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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

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Section 5126.32 | Obstructing review or investigation.

... the board may file a petition with the probate court of the county in which the residence is located for a temporary restraining order, in accordance with Civil Rule 65, to prevent the denial or obstruction of access. If the court finds reasonable cause to believe that the adult is abused or neglected and that access to the adult's residence has been denied or obstructed, the court shall issue a temporary order res...

Section 5139.08 | Agreements with other state agencies.

...uch institution shall be filed with the probate court of the county from which the child was committed to the department. Such court may request the probate court of the county in which the child is held to conduct the hearing on the application, in which case the court making such request shall bear the expenses of the proceeding. If the department files such an affidavit, the child or youth may be kept in such inst...

Section 5301.27 | Conditional grants or devises of real estate.

...of the performance of such acts, to the probate court of the county in which such lands are situated. The court must enter such payments and the proof of the performance of such acts on its journal, record the receipts and the proof of the performance of such acts on the margin of the will record in which such encumbrances are created, and order that this be done in like manner on the margin of the deed record by the...

Section 5301.47 | Marketable title definitions.

...e Revised Code. (B) "Records" includes probate and other official public records, as well as records in the office of the recorder of the county in which all or part of the land is situate. (C) "Recording," when applied to the official public records of the probate or other court, includes filing. (D) "Person dealing with land" includes a purchaser of any estate or interest therein, a mortgagee, a levying or attac...

Section 5303.28 | Trustees for entailed estates.

...n appointed and qualified in a court of probate all money arising from the sale of an estate described in section 5303.21 or 5303.211 of the Revised Code and from the notes given for the purchase money shall be ordered by the court authorizing such sale to be delivered to said trustee to be invested as provided by section 5303.27 of the Revised Code and the investment and management of such money shall thereafter be ...

Section 5305.01 | Assignment of dower.

...riting on the deed of assignment by the probate judge of the county, and also by the probate judge of the county appointing such guardian, and accepted by such spouse, in writing thereon, shall be a valid assignment.

Section 5309.14 | Application referred to examiner of titles for investigation - report. land or to any interest therein, the probate court or the court of common pleas shall enter an order referring it to one of the examiners of titles, who shall search the records and investigate all facts stated and all allegations made in the petition, or otherwise brought to his notice. Such examiner shall investigate particularly whether the land or any part thereof is occupied by, or is in the possession, actua...

Section 5309.16 | Answer day.

...fter the publication is completed. The probate court or the court of common pleas shall within seven days after the first publication of said notice in a newspaper, cause a copy of such published notice to be served on the defendants by registered letter, mailed by the clerk of the probate court or the clerk of the court of common pleas, with a five day return card thereon, to every defendant named in said notice wh...

Section 5309.20 | Cause may be referred to examiner of titles for hearing and report. on the motion of either party. The probate court or the court of common pleas may refer the cause or any part thereof to one of the examiners of titles as master, to hear the parties and their evidence, and make report of such evidence and his findings on it to the court. Such examiner's report shall have the same effect as that of a master appointed by the court in other cases and he shall proceed according to ...

Section 5309.27 | Certificates to owners as tenants in common - duplicate certificates.

...o lots shall file with the clerk of the probate court or the clerk of the court of common pleas a plan thereof, when applying for a new certificate, and the probate court or the court of common pleas, before ordering such certificate to be issued, shall cause the plan to be certified and filed with the recorder and recorded, and require that all boundaries, streets, and passageways shall be distinctly and accurately ...

Section 5310.15 | Fees.

...applicant shall pay to the clerk of the probate court or the clerk of the court of common pleas ten dollars, which is full payment for all clerk's fees and charges in such proceeding on behalf of the applicant. Any defendant, except a guardian ad litem, on entering an appearance by filing a pleading of any kind, shall pay to the clerk five dollars, which is full payment for all clerk's fees on behalf of such defendan...

Section 5310.38 | Implementation of resolution of abolition.

... of common pleas, and the clerk of the probate court in writing of the adoption of the resolution of abolition and set the date upon which implementation of abolition of land registration in the county is to begin. The date thus set, which is the "date of implementation," shall be not later than one month after the day upon which the resolution was adopted. If one or more parcels of land registered in the count...

Section 5310.49 | Jurisdiction after abolition of land registration system.

...ion: (A) The court of common pleas and probate court of the county have no jurisdiction under Chapter 5309. or sections 5310.01 to 5310.21 of the Revised Code; (B) No person shall file, and the clerk of the court of common pleas or clerk of the probate court of the county shall not accept, any application, pleading, or other paper commencing any action or proceeding arising under Chapter 5309. or sections 5310.01 t...

Section 5511.07 | Procedure for vacating highway.

..., that amount shall be deposited in the probate court or court of common pleas of the county in which the vacation lies, wholly or in part, and the procedure to adjudicate such claims shall be that provided under section 5519.01 of the Revised Code. No final determination shall be made by the director in vacating such highway or portion thereof until all awards are accepted, or deposit therefor made, in the probate ...

Section 5517.01 | Filing plans of proposed projects - right of entry.

... be paid, either party may petition the probate court of the county in which such land is situated. The court shall appoint a time for a preliminary hearing in such petition, notify the parties interested, fix a time for hearing of the matter in controversy, and the court may view the premises if it sees fit, hear evidence relating thereto, and assess such compensation or damages as the court deems just. When a petit...

Section 5731.26 | Tax commissioner - powers and duties.

...ployees of the county auditor or of the probate court of any county, with the consent of the county auditor or of the probate judge of that county, as his agent or agents to assist him in accepting filings of returns in the county, in determining the correctness of the returns filed in the county, and in complying with this chapter. The employee or employees so designated shall have all of the powers granted to the ...

Section 5731.27 | Certificate of determination of final estate tax liability.

... one copy of which shall be sent to the probate court of the county in which the return was filed if there is an administration of or other proceedings in the decedent's estate. (B) The tax commissioner, after determining that a deficiency or refund of tax or penalty addition to tax, shall issue a certificate of determination stating the adjusted amount of the tax due and the amount of any refund, deficiency, or p...

Section 5731.30 | Filing exceptions to tax commissioner's final determination of taxes with probate court.

... final determination of taxes, with the probate court of the county. Exceptions shall be filed within sixty days from the receipt of the certificate of determination issued by the tax commissioner, stating the grounds upon which such exceptions are taken. The court shall, by order, fix a time, not less than ten days thereafter, for the hearing of such exceptions, and shall give such notice of that hearing as it consi...

Section 5731.31 | Probate court jurisdiction.

...The probate court of the county has jurisdiction to determine all questions concerning the administration of the taxes levied by this chapter, and all questions concerning the proper determination of the amount of such taxes or penalties upon exceptions filed as provided in section 5731.30 of the Revised Code. Such jurisdiction shall exist not only as to the transfer of property which would otherwise invoke the juris...

Section 5731.33 | Receipt for payment.

...eipt and immediately transmit it to the probate court for the county in which the return has been filed if there is an administration of or other proceedings in the decedent's estate. (2) Upon the payment to a county treasurer of all estate taxes due under section 5731.02 or division (A) of section 5731.19 of the Revised Code with respect to a particular decedent's estate, the treasurer, in order to assist the count...

Section 5731.35 | Foreign estate tax.

...When a probate court or the tax commissioner determines or claims that a decedent was domiciled in this state at the date of decedent's death, and when the taxing authorities of another state, territory, or possession of the United States, or the District of Columbia, make a like claim on behalf of their state, territory, or possession of the United States, or the District of Columbia, the tax commissioner, with the ...

Section 5808.17 | Powers and duties of trustee on termination; protection from liability.

... determines would have been admitted to probate if it had been offered for probate. (c) The beneficiary's will described in division (D)(3)(b) of this section devised the residue of the beneficiary's estate to the trustee of the trust described in division (D)(3)(a) of this section to be held under the terms of that trust. (d) The trustee makes the distribution to the trustee of the trust described in division...

Section 5815.28 | Supplemental services for beneficiary with physical or mental disability.

...on of the court of common pleas and the probate court of the county in which the beneficiary of a trust authorized by division (B) of this section resides or is confined have concurrent original jurisdiction to hear and determine actions pertaining to the trust. In any action pertaining to the trust in a court of common pleas or probate court and in any appeal of the action, all of the following apply to the trial or...

Section 5815.35 | General partners acting as fiduciary.

... is appointed by and accountable to the probate court, and that is acting in a fiduciary capacity for another or charged with duties in relation to any property, interest, or estate for another's benefit. A fiduciary also includes an agency under contract with the department of developmental disabilities for the provision of protective service under sections 5123.55 to 5123.59 of the Revised Code, when appointed by a...

Section 5817.01 | Definitions.

... distributions. (C) "Court" means the probate court of the county in which the complaint under section 5817.02 or 5817.03 of the Revised Code is filed or the general division of the court of common pleas to which the probate court transfers the proceeding under division (A) of section 5817.04 of the Revised Code. (D) "Related trust" means a trust for which both of the following apply: (1) The testator is the se...