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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

Misdemeanor Crimes
Results 551 - 575 of 1,286
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Section 2930.12 | Notice of the defendant's acquittal or conviction.

...(A) At the request of the victim or victim's representative in a criminal prosecution, the prosecutor or the prosecutor's designee shall give the victim and the victim's representative notice of the defendant's acquittal or conviction within seven days of the acquittal or conviction. At the request of the victim or victim's representative in a delinquency proceeding, the prosecutor or the prosecutor's designee shall ...

Section 2930.121 | Victims rights on dismissed counts.

...If a prosecutor dismisses a count or counts of a complaint, information, or indictment involving the victim as a result of a negotiated plea agreement, the victim and victim's representative, on request, may exercise all of the applicable rights specified in the victim's bill of rights under Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 10a, including the right to restitution if exercising the right to restitution is agreed ...

Section 2930.13 | Victim impact statement.

...(A) If the court orders the preparation of a victim impact statement pursuant to division (D)(1) of section 2152.19 or section 2947.051 of the Revised Code, the victim in the case and victim's representative, if applicable, may make a written and oral statement regarding the impact of the criminal offense or delinquent act to the person whom the court orders to prepare the victim impact statement. A statement made by...

Section 2930.131 | Presentence investigation report copies.

...(A) If the presentence investigation report is made available to the defendant prior to the sentencing hearing, the court shall simultaneously provide a copy of the report to the prosecutor assigned to the case. If requested, the prosecutor shall promptly forward a copy of the report to the victim, victim's representative, and victim's attorney, if applicable, except those parts of the report that are redacted by the...

Section 2930.14 | Victim's statement.

...(A) Before imposing sentence upon, or entering an order of disposition for, a defendant or alleged juvenile offender for the commission of a criminal offense or delinquent act, the court shall permit the victim and victim's representative, if applicable, to be heard orally, in writing, or both during the sentencing or disposition proceeding. The court may give copies of any written statement made by a victim or victi...

Section 2930.15 | Notice of appeal.

...(A) If a defendant is convicted of committing a criminal offense against a victim or an alleged juvenile offender is adjudicated a delinquent child for committing a delinquent act against a victim, if the victim or victim's representative requests notice of the filing of an appeal, and if the defendant or alleged juvenile offender files an appeal, the prosecutor in the case promptly, but not later than seven days aft...

Section 2930.16 | Notice of incarceration and release date.

...(A) If a defendant is incarcerated, a victim or victim's representative who has requested to receive notice under this section shall be given notice of the incarceration of the defendant. If an alleged juvenile offender is committed to the temporary custody of a school, camp, institution, or other facility operated for the care of delinquent children or to the legal custody of the department of youth services, a vict...

Section 2930.161 | Victim notice.

...(A) On request of a victim or victim's representative who has provided a current address or other current contact information, the court shall notify the victim and victim's representative, if applicable, of any of the following: (1) A probation or community control revocation disposition proceeding or any proceeding in which the court is asked to terminate the probation or community control of a person who was con...

Section 2930.162 | Notice prior to pardon, commutation of sentence, or reprieve for offense of violence.

...Prior to the governor granting a pardon, commutation of sentence, or reprieve to an offender convicted of or found guilty of an offense of violence or adjudicated a delinquent child for a delinquent act that would be an offense of violence if committed by an adult, the governor, or the governor's designee, shall notify the victim, victim's representative, and victim's attorney, if applicable, that the offender or del...

Section 2930.17 | Statement of victim prior to judicial release or early release.

...(A) In determining whether to grant a judicial release to a defendant from a prison term pursuant to section 2929.20 of the Revised Code at a time before the defendant's stated prison term expires, or in determining whether to grant a judicial release or early release to an alleged juvenile offender from a commitment to the department of youth services pursuant to section 2151.38 of the Revised Code, the court shall ...

Section 2930.171 | Victim rights prior to sealing or expunging records.

...(A) In determining whether to grant an application to seal or expunge a juvenile record pursuant to section 2151.356 or 2151.358 of the Revised Code, the court shall notify the prosecutor regarding the hearing of the matter not less than thirty days before the hearing. In determining whether to grant an application to seal or expunge a record of conviction or bail forfeiture pursuant to section 2953.32 or 2953.39 of ...

Section 2930.18 | No employee discipline for court attendance necessary to protect rights of victim.

...(A) No employer of a victim shall discharge, discipline, or otherwise retaliate against the victim, a member of the victim's family, or a victim's representative for any of the following: (1) Participating, at the prosecutor's request, in preparation for a criminal or delinquency proceeding; (2) Attendance at a criminal or delinquency proceeding if the attendance is reasonably necessary to protect the interests o...

Section 2930.19 | Victim standing to assert rights or challenge denial of rights; right to appeal.

...(A)(1) A victim, victim's representative, or victim's attorney, if applicable, or the prosecutor, on request of the victim, has standing as a matter of right to assert, or to challenge an order denying, the rights of the victim provided by law in any judicial or administrative proceeding. The trial court shall act promptly on a request to enforce, or on a challenge of an order denying, the rights of the victim. In an...

Section 2930.191 | Pro se victims and victims' attorneys served notices same as parties.

...Once a pro se victim or victim's attorney, if applicable, files a notice of appearance in a case, the pro se victim or victim's attorney shall be served copies of all notices, motions, and court orders filed thereafter in the case in the same manner as the parties in the case.

Section 2930.20 | Protects victim from reimbursing law enforcement costs.

...(A) As used in this section: (1) "Dating relationship" has the same meaning as in section 3113.31 of the Revised Code. (2) "Dating violence" means the occurrence of one or more of the following acts against a person with whom the person engaging in the violence is or was in a dating relationship: (a) Attempting to cause or recklessly causing bodily injury to the other person; (b) Placing the other person ...

Section 2931.01 | Definitions pertaining to jurisdiction and venue.

...(A) As used in Chapters 2931. to 2953. of the Revised Code, "magistrate" includes county court judges, police justices, mayors of municipal corporation, and judges of other courts inferior to the court of common pleas. (B) As used in Chapters 2931. to 2953., except sections 2933.21 to 2933.33, of the Revised Code: (1) "Judge" does not include the probate judge. (2) "Court" does not include the probate court. (3) ...

Section 2931.02 | Criminal jurisdiction - county courts.

...A judge of a county court is a conservator of the peace and has jurisdiction in criminal cases throughout the judge's area of jurisdiction. The judge of a county court may hear complaints of the peace and issue search warrants. Judges of county courts have jurisdiction on sworn complaint, to issue a warrant for the arrest of a person charged with the commission of a felony where it is made to appear that such person ...

Section 2931.03 | Criminal jurisdiction - common pleas courts.

... pleas has original jurisdiction of all crimes and offenses, except in cases of minor offenses the exclusive jurisdiction of which is vested in courts inferior to the court of common pleas. A judge of a court of common pleas does not have the authority to dismiss a criminal complaint, charge, information, or indictment solely at the request of the complaining witness and over the objection of the prosecuting attorne...

Section 2931.04 | Criminal jurisdiction - municipal courts.

...Sections 2931.01 to 2931.03, inclusive, of the Revised Code, do not affect, modify, or limit the jurisdiction of municipal courts. All municipal court judges have jurisdiction within the territory for which they were elected or appointed in all cases of violation of Chapters 4301. and 4303. of the Revised Code and of prosecutions for keeping a place where intoxicating liquor is sold, given away, or furnished, in viol...

Section 2931.06 | Special constables.

...When the constables in a township situated on and consisting in whole or in part of one or more islands in a lake in this state, or in a township adjoining or abutting on lands belonging to a state or national home for disabled volunteer soldiers or a disabled volunteer soldiers' home, or insufficient to maintain the peace and enforce the laws for the preservation of order therein, a judge of the county court having ...

Section 2931.07 | Return of recognizances.

...Recognizances taken by a judge of a county court or other officer authorized to take them, may be returned to the court of common pleas. Such recognizances shall be returned to such court forthwith after the commitment of the accused, or after the taking of a recognizance for his appearance before such court. The prosecuting attorney may proceed with the prosecution in such court, and the accused shall appear ther...

Section 2931.15 | New trial.

...In prosecutions before a magistrate, a defendant who has been found guilty upon the verdict of a jury or by the decision of the magistrate without the intervention of a jury may upon written application filed within three days after the verdict or decision, be granted a new trial in like manner and for like reasons as provided by sections 2945.79 to 2945.83, inclusive, of the Revised Code.

Section 2931.18 | Employment of attorneys by humane society.

...(A) A humane society may appoint an attorney, and may also appoint one or more assistant attorneys, to prosecute violations of law relating to the prevention of cruelty to animals, except as provided in division (B) of this section. The attorneys shall be paid out of the county treasury, from the general fund of the county or from the dog and kennel fund of the county, in an amount approved as just and reasonable ...

Section 2931.29 | Change of venue procedure.

...When a change of venue is ordered pursuant to section 2901.12 of the Revised Code, the clerk of the court in which the cause is pending shall make a certified transcript of the proceedings in the case, which, with the original affidavit, complaint, indictment, or information, he shall transmit to the clerk of the court to which said case is sent for trial, and the trial shall be conducted as if the cause had originat...

Section 2931.30 | Change of venue - transfer of accused.

...When a change of venue is ordered pursuant to section 2901.12 of the Revised Code, and the accused is in jail, a warrant shall be issued by the clerk of the court in which the cause originated, directed to the proper officer, commanding him to convey the prisoner to the jail of the county or municipal corporation where the prisoner is to be tried, there to be kept until discharged. If the accused is charged with a ba...