Section 4582.024 | Contiguous political subdivision may join port authority.
After a port authority has been created, any municipal corporation, township, or county, acting by ordinance, resolution of the township trustees, or resolution of the county commissioners, respectively, which is contiguous to such port authority, or to any municipal corporation, township, or county which proposes to join such port authority at the same time and is contiguous to such port authority, or any county within which such port authority is situated, may join such port authority and thereupon the jurisdiction and territory of such port authority shall include such municipal corporation, county, or township. If more than one such political subdivision is to be joined to the port authority at the same time, then each such ordinance or resolution shall designate the political subdivisions which are to be so joined. Any territory or municipal corporation not included in a port authority and which is annexed to a municipal corporation included within the jurisdiction and territory of a port authority shall, on such annexation and without further proceedings, be annexed to and be included in the jurisdiction and territory of such port authority. Before such political subdivision or subdivisions are joined to a port authority, other than by annexation to a municipality, the political subdivision or subdivisions theretofore comprising such port authority shall agree upon the terms and conditions pursuant to which such political subdivision or subdivisions are to be joined. For all purposes of sections 4582.01 to 4582.20, inclusive, of the Revised Code, such political subdivision or subdivisions shall be considered to have participated in the creation of such port authority, except that the initial term of any director of the port authority appointed by such a political subdivision shall be four years. After each ordinance or resolution proposing joinder to the port authority has become effective and the terms and conditions of joinder have been agreed to, the board of directors of the port authority shall by resolution either accept or reject such joinder. Such joinder shall be effective on adoption of the resolution accepting such joinder, unless the port authority to which a political subdivision or subdivisions including a county within which such port authority is located, are to be joined has authority under section 4582.14 of the Revised Code to levy a tax on property within its jurisdiction, then such joinder shall not be effective until approved by the affirmative vote of a majority of the electors voting on the question of such joinder. If more than one political subdivision is to be joined to the port authority, then the electors of such subdivision shall vote as a district and the majority affirmative vote shall be determined by the vote cast in such district as a whole. Such election shall be called by the board of directors of the port authority and shall be held, canvassed, and certified in the manner provided for the submission of tax levies under section 5705.191 of the Revised Code except that the question appearing on the ballot shall read:
"Shall ________________________________________________________
(name or names of political subdivisions to be joined)
be joined to ____________________ (name) port authority and the
existing tax levy (levies) of such port authority (aggregating)
_________ mill per dollar of valuation be authorized to be
levied against properties within
(name or names of political subdivisions to be joined)
If the question is approved such joinder shall be immediately effective and the port authority shall be authorized to extend the levy of such tax against all the taxable property within the political subdivision or political subdivisions which have been joined. If such question is approved at a general election then the port authority may amend its budget and resolution adopted pursuant to section 5705.34 of the Revised Code and such levy shall be placed on the current tax list and duplicate and collected as other taxes are collected from all taxable property within the port authority including the political subdivision or political subdivisions joined as a result of such election.
Last updated February 14, 2025 at 6:32 AM
Available Versions of this Section
- February 21, 1967 – House Bill 1 - 107th General Assembly [ View February 21, 1967 Version ]
- March 27, 2020 – Amended by House Bill 197 - 133rd General Assembly [ View March 27, 2020 Version ]
- September 13, 2022 – Amended by House Bill 140 - 134th General Assembly [ View September 13, 2022 Version ]
- April 9, 2025 – Amended by House Bill 496 - 135th General Assembly [ View April 9, 2025 Version ]