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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

Misdemeanor Crimes
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Section 2953.77 | Chain of custody.

...(A) If an eligible offender submits an application for DNA testing under section 2953.73 of the Revised Code and if the application is accepted and DNA testing is to be performed, the court shall require that the chain of custody remain intact and that all of the applicable following precautions are satisfied to ensure that the parent sample of the biological material collected from the crime scene or the victi...

Section 2953.78 | Selection of testing authority.

...(A) If an eligible offender submits an application for DNA testing under section 2953.73 of the Revised Code and if the application is accepted and DNA testing is to be performed, the court shall select the testing authority to be used for the testing. A court shall not select or use a testing authority for DNA testing unless the attorney general approves or designates the testing authority pursuant to division...

Section 2953.79 | Obtaining sample from applicant.

...(A) If an eligible offender submits an application for DNA testing under section 2953.73 of the Revised Code and if the application is accepted and DNA testing is to be performed, a sample of biological material shall be obtained from the offender in accordance with this section, to be compared with the parent sample of biological material collected from the crime scene or the victim of the offense for which th...

Section 2953.80 | Criteria for testing authority.

...(A) The attorney general shall not approve or designate a testing authority for conducting DNA testing under section 2953.78 of the Revised Code, and a court shall not select or use a testing authority for DNA testing under that section, unless the testing authority satisfies all of the following criteria: (1) It is in compliance with nationally accepted quality assurance standards for forensic DNA testing or advanc...

Section 2953.81 | Test results.

...If an eligible offender submits an application for DNA testing under section 2953.73 of the Revised Code and if DNA testing is performed based on that application, upon completion of the testing, all of the following apply: (A) The court or a designee of the court shall require the state to maintain the results of the testing and to maintain and preserve both the parent sample of the biological material used ...

Section 2953.83 | Rules of criminal procedure applicable.

...In any court proceeding under sections 2953.71 to 2953.81 of the Revised Code, the Rules of Criminal Procedure apply, except to the extent that sections 2953.71 to 2953.81 of the Revised Code provide a different procedure or to the extent that the Rules would by their nature be clearly inapplicable.

Section 2953.84 | Statutory post-conviction DNA testing not exclusive.

...The provisions of sections 2953.71 to 2953.81 of the Revised Code by which an offender may obtain postconviction DNA testing are not the exclusive means by which an offender may obtain postconviction DNA testing, and the provisions of those sections do not limit or affect any other means by which an offender may obtain postconviction DNA testing.

Section 2961.01 | Forfeiture of rights and privileges by convicted felons.

...(A)(1) A person who pleads guilty to a felony under the laws of this or any other state or the United States and whose plea is accepted by the court or a person against whom a verdict or finding of guilt for committing a felony under any law of that type is returned, unless the plea, verdict, or finding is reversed or annulled, is incompetent to be an elector or juror or to hold an office of honor, tr...

Section 2961.02 | Person convicted of certain offenses may not serve as public official or employee.

...(A) As used in this section: (1) "Disqualifying offense" means an offense that has both of the following characteristics: (a) It is one of the following: (i) A theft offense that is a felony; (ii) A felony under the laws of this state, another state, or the United States, that is not covered by division (A)(1)(a)(i) of this section and that involves fraud, deceit, or theft. (b) It is an offense for which th...

Section 2961.03 | Revocation and cancellation of license upon conviction of certain crimes.

...Whenever a person engaged in business as a secondhand dealer, junk dealer, transient dealer, peddler, itinerant vendor, or pawnbroker, under a license issued under any law of this state or under any ordinance of a municipal corporation, is convicted and sentenced for knowingly and fraudulently buying, receiving, or concealing goods or property which has been stolen, taken by robbers, embezzled, or obtained by false p...

Section 2961.21 | Definitions regarding application for certificate of achievement and employability.

...As used in sections 2961.21 to 2961.24 of the Revised Code: (A)(1) "Discretionary civil impact" means any section of the Revised Code or the Administrative Code that creates a penalty, disability, or disadvantage, however denominated, to which all of the following apply: (a) It is triggered in whole or in part by a person's conviction of an offense, whether or not the penalty, disability, or disadvantage is ...

Section 2961.22 | Application for certificate of achievement and employability.

...(A)(1) Any prisoner serving a prison term in a state correctional institution who satisfies all of the following is eligible to apply to the department of rehabilitation and correction at a time specified in division (A)(2) of this section and in accordance with division (D) of this section for a certificate of achievement and employability: (a) The prisoner has satisfactorily completed one or more in-prison ...

Section 2961.23 | Individualized consideration; civil liability.

...(A)(1) If a person who has been issued a certificate of achievement and employability under section 2961.22 of the Revised Code applies to a licensing agency for a license or certificate and the person has a conviction or guilty plea that otherwise would bar licensure or certification for the person because of a mandatory civil impact, the agency shall give the person individualized consideration for the licens...

Section 2961.24 | Rules and regulations.

...ilty to any offense other than a minor misdemeanor or a traffic offense. The rules shall not provide for revocation of a certificate that has been issued to a person based on a violation of a condition of conditional pardon, parole, other form of authorized release, transitional control, or post-release control under section 2967.15 of the Revised Code that is not also a criminal offense under any other sectio...

Section 2961.25 | Certificate of qualification for housing; tenant education, training, and readiness program.

...(A) If the department of rehabilitation and correction or the adult parole authority issues a certificate of achievement and employability to a prisoner under division (C)(2) of section 2961.22 of the Revised Code, the department or authority shall also issue a certificate of qualification for housing to the prisoner if the prisoner has satisfactorily completed a tenant education, training, and readiness program appr...

Section 2963.01 | Extradition definitions.

...As used in sections 2963.01 to 2963.27 of the Revised Code: (A) "Governor" includes any person performing the functions of governor by authority of the law of this state. (B) "Executive authority" includes the governor, and any person performing the functions of governor in a state other than this state. (C) "State," referring to a state other than this state, includes any state or territory, organized or unorgani...

Section 2963.02 | Arrest and deliverance of fugitives from justice.

...Subject to sections 2963.01 to 2963.27, inclusive, of the Revised Code, the constitution of the United States and all acts of congress enacted in pursuance thereof, the governor shall have arrested and delivered to the executive authority of any other state of the United States, any person charged in that state with treason, felony, or other crime, who has fled from justice and is found in this state.

Section 2963.03 | Recognition of demand for extradition.

...No demand for the extradition of a person charged with crime in another state shall be recognized by the governor unless the demand is in writing alleging, except in cases arising under section 2963.06 of the Revised Code, that the accused was present in the demanding state at the time of the commission of the alleged crime, and that thereafter he fled from the state, and unless the demand is accompanied by: (A) A c...

Section 2963.04 | Investigation of demand for extradition.

...When a demand is made upon the governor of this state by the executive authority of another state for the surrender of a person charged with crime, the governor may call upon the attorney general or any prosecuting officer in this state to investigate or assist in investigating the demand, and to report to him the situation and circumstances of the person so demanded, and whether such person ought to be surrendered.

Section 2963.05 | Extradition of imprisoned person.

...When it is desired to have returned to this state a person charged in this state with a crime, and such person is imprisoned or is held under criminal proceedings then pending against him in another state, the governor may agree with the executive authority of such other state for the extradition of such person before the conclusion of such proceedings or his term of sentence in such other state, upon condition that...

Section 2963.06 | Surrender where accused was not in other state at time of commission of crime, and has not fled therefrom.

...The governor may surrender, on demand of the executive authority of any other state, any person in this state charged in such other state in the manner provided in section 2963.03 of the Revised Code with committing an act in this state, or in a third state, intentionally resulting in a crime in the state whose executive authority is making the demand, and sections 2963.01 to 2963.27, inclusive, of the Revised Code, ...

Section 2963.07 | Complying with demand for extradition - warrant for arrest.

...If the governor decides that a demand for extradition should be complied with, he shall sign a warrant of arrest, which shall be sealed with the state seal and be directed to any peace officer or other person whom the governor finds fit to entrust with the execution thereof. The warrant must substantially recite the facts necessary to the validity of its issuance. Such warrant shall authorize the peace officer or ot...

Section 2963.08 | Authority to arrest.

...Every peace officer or other person empowered to make an arrest under section 2963.07 of the Revised Code has the same authority, in arresting the accused, to command assistance therein as peace officers have in the execution of any criminal process directed to them, with like penalties against those who refuse their assistance.

Section 2963.09 | Extradition hearing.

...No person arrested upon a warrant under section 2963.07 of the Revised Code shall be delivered to the agent whom the executive authority demanding him appointed to receive him unless such person is first taken forthwith before a judge of a court of record in this state, who shall inform him of the demand made for his surrender and of the crime with which he is charged, and that he has the right to demand and procure...

Section 2963.10 | Confinement of prisoner.

...A peace officer or other person executing a warrant of arrest issued by the governor, or an agent of the demanding state to whom the prisoner has been delivered, may, when necessary, confine the prisoner in the jail of any county or city through which he may pass. The officer or agent of a demanding state to whom a prisoner has been delivered following extradition proceedings in another state, or to whom a prisoner ...