Ohio Revised Code Search
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Section 2129.30 | Probate court may appoint a trustee under a foreign will.
...If necessary, the probate court of the county where the property affected by the trust is situated, on application by petition of the parties interested, may appoint a trustee to carry into effect a trust created by a foreign will. The trustee, before entering upon the trust, shall give bond with the security and in the amount that the court directs. |
Section 2133.10 | Transfer of patients.
...r 2133.09 of the Revised Code, with any probate court order issued pursuant to section 2133.05, 2133.08, or 2133.09 of the Revised Code, or with any other applicable provision of sections 2133.01 to 2133.15 of the Revised Code shall not prevent or attempt to prevent, or unreasonably delay or attempt to unreasonably delay, the transfer of the qualified patient or other patient to the care of a physician who, or a heal... |
Section 2133.15 | Document executed prior to effective date of provisions.
...ian of the declarant shall apply to the probate court of the county in which the declarant is located for the issuance of an order whether or not the attending physician is required to provide the declarant with nutrition and hydration for as long as the declarant is in the permanently unconscious state. Upon the filing of the application, the clerk of the probate court shall schedule a hearing on it and cause a copy... |
Section 2151.011 | Juvenile court definitions.
...(b) of this section does not apply, the probate division of the court of common pleas. (2) "Juvenile judge" means a judge of a court having jurisdiction under this chapter. (3) "Private child placing agency" means any association, as defined in section 5103.02 of the Revised Code, that is certified under section 5103.03 of the Revised Code to accept temporary, permanent, or legal custody of children and place t... |
Section 2333.26 | Fees of probate court.
...The fees of the probate court for its services required by sections 2333.09 to 2333.27, inclusive, of the Revised Code, shall be five dollars in each case, and such fees as are allowed by law to clerks of the court of common pleas for similar services. |
Section 2335.34 | Lists of unclaimed costs.
...ommon pleas and court of appeals, each probate judge, and each sheriff shall make two certified lists of causes in which money has been paid and has remained in the hands of that person or in the hands of a former clerk, probate judge, or sheriff, for one year next preceding that first Monday of January. The lists shall designate the amount of money and in whose hands it remains. One list shall be set up in a c... |
Section 2335.38 | Records shall be kept.
...ach clerk of the court of common pleas, probate judge, or sheriff shall keep a book, which shall be a record of his office, showing in detail all the moneys paid by him into the county treasury, with proper references showing where each item may be found on the respective cashbooks and dockets, and giving the names of the parties, in alphabetical order, to whom such money belongs. A detailed statement of each item sh... |
Section 2727.03 | Courts authorized to grant injunctions.
...r a judge thereof in his county, or the probate court, in causes pending therein, when it appears to the court or judge by affidavit of the plaintiff, or his agent, that the plaintiff is entitled to an injunction. On like grounds and proof, the probate judge may grant injunctions in actions pending in either the court of common pleas or court of appeals of his county, in the absence therefrom of the judges of such ... |
Section 2729.02 | Commissioner to take testimony - rules.
...To enable the probate court to make restoration of lost or destroyed records as provided in section 2729.01 of the Revised Code, the probate judge may make such rules and regulations governing the proceedings for taking testimony and ascertaining the facts with reference to their restoration as he deems necessary. If such records are lost by fire, riot, or civil commotion, such judge may appoint a commissioner to ta... |
Section 2729.04 | Restoration costs.
...e costs of restoring the records of the probate court shall be paid out of the county treasury upon the order of the probate judge. |
Section 2933.51 | Wiretapping, electronic surveillance definitions.
...xercises both general jurisdiction and probate, domestic relations, or juvenile jurisdiction. "Judge of a court of common pleas" does not mean a judge of that court who is elected or appointed specifically as a probate, domestic relations, or juvenile judge. |
Section 3.16 | Suspension of local official charged with felony relating to official conduct.
...ment official shall be appointed by the probate judge of the court of common pleas if the suspended public official is an elected official of a municipal corporation, township, school district, or other political subdivision, to perform the suspended public official's duties. (5) An acting officer appointed under division (E)(2) of this section or an interim replacement official appointed under division (E)(3) or (4... |
Section 305.04 | Bond of county commissioners - oath of office.
...he surety company to be approved by the probate judge of the county. The bond shall be conditioned for the faithful discharge of the commissioner's official duties, and for the payment of any loss or damage that the county may sustain by reason of the commissioner's failure in such duties. Such bond, with the oath of office and approval of the probate judge indorsed thereon, shall be deposited with the county treas... |
Section 307.515 | Allowance to law libraries from fines and penalties of municipal courts.
...t of common pleas and the clerk of the probate court shall retain all fines and penalties collected by, and moneys arising from forfeited bail in, the court of common pleas and the probate court of that county for offenses and misdemeanors brought for prosecution in those courts in the name of the state and monthly shall deposit those moneys in the county law library resources fund in that county that is creat... |
Section 309.03 | Bond of prosecuting attorney - oath.
...ved by the court of common pleas or the probate court and authorized to do business in this state, or, at the prosecuting attorney's option, signed by two or more freeholders having real estate in the value of double the amount of the bond over and above all encumbrances to the state. Such bond shall be in a sum not less than one thousand dollars, to be fixed by the court of common pleas or the probate court and con... |
Section 309.17 | Action to reclaim property.
...r other property to deposit it with the probate court. If within fifteen days such person does not comply with such requirement, the prosecuting attorney shall bring suit in the court of common pleas, in the name of the state, for the recovery thereof, and, when recovered, it shall be at the disposition of the probate court. |
Section 3101.051 | Deleting social security numbers prior to inspecting records.
...ded in division (B) of this section, a probate court shall make available to any person for inspection the records pertaining to the issuance of marriage licenses as provided under section 149.43 of the Revised Code. (B) Before it makes available to a person any records pertaining to the issuance of a marriage license as described in division (A) of this section, subject to division (C) of this section, a pro... |
Section 3107.071 | [Repealed effective March 20, 2025 by H.B. 5, 135th General Assembly] Effect of voluntary permanent custody surrender agreement.
... The agency files with the juvenile and probate courts the form prescribed under division (A)(1) of section 3107.083 of the Revised Code signed by the parent, provides a copy of the form signed by the parent to the parent, and keeps a copy of the form signed by the parent in the agency's records. The court shall keep a copy of the form signed by the parent in the court records. (B) In the case of a parent whos... |
Section 3107.65 | Terms prohibited in open adoption.
...on to be binding or enforceable. (B) A probate court may not refuse to approve a proposed placement pursuant to division (D)(1) of section 5103.16 of the Revised Code or to issue a final decree of adoption or interlocutory order of adoption under section 3107.14 of the Revised Code on the grounds that the birth parent and prospective adoptive parent have entered into an open adoption unless the court issues a findin... |
Section 3111.381 | Request to precede court action - jurisdiction.
...ild is deceased and proceedings for the probate of the estate of the alleged father have been or can be commenced, the court with jurisdiction over the probate proceedings shall retain jurisdiction to determine the existence or nonexistence of a parent and child relationship between the alleged father and any child without an administrative determination being requested from a child support enforcement agency. If ... |
Section 325.071 | Allowance for expenses that sheriff incurs in performance of sheriff's official duties and in furtherance of justice.
...xed by the court of common pleas or the probate court, with sureties to be approved by either of those courts. The bond shall be conditioned that the sheriff will faithfully discharge all the duties enjoined upon the sheriff, and pay over all moneys the sheriff receives in an official capacity. The bond, with the approval of the court of common pleas or the probate court of the amount of the bond and the sureties on ... |
Section 325.12 | Additional allowance to prosecuting attorneys.
...xed by the court of common pleas or the probate court, with sureties to be approved by either of those courts. The bond shall be conditioned that the prosecuting attorney will faithfully discharge all the duties enjoined upon the prosecuting attorney, and pay over all moneys received by the prosecuting attorney in the prosecuting attorney's official capacity. The bond, with the approval of the court of common pleas o... |
Section 331.01 | County facilities review board.
...ees shall be women. If the judge of the probate court chooses to appoint a county facilities review board, he shall initially appoint six persons, two of whom shall be appointed for terms of three years, two for terms of two years, and two for terms of one year. The terms of office shall commence on the first day of May. Thereafter, within thirty days prior to the first day of May of each year, the judge shall appoin... |
Section 331.06 | Annual report.
...rs advisable, file such report with the probate judge and the prosecuting attorney between the fifteenth day of November and the fifteenth day of December, forward a copy thereof to the central office of the department of job and family services, and send a copy of that part of the report concerning correctional institutions to the department of rehabilitation and correction. (B) The probate judge may, in that judge... |
Section 339.87 | Emergency detention order.
...culosis control unit shall apply to the probate court of the county from which the individual was removed for a detention order under division (B) of section 339.86 of the Revised Code. If a request is not filed in that time, the individual shall be immediately released. An individual released for this reason shall not be detained by a subsequent order under division (A) of this section unless the tuberculosis contro... |