Ohio Revised Code Search
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Section 2151.4223 | [Recodified from R.C. 2151.4213] Consequences limited for failure to follow memorandum of understanding.
...Failure to follow the procedure set forth in the memorandum of understanding by the concerned officials is not grounds for, and shall not result in, the dismissal of any charges or complaint arising from any reported case of abuse or neglect or the suppression of any evidence obtained as a result of any reported child abuse or child neglect and does not give, and shall not be construed as giving, any rights or any gr... |
Section 2151.4225 | [Recodified from R.C. 2151.4215] Memorandum of understanding biennial review, approval by county commissioners.
...(A) On receipt of a county's memorandum of understanding submitted to the board of county commissioners in accordance with section 2151.4222 of the Revised Code, the board shall review and evaluate if the memorandum meets the requirements under sections 2151.4220 to 2151.4222 of the Revised Code. (B)(1) If the board determines the memorandum meets those requirements, it shall adopt a resolution to approve the memor... |
Section 2151.4226 | [Recodified from R.C. 2151.4216] Deadline for biennial review and resolution.
...The biennial review of a county memorandum of understanding pursuant to division 2151.4222 of the Revised Code and the biennial adoption of a resolution by the board of county commissioners to approve the memorandum under section 2151.4225 of the Revised Code shall be completed by the thirty-first day of December following the first full calendar year after the effective date of this section, and by the thirty-first ... |
Section 2151.4228 | Model memorandum of understanding.
...(A) The department of children and youth shall create a model memorandum of understanding to provide guidance to public children services agencies and other concerned officials in creating a memorandum of understanding in compliance with sections 2151.4220 to 2151.4226 of the Revised Code. (B) The model memorandum of understanding shall be updated as the department determines is necessary. |
Section 2151.4229 | [Recodified from R.C. 2151.4219] Memorandum of understanding audit.
...The department of children and youth shall biennially audit the memorandum of understanding prepared by each public children services agency to ensure compliance in accordance with sections 2151.4220 to 2151.4226 of the Revised Code. |
Section 2151.4230 | [Recodified from R.C. 2151.4220] Compliance determination.
...The department of children and youth shall determine that a public children services agency is compliant regarding the memorandum of understanding if the department finds all of the following: (A) The memorandum meets the requirements under sections 2151.4220 to 2151.4226 of the Revised Code. (B) The memorandum has been either reviewed and signed or reviewed, updated, and signed, as applicable, pursuant to divi... |
Section 2151.4231 | [Recodified from R.C. 2151.4221] Compliance assurance plan.
...(A) If the department of children and youth determines that a public children services agency is not compliant under section 2151.4230 of the Revised Code, the agency shall develop and submit a compliance assurance plan to the department. (B) The compliance assurance plan shall describe the steps the agency and other concerned officials will take in order to become compliant. (C) The agency shall submit the com... |
Section 2151.4232 | [Recodified from R.C. 2151.4222] Memorandum of understanding effective when determined compliant.
...A county's reviewed and signed, or reviewed, updated, and signed, memorandum of understanding, as applicable, shall go into effect and supersede any previous memorandum upon the department of children and youth determination that the memorandum is compliant under section 2151.4230 of the Revised Code. |
Section 2151.4233 | [Recodified from R.C. 2151.4223] Compliant, noncompliant counties on department of job and family services website.
...The department of children and youth shall maintain on the department's web site a current list of counties with memorandums of understanding that the department has determined to be compliant under section 2151.4230 of the Revised Code and a list of counties with memorandums that the department has determined not to be compliant. |
Section 2151.4234 | [Recodified from R.C. 2151.4224] Memorandum of understanding publication on county website.
...The county memorandum of understanding that is in effect in accordance with section 2151.4232 of the Revised Code shall be posted to the general web site of the county. |
Section 2151.43 | Charges against adults; defendant bound over to grand jury.
...In cases against an adult under sections 2151.01 to 2151.54 of the Revised Code, any person may file an affidavit with the clerk of the juvenile court setting forth briefly, in plain and ordinary language, the charges against the accused who shall be tried thereon. When the child is a recipient of aid pursuant to Chapter 5107. of the Revised Code, the county department of job and family services shall file charges ag... |
Section 2151.44 | Complaint after hearing.
...If it appears at the hearing of a child that any person has abused or has aided, induced, caused, encouraged, or contributed to the dependency, neglect, or delinquency of a child or acted in a way tending to cause delinquency in such child, or that a person charged with the care, support, education, or maintenance of any child has failed to support or sufficiently contribute toward the support, education, and mainten... |
Section 2151.45 | Emancipated young adult and representative defined.
...As used in sections 2151.45 to 2151.455 of the Revised Code, "emancipated young adult" and "representative" have the same meanings as in section 5101.141 of the Revised Code. |
Section 2151.451 | Jurisdiction over emancipated young adult.
...(A) The juvenile court of the county, to which either of the following applies regarding an emancipated young adult described under division (A)(1) of section 5101.1411 of the Revised Code, may exercise jurisdiction over the emancipated young adult for purposes of sections 2151.45 to 2151.455 of the Revised Code: (1) The county in which the emancipated young adult resides; (2) The county in which the emancipated ... |
Section 2151.452 | Duties of juvenile court.
...A juvenile court shall do both of the following regarding an emancipated young adult described under division (A)(1) of section 5101.1411 of the Revised Code: (A) Not later than one hundred eighty days after the voluntary participation agreement becomes effective, make a determination as to whether the emancipated young adult's best interest is served by continuing the care and placement with the department of chi... |
Section 2151.453 | Suspension of payments for foster care.
...If any determination required under section 2151.452 of the Revised Code is not timely made, the federal payments for foster care under division (A)(1) of section 5101.1411 of the Revised Code for the emancipated young adult shall be suspended. The payments shall resume upon a subsequent determination that reasonable efforts have been made to prepare the emancipated young adult for independence, but only if both of t... |
Section 2151.454 | Supporting documents for court determination.
...For purposes of a determination under section 2151.452 of the Revised Code, the department of children and youth or its representative may file any documents and appear before the court in relation to such filings. Nothing in this section shall prohibit an emancipated young adult from obtaining legal representation pursuant to section 2151.455 of the Revised Code. |
Section 2151.455 | Representation.
...(A) An emancipated young adult is entitled to representation by legal counsel at all stages of proceedings conducted under section 2151.45 to 2151.455 of the Revised Code. (B) If, as an indigent person, the emancipated young adult is unable to employ counsel, the emancipated young adult is entitled to have counsel provided pursuant to Chapter 120. of the Revised Code. (C) If an emancipated young adult appears wit... |
Section 2151.46 | Foster children in residential facilities - definitions.
...As used in sections 2151.46 to 2151.4610 of the Revised Code: (A) "Community organization" means an organization that provides services, including recreation, mental health care, and academic support, for a child placed in foster care. (B) "Emergency department" includes a hospital emergency department and freestanding emergency department. (C) "Freestanding emergency department" has the same meaning as in sect... |
Section 2151.461 | Hospital visit - notification and response.
...(A) If a child is under the care and supervision of a residential facility and presents to an emergency department or is admitted to a hospital for an injury or mental health crisis, the emergency department or hospital shall do both of the following: (1) Communicate with the public children services agency or private child placing agency with custody of the child about the visit. Except for care that a child has c... |
Section 2151.462 | Hospital visit - report.
...Notwithstanding Chapter 3798. of the Revised Code and to the extent permitted by federal law, if a child is under the care and supervision of a residential facility and presents to an emergency department or is admitted to a hospital for an injury or mental health crisis, the emergency department or hospital shall report the visit to the Ohio resilience through integrated systems and excellence (OhioRISE) program, if... |
Section 2151.463 | Law enforcement interaction - notification to residential facility and agency.
...If a child is under the care and supervision of a residential facility and has an investigative interaction with a law enforcement officer, regardless of whether a police report is generated pertaining to the child, the law enforcement officer shall notify the operator of the residential facility and the public children services agency or private child placing agency with custody of the child of the interaction. |
Section 2151.464 | Law enforcement interaction with police report - notification to DCY.
...If a child is under the care and supervision of a residential facility and has an interaction with a law enforcement officer that results in a police report being generated pertaining to the child, the residential facility shall report the interaction to the department of children and youth and provide the department a copy of the police report. |
Section 2151.465 | Rules.
...Not later than ninety days after the effective date of this section, the director of children and youth shall adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code that establish all of the following: (A) A standardized procedure under which an emergency department, hospital, or law enforcement officer provides notification under sections 2151.461 and 2151.463 of the Revised Code; (B) Time frames for an... |
Section 2151.466 | Delinquent child charges - notification.
...Prior to a child's placement in a residential facility or not later than ninety-six hours after a child's placement in a residential facility as a result of an emergency placement in accordance with section 2151.31 of the Revised Code or a change in the child's case plan in accordance with section 2151.412 of the Revised Code, a public children services agency or private child placing agency with custody of a child s... |