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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

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Section 1513.28 | Applications for reclamation grants.

...The chief of the division of mineral resources management, with the approval of the director of natural resources, may make grants of money from the mining regulation and safety fund created by section 1513.30 of the Revised Code for the payment by the state of up to seventy-five per cent of the reasonable and necessary reclamation expenses incurred by the owner of any unreclaimed land affected by mining before April...

Section 1513.35 | Permit requirements for underground coal mining.

...(A) In addition to the other requirements of this chapter, each permit issued by the chief of the division of mineral resources management under section 1513.07 of the Revised Code for underground coal mining shall require the operator to: (1) Implement measures consistent with known technology in order to prevent subsidence from causing material damage to the extent technologically and economically feasible, maximi...

Section 1514.081 | Administrative rules establishing standards and requirements for beneficial use of lime mining wastes and monitoring of ground water.

...(A) As used in this section: (1) "Lime mining wastes" means residual solid or semisolid materials generated from lime calcining, lime processing, or lime manufacturing operations, including, without limitation, lime kiln dust, scrubber sludge from lime kiln operations, lime materials not meeting product specification, lime hydrating materials, and other lime manufacturing, processing, or calcining materials...

Section 1514.30 | Interstate mining compact - interstate mining commission.

...ring problems relating to mining and in discharging his responsibilities as the commissioner of his state on the commission. In any instance where a governor is unable to attend a meeting of the commission or perform any other function in connection with the business of the commission, he shall designate an alternate, from among the members of the advisory body required by this article, who shall represent him and ac...

Section 153.24 | Oath and bond.

...Except as otherwise provided in section 3.061 of the Revised Code, before entering upon the discharge of their duties, the persons appointed to the building commission shall each take an oath of office and give bond for the faithful and honest discharge of official duties in the same amount as required of members of the board of county commissioners, with sureties approved by the judge of the court of common pleas....

Section 1531.202 | Liability for costs incurred in investigation of death of wild animal.

...Any person who is responsible for causing or allowing an unauthorized spill, release, or discharge of material into or on any land or any ground or surface water or into the air that results in the death of a wild animal and that necessitates an investigation by the division of wildlife, or who violates section 1531.02 of the Revised Code in a manner that necessitates an investigation by the division regarding the de...

Section 1533.12 | Hunting, fishing or trapping without a license or permit.

...(A)(1) Except as otherwise provided in division (A)(2) of this section, every person on active duty in the armed forces of the United States who is stationed in this state and who wishes to engage in an activity for which a license, permit, or stamp is required under this chapter first shall obtain the requisite license, permit, or stamp. Such a person is eligible to obtain a resident hunting or fishing license regar...

Section 1546.05 | Exemptions and discounts from certain fees and charges.

...(A) Every disabled veteran is exempt from the fees for camping established by rule. To claim this exemption, the disabled veteran shall carry in the state park such evidence of the veteran's disability as prescribed by rule. (B) Unless otherwise provided by rule, an elderly or disabled resident shall be charged one-half of the regular fee for camping, except on the weekends and holidays designated by the division of...

Section 1546.19 | Prohibition against use of firearms or fireworks in state parks - exception.

...No person shall engage in the hunting of wildlife, either with a gun or with a bow and arrow, on lands or waters operated or administered by the division of parks and watercraft, except on such lands or waters as are exempted by the chief of the division, under specific orders adopted in conformity with sections 119.01 to 119.13 of the Revised Code. No person shall engage in the discharge of firearms except during op...

Section 1546.90 | Pymatuning Lake compact.

...That the compact or agreement mentioned below and every article, matter, and thing therein is hereby ratified and approved and shall be and hereafter remain in force agreeable to the true tenor and intent thereof. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA AND THE STATE OF OHIO RE PYMATUNING LAKE This agreement made and concluded between the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, acting by and through its lawfully ...

Section 1701.01 | General corporation law definitions.

...erson lawfully exercising the power and discharging the duties of the office of governor, proclaims that an attack on the United States or any nuclear, atomic, or other disaster has caused an emergency for corporations, and such an emergency shall continue until terminated by proclamation of the governor or any other person lawfully exercising the powers and discharging the duties of the office of governor. (V) "Co...

Section 1702.80 | Qualified nonprofit corporation may establish police department.

...(A) As used in this section: (1) "Qualified nonprofit corporation" means a nonprofit corporation that is established under this chapter and to which all of the following apply: (a) The nonprofit corporation is a tax-exempt charitable organization; (b) The nonprofit corporation has other organizations as members, and at least twenty of its members are tax-exempt charitable organizations; (c) The nonprofit corporat...

Section 1706.31 | Duties of a member to a limited liability company and other members.

...(A) Unless either a written operating agreement for the limited liability company or a written agreement with a member establishes additional fiduciary duties, in the event that there have been designated one or more managers to supervise or manage the activities or affairs of the limited liability company, the only obligation a member owes, in the member's capacity as a member, to the limited liability company and t...

Section 1706.471 | Effect of dissolution.

...sons owning membership interests; (3) Discharging or making provisions for discharging its liabilities; (4) Distributing its remaining property in accordance with section 1706.475 of the Revised Code; (5) Doing every other act necessary to wind up and liquidate its activities and affairs. (B) In winding up its activities, a limited liability company may do any of the following: (1) Deliver to the secretary ...

Section 1706.769 | Separate asset series-activities and proceedings after dissolution.

...rests associated with the series; (3) Discharging or making provisions for discharging the liabilities of the series; (4) Distributing the remaining property of the series in accordance with section 1706.7613 of the Revised Code; (5) Doing any other act necessary to wind up and liquidate the series' activities and affairs. (B) In winding up a series' activities, a series may do any of the following: (1) Pre...

Section 1733.24 | Deposits; shares and accounts; withdrawals.

...(A) A credit union is authorized to receive funds for deposit in share accounts, share draft accounts, and share certificates from its members, from other credit unions, and from an officer, employee, or agent of the federal, state, or local governments, or political subdivisions of the state, in accordance with such terms, rates, and conditions as may be established by its board of directors, and for purposes of the...

Section 175.052 | Preference to grants or loans for activities that provide housing and housing assistance to honorably discharged veterans.

...The Ohio housing finance agency, in providing homeownership program assistance, shall give preference to grants or loans for activities that provide housing and housing assistance to honorably discharged veterans.

Section 1901.33 | Court employees.

...(A) The judge or judges of a municipal court may appoint one or more interpreters, one or more mental health professionals, one or more probation officers, an assignment commissioner, deputy assignment commissioners, and other court aides on a full-time, part-time, hourly, or other basis. Each appointee shall receive the compensation out of the city treasury that the legislative authority prescribes in either biweekl...

Section 1907.29 | Jury trial procedure.

...(A) A jury trial shall be demanded in the manner prescribed in the Rules of Civil Procedure or the Rules of Criminal Procedure. The number of persons composing a jury and the verdicts of jurors shall be governed by those rules. (B) The right of a person to a jury trial is waived under the circumstances prescribed in the Rules of Civil Procedure or the Rules of Criminal Procedure. (C) If, as a result of challenges o...

Section 2101.06 | Master commissioners - appointment and bond - duties.

...The probate judge, upon the motion of a party or the judge's own motion, may appoint a special master commissioner in any matter pending before the judge. The commissioner shall be an attorney at law and shall be sworn faithfully to discharge the commissioner's duties. When requested by the probate judge, the commissioner shall execute a bond to the state in the sum that the court directs, with surety approved ...

Section 2101.17 | Fees from county treasury.

...The fees enumerated in this section shall be paid to the probate court from the county treasury upon the warrant of the county auditor which shall issue upon the certificate of the probate judge and shall be in full for all services rendered in the respective proceedings as follows: (A) For each hearing to determine if a person is an individualwi...

Section 2109.32 | Hearing on fiduciary's account.

...(A) Every fiduciary's account required by section 2109.301, 2109.302, or 2109.303 of the Revised Code shall be set for hearing before the probate court. The hearing on the account shall be set not earlier than thirty days after the filing of the account. At the hearing upon an account required by section 2109.302 or 2109.303 of the Revised Code and, if ordered by the court, upon an account required by section...

Section 2113.46 | Who may discharge mortgage.

...In case of the redemption of a mortgage belonging to the estate of a decedent, the money paid on the redemption shall be received by the executor or administrator, and the executor or administrator shall release and discharge the mortgage. Until that redemption, if the executor, administrator, or decedent has taken possession of the mortgaged premises, the executor or administrator shall be seized of the mortga...

Section 2115.11 | Discharge of a debt in a will.

...The discharge or bequest, in a will, of a debt or demand of a testator against an executor named in the will, or against any other person, is not valid as against the decedent's creditors, but is only a specific bequest of that debt or demand. The amount of the debt or demand shall be included in the inventory of the credits and effects of the deceased and, if necessary, that amount shall be applied in the paym...

Section 2115.12 | Naming of person executor does not discharge debt.

...The naming of a person as executor in a will shall not operate as a discharge or bequest of a just claim that the testator had against that executor. The claim shall be included among the assets of the deceased in the inventory required by section 2115.02 of the Revised Code. The executor shall be liable for it as for so much money in the possession or under the control of the executor at the time that debt or ...