Section 3773.45 | Physical examinations.
(A) The Ohio athletic commission shall adopt, and may amend or rescind, rules that do both of the following:
(1) Require the physical examination by appropriate medical personnel of each contestant in any public competition that involves boxing, mixed martial arts, kick boxing, karate, tough man contests, or any other form of boxing or martial arts within a specified time period before and after the competition to determine whether the contestant is physically fit to compete in the competition under specified standards, has sustained physical injuries in the competition, or requires follow-up examination; and
(2) Require the reporting of each examination to the commission.
(B) No holder of a promoter's license shall conduct a boxing match or exhibition that exceeds twelve rounds. Each round shall be not more than three minutes in length. A period of at least one minute, during which no boxing or sparring takes place, shall occur between rounds.
No holder of a promoter's license or a permit issued under section 3773.39 of the Revised Code shall allow a professional boxer to participate in more than twelve rounds of boxing within a period of seventy-two consecutive hours. For any match or exhibition or for a class of contestants, the commission may limit the number of rounds within the maximum of twelve rounds.
(C) No person shall conduct a boxing match or exhibition unless a licensed referee appointed by the commission and paid by the person is present. The referee shall direct and control the match or exhibition. Before each match or exhibition the referee shall obtain from each contestant the name of the contestant's chief second and shall hold the chief second responsible for the conduct of any assistant seconds during the match or exhibition. The referee may declare a prize, remuneration, or purse or any part thereof to which a contestant is otherwise entitled withheld if, in the referee's judgment, the contestant is not competing or did not compete honestly. A contestant may appeal the referee's decision in a hearing before the commission conducted in accordance with section 3773.52 of the Revised Code.
(D) No person shall hold or conduct a boxing match or exhibition unless three licensed judges appointed by the commission and paid by the person are present. Each judge shall render a decision at the end of each match or exhibition. The judges shall determine the outcome of the match or exhibition, and their decision shall be final.
(E) Each contestant in a boxing match or exhibition shall wear gloves weighing not less than six ounces during the boxing match or exhibition.
Available Versions of this Section
- October 16, 2009 – House Bill 1 - 128th General Assembly [ View October 16, 2009 Version ]