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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

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Section 1311.011 | Liens for home construction work.

...(A) As used in this section: (1) "Home construction contract" means a contract entered into between an original contractor and an owner, part owner, or lessee for the improvement of any single- or double-family dwelling or portion of the dwelling or a residential unit of any condominium property that has been submitted to the provisions of Chapter 5311. of the Revised Code; an addition to any land; or the imp...

Section 1311.78 | Notifying lien claimant to commence suit.

...(A) The owner of an aircraft that is subject to a lien that arises under section 1311.72 of the Revised Code may notify the lien claimant who has perfected the lien in accordance with section 1311.73 of the Revised Code to commence suit on the lien. (B)(1) The owner shall serve a written notice to commence suit on the lien claimant by certified mail, return receipt requested, at the address of the lien claimant or h...

Section 1313.03 | Appointment of a trustee.

...If ten days after the execution of an assignment for the benefit of creditors, the original or a copy of it has not been filed in the probate court, or if the assignee named thereon fails for that time to give bond, on application of the assignor, or any of his creditors, the court shall make an order removing such assignee and appoint a trustee in his place. If more than one assignee is named in the assignment, and ...

Section 1321.62 | Consumer Installment Loan Act definitions.

...As used in sections 1321.62 to 1321.702 of the Revised Code: (A) "Actuarial method" means the method of allocating payments made on a loan between the principal amount and interest whereby a payment is applied first to the accumulated interest and the remainder to the unpaid principal amount. (B) "Advertisement" and "advertising" mean all material printed, published, displayed, distributed, or broadcast, and all ...

Section 1321.66 | Consumer installment loan licensee recordkeeping; examination of records.

...( A) Records a licensee is required to maintain shall be kept current and be available at a licensed location at all times during normal business hours for review by the superintendent. Records must be legible and maintained in a type size that is clearly readable without magnification and in conformity with any specific typeface or font size that may be required by state or federal law. Except when otherwise provide...

Section 133.42 | Registration of coupon securities - transfer.

...(A) A subdivision may register any coupon security registrable as to principal upon the request of the owner or holder. The officer in charge of the bond retirement fund or, if there is no such officer, the fiscal officer of the subdivision shall note the registration on the security. Thereafter, no transfer shall be valid unless the transfer is entered on the records of the subdivision and similarly noted on the sec...

Section 1335.11 | Paying commission on sales.

...(A) As used in this section: (1) "Commission" means compensation accruing to a person for payment by another person, the rate of which is expressed as a percentage of the dollar amount of orders, sales, or profits. (2) "Principal" means a person who does all of the following: (a) Engages in either of the following: (i) The business of manufacturing, producing, importing, or distributing one or more products for s...

Section 1337.44 | Construction of authority generally.

...Except as otherwise provided in the power of attorney, by executing a power of attorney that incorporates by reference a subject described in sections 1337.45 to 1337.58 of the Revised Code or that grants to an agent authority to do all acts that a principal could do pursuant to division (C) of section 1337.42 of the Revised Code, a principal authorizes the agent, with respect to that subject, to do all of the ...

Section 1337.50 | Operation of entity or business.

...Subject to the terms of a document or an agreement governing an entity or an entity ownership interest, and unless the power of attorney otherwise provides, language in a power of attorney granting general authority with respect to the operation of an entity or business authorizes the agent to do all of the following: (A) Operate, buy, sell, enlarge, reduce, or terminate an ownership interest; (B) Perform a ...

Section 1341.08 | Sureties of county officers may apply to be discharged.

...A surety of any county officer, except a county commissioner, may notify the board of county commissioners by giving at least five days' written notice that he is unwilling to continue as surety for such officer, and will at a time to be then named make application to such board to be released from further liability upon his bond. He also shall give at least three days' written notice to each of the officers for wh...

Section 1341.10 | Sureties for county officers not released until new bond filed.

...The original sureties of a county officer shall not be released or discharged until the filing of a new bond as required by section 1341.09 of the Revised Code, or the expiration of the time allowed therefor, but shall be liable only for the official acts of such officer from the time of the execution of the original bond to the filing of the second bond, or the expiration of the time allowed therefor. The cost of th...

Section 1341.11 | Sureties of constable or marshal may apply to be discharged.

...If a constable, or the marshal of a municipal corporation, on demand made for that purpose by a person entitled thereto, his agent, or attorney, neglects or refuses to pay all money by him received in his official capacity for the use of such person, a surety of such constable or marshal may give notice to the board of township trustees of the township, or the legislative authority of the municipal corporation in wh...

Section 1341.13 | Sureties of treasurer of school fund may apply to be discharged.

...A surety of the treasurer of school funds, in any lawfully organized school district, may notify the board of education of the district by at least five days' notice, in writing, that he is unwilling to continue as surety for such treasurer, and at a time therein named, will make application to the board to be released from further liability upon his bond. He also shall give at least three days' notice in writing to ...

Section 1341.15 | Sureties for treasurer of school fund not released until bond filed.

...The original surety mentioned in section 1341.13 of the Revised Code, shall not be released or discharged until the filing of the new bond or the expiration of the time allowed therefor under section 1341.14 of the Revised Code. The cost of the application provided for in section 1341.13 of the Revised Code shall be paid by the person making it.

Section 1341.16 | Sureties of township officers may apply to be discharged.

...A surety of a constable, township fiscal officer, or other township officer, may notify the board of township trustees, by giving at least five days' notice in writing, that the surety is unwilling to continue as surety for the officer and, at a time named in the notice, will make application to the board to be released from further liability upon the bond. The surety also shall give at least three days' notice...

Section 1341.18 | Sureties for township officers not released until bond filed.

...The original sureties mentioned in section 1341.16 of the Revised Code shall not be released or discharged until the filing of a new bond, or the expiration of the time allowed therefor under section 1341.17 of the Revised Code, but shall be liable only for the official acts of such officer from the time of the execution of the original bond to the filing of the new bond or the expiration of the time allowed therefor...

Section 1341.19 | Sureties may compel principal to pay debt.

...A surety may maintain an action against his principal to compel him to discharge the debt or liability for which the surety is bound, after it becomes due.

Section 1345.05 | Attorney general powers and duties.

...(A) The attorney general shall: (1) Adopt, amend, and repeal procedural rules; (2) Adopt as a rule a description of the organization of the attorney general's office, stating the general courses and methods of operation of the section of the office of the attorney general, which is to administer Chapter 1345. of the Revised Code and methods whereby the public may obtain information or make submissions or requ...

Section 1345.72 | Duty to repair - repair unsuccessful.

...(A) If a new motor vehicle does not conform to any applicable express warranty and the consumer reports the nonconformity to the manufacturer, its agent, or its authorized dealer during the period of one year following the date of original delivery or during the first eighteen thousand miles of operation, whichever is earlier, the manufacturer, its agent, or its authorized dealer shall make any repairs as are necessa...

Section 135.45 | State treasurer's investment pool.

...(A) Subject to division (B) of this section, a treasurer, governing board, or investing authority of a subdivision may pay public moneys of the subdivision into the Ohio subdivision's fund, which may be established in the custody of the treasurer of state. The treasurer of state shall invest the moneys in the fund in separately managed accounts and pooled accounts, including the state treasurer's investment pool, in ...

Section 135.46 | Investment pools for temporary investment of bond proceeds.

...(A) The treasurer of state may create a taxable investment pool or a tax-exempt investment pool, or both, for the purpose of providing a procedure for the temporary investment of bond proceeds. The pool shall be in the custody of the treasurer of state. (B) A treasurer, governing board, or investing authority of a subdivision, or any agency of the state that has debt-issuing authority may pay bond proceeds into ei...

Section 143.09 | Payments to volunteer peace officers who are totally and permanently disabled; death benefits.

...and permanently disabled as a result of discharging the duties of a volunteer peace officer shall receive a benefit from the volunteer peace officers' dependents fund of three hundred dollars per month, except that no payment shall be made to a volunteer peace officer who is receiving the officer's full salary during the time of the officer's disability. (B)(1) Regardless of whether the volunteer peace officer recei...

Section 145.054 | Filing of statements - prohibited campaign activities.

...(A) No person shall knowingly fail to file a complete and accurate campaign finance statement or independent expenditure statement in accordance with section 145.053 of the Revised Code. (B) No person, during the course of a person seeking nomination for, or during any campaign for, election to the public employees retirement board, shall knowingly and with intent to affect the nomination or the outcome of the campa...

Section 145.094 | Chief investment officer - supervision duties - monitoring of securities transactions.

...(A) The public employees retirement board shall designate a person who is a licensed state retirement system investment officer to be the chief investment officer for the public employees retirement system. The board shall notify the division of securities of the department of commerce in writing of its designation and of any change in its designation within ten calendar days of the designation or change. (B) The ch...

Section 145.11 | Investment powers and fiduciary duties of board.

...(A) The members of the public employees retirement board shall be the trustees of the funds created by section 145.23 of the Revised Code. The board shall have full power to invest the funds. The board and other fiduciaries shall discharge their duties with respect to the funds solely in the interest of the participants and beneficiaries; for the exclusive purpose of providing benefits to participants and their bene...