Section 124.182 | Professional development fund.
(A) There is hereby created in the state treasury the professional development fund. The director of administrative services shall use moneys credited to the fund to pay for programs that provide professional development opportunities for employees who are exempt from collective bargaining coverage and paid by warrant of the director of budget and management. The director of administrative services shall identify by rule adopted under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code programs for which payments from the fund shall be made. The fund also shall be used to pay any direct and indirect costs that are attributable to consultants or a third-party administrator and that are necessary to administer this section. All investment earnings of the fund shall be credited to it.
(B) The director of administrative services, in consultation with the director of budget and management, shall determine a rate at which the payrolls of all participating state agencies with employees paid by warrant of the director of budget and management shall be charged each pay period that is sufficient to cover the costs of administering the programs paid for with the moneys credited to the professional development fund. The rate shall be based on the total number of those employees and may be adjusted as the director of administrative services, in consultation with the director of budget and management, considers necessary. All moneys collected from the charge shall be credited to the professional development fund.
(C) If the director of administrative services determines that additional appropriation amounts are necessary, the director may request that the director of budget and management increase the appropriation amounts. The additional appropriation amounts are hereby appropriated.
Available Versions of this Section
- December 1, 2006 – House Bill 530 - 126th General Assembly [ View December 1, 2006 Version ]