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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Section 4779.23 | Continuing education.

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(A) To be eligible for approval by the state board of orthotics, prosthetics, and pedorthics, a continuing education course must satisfy all of the following requirements:

(1) Include significant intellectual or practical content and be designed to improve the professional competence of participants;

(2) Deal with matters directly related to the practice of orthotics, prosthetics, or pedorthics, including professional responsibility, ethical obligations, or similar subjects that the board considers necessary to maintain and improve the quality of orthotic and prosthetic services in this state;

(3) Involve in-person instruction, except that a course may use self-study materials if the materials are prepared and presented by a group with appropriate practical experience;

(4) Be presented in a setting that is physically suited to the course;

(5) Include thorough, high-quality written material;

(6) Meet any other requirements the board considers appropriate.

(B) The board shall, in accordance with the standards in division (A) of this section, review and approve continuing education courses. If the board does not approve a course, it shall provide a written explanation of the reason for the denial to the person that requested approval. The board may approve continuing education courses approved by boards of other states that regulate orthotics, prosthetics, and pedorthics if the other board's standards for approving continuing education courses are equivalent to the standards established pursuant to division (A) of this section.

Available Versions of this Section