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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Section 5103.032 | Continuing training.

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(A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section and in section 5103.033 of the Revised Code, the department of job and family services may revoke a foster home certificate under section 5103.03 of the Revised Code if the foster caregiver fails to successfully complete continuing training in accordance with the foster caregiver's needs assessment and continuing training plan developed and implemented under section 5103.035 of the Revised Code.

(B) A foster caregiver shall be given an additional amount of time within which the foster caregiver must complete the continuing training required under division (A) of this section in accordance with rules adopted by the department of job and family services if either of the following applies:

(1) The foster caregiver has served in active duty outside this state with a branch of the armed forces of the United States for more than thirty days in the preceding two-year period.

(2) The foster caregiver has served in active duty as a member of the Ohio organized militia, as defined in section 5923.01 of the Revised Code, for more than thirty days in the preceding two-year period and that active duty relates to either an emergency in or outside of this state or to military duty in or outside of this state.

Last updated October 3, 2023 at 3:36 PM

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