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Ohio Revised Code Search

Misdemeanor Crimes
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Section 2949.111 | Assigning payment toward satisfaction of costs, restitution, fine, or supervision fees.

...ents, if a person who is charged with a misdemeanor is convicted of or pleads guilty to the offense, if the court orders the offender to pay any combination of court costs, state fines or costs, restitution, a conventional fine, or any reimbursement, and if the offender makes any payment of any of them to a clerk of court, the clerk shall assign the offender's payment in the following manner: (1) I...

Section 2949.12 | Reception facilities for convicted felons.

...Unless the execution of sentence is suspended or the convicted felon has less than thirty days to serve in prison and the department of rehabilitation and correction, the county sheriff, and the court agree otherwise, a convicted felon who is sentenced to serve a term of imprisonment in a state correctional institution shall be conveyed, within five days after sentencing, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and le...

Section 2949.13 | Sheriff may require assistance.

...During the time the sheriff is conveying a convicted felon to an institution for imprisonment therein, he may secure him in a jail and demand the assistance of a sheriff, jailer, or other person in keeping such prisoner, as if he were in his own county. Such sheriff, jailer, or other person is liable, on refusal, to like penalties as if the sheriff making the demand were in his own county.

Section 2949.14 | Collection of court costs from felon.

...Upon conviction of a nonindigent person for a felony, the clerk of the court of common pleas shall make and certify under the clerk's hand and seal of the court, a complete itemized bill of the costs made in such prosecution, including the sum paid by the board of county commissioners, certified by the county auditor, for the arrest and return of the person on the requisition of the governor, or on the request ...

Section 2949.15 | Writ of execution to pay the costs of prosecution.

...If a nonindigent person convicted of a felony fails to pay the costs of prosecution pursuant to section 2949.14 of the Revised Code, the clerk of the court of common pleas shall forthwith issue to the sheriff of the county in which the indictment was found, and to the sheriff of any other county in which the person has property, executions against his property for fines and the costs of prosecution, which shall be se...

Section 2949.17 | Prisoner transportation - expenses.

...(A) The sheriff may take one guard for every two convicted felons to be transported to a correctional institution. The trial judge may authorize a larger number of guards upon written application of the sheriff, in which case a transcript of the order of the judge shall be certified by the clerk of the court of common pleas under the seal of the court, and the sheriff shall deliver the order with the convict to ...

Section 2949.19 | State payment of criminal costs for indigent felons.

...(A) Subject to division (B) of this section, the clerk of the court of common pleas shall report to the state public defender all cases in which an indigent person was convicted of a felony, all cases in which reimbursement is required by section 2949.20 of the Revised Code, and all cost bills for transportation that are prepared pursuant to section 2949.17 of the Revised Code. The reports shall be filed for each fis...

Section 2949.20 | Costs in case of final judgment of reversal.

...In any case of final judgment of reversal as provided in section 2953.07 of the Revised Code, whenever the state of Ohio is the appellee, the clerk of the court of common pleas of the county in which sentence was imposed shall certify the case to the state public defender for reimbursement in the report required by section 2949.19 of the Revised Code, subject to division (B) of section 2949.19 of the Revised Code.

Section 2949.201 | Notice to clerks of courts of common pleas as to status of state appropriations for state payment of criminal costs for indigent felons.

...(A) On or before the date specified in division (B) of this section, in each state fiscal year, the state public defender shall notify the clerk of the court of common pleas of each county whether the general assembly has, or has not, appropriated funding for that state fiscal year for reimbursement payments pursuant to division (A) of section 2949.19 of the Revised Code. (B) The state public defender shall provide ...

Section 2949.21 | Writ for execution of death penalty.

...A writ for the execution of the death penalty shall be directed to the sheriff by the court issuing it, and the sheriff, within thirty days and in a private manner, shall convey the prisoner to the facility designated by the director of rehabilitation and correction for the reception of the prisoner. For conducting the prisoner to the facility, the sheriff shall receive like fees and mileage as in other cases, when a...

Section 2949.22 | Method of execution of death sentence.

...(A) Except as provided in division (C) of this section, a death sentence shall be executed by causing the application to the person, upon whom the sentence was imposed, of a lethal injection of a drug or combination of drugs of sufficient dosage to quickly and painlessly cause death. The application of the drug or combination of drugs shall be continued until the person is dead. The warden of the correctional instit...

Section 2949.221 | Confidentiality of manufacturers, suppliers, etc. of drugs for lethal injections.

...(A) As used in this section: (1) "Person" has the same meaning as in section 1.59 of the Revised Code. (2) "Licensing authority" means an entity, board, department, commission, association, or agency that issues a license to a person or entity. (3) "Public office" has the same meaning as in section 117.01 of the Revised Code. (B) If, at any time prior to the day that is twenty-four months after the effective dat...

Section 2949.222 | Sealing of records.

...(A) As used in this section, "seal a record" means to remove a record from the main file of similar records and to secure it in a separate file that contains only sealed records accessible only to the court. (B) The court promptly shall order the immediate sealing of records containing information described in division (B) or (C) of section 2949.221 of the Revised Code and the person's participation in any activity ...

Section 2949.24 | Execution and return of warrant for sentence of death.

...Unless a suspension of execution is ordered by the court of appeals in which the cause is pending on appeal or the supreme court for a case in which a sentence of death is imposed for an offense committed before January 1, 1995, or by the supreme court for a case in which a sentence of death is imposed for an offense committed on or after January 1, 1995, or is ordered by two judges or four justices of that court, th...

Section 2949.25 | Attendance at execution of death sentence.

...(A) At the execution of a death sentence, only the following persons may be present: (1) The warden of the state correctional institution in which the sentence is executed or a deputy warden, any other person selected by the director of rehabilitation and correction to ensure that the death sentence is executed, any persons necessary to execute the death sentence by lethal injection, and the number of correction of...

Section 2949.26 | Disposing of body of executed convict.

...The body of an executed convict shall be returned for burial in any county of the state, to friends who made written request therefor, if made to the warden the day before or on the morning of the execution. The warden may pay the transportation and other funeral expenses, not to exceed fifty dollars. If no request is made by such friends therefor, such body shall be disposed of as provided by section 1713.34 of the...

Section 2949.27 | Escape, rearrest, and execution.

...If a convicted felon escapes after sentence of death, and is not retaken before the time fixed for his execution, any sheriff may rearrest and commit him to the county jail, and make return thereof to the court in which the sentence was passed. Such court shall again fix the time for execution, which shall be carried into effect as provided in sections 2949.21 to 2949.26, inclusive, of the Revised Code.

Section 2949.28 | Convict sentenced to death appearing to be insane.

...(A) As used in this section and section 2949.29 of the Revised Code, "insane" means that the convict in question does not have the mental capacity to understand the nature of the death penalty and why it was imposed upon the convict. (B)(1) If a convict sentenced to death appears to be insane, the warden or the sheriff having custody of the convict, the convict's counsel, or a psychiatrist or psychologist who has ex...

Section 2949.29 | Insanity inquiry procedure.

...(A) The prosecuting attorney, the convict, and the convict's counsel shall attend an inquiry commenced as provided in section 2949.28 of the Revised Code. The prosecuting attorney and the convict or the convict's counsel may produce, examine, and cross-examine witnesses, and all findings shall be in writing signed by the judge. If it is found that the convict is not insane, the sentence shall be executed at the time ...

Section 2949.31 | Convict sentenced to death appearing to be pregnant.

...If a female convict sentenced to death appears to be pregnant, the warden or sheriff having custody of the convict, her counsel, or a physician who has examined the convict shall give notice of the apparent pregnancy to the appropriate judge of the appropriate court of common pleas as determined in the same manner as is provided in divisions (B)(1)(a) and (b) of section 2949.28 of the Revised Code, and like proceedin...

Section 2950.01 | Definitions.

...As used in this chapter, unless the context clearly requires otherwise: (A) "Sexually oriented offense" means any of the following violations or offenses committed by a person, regardless of the person's age: (1) A violation of section 2907.02, 2907.03, 2907.05, 2907.06, 2907.07, 2907.08, 2907.21, 2907.22, 2907.32, 2907.321, 2907.322, or 2907.323 of the Revised Code; (2) A violation of section 2907.04 of the Re...

Section 2950.011 | Sexually oriented offense; child-victim oriented offense.

...Except as specifically provided to the contrary in sections 2950.02 to 2950.99 of the Revised Code, all references in any of those sections to "sexually oriented offense" include, in addition to the violations specified in division (A) of section 2950.01 of the Revised Code on and after January 1, 2008, any sexually oriented offense, as that term was defined in section 2950.01 of the Revised Code prior to Janua...

Section 2950.012 | Payment of sexual offender registration fee as condition of community control sanction.

...If a court sentences a person who commits a sexually oriented offense or a child-victim oriented offense to a community control sanction, the court may make payment of the registration fee required by section 311.172 of the Revised Code a condition of the community control sanction.

Section 2950.02 | Exchange or release of relevant information about sexual predators and habitual sex offenders.

...(A) The general assembly hereby determines and declares that it recognizes and finds all of the following: (1) If the public is provided adequate notice and information about offenders and delinquent children who commit sexually oriented offenses or who commit child-victim oriented offenses, members of the public and communities can develop constructive plans to prepare themselves and their children for the ...

Section 2950.021 | Wrongly classified offenders.

...(A) As used in this section: (1) "Wrongly classified Tier offender" means a sex offender or child-victim offender who has been classified by a court as a Tier I sex offender/child-victim offender, a Tier II sex offender/child-victim offender, or a Tier III sex offender/child-victim offender based on a sexually oriented offense or a child-victim oriented offense committed prior to January 1, 2008, and whose Tier cla...