Ohio Revised Code Search
Section |
Section 3905.211 | Immunity.
...is section shall abrogate or modify any statutory or common law privilege or immunity that otherwise applies. |
Section 3905.41 | Accounts for fees.
... and other statutes imposing fees. The statutory fee for each service requested shall be charged against the proper account immediately upon the rendition of the service. Not later than the tenth day of each calendar month the superintendent shall render an itemized statement to each company or agent whose account has been charged during the month next preceding, showing the amount of all fees charged during ... |
Section 3916.01 | Viatical settlements model act definitions.
...nsible for ensuring compliance with all statutory and regulatory requirements and under which the trust agrees to make all records and files related to viatical settlement transactions available to the superintendent of insurance as if those records and files were maintained directly by the licensed viatical settlement provider. (L) "Special purpose entity" means a corporation, partnership, trust, limited liabilit... |
Section 3916.11 | Records - examinations.
...or modify in any way any common law or statutory privilege or immunity previously enjoyed by any person identified in division (G)(1) of this section. (3) A person identified in division (G)(1) or (2) of this section shall be entitled to an award of attorney's fees and costs if the person is the prevailing party in a civil action for libel, slander, or any other relevant tort arising out of activities in carrying... |
Section 3916.18 | Prohibiting fraudulent acts.
...ot abrogate or modify any common law or statutory privilege or immunity enjoyed by a person described in division (D)(1) of this section. (E)(1) The documents and evidence provided pursuant to division (D) of this section or obtained by the superintendent in an investigation of any suspected or actual fraudulent viatical settlement act is privileged and confidential, is not a public record open for inspection under ... |
Section 3999.31 | Immunity for providing or receiving information relating to suspected fraudulent insurance acts.
... or modify in any way any common law or statutory privilege or immunity enjoyed by any person. (E) Nothing in this section shall be construed to negate, supersede, or otherwise affect section 3911.06, 3911.07, 3915.05, or 3923.04 of the Revised Code. (F) This section may be cited as the conference of insurance legislators/national association of insurance commissioners model immunity act. |
Section 4123.06 | Rules regarding fees.
...ed employers or claimants by attorneys, agents, or representatives for services in matters before the commission. The commission shall set reasonable standards for those attorneys, agents, or representatives who practice before the bureau, district or staff hearing officers, or the commission. With respect to payment of fees to attorneys for services in securing an award under section 4123.64 of the Revised Code, t... |
Section 4141.281 | Appeal to director.
... the commission may allow an authorized agent to accept notice of hearing on behalf of claimants. An authorized agent may waive this notice of hearing and also the sending of decisions to individual claimants represented by the agent. (D) SPECIAL PROVISIONS (1) TIMELINESS OF APPEALS The date of the mailing provided by the director or the commission is sufficient evidence upon which to conclude that a determinat... |
Section 4713.33 | Cosmetology licensure compact.
...t State. Notwithstanding any subsequent statutory enactment to the contrary, such withdrawing State shall continue to recognize all licenses granted pursuant to this Compact for a minimum of one hundred eighty (180) days after the date of such notice of withdrawal. C. Nothing contained in this Compact shall be construed to invalidate or prevent any licensure agreement or other cooperative arrangement between a Memb... |
Section 4731.156 | Interstate massage compact (IMpact).
...t State. Notwithstanding any subsequent statutory enactment to the contrary, such withdrawing State shall continue to recognize all licenses granted pursuant to this Compact for a minimum of 180 days after the date of such notice of withdrawal. C. Nothing contained in this Compact shall be construed to invalidate or prevent any licensure agreement or other cooperative arrangement between a Member State and a non-Me... |
Section 4757.52 | Social work licensure compact.
...t State. Notwithstanding any subsequent statutory enactment to the contrary, such withdrawing State shall continue to recognize all licenses granted pursuant to this compact for a minimum of 180 days after the date of such notice of withdrawal. C. Nothing contained in this Compact shall be construed to invalidate or prevent any licensure agreement or other cooperative arrangement between a Member State and a non-Me... |
Section 4759.30 | Dietitian licensure compact.
...t State. Notwithstanding any subsequent statutory enactment to the contrary, such withdrawing State shall continue to recognize all Compact Privileges granted pursuant to this Compact for a minimum of 180 days after the date of such notice of withdrawal. C. Nothing contained in this Compact shall be construed to invalidate or prevent any licensure agreement or other cooperative arrangement between a Member State an... |
Section 5528.54 | Issuing general obligations to finance state projects.
...n accordance with their terms, maintain statutory authority for and cause to be charged and collected taxes, excises, and other receipts of the state so that the receipts to the bond service fund shall be sufficient in amounts to meet bond service charges and for the establishment and maintenance of any reserves and other requirements, including payment of financing costs, provided for in the bond proceedings. (Q) T... |
Section 5703.21 | Prohibition against divulging information - information acquired as result of audit.
...enue service, through federal and state statutory authority, may be disclosed to the auditor of state or the office of internal audit solely for purposes of an audit of the department. (4) For purposes of Chapter 3739. of the Revised Code, an agent of the department of taxation may share information with the division of state fire marshal that the agent finds during the course of an investigation. (C) Division ... |
Section 9.822 | Insurance and bonds.
... bond, provided the penal sums meet the statutory requirement. (C) The department of administrative services through the office of risk management shall purchase surety bonds, fidelity bonds, and public official bonds by licensed sureties for their respective purposes. Nothing in this section shall be construed to allow the department of administrative services through the office of risk management to do either of ... |
Section 123.21 | Authority of the commission.
...nate, and fix the compensation of, such agents, accountants, consultants, advisers, and other independent contractors as may be necessary or desirable to carry out the programs authorized under this chapter, or authorize the executive director to perform such powers and duties. (6) Receive and accept any gifts, grants, donations, and pledges, and receipts therefrom, to be used for the programs authorized under this... |
Section 1345.032 | Suppliers soliciting fees for copies of deeds.
...usiness in this state or its authorized agent ; (2) A mortgage loan originator, mortgage broker, lender, or servicer or a depository financial institution authorized under state and federal law to originate or service mortgage loans ; (3) A real estate broker or salesperson licensed under C hapter 4735. of the Revised Code. (E) The attorney general may adopt rules in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised... |
Section 151.40 | Issuing obligations for paying costs of revitalization projects.
...rituous liquor sold by the state or its agents so that the available pledged receipts are sufficient in time and amount to meet debt service payable from pledged liquor profits and for the establishment and maintenance of any reserves and other requirements provided for in the bond proceedings. (G) Obligations may be further secured, as determined by the issuing authority, by a trust agreement between the state an... |
Section 163.041 | Form of notice of intent to acquire.
...nted name and title of contact person) Agent of ____________________ (if different than agency) |
Section 164.12 | Preventing adverse effects on federal income tax.
...ond proceedings and notwithstanding any statutory or administrative limitations on the use or transfer of those funds or receipts, the appropriate official may withdraw or transfer from the fund or funds, or direct the deposit from receipts, designated for the purpose, and deposit in or credit to the fund or account established for the purpose, which establishment is hereby authorized, any amounts computed at the tim... |
Section 167.03 | Powers.
...ducational service center as its fiscal agent, that is established to provide health care benefits to the council members' officers and employees and their dependents may do either of the following: (1) Contract to administer and coordinate a self-funded health benefit program of a nonprofit corporation organized under Chapter 1702. of the Revised Code. A council operating a program under division (E)(1) of this se... |
Section 1701.46 | Voting by fiduciaries and minors.
...corporation issuing such shares and its agents or representatives, including, without limitation, inspectors of election, concerned with the exercise of the powers referred to in this section. (G) A holder of record of shares and a fiduciary who is not a holder of record of shares may not vote or execute consents or objections to consents contrary to the order of a court of competent jurisdiction in a proceeding to ... |
Section 1703.191 | Service of process on secretary of state in action against unlicensed foreign corporation.
...t limitation, any action to recover the statutory forfeiture for failure to be so licensed. Pursuant to such service, suit may be brought in Franklin county, or in any county in which such corporation did any act or transacted any business. Such service shall be made upon the secretary of state by leaving with him, or with an assistant secretary of state, duplicate copies of such process, together with an affidavit o... |
Section 1703.24 | Secretary of state to keep records and make monthly report to tax commissioner.
... names and addresses of their statutory agents, together with a list of all foreign corporations previously admitted to transact business in this state whose licenses to do so have expired or been canceled. |
Section 1745.05 | Definitions.
...r" means a manager, officer, member, or agent of an unincorporated nonprofit association, or another person acting for the association, who satisfies both of the following: (a) Performs services for or on behalf of, and under the authority or auspices of, that unincorporated nonprofit association; (b) Does not receive compensation, either directly or indirectly, for performing those services. (2) For purposes o... |