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Ohio Revised Code Search

Misdemeanor Crimes
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Section 2931.31 | Change of venue - costs and expenses.

...The reasonable expenses of the officer acting as prosecutor, incurred inconsequence of a change of venue under section 2901.12 of the Revised Code, the fees of the clerk of the court to which the venue is changed, the sheriff or bailiff, and of the jury shall be allowed and paid out of the treasury of the county in which said cause originated.

Section 2933.01 | Peace and search warrant definitions.

...The definition of "magistrate" set forth in section 2931.01 of the Revised Code applies to Chapter 2933. of the Revised Code.

Section 2933.02 | Warrant to keep the peace.

...When a complaint is made in writing and upon oath, filed with a municipal or county court or a mayor sitting as the judge of a mayor's court, and states that the complainant has just cause to fear and fears that another individual will commit an offense against the person or property of the complainant or his ward or child , a municipal or county court judge or mayor shall issue to the sheriff or to any other appropr...

Section 2933.03 | Warrant to keep the peace - form.

...Warrants issued under section 2933.02 of the Revised Code shall be substantially in the following form: The State of Ohio, __________ County, ss: To the sheriff or other appropriate peace officer, greeting: Whereas, a complaint has been filed by one C.D., in writing and upon oath, stating that he has just cause to fear and does fear that one E.F. will (here state the threatened injury or violence according to t...

Section 2933.04 | Warrant to keep the peace - hearing.

...When the accused in brought before the municipal, county, or mayor's court pursuant to sections 2933.02 and 2933.03 of the Revised Code, he shall be heard in his defense. If it is necessary for just cause to adjourn the hearing, the municipal or county court judge or mayor involved may order such adjournment. The judge or mayor also may direct the sheriff or other peace officer having custody of the accused to detain...

Section 2933.05 | Warrant to keep the peace - disposition, bond, costs.

...The municipal or county court judge or mayor sitting as the judge of a mayor's court, upon the appearance of the parties pursuant to sections 2933.02 to 2933.04 of the Revised Code, shall hear the witnesses under oath and do one of the following: (A) Discharge the accused, render judgment against the complainant for costs, and award execution for the costs; (B) Order the accused to enter into a bond of not less tha...

Section 2933.06 | Warrant to keep the peace - appeal.

...The accused under sections 2933.02 to 2933.05 of the Revised Code may appeal from the decision of a municipal or county court judge to the appropriate court of appeals or from the decision of a mayor sitting as the judge of a mayor's court to the appropriate municipal or county court. An appeal from the decision of a municipal or county court judge to the appropriate court of appeals shall be only as to questions of ...

Section 2933.07 | Warrant to keep the peace - failure to prosecute appeal.

...In the case of an appeal from the decision of a mayor sitting as the judge of a mayor's court to the appropriate municipal or county court, no further pleadings shall be required. If the complainant fails to prosecute in such an appeal, the accused shall be discharged unless good cause to the contrary is shown, and the municipal or county court shall render judgment against the complainant for the costs of prosecutio...

Section 2933.08 | Warrant to keep the peace - hearing on appeal.

...In the case of an appeal from the decision of a mayor sitting as the judge of a mayor's court to the appropriate municipal or county court, the municipal or county court shall set a time for the hearing of that appeal and, at that time, shall hear the witnesses under oath, and either discharge the accused, render judgment against the complainant for costs, and award execution for the costs, or order the accused to en...

Section 2933.09 | Warrant to keep the peace - failure to enter into bond.

...In the case of an appeal from the decision of a mayor sitting as the judge of a mayor's court to the appropriate municipal or county court, if the accused fails to enter into a bond ordered pursuant to section 2933.08 of the Revised Code, the municipal or county court shall commit the accused to jail until he enters into a bond or is discharged by law, and shall render judgment against him for costs and award executi...

Section 2933.10 | Warrant to keep the peace - acts committed in presence of court.

...Whoever, in the presence of a municipal or county court judge, or a mayor sitting as the judge of a mayor's court, makes an affray, threatens to beat or kill another or to commit an offense against the person or property of another, or contends with angry words to the disturbance of the peace, may be ordered without process or other proof to enter into a bond under section 2933.05 of the Revised Code. In default of s...

Section 2933.21 | Issuance of search warrants.

...A judge of a court of record may, within his jurisdiction, issue warrants to search a house or place: (A) For property stolen, taken by robbers, embezzled, or obtained under false pretense; (B) For weapons, implements, tools, instruments, articles or property used as a means of the commission of a crime, or when any of the objects or articles are in the possession of another person with the intent to use them as a ...

Section 2933.22 | Probable cause for search warrant.

...(A) A warrant of search or seizure shall issue only upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation particularly describing the place to be searched and the property and things to be seized. (B) A warrant of search to conduct an inspection of property shall issue only upon probable cause to believe that conditions exist upon such property which are or may become hazardous to the public health, safety, or welfa...

Section 2933.23 | Search warrant affidavit.

...A search warrant shall not be issued until there is filed with the judge or magistrate an affidavit that particularly describes the place to be searched, names or describes the person to be searched, and names or describes the property to be searched for and seized; that states substantially the offense in relation to the property and that the affiant believes and has good cause to believe that the property is concea...

Section 2933.231 | Waiving the statutory precondition for nonconsensual entry.

...(A) As used in this section: (1) "Law enforcement officer" has the same meaning as in section 2901.01 of the Revised Code and in Criminal Rule 2. (2) "Prosecutor" has the same meaning as in section 2935.01 of the Revised Code, and includes any prosecuting attorney as defined in Criminal Rule 2. (3) "Statutory precondition for nonconsensual entry" means the precondition specified in section 2935.12 of the Revised C...

Section 2933.24 | Contents of search warrant - report of physical conditions.

...(A) A search warrant shall be directed to the proper law enforcement officer or other authorized individual and, by a copy of the affidavit inserted in it or annexed and referred to in it, shall show or recite all the material facts alleged in the affidavit, and particularly name or describe the property to be searched for and seized, the place to be searched, and the person to be searched. If a waiver of the statuto...

Section 2933.241 | Return and inventory of property.

...The officer taking property under a warrant for search shall give to the person from whom or from whose premises the property was taken a copy of the warrant and a receipt for the property taken or shall leave the copy and receipt at the place from which the property was taken. The return shall be made promptly and shall be accompanied by a written inventory of any property taken. The inventory shall be made in the p...

Section 2933.25 | Form of search warrant.

...Warrants issued under section 2933.21 of the Revised Code shall be substantially in the following form: State of Ohio, _______________________ County, ss: To the sheriff (or other officer) of said County, greeting: Whereas there has been filed with me an affidavit, of which the following is a copy (here copy the affidavit). These are, therefore, to command you in the name of the State of Ohio, with the necessary ...

Section 2933.26 | Seized property to be kept by court.

...When a warrant is executed by the seizure of property or things described therein, such property or things shall be kept by the judge, clerk, or magistrate to be used as evidence.

Section 2933.27 | Keeping of seized property until trial.

...If, upon examination, the judge or magistrate is satisfied that the offense charged with reference to the things seized under a search warrant has been committed, he shall keep such things or deliver them to the sheriff of the county, to be kept until the accused is tried or the claimant's right is otherwise ascertained.

Section 2933.29 | Gambling or gaming property seized liable for fines.

...Upon conviction of a person for keeping a room or place to be used for gambling, or knowingly permitting gambling to be conducted therein, or permitting a game to be played for gain, or a gaming device for gain, money, or other property or for betting, or gambling, or permitting such device to be so used, or for being without a fixed residence and in the habit of gambling, if money or other property won in gaming is ...

Section 2933.30 | Search for dead human bodies.

...When an affidavit is filed before a judge or magistrate, alleging that affiant has reason to believe and does believe that a dead human body, procured or obtained contrary to law, is secreted in a building or place in the county, therein particularly specified, such judge or magistrate, taking with him a judge of a county court, or if within a municipal corporation, two officers of such corporation, may enter, inspe...

Section 2933.31 | Search in case of animal law violations.

...When complaint is made, on oath or affirmation to a judge or magistrate, that the complainant believes that the law relating to or affecting animals is being, or is about to be violated in a particular building or place, such judge or magistrate shall forthwith issue and deliver a warrant, directed to any sheriff, deputy sheriff, marshal, deputy marshal, watchman, police officer, or agent of a society for the preven...

Section 2933.33 | Search of premises for illegal manufacture of methamphetamine.

...(A) If a law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe that particular premises are used for the illegal manufacture of methamphetamine, for the purpose of conducting a search of the premises without a warrant, the risk of explosion or fire from the illegal manufacture of methamphetamine causing injury to the public constitutes exigent circumstances and reasonable grounds to believe that there is an immediate...

Section 2933.51 | Wiretapping, electronic surveillance definitions.

...As used in sections 2933.51 to 2933.66 of the Revised Code: (A) "Wire communication" means an aural transfer that is made in whole or in part through the use of facilities for the transmission of communications by the aid of wires or similar methods of connecting the point of origin of the communication and the point of reception of the communication, including the use of a method of connecting the point of o...