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Ohio Revised Code Search

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Section 5719.087 | Procedure where delinquent taxpayer has property within state.

...If a person charged with a tax has not sufficient property which the county treasurer can find to distrain to pay such tax, but has money or credit due or coming due him from any person within the state, known to the treasurer, or if such taxpayer has removed from the state or county, and has property, moneys, or credits due or coming due him in the state, known to the treasurer, in every such case, the treasurer sha...

Section 5721.10 | State shall have first lien - foreclosure proceedings - partial payment of delinquent taxes.

...Except as otherwise provided under section 5301.93 or sections 5721.30 to 5721.43 of the Revised Code, the state shall have the first lien on the lands and lots described in the delinquent land list, for the amount of taxes, assessments, interest, and penalty charged prior to the delivery of such list. If the taxes have not been paid for one year after having been certified as delinquent, the state shall institute fo...

Section 5721.27 | Erroneous charge of taxes.

...When any tract of land, or city or town lot is returned delinquent for nonpayment of taxes or assessments, and placed on the duplicate of the succeeding year, and the owner or person liable to pay the taxes produces the receipt of the county treasurer for such taxes and assessments of the preceding year, the county auditor or treasurer shall not make the deduction from the duplicate, of such taxes, assessments, inter...

Section 5722.21 | Acquisition of tax-delinquent real property for redevelopment free from lien for delinquent taxes.

...(A) As used in this section: (1) "Eligible delinquent land" means delinquent land or delinquent vacant land, as defined in section 5721.01 of the Revised Code, included in a delinquent tax list or delinquent vacant land tax list that has been certified delinquent within the meaning of section 5721.03 of the Revised Code, excluding any certificate parcel as defined in section 5721.30 of the Revised Code...

Section 5723.04 | Forfeited land list - transfer of title.

...(A) The county auditor shall maintain a list of forfeited lands and shall offer such lands for sale annually, or more frequently if the auditor determines that more frequent sales are necessary. (B) Notwithstanding division (A) of this section, upon the request of a county land reutilization corporation organized under Chapter 1724. of the Revised Code, the county auditor shall promptly transfer to such corpo...

Section 5723.12 | Certificate of sale - deed - previous title and liens extinguished.

...(A) The county auditor, on making a sale of a tract of land to any person under this chapter, shall give the purchaser a certificate of sale. On producing or returning to the auditor the certificate of sale, the auditor, on payment to the auditor by the purchaser, the purchaser's heirs, or assigns, of the sum of forty-five dollars, shall execute and file for recording a deed, which deed shall be prima-facie evi...

Section 5728.16 | Personal liability.

...(A)(1) If any person, regardless of organizational form, required to file reports and remit taxes imposed under this chapter fails for any reason to file such reports or remit such taxes, any employees of the person having control or supervision of, or charged with the responsibility of, filing reports and making payments, or any officers or trustees of the person responsible for the execution of the person's fiscal ...

Section 5731.33 | Receipt for payment.

...(A)(1) Upon the payment of TO the county treasurer of any tax due under this chapter, the treasurer shall issue a receipt for the payment in triplicate. He shall deliver one copy to the person paying the taxes, and he immediately shall send the original receipt to the tax commissioner, who shall certify the original receipt and immediately transmit it to the probate court for the county in which the return has been f...

Section 5735.03 | Dealer's surety bond - release - lien on property.

...Except as provided in division (C)(2) of section 5735.02 of the Revised Code, every motor fuel dealer shall file with the tax commissioner a surety bond of not less than five thousand dollars, but may be required by the tax commissioner to submit a surety bond equal to three months' average tax liability, on a form approved by and with a surety satisfactory to the commissioner, upon which the motor fuel dealer shall ...

Section 5735.35 | Personal liability for unpaid taxes.

...(A)(1) If any person, regardless of organizational form, required to file reports and to remit taxes imposed under this chapter fails for any reason to file such reports or pay such taxes, any employees of the person having control or supervision of, or charged with the responsibility of, filing reports and making payments, or any officers or trustees of the person responsible for the execution of the person's ...

Section 5736.14 | Personal liability.

...(A)(1) If any person, regardless of organizational form, required to file reports and to remit taxes imposed under this chapter fails for any reason to file such reports or pay such taxes, any employees of the person having control or supervision of, or charged with the responsibility of, filing reports and making payments, or any officers or trustees of the person responsible for the execution of the person's ...

Section 5739.13 | Liability of vendor and consumer - assessment - petition for reassessment - penalties - appeal - judgment - execution.

...(A) If any vendor collects the tax imposed by or pursuant to section 5739.02, 5739.021, 5739.023, or 5739.026 of the Revised Code, and fails to remit the tax to the state as prescribed, or on the sale of a motor vehicle, watercraft, or outboard motor required to be titled, fails to remit payment to a clerk of a court of common pleas as provided in section 1548.06 or 4505.06 of the Revised Code, the vendor shall...

Section 5739.33 | Personal liability for tax.

...If any corporation, limited liability company, or business trust required to file returns and to remit tax due to the state under this chapter, including a holder of a direct payment permit under section 5739.031 of the Revised Code, fails for any reason to make the filing or payment, any of its employees having control or supervision of or charged with the responsibility of filing returns and making payments, or any...

Section 5741.25 | Failure to file or make payment.

...If any corporation, limited liability company, or business trust registered or required to be registered under section 5741.17 of the Revised Code and required to file returns and remit tax due to the state under this chapter fails for any reason to make the filing or payment, any of its employees having control or supervision of or charged with the responsibility of filing returns and making payments, or any of its ...

Section 5743.57 | Corporation's liability for tax.

...(A) If any corporation, limited liability company, or business trust required to file returns pursuant to section 5743.52, 5743.62, or 5743.63 of the Revised Code fails to remit to the state any tax due under section 5743.51, 5743.62, or 5743.63 of the Revised Code, any of its employees having control or supervision of or charged with the responsibility of filing returns and making payments, and any of its officers, ...

Section 5747.01 | Definitions.

...Except as otherwise expressly provided or clearly appearing from the context, any term used in this chapter that is not otherwise defined in this section has the same meaning as when used in a comparable context in the laws of the United States relating to federal income taxes or if not used in a comparable context in those laws, has the same meaning as in section 5733.40 of the Revised Code. Any reference in this ch...

Section 5747.07 | Employers to file return and pay withholding.

...(A) As used in this section: (1) "Partial weekly withholding period" means a period during which an employer directly, indirectly, or constructively pays compensation to, or credits compensation to the benefit of, an employee, and that consists of a consecutive Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday or a consecutive Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. There are two partial weekly withholding periods each week, except ...

Section 5747.453 | Personal liability of employee or beneficiary of, or investor in, a qualifying entity for failure to file report or pay tax.

...An employee, an owner, or a beneficiary of, or an investor in, a qualifying entity or an electing pass-through entity having control or supervision of, or charged with the responsibility for, filing returns and making payments, or any trustee or other fiduciary, officer, member, or manager of the entity who is responsible for the execution of the entity's fiscal responsibilities, is personally liable for the failure ...

Section 5751.01 | Definitions.

...As used in this chapter: (A) "Person" means, but is not limited to, individuals, combinations of individuals of any form, receivers, assignees, trustees in bankruptcy, firms, companies, joint-stock companies, business trusts, estates, partnerships, limited liability partnerships, limited liability companies, associations, joint ventures, clubs, societies, for-profit corporations, S corporations, qualified subchapt...

Section 5807.05 | Resignation of trustee - notice - approval.

...(A) A trustee may resign upon at least thirty days' notice to the qualified beneficiaries, the settlor, if living, and all cotrustees or with the approval of the court. (B) In approving a resignation of a trustee, the court may issue orders and impose conditions reasonably necessary for the protection of the trust property. (C) Any liability of a resigning trustee or of any sureties on the trustee's bond for acts o...

Section 5812.07 | Determination and distribution of net income.

...After a decedent dies, in the case of an estate, or after an income interest in a trust ends, all of the following apply: (A) The fiduciary of the estate or of the terminating income interest shall determine, under the provisions of sections 5812.12 to 5812.47 of the Revised Code that apply to trustees and under division (E) of this section, the amount of net income and net principal receipts received from property ...

Section 5901.02 | Veterans service commission.

...In each county there shall be a commission known as "the veterans service commission." Except as provided in section 5901.021 of the Revised Code, the commission shall be composed of five residents of the county appointed to five-year terms by a judge of the court of common pleas. At the time of appointment or reappointment to the commission, no commission member appointed under this section shall be an employee of t...

Section 5901.021 | Creation of additional memberships.

...(A) This section applies only to counties having a population, according to the most recent decennial census, of more than five hundred thousand. (B)(1) In any county that is described in division (A) of this section and in which the veterans service commission submits a budget request under section 5901.11 of the Revised Code for the ensuing fiscal year that exceeds twent...

Section 5902.01 | Appointment of director - employment of personnel.

...The person appointed to the position of director of veterans services shall be an honorably discharged or honorably separated veteran of the United States armed forces. The department of veterans services shall employ administrative and technical personnel as are necessary to perform the general and specific duties of the department. For positions within the department, the director shall adopt rules under Chapter 11...

Section 5903.01 | Definitions.

...As used in this chapter: "Armed forces" means the armed forces of the United States, including the army, navy, air force, marine corps, coast guard, or any reserve components of those forces; the national guard of any state; the commissioned corps of the United States public health service; the merchant marine service during wartime; such other service as may be designated by congress; or the Ohio organized m...