.013 of the Revised Code.

(D) The preamble to the ceremony shall state the following:

I am the flag of the state of Ohio.

My first witness to our country as your state symbol was to the assassination of President William McKinley on September 14, 1901.

Our state went nearly one hundred years without a flag to represent us.

The spirit of Ohio is within me.

I represent everything: from the hills and valleys, to the rivers and roadways of our great state.

I call our state great for many reasons.

Some have called our state the Mother of Presidents.

Eight of our nation's presidents have been born among these hills and valleys.

Know that, in my retirement, my spirit must live on.

The spirit of Ohio must live on!

The history of yesterday, the gifts of the present, and the future of tomorrow.

These principles are woven into me!

(E) All persons present who are able, should be asked to stand at attention with their right hands placed over their hearts or with the appropriate salute during the pledge to the flag. A speaker shall lead the group in stating the pledge set forth in section 5.013 of the Revised Code.

(F) After the pledge, the speaker shall ask that the stripes be brought forth, stating: "Please bring forth the stripes of our flag. These stripes represent the roads and waterways of Ohio. Let them now be retired by fire." The speaker shall then ask that the union and stars be brought forth, stating: "Please bring forth the blue union and stars of our flag. This union represents the hills and valleys of Ohio. These stars represent our joining the Union as the 17th state. Now let them be retired by fire. As we continue about our daily lives, keep in mind the spirit of the flag and know that it lives on."

(G) The dedicated parts of the state flag shall be cut in separate parts including the triangular blue union with stars as one piece, the three red stripes as three separate pieces, and the two white stripes as two additional pieces. The five stripes shall be presented upon the request of the speaker. The blue union and stars shall be presented as one piece upon the request of the speaker.

Section 5.02 | State flower.

The scarlet carnation is hereby adopted as the state flower as a token of love and reverence for the memory of William McKinley.

Section 5.021 | State wild flower.

The plant Trillium grandiflorum, commonly known as the large white trillium, found in every Ohio county, is hereby adopted as the state wild flower.

Section 5.03 | State bird.

The bird, cardinalis cardinalis, commonly known as the "cardinal," is the official bird of the state.

Section 5.031 | State reptile.

The snake, Coluber constrictor constrictor, known as the black racer, is the official reptile of the state.

Section 5.032 | State animal.

The animal, Odocoileus virginianus, commonly known as the white-tailed deer, is the official animal of the state. Naming the white-tailed deer as the official animal of the state does not relieve the division of wildlife of its duty to manage the deer population and its distribution.

Section 5.033 | State amphibian.

The salamander, Ambystoma maculatum, commonly known as the spotted salamander, is the official amphibian of the state.

Section 5.034 | State frog.

The frog, Rana catesbeiana, commonly known as the bullfrog, is the official frog of the state.

Section 5.036 | Official pet.

A shelter pet is hereby designated as the official pet of the state to raise public awareness of shelter animals.

Section 5.04 | State coat of arms.

The coat of arms of the state shall consist of the following device: a circular shield; in the right foreground of the shield a full sheaf of wheat bound and standing erect; in the left foreground, a cluster of seventeen arrows bound in the center and resembling in form the sheaf of wheat; in the background, a representation of Mount Logan, Ross county, as viewed from Adena state memorial; over the mount, a rising sun three-quarters exposed and radiating thirteen rays to represent the thirteen original colonies shining over the first state in the northwest territory, the exterior extremities of which rays form a semicircle; and uniting the background and foreground, a representation of the Scioto river and cultivated fields.

The coat of arms of the state shall correspond substantially with the following design:

When the coat of arms of the state is reproduced in color, the colors used shall be substantially the same as the natural color of the terrain and objects shown.

Section 5.05 | State tree.

The tree, Aesculus globra, commonly known as the "Buckeye" is hereby adopted as the official tree of the state.

Section 5.06 | State motto.

"With God, All Things Are Possible" shall be adopted as the official motto of the state.

Section 5.07 | State gem stone.

The gem stone "Ohio Flint," a crypto-crystalline variety of quartz, is hereby adopted as the official gem stone of the state.

Section 5.071 | State invertebrate fossil.

Isotelus, a genus of extinct marine arthropod of the class Trilobita, that lived in the seas that covered Ohio during the Ordovician period, about four hundred forty million years ago, and represented by the largest known complete trilobite, collected at Huffman dam in Montgomery county, is hereby adopted as the official invertebrate fossil of the state.

Section 5.072 | State bicentennial bridge.

The Blaine Hill bridge in Belmont county, which was constructed in 1828 as part of the national road and is the oldest bridge in the state, is hereby designated the bicentennial bridge of the state.

Section 5.073 | State prehistoric monument.

The Newark earthworks in Licking county, which are geometric earthen enclosures constructed during the prehistoric time period, are hereby designated the official prehistoric monument of the state.

Section 5.074 | Official historical architectural structure.

The barn, an agricultural building located on farms and used for many purposes, is hereby designated the official historical architectural structure of the state.

Section 5.075 | State artifact.

The artifact known as the Adena pipe, which is a prehistoric effigy pipe that was discovered in 1901 by William C. Mills within a burial mound near Chillicothe and that was created by the ancient Adena culture from native Ohio pipestone, is adopted as the official state artifact.

Section 5.076 | All-American soap box derby.

The All-American Soap Box Derby, a youth racing program established in 1934 and located in Akron, is hereby adopted as the official gravity racing program of the state.

Last updated February 7, 2023 at 5:06 PM

Section 5.077 | Official state penal museum.

The museum located on the grounds of the Ohio state reformatory, operated by the Mansfield reformatory preservation society, is the official state penal museum.

Section 5.078 | State fossil fish.

Dunkleosteus terrelli, a species of extinct arthrodire placoderm fish that lived in the seas that covered parts of Ohio during the Late Devonian period, about three hundred fifty-nine to three hundred eighty-two million years ago, is hereby adopted as the official fossil fish of the state.

Section 5.08 | State beverage.

The canned, processed juice and pulp of the fruit of the herb Lycopersicon esculentum, commonly known as tomato juice, is hereby adopted as the official beverage of the state.

Section 5.081 | State fruit.

The fruit, Lycopersicon esculentus, commonly known as the tomato, is hereby adopted as the state fruit.

Section 5.082 | State native fruit.

The fruit, Asimina triloba, commonly known as the pawpaw, is hereby adopted as the state native fruit.

Section 5.09 | State song.

The song, "Beautiful Ohio," is hereby adopted as the official song of the state, the lyric being written by Ballard MacDonald, with special lyrics by Wilbert B. McBride, and the music being composed by Mary Earl. The special lyrics are as follows:

I sailed away;

Wandered afar;

Crossed the mighty restless sea;

Looked for where I ought to be.

Cities so grand, mountains above,

Led to this land I love.


Beautiful Ohio, where the golden grain

Dwarf the lovely flowers in the summer rain.

Cities rising high, silhouette the sky.

Freedom is supreme in this majestic land;

Mighty factories seem to hum a tune, so grand.

Beautiful Ohio, thy wonders are in view,

Land where my dreams all come true!

Section 5.091 | Ohio a "Purple Heart State".

Ohio is declared to be a "Purple Heart State," honoring our combat wounded veterans for their service and sacrifice by allowing the United States of America to maintain its sovereignty. Ohio is declared to be the first "Purple Heart State" in the United States of America.

Section 5.10 | State seal.

All official seals shall have engraved thereon the coat of arms of the state, as described in section 5.04 of the Revised Code.

The great seal of the state shall be two and one-half inches in diameter and shall consist of the coat of arms of the state within a circle having a diameter of one and three-fourths inches, surrounded by the words "THE GREAT SEAL OF THE STATE OF OHIO" in news gothic capitals. The great seal of the state shall correspond substantially with the following design:

The design of the great seal shall not be reproduced, except as required by any provision of the Ohio Constitution and the Revised Code, unless permission to do so is first obtained from the governor. The governor may authorize reproduction of the design of the great seal when the purpose is to:

(A) Permit publication of a reproduction of the great seal of the state of Ohio;

(B) Aid educational or historical programs;

(C) Promote the economic or cultural development of the state in a manner deemed appropriate by the governor.

A permanent record shall be kept in the governor's office of each permit to reproduce the design of the great seal.

No person shall use or permit to be used any reproduction or facsimile of the great seal or a counterfeit or nonofficial version of the great seal for any purpose not authorized by the governor.

The seal of the supreme court shall consist of the coat of arms of the state within a circle one and one-half inches in diameter and shall be surrounded by the words "THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF OHIO."

The seal of each court of appeals, court of common pleas, and probate court shall consist of the coat of arms of the state within a circle one and one-fourth inches in diameter, and each seal shall be surrounded by the words "COURT OF

APPEALS, ________________ County, Ohio"; "COMMON PLEAS

COURT, ________________ County, Ohio"; or "PROBATE

COURT, ________________ County, Ohio."

(Insert the name of the proper county.)

The seals of all other courts of record shall be of the same size as the seal of the court of common pleas, and each shall be surrounded by the proper name of the court.

The seal of the secretary of state shall consist of the coat of arms of the state within a circle one and one-fourth inches in diameter and shall be surrounded by the words "THE SEAL OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF OHIO."

The seal of the auditor of state shall consist of the coat of arms of the state within a circle of one and one-fourth inches in diameter, and shall be surrounded by the words "THE SEAL OF THE AUDITOR OF STATE OF OHIO."

The seal of the treasurer of state shall consist of the coat of arms of the state within a circle one and one-fourth inches in diameter, and shall be surrounded by the words "THE SEAL OF THE TREASURER OF STATE OF OHIO."

The seal of the lieutenant governor shall consist of the coat of arms of the state within a circle one and one-fourth inches in diameter and shall be surrounded by the words "THE


The seal of the attorney general shall consist of the coat of arms of the state within a circle one and one-fourth inches in diameter and shall be surrounded by the words "THE SEAL OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF STATE OF OHIO."

The seal of each benevolent institution shall consist of the coat of arms of the state within a circle one and one-fourth inches in diameter and shall be surrounded by the proper name of the institution.

The seals of all other state, county, and municipal agencies, divisions, boards and commissions shall consist of the coat of arms of the state within a circle one and one-fourth inches in diameter and shall be surrounded by the proper name of the office.

All seals mentioned in this section shall contain the words and devices mentioned in this section and no other. The official motto of the state, as described in section 5.06 of the Revised Code, may be displayed alongside any seal described in this section.

Section 5.101 | Compliance with state seal requirements.

Any official seal acquired on or after March 1, 2003, shall contain the official coat of arms of the state as described in section 5.04 of the Revised Code and surrounded by the appropriate words. Prior to that date, any official seal authorized by statute is valid for all purposes. The official motto of the state, as described in section 5.06 of the Revised Code, may be displayed alongside any seal described in this section.

Section 5.11 | Affixing state or corporate seal - abolishment of private seals.

If an official or a corporate seal is required to be affixed to an instrument in writing, an impression of such seal upon either wax, wafer, or other adhesive substance, or upon the paper or material on which such instrument is written, shall be valid.

Private seals are abolished, and the affixing of what has been known as a private seal to an instrument shall not give such instrument additional force or effect, or change the construction thereof.

Section 5.20 | Portion of election day a holiday.

The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of each year, between the hours of twelve noon, eastern standard time, and five-thirty p.m., eastern standard time, is a legal holiday.

Section 5.21 | Labor day - Columbus day - Veterans' day.

The first Monday in September of each year shall be known as "Labor day" and for all purposes shall be considered as the first day of the week.

The second Monday in October of each year shall be known as "Columbus day" and is a legal holiday.

The eleventh day of November of each year shall be known as "Veterans' day" and is a legal holiday. If said day falls on Sunday, the following Monday is the legal holiday.

Section 5.211 | Ohio warrior awareness week.

The week in May that coincides with armed forces week is designated as Ohio warrior awareness week to encourage the observance of events recognizing the contributions of Ohioans in the armed forces.

Section 5.22 | Arbor day.

The governor shall, by proclamation, designate the last Friday of each April as "Arbor Day."

Section 5.221 | World War I day.

The sixth day of April shall be designated as "World War I day."

Section 5.222 | General Pulaski memorial day.

The eleventh day of October shall be designated as "General Pulaski Memorial Day," in honor of General Casimir Pulaski, Polish patriot and American revolution military commander.

Section 5.223 | Native American Indian day.

The fourth Saturday in September shall be designated as "Native American Indian Day."

Section 5.224 | Ohio statehood day.

The first day of March is designated as "Ohio statehood day," in recognition of the date in 1803 when Ohio became a state. In addition to those duties imposed on the Ohio history connection under section 149.30 of the Revised Code, and those duties imposed on the director of education and workforce under section 3301.12 of the Revised Code, the Ohio history connection shall, throughout the state, and the director shall, in all school districts, encourage and promote the celebration of "Ohio statehood day."

Last updated September 20, 2023 at 11:17 AM

Section 5.225 | Workers memorial day.

The twenty-eighth day of April is designated as "workers memorial day," in remembrance of the victims of workplace injuries and disease and in recognition of the need for strong safety and health protections in the workplace.

Section 5.226 | Ohio braille literacy week.

The first week of January is designated as "Ohio Braille Literacy Week" in honor of Louis Braille, the inventor of the Braille system used, in modified form, for printing, writing, and musical notation for persons who are blind, and who was born on January 4, 1809, and became blind from an accident at the age of three.

Last updated March 10, 2023 at 10:53 AM

Section 5.227 | Destroyer escort day in Ohio+B41.

The third Saturday in June is designated as "Destroyer Escort Day in Ohio," in honor of the destroyer escort ships and the Ohioans who served on them during World War II, the Korean conflict, and the war in Vietnam.

Section 5.228 | Korean War Veterans' day.

The twenty-seventh of July is designated as "Korean War Veterans' Day," in honor of those who fought, died, or are still unaccounted for in the Korean war.

Section 5.229 | Gold Star Mothers Day.

The last Sunday in September shall be designated "Gold Star Mothers Day," to honor mothers whose sons or daughters have been killed while serving on active duty in the armed forces of the United States.

Section 5.2210 | Ohio aviation and aerospace history education week.

The week of the seventeenth day of December is designated as "Ohio aviation and aerospace history education week" in honor of the anniversary of the Wright brothers' first flight. As used in this section, "the week of the seventeenth day of December" means the seven-day period beginning on a Sunday and ending on a Saturday that includes the seventeenth day of December.

Section 5.2211 | Child care worker appreciation week in Ohio.

The week of the nineteenth day of April shall be designated as "Child Care Worker Appreciation Week in Ohio," to commemorate those child care workers who lost their lives in the bombing of the Oklahoma City federal building on April 19, 1995, and to increase public appreciation of child care workers in Ohio. As used in this section, "the week of the nineteenth day of April" means the seven-day period beginning on Sunday and ending on Saturday that includes the nineteenth day of April.

Section 5.2212 | School energy conservation day in Ohio.

The third Friday in March is designated as "School Energy Conservation Day in Ohio" to promote awareness in the schools of the need to conserve energy resources through reductions in their use as well as through their reuse and recycling.

Section 5.2213 | Ohio breast cancer awareness month - Ohio mammography day.

The month of October is designated as "Ohio Breast Cancer Awareness Month," and the third Thursday of each October is designated as "Ohio Mammography Day," to promote the importance of identifying breast cancer in its earliest stages.

Section 5.2214 | Ohio township day.

The first day of February is designated as "Ohio Township Day," in recognition of township officials and employees and the Ohio township association and its officers. Township officials are encouraged to use this day to visit the schools to explain their duties and qualifications.

Section 5.2215 | Ohio hepatitis C awareness month.

The month of October is designated as "Ohio hepatitis C awareness month," to increase public awareness of hepatitis C as an emerging health concern.

Section 5.2216 | Ohio National Guard day.

The twenty-fifth of July is designated as "Ohio National Guard Day," in honor of those who have served and contributed to the distinguished service and contributions of the Ohio National Guard to this state and the people of Ohio.

Section 5.2217 | Prostate cancer awareness month.

The month of June shall be designated as "Prostate Cancer Awareness Month."

Section 5.2218 | Exemplary adult care provider day.

The eighteenth day of April is designated as "Exemplary Adult Care Provider Day," in recognition of the service and dedication of adult care providers in the state.

Section 5.2219 | Colorectal cancer awareness month.

The month of March is designated as "Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month."

Section 5.2220 | Dean Martin day.

The seventh day of June is designated as "Dean Martin Day," in honor of the Steubenville, Ohio native, Dino Paul Crocetti, born on that day in 1917, for his achievements as a nationally and internationally famous singer, actor, and radio and television personality.

Section 5.2221 | Tartan day.

The sixth day of April shall be designated as "Tartan Day," in honor of the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Arbroath, the Scottish declaration of independence, on April 6, 1320.

Section 5.2222 | Ohio child abuse awareness month.

The month of April is designated as "Ohio Child Abuse Awareness Month" to increase public awareness of the innocent victims of child abuse and to acknowledge child abuse as a serious societal problem to be addressed and eliminated.

Section 5.2223 | Eye donor month in Ohio.

The month of March is designated as "Eye Donor Month in Ohio."

Section 5.2224 | School bus drivers appreciation day.

The first Monday in May is designated as "School Bus Drivers Appreciation Day" to increase public recognition of the important function that school bus drivers serve in safely transporting the children of this state to and from school.

Section 5.2225 | Teacher appreciation day.

The first Tuesday of the first full week in May is designated as "Teacher Appreciation Day."

Section 5.2226 | Sickle cell anemia awareness month.

The month of September is designated as "Sickle Cell Anemia Awareness Month."

Section 5.2227 | George Rogers Clark day.

The nineteenth day of November shall be designated as "George Rogers Clark Day," in honor of the hero of early America who was born on that day in 1752.

Section 5.2228 | Ohio cystic fibrosis awareness month.

The month of May is designated as "Ohio Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month" to increase public awareness of the disease, including its causes and health effects and to encourage and support research to develop effective medical therapies.

Section 5.2229 | Parent's week.

The fourth week of September is designated as "Parent's Week" to commend and encourage the work of parents in supporting and caring for their children.

Section 5.2230 | Leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma awareness month.

The month of September is designated as "Leukemia, Lymphoma, and Myeloma Awareness Month" to enhance the understanding of blood cancers and encourage participation in voluntary activities that support education programs, services to patients, and the funding of research programs to find cures.

Last updated August 16, 2023 at 2:54 PM

Section 5.2231 | Rosa Parks Day.

The first day of December is designated as "Rosa Parks Day," in honor of the woman who helped usher in the modern civil rights movement on that day in 1955 by refusing to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama.

Section 5.2232 | Multiple sclerosis awareness month.

The month of March is designated as "Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month" to enhance understanding of the disease, including its causes and health effects, and to support and encourage education programs and research to develop effective therapies and find a cure.

Section 5.2233 | Ohio public safety employee day.

The eleventh day of September shall be designated as "Ohio Public Safety Employee Day," in honor of the men and women who selflessly place their own lives in danger to protect the lives and property of the people of Ohio.

Section 5.2234 | Emancipation day.

The twenty-second day of September shall be designated as "Emancipation Day," in honor of the anniversary of the issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation by President Abraham Lincoln on September 22, 1862.

Section 5.2235 | Nutrition and physical fitness month.

The month of May is designated as "Nutrition and Physical Fitness Month" to increase public awareness of the paramount roles that nutrition and physical fitness play in promoting a healthy lifestyle for all of the citizens of this state.

Section 5.2236 | German heritage month.

The month of October is designated as "German Heritage Month" to honor and recognize Ohioans of German descent and their contributions to this state.

Section 5.2237 | Ohio Lyme Disease awareness month.

The month of May is designated as "Ohio lyme disease awareness month" to increase public awareness of lyme disease as a health concern.

Section 5.2238 | Heritage and freedom flag of the former republic of Vietnam day.

The twenty-ninth day of April is designated as "Heritage and Freedom Flag of the Former Republic of Vietnam Day" in honor of the heroes who gave the ultimate sacrifice for freedom.

Section 5.2239 | Ohio Turfgrass Week.

The last week of May is designated as "Ohio Turfgrass Week," in order to increase awareness of the importance of turfgrass to this state's economy and environment. The General Assembly finds that the turfgrass industry in this state employs thousands of people and generates billions of dollars in revenue each year. The General Assembly also finds that turfgrass acts as an environmental filter absorbing pollutants such as carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide and prevents soil erosion.

As used in this section, "turfgrass" means a natural sod that has multiple uses.

Section 5.2240 | Crohn's and colitis awareness.

The twenty-third day of May is designated as "Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Day."

The first week of December is designated as "Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Week."

Section 5.2241 | Fibromyalgia awareness month.

The month of January is designated as "Fibromyalgia Awareness Month."

Section 5.2242 | Ronald Reagan day.

The sixth day of February is designated as "Ronald Reagan Day," in honor of the birthday of the fortieth president of the United States.

Section 5.2243 | Ohio boy scout week.

The calendar week including the eighth day of February is designated as "Ohio Boy Scout Week."

Section 5.2244 | Black history month.

The month of February is designated as "Black History Month" to honor and recognize the contributions that African Americans have made in the history of this state and the United States.

Section 5.2245 | Nurses month.

The month of May is designated as "Nurses Month" in recognition of the hard work and dedication of nurses and their significant contributions in improving the health care of the citizens of this state.

In enacting this section, it is the intent of the general assembly to acknowledge and celebrate the nurses of this state. Although nurses practice their profession in a wide variety of settings, including hospitals, nursing homes, other health care facilities, physician's offices, schools, and even private homes, the contributions made by the nursing profession in the improvement of the health care system are sometimes overlooked. Therefore, the general assembly feels that it is vitally important that a month be formally designated as "Nurses Month" for the purpose of increasing public awareness of the role nurses play in the health and well-being of all Ohioans.

Section 5.2246 | Melanoma/skin cancer detection and prevention month.

The month of May is designated as "Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month."

Section 5.2247 | Juneteenth, legal holiday.

The nineteenth day of June is designated as "Juneteenth" to acknowledge the freedom, history, and culture that June 19, 1865, the day on which the last slaves in the United States were set free in Texas, has come to symbolize. This day is a legal holiday.

Last updated July 23, 2021 at 4:59 PM

Section 5.2248 | Brothers and sisters' day.

The third Saturday in August is designated as "Brothers and Sisters' Day" to honor and recognize siblings.

Section 5.2249 | Lithopolis honeyfest day.

The first Saturday following the first Monday in September is designated as "Lithopolis Honeyfest Day," to honor the annual honey festival held on that day in the village of Lithopolis in Fairfield county.

Section 5.2250 | Mitochondrial Disease Awareness Month.

The month of September is designated as "Mitochondrial Disease Awareness Month" to raise awareness of the existence, symptoms, and management of a diverse group of disorders known as mitochondrial disease that may impact either a part of the body or multiple organ systems as a result of dysfunction of the mitochondria, which are structures within cells that produce energy needed for cellular performance.

Section 5.2251 | Internet safety day.

The fourth Sunday in September is designated as "Internet Safety Day."

Section 5.2252 | Brain aneurysm awareness month.

The month of September is designated as "Brain Aneurysm Awareness Month" to increase public awareness and understanding of brain aneurysms, including methods of early detection and treatment.

It is the intent of the general assembly in enacting this section to increase public awareness and understanding of brain aneurysms. The general assembly feels that it is vitally important that the state designate September as "Brain Aneurysm Awareness Month." According to the brain aneurysm foundation, brain aneurysms afflict approximately two per cent of Americans, most commonly those aged thirty-five to sixty years. The state encourages and commends private efforts, including those of the brain aneurysm foundation, to enhance funding for aneurysm research, provide educational materials and programs, and create a support network for patients, survivors, and their families.

Section 5.2253 | Ohio preparedness month.

The month of September is hereby designated as "Ohio Preparedness Month" to highlight the importance of preparedness on the part of all Ohioans in the event of an emergency.

Section 5.2254 | Childhood cancer awareness month.

The month of September is designated as "Childhood Cancer Awareness Month" to increase public awareness of childhood cancer.

Section 5.2255 | Ovarian cancer awareness month.

The month of September is designated as "Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month."

Section 5.2256 | U.S.S. Hocking day.

The twenty-second day of October shall be designated "U.S.S. Hocking Day," in honor of the distinguished career of the U.S.S. Hocking, a World War II attack transport ship, the navy crew who served on it, and the marines who were carried into battle on it.

Section 5.2257 | Crime prevention month.

The month of October is designated as "Crime Prevention Month."

Section 5.2258 | Disability employment awareness month.

The month of October is designated as "Disability Employment Awareness Month" to demonstrate continuing support for and to raise the awareness of the need for employment opportunities for people with disabilities.

Section 5.2259 | Adoption day.

The Saturday immediately preceding Thanksgiving day is designated as "Adoption Day."

Section 5.2260 | Epilepsy awareness month.

The month of November is designated as "Epilepsy Awareness Month" to increase public awareness and understanding of epilepsy.

It is the intent of the general assembly in enacting this section to increase public awareness and understanding of epilepsy. The general assembly considers it vitally important that the state join with the epilepsy foundation in formally designating November as "Epilepsy Awareness Month." According to the United States centers for disease control and prevention (CDC), epilepsy currently affects approximately 2.7 million Americans - roughly one of every one hundred individuals - with as many as 180,000 new cases diagnosed each year. Epilepsy afflicts people of all ages, but especially the very young and the elderly. The CDC estimates that about ten per cent of Americans will experience a seizure during their lifetime, and about three per cent will be diagnosed with epilepsy by age eighty.

Section 5.2261 | Omega psi phi month.

The month of November is designated as "Omega Psi Phi Month."

Section 5.2262 | Homeless persons' memorial day.

The twenty-first of December is designated "Homeless Persons' Memorial Day" to bring attention to the tragedy of homelessness. State and local governments, coalitions, and other entities are encouraged to sponsor events to promote awareness of the plight of the homeless and to identify actions that individuals and organizations may take to address the problem of homelessness.

Section 5.2263 | Year of the veteran.

Calendar year 2008 is designated as the "Year of the Veteran" to recognize the services and sacrifices of veterans.

Section 5.2264 | Ohio save for retirement week.

"Ohio Save for Retirement Week" is designated during the same week as "National Save for Retirement Week" is designated by federal law.

Section 5.2265 | Ohio military family month.

The month of August is designated as "Ohio Military Family Month."

Section 5.2266 | Ohio agriculture week.

The second full week of March is designated as "Ohio Agriculture Week" in order to increase public recognition of the vitally important role that agriculture plays both in this state and across the nation.

Section 5.2267 | ALS Awareness Month.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease, is a neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord causing progressive muscle weakness and paralysis, and eventually death, while the patient's mental capacity and awareness of the disease remain unaffected. Because there is no known cause, prevention, or cure for this devastating disease, the general assembly finds that it is vitally important that the month of May be designated as "ALS Awareness Month."

The month of May therefore is designated as "ALS Awareness Month" to increase public awareness and understanding of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and to encourage efforts in finding treatments and a cure for ALS.

Section 5.2268 | Multiple System Atrophy Awareness Month.

The month of March is designated as "Multiple System Atrophy Awareness Month" to increase public awareness of this progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects the autonomic functions of the body.

Section 5.2269 | Substance abuse, prescription drug abuse, overdose awareness.

(A) The month of May is designated as "Substance Abuse Awareness and Education Month." The first Friday of May is designated as "Prescription Drug Abuse Awareness and Education Day."

(B) The thirty-first day of August is designated as "Ohio Overdose Awareness Day" to raise public awareness of the epidemic and to remember the lives lost to the epidemic. On the thirty-first day of August, in recognition of Ohio Overdose Awareness Day, a state flag displayed at a state building or public institution shall be flown at half-staff from sunrise until sunset.

Last updated June 11, 2021 at 1:19 PM

Section 5.2270 | John Glenn Friendship 7 Day.

The twentieth day of February is designated as "John Glenn Friendship 7 Day" in honor of John Glenn's participation in the first orbital space mission of the United States on February 20, 1962.

Section 5.2271 | Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Awareness Month.

The month of November is designated as "Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Awareness Month" to promote public awareness of complex regional pain syndrome, also known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome.

Section 5.2272 | Ohio Coal Miners Week.

The week in which Labor Day occurs is designated as "Ohio Coal Miners Week" in honor of the citizens of this state who have worked and continue to work in the coal mines of the state.

Section 5.2273 | Elder abuse awareness day.

The fifteenth day of June is designated as "Elder Abuse Awareness Day" to increase public awareness of the innocent victims of elder abuse.

Last updated November 7, 2023 at 11:04 AM

Section 5.2274 | Ohio Aggregates and Industrial Minerals Awareness Week.

The third week of July is designated as "Ohio Aggregates and Industrial Minerals Awareness Week" in order to educate the public about, increase public awareness of, and recognize the important contributions of the state's aggregates and industrial minerals industry to construction and transportation and to the state's economic viability and to recognize the industry's environmentally responsible stewardship of the state's resources.

Section 5.2275 | Pediatric Stroke Awareness Month.

The month of May is designated as "Pediatric Stroke Awareness Month."

Section 5.2276 | Macular Degeneration Awareness Month.

The month of March is designated as "Macular Degeneration Awareness Month."

Section 5.2277 | Traumatic Brain Injury Awareness Day.

The ninth day of July is designated as "Traumatic Brain Injury Awareness Day" to increase public awareness of traumatic brain injuries.

Section 5.2278 | Vietnam Veterans' Day.

The thirtieth day of March is designated as "Vietnam Veterans' Day" in honor of those who fought, died, or are still unaccounted for in the Vietnam war.

Section 5.2279 | Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day.

The fifteenth day of October is designated as "Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day."

Section 5.2280 | Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Week.

The calendar week including the seventeenth day of July is designated as "Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Week."

Section 5.2281 | Better hearing and speech month; childhood apraxia of speech awareness day; Ohio deaf history month.

The month of May is designated as "Better Hearing and Speech Month" to increase public awareness of communication disorders and to promote treatment to improve the quality of life of individuals who experience difficulty hearing, understanding, or speaking.

The fourteenth day of May is designated as "Childhood Apraxia of Speech Awareness Day" to increase public awareness about childhood apraxia of speech and to support the goals of better hearing and speech month.

The period beginning the thirteenth day of March and ending the fifteenth day of April is designated as "Ohio Deaf History Month."

Last updated May 10, 2023 at 4:19 PM

Section 5.2282 | Ohio Wines Month.

The month of June is designated as "Ohio Wines Month."

Section 5.2283 | Melanoma and Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month.

The month of May is designated as "Melanoma and Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month."

Section 5.2284 | Emma "Grandma" Gatewood Day.

The twenty-seventh day of April is designated as "Emma 'Grandma' Gatewood Day," in honor of the legendary hiker who was a founder of the buckeye trail, which was declared the official hiking trail of the state on that day in 1967.

Section 5.2285 | Ohio Forest Products Awareness Week.

The first week of October is designated as "Ohio Forest Products Awareness Week" in order to educate the public about, increase public awareness of, and recognize the important contributions of the state's forests and forest products industry to the state's economic viability and the quality of life of its citizens and to recognize the forest products industry's environmentally responsible stewardship of the state's forest resources.

Section 5.2286 | Ohio Suicide Prevention Day.

The tenth day of September is designated as "Ohio Suicide Prevention Day."

Section 5.2287 | Craniofacial Acceptance Month.

The month of September is designated as "Craniofacial Acceptance Month" to increase public awareness of craniofacial conditions and advances in medical treatment of these conditions.

Section 5.2288 | Ohio Maple Syrup Products Month.

The month of March is designated as "Ohio Maple Syrup Products Month."

Section 5.2289 | Nonviolence Week.

The first full week of October is designated "Nonviolence Week."

Section 5.2290 | Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Awareness Month.

The month of October is designated as "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Awareness Month."

Section 5.2291 | Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day.

The thirteenth day of October is designated as "Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day" to raise public awareness and understanding of breast cancer that has spread through the bloodstream to other parts of the body.

Section 5.2292 | Meningitis Awareness Day; Tess's Law.

The ninth day of March is designated as "Meningitis Awareness Day."

Section 5.2293 | Manufacturing Month.

The month of October is designated as "Manufacturing Month" to engage and inform students, parents, educators, media, customers, suppliers, and the general public throughout the region about, and improve the perception of, manufacturing careers and the value of manufacturing to the economy of the United States by increasing awareness, encouraging activities, and introducing real career opportunities, training, and resources throughout the month.

Section 5.2294 | Dyslexia Awareness Month.

The month of October is designated as "Dyslexia Awareness Month."

Section 5.2295 | Career-Technical Education and Skilled Workforce Development Month.

The month of March is designated as "Career-Technical Education and Skilled Workforce Development Month" to increase public awareness of the importance of career and technical education systems and skilled workforce development programs to the strength and vitality of Ohio's economic future.

Section 5.2296 | School Bullying Prevention and Awareness Act.

The month of September shall be designated as "School Bullying Prevention Awareness Month" to highlight the policies prohibiting harassment, intimidation, or bullying adopted by schools in the state and the required notice of those policies sent to parents and guardians annually under section 3313.666 of the Revised Code.

Section 5.2297 | Safe Driving Awareness Month.

The month of September is designated as "Safe Driving Awareness Month," in honor of Maria Tiberi and other victims who have lost their lives in motor vehicle-related accidents.

Section 5.2298 | Eastern European Month.

The month of April is designated as "Eastern European Month." The people of Ohio are called upon to observe this month with appropriate educational opportunities, ceremonies, and activities.

Section 5.2299 | Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency Awareness Month.

The month of November is designated as "Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency Awareness Month."

Section 5.22107 | Purple martin capital of Ohio.

The Portage lakes area in Summit county is designated the purple martin capital of Ohio.

Section 5.23 | School holidays.

(A) The twelfth day of February, known as Lincoln's birthday, the twenty-second day of February, known as Washington's birthday, the thirtieth day of May, known as Memorial day, and the eleventh day of November, known as Veterans' day, shall be commemorated in the schools.

(B) The tenth day of November is designated as "veterans educate today's students day" or "V.E.T.S. day." Each elementary and secondary school in this state is encouraged to commemorate and observe this day by inviting veterans, on or about this day, to visit the school and discuss their military experiences with the students of the school.

Section 5.231 | Krabbe Disease Awareness Week.

The second week of September is designated as "Krabbe Disease Awareness Week" to raise awareness of Krabbe disease, also known as globoid cell leukodystrophy, which is a life-threatening, inherited disorder that destroys the protective coating of nerve cells in the brain and nervous system, typically resulting in complications that include seizures, muscle spasms, muscle deterioration, blindness, deafness, and respiratory failure.

Section 5.232 | Fibromuscular Dysplasia Awareness Month.

The month of May is designated as "Fibromuscular Dysplasia Awareness Month."

Section 5.233 | Rett Syndrome Awareness Month.

The month of October is designated as "Rett Syndrome Awareness Month."

Section 5.234 | Disability History and Awareness Month.

The month of October is designated as "Disability History and Awareness Month." During this month, schools in this state are encouraged to provide instruction and events focused on disability history, people with disabilities, and the disability rights movement.

Section 5.235 | Blue Star Mothers and Families Day.

The fourth Sunday of July is designated as "Blue Star Mothers and Families Day."

Section 5.236 | Harrison Dillard Day.

The eighth day of July is designated as "Harrison Dillard Day," to commemorate the four-time Olympic champion's accomplishments in earning gold medals in the 1948 and 1952 Summer Olympics. Harrison Dillard won Olympic medals in both sprinting and hurdles.

Section 5.237 | Scleroderma Awareness Month.

The month of June is designated as "Scleroderma Awareness Month."

Section 5.238 | All for the Kids Awareness Day.

The fifteenth day of May is designated as "All for the Kids Awareness Day."

Section 5.239 | One Health Awareness Month.

The month of November is designated as "One Health Awareness Month" to increase public awareness and understanding of the connections between human, animal, and ecosystem health.

Section 5.2310 | Fanconi Anemia Awareness Day.

The first day of May is designated as "Fanconi Anemia Awareness Day" in honor of those affected by this rare and debilitating genetic disease.

Section 5.2311 | Ohio Public Education Appreciation Week.

The week prior to the week in which Thanksgiving day occurs is designated as "Ohio Public Education Appreciation Week."

Section 5.2312 | Hypoparathyroidism Awareness Day.

The first day of June is designated as "Hypoparathyroidism Awareness Day."

Section 5.2313 | Brain cancer awareness month.

The month of May is designated as "Brain Cancer Awareness Month."

Section 5.2314 | Ohio Adoption Awareness Month.

The month of November is designated as "Ohio Adoption Awareness Month."

Section 5.2315 | Ohio Principals Month.

The month of October shall be designated as "Ohio Principals Month" to honor the service of all elementary, middle, and high school principals and to recognize the importance of school leadership in ensuring that every child has access to a high-quality education.

Section 5.2316 | James A. Garfield day.

The nineteenth day of November is designated as "James A. Garfield Day."

Last updated October 25, 2023 at 3:47 PM

Section 5.2317 | Radon awareness month.

The month of January is designated as "Radon Awareness Month."

Last updated July 12, 2021 at 4:41 PM

Section 5.2318 | Ohio school safety month.

The month of October shall be designated as "Ohio School Safety Month" to increase public awareness of school safety programs and to encourage Ohioans to identify their role in keeping Ohio schools a safe place for students to learn and grow.

Last updated October 18, 2022 at 12:29 PM

Section 5.2319 | Human trafficking awareness day.

The eleventh day of January is designated as "Human Trafficking Awareness Day."

Last updated March 22, 2023 at 5:02 PM

Section 5.2320 | Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy awareness day.

The twenty-sixth day of October is designated as "Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy Awareness Day." Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) is the sudden, unexpected death of someone with epilepsy who was otherwise healthy.

Last updated September 13, 2023 at 12:01 PM

Section 5.2321 | Powerboat safety month.

The month of April is designated as "Powerboat Safety Month" to emphasize the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning that can occur on a powerboat. During the month of April, or more often as determined by the director of natural resources, the department of natural resources shall disseminate information to the public about all of the following:

(A) Carbon monoxide is colorless, odorless, and deadly.

(B) Gasoline-powered engines on boats, including onboard generators, produce carbon monoxide, which may poison or kill a person who breathes in too much of it.

(C) Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are flu-like, so they often go unheeded until it is too late.

(D) It is advised that a powerboat owner install and maintain a working carbon monoxide detector on the owner's boat.

(E) A powerboat owner should keep carbon monoxide from accumulating at deadly concentrations and make sure that outlets are never blocked.

(F) A powerboat owner should always dock, beach, or anchor at least twenty feet from the nearest boat that is running a generator or engine.

(G) Open air boating may reduce, but does not eliminate, the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning and death.

Last updated September 20, 2024 at 10:02 AM

Section 5.24 | Ohio hub of innovation and opportunity for aerospace and aviation.

The city of Dayton and county of Montgomery are hereby designated as an Ohio hub of innovation and opportunity for aerospace and aviation.

Section 5.241 | Service Dog Awareness Week.

The last week of July is designated as "Service Dog Awareness Week" in recognition of the important role service dogs play in enhancing the lives of citizens with disabilities.

Section 5.242 | Moses Fleetwood Walker Day.

The seventh day of October is designated as "Moses Fleetwood Walker Day" in honor of the Ohioan who was the first African-American major league baseball player under contract.

In declaring the seventh day of October "Moses Fleetwood Walker Day," the general assembly recognizes the contribution that Moses Fleetwood Walker made to the integration of professional athletics. Born in Mount Pleasant, Ohio, on October 7, 1856, Moses Fleetwood Walker played one season with the Toledo Blue Stockings and died in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1924.

Section 5.243 | National Atomic Veterans Day.

The sixteenth day of July is designated as "National Atomic Veterans Day" in this state to raise awareness of the health issues many atomic veterans suffer as a result of their service and sacrifice.

Section 5.244 | Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month.

The month of June is designated as "Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month."

Section 5.245 | Ohio Covered Bridge Week.

The second week of October is designated as "Ohio Covered Bridge Week."

Section 5.246 | Ohio Tuskegee airmen day.

The twenty-ninth day of March is designated as "Ohio Tuskegee Airmen Day."

Last updated July 14, 2021 at 1:05 PM

Section 5.247 | Maternal mortality awareness month.

The month of May is designated as "Maternal Mortality Awareness Month" to increase public awareness regarding the causes of pregnancy-associated deaths and encourage implementation of interventions intended to reduce the incidence of such deaths.

Last updated July 28, 2021 at 5:19 PM

Section 5.248 | Sexual assault prevention awareness month.

The month of April is designated as "Sexual Assault Prevention Awareness Month" to increase public awareness about preventing sexual assault.

Last updated April 29, 2022 at 3:37 PM

Section 5.249 | [Enacted as R.C. 5.248 by H.B. 430, 134th General Assembly and recodified as R.C. 5.249 pursuant to R.C. 103.131] Ohio work zone safety awareness month.

The month of April is designated as "Ohio Work Zone Safety Awareness Month."

Last updated October 20, 2022 at 9:48 AM

Section 5.25 | Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Awareness Week.

The first week of July is designated as "Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Awareness Week" to increase public awareness of neonatal abstinence syndrome as a health concern.

Section 5.251 | Dravet Syndrome Awareness Day.

The sixteenth day of October is designated as "Dravet Syndrome Awareness Day" to increase public awareness and understanding of this form of epilepsy that is also known as severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy.

Section 5.252 | Free Clinic Appreciation Month.

The month of December is designated as "Free Clinic Appreciation Month."

Section 5.253 | Ohio Community Theatre Month.

June is designated as Ohio Community Theatre Month to recognize the important contributions of community theatres to the quality of life of the citizens of the state.

Section 5.254 | Rare Disease Day.

The last day of February is designated as "Rare Disease Day" to raise public awareness about rare diseases and their impact on patients' lives.

Section 5.255 | Ohio Internship and Co-Op Appreciation Day.

The second Tuesday of April is "Ohio Internship and Co-Op Appreciation Day" in order to raise awareness of the value of internship and co-op opportunities in this state and promote the establishment of internship and co-op programs at businesses in this state.

Section 5.256 | Endometriosis Awareness Month.

The month of March is designated as "Endometriosis Awareness Month."

Section 5.257 | S.M.A.R.T. Parent Day.

The twenty-fifth day of September is designated as "International Ataxia Awareness Day" in this state.

Section 5.258 | Asthma Awareness Month.

The month of May is designated as "Asthma Awareness Month."

The fifth day of May is designated as "Childhood Asthma Awareness Day."

Section 5.259 | Neurofibromatosis Awareness Month.

The month of May is designated as "Neurofibromatosis Awareness Month."

Section 5.2510 | Omphalocele Awareness Day.

The thirty-first day of January is designated as "Omphalocele Awareness Day" to raise public awareness and encourage medical research on this birth defect.

Section 5.2511 | Osteopathic Medicine Recognition Month.

The month of April is designated as "Osteopathic Medicine Recognition Month" in honor of the significant contributions made by the osteopathic field of medicine to improve the health of Ohioans.

Section 5.2512 | Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Awareness Day.

The thirtieth day of January is designated as "Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Awareness Day" to raise public awareness about chronic traumatic encephalopathy and those affected by it.

Section 5.2513 | Genocide Awareness Month.

The month of April is designated as "Genocide Awareness Month" in remembrance of past atrocities and crimes of genocide and to increase awareness of such atrocities and crimes.

Section 5.2514 | Ohio Native Plant Month.

The month of April is designated as "Ohio Native Plant Month" to increase public awareness of Ohio's native plants and the many benefits they provide to pollinators, Ohio's economy, and the health of Ohio's environment.

Section 5.2515 | Thyroid Health Awareness Month.

The month of January is designated as "Thyroid Health Awareness Month" to raise awareness of thyroid-related diseases and conditions, including thyroid cancer.

Section 5.2516 | Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.

The month of February is designated as "Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month" to increase public awareness of teen dating violence.

Section 5.2517 | Bartter Syndrome Awareness Day.

The thirtieth day of May is designated as "Bartter Syndrome Awareness Day."

Section 5.2518 | Ohio Chiropractic Awareness Month.

The month of October is designated as "Ohio Chiropractic Awareness Month."

Section 5.2519 | Blood Donor Awareness Month.

The month of January is designated as "Blood Donor Awareness Month" to increase public awareness of the need for blood donations, to encourage the public to give blood, and to recognize the lifesaving contributions of blood and platelet donors.

Section 5.2520 | Congenital Cytomegalovirus Awareness Month.

The month of June is designated as "Congenital Cytomegalovirus Awareness Month" to increase public awareness of congenital cytomegalovirus and to encourage the testing of newborns for the infection.

Section 5.2521 | Aortic aneurysm awareness day.

The thirteenth day of February is designated as "Aortic Aneurysm Awareness Day."

Section 5.2522 | Sanfilippo syndrome awareness day.

The sixteenth day of November is designated as "Sanfilippo Syndrome Awareness Day."

Section 5.2523 | International Ataxia Awareness Day.

The sixth day of October is designated as "S.M.A.R.T. Parent Day," to remind parents to have conversations with their children about Social Media Awareness, Respect, and Timing.

Section 5.2524 | Cardiac amyloidosis recognition month.

The month of March is designated as "Cardiac Amyloidosis Recognition Month."

Section 5.2525 | Diabetic ketoacidosis awareness day.

The twenty-sixth day of April is designated as "Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) Awareness Day."

Section 5.2526 | Hirschsprung's disease awareness month.

The month of September is designated as "Hirschsprung's Disease Awareness Month" to increase public awareness of Hirschsprung's disease and encourage caregivers of newborns to seek an early diagnosis and proper treatment of the disease.

Section 5.2527 | Postpartum cardiomyopathy awareness week.

The fourth week of June is designated as "Postpartum Cardiomyopathy Awareness Week" to increase public awareness of postpartum cardiomyopathy, which is a form of heart failure that can happen during the last month of pregnancy or up to five months after giving birth.

Last updated July 28, 2021 at 5:20 PM

Section 5.2528 | Ohio diabetes awareness-heart connection week.

The second week of November is designated as "Ohio Diabetes Awareness-Heart Connection Week" to raise awareness of the diabetes epidemic in this state and the connection between diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Last updated July 12, 2021 at 5:00 PM

Section 5.2529 | Cholangiocarcinoma awareness day.

The twelfth day of February is designated as "Cholangiocarcinoma Awareness Day."

Last updated October 18, 2022 at 12:31 PM

Section 5.2530 | Congenital heart defect awareness week.

The period beginning the seventh day of February and ending the fourteenth day of February is designated as "Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week."

Last updated March 15, 2022 at 5:34 PM

Section 5.2531 | [Enacted as R.C. 5.2527 by H.B. 340, 134th General Assembly and recodified as R.C. 5.2531 pursuant to R.C. 103.131] International underground railroad month.

The month of September is designated as "International Underground Railroad Month."

Last updated October 19, 2022 at 11:44 AM

Section 5.2532 | Ulysses S. Grant day.

The twenty-seventh day of April is designated as "Ulysses S. Grant Day."

Last updated February 7, 2023 at 5:03 PM

Section 5.2533 | Ohio burn awareness week.

The first full week of February is designated as "Ohio Burn Awareness Week" to do all of the following:

(A) Serve as a week of remembrance for all who have lost their lives or been injured as a result of a burn;

(B) Raise awareness of accidental burn injuries and fatalities in this state;

(C) Educate the public on effective preventative measures to avoid accidental burn injuries or fatalities.

Last updated February 7, 2023 at 5:04 PM

Section 5.2534 | Ohio public lands day.

The last Saturday of September is designated as "Ohio Public Lands Day."

Last updated February 7, 2023 at 5:04 PM

Section 5.2535 | [Enacted as R.C. 5.2532 by H.B. 558, 134th General Assembly and recodified as R.C. 5.2535 pursuant to R.C. 103.131] Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy awareness day.

The fourth Wednesday of February is designated as "Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Awareness Day."

Last updated March 21, 2023 at 5:40 PM

Section 5.2536 | [Enacted as R.C. 5.2533 by H.B. 558, 134th General Assembly and recodified as R.C. 5.2536 pursuant to R.C. 103.131] Bleeding disorders awareness month.

The month of March is designated as "Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month" to increase public awareness of bleeding disorders, which are rare genetic disorders that prevent the blood from clotting properly, and to encourage the enhancement of care and treatment options available for patients living with a bleeding disorder.

Last updated March 21, 2023 at 5:46 PM

Section 5.2537 | Pollinator week.

The last full week of June is designated as "Pollinator Week," to promote pollinator health and to recognize the importance of pollinators to ecosystems and to the economy.

Last updated February 7, 2023 at 5:05 PM

Section 5.2538 | [Enacted as R.C. 5.2532 by S.B. 63, 134th General Assembly and recodified as R.C. 5.2538 pursuant to R.C. 103.131] Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase deficiency awareness day.

The twenty-third day of October is designated as "Aromatic L-Amino Acid Decarboxylase Deficiency Awareness Day."

Last updated March 22, 2023 at 5:07 PM

Section 5.26 | Rascal Flatts Day.

The twenty-first day of February is designated as "Rascal Flatts Day," in honor of the country music group consisting of Gary LeVox, Jay DeMarcus, and Joe Don Rooney.

Section 5.261 | First Responders' Appreciation Day.

The twenty-fourth day of May is designated as "First Responders' Appreciation Day" to recognize individuals who risk their own safety on a daily basis in the execution of their duties to protect the public.

Section 5.262 | Jesse Owens Day.

The twelfth day of September is designated "Jesse Owens Day," in honor of Jesse Owens, a track and field champion and national hero, who was born on that day in 1913. Known affectionately as the Buckeye Bullet, Jesse Owens, representing The Ohio State University, set three world records in the 220-yard dash, the 220-yard low hurdles, and the long jump at the Big Ten track and field finals on May 25, 1935, and, representing the United States at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, Germany, won four gold medals, one each in the 100-meter dash, the 200-meter dash, the long jump, and the 4 x 100-meter relay.

Section 5.263 | We Card Month.

The month of September is designated "We Card Month" to encourage retailers to ask for identification from each person who attempts to purchase age-restricted products in order to prevent sales of those products to minors.

Section 5.264 | Sarcoidosis Awareness Month.

The month of April is designated as "Sarcoidosis Awareness Month."

Section 5.265 | Charles Follis Day.

The third day of February is designated "Charles Follis Day" in honor of the first African American professional football player who was born on that day in 1879, and who played for the Shelby Blues.

Section 5.27 | Parkinson's Disease Awareness Month.

The month of April is designated as "Parkinson's Disease Awareness Month."

Last updated December 26, 2023 at 2:21 PM

Section 5.271 | Sarcoma awareness month.

The month of July is designated as "Sarcoma Awareness Month" to raise awareness of sarcoma, a type of cancer that affects humans and canines.

Last updated December 26, 2023 at 2:22 PM

Section 5.28 | Armed Services, Peace Officer, First Responder, and Dual Service Recognition Day.

The tenth day of November is designated as Armed Services, Peace Officer, First Responder, and Dual Service Recognition Day for individuals who have served, or who are serving, in the armed services and also have served, or who are serving, as a police officer or other first responder. These individuals, twice the servants, shall be recognized and honored on the tenth day of November.

Last updated May 6, 2022 at 3:15 PM

Section 5.281 | In-demand jobs week.

Beginning in 2018, and every year thereafter, the full week beginning on the first Monday in May is designated as in-demand jobs week.

Every year during in-demand jobs week, the governor's office of workforce transformation, in collaboration with the departments of job and family services, education and workforce, and higher education, shall organize activities to raise awareness among educators, students, and parents of jobs that are in demand by employers operating in this state and the requirements and benefits of those jobs. The activities shall include job fairs and company tours to connect middle and high school students with employers.

Last updated September 20, 2023 at 11:22 AM

Section 5.289 | Annie Glenn Communication Disorders Awareness Day.

The seventeenth day of February is designated as "Annie Glenn Communication Disorders Awareness Day."

Section 5.29 | Pain Awareness Month.

The month of September is designated as "Pain Awareness Month" to raise public awareness and understanding of physical pain and pain management.

Section 5.291 | Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma Awareness Day.

The seventeenth day of May is designated as "Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma Awareness Day."

Section 5.292 | Drive Ohio Byways Month.

The month of May is designated as "Drive Ohio Byways Month" because May is the start of tourism season in Ohio.

Section 5.293 | Toni Morrison day.

The eighteenth day of February is designated "Toni Morrison Day," in honor of the American novelist, essayist, and teacher, who was born on that day in 1931. Chloe Anthony Wofford Toni Morrison, born and raised in Lorain, Ohio, was a recipient of the Nobel prize in literature and the presidential medal of freedom.

Section 5.294 | Eugene "Gene" F. Kranz day.

The seventeenth day of August is designated as "Eugene 'Gene' F. Kranz Day."

Last updated February 7, 2023 at 5:06 PM

Section 5.30 | Saturday afternoon is legal holiday.

Every Saturday afternoon is a legal holiday, beginning at twelve noon and ending at twelve midnight. No section of the Revised Code and no decision of any court shall affect the validity of any check, bill of exchange, order, promissory note, due bill, mortgage, or other writing obligatory made, signed, negotiated, transferred, assigned, or paid by any person, corporation, or bank upon said holiday, or any other transaction had thereon.

Section 5.40 | Financial institutions open on holidays and outside regular hours.

Any financial institution doing business in this state may outside of regular banking hours on any day, or at any time on a day which is in whole or in part a holiday, pay, certify, or accept negotiable or nonnegotiable instruments including a demand instrument dated on the holiday on which it is presented for payment, certification, or acceptance, and transact any other business which would be valid if done on a business day during regular banking hours. This section does not affect any law relative to the time of maturity or presentment of negotiable instruments or the validity of any law relative to transactions by persons or corporations.

This section does not require a financial institution which remains open for business on all or a part of any holiday to perform any act on that day in its capacity as collection agent which would not be required of it if it were closed on such holiday or part holiday.

Section 5.41 | Financial institutions closed on weekdays.

Any bank under the supervision of the division of banks, national bank, federal reserve bank, building and loan association, savings association, federal savings and loan association incorporated pursuant to the "Home Owner's Loan Act of 1933," federal home loan bank, or any branch of any of the foregoing financial institutions may remain closed on any certain week day designated by the board of directors of such financial institution. Not less than fifteen nor more than thirty days before closing on said certain week day, such financial institution shall post a notice in a conspicuous place in the lobby of its principal office and the lobby of each branch affected by such week day closing stating that on and after a day certain and until further notice given in like manner such financial institution will remain closed on a certain week day. Concurrently with the posting of said notice, such financial institution shall publish a notice once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in which such financial institution or a branch thereof and affected thereby is located. Said notice shall set forth the week day on which such financial institution or branch thereof will remain closed and the date when said closing becomes effective. Such publication or posting of a notice shall not be required of financial institutions which have, prior to January 1, 1953, closed on a certain week day. Any certain week day on which such financial institution or branch thereof remains closed is, with respect to such financial institution or a branch thereof, a holiday and not a business day for the purposes of the law relating to negotiable instruments.

Any act authorized, required, or permitted to be performed at, by, or with respect to such financial institution or a branch thereof remaining closed pursuant to this section may be performed on the next succeeding business day, and no liability or loss of rights on the part of any person or financial institution shall result from such delay.

Section 5.46 | Ohio Purple Heart Day.

The seventh day of August is designated as "Ohio Purple Heart Day," in harmony with national Purple Heart Day, and in honor of the service and sacrifice of combat wounded veterans.

Section 5.47 | Ohio Goes Boating Month.

The month of June is designated as "Ohio Goes Boating Month."

Section 5.48 | Ohio Survivors of Suicide Loss Day.

The Saturday before Thanksgiving day is designated as "Ohio Survivors of Suicide Loss Day."

Section 5.481 | Veterans Suicide Awareness and Prevention Day.

The twenty-second day of September is designated as "Veterans Suicide Awareness and Prevention Day."

Last updated August 22, 2024 at 3:48 PM

Section 5.49 | Superman Day.

The twelfth day of June is designated as "Superman Day" to recognize the Ohio birthplace of one of the creators of the superhero who stood for "truth, justice, and the American way." For on this day, let it be known that Superman is faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird. It's a plane. It's Superman!

Section 5.50 | Ohio National Missing Children's Day.

The twenty-fifth day of May is designated as "Ohio National Missing Children's Day."

Section 5.51 | One Small Step Week.

The calendar week including the twentieth day of July is designated as "One Small Step Week," in honor of Ohio native Neil Armstrong's historic landing on the moon on that day in 1969.

Section 5.52 | Women Veterans' Day.

The twelfth day of June is designated as "Women Veterans' Day" in honor of women who have served.

Section 5.53 | Buffalo soldiers day.

The twenty-eighth day of July is designated as "Buffalo Soldiers Day."

Last updated March 9, 2022 at 1:15 PM

Section 5.55 | Month of the military child.

The month of April is designated as the "Month of the Military Child."

Last updated September 13, 2023 at 12:05 PM

Section 5.99 | Penalty.

Whoever violates section 5.10 of the Revised Code shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both.