Section 5534.23 | SFC Bobby Lee Estle Memorial Highway.
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August 5, 2016
Senate Bill 182 - 131st General Assembly
In addition to any other name prescribed in the Revised Code or otherwise, that portion of the road known as state route number forty-eight, running in a northerly and southerly direction between the interchange of that state route and interstate route number seventy-one and the interchange of that state route and state route number thirty-eight, within Warren county only, shall be known as the "SFC Bobby Lee Estle Memorial Highway."
The director of transportation may erect suitable markers along the highway indicating its name.
Available Versions of this Section
- August 5, 2016 – Senate Bill 182 - 131st General Assembly [ View August 5, 2016 Version ]
- April 6, 2017 – Senate Bill 207 - 131st General Assembly [ View April 6, 2017 Version ]