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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

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Section 3349.19 | Trusteeship to vest in municipal corporation.

...Upon the transfer and the acceptance of any estate, property, or funds under section 3349.18 of the Revised Code the municipal corporation and its successors, as trustees, shall become and be perpetually obligated and held to observe and execute such trust in all respects according to any other or further terms agreed upon at the time of such transfer and acceptance. Any court having jurisdiction of the appointment o...

Section 3350.11 | Election and appointment of officers of board - bond of treasurer.

...The board of trustees of the northeast Ohio medical university shall annually elect from its members a chairperson and a vice-chairperson. The board may also appoint a secretary of the board, a treasurer, and such other officers of the university as the interest of the university requires, who may be members of the board. The board may also appoint boards or commissions to assist the officers of the university with i...

Section 3352.01 | Appointment of trustees - term.

...(A) There is hereby created a state university to be known as "Wright state university." The government of Wright state university is vested in a board of eleven trustees, who shall be appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate. Two of the trustees shall be students at Wright state university, and their selection and terms shall be in accordance with division (B) of this section. Excep...

Section 3352.02 | Election and appointment of officers of board - bond of treasurer.

...The board of trustees of Wright state university shall annually elect from their members a chairperson and vice-chairperson; and they may also appoint a secretary of the board, a treasurer, and such other officers of the university as the interest of the university requires, who may be members of the board. The treasurer, before entering upon the discharge of official duties, shall give bond to the state or...

Section 3352.16 | Wright state university center for civics, culture, and workforce development.

...(A)(1) The Wright state university center for civics, culture, and workforce development is established as an independent academic division within Wright state university, physically located on the Dayton campus of Wright state university. The center shall conduct teaching and research in the historical ideas, traditions, and texts that have shaped the American constitutional order and society and the United States a...

Section 3356.01 | Appointment of trustees - term.

...(A) There is hereby created Youngstown state university. The government of Youngstown state university is vested in a board of eleven trustees, who shall be appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate. Two of the trustees shall be students at Youngstown state university, and their selection and terms shall be in accordance with division (B) of this section. Except for the terms of stude...

Section 3356.02 | Election and appointment of officers of board - bond of treasurer.

...The board of trustees of Youngstown state university shall annually elect from their members a chairperson and a vice-chairperson; and they may also appoint a secretary of the board, a treasurer, and such other officers of the university as the interest of the university requires, who may be members of the board. The treasurer, before entering upon the discharge of official duties, shall give bond to the ...

Section 3358.03 | Appointment of trustees - term.

...The government of a state community college district is vested in a board of nine trustees who shall be appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. Within ninety days after a state community college district is created pursuant to section 3358.02 of the Revised Code, the governor shall make initial appointments to the board. Of these appointments three shall be for terms ending two years afte...

Section 3358.05 | Agreement between boards to effect transition.

... of assets and contracts, assumption or discharging of liabilities and obligations, the date as of which the transition shall be effected and the state community college district shall be created, and such other matters as are necessary or appropriate to the purpose. Nothing in the agreement may, or shall be construed to, affect the rights of holders or owners of bonds or notes issued pursuant to section 3357.11 of t...

Section 3358.06 | Treasurer to be fiscal officer - duties, bond.

...(A)(1) The treasurer of each state community college district shall be its fiscal officer, and the treasurer shall receive and disburse all funds under the direction of the college president. No contract of the college's board of trustees involving the expenditure of money shall become effective until the treasurer certifies that there are funds of the board otherwise uncommitted and sufficient to provide therefor, s...

Section 3359.01 | Appointment of trustees - term.

...(A) There is hereby created a state university to be known as "The University of Akron." The government of the university of Akron is vested in a board of eleven trustees who shall be appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate. Two of the trustees shall be students at the university of Akron, and their selection and terms shall be in accordance with division (B) of this section. Except...

Section 3359.02 | Election and appointment of officers of board - bond of treasurer.

...The board of trustees of the university of Akron shall annually elect from their members a chairperson and a vice-chairperson; and they may also appoint a secretary of the board, a treasurer, and such other officers of the university as the interest of the university requires, who may be members of the board. The treasurer, before entering upon the discharge of official duties, shall give bond to the stat...

Section 3361.01 | Appointment of trustees - term.

...(A) There is hereby created a state university to be known as the "university of Cincinnati." The government of the university of Cincinnati is vested in a board of eleven trustees who shall be appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. Two of the trustees shall be students at the university of Cincinnati, and their selection and terms shall be in accordance with division (B) of this s...

Section 3361.02 | Election and appointment of officers of board - bond of treasurer.

...The board of trustees of the university of Cincinnati shall annually elect from their members a chairperson and a vice-chairperson, and they may also appoint a secretary of the board, a treasurer, and such other officers of the university as the interests of the university require, who may be members of the board. The treasurer, before entering upon the discharge of official duties, shall give bond to the...

Section 3362.01 | Appointment of trustees - term.

...(A) There is hereby created a state university to be known as "Shawnee state university." The government of Shawnee state university is vested in a board of eleven trustees who shall be appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. Two of the trustees shall be students at Shawnee state university, and their selection and terms shall be in accordance with division (B) of this section. The remain...

Section 3362.02 | Election and appointment of officers of board - bond of treasurer.

...The board of trustees of Shawnee state university shall annually elect from their members a chairperson and vice-chairperson; and they may also appoint a secretary of the board, a treasurer, and such other officers of the university as the interests of the university require, who may be members of the board. The treasurer, before entering upon the discharge of official duties, shall give bond to the state or be in...

Section 3364.01 | University of Toledo - board of trustees.

...(A) The university of Toledo, as authorized under former Chapter 3360. of the Revised Code, and the medical university of Ohio at Toledo, as authorized under former sections 3350.01 to 3350.05 of the Revised Code, shall be combined as one state university to be known as the "university of Toledo." (B)(1) The government of the combined university of Toledo is vested in a board of trustees which, except as prescribed ...

Section 3364.02 | Election and appointment of officers of board - treasurer's bond.

...The board of trustees of the university of Toledo annually shall elect from among its members a chairperson and a vice-chairperson, and also may appoint a secretary of the board, a treasurer, and such other officers of the university as the interest of the university requires, who may be members of the board. The treasurer, before entering upon the discharge of official duties, shall give bond to the state or ...

Section 3381.11 | Contracts which do and do not require competitive bidding procedure.

...The board of trustees of a regional arts and cultural district or any officer or employee designated by such board may make any contract for the purchase of supplies or material or for labor for any work, under the supervision of the board, the cost of which shall not exceed ten thousand dollars. When an expenditure, other than for the acquisition of real estate, the discharge of noncontractual claims, personal...

Section 339.061 | Charter county hospitals; disposition of income.

...(A) As used in this section, "charter county hospital" means a county hospital based in a county that has adopted a charter under Section 3 of Article X, Ohio Constitution. (B) The board of county hospital trustees of a charter county hospital shall hold and administer all money received from the operation of the county hospital, including money arising from rendering medical services to patients, whether received f...

Section 339.08 | Hospital trust fund.

...The board of county hospital trustees may receive any gift, bequest, or devise of real or personal property in trust for the erection, improvement, or support of the county hospital, and administer the said property and the proceeds thereof in the manner required by law or the instrument creating such trust. Before receiving such trust property, the board shall give additional bond in such amount as the board of coun...

Section 340.08 | Duties of boards of alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health services.

...In accordance with rules or guidelines issued by the director of mental health and addiction services, each board of alcohol, drug addiction, and mental health services shall do all of the following: (A) Submit to the department of mental health and addiction services a proposed budget of receipts and expenditures for all federal, state, and local moneys the board expects to receive. (1) The proposed budget sha...

Section 341.02 | Jail register - operational policies and procedures - prisoner rules of conduct.

...The sheriff shall make the following entries in a suitable book, which shall be known as the "jail register," kept in the office of the jailer, and delivered to the successor in office of such jailer: (A) The name of each prisoner, and the date and cause of his commitment; (B) The date and manner of his discharge. The sheriff or jail administrator shall prepare written operational policies and procedures and pris...

Section 341.14 | Weekly advance deposit of prisoner costs.

...(A) The sheriff of an adjoining county in this state shall not receive prisoners as provided by section 341.12 of the Revised Code unless there is deposited weekly with the sheriff an amount equal to the actual cost of keeping and feeding each prisoner so committed for the use of the jail of that county, and the same amount for a period of time less than one week. If a prisoner is discharged before the expiratio...

Section 341.141 | Interstate prisoner transfer under RC 341.12.

...(A) The sheriff of a county in this state shall not transfer a prisoner to a contiguous county in an adjoining state as provided in section 341.12 of the Revised Code unless there is deposited weekly with the sheriff of the contiguous county an amount equal to the actual cost of keeping and feeding each prisoner committed to the custody of that sheriff for the use of the jail of that county, and the same amount...