Ohio Revised Code Search
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Section 2151.416 | Semiannual administrative review of case plans.
...(A) Each agency that is required by section 2151.412 of the Revised Code to prepare a case plan for a child shall complete a semiannual administrative review of the case plan no later than six months after the earlier of the date on which the complaint in the case was filed or the child was first placed in shelter care. After the first administrative review, the agency shall complete semiannual administrative reviews... |
Section 2151.417 | Review of child's placement, custody arrangement or case plan.
...(A) Any court that issues a dispositional order pursuant to section 2151.353, 2151.414, or 2151.415 of the Revised Code may review at any time the child's placement or custody arrangement, the case plan prepared for the child pursuant to section 2151.412 of the Revised Code, the actions of the public children services agency or private child placing agency in implementing that case plan, the child's permanency plan i... |
Section 2151.419 | Court's determination as to whether agency made reasonable efforts to prevent removal or to return child safely home.
...(A)(1) Except as provided in division (A)(2) of this section, at any hearing held pursuant to section 2151.28, division (E) of section 2151.31, or section 2151.314, 2151.33, or 2151.353 of the Revised Code at which the court removes a child from the child's home or continues the removal of a child from the child's home, the court shall determine whether the public children services agency or private child placi... |
Section 2151.4115 | Definitions regarding locating and engaging kinship caregiver.
...(A) As used in sections 2151.4116 to 2151.4122 of the Revised Code: (1) "Kinship caregiver" has the same meaning as used in section 5101.85 of the Revised Code. (2) "Search technology" means any locate-and-research tool, search engine, electronic database, or social media search tool available to a public children services agency or a private child placing agency. |
Section 2151.4116 | Intensive efforts required for locating and engaging kinship caregiver.
...A public children services agency or private child placing agency shall make intensive efforts to identify and engage an appropriate and willing kinship caregiver for the care of a child who is in one of following: (A) Temporary custody of the agency; (B) A planned permanent living arrangement with the agency. |
Section 2151.4117 | Court review of intensive efforts.
...(A) At every court hearing regarding a child described in section 2151.4116 of the Revised Code, the court shall determine whether the public children services agency or private child placing agency has continued intensive efforts to identify and engage appropriate and willing kinship caregivers for the child. (B) At each hearing the court shall: (1) Review the placement of the child to determine if the child is ... |
Section 2151.4118 | Court determination intensive efforts not required.
...A court may issue an order that determines, with respect to a child described in section 2151.4116 of the Revised Code who is not receiving care in the home of a kinship caregiver, that the continuation of the child's current placement is in the child's best interest and that intensive efforts to identify and engage an appropriate and willing kinship caregiver for the child are unnecessary if the court makes the find... |
Section 2151.4119 | Findings supporting court determination.
...A court may issue an order under section 2151.4118 of the Revised Code if it finds all of the following: (A) The child has been living in a stable home environment with the child's current caregivers for the past twelve consecutive months. (B) The current caregivers have expressed interest in providing permanency for the child. (C) The removal of the child from the current caregivers would be detrimental to the... |
Section 2151.4120 | Current caregiver equal to kin regarding permanency.
...If a court makes the findings under section 2151.4119 of the Revised Code, the court and public children services agency or private child placing agency may consider the child's current caregiver as having a kin relationship with the child and at an equal standing to other kin in regards to permanency. |
Section 2151.4121 | Disqualifying kin unwilling or not interested in providing permanency.
...If a relative who received the required notice pursuant to section 2151.33 of the Revised Code fails within six months from the date of receipt to demonstrate interest in and willingness to provide a permanent home for a child, a court may excuse the public children services agency or private child placing agency from considering such relative for placement if the court has issued an order under section 2151.4119 of ... |
Section 2151.4122 | Continued search to locate and engage kinship caregiver permitted.
...Nothing in sections 2151.4115 to 2151.4121 of the Revised Code shall be construed to prevent a public children services agency or private child placing agency from continuing to search or consider kinship caregivers. |
Section 2151.42 | Best interests of child - order granting legal custody.
...(A) At any hearing in which a court is asked to modify or terminate an order of disposition issued under section 2151.353, 2151.415, or 2151.417 of the Revised Code, the court, in determining whether to return the child to the child's parents, shall consider whether it is in the best interest of the child. (B) An order of disposition issued under division (A)(3) of section 2151.353, division (A)(3) of section 2151.4... |
Section 2151.421 | Reporting child abuse or neglect.
...(A)(1)(a) No person described in division (A)(1)(b) of this section who is acting in an official or professional capacity and knows, or has reasonable cause to suspect based on facts that would cause a reasonable person in a similar position to suspect, that a child under eighteen years of age, or a person under twenty-one years of age with a developmental disability or physical impairment, has suffered or faces a th... |
Section 2151.422 | Child living in domestic violence or homeless shelter.
...(A) As used in this section, "Homeless shelter" means a facility that provides accommodations to homeless individuals. (B) On receipt of a notice pursuant to division (A), (B), or (E) of section 2151.421 of the Revised Code, the public children services agency shall determine whether the child subject to the report is living in a shelter for victims of domestic violence or a homeless shelter and whether the child wa... |
Section 2151.423 | Disclosure of confidential information to protect children.
...A public children services agency shall disclose confidential information discovered during an investigation conducted pursuant to section 2151.421 or 2151.422 of the Revised Code to any federal, state, or local government entity, including any appropriate military authority or any agency providing prevention services to the child, that needs the information to carry out its responsibilities to protect children from ... |
Section 2151.424 | Notice and opportunity to present evidence to foster caregiver, relative, or prospective adoptive parent.
...(A) If a child has been placed in a certified foster home or is in the custody of, or has been placed with, a kinship caregiver as defined in section 5101.85 of the Revised Code, a court, prior to conducting any hearing pursuant to division (F)(2) or (3) of section 2151.412 or section 2151.28, 2151.33, 2151.35, 2151.414, 2151.415, 2151.416, or 2151.417 of the Revised Code with respect to the child, shall notify the f... |
Section 2151.425 | Children's advocacy center - definitions.
...As used in sections 2151.426 to 2151.428 of the Revised Code: (A) "Children's advocacy center" means a center operated by participating entities within a county or two or more contiguous counties to perform functions and activities and provide services, in accordance with the interagency agreement entered into under section 2151.428 of the Revised Code, regarding reports received under section 2151.421 of the Revise... |
Section 2151.426 | Children's advocacy center - memorandum of understanding.
...(A)(1) A children's advocacy center may be established to serve a single county by execution of a memorandum of understanding regarding the participation in the operation of the center by any of the following entities in the county to be served by the center: (a) The public children services agency; (b) Representatives of any county or municipal law enforcement agencies serving the county that investigate any of th... |
Section 2151.427 | Children's advocacy center - multidisciplinary team.
...(A) The entities that participate in a memorandum of understanding executed under section 2151.426 of the Revised Code establishing a children's advocacy center shall assemble the center's multidisciplinary team. (B)(1) The multidisciplinary team for a single county center shall consist of the following members who serve the county: (a) Any county or municipal law enforcement officer; (b) The executive director of... |
Section 2151.428 | Children's advocacy center - interagency agreement.
...(A) If a children's advocacy center is established under section 2151.426 of the Revised Code, in addition to the memorandum of understanding executed under that section, each public children services agency that participates in the execution of the memorandum of understanding, the children's advocacy center, and the children's advocacy center's multidisciplinary team assembled under section 2151.427 of the Revised C... |
Section 2151.429 | Traditional and alternative response pathways.
...(A) The differential response approach, as defined in section 2151.011 of the Revised Code, pursued by a public children services agency shall include two response pathways, the traditional response pathway and the alternative response pathway. The director of children and youth shall adopt rules pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code setting forth the procedures and criteria for public children services agenci... |
Section 2151.4210 | Child abuse or neglect investigation relating to armed forces.
...(A) A public children services agency shall determine as soon as practicable if a parent, guardian, or custodian of a child who is subject to an investigation under section 2151.421 or 2151.422 of the Revised Code is in the armed forces. (B) If the agency determines that the parent, guardian, or custodian is in the armed forces, the agency shall notify the appropriate authority of that armed force in which the pare... |
Section 2151.4220 | [Recodified from R.C. 2151.4210] Memorandum of understanding required; signatories.
...(A) Each public children services agency shall prepare a memorandum of understanding that is signed by all of the following: (1) If there is only one juvenile judge in the county, the juvenile judge of the county or the juvenile judge's representative upon the judge's review and approval; (2) If there is more than one juvenile judge in the county, a juvenile judge or the juvenile judges' representative selected ... |
Section 2151.4221 | [Recodified from R.C. 2151.4211] Memorandum of understanding purpose, content.
...(A) A memorandum of understanding shall do both of the following: (1) Set forth the normal operating procedure to be employed by all concerned officials in the execution of their respective responsibilities under this section and division (C) of section 2919.21, division (B)(1) of section 2919.22, division (B) of section 2919.23, and section 2919.24 of the Revised Code; (2) Have as two of its primary goals both o... |
Section 2151.4222 | [Recodified from R.C. 2151.4212] Memorandum of understanding biennial review and update.
...Every official who signed a memorandum of understanding under section 2151.4220 of the Revised Code shall biennially do the following regarding the memorandum: (A) Review and evaluate the memorandum for necessary updates to terms and procedures; (B) Update the memorandum's terms and procedures, if the concerned officials determine an update is necessary; (C) Sign the reviewed memorandum; (D) Submit the memora... |