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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 1501:46-3 | Prohibitions

Rule 1501:46-3-01 | Posted.

"Posted" means and requires that the division shall set aside, at the area headquarters, a bulletin board or similar device upon which shall be displayed all special instructions, orders, and notices pertaining to locations in an area including but not limited to: special hours of operation, swimming and boating restrictions, hunting and trapping restrictions, and special instructions pertaining to locations where activities are curtailed or restricted. Except in emergency situations, said instructions, orders, notices, shall be displayed or signed in a location convenient to the general public. Declaration of posting shall originate with the chief of the division.

Any person who fails to comply with special instructions, orders, or notices posted in accordance with these provisions is in violation of this rule.

Last updated January 11, 2023 at 11:27 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.04
Five Year Review Date: 7/16/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 7/16/2021
Rule 1501:46-3-02 | Temporary closing of facilities.

(A) The chief of the division or his authorized agents may temporarily close to public use and evacuate a facility or area that is determined to be hazardous for public use due to weather, water, fire, construction, or other situations involving public health, safety, or welfare.

(B) No person shall enter, use or occupy and such closed area.

Last updated February 25, 2022 at 1:44 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.04
Five Year Review Date: 7/16/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 7/1/1980
Rule 1501:46-3-03 | Authority of lock personnel.

Authorized lock personnel shall be charged with the immediate control and management of a navigation lock, and of the area set aside as the lock area, including the lock approach channels. Such authorized personnel shall see that all laws, rules, regulations, and signs for the use of the lock and lock area are duly complied with, to which end any and all orders and directions necessary to compel compliance may be given by authorized personnel both to employees of the state and to any and every person within the limits of the lock or lock area, whether navigating the lock or not. No one shall cause any movement of any vessel, watercraft, or other artificial contrivance used as a means of transportation on the water in the lock or lock approaches except by or under the direction of the lock personnel.

Last updated February 25, 2022 at 1:44 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.04
Five Year Review Date: 7/16/2026
Rule 1501:46-3-05 | Trespassing on locks prohibited.

No person shall enter upon or trespass upon any lock on the Muskingum river except under the direction of lock personnel.

Last updated February 25, 2022 at 1:44 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.04
Five Year Review Date: 7/16/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 6/14/1975
Rule 1501:46-3-06 | Animal leash requirement.

(A) It is unlawful for any person who is the owner or handler of any animal to refuse or fail to keep such animal on a leash in hand and under control at all times while such animal is within any area administered by the division except as allowed in rule 1501:46-9-10 of the Administrative Code or except as authorized in paragraphs (C), (D), and (E) of this rule. Said leash is not to exceed six feet in length from hand to animal.

(B) Any animal found at large may be seized and disposed of as provided by law or ordinance covering disposal of stray animals on highways or public property then in effect in the territory in which the area administered by the division is located wherein such stray animal was seized.

(C) Tenants of the division, who lease realty or structures on areas administered by the division are permitted to keep pets on these premises provided such pets are adequately confined by fence, cage, leash, or other confinement so as not to run at large in other areas of the lands and waters administered by the division nor to interfere with the safety or well being of visitors to such areas.

(D) Use of a leash is not mandatory for hunting dogs under the control of a hunter in a designated public hunting area provided for in Chapter 1501:46-15 of the Administrative Code while hunting during lawful hours and seasons established by statute, rule, or order.

(E) The chief may designate "dog exercise" areas at state parks. Use of a leash is not mandatory for any dog under the control of it's owner or handler in the designated dog exercise area.

Last updated July 17, 2023 at 11:24 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.04
Five Year Review Date: 7/16/2026
Rule 1501:46-3-07 | Animals in cabin, lodge, golf courses, beach, and camp, facilities prohibited, exceptions.

No person is permitted to bring or keep any animal in any cabin, cabin area, lodge, lodge area, camping area, wildlife display area, or in the water or land area of any beach, swimming pool, or golf course administered by the division not designated for that purpose, except that a blind, deaf, or mobility-impaired person may bring or keep a service animal as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (28 C.F.R. part 35, subpart A, 35.104), especially trained for the purpose of aiding any such person, in any area administered by the division. Horsemen may bring or keep horses in areas designated as horseman's campgrounds. Persons may bring domestic cats and dogs to those sections of the camping areas that have been designated by the chief as a camping area zone permitting pets as provided in rule 1501:46-9-10 of the Administrative Code.

Last updated September 16, 2024 at 12:16 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 7/1/1983
Rule 1501:46-3-08 | Removal of barking or unruly animals.

If the menacing attitude of any animal under the control or supervision of any person within any area administered by the division excites fear in other persons, or if the animal disturbs the quiet enjoyment by other persons of any area administered by the division by incessant barking, whining, howling, crying or other incessant sharp, abrupt outcries, or other means, a natural resources officer may direct that the animal be removed by the owner or handler from any area administered by the division.

Last updated February 25, 2022 at 1:44 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.04
Five Year Review Date: 7/16/2026
Rule 1501:46-3-09 | Releasing of plants and animals prohibited.

(A) No person shall release any wild or domestic animal and abandon such animal, or plant or culture any seed or vegetation of any type in any area administered by the division without the written permission of the chief of the division.

(B) Tenants of the division, who lease realty or structures on areas administered by the divsion, are permitted to have small gardens.

Last updated February 25, 2022 at 1:44 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.04
Five Year Review Date: 7/16/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 6/14/1975
Rule 1501:46-3-10 | Removal of plants and other natural materials.

Except by permit issued for scientific or educational purpose by the chief of the division, it is unlawful to willfully or negligently pick, dig up, cut, mutilate, destroy, injure, disturb, move, molest, alter, treat, burn, or carry away any tree or plant or portion thereof, including but not limited to leaf mold, flowers, foliage, fruit, grass, turf, humus, shrubs, and dead wood, except in a specific area where the chief has authorized. Pine cones on the ground, berries, fruit, tree nuts, mushrooms, and naturally-shed antlers may be carried away during daylight hours from any area except any area where a restriction against such activities has been posted. Such taking may be done for personal use only and not for commercial purposes.

Last updated September 16, 2024 at 12:16 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.04
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 5/8/2020
Rule 1501:46-3-11 | Geological features.

It is unlawful to destroy, disturb, deface, mutilate, or remove earth, sand, gravel, shoreline of a lake, oil, minerals, stone, rocks, ice, or features of caves in any area administered by the division, except in specific areas when authorization by the chief to collect fossils or other geological materials is posted at the headquarters of the area to which the authorization applies or except where the chief has designated a nature study area.

Last updated September 16, 2024 at 12:16 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.04
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 11/7/2008
Rule 1501:46-3-12 | Archaeological and historical features.

No person shall remove from, injure, disfigure, deface, or destroy any object of paleontological, archaeological, or historical interest or value in any area administered by the division without a permit issued by the chief of the division.

Last updated February 25, 2022 at 1:44 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.04, 1546.20
Five Year Review Date: 7/16/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 6/14/1975
Rule 1501:46-3-13 | Littering, importing of rubbish and trash prohibited.

For the purposes of this rule, the terms "litter," "rubbish," and "trash" include, but are not limited to; garbage, peelings of vegetables or fruit, waste, refuse, rubbish, ashes, can(s), bottle(s), wire, paper, carton(s), box(es), motor vehicle or bicycle or wagon parts, furniture, glass, oil, sewage, anything of an unsightly nature, or anything of an unsanitary nature.

(A) No person is permitted to willfully or negligently leave, place, or dispose of any litter, rubbish, or trash under or upon the lands and waters of the division except in a receptacle designated for that purpose.

(B) No person is permitted to import into any area administered by the division from another place and willfully or negligently leave, place, discard any litter, trash, or rubbish under or upon the lands or waters of the division, or deposit such imported litter, trash, or rubbish in any receptacle designated for or ordinarily used by the division for the containment of such substances.

(C) Without obtaining prior written permission from the chief or the chief's authorized agent, no person is permitted to import into any area administered by the division from another place any leaves, grass clippings, tree limbs, brush, or other type of yard waste.

Last updated September 16, 2024 at 12:16 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.20
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 6/14/1975
Rule 1501:46-3-14 | Glass containers prohibited on beach.

Possession of glass containers on any beach area by any person is prohibited, except that thermos bottles or thermos jugs, which if broken or damaged will contain all glass particles within the outershell of such bottles or jugs, are permitted.

Last updated February 25, 2022 at 1:44 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.04
Five Year Review Date: 7/16/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 5/16/1982
Rule 1501:46-3-15 | Facility uncleanliness.

No person shall utilize any structure, facility, or area administered by the division and upon vacating said structure, facility or area, cause it to be left in an unreasonably unsanitary or unclean manner or condition.

Last updated February 25, 2022 at 1:44 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.04, 1546.20
Five Year Review Date: 7/16/2026
Rule 1501:46-3-16 | Injury to buildings, signs, and other property prohibited.

No person shall in any manner willfully mark, deface, or injure in any way, or displace, remove, or tamper with any division buildings, bridges, tables, benches, fireplaces, railings, paving or paving material, water lines, or other public utilities or parts or appurtenances thereof, signs, notices or placards whether temporary or permanent, monuments, stakes, posts, or other boundary markers, other structures or equipment, facilities, or division property or appurtenances whatsoever, either real or personal.

Last updated February 25, 2022 at 1:44 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.04, 1546.20
Five Year Review Date: 7/16/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 6/14/1975
Rule 1501:46-3-17 | Personal property left on division areas without approval.

Except with the approval of the chief or his designee, no person is permitted to leave any personal property in any area administered by the division in such a manner that the conditions surrounding its placement, when found, give indication that the owner has left the area administered by the division. Such property may be removed from the location at which it is found and stored by the division. The owner of such property, if known or can be found with reasonable effort, will be notified and the owner will be permitted to redeem such property by payment of a storage fee not to exceed one dollar per day plus the actual cost incurred in the recovery of such property. Any property unclaimed by the owner will be disposed of in accordance with section 1546.10 of the Revised Code. This rule does not apply to abandoned motor vehicles and trailers that are subject to licensing by the bureau of motor vehicles, or watercraft that are subject to the provisions of section 1547.53 of the Revised Code, or substances covered by rule 1501:46-3-13 of the Administrative Code, or to items placed at a geocaching site for which the area manager has given prior approval subject to the conditions thereof.

Last updated May 6, 2024 at 9:45 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.04, 1546.10, 1547.301, 1547.302
Five Year Review Date: 4/10/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 6/14/1975
Rule 1501:46-3-18 | Collection of firewood, use of chainsaws.

(A) It is unlawful for any person to gather firewood or use a chainsaw in any area administered by the division, except as noted in paragraphs (B) and (C) of this rule.

(B) Firewood for cooking or campfires may be supplied by the division when the chief determines that an abundance of timber has become available as a result of forest management practices or the necessary removal of trees impacted by weather conditions, and fallen small limbs and twigs appropriate for kindling may be gathered and used only on the areas administered by the division where such firewood was made available and kindling materials were collected.

(C) With written permission of the chief persons may cut and gather standing timber that as a result of wind, storm, or any other natural occurrence may present a hazard to life or property, or cut and gather timber that has fallen on lands under the control and management of the division.

Last updated September 16, 2024 at 12:16 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.10
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 5/17/2000
Rule 1501:46-3-19 | Fires, lighted cigarettes, embers.

No person shall kindle, build, maintain, or use a fire other than in places provided or designated for such purposes except by written permission issued by the area manager. Any fire embers or burning briquettes shall be continuously under the care and direction of a competent person over fourteen years of age from the time it is kindled until it is extinguished. No person within the confines of any area administered by the division shall throw away or discard any match, cigarette, cigar, embers or briquettes or other burning object which has not been entirely extinguished before being thrown away or discarded in receptacles or areas provided therefore. The area manager or his authorized representative may limit the size of all campfires and prescribe safety precautions to be taken. Upon a determination of extreme fire hazard no person shall smoke or build fires in areas posted as areas of extreme fire hazard.

Last updated February 25, 2022 at 1:44 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.04
Five Year Review Date: 7/16/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 6/14/1975
Rule 1501:46-3-20 | Smoking.

No person shall smoke in any structure or location in any area administered by the division where smoking is prohibited.

Last updated February 25, 2022 at 1:44 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.04
Five Year Review Date: 7/16/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 6/14/1975
Rule 1501:46-3-21 | Lake bottom salvage.

No person shall attempt to remove or shall remove any personal property from the bottom of the waters of any area administered by the division without first obtaining the permission of the area manager. This rule shall not apply to fishermen engaged in fishing nor persons within the submerged portion of a beach of the division, but fishermen engaged in the act of fishing with the aid of snorkel SCUBA apparatus shall be governed by this prohibition insofar as their actions are not directly connected with the act of underwater fishing.

Last updated February 25, 2022 at 1:44 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.04
Five Year Review Date: 7/16/2026
Rule 1501:46-3-22 | Intoxicating beverages.

(A) It is unlawful for any person to publicly consume or display the presence of any beer or intoxicating liquor in any area administered by the division, except within the confines and privacy afforded in a cabin, cabin site, lodge room, rented campsite, or in those areas designated by authority of the chief pursuant to paragraph (B) of this rule. For the purposes of this rule, beer or intoxicating liquor are defined as in section 4301.01 of the Revised Code.

(B) The chief may designate areas where a permit allowing the public display and consumption of beer or intoxicating liquor in select rentable facilities on state park land may be issued by the area manager if all the following apply;

(1) The renter has paid the rental fee for a private activity;

(2) Does not charge a separate admission fee;

(3) Does not offer beer or intoxicating liquor for sale as defined in section 4301.01 of the Revised Code; and

(4) Confines the display and consumption of beer or intoxicating liquor to a limited area as described in the permit.

Last updated September 16, 2024 at 12:16 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.04
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 3/1/1993, 12/15/2014, 1/26/2018
Rule 1501:46-3-23 | Throwing objects over cliffs, dams, or other structures prohibited.

No person shall throw, toss, drop, or propel, or cause - directly or indirectly - the throwing, tossing, dropping or propelling of any object over or off any precipice, dam, bridge, observation tower, or other similar structure or natural formation. Activities carried on as a necessary part of rock-climbing or rappelling when done in compliance with rules 1501:46-7-09 and 1501:46-7-10 of the Administrative Code are exempt from this rule.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.20
Five Year Review Date: 5/8/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 6/14/1975
Rule 1501:46-3-24 | Alms and contributions, solicitation prohibited.

No person shall solicit alms or contributions for any purpose, whether public or private, in any area administered by the division.

Last updated February 25, 2022 at 1:44 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.04
Five Year Review Date: 7/16/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 6/14/1975
Rule 1501:46-3-26 | Commercial activity prohibited except by permit.

(A) No person shall rent, sell, solicit, offer for sale or have in his possession with the intent to rent or expose for rent or sale any item or service in any area administered by the division except by authority of an approved concession contract or permit issued by the chief. Exempt from this paragraph are the collection of registration fees from participants in fishing tournament events which have been approved by the park manager; the sale of newspapers from vending machines located in areas designated for this purpose by the park manager; the sale of food items by a vendor who has been called to deliver the items into the park by a park visitor; and the sale of towing or repair services by a vendor who has been called to deliver these services to the park by a park visitor.

(B) Except by contract or permit issued as provided by paragraph (A) of this rule, no person shall display, erect, fix, or attach any commercial sign, notice billboard, poster or similar facsimile to any artificial structure or natural object in any area administered by the division. Owners of such signs shall be responsible for their removal at the expiration of the permit or a responsible time thereafter.

Last updated January 4, 2024 at 9:11 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.04, 1501.09
Five Year Review Date: 8/9/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 3/1/1995, 4/1/2004
Rule 1501:46-3-27 | Collecting prohibited without permit.

(A) No person is permitted to collect plants, animals, fungi, or geologic materials from any area administered by the division without first having obtained a collector's permit from the chief of the division in addition to any other required permits. Nothing contained in this paragraph restricts any of the following:

(1) Any licensed hunter or fisherman who is legally hunting or fishing in the taking of game or fish, or

(2) The collecting of plants, animals, fungi, and geologic materials in an area designated by the chief as a nature study area, and so posted in accordance with rule 1501:46-3-01 of the Administrative Code.

The special instructions posted for use of the nature study area will prevail where inconsistent with the provisions of this rule.

(B) All persons requesting a collector's permit shall, at the time of application for such permit, provide the following information on forms provided by the division:

(1) A program or project outline with the objective indicated;

(2) Dates when the permit is needed;

(3) Name of division administered area and specific locations of collecting therein;

(4) Species or specimen type with number to be collected;

(5) Equipment and method to be used for the collecting;

(6) Name of all persons participating in collection project;

(7) Planned disposition of specimens collected;

(8) Qualifications of applicant.

(C) Upon request, the permit holder shall submit a project report within sixty days after expiration of permit. Such report will include a data sheet for each area surveyed, species or other specimen type and number collected, date of collection, and all other data collected, including specific records as requested which may include, but is not limited to any of the following details:

(1) Temperature,

(2) Water chemistry,

(3) Weather conditions, and

(4) Habitat in general.

In addition, a copy of all reports or publications derived from the data collected are to be provided to the division.

(D) The collecting project must be conducted under the guidance of one person in charge of carrying on the project that possesses a collector's permit. Persons assisting with this project will not be compelled to obtain a collector's permit. However, in lieu of such, it is necessary for persons assisting to carry a copy of the original collector's permit which is to be carried at all times during collecting. Persons not possessing a copy of the original permit are not authorized to participate in collecting activities. Any misuse or illegal collecting participated in by possessors of these copies will authorize the chief or his representative to revoke said collecting permit and to deny future collecting authorization to the violators.

(E) Persons failing to provide full information provided in this rule to the satisfaction of the chief of the division will be denied a permit. Further failure to fulfill the conditions of the permit will serve as justification for the chief to deny future permits requested by the person or persons failing to comply.

Last updated September 16, 2024 at 12:16 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 5/8/2020
Rule 1501:46-3-28 | Special activities; permit required.

(A) No person shall conduct any special activity upon the lands or waters of the division without first obtaining a permit from the chief of the division upon application made not less than thirty days prior to the day of the proposed special activity. "Special activities" are supervised activities or events involving a number of participants or spectators, which significantly affect the public use, preservation and protection of lands or waters of the division.

(B) Announcements or notices of special activities as provided in this rule may be displayed in a manner as directed by the area manager.

(C) The division may provide a message board or similar device at the area headquarters upon which information about neighboring facilities or activities may be displayed for a reasonable period of time.

Last updated February 25, 2022 at 1:44 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.04, 1546.19
Five Year Review Date: 7/16/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 6/14/1975
Rule 1501:46-3-29 | Private channel construction.

(A) No person who is the owner, his agent, lessee, or tenant of land adjacent or contiguous to any lands or waters administered by the division may dredge or permit a channel to be dredged or otherwise constructed upon said land for the purpose of effecting a junction with the waters of the state, nor fill such channel with the waters of the state nor cut through any water containment on state lands or waters without first having made application and received written permission therefor from the chief of the division as hereinafter provided.

(B) Persons desiring to dredge or otherwise construct a channel on private land and to utilize the waters of the state to fill such channel shall submit a written request therefor to the chief of the division setting forth detailed information, including but not limited to:

(1) A drawing showing exact length, width, and depth of the proposed channel;

(2) Proof of low permeable qualities of the soil in the proposed channel;

(3) The sequencce and stages of construction with details showing plans to minimize any siltation impacts on the lake resulting from the construction project.

(C) If the chief determines that the proposed channel will be advantageous to the division in promoting increased recreational activities in the area and that the permeable qualities of the soil in the channel will preclude loss of normal pool stage of the waters of the state, and siltation from the channel will not severely hamper or impede navigation in the waters of the state, the chief may authorize construction of the proposed channel.

(D) Such authorization will be in contract form granting the applicant permission to cut through the existing containment on state lands for the purpose of utilizing the waters of the state to fill the proposed channel. Such authorization will contain the provisions hereinafter set forth:

(1) The applicant shall not alter, modify, or extend the channel or construct additional channels from the original construction without having requested and received additional written permission from the chief of the division and having paid an additional fee as provided for in the rules of the division;

(2) The applicant thereafter will permit the public to use the waters in the channel for fishing and boating purposes;

(3) The applicant shall grant to the division a perpetual easement for flowage and access and shall file such easement in the office of the county recorder of the county in which the channel is located;

(4) The applicant is responsible for channel maintenance including but not limited to maintaining the originally specified width and depth and for weed cutting without expense to the division now or in the future;

(5) The state retains the right to regulate water levels of the source supplying the channel without liability for damages to the property of the applicant or responsibility for maintaining channel water levels. The division is not liable for damage effects to the channel or its surrounding area from natural disasters and floods.

(E) The chief of the division will charge a one-time fee as compensation to the state of Ohio for this utilization of the waters of the state and for authorization to cut through containments on state lands. The fee is established in rule 1501:46-2-04 of the Administrative Code.

(F) This rule does not apply to drainage ditch excavation where said ditch is for the purpose of intermittently draining lands and said ditch is not being used for recreational purposes.

Last updated July 17, 2023 at 11:24 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02
Five Year Review Date: 5/8/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 6/14/1975, 5/8/2020
Rule 1501:46-3-30 | Off-trail use prohibited.

No person is permitted off the posted trails within Hocking Hills, Mohican, John Bryan, or Nelson Kennedy Ledges state parks, or designated areas, without written permission of the chief, except in those areas specifically designated for public use (campgrounds, picnic areas, hunting areas, rock-climbing areas).

Last updated September 16, 2024 at 12:16 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.04
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 7/1/1980, 4/10/1990
Rule 1501:46-3-31 | Containers on trails prohibited.

No person shall bring onto the trails of Nelson-Kennedy ledges any glass container, disposable can, or disposable plastic container unless such person has the written approval of the area manager.

Last updated February 25, 2022 at 1:44 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.04
Five Year Review Date: 7/16/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 3/1/1993
Rule 1501:46-3-33 | Feeding of wildlife.

Without the written approval of the area manager no person is permitted to intentionally feed any wild or domestic waterfowl, wild animal, or other wild bird, except in an area where signs are posted indicating that wildlife may be fed or when permitted as part of a park-sponsored nature program.

Last updated September 16, 2024 at 12:16 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.04
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 4/1/1998
Rule 1501:46-3-34 | Dog exercise areas.

(A) The chief may designate "dog exercise" areas at state parks. It is not mandatory for dogs in designated dog exercise areas to be on a leash if they are under the control and supervision of a person eighteen years old or older. Up to two dogs per adult are permitted in the dog exercise area.

(B) No person may bring a dog into a dog exercise area if the dog is under four months old; is in heat; or has fresh wounds. No person may bring a dog into a dog exercise area unless the dog is current with vaccinations and displays the current license and rabies tags.

(C) No person may bring a dog into a dog exercise area and fail to remove or collect their dog's waste and place it in the designated receptacles.

(D) No person is permitted to be in a dog exercise area between sunset to sunrise.

(E) Children under the age of sixteen are not to be in a dog exercise area except while under the supervision of a responsible adult.

(F) Any dog that exhibits threatening or vicious behavior is not permitted to enter dog exercise areas.

Last updated September 16, 2024 at 12:16 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1546.04
Amplifies: 1546.02, 1546.04
Five Year Review Date: 6/30/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 4/20/2007