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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Section 5923.02 | Persons exempt from military service.

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(A) The following persons, if subject to duty in the Ohio organized militia, may be exempted by the adjutant general from duty on request:

(1) The vice-president of the United States;

(2) The officers, judicial and executive, of the departments of the state and of the United States, and the members of the general assembly, without regard to age;

(3) Members of the armed forces of the United States or their reserve components;

(4) Customhouse clerks;

(5) Employees of the United States postal service;

(6) Workers employed in armories, arsenals, or naval shipyards of the United States;

(7) Pilots on the navigable waters of the United States;

(8) Mariners licensed by the United States.

(B) Any person because of religious belief or other moral conviction held as a matter of conscience may claim exemption from Ohio organized militia service.

Available Versions of this Section