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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Section 3734.914 | Required signage.


(A) A retailer that displays for sale and sells lead-acid batteries in the state shall post a sign that shall be at least eight and one-half inches by eleven inches in size, use lettering that is at least thirty point font in size, display the universal recycling symbol, and contain all of the following language:

(1) "It is illegal to discard a used lead-acid battery."

(2) "Recycle your used batteries."

(3) "State law requires us to accept used lead-acid batteries for recycling in exchange for new batteries purchased."

(B) This section does not apply to a motor vehicle dealer that is licensed under Chapter 4517. of the Revised Code.

Available Versions of this Section