Section 3313.531 | Adult high school continuation program.
(A) As used in this section, "adult high school continuation programs" means an organized instructional program for persons sixteen years of age and older, except as provided in division (C) of this section, who are not otherwise enrolled in a high school for which the director of education and workforce sets standards pursuant to section 3301.07 of the Revised Code. Such programs are limited to courses for which credit may be granted toward the issuance of a high school diploma.
(B) The board of education of any school district may establish and operate an adult high school continuation program. Two or more boards of education may jointly establish and operate such a program. The resolution establishing an adult high school continuation program may specify the contribution and expenditure of funds, the use of buildings, equipment, and other school facilities, and such other matters as the board wishes to include. In the case of a jointly operated program, the resolutions establishing such program shall also designate one of the participating boards to be responsible for receiving and disbursing funds, and administering the program for the benefit of all participating boards of education.
(C) A board of education that operates an adult high school continuation program alone or jointly with another board may, by resolution, authorize the district's superintendent to assign to such program in accordance with this section, any student who has not received a high school diploma, who is at least eighteen years old, and who is being readmitted to school following expulsion or commitment to the department of youth services. Before making any such assignment, the superintendent or the superintendent's designee shall meet with the student to determine whether the student should be so assigned, and shall prepare a report on the superintendent's or designee's findings and determination. If based on the meeting or the designee's report the superintendent finds that the pupil should be placed in a program under this section, the superintendent shall make the assignment. Once assigned to the program, the student shall remain in it until the student is reassigned by the superintendent or leaves school. At least once in each academic term, the superintendent or the superintendent's designee shall review the progress of each student assigned to the program under this division and the superintendent shall, based on the review, make a determination of whether the student should remain in the program or be reassigned. Tuition shall not be charged for the attendance of any student assigned to a program pursuant to this division who is entitled under section 3313.64 of the Revised Code to attend the schools of the district without payment of tuition.
(D) The department of education and workforce shall adopt rules and standards governing the operations of adult high school continuation programs. Any school district or combination of districts operating such a program in accordance with the rules and standards of the department may, with the approval of the department, receive reimbursement from the department in an amount not to exceed ten dollars per instructional hour.
Last updated July 31, 2023 at 4:28 PM
Available Versions of this Section
- July 1, 1989 – House Bill 111 - 118th General Assembly [ View July 1, 1989 Version ]
- October 3, 2023 – Amended by House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly [ View October 3, 2023 Version ]