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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Chapter 517 | Cemeteries

Section 517.01 | Acquisition or appropriation of land.

The board of township trustees may accept a conveyance of, or purchase, and enclose, improve, and protect lands in one or more places within the township as it deems necessary and proper for cemetery purposes. If suitable lands cannot be procured by contract on reasonable terms, such board may appropriate lands therefor, not to exceed ten acres, by proceedings in accordance with sections 163.01 to 163.22, inclusive, of the Revised Code.

No lands shall be so appropriated within one hundred yards of a dwelling house, or other building.

Section 517.02 | Public road to cemetery.

When twenty-five interested persons petition for it, the board of township trustees shall provide a public road to any township cemetery over which it has control, in the same manner as provided by section 517.01 of the Revised Code for establishing cemeteries and obtaining the land therefor.

Section 517.03 | Levy and taxes for expenses.

To defray the expenses of the purchase or appropriation, and the enclosing, care, supervision, repair, and improving of lands for cemetery purposes, and of maintaining and improving entombments, including mausoleums, columbariums, and other interment rights, the board of township trustees may levy a tax sufficient for that purpose.

Section 517.04 | Vote on establishment of cemetery.

Before a purchase or appropriation of land for cemetery purposes is made or a conveyance is accepted, except where funds may be available for such purchase or appropriation of land for cemetery purposes under section 517.08 of the Revised Code, the question of the establishment of such cemetery, on the order of the board of township trustees or the written application of any six electors of the township, shall be submitted to a vote of the electors of such township at a regular annual election. Such order or application shall specify as nearly as possible the proposed location of the cemetery, and the estimated cost thereof, including enclosing and improving it.

Section 517.05 | Notice of election - ballots.

On the making of an order or the filing of an application as provided by section 517.04 of the Revised Code, the township fiscal officer shall certify the order or application to the board of elections not later than four p.m. of the ninetieth day before the day of the election, and, at least twenty days before an election, the fiscal officer shall post written notices in at least three public places in the township that a vote will be taken on the question of the establishment of a cemetery. If a majority of the votes cast at the election on the proposition is in favor of establishing a cemetery, the board of township trustees shall procure the lands for that purpose and levy taxes as provided by section 517.03 of the Revised Code.

Section 517.06 | Cemetery plat.

The board of township trustees shall have the cemetery laid out in lots, avenues, and paths, shall number the lots, and shall have a suitable plat of the lots made, which plat shall be carefully kept by the township fiscal officer. The board shall make and enforce all needful rules and regulations for the division of the cemetery into lots, for the allotment of lots to families or individuals, and for the care, supervision, and improvement of the lots. The board also may make and enforce all needful rules and regulations for burial, interment, reinterment, or disinterment. The board shall require the grass and weeds in the cemetery to be cut and destroyed at least twice each year. Suitable provision shall be made in the cemetery for persons whose burial is at the expense of the township.

Section 517.07 | Sale of cemetery lots.

Upon application, the board of township trustees shall sell at a reasonable price the number of lots as public wants demand for burial purposes. Purchasers of lots or other interment rights, upon complying with the terms of sale, may receive deeds for the lots or rights which the board shall execute. The township fiscal officer shall record each deed in a book the township keeps for that purpose or with the county recorder under section 317.08 of the Revised Code. The expense of recording shall be paid by the person receiving the deed. Upon the application of a head of a family living in the township, the board shall, without charge, make and deliver to the applicant a deed for a suitable lot or right for the interment of the applicant's family, if, in the opinion of the board and by reason of the circumstances of the family, the payment would be oppressive.

The terms of sale and any deed for lots executed after July 24, 1986, for an entombment, including a mausoleum, columbarium, or other interment right executed on or after September 29, 2015, may include the following requirements:

(A) The grantee shall provide to the board of township trustees, in writing, a list of the names and addresses of the persons to whom the grantee's property would pass by intestate succession.

(B) The grantee shall notify the board in writing of any subsequent changes in the name or address of any persons to whom property would descend.

(C) Any person who receives a township cemetery lot or right by gift, inheritance, or any other means other than the original conveyance shall, within one year after receiving the interest, give written notice of the person's name and address to the board having control of the cemetery, and shall notify the board of any subsequent changes in the person's name or address.

The terms of sale and any deed for any lots or rights executed in compliance with the notification requirements set forth in divisions (A), (B), and (C) of this section shall state that the board of township trustees shall have right of reentry to the cemetery lot or right if the notification requirements are not met. At least ninety days before establishing reentry, the board shall publish a notice on the board's internet web site, if applicable, and shall send a notice by certified mail to the last known owner at the owner's last known address to inform the owner that the owner's interest in the lot or right will cease unless the notification requirements are met. If the owner's address is unknown and cannot reasonably be obtained, it is sufficient to publish the notice once in a newspaper of general circulation in the county. In order to establish reentry, the board shall pass a resolution stating that the conditions of the sale or of the deed have not been fulfilled, and that the board reclaims its interest in the lot or right.

The board may limit the terms of sale or the deed for a cemetery lot or right by specifying that the owner, a member of the owner's family, or an owner's descendant must use the lot, tomb, including a mausoleum, or columbarium, or at least a portion of the lot, tomb, including a mausoleum, or columbarium, within a specified time period. The board may specify this time period to be at least twenty but not more than fifty years, with right of renewal provided at no cost. At least ninety days before the termination date for use of the cemetery lot, tomb, including a mausoleum, or columbarium, the board shall publish a notice on the board's internet web site, if applicable, and shall send a notice to the owner to inform the owner that the owner's interest in the lot or right will cease on the termination date unless the owner contracts for renewal by that date. The board shall send the notice by certified mail to the owner if the owner is a resident of the township or is a nonresident whose address is known. If the owner's address is unknown and cannot reasonably be obtained, it is sufficient to publish the notice once in a newspaper of general circulation in the county.

The terms of sale and any deed for lots or rights conveyed with a termination date shall state that the board shall have right of reentry to the lot or right at the end of the specified time period if the lot, tomb, including a mausoleum, or columbarium, is not used within this time period or renewed for an extended period. In order to establish reentry, the board shall pass a resolution stating that the conditions of the sale or of the deed have not been fulfilled, and that the board reclaims its interest in the lot or right. The board shall compensate owners of unused lots or rights who do not renew the terms of sale or the deed by offering to pay the owner eighty per cent of the purchase price or to provide another available lot or right, as applicable, at no additional cost. The board may repurchase any cemetery lot or right from its owner at any time at a price that is mutually agreed upon by the board and the owner.

Last updated September 12, 2023 at 9:50 AM

Section 517.071 | Rules governing product of fetal death.

(A) As used in this section and section 517.072 of the Revised Code, "fetal death" has the same meaning as in section 3705.01 of the Revised Code.

(B) A board of township trustees may adopt rules for any township cemetery over which it has control for the burial, re-interment, or disinterment of the product of a fetal death.

(C) With regard to the product of a fetal death, on the request of the mother and in compliance with cemetery rules, a township cemetery shall inter the product of the fetal death in accordance with one of the following:

(1) In a single grave within the cemetery that contains, or will contain, the remains of a parent, sibling, or grandparent;

(2) In another location of the cemetery, including a separate burial ground for infants, on a temporary or permanent basis.

Section 517.072 | Reinterment or disinterment of product of fetal death.

(A) Subject to division (B) of this section, re-interment or disinterment of the product of a fetal death buried in accordance with division (C)(2) of section 517.071 of the Revised Code is not subject to section 517.24 of the Revised Code if one or both surviving parents provide written consent for the re-interment or disinterment to the township cemetery and comply with any rules adopted under division (B) of section 517.071 of the Revised Code.

(B) If two surviving parents are indicated on the township cemetery's burial documents for the product of a fetal death buried in accordance with division (C)(2) of section 517.071 of the Revised Code and only one has given consent under division (A) of this section, prior to re-interment or disinterment, the cemetery promptly shall give notice of the consent to the parent who did not give consent. The notice shall be sent by registered mail, return receipt requested, to the parent's last known address and contain a statement that the re-interment or disinterment will occur if the cemetery does not receive written objection within thirty days from the date the notice is sent. That parent may object to the re-interment or disinterment by giving notice to the cemetery by registered mail, return receipt requested, not later than thirty days after the cemetery's notice is sent. If the cemetery receives timely notice of the objection, the re-interment or disinterment is subject to section 517.24 of the Revised Code.

(C) The cemetery shall re-inter or disinter the product of a fetal death if both surviving parents provide written consent for the re-interment or disinterment or if one parent consents and the cemetery does not receive timely notice of any objection under division (B) of this section.

Section 517.073 | Authority for reentry for unused lots or rights.

(A) The board of township trustees may reenter a lot for which the terms of sale or deed was executed before July 24, 1986, or an entombment, including a mausoleum, columbarium, or other interment right for which the terms of sale or deed was executed before September 29, 2015, if the board determines the lot or right is unused and adopts a resolution creating a procedure for right of reentry in accordance with this section. The resolution shall state that the board of township trustees has the right of reentry to the cemetery lot or right purchased before July 24, 1986, or before September 29, 2015. At least one hundred eighty days before reentering a lot or right, the board shall publish a notice on the board's internet web site, if applicable, and shall send a notice by certified mail to the last known owner at the owner's last known address to inform the owner that the owner's interest in the lot or right will cease unless the owner or owner's heir responds by that date. If the owner's address is unknown and cannot be obtained reasonably, it is sufficient to publish the notice once in a newspaper of general circulation in the county.

If the owner responds by the specified date, the township shall offer the owner all of the following:

(1) To continue the owner's interest in the lot or right;

(2) To compensate the owner by paying the owner eighty per cent of the owner's original purchase price; or

(3) To compensate the owner by providing the owner an available lot or right, as applicable.

To establish reentry, the board shall pass a resolution stating that the owner has not responded by the specified date or has opted to receive other compensation, and that the board reclaims its interest in the lot or right. The board may repurchase a cemetery lot or right from its owner at any time at a price that is mutually agreed upon by the board and the owner.

(B) At least one hundred eighty days before a termination date for use of a cemetery lot for which the terms of sale or deed was executed before July 24, 1986, and contained a termination date, or an entombment, including a mausoleum or columbarium, for which the terms of sale or deed was executed before September 29, 2015, and contained a termination date, the board shall publish a notice on the board's internet web site, if applicable, and shall send a notice to the owner of an unused lot or right to inform the owner that the owner's interest in the lot or right will cease on the termination date unless the owner or owner's heir responds by that date. The board shall send the notice by certified mail to the owner if the owner is a resident of the township or is a nonresident whose address is known. If the owner's address is unknown and cannot reasonably be obtained, it is sufficient to publish the notice once in a newspaper of general circulation in the county.

If the owner responds b y the termination date, the township shall offer the owner all of the following:

(1) To contract for renewal;

(2) To compensate the owner by paying the owner eighty per cent of the owner's original purchase price; or

(3) To compensate the owner by providing the owner an available lot or right, as applicable.

In order to establish reentry, the board shall pass a resolution stating that because of the lack of response to notice that provided a termination date or because the owner opted to receive other compensation, the board reclaims its interest in the lot or right. The board may repurchase a cemetery lot or right for which there is a termination date from its owner at any time at a price that is mutually agreed upon by the board and the owner.

Section 517.08 | Expenditure of proceeds - exception.

The proceeds arising from the sale of cemetery lots under section 517.07 of the Revised Code shall be used in maintaining, improving, beautifying, and embellishing such grounds, and for maintaining and improving entombments, including mausoleums, columbariums, and other interment rights, except that upon unanimous consent of the board of township trustees, such proceeds may be used in the purchase or appropriation of additional land for cemetery purposes in accordance with sections 517.01 and 517.13 of the Revised Code; and the board of township trustees may build and maintain proper and secure fences around all such cemeteries, to be paid for from the township funds.

Section 517.09 | No levy on lots.

No lot held by any individual in a cemetery, shall, in any case, be levied on or sold on execution.

Section 517.10 | Title to certain burial grounds vested in board of township trustees.

The title to, right of possession, and control of all public cemeteries located outside any municipal corporation, which have been set apart and dedicated as public cemeteries, and any grounds which have been used as such by the public, but not expressly dedicated as a cemetery, except such as are owned or under the care of a religious or benevolent society, or an incorporated company or association, or under the control of the authorities of any municipal corporation, shall, severally be vested in the board of township trustees.

Section 517.11 | Care of cemetery.

The board of township trustees shall provide for the protection and preservation of cemeteries under its jurisdiction, and shall prohibit interments therein when new grounds have been procured for township cemeteries or burial grounds. Where such old cemeteries are in or near village plats, and the public health is liable to be injured by further interments therein, the board shall institute suits to recover possession thereof, remove trespassers therefrom, and may recover damages for injuries thereto or any part thereof, or to any fence or hedge enclosing them, or to any tomb or monument therein.

The board may enclose cemeteries under its jurisdiction with a substantial fence or hedge, and shall keep any such fence or hedge in good repair. It may re-erect any fallen tombstones, regardless of the cause of the falling, in such cemeteries. The board, as it considers necessary, may purchase, maintain, and improve entombments, including mausoleums, columbariums, and other interment rights. The board may levy a tax to meet any costs incurred for these purposes, not to exceed one-half mill in any one year, upon all the taxable property of the township.

Section 517.12 | Regulating hours of access to cemeteries.

The board of township trustees may make rules specifying the times when cemeteries under its control shall be closed to the public. The board shall cause the rules to be published once a week for two consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation within the township or as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code, and may post appropriate notice in the township as considered necessary.

The purposes of such rules shall be to assure a reasonable time of access to the cemeteries in view of the differences in attendance anticipated from past experience as to each, to exclude attendance at times when no proper purposes could normally be expected, to permit exceptions to the normal hours of access on reasonable request with adequate reason provided, and to facilitate the task of protecting the premises from vandalism, desecration, and other improper usage.

Whoever violates these rules is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.

Section 517.13 | Additions to cemetery grounds.

In any township in which there is a cemetery owned or partly owned by such township, if in the opinion of the board of township trustees, it is desirable to add to the area of such cemetery by the purchase of additional grounds, and if suitable lands cannot be procured by contract on reasonable terms, the board may appropriate lands, not exceeding ten acres, by proceedings in accordance with sections 163.01 to 163.22 of the Revised Code, for the expansion of an existing cemetery if the township zoning ordinances do not prohibit such use. Lands appropriated for the expansion of a cemetery shall not be appropriated within fifty feet of a dwelling house or other building and shall be considered a part of the original cemetery even though separated therefrom by a road or highway.

For such purpose the board may expend funds as provided in section 517.08 of the Revised Code, or the board may levy a tax, not to exceed one-half of one mill, on the taxable property of the township, for a period not to exceed five years, which tax shall be collected as other taxes, and appropriated for the purchase or appropriation of such additional cemetery grounds which shall become part of the township cemetery.

Section 517.14 | Public cemetery on township lines - joint township cemetery.

When a public cemetery, located on or near a township line, is used by the people of two or more townships for burying purposes, the boards of township trustees of such townships shall jointly take possession thereof, and care for and keep it in repair, as in the case of cemeteries belonging to a township. The board of each township shall levy taxes needed for such cemetery, not to exceed one-fourth per cent in any year. Two or more townships may join in establishing and maintaining a cemetery, and for such purpose the boards shall have the same powers, be governed by the same rules, and proceed in the same manner as provided for municipal corporations and townships uniting for that purpose under sections 759.27 to 759.48, inclusive, of the Revised Code.

Section 517.15 | Cemetery endowment fund.

A board of township trustees may create a permanent cemetery endowment fund for the purpose of maintaining, improving, and beautifying township cemeteries and burial lots in township cemeteries. The fund shall consist of money arising from the following sources:

(A) Gifts, devises, or bequests received for the purpose of maintaining, improving, or beautifying township cemeteries;

(B) Charges added to the price regularly charged for burial lots for the purpose of maintaining, improving, or beautifying township cemeteries;

(C) Contributions of money from the township general fund;

(D) An individual agreement with the purchaser of a burial lot providing that a part of the purchase price is to be applied to the purpose of maintaining, improving, or beautifying any burial lot designated and named by the purchaser;

(E) Individual gifts, devises, or bequests made for the maintenance, improvement, and beautification of any burial lot designated and named by the person making the gift, devise, or bequest.

Upon unanimous consent of the board of trustees, the board may use the principal of the fund if the board is unable to maintain, improve, and beautify township cemeteries using only the income from the fund.

Section 517.19 | Tax levy for buildings upon grounds of cemetery - bond issue.

Where the township owns a burial place within the grounds of a cemetery association, the board of township trustees may levy a tax, not exceeding five mills on the dollar of the tax duplicate of the township, for the purpose of erecting permanent buildings upon such cemetery grounds.

Such tax, when it has been assessed and collected, shall be paid to the officers of such cemetery association, and shall be applied by them to the erection of such permanent buildings as in their judgment are requisite for the accommodation of the patrons of the cemetery.

In anticipation of such tax, the officers of such cemetery association may issue and sell bonds, to bear interest at a rate not to exceed the rate provided in section 9.95 of the Revised Code.

Section 517.20 | Appointment of directors of township cemetery.

The board of township trustees may appoint three directors to take charge of any cemetery in the township, the control of which is vested in such board. The first appointments shall be for one, two, and three years respectively. The order appointing a director shall designate, by name, the cemeteries over which he shall have supervision. Each year one director shall be appointed to serve for three years from the second Monday of May succeeding his appointment. When appointed, such directors shall be governed, in the discharge of their duties, by sections 517.01 to 517.32, inclusive, of the Revised Code, so far as applicable.

Section 517.21 | Abandonment or discontinuance of cemetery - removal of bodies and stones.

When a public or private cemetery has been abandoned, or when the board of township trustees or the trustees or directors of a cemetery association are of the opinion that the further use for burial purposes of a cemetery will be detrimental to the public welfare or health, and a cemetery in the near vicinity is open for public use, the board, trustees, or directors may order that the abandoned cemetery or the cemetery whose further use for burial purposes is believed to be detrimental to the public welfare or health be discontinued and provide for the removal of all remains buried in that cemetery, for the removal of all stones and monuments marking the graves of that cemetery, for the reinterment of the remains, and for the re-erection of those stones and monuments in suitable public ground in the near vicinity, all of which shall be paid for from the township treasury.

Before providing for any removal described in this section, the board, trustees, or directors shall first give notice to the family, friends, or next of kin of the decedent involved, if known, of the discontinuance order and of the time within which, not less than thirty days, the removal must be made. The notice shall state that it is desired that the removal be made by the family, friends, or next of kin of the decedent. If, at the expiration of the thirty-day period, the removals have not been made, the board, trustees, or directors may make the removals as provided by this section.

Section 517.22 | Public sale of cemetery.

The board of township trustees or the trustees or directors of a cemetery association, after notice has first been given in a newspaper of general circulation in the county, may dispose of, at public sale, and convey any cemetery under their control that they have determined to discontinue as burial grounds, but possession of the cemetery shall not be given to a grantee until after the remains buried in that cemetery, together with stones and monuments, have been removed as provided by section 517.21 of the Revised Code.

Section 517.23 | Disinterment of body buried in cemetery.

(A) Subject to divisions (B), (D), and (E) of this section, the board of township trustees, the trustees or directors of a cemetery association, or the other officers having control and management of a cemetery or the officer of a municipal corporation who has control and management of a municipal cemetery shall disinter or grant permission to disinter any remains buried in the cemetery in either of the following circumstances:

(1) Within thirty days after an application for disinterment is filed with the cemetery in accordance with division (A) of section 517.24 of the Revised Code and payment of the reasonable costs and expense of disinterment is made by the following applicants:

(a) A designated representative, or successor, to whom the decedent had assigned the right of disposition in a written declaration pursuant to section 2108.70 of the Revised Code and who had exercised such right at the time of the declarant's death;

(b) If no designated representative exercised the right of disposition pursuant to section 2108.70 of the Revised Code, the surviving spouse of the decedent who is eighteen years of age or older.

(2) On order of a probate court issued under division (B) of section 517.24 of the Revised Code and payment by the person who applied for the order under that division of the reasonable costs and expense of disinterment.

(B) No disinterment shall be made pursuant to this section and section 517.24 of the Revised Code if the decedent died of a contagious or infectious disease until a permit has been issued by the board of health of a general health district or of a city health district.

(C) Upon disinterment of remains under division (A)(1) or (2) of this section, the involved board, trustees, directors, other officers, or officer of the municipal corporation shall deliver or cause to be delivered the disinterred remains to the applicant under division (A)(1) of this section or, if the disinterment was pursuant to court order issued under division (B) of section 517.24 of the Revised Code, to the person who applied for the order under that division.

(D) The board of township trustees, the trustees or directors of a cemetery association, or the other officers having control and management of a cemetery or the officer of a municipal corporation who has control and management of a municipal cemetery may disinter or grant permission to disinter and, if appropriate, may reinter or grant permission to reinter any remains buried in the cemetery to correct an interment error in the cemetery if the board, trustees, directors, other officers, or officer of the municipal corporation comply with the internal rules of the cemetery pertaining to disinterments and if the board, trustees, directors, other officers, or officer of the municipal corporation provide notice of the disinterment to the person who has been assigned or reassigned the rights of disposition for the deceased person under the provisions of section 2108.70 or 2108.81 of the Revised Code. The board, trustees, directors, other officers, or officer of the municipal corporation may correct an interment error under this division without a court order or an application by a person.

(E)(1) A person who is an interested party and who is eighteen years of age or older and of sound mind may apply to the probate court of the county in which the decedent is buried for an order to prevent the applicant under division (A)(1) of this section from having the remains of the decedent disinterred. An application to prevent the disinterment of the remains of the decedent shall be in writing, subscribed and verified by oath, and include all of the following:

(a) If applicable, a statement that the applicant assumed financial responsibility for the funeral and burial expenses of the decedent;

(b) If division (E)(1)(a) of this section is inapplicable relative to the applicant, a statement that the applicant did not assume financial responsibility for the funeral and burial expenses of the decedent;

(c) A statement that the applicant is eighteen years of age or older and of sound mind;

(d) The relationship of the applicant to the decedent;

(e) A statement of the applicant's reasons to oppose the disinterment of the remains of the decedent.

(2) An applicant for an order to prevent the disinterment of the remains of the decedent under division (E) of this section promptly shall give notice of the filing of the application by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the applicant under division (A)(1) of this section. The notice shall indicate that the applicant has filed an application for an order to prevent the disinterment of the remains of the decedent.

(F) As used in this section and in section 517.24 of the Revised Code:

(1) "Cemetery" and "interment" have the same meanings as in section 1721.21 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Disinterment" means the recovery of human remains by exhumation, disentombment, or disinurnment. "Disinterment" does not include the raising and lowering of remains to accommodate two interments within a single grave and does not include the repositioning of an outside burial container that encroaches an adjoining burial space.

Last updated March 3, 2023 at 2:08 PM

Section 517.24 | Form of application for disinterment.

(A) An application by an applicant for disinterment under section 517.23 of the Revised Code shall be in writing and shall state whether the applicant is the designated representative to whom the decedent has assigned the right of disposition of the decedent's body in a written declaration pursuant to section 2108.70 of the Revised Code and exercised such right at the time of the declarant's death or, if none, the surviving spouse, that the applicant is eighteen years of age or older and of sound mind, the disease of which the decedent died, and the place at which the remains shall be reinterred. If the applicant is the designated representative to whom the decedent has assigned the right of disposition in a written declaration pursuant to section 2108.70 of the Revised Code, a copy of the declaration that appointed the applicant shall be attached to the application. If the applicant is the surviving spouse, the application shall state one of the following:

(1) That to the best of the applicant's knowledge the decedent did not sign a declaration of assignment pursuant to section 2108.72 of the Revised Code or it is not available to the applicant;

(2) That to the best of the applicant's knowledge the assignee pursuant to a declaration of assignment pursuant to section 2108.72 of the Revised Code did not exercise the right of disposition.

(B)(1) A person who is eighteen years of age or older and of sound mind and who is not qualified to file an application to disinter pursuant to division (A)(1) of section 517.23 of the Revised Code may obtain a court order under this division for the disinterment of the remains of the decedent. Any person who is eighteen years of age or older and of sound mind, including, but not limited to, the person who assumed financial responsibility for the funeral and burial expenses of the decedent, and who wishes to obtain a court order for the disinterment of the remains of the decedent may file an application in the probate court of the county in which the decedent is buried requesting the court to issue an order for the disinterment of the remains of the decedent. The application shall be in writing, subscribed and verified by oath, and include all of the following:

(a) If applicable, a statement that the applicant assumed financial responsibility for the funeral and burial expenses of the decedent;

(b) If division (B)(1)(a) of this section is inapplicable relative to the applicant, a statement that the applicant did not assume financial responsibility for the funeral and burial expenses of the decedent;

(c) A statement that the applicant is eighteen years of age or older and of sound mind;

(d) The relationship of the applicant to the decedent;

(e) A statement of the place at which the remains will be reinterred;

(f) The name, the relationship to the decedent, and the address of the decedent's surviving spouse; of the person who has been assigned the rights of disposition for the deceased person under the provisions of sections 2108.70 to 2108.90 of the Revised Code; of all persons who would have been entitled to inherit from the decedent under Chapter 2105. of the Revised Code if the decedent had died intestate; and, if the decedent had a will, of all legatees and devisees named in the decedent's will;

(g) A true and correct copy of the decedent's written declaration of assignment pursuant to section 2108.70 of the Revised Code, if any, or one of the following:

(i) A statement that to the best of the applicant's knowledge the decedent did not sign a written declaration of assignment or it is not available to the applicant;

(ii) A statement that to the best of the applicant's knowledge the assignee pursuant to a declaration of assignment pursuant to section 2108.72 of the Revised Code did not exercise the right of disposition.

(2)(a) Subject to division (B)(2)(b) of this section, upon the filing of an application for an order for disinterment of remains under division (B) of this section, the applicant promptly shall give notice as described in this division by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the decedent's surviving spouse; to the person who has been assigned the rights of disposition for the deceased person under the provisions of sections 2108.70 to 2108.90 of the Revised Code; to all persons who would have been entitled to inherit from the decedent under Chapter 2105. of the Revised Code if the decedent had died intestate; if the decedent had a will, to all legatees and devisees named in the decedent's will; and to the board of township trustees, the trustees or directors of a cemetery association, or the other officers having control and management of the cemetery in which the remains of the decedent are interred or to the officer of a municipal corporation who has control and management of a municipal cemetery in which the remains of the decedent are interred. The notice shall indicate that an application for disinterment of the remains of the decedent has been filed.

(b) A person entitled to be given the notice described in division (B)(2)(a) of this section may waive the right to receive the notice by filing a written waiver of that right in the probate court.

(c) The fact that the notice required by division (B)(2)(a) of this section has been given, subject to division (B)(2)(d) of this section, to all persons described in division (B)(2)(a) of this section who have not waived their right to receive the notice and, if applicable, the fact that certain persons described in that division have waived their right to receive the notice in accordance with division (B)(2)(b) of this section shall be evidenced by an affidavit of the applicant for the order for disinterment, and the applicant shall file the affidavit in the probate court.

(d) An applicant for an order for disinterment is not required to give a notice pursuant to division (B)(2)(a) of this section to persons whose names or places of residence are unknown and cannot with reasonable diligence be ascertained, and the applicant shall file an affidavit in the probate court specifying any persons who were not given notice pursuant to division (B)(2)(a) of this section and the reason for not giving notice to those persons.

(3)(a) Except as otherwise provided in division (B)(3)(b) of this section, upon the filing of an application for disinterment of remains and the giving of the required notice under division (B)(2) of this section, the probate court promptly shall conduct a hearing to determine whether to issue an order for disinterment of the remains of the decedent, taking into account the provisions of section 2108.82 of the Revised Code. If the court issues the requested order for disinterment of the decedent's remains in accordance with division (B)(3) of this section, the court promptly shall deliver the order to the applicant. An order of the court for disinterment of the decedent's remains shall specify that the board of township trustees, the trustees or board of the cemetery association, or other officers having control and management of the cemetery or the officer of a municipal corporation who has control and management of the municipal cemetery shall have a period of at least thirty days from the receipt of the order to perform the ordered disinterment.

(b) The court is not required to conduct a hearing under division (B)(3)(a) of this section if each person entitled to be given the notice described in division (B)(2)(a) of this section has waived that right by filing a written waiver of the right to receive the notice in the probate court.

Last updated March 3, 2023 at 2:08 PM

Section 517.25 | Writ of mandamus.

If the board of township trustees, the trustees or board of a cemetery association, or the other officers in charge of a cemetery refuse to disinter or grant permission for disinterment after a person makes application under division (A)(1) of section 517.23 or under division (B)(1) of section 517.24 of the Revised Code, the probate court of the county in which the decedent is buried shall issue a writ of mandamus requiring the officers to disinter the remains or to grant permission for their disinterment.

Last updated March 3, 2023 at 2:07 PM

Section 517.26 | Removal of dead.

When remains laid in a vault or other receptacle become offensive, on the complaint of a householder of the township, the board of township trustees immediately shall issue an order to the sexton or other person in charge of the vault or receptacle to have the remains immediately interred. If the interment is neglected for three days after the complaint, any judge of the county court within the county may issue a written order to a householder of the township to inter the remains at the expense of the board and shall allow a reasonable charge for the service.

Section 517.27 | Transfer of cemeteries to board of township trustees.

(A) When a public cemetery in a township is not under the control of a municipal corporation, and the title or control is vested in an association or its board of trustees, or is vested in a religious society, whether incorporated or not, or in its board of trustees, and such cemetery is used exclusively for cemetery purposes, such association, society, or board of trustees may convey such grounds to the board of township trustees and its successors in office. Except as provided in division (B) of this section, and subject to the rights of the original grantor, the original grantor's heirs or assigns, the board of township trustees shall accept and take possession of the grounds, and take care of, keep in repair, hold, treat, and manage them in all respects as required by sections 517.01 to 517.32, inclusive, of the Revised Code.

(B) A board of township trustees is not required to accept and take possession of the grounds of a public cemetery, or to take care of, keep in repair, hold, treat, or manage the grounds as described in division (A) of this section, if, as a result of the conveyance, any parcel abutting the cemetery grounds or from which the grounds were partitioned or subdivided satisfies any of the following conditions:

(1) The parcel is owned by the association or its trustees or the religious society that conveyed the cemetery grounds or by an association, its trustees, or a religious society that is a successor to the association, trustees, or religious society that conveyed the cemetery grounds.

(2) Any part of the parcel, including any building or structure situated on the parcel, is used for social, educational, recreational, or religious activities of the association or religious society or of an association or religious society that is a successor to the association, trustees, or religious society that conveyed the cemetery grounds.

(3) Any part of the parcel, including any building or structure situated on the parcel, is exempted from property taxation under section 5709.07 or 5709.14 of the Revised Code, or under division (B) of section 5709.12 of the Revised Code on the basis of being used exclusively for charitable purposes by the association or religious society that conveyed the cemetery grounds.

(C) When a cemetery association or religious society conveys a cemetery under this section, all cemetery records and funds shall be transferred to the township. Transferred funds shall be used exclusively for cemetery purposes as set forth in section 1721.06 of the Revised Code and any other similar provisions of the Revised Code that require funds to be held in trust for cemetery purposes.

Section 517.271 | Transfer of cemetery ownership rights to most recent owner.

Notwithstanding section 517.22 of the Revised Code, the company, association, or religious society that most recently owned and operated a cemetery currently owned by a board of township trustees may petition the probate court of the county in which the cemetery is located to transfer the ownership of the cemetery to the petitioner.

If the court determines that the petitioner has met all of the following conditions, the court shall transfer the ownership of the cemetery to the petitioner and shall order the board and county recorder to give the petitioner all necessary records and documents concerning the cemetery, including records of the board's sale of any lots pursuant to section 517.07 of the Revised Code:

(A) The petitioner has the financial resources necessary to operate and maintain the cemetery;

(B) The petitioner is in compliance with all applicable laws and administrative rules concerning the owners and operators of cemeteries, including registration under section 4767.02 of the Revised Code; and

(C) The petitioner owes no delinquent taxes.

Last updated September 12, 2023 at 9:51 AM

Section 517.28 | Abandonment of cemetery owned by municipal corporation.

Where a cemetery is located outside a municipal corporation, and not further therefrom than one mile, and the title to and possession thereof is in such municipal corporation, or such cemetery is under the control of any of the authorities of a municipal corporation, and such municipal corporation has failed to protect or keep the cemetery enclosed with fences for two years, any five freeholders whose property is in the vicinity of such cemetery may apply, by petition, to the probate court of such county, stating in their petition that the municipal corporation has failed to protect such cemetery, and asking for its abandonment or removal. In such action the municipal corporation shall be made defendant and served with summons as in other actions. If it appears to the court upon final hearing, to be to the public interest to have such cemetery abandoned and removed, it shall so order.

Section 517.29 | Neglect of order by municipal corporation shall cause execution sale.

If a municipal corporation fails to remove a cemetery as provided by section 517.28 of the Revised Code for a period of six months after the removal has been ordered by the probate court, the court shall order the premises sold as upon execution. The sale or other transfer shall not operate to give a purchaser possession until the remains interred in that cemetery have been removed as provided by section 759.07 of the Revised Code.

Section 517.30 | Trustees may erect monument commemorating members of armed forces.

A board of township trustees may erect a suitable monument to commemorate the members of the armed forces who died in the service of the United States or of this state. The board, by a majority vote, may appropriate and expend not more than fifty thousand dollars from township funds for the purpose of erecting the monument, according to plans and specifications furnished or approved by the board.

Section 517.31 | Care of monument.

In any township in which the board of township trustees has erected a memorial monument as provided by section 517.30 of the Revised Code, or in which the citizens thereof have erected such a monument, either upon the public grounds of such township or upon grounds therein donated or procured by the citizens for such use, and have caused such grounds to be enclosed, the board may take charge of such monument, grounds, and enclosure, and keep them in repair. For such purpose the board may appropriate and expend such sum of money as required from the township funds.

Section 517.32 | Enclosure of abandoned cemetery.

Where the board of county commissioners has enclosed with a substantial fence of stone, iron, or posts and boards, all abandoned public cemeteries in the county, from which the remains of the dead have not been removed, the board of township trustees shall keep the fence in good repair, remove the undergrowth and weeds from such cemetery at least once a year, and pay the expense thereof from township funds.