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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.
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Chapter 3342-2 | Governance

Rule 3342-2-01 | Constitution of Kent State University.

(A) Preamble. The university was established by the general assembly of the state of Ohio by an enactment to be found in Chapter 3341. of the Revised Code. Pursuant to section 3341.02 of the Revised Code the government of the university is vested in a board of eleven trustees, two of whom shall be students at the university. The purpose of this rule is to mandate procedures which will regulate the internal operations of the board so as to facilitate the board in exercising the powers conferred upon it by the laws of the state of Ohio.

(B) Aims of the university.

(1) The university is dedicated to teaching the many who want to learn, to advancing knowledge and to providing appropriate public service. The university, with the singular advantages of a large residential state university located in the heart of the most heavily populated section of Ohio, is both a community of scholars and an important intellectual, cultural, scientific and technological resource for its area.

(2) The university's primary concern is the student. It endeavors to provide the academic atmosphere, the human association and the discipline vital to the student's sound intellectual growth and character development. The various programs of curricular and extracurricular activities are designed to stimulate curiosity, broaden perspective, enrich awareness, deepen understanding, establish disciplined habits of thought, provide preparation for a vocation and help in realizing the potential of students as individuals and as responsible and informed members of society.

(3) The university will continue to develop as an active institution of learning whose scholars extend the boundaries of knowledge and whose practitioners of the arts and professions help it to shape the culture of the area it serves. The university supports the research and other activities of its faculty and students, and recognizes not only the intrinsic value of such creativity but also its beneficial effect on teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.

(4) The university, like other large American state universities, combines service with teaching and research and makes available its rich variety of cultural, educational, technical and other resources to its area, to the state of Ohio, to the nation and to the international community.

(C) Student trustees. Student trustees serve a two-year term. They are appointed by the governor from a group of five names selected by the student trustee selection committee under a procedure adopted by the undergraduate student senate and the graduate student senate, administered through the office of the vice president for enrollment management and student affairs and approved by the board of trustees. Student trustees do not have the right to vote on measures that come before the board, are not considered as members in determining whether a quorum is present, are not to be officers of the board, and are not entitled to attend executive sessions of the board. However, they will be appointed as members of standing committees and special committees in the same manner as are nine-year trustees, and, except for the limitations listed above, they will be expected to participate fully in exercising the rights and responsibilities of those trustees appointed to nine-year terms.

(D) Powers of the board. The board shall have the power, not inconsistent with law or this rule, to do all things necessary for the proper maintenance and successful and continuous operation of the university.

(E) Officers and organization.

(1) Officers and term of office. Officers of the board shall be a chairman, a vice chairman and a secretary, who shall be members of the board. They shall be elected annually for one-year terms, at the first meeting of the board after the seventeenth of May. The chairman of the board will annually appoint a nominating committee, the function of which is to consult with each trustee to solicit nominations for each office. The nominating committee's recommendations for a consensus candidate for each office will be presented to the full board at the first meeting of the board after the seventeenth of May. At that time, the chairman will accept the committee's recommendations. The chairman will then entertain a motion from the floor to nominate a slate of candidates. After appropriate procedures, the candidates shall be elected by the board. New officers shall take office immediately following adjournment of the meeting at which they are elected, and shall not be elected to a particular office for more than two consecutive terms. Any officer of the board, having served two consecutive terms in any of the offices, can be reelected to that same office only after one year or more has elapsed from the date of expiration of such officer's latest previous term in that office. At the conclusion of an officer's term in one board office, such officer may be elected to another board office. Vacancies occurring in the offices of the board, for reasons other than expiration of term of office will be filled by election at the next meeting.

(2) Chairman. The chairman shall preside at meetings of the board. The chairman shall perform all general duties incident to the office of the chairman, and such other duties as may be assigned to the chairman by the board. The members of all committees of the board shall be appointed by the chairman, but all standing committees shall be subject to the approval of the board. Unless specifically provided to the contrary by the board, the chairman may assign any of the chairman's duties to another member of the board.

(3) Vice-chairman. At the request of or in the absence or disability of the chairman, the vice-chairman shall perform all the duties of the chairman and, while so acting, shall have all the powers and authority of the chairman.

(4) Secretary. The secretary shall be the custodian of and responsible for the official books and records of the board and shall keep the minutes of all meetings and proceedings of the board. The secretary shall give notice of all meetings of the board and shall be responsible for delivery of the agenda in accordance with the provisions of this constitution. The secretary shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the board from time to time.

(5) Removal of officers. Subject to the notice and agenda requirements specified in paragraph (F) of this rule, any officer of the board may be removed as such officer by resolution adopted by at least six members of the board.

(6) Board committees. Subject to the approval of the board, the chairman may appoint members of the board to such committees as is deemed necessary.

(F) Meetings of the board.

(1) Regular meetings. The board shall meet at least quarterly each year; provided, however, that one of the meetings shall be held subsequent to the seventeenth of May but prior to the fifteenth of July. At the time of adjournment of each regular meeting the board shall provide, by resolution, the time and place for the holding of the next regular meeting. The secretary of the board shall post written notice of each regular meeting to the residence or business address of each member of the board no less than fourteen days prior thereto. Notice shall include the time and place for the regular meeting.

(a) Public notification of meetings. No later than one week prior to the date of all regular meetings, such date, time, and location of the meeting, as well as the agenda, will be distributed by the office of university news and information to the media and other interested parties. The same office will announce the date, time, place, and purpose of any special meetings of the board at least twenty-four hours prior to that special meeting. In the event of an emergency meeting, university news and information will notify the media immediately of the time, date, place and purpose of the emergency meeting.

(b) Any person may, upon request, obtain advance notification of all meetings at which any specific type of public business is to be discussed.

(2) Business to be considered at regular meetings.

(a) An agenda of matters to be considered shall be constructed by the president in collaboration with the chairman or by the president with the authorization of the chairman and delivered by the secretary or the secretary's designee to each board member at least five days prior to a regular meeting of the board.

(b) Along with the agenda, any proposed action which will substantially affect university policy, including, but not limited to the consideration of major appointments and the annual budget, shall be presented to board members in a form sufficient to advise them adequately as to the content of the proposed action.

(c) With the permission of the board, the president may add emergency matters to the agenda at any time.

(d) Any matter coming to the board other than from a board member or the president shall be presented to the chairman in writing at least two weeks prior to the meeting at which it is proposed for consideration. Any persons wishing to speak at a meeting must give at least two weeks written notice to the chairman and must set forth the subject on which they wish to speak. The chairman shall determine which requests shall be placed on the agenda and may make other appropriate disposition of said requests.

(3) Special meetings. Special meetings of the board may be called by the chairman of the board or upon the request of the president or upon the written request of three members of the board. Unless the chairman determines that an emergency situation exists, written notification of a special meeting shall be received by each board member at least two days prior to the commencement of the meeting. The notice shall specify the business to be conducted at the special meeting as well as the time and place for such meeting. No business other than that specified in the notice may be conducted at a special meeting. Attendance of a board member at any special meeting shall constitute a waiver of notice.

(4) Special hearings. Hearings outside of official meetings may be arranged by the board.

(5) Quorum. A majority of the board, when duly convened, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. At any meeting at which a quorum is present, a majority vote of those present shall be required for any official board action. No member may vote except in person at the meeting. By law, student trustees are not to be counted in the determination of a quorum.

(6) Organization of meetings. The chairman shall preside over all meetings. In the absence of the chairman, the vice-chairman shall preside. In the absence of both the chairman and the vice-chairman, a member of the board then present shall be chosen by a majority of the board members present to preside over the meetings. The secretary or the secretary's designee shall keep the minutes.

(7) Order of business. Unless otherwise ordered by the chairman, the usual order of business at board meetings shall be as follows:

(a) Roll call;

(b) Call to order;

(c) Reading and disposition of minutes of previous meeting;

(d) Reports and recommendations of the president;

(e) Committee reports;

(f) Consideration of communications;

(g) Unfinished business;

(h) New business; and

(i) Adjournment.

(8) Rules of order. The latest revised edition of "Robert's Rules of Order" shall be accepted as authority on all questions of parliamentary procedure not determined by this rule. Any motion shall be reduced to writing on the request of any member.

(G) Administration of the university.

(1) Board of trustees. In accordance with the laws of the state of Ohio, the board is the governing body of the university and shall do all things necessary for the proper maintenance and successful and continuous operation of the university. From time to time, as may be appropriate and deemed necessary, the board will delegate certain authority for the administration of the university to designated administrative officers. Such delegation shall be specified in a manner to be determined by the board and shall be accompanied by periodic review of the exercise of such authority.

(a) Reserved powers. At all times and as prescribed by law, the board shall retain the ultimate authority to approve and/or initiate:

(i) The administrative structure of the university;

(ii) The educational programs and academic requirements of the university;

(iii) The appointment, compensation and removal of all university personnel;

(iv) The fiscal policies of the university; and

(v) University policies.

(b) Advisory procedures. Approval by the board of policies, procedures and internal governance arrangements to assure collegiality shall be requisite. However, no delegation of the authority of the board may interfere with or limit the ability of the board to initiate or authorize action in the exercise of its reserved powers.

(2) The president of the university. The board shall annually elect a president of the university to hold office at the discretion of the board. The president shall be the executive head of the university and to the president is committed the general supervision of its interests and the president may act with freedom within the lines of university policy approved by the board. The president shall submit such reports to the board as the board may request. The president shall appoint, subject to the approval of the board, such personnel as are necessary to carry out effectively and efficiently the mission and the operation of the university.

(3) The administrative officers of the university. With the approval of the board, the president shall appoint the major administrative officers of the university. The president shall also be responsible for assuring responsible participatory roles for faculty, students and staff, as appropriate, in the selection and review of major academic administrators. The highest academic administrator shall be responsible for assuring similar roles for permanent faculty and students in the selection and review of subordinate officers in his or her line of responsibility. Such administrative officers shall provide leadership for the university in accordance with their assigned responsibilities and the exercise of authorities delegated to them by the president and the board.

(4) Policies of the university. The major functions of the university shall be guided by rules, and regulations as defined and established herein.

(a) "University policies" are defined as policy statements, rules and regulations governing instructional and educational programs, university research, student life, administrative operations, finance, and personnel management which have broad application for the entire campus community. Such policies as directly affect the educational mission of the university may be considered or reviewed at any time by the faculty senate and require the approval of the appropriate chief administrative officer, the president and the board.

(b) The authority for formulating policies which do not have broad application for the entire campus community may be delegated by the board to the president and administrative officers of the university.

(i) "Administrative policies" are defined as rules and regulations governing internal operations in concert with university policies. Such policies require the approval of the appropriate chief administrative officer and/or the president.

(ii) "Operational procedures and regulations" are defined as necessary operational guidelines to implement policies or programs of the university. Such operational procedures and regulations may be established in concert with polices of the university by the appropriate administrative officer of the university.

(c) Policy development. Policy recommendations may be initiated by the board, the president, an administrative officer, any committee or council, the faculty senate and its committees, or individual members of the university community, its students, faculty, and staff through established procedures. The board shall be the final authority in resolving conflicts or disputes in the interpretation of university policies.

(d) Policy review. Each vice president of the university shall be responsible for presenting all new policies or revisions of old policies which affect their divisions to the appropriate subcommittee of the board of trustees. They shall:

(i) In the case of a university policy requiring board action, submit the policy as an action item at the appropriate time prior to a board of trustees meeting;

(ii) In the case of administrative or operational policy, submit the policy for review by the trustees no later than the first board meeting following the effective date of the new policy or revision;

(iii) Inform the campus community who will be affected by the new policy or revision, that the policy is subject to review by the board of trustees at its next scheduled session; and

(iv) No action taken by the university administration under these sections will diminish the ultimate authority of the board to govern the university.

(e) Policy implementation. The university counsel office shall be responsible for the administration of university policies and shall facilitate their development. It shall:

(i) Provide for a standardized policy format;

(ii) Maintain a university register of policies and procedures and provide for the publication and distribution of the same so as to be accessible to all members of the university community;

(iii) Provide for and facilitate effective and responsible participation in policy formulation, implementation and review by appropriate and affected constituencies of the university community;

(5) University committees and councils. The president, with the approval of the board, may establish various committees and councils representing various constituencies to assist in the development of policies for the governance of the university. At all times the role of any such body shall be defined as that of recommending policy, serving in a consultative and/or advisory capacity to the president or appropriate administrative officer. Committee and council recommendations relating to academic standards and policies, instruction, research, professional standards, or faculty personnel policies shall be referred to the faculty or to its elected faculty senate, as chartered by the board, prior to submission to the president for action or for recommendation to the board, as appropriate. The establishment of such committees and councils shall not be construed to limit the ability of the board, the president, the faculty senate, or the administrative officers of the university to initiate and review action in the accomplishment of their assigned responsibilities.

(a) "University committees" are defined as representative bodies concerned with a specialized function of university life. Such committees may be a committee of the faculty senate, a subcommittee of a university council or report directly to an administrative officer or the president.

(b) "University councils" are defined as university-wide bodies representing a constituency or constituencies of the university and related to a major function of the university. Such councils shall report through the appropriate administrative officer of the university. The constitution, charter, bylaws and/or guidelines for such deliberative bodies require the approval of the president and the board.

(c) "University commissions" are defined as ad hoc committees to accomplish a given or assigned task within a defined period of time. Such commissions may be established by a university council, within the limits of its assigned responsibilities, or by the faculty senate, an administrative officer of the university, the president, or the board.

(6) Collegial, school and departmental organization. Each college or school and its subordinate units and any other instructional unit shall prepare guidelines for the management of its affairs. These guidelines should be recommended by the faculty of the unit and approved by the chief administrative officer of the subordinate unit, the appropriate collegial dean, and the provost. Such guidelines shall be consistent with the policies and procedures contained in the university register and may not limit the ability of the board to initiate or authorize action in the exercise of its powers.

(7) Supersession.

(a) The provisions of paragraph (G) of this rule shall supersede all previous actions and, in the event of conflict in existing policies or charters, the provisions of paragraph (G) of this rule shall be the final arbiter in conflicts arising between the provisions of paragraph (G) of this rule and any policies or charters of the university.

(b) Existing internal governance arrangements and university policies are not contravened by this constitution where those arrangements and policies are congruent with the above provisions.

(H) Bylaws of the board of the university. The bylaws of the board are operative by constitutional authority of said body.

(I) Amendments to constitution. This constitution may be altered, amended, or repealed at any meeting of the board pursuant to the procedures set forth for the consideration of business and section 111.15 of the Revised Code.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3341.01
Amplifies: 3341.01, 3341.04
Prior Effective Dates: 2/8/1993
Rule 3342-2-02 | Bylaws of the board of trustees of Kent state university.

(A) Purpose. These bylaws, including additions or amendments, outline the major policies prescriptive to the board.

(B) Ohio board of regents. Except as expressly provided in Chapter 3333. of the Revised Code, establishing the Ohio board of regents, nothing in such chapter shall be construed to deprive the board of the duties and powers conferred upon it by the law in the government of the university.

(C) Statement on equal opportunity. The board is dedicated to and will provide for equal education and employment opportunities at the university. Further, the full and equal integration of all, regardless of race, religion, national origin, sex, age, or disability, is a principle to which this university is committed.

(D) Legal advisor. The attorney general of the state of Ohio shall be the legal advisor of the board and shall institute and prosecute all suits in its behalf.

(E) Major position vacancies. When the position of an administrative officer, dean, department chairman, or director of a major instructional area becomes vacant, and it is determined that the position shall be continued, a replacement will be selected through established procedures within one year from the first day of vacancy. Failing this selection, the board will name a replacement, following a required recommendation from the president. Such designation by the board will be made no later than its second meeting after completion of the year of vacancy.

(F) Fixing salaries. The selection, classification and wage scales of all personnel not otherwise under contract to the board shall follow the provisions of Chapter 124. of the Revised Code insofar as these provisions apply to the university procedures.

(G) University facilities.

(1) Construction and maintenance. All proposals submitted by the president for the construction of new buildings, the remodeling of older structures and the purchase of new properties shall be reviewed by and be subject to the approval of the board.

(2) Designation of name. University buildings, other structures of a permanent nature, roads and other specific areas which are to be known by particular designation shall be named by the board.

(3) Public use. The use of university facilities shall be governed by such rules and regulations as may be promulgated by the board.

(H) Degrees and certificates.

(1) Degrees and certificates shall be awarded by the board upon recommendation of the university faculties transmitted to the board by the president. All diplomas issued to those receiving degrees from the university shall bear the names of the chairman, the dean of the appropriate college, and the president.

(2) On the recommendation of the faculty, the board may confer such honorary and academic degrees as are customarily conferred by colleges and universities in the United States.

(I) Emeritus status for trustees. A member of the board who has served in that capacity at least two years, and who has performed beyond the regular call of duty, will on termination of his or her membership become an emeritus trustee with all the rights and privileges pertaining thereto.

(J) Gifts. The board, for and in behalf of the university, may accept gifts of money, real and personal property and shall administer same according to law.

(K) Amendments to bylaws. These bylaws may be altered, amended or repealed at any meeting of the board pursuant to the procedures as set forth in the constitution for the consideration of business and section 111.15 of the Revised Code.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3341.01
Amplifies: 3341.01, 3341.04
Prior Effective Dates: 10/5/1979
Rule 3342-2-03 | University policy regarding the establishment of revision of academic administrative structures.

(A) Purpose. The university recognizes that academic administrative structures should reflect and facilitate the academic mission and strategic direction of the university.

(B) Policy implementation.

(1) All requests for establishing or revising academic administrative structures as provided for in paragraphs (D)(1) to (D)(5) of rule 3342-2-03.1 of the Administrative Code must be supported with a proposal that addresses:

(a) The quality of the faculty, students, and programs;

(b) Centrality and coherence to the mission and strategic directions of the university and other academic units;

(c) Comparative advantage versus other structures;

(d) What makes the unit particularly appropriate for Kent state university;

(e) Demand for the unit and for the graduates of the unit;

(f) Duplication and interrelatedness of the unit's program(s) within the university, state, and region;

(g) Efficiency and effectiveness of the unit in leveraging existing resources and expanding new resources;

(h) Administrative reporting structure;

(i) Space and capital budget needs;

(j) A proposed operating budget with any one-time resource needs;

(k) Evaluation procedures including academic assessment procedures; and,

(l) A timetable for proposal implementation.

(2) Establishment or revision of academic administrative structures must be in conformity with rules 3342-2-03.1, 3342-2-03.2, and 3342-2-03.3 of the Administrative Code.

Last updated March 22, 2024 at 11:15 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3341.04
Amplifies: 3341.01, 3341.04
Prior Effective Dates: 3/1/2015
Rule 3342-2-03.1 | Administrative policy and procedures regarding academic administrative structures.

(A) Purpose. The university recognizes and designates several types of academic administrative structures that serve to facilitate its academic mission. Academic administrative structures exist to coalesce disciplinary expertise, to provide administrative support, to enhance the possibility of obtaining financial resources or extramural funding, and to increase the possibilities for educational or community outreach.

(B) Policy implementation.

(1) Regional campus.

(a) A regional campus may be created to provide instruction, outreach, and research for a geographical service area distinct from the Kent campus.

(b) Each regional campus provides on-site academic and administrative services and generally maintains its own physical plant.

(c) Regional campus faculty set degree requirements for associate degree programs through cognate committees with the approval of the provost, the regional campuses curriculum committee, the college curriculum committee, and the educational policies council and the faculty senate.

(d) The regional campus is a unit of analysis for student headcount, credit hour generation, faculty appointments, academic staff, and budgetary support.

(e) A regional campus shall be established or eliminated by the Ohio board of regents and the KSU board of trustees upon the recommendation of the president and the provost. Prior to recommending the establishment or elimination of a regional campus, or the substantial modification of the academic structures of an existing campus, the president and provost shall consider the recommendation of the vice president for regional development and the executive dean for regional campuses. The president and provost also shall consider a recommendation from the appropriate curricular and governance bodies, including the regional campuses FAC and curricular committee, the educational policies council and the faculty senate.

(f) A regional campus shall be headed by a dean who shall have a dual reporting line to the provost and to the vice president for regional development.

(2) College.

(a) A college may be created to align more effectively academic departments, schools, and programs that share a common mission, similar instructional goals, and related scholarly programs. Typically, the component units of a college shall represent disciplinary or professional specialties that have a close affinity with one another.

(b) The primary rationale for a college is to facilitate cooperation and collaboration among its various academic components while at the same time providing enhanced visibility and stature for these units within the university and with external publics.

(c) A college is also expected to yield substantial benefits for faculty, students, and staff, as well as external constituent groups.

(d) A college shall be established or eliminated by the board of trustees upon the recommendation of the president and the provost. Prior to recommending the establishment or elimination of a college, or the substantial modification of the structures of an existing college, the provost shall consider the recommendation of the appropriate curricular and governance bodies, including the educational policies council and the faculty senate.

(e) A college shall be headed by a dean who shall report directly to the chief academic officer of the university (i.e., provost) and who shall have primary responsibility for all curricular, budgetary, and personnel actions of the college. The dean shall be appointed by the provost upon the recommendation of the appropriate advisory body and approval of the board of trustees.

(3) Departments and dependent schools.

(a) A department or dependent school may be created to house one or more academic programs with associated faculty, degree programs, and students.

(b) The primary rationale for a department or dependent school is to provide instruction in a professional discipline, an academic area or field. Each department has a resident faculty that offers instruction in one or more academic disciplines or fields. Each dependent school has a resident faculty that offers instruction in one or more professional disciplines, academic areas or fields.

(c) Department and dependent school faculty set degree requirements for unit major programs, with the approval of the college curriculum committee and the educational policies council.

(d) The department or dependent school is a unit of analysis for student headcount, credit hour generation, faculty appointments, academic staff, and budgetary support.

(e) Other purposes of departments and dependent schools are to focus scholarly and disciplinary activities of the faculty and to provide professional services in the areas(s) of departmental expertise.

(f) A department or dependent school shall be established or eliminated by the board of trustees upon the recommendation of the president, the provost, and the dean. Prior to recommending the establishment or elimination of a department or dependent school, or the substantial modification of the structure of an existing department(s) or dependent school(s), the provost shall consider the recommendations of the appropriate curricular and governance bodies, including the college curriculum committee, educational policies council and the faculty senate.

(g) A department or dependent school shall be headed by a chair or director who shall have primary responsibility for all curricular, budgetary, and personnel actions of the unit. The chair/director shall be appointed by the dean in consultation with the provost upon the recommendation of the appropriate faculty advisory body and approval of the board of trustees.

(4) Independent school or graduate school.

(a) An independent school or graduate school may be created to house one or more academic programs with associated faculty, degree programs, and students.

(b) The primary rationale for an independent school or graduate school is to provide instruction in a professional field. Each independent school has a resident faculty that offers instruction in one or more professional disciplines or fields.

(c) Independent school or graduate school faculty set degree requirements for the school's major programs, with the approval of the educational policies council.

(d) The independent school or graduate school is a unit of analysis for student headcount, credit hour generation, faculty appointments, academic staff, and budgetary support.

(e) Other purposes of independent schools and graduate schools are to focus scholarly and professional activities of the faculty and to provide professional services in the area(s) of the school's expertise.

(f) An independent school or graduate school shall be established or eliminated by the board of trustees upon the recommendation of the president, the provost, and the dean. Prior to recommending the establishment or elimination of an independent school or graduate school, or the substantial modification of the structure of an existing independent school(s) or graduate school, the provost shall consider the recommendations of the appropriate curricular and governance bodies, including the educational policies council and the faculty senate.

(g) An independent school or graduate school shall be headed by a dean who shall report directly to the chief academic officer of the university (i.e., provost) and who shall have primary responsibility for all curricular, budgetary, and personnel actions of the school. The dean shall be appointed by the provost in consultation with the appropriate advisory body and approval of the board of trustees.

(5) Divisions.

Divisions within academic affairs exist to provide services beyond those offered by colleges, department and dependent schools, or independent schools and graduate schools. These services include, for instance, advising, fundraising, instruction in library use and in research methods, management of the library's collections and databases, and planning and installation of classroom technology, and/or technology support. Current divisions include:

(a) libraries and media services;

(b) research and graduate studies;

(c) undergraduate studies.

(6) Institute.

Institutes established by academic administrative structure shall be governed by rule 3342-2-03.2 of the Administrative Code.

(7) Center.

Centers established as an academic administrative structure shall be governed by rule 3342-2-03.3 of the Administrative Code.

(8) Other designations for general-purpose organizational structures.

Supplemental academic administrative structures receiving, or eligible to receive, institutional recognition and support may be established by the appropriate dean with the approval of the provost. These structures are designed to align with a unit's strategic mission, but do not meet the requirements of a center or institute.

(a) The minimum requirements and procedures for establishing such supplemental academic administrative structures shall be established and maintained by the provost.

(b) Prior to recommending the establishment of a supplemental academic administrative structure to the provost, the dean will consider the recommendations of the department faculty advisory committee and/or the regional campus faculty advisory committee.

Last updated March 22, 2024 at 11:15 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3341.04
Amplifies: 3341.01, 3341.04
Prior Effective Dates: 11/4/1977, 10/24/1988, 3/1/2015
Rule 3342-2-03.2 | Administrative policy and procedures regarding academic administrative structures: institutes.

(A) Purpose. The university recognizes and designates several types of academic administrative structures that serve to facilitate its academic mission. Institutes created under this policy provide an organizational identity to selected programs and participating faculty, staff and students and supplement and complement the mission of academic units. However, institutes shall not serve as the site of primary academic appointments for faculty nor shall they offer any academic degree or certificate.

(B) Definitions.

(1) Institute. An academic administrative structure that facilitates and administers comprehensive multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary research, education and service. While institutes may focus primarily on research and scholarship, they can also provide an organizational identity to cross-campus education and service programs and participating faculty, staff and students and, by doing so, supplement, complement and bridge the individual missions of multiple academic departments, schools and colleges.

(2) Multi-disciplinary activities that draw on knowledge from different disciplines.

(3) Inter-disciplinary activities that depend on the intersection and synergies between different disciplines.

(C) Implementation

(1) An institute may only be created to facilitate comprehensive multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary research, education and service on a major problem or on a cluster of significant related topics or issues. The topics or issues that provide the focus for the institute shall involve multiple academic units and incorporate a university-wide perspective.

(2) An institute must serve all three of the following multi-mission criteria in its activities: research, education and service.

(3) An institute shall be established or eliminated by the board of trustees upon the recommendation of the president, provost, vice president for research and sponsored programs, educational policies council and faculty senate. Prior to recommending a substantial modification, the president, provost and vice president for research and sponsored programs shall consider the recommendations of the curricular and governance bodies deemed appropriate through consultation with the faculty senate chair. The provost, in consultation with the vice president for research and sponsored programs, shall be responsible for maintaining and communicating the format, process and minimum requirements for such recommendation.

(4) The provost, in consultation with the vice president for research and sponsored programs, may establish a research initiative as an initial structure to test the viability of potential institute, prior to recommending the establishment of an institute.

(5) A director shall serve as the administrator for an institute and shall be appointed by the provost in consultation with the vice president for research and sponsored programs. The director shall be responsible for filing an annual report with the provost and vice president for research and sponsored programs. The specific requirements addressed by the annual report shall be established by the provost in consultation with the vice president for research and sponsored programs.

(6) Institutes shall adhere to operational procedures established and maintained by the vice president for research and sponsored programs.

(D) Review procedures for institutes.

(1) Unless an exception is requested by the director and approved by the provost in consultation with the vice president for research and sponsored programs, all institutes will be reviewed every five years. The provost, in consultation with the vice president for research and sponsored programs, shall be responsible for maintaining and communicating the format, process and minimum requirements for such review.

(2) Each review will conclude with a recommendation to the provost and vice president for research and sponsored programs to continue, modify, or abolish the structure of the institute. In addition to the results of any review conducted, an institute may be abolished as a result of a review or abandoned as a result of continued inactivity in excess of one academic year.

Last updated March 22, 2024 at 11:16 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3341.04
Amplifies: 3341.01, 3341.04
Rule 3342-2-03.3 | Administrative policy and procedure regarding academic administrative structures: centers.

(A) Purpose. The university recognizes and designates several types of academic administrative structures that serve to facilitate its academic mission. Centers created under this policy provide an organizational identity to selected programs and participating faculty, staff and students, and supplement and complement the mission of academic units. However, centers shall not serve as the site of primary academic appointments for faculty nor shall they offer any academic degree or certificate.

(B) Definitions.

(1) Center. An academic administrative structure that facilitates and administers research, education or service activities. Centers provide an organizational identity to selected research, education or service activities and participating faculty, staff and students, and supplement and complement the individual missions of academic departments, schools and colleges.

(C) Implementation

(1) A center may only be created to provide an administrative structure to focus and bring together research, education or service in a single area or cluster of related areas. The topics or issues that provide the focus for the center may involve multiple academic units.

(2) A center may serve one or more of the following criteria in its activities: research, education, and service.

(3) A center shall be established or eliminated by the board of trustees upon the recommendation of the president, provost, educational policies council and faculty senate. Prior to recommending a substantial modification, the president and provost shall consider the recommendations of the curricular and governance bodies deemed appropriate through consultation with the faculty senate chair. The provost shall be responsible for maintaining and communicating the format, process, and minimum requirements for such recommendation.

(4) A director shall serve as the administrator for a center and shall be appointed by the provost in consultation with the dean(s) of participating colleges and independent schools (hereafter "the dean"). The director shall be responsible for filing an annual report with the dean(s) and provost. The specific requirements addressed by the annual report shall be established by the dean in consultation with the provost.

(5) Centers shall adhere to operational procedures established and maintained by the dean(s).

(D) Review procedures for centers.

(1) Unless an exception is requested by the director and approved by the provost in consultation with the dean, all centers will be reviewed every five years. The dean, in consultation with the provost, shall be responsible for maintaining and communicating the format, process, and minimum requirements for such review.

(2) Each review will conclude with a recommendation to the dean and provost to continue, modify, or abolish the structure of the center. In addition to the results of any review conducted, a center may be abolished as a result of a review or abandoned as a result of continued inactivity in excess of one academic year.

Last updated March 22, 2024 at 11:16 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3341.04
Amplifies: 3341.01, 3341.04
Rule 3342-2-04 | University policy regarding succession of administrative responsibility.

In the absence of the presdient, the succession of responsibility shall devolve first upon the provost and then upon the other vice presidents in the order of their seniority as vice presidents.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3341.01
Amplifies: 3341.01, 3341.04
Prior Effective Dates: 5/5/1995
Rule 3342-2-05 | Faculty senate charter.

(A) 0Preamble. The university is dedicated to teaching, advancing knowledge, and to public service. The faculty of the university supports these aims and resolves to promote excellence in all endeavors. In the interest of achieving these objectives, the charter and bylaws of the university faculty senate as set forth in this rule and in rule 3342-2-06 of the Administrative Code, respectively, define a role and mechanisms for effective participation of the faculty in the formation and establishment of university policies and the conduct of university affairs.

(B) Entitlement and functions of the faculty senate.

(1) Adoption of and amendments to this charter and the accompanying bylaws.

(a) This charter and the accompanying bylaws shall, following ratification by the board, supersede all earlier versions of the faculty senate charter and bylaws.

(b) Amendments to this charter and the accompanying bylaws shall proceed in accordance with paragraph (H) of this rule..

(2) General responsibilities and rights of the faculty senate.

(a) The faculty senate shall be concerned with the formulation and enactment of policies for the university as a whole.

(b) The faculty senate shall render advice and, if appropriate, act upon any matters laid before it by the president, bodies of the university, bodies of the faculty senate, or members of the faculty.

(c) Consistent with a principle of shared responsibility, the faculty senate shall recognize its own prerogative and that of the administration of the university to consider any matter relevant to the welfare of the university. Consistent with a need for differential responsibility, the charter and bylaws shall provide for differential involvement of the faculty senate across areas of university interest.

(i) There shall be domains within which the faculty senate and/or its bodies have a primary responsibility. That responsibility is, foremost, to approve or disapprove proposed changes in policy. It shall be understood that faculty senate actions in areas of primary responsibility will be disapproved by the president only in circumstances where substantive reason can be described. It is also understood that a primary responsibility conveys neither an exclusive right nor an exclusive obligation for the genesis or presentation of proposals for change. Ideas and recommendations are the privilege and responsibility of every segment of the university community.

(ii) There shall be domains within which responsibilities for decisions and actions are shared cooperatively with others as specifically assigned through regular channels. Major proposals within these areas shall uniformly be referred to the faculty senate for consideration as provided in implementing procedures.

(iii) There shall be domains in which the faculty senate recognizes an important interest, but within which its role is primarily advisory and consultative.

(d) The faculty senate shall organize, establish, and define the functions of its councils, committees, and commissions.

(e) The faculty senate shall define its own rules and procedures within the limits of this charter and the accompanying bylaws.

(3) Specific responsibilities and rights of the faculty senate.

(a) Primary responsibilities.

(i) The faculty senate shall have primary responsibility for the academic standards and the educational policies of the university. This responsibility shall encompass proposals for the establishment, discontinuance, or major alteration of academic programs.

(ii) The faculty senate shall have primary responsibility for general policies related to professional standards of the university and its faculty. This responsibility includes general policies on faculty appointment, rank, promotion, leave, tenure, and academic privilege; welfare, and dismissal; it also encompasses general policies related to the evaluation of academic programs, units, and personnel.

(iii) The faculty senate shall have primary responsibility for defining the mechanisms of approved or established faculty participation in university governance and in statewide faculty issues and bodies.

(b) Shared responsibilities. The faculty senate shall participate in and consider with others, by means specified in the faculty senate bylaws as included in rule 3342-2-06 of the Administrative Code, problems related to long-range academic planning, student affairs, selection of academic administrative officers, and academic facilities in long-range planning.

(c) Advisory responsibilities.

(i) The faculty senate bylaws shall provide for a body advisory to the president on the university budget.

(ii) The faculty senate shall be consulted with respect to proposed changes in the administrative organization of the university directly and primarily related to academic divisions.

(iii) The faculty senate shall be prepared to render advice on nonacademic facilities.

(d) Recommendations approved by the faculty senate shall be forwarded to the president and, as appropriate, to other subordinate members or bodies of the university; thereafter, the president or the appropriate administrative officers or bodies of the university shall within ninety days advise the faculty senate, in writing, of the nature of the action which has been taken in reference to the recommendation. "Action" as defined shall mean steps which have been taken toward acceptance, rejection, or further study of the recommendation. In the absence of such response within ninety days, acceptance may be assumed.

(e) If a recommendation approved by the faculty senate is not accepted by the president, or appropriate officer, the matter shall be discussed in detail by the interested parties, with the end in view of mutually satisfactory action but without prejudice to final decision.

(f) The faculty senate shall be responsive to faculty petitions seeking initiative and referenda as defined in paragraph (B)(7) of rule 3342-2-06 of the Administrative Code.

(i) On petition containing at least one hundred signatures of tenure-track faculty members and/or full-time non-tenure-eligible faculty members as defined in paragraphs (D)(1)(b) to (D)(1)(c) of this rule, any action of the faculty senate shall be submitted to a referendum of the entire tenure-track and full-time non-tenure-eligible faculty.

(ii) On petition containing at least one hundred signatures of tenure-track faculty members and/or full-time non-tenure-eligible faculty members, the faculty senate shall submit the issue initiated by the petition to a vote of the faculty senate or of the entire tenure-track and full-time non-tenure-eligible faculty, whichever is requested in the petition.

(iii) A majority of votes cast in either an initiative or a referendum shall have the force of faculty senate action.

(iv) The secretary may review any and all signatures to a petition and discard those deemed not to be signed by a tenure-track or full-time non-tenure-eligible faculty member.

(v) All petitions and the signatures contained therein are public records and subject to disclosure to anyone who submits a request to the office of general counsel.

(C) Membership.

(1) Academic unit representatives.

(a) Academic unit representatives shall be elected representatives.

(b) An "academic unit" is a faculty body headed by an administrative officer who reports to the provost or the vice president for Kent state system integration

(c) The full-time non-tenure-eligible faculty shall be considered a unit separate from the academic units in which they have their primary assignments.

(d) Each college, independent school, regional campus, and the university libraries shall be entitled to representation.

(e) Tenure-track faculty with appointment in the college of applied and technical studies shall be entitled to representation in addition to their representation as members of a regional campus.

(f) The number of representatives from an academic unit shall be determined in accord with the faculty senate bylaws and shall be based upon the most recent faculty census.

(2) At-large representatives.

(a) At-large representatives shall be elected representatives.

(b) The number of the at-large representatives shall be determined in accord with the faculty senate bylaws and shall be based upon the most recent faculty census.

(3) Full-time non-tenure-eligible representatives:

(a) Full-time non-tenure-eligible faculty shall be entitled to representation.

(b) Full-time non-tenure-eligible representatives shall be elected representatives.

(c) The number of representatives for the full-time non-tenure-eligible faculty unit shall be determined in accord with the faculty senate bylaws and shall be based upon the most recent faculty census.

(4) "Ex officio" representatives.

(a) The faculty senate bylaws shall enumerate the titles of those individuals who shall be "ex officio" members of the faculty senate.

(b) "Ex officio" representatives are without vote.

(c) Except where specifically indicated otherwise in this charter or the accompanying bylaws, "ex officio" members share the privileges and responsibilities of elected members.

(D) Elections.

(1) Eligibility for faculty senate membership.

(a) Only tenure-track faculty members and full-time non-tenure-eligible faculty members with academic rank are eligible for election to the faculty senate.

(b) Regular faculty members with academic rank are individuals who hold A tenured or tenure track position and the titles of instructor, assistant professor, associate professor, or professor. Tenure track faculty members are full-time faculty members or librarians with indefinite tenutre or full-time faculty members or librarians in the probationary period prior to the tenure review. Tenured or tenure-eligible administrators with faculty rank are not considered to be tenure-track faculty members for the purpose of the faculty senate charter and bylaws.

(c) Full-time non-tenure track faculty members with academic rank are individuals who hold the titles of instructor, lecturer, assistant professor, associate professor, or professor. Full-time non-tenure-eligible faculty members are full-time faculty members or full-time librarians who do not hold an appointment in a tenure-track position. Administrators with faculty rank are not considered to be full-time non-tenure-eligible faculty for the purpose of the faculty senate charter and bylaws.

(2) Term of office.

(a) The term of office for an elected representative is three years, except in special circumstances for which the faculty senate bylaws shall make provision.

(b) The faculty senate year shall begin on the first of June and shall end on the thirty-first of May of the following calendar year.

(3) Electorate.

(a) All tenure-track faculty members; full-time non-tenure-eligible faculty members, and full-time administrators with academic rank except for those who have ex officio membership status are entitled to vote in the elections of their assigned academic unit.

(b) All tenure-track faculty members and full-time administrators with academic rank except for those who have ex officio membership status are entitled to vote in the election of at-large representatives.

(c) An annual census of tenure-track faculty members, full-time non-tenure-eligible faculty members, and full-time administrators with academic rank shall be taken in the fall term of each academic year by the provost or designee. The census shall be used to determine the electorate, the number and apportionment of elected representatives, and to identify by name, department, and academic unit all tenure-track faculty members, full-time non-tenure-eligible faculty members, and full-time administrators with academic rank.

(4) Nominations. Candidates for academic unit representative, full-time non-tenure-eligible representative, and at-large representative shall be nominated as specified in the faculty senate bylaws.

(5) Election procedures.

(a) Elections shall be conducted by the secretary of the faculty senate and certified by the vice chair of the faculty senate.

(b) Elections of both academic unit and at-large representatives shall be conducted by the fractional single transferable vote (FSTV) system.

(E) Officers and delegates of the faculty senate.

(1) Election of officers.

(a) Elected officers of the faculty senate shall be elected annually.

(b) Only elected representatives are eligible for election as officers.

(2) Officers. The elected officers of the faculty senate shall be the chair, the vice chair, the secretary, and an at-large member of the executive committee.

(3) Delegates. A "delegate" shall be an official faculty senate representative to another body which is either within or external to the university as defined in paragraphs (B)(5) to (B)(6) of rule 3342-2-06 of the Administrative Code.

(4) Appointed officers. The faculty senate bylaws may define the responsibilities of additional officers who shall be selected by appointment.

(F) Meetings.

(1) Types of meetings.

(a) The faculty senate shall hold regularly scheduled meetings which may be attended by any member of the faculty, administration, or student body, or by other guests upon invitation of the faculty senate.

(b) The faculty senate may hold special meetings which may be closed to nonmembers by the chair of the faculty senate, by the faculty senate executive committee, or by vote of the faculty senate.

(2) Frequency and schedule of meetings. The faculty senate shall schedule at least eight regular meetings per year.

(3) Procedures and rules.

(a) The faculty senate bylaws shall establish rules and procedures under which the faculty senate meetings shall be conducted.

(b) A quorum shall be a simple majority of the elected members. The presence of a quorum is required for the faculty senate to take binding action and to vote on substantive matters.

(c) Meetings of the faculty senate, except where explicitly specified otherwise in the faculty senate charter and bylaws, shall be conducted in accord with "Robert's Rule of Order Revised."

(4) Minutes of all regular faculty senate meetings shall be made available to the faculty.

(G) Councils, committees and commissions.

(1) Rights of the faculty senate and definitions.

(a) The faculty senate may establish faculty senate councils. A "faculty senate council" is a permanent body chaired by the president, the provost, or a faculty senate member appointed by the faculty senate executive committee.

(b) The faculty senate may establish faculty senate committees. A "faculty senate committee" is a permanent body chaired by a faculty member, or an administrative officer other than the president or the provost.

(c) The faculty senate may establish faculty senate commissions. A "faculty senate commission" is a body which is discharged upon completion of a specific responsibility.

(d) A "body of the faculty senate" is any council, committee, or commission so designated by the faculty senate charter or the accompanying bylaws, or established by action of the faculty senate.

(e) Bodies not of the faculty senate whose primary concerns are the total university, as opposed to collegial and departmental matters, shall be referred to as university councils, university committees and university commissions.

(2) Councils of the faculty senate. The educational policies council shall be a body of the faculty senate. The educational policies council shall consider curricular matters of concern to the university as a whole, and shall be the faculty senate body responsible for long-range academic planning for the university. Following discussion and support of the educational policies council, all curricular matters including associate, undergraduate, graduate, certificate, and research programs offered on all campuses are forwarded to the faculty senate for approval.

(3) Committees of the faculty senate.

(a) The faculty senate executive committee shall be a body of the faculty senate.

(b) The professional standards committee shall be a body of the faculty senate.

(c) The committee on administrative officers shall be a body of the faculty senate. The committee on administrative officers shall represent the faculty senate and the faculty in procedures implemented to select or replace the president, the provost, and other academic administrative officers of the university. It shall be available for consultation by the president on other matters involving administrative officers.

(d) The committee on committees shall be a body of the faculty senate.

(e) The faculty ethics committee shall be a body of the faculty senate.

(f) The faculty senate budget advisory committee shall be a body of the faculty senate.

(g) The faculty marshals shall be a body of the faculty senate.

(h) The survey of student instruction review committee shall be a body of the faculty senate.

(i) The university libraries advisory committee shall be a committee of the faculty senate.

(4) Commissions of the faculty senate. The chair of the faculty senate shall establish commissions as needed.

(5) Responsibilities and prerogatives of the faculty senate councils, committees and commissions.

(a) Faculty senate bodies shall carry out charges directed to them by the faculty senate or the chair of the faculty senate.

(b) Faculty senate bodies shall assume responsibilities within their general sphere of interest.

(c) Faculty senate bodies may appoint subcommittees.

(6) University councils, committees, commissions and boards.

(a) The president, in consultation with the committee on committees, shall designate those university councils, committees, commissions and boards to which the faculty senate may appoint one or more senator(s) to full membership. The appointee(s) shall be the faculty senate representative(s) of the body.

(b) Those university councils, committees, commissions, and boards designated positively u0nder paragraph (G)(6)(a) of this rule shall report to the faculty senate upon request.

(c) The faculty senate may recommend responsibilities to university councils, committees, commissions and boards.

(7) Membership of faculty senate bodies shall be determined in accordance with the procedures in the faculty senate bylaws. Membership of faculty senate bodies shall be listed on the faculty senate website.

(8) Additional programs, functions, and responsibilities of the faculty senate may be established.

(H) Amendments.

(1) Proposals to amend the faculty senate charter.

(a) Proposals to amend the faculty senate charter may be submitted to the faculty senate at any regular meeting.

(b) A valid proposal to amend the faculty senate charter must be submitted in writing and must be supported by the handwritten signatures of:

(i) At least ten elected members of the faculty senate, or

(ii) At least twenty-five tenure-track and/or full-time non tenture-eligible faculty members, or

(iii) The majority of the membership of a charter and bylaws commission appointed by the chair of the faculty senate to prepare proposed amendments.

(2) Votes upon proposed amendments to the faculty senate charter.

(a) The faculty senate shall vote upon a proposed amendment to the faculty senate charter at the regular meeting immediately following the one at which the amendment is introduced.

(b) The secretary of the faculty senate shall circulate a written copy of the proposed amendment to each member of the faculty senate at least two weeks in advance of the meeting at which a vote is to occur.

(c) Written ballots shall be used in votes upon proposed amendments to the faculty senate charter.

(d) Amendments to the faculty senate charter shall require a favorable vote of at least two-thirds of the members of the faculty senate present and qualified to vote.

(3) Proposed faculty senate charter amendments ratified by the faculty senate.

(a) Amendments ratified by the faculty senate shall be submitted to the president and the board for approval.

(b) Amendments approved by the president and the board shall be incorporated into the faculty senate charter.

(c) A veto of a proposed amendment shall be accompanied by a statement expressing reasons for the veto.

(d) An amendment which fails because of a veto may be voted upon again by the faculty senate and, if the vote is favorable, may be submitted to the president and the board a second time.

(4) Proposed faculty senate charter amendments which fail to be ratified by the faculty senate.

(a) A proposed amendment which fails to receive faculty senate approval may be ratified by a vote of the full-time faculty as described in paragraph (H)(4)(c) of this rule.

(b) The secretary of the faculty senate shall conduct a referendum on the question of the amendment if a petition requesting a referendum is submitted containing the signatures of at least one hundred tenure-track and/or full-time non-tenure-eligible faculty.

(c) Ratification of a proposed amendment by the full-time faculty shall require a favorable vote of at least two-thirds of the electorate consisting of tenure-track and non-tenure-eligible faculty members eligible and voting.

(d) Amendments ratified by the faculty shall be processed in the same manner as amendments ratified by the faculty senate.

(5) Amendments to the faculty senate bylaws.

(a) Amendments to the faculty senate bylaws shall require a favorable vote of at least two-thirds of the members of the faculty senate present and qualified to vote.

(b) Amendments to the faculty senate bylaws ratified by the faculty senate shall be submitted to the president and the board for approval, with any veto accompanied by a statement expressing reasons for the veto, and, subsequently, the amendment is subject to resubmission by the faculty senate a second time for final disposition.

(6) Effective date for incorporation of amendments into the faculty senate charter and the accompanying bylaws, and for implementation of changes mandated by amendments.

(a) Amendments to the faculty senate charter and the accompanying bylaws are incorporated into said charter and bylaws immediately after approval by the faculty senate, the president, and the board, and pursuant to the procedures established in section 111.15 of the Revised Code for the filing of new rules, amendments or rescissions.

(b) Changes mandated by incorporation of amendments into said charter and/or bylaws will be implemented immediately, subject to the following understandings and exceptions.

(i) No current member of the faculty senate shall be removed from membership as a consequence of new rules governing number and/or apportionment of representatives. All senators shall serve out their terms.

(ii) When changes in rules increase the number of elected representatives due any constituency, the increase shall be accomplished in the immediately following regularly scheduled election.

(iii) In instances in which application of the principle of immediate implementation introduces ambiguities or creates special problems, the faculty senate shall vote to resolve the points at issue.

(I) Miscellaneous provisions.

(1) Rights of the board of trustees. The board reserves the power to initiate and make changes in this charter or to take other actions in accordance with sections 3341.01 to 3341.06 of the Revised Code or any applicable statute, or rules, directives, or regulations of the Ohio department of higher education.

(2) A member of the faculty senate may be granted a reduced teaching load during the period of this service to the faculty senate. Officers and members of the executive committee of the faculty senate shall be granted reduced teaching loads during the period of their service to the faculty senate.

(3) Delegates to the faculty senate.

(a) All bodies to which the faculty senate has delegates may send delegates to the faculty senate.

(b) The faculty senate may recognize delegates from other bodies.

Last updated April 26, 2021 at 9:40 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3341.04
Amplifies: 3341.01, 3341.04
Prior Effective Dates: 1/25/1980, 5/5/1995
Rule 3342-2-06 | Faculty senate bylaws.

(A) Entitlement and functions of the faculty senate. The entitlement and functions of the faculty senate are specified in the faculty senate charter as included in rule 3342-2-05 of the Administrative Code.

(B) Definitions.

(1) "Tenure-track faculty member" denotes a full-time faculty member or librarian with indefinite tenure or a full-time faculty member or librarian in the probationary period prior to the tenure review. Tenured or tenure-eligible administrators with faculty rank are not considered to be tenure-track faculty members for the purpose of the faculty senate charter and bylaws.

(2) "Full-time non-tenure-eligible faculty member" denotes a full-time faculty member or full-time librarian who does not hold an appointment in a tenure-track position. Administrators with faculty rank are not considered to be full-time non-tenure-eligible faculty for the purpose of the faculty senate charter and bylaws.

(3) "Designee" denotes a person selected or designated to represent a regular member of faculty senate or its councils, committees, commissions, or other bodies should the regular member be unable to fulfill her or his duties for an extended period of time. A designee has all of the privileges and responsibilities of the regular member.

(4) "Proxy" denotes a person serving as a temporary substitute for a regular member of one of faculty senate's councils, committees, commissions, or other bodies in the regular member's occasional absence. A proxy has all of the privileges and responsibilities of the regular member, except voting.

(5) "Delegate of the faculty senate" denotes an official faculty senate representative to another body which is either within or external to the university.

(6) "Delegate to the faculty senate" denotes a person designated to represent other bodies at the faculty senate.

(7) "Petition" denotes a document calling upon the faculty senate or the entire full-time faculty to take some action. Each copy of a petition shall include the full text of the petition and some number of lines on which a faculty member may indicate his or her support for the preceding petition by:

(a) Including his or her handwritten signature or a digital reproduction thereof,

(b) Clearly printing his or her name, and

(c) Indicating the date signed. Although a petition may be circulated as an email attachment, in no case does an email message by itself constitute a petition.

(C) Membership.

(1) Academic and full-time non-tenure-eligible unit representatives.

(a) Each academic unit having at least ten tenure-track faculty members shall be entitled to one representative for the first ten tenure-track faculty members, a second representative for an additional fifty tenure-track faculty members, and one additional representative for each fifty tenure-track faculty members in excess of sixty.

(i) Administrators with faculty rank who are tenured or in the probationary period prior to tenure shall be included in the census of full-time faculty of the academic unit in which they hold academic rank and may vote in the election for that unit. However, administrators with faculty rank who are tenured or in the probationary period prior to tenure may not stand for election to faculty senate.

(ii) Tenure-track faculty and tenured administrators with faculty rank whose responsibilities are exclusively or primarily associated with a regional campus shall be counted in the census of that campus and, with the exception of the college of applied and technical studies, shall not be counted in the census of the university-wide college or school in which they also hold rank.

(iii) The college of applied and technical studies census will show some overlap of individuals who are members of the college of applied and technical studies, as well as faculty on a regional campus. Those individuals are entitled to participation in the election of representatives both from the college of applied and technical studies and from the regional campus.

(iv) If there are tenure-track faculty members or tenured administrators with faculty rank not clearly identified with an academic unit or for whom primary identification is uncertain, such individuals shall each be assigned for purposes of faculty senate representation to a specific academic unit by the provost in consultation with the executive committee of the faculty senate and, if necessary, with the person(s) involved.

(v) Part-time faculty members are not eligible for faculty senate membership or participation in the election of representatives; nor are "visiting" or adjunct faculty, unless the appointment is explicitly for more than a single academic year of continuing full-time teaching, research, or service as a librarian.

(b) Full-time non-tenure-eligible faculty shall constitute a separate unit and (except as specified in paragraph (C)(1)(d) of this rule) shall not be counted in the census of the college, school or department in which they hold rank, nor in the census of the campus where they have their primary appointment. The full-time non-tenure-eligible faculty will not be included in the overall census for determination of the number of at-large representatives. The non-tenure-eligible faculty unit shall be entitled to one representative for the first ten faculty members, a second representative for an additional fifty faculty members, and one additional representative for each fifty faculty in excess of sixty.

(c) The "faculty head count" compiled by the office of the provost in the fall academic term shall constitute the basis for identification of academic units entitled to representation; the identification of tenure-track faculty and "full-time non-tenure-eligible" faculty; and the assignment of an individual to a specific college, independent school, regional campus or to the full-time non-tenure-eligible unit. A separate roster of "administrators with academic rank" shall also be compiled and combined with the "faculty head count" to constitute the census (referenced in paragraph (C)(1)(f) of rule 3342-2-05 of the Administrative Code) for determining the appropriate representation of the academic units.

(d) If an academic unit has fewer than ten tenure-track faculty members, but the total number of full-time faculty members exceeds ten, then the electorate for that unit will consist of all full-time faculty members.

(e) If an academic unit or the full-time non-tenure-eligible unit has fewer than ten members, the unit shall be represented in faculty senate elections through self-determined affiliation with another academic unit. The total number of faculty in the combined units shall determine the number of representatives to be accorded to them.

(2) There shall be one at-large representative for each one hundred members of the tenure-track faculty electorate or the major portion thereof (fifty-one through ninety-nine).

(3) Individuals holding the following positions or their designees shall be "ex officio" members of the faculty senate: the president; the provost and vice presidents; the deans of the colleges and the deans or directors of independent schools; the dean of university libraries; the dean of university college; the dean of graduate studies; and the dean of the honors college.

(4) The chair of the retired faculty association or designee, the executive chair of the graduate student senate or designee, the president of the undergraduate student government or designee, an elected representative from the part-time faculty, and a parliamentarian appointed by the chair-elect of the faculty senate shall be observers in the faculty senate and have the right of the floor.

(D) Elections.

(1) Term of office.

(a) The term of office of an elected representative shall be three years except in such instances as provided for in this rule.

(b) If it is known or anticipated that an elected representative will be absent from, or unable to discharge his or her responsibilities to, the faculty senate for an entire academic semester (including summer) or longer, the representative's place on the faculty senate shall be filled during his or her absence by an alternate. The alternate will serve with full privileges and responsibilities of an elected representative until the return of the representative he or she replaces or until the completion of that representative's term.

(c) The secretary of the faculty senate is responsible for determining whether an alternate representative is needed and for initiating actions necessary to implement the appointment.

(d) The faculty senate executive committee shall render decisions when questions are raised regarding the seating of an alternate representative.

(e) A representative will be replaced by the highest available alternate from the immediately preceding election held by the electorate which selected the representative.

(f) If no alternate is available from the most recent senate election in that unit to replace a representative therefrom, it shall be the responsibility of the highest elected faculty body of that unit to provide for a representative. For at-large vacancies the faculty senate shall provide for a representative.

(2) Removal and recall of elected representatives.

(a) When an elected representative has been absent from three consecutive regular meetings of the faculty senate without provision for temporary replacement by an alternate (as provided in paragraph (D)(1)(c) of this rule), the secretary of the senate shall notify the faculty senate executive committee of this fact and report same in the minutes of the faculty senate.

(b) After reviewing the circumstances and discussing them with the affected senator, the faculty senate executive committee may recommend that the senator be removed from office and his or her place in the faculty senate assumed by the highest available alternate from the most recent election of the academic unit (or at-large), the alternate to serve for the remainder of the term of the removed senator or until the next regular election for faculty senate representatives, whichever comes first.

(c) Removal shall be effected or disapproved by majority vote of members present and voting of the faculty senate at a meeting to which the senator whose removal has been recommended has been invited and availed both the right of the floor and of the vote, to both of which as an elected representative to the faculty senate he or she is entitled.

(d) Upon receipt of a petition containing the valid signatures of full-time faculty members comprising twenty per cent of the eligible electorate of that constituency, the secretary of the faculty senate shall, within thirty days, conduct a special recall election among the electorate of the constituency which selected the senator whose recall is being requested.

(e) A two-thirds majority of eligible faculty voting in the recall election shall effect the removal of the senator, his or her place in the faculty senate to be assumed by the highest available alternate from the most recent faculty senate election of that unit.

(f) If no alternate is available, the faculty senate may advise the executive committee to fill the vacancy in accord with the provisions of paragraph (D)(1) of this rule.

(g) Representatives elected by an academic unit who during their term of office change their assigned academic unit shall be ineligible to complete their elected term, and their place on the senate shall be filled according to the provisions of paragraphs (D)(1)(e) and (D)(1)(f) of this rule.

(3) Rotation of terms.

(a) In order to provide for an appropriate balance between continuity and rotation of faculty senate membership over a three-year cycle of annual elections among academic unit representation, at-large representation, and the faculty senate membership as a whole, the faculty senate executive committee--with the approval of the faculty senate--shall be empowered prior to the first elections conducted under these revised provisions of the faculty senate bylaws and at three-year intervals thereafter to provide for this balance by designating certain specific seats to be filled for a term shorter than three years.

(b) Wherever possible, this shall be effected by designating that the initial multiple-representative academic unit and at-large elections shall be for successively shorter terms, e.g., the first candidate elected under the fractional single transferable vote system shall serve a full three-year term, the second a two-year term, and so forth.

(c) In effecting a proper distribution of single-representative academic units over a three-year cycle, the designation shall be made by lot with the independent schools and regional campuses grouped separately.

(d) In the implementation of these revised representation and election provisions and procedures, no incumbent senator is to lose his/her seat prior to the normal expiration of the term, nor is any academic unit to be denied or delayed its appropriate representation in the faculty senate.

(4) Nominations.

(a) On the Monday after Thanksgiving the secretary of the senate shall send forms to each tenure-track and full-time non-tenure-eligible faculty member for each of the constituencies for which they are eligible to nominate. Nomination forms are to be submitted to the faculty senate office no later than the end of the fall term.

(b) Nomination forms for a nominee must contain the signature of the nominee and at least two signatures of eligible members of the electorate that the nominee would represent.

(c) A faculty member is eligible to sign no more than one nomination form for an academic unit representative, no more than one nomination form for a full-time non-tenure-eligible representative, and no more than one nomination form for an at-large representative.

(d) In the event that the nominations obtained for unit representatives or at-large representatives total fewer than twice the number of representatives to be elected, the executive committee of the faculty senate shall make the necessary nominations to achieve the desired number.

(e) Tenure-track faculty may be nominated either for academic unit representative or for at-large representative, but not both. Full-time non-tenure-eligible faculty may only be nominated for the non-tenure-eligible unit.

(5) Election procedures.

(a) Ballots shall be sent directly to each member of the electorate no later than the third week of the spring term either by physical mail or using electronic means that guarantee the same level of security and anonymity. Each voter shall receive one ballot for each election in which he or she is eligible to vote. In the case of ballots mailed physically, ballots shall be returned to the faculty senate office in a signed and sealed envelope no later than Friday of the fifth week of the spring term. In the case of electronic ballots, they will be returned by means to a designated web site no later than Friday the fifth week of the spring term.

(b) As a part of these bylaws there shall be appended a description of the fractional single transferable vote (FSTV) system, including a sample ballot and a description of the procedure by which ballots are counted, candidates are declared elected, and defeated nominees are ranked as alternates. If only two candidates are vying for one seat, election shall be by simple majority of the valid ballots cast. Ties will be resolved by the secretary's flip of a coin in the presence of the chair and vice-chair of the faculty senate or an equivalent in the online voting system.

(c) The secretary of the faculty senate shall notify all candidates of the election results, no later than Friday of the seventh week of classes of the spring term.

(d) The results of all elections shall be filed and shall become part of the records of the faculty senate.

(E) Officers and delegates.

(1) Election of officers.

(a) In the fifth week of the spring term the chair of the faculty senate shall appoint a nominating committee from the elected membership of the present faculty senate. The committee shall have three members and shall endeavor to have at least two candidates for the offices of chair, vice chair, secretary, and one at-large member of the executive committee from the elected faculty senate membership. The nominating committee shall issue a call for nominations from the full membership of faculty senate. The nominating committee shall not put forward any of its members as candidates. The committee shall determine the best possible slate of candidates willing to serve in advance of entering their names in nomination. The names of nominees shall be circulated to members of the faculty senate-elect no later than ten seven days prior to the penultimate meeting of the spring term.

(b) Officers of the faculty senate shall be elected at the penultimate meeting of the spring term. Elected representatives of the faculty senate-elect shall be invited to the meeting and shall constitute the electorate. Additional nominations may be made from the floor by members of the electorate. Elections shall be conducted by the fractional single transferrable vote (FSTV) system. Ballots shall be counted by tellers selected by the chair.

(c) Officers shall be elected sequentially in the following order: chair, vice chair, and secretary and at-large member of the executive committee. A defeated candidate may be nominated for another office.

(d) Term of office/vacancy in office.

(i) The term of office for all officers shall be one year. Officers may be re-elected to an office without limitation provided his or her three-year term has not expired.

(ii) In the event of a vacancy in office of chair, the vice chair accedes to the office of chair and a special election will be held to fill the office of vice chair.

(iii) In the event of a vacancy in any other elected senate office, a special election will be held to fill that office.

(2) Officers and their responsibilities.

(a) Duties of the chair of the faculty senate.

(i) The chair shall preside at regular and special meetings of the faculty senate.

(ii) The chair of the faculty senate shall be the chair of the executive committee.

(iii) The chair or designee shall represent the faculty senate in its external relations, except where these bylaws provide for other representatives. The chair shall be one of the representatives to the Ohio faculty council.

(iv) The chair shall facilitate the legislative action of the faculty senate by monitoring the activities of the faculty senate committees, by serving as a liaison between the faculty senate executive committee and other committees, and by determining that committee proposals and recommendations are brought to the faculty senate in proper form and after due process.

(v) In instances in which faculty senate resolutions are forwarded to individuals or bodies for approval or action, the chair shall deliver the resolutions and be responsible for reporting to the faculty senate the responses of the receiver.

(vi) The chair shall be responsible for the management of the faculty senate office.

(vii) The chair shall be the appointing officer for all appointed positions in the faculty senate, except that after the election of officers in the spring term, the chair-elect shall be the appointing officer for all appointments for the coming year.

(viii) The chair must approve individual purchases from the faculty senate budget which exceed two hundred fifty dollars.

(ix) The chair shall have such other duties as are assigned by actions of the faculty senate, by the faculty senate charter, or by these bylaws.

(x) The chair of the faculty senate shall have ex officio membership on all faculty senate councils, committees, and commissions.

(b) Duties of the vice chair of the faculty senate.

(i) The vice chair shall preside at meetings of the faculty senate and shall chair the faculty senate executive committee in the absence of the chair.

(ii) The vice chair shall assume all of the duties of the chair of the faculty senate whenever the chair is absent from the campus more than two consecutive weeks.

(iii) The vice chair of the faculty senate shall be the chair of the committee on committees.

(c) Duties of the secretary of the faculty senate.

(i) The secretary shall supervise the preparation and distribution of the faculty senate minutes.

(ii) The secretary shall be the archivist of the faculty senate and shall file all faculty senate correspondence and copies of the minutes of faculty senate committees and other committees reporting to the faculty senate.

(3) Faculty senate delegates.

(a) Duties of delegates.

(i) Delegates shall be the principal agents of communication between the faculty senate and the bodies to which the delegates have been assigned.

(ii) Delegates shall attend the meetings of the groups to which they have been assigned.

(iii) Delegates shall prepare upon request or by their own initiative, oral and/or written reports to be presented to the faculty senate and/or the faculty senate executive committee.

(b) Designation and selection of delegates.

(i) The chair of the faculty senate shall be the delegate to the board of trustees.

(ii) The chair of the faculty senate shall be a member of and the delegate to the president's advisory council.

(iii) The chair of the faculty senate shall appoint the requisite delegate(s) to serve during his/her term to:

(a) The Ohio faculty council. The chair shall be a delegate to the Ohio faculty council. In addition, the chair shall appoint one additional delegate and one alternate. The appointee and the alternate may be any tenure-track or full-time non-tenure-eligible faculty member.

(b) Appropriate organization(s) of student governance, as requested.

(c) Appropriate organization(s) of the university alumni association, as requested.

(d) The university parents organization(s), as requested.

(e) Such other university or statewide organizations as may request a delegate representing the faculty of the university.

(iv) The chair shall also appoint a member of the tenure-track or full-time non-tenure-eligible faculty, not necessarily a senator, as a faculty representative to the alumni council.

(4) Removal and recall of elected officers.

(a) Upon receipt of a petition containing the valid signatures of faculty senators comprising twenty per cent of the elected membership of faculty senate, the secretary of the faculty senate shall within thirty days conduct a special recall election of the officer whose removal is being requested. If the secretary is the officer whose recall is requested, this special election shall be conducted by another elected officer designated by the chair of faculty senate.

(b) A two-thirds majority of eligible senators voting in the recall election shall effect the removal of the officer. A special election shall be held to elect a replacement.

(F) Meetings.

(1) Types of meetings.

(a) Regular meetings shall be open meetings.

(b) Guests may be invited to closed meetings by the chair of the faculty senate or the faculty senate executive committee or by vote of the faculty senate.

(c) Special meetings may be called by the chair of the faculty senate. The chair shall be obliged to convene the faculty senate whenever one-fifth or more of the members submit a written request for a special meeting.

(2) Frequency and schedule of meetings.

(a) The number of regular meetings in each term shall be at least: fall, four; spring, four. A summer meeting may be called at the discretion of the executive committee.

(b) Regular meetings of the faculty senate shall be scheduled on Mondays, normally the second Monday of each month of the regular academic year during which the university is in session.

(c) If called, a summer meeting shall normally be scheduled the first Monday of the summer III term.

(3) Procedures and rules.

(a) Meetings of the senate, except where explicitly specified otherwise in the faculty senate charter and bylaws, shall be conducted in accord with "Robert's Rules of Order Revised."

(b) Normally, the regular agenda shall be:

(i) Call to order

(ii) Roll call

(iii) Approval of the agenda

(iv) Approval of minutes

(v) Senate chair's remarksPresi

(vi) dent/provost's remarks

(vii) Old business

(viii) New business

(ix) Announcements/statements for the record

(x) Adjournment

(c) The faculty senate executive committee may prepare an agenda which devotes a meeting to discussion, precludes action, and sets aside "Robert's Rules of Order Revised."

(d) Privileges of the floor.

(i) Senators shall have first privilege of the floor, followed by administrators who are ex-officio members of the senate, the retired faculty observer, student observers (graduate and undergraduate student senate officers), and the part-time faculty observer.

(ii) Faculty senate delegates to other bodies shall have the privilege of the floor at all regular meetings of the faculty senate.

(iii) A guest or delegate may be recognized if the chair rules that recognition is appropriate. Guests or delegates need not be introduced by a senate member.

(iv) An elected member of the faculty senate who will be absent from a meeting may delegate neither his or her seat nor vote to a proxy.

(e) Voting procedures.

(i) Voice votes shall be the usual voting procedure. Other voting procedures (e.g. show of hands) may be selected at the senate chair's discretion.

(ii) A request by any member for a secret ballot shall be granted unless a majority of the faculty senate elects to vote in another manner.

(iii) A member may move for a roll call vote. The motion for a roll call vote must be seconded, is not debatable, and must pass by a majority vote.

(iv) Under special circumstances, the faculty senate, or its councils, committees, commissions or other bodies, may conduct electronic votes.

(f) The secretary may require that motions and amendments be submitted in writing.

(4) Minutes, invitations and announcements.

(a) An agenda shall be sent to each member of the faculty senate three working days in advance of regular meetings.

(b) All faculty senate delegates and delegates to the faculty senate from other bodies shall receive invitations and agenda to regular meetings.

(c) The faculty senate, through its chair, shall invite appropriate administrative officers, including the president, to discuss university matters with faculty senate.

(d) A full record of the proceedings of each faculty senate meeting shall be filed in the faculty senate office. An edited set of minutes which preserves the substance of the meeting shall be distributed to members of the faculty senate and to chairs and directors of academic units. At regular intervals, at least once in each academic term, a digest and status report of faculty senate actions shall be distributed to the faculty.

(G) Councils, committees and commissions.

(1) Rights of the faculty senate and definitions. The rights of the faculty senate and definitions with respect to councils, committees and commissions are specified in paragraph (G)(1) of rule 3342-2-05 of the Administrative Code.

(2) Educational policies council.

(a) The educational policies council shall be concerned with conceptual and structural aspects of long-range academic planning; overall curricular planning; the arbitration of interdepartmental and intercollegial curricular disputes; the conformity of collegial and departmental curricular programs and proposals to university-wide policies; the establishment, inactivation or significant revision of academic programs; the establishment and discontinuance of bodies or agencies that are directly related to academic programs; the standards for admission and graduation of students; library policies and facilities; and such matters as may be referred to it by college curriculum committees, advisory councils or the faculty senate that are related to issues that affect undergraduate and graduate education.

(b) All recommendations of the educational policies council related to long-range academic planning or to the establishment, inactivation or significant revision of academic policies, programs or bodies shall be submitted to the faculty senate for approval. Proposals for the inactivation or significant revision to an academic program shall be preceded by a program review conducted according to established procedures in the appropriate college.

(c) Business of the educational policies council that normally would not come to the faculty senate floor may, at the option of said council or at the request of the faculty senate, be brought to the floor.

(d) All commissions appointed to consider academic planning for the university shall report to the educational policies council.

(e) The chair of the educational policies council shall appoint a university requirements curriculum committee, which shall be concerned with the Kent core requirements, diversity requirements, writing-intensive requirements and experiential learning requirements. This subcommittee shall report to the educational policies council.

(f) Chnages to the composition of the educational policies council membership or changes in the process of selection and appointment of members to the council shall be proposed by the committee on committees and approved by the faculty senate.

(3) Committees of the faculty senate.

(a) Faculty senate executive committee.

(i) The faculty senate executive committee shall be the three officers elected by the faculty senate (chair, vice chair, and secretary), one at-large member elected by the faculty senate, and two senators appointed by the chair-elect prior to the inauguration of his/her term upon consultation with the other officers-elect and with due regard to appropriate representation among the collegial units and curricular divisions of the university. In addition, at the invitation and pleasure of the chair-elect, the immediate past chair may serve as an ex-officio (not voting) member of the executive committee.

(ii) The faculty senate executive committee shall prepare agenda for faculty senate meetings; shall transact routine business for the faculty senate between meetings; shall meet with the president regularly for confidential discussions or consideration of faculty senate business; and shall act for the faculty senate in emergencies. The faculty senate executive committee may assign responsibilities to faculty senate councils, committees, and commissions and determine which recommendations of these bodies require specific faculty senate approval. Individuals may appear before the faculty senate executive committee to make requests or present ideas relevant to the current or potential senate business.

(iii) The executive committee shall meet regularly each term during the academic year and during the summer.

(iv) The secretary of the faculty senate shall be the secretary of the executive committee and shall circulate minutes of meetings to all members of the faculty senate.

(v) Subsequent to the election of officers in the spring term, the chair shall invite members of the executive committee-elect to all meetings of the executive committee.

(b) Professional standards committee.

(i) The professional standards committee shall be concerned with standards and policies encompassing matters such as faculty rank, promotion, appointment, leave, privilege, tenure, and dismissal.

(ii) The professional standards committee shall be concerned with policies and procedures relevant to the evaluation of academic units.

(iii) The professional standards committee shall be concerned with the quality of instruction.

(iv) Changes to the composition of the professional standards committee membership or changes in the process of selection and appointment of members to the committee shall be proposed by the committee on committees and approved by the faculty senate.

(c) Committee on administrative officers.

(i) The committee on administrative officers shall interview candidates for the administrative positions within the province of the committee.

(ii) The committee on administrative officers shall establish, within the constraints of the law and of the faculty senate charter and these bylaws, a published set of procedures which shall define the extent and mechanics of its participation in the selection of administrative officers. Before becoming operative, the procedures shall be approved by the faculty senate, the president, and the board.

(iii) The chair of the faculty senate shall be the chair of the committee on administrative officers.

(iv) Changes to the composition of the committee on administrative officers membership or changes in the process of selection and appointment of members to the committee shall be proposed by the committee on committees and approved by the faculty senate.

(d) Committee on committees.

(i) The committee on committees shall be a resource body for the chair-elect (or chair) of the faculty senate whose responsibility it is to oversee the appointment of the members of all senate committees where the members are not otherwise selected as stipulated by these bylaws, and to appoint the convener thereof where appropriate.

(ii) The committee on committees should propose to the, chair-elect or chair of the faculty senate, members and alternates for appointed positions to be filled on all university councils, committees, commissions and boards.

(iii) Essential information on each university and senate body to which the committee on committees nominates members is maintained in a separate document which shall be approved by the committee on committees, in which shall be specified the structure of each group. This catalog of university and senate councils, committees, commissions and boards identifies the body's charge, qualifications of membership, number of members and alternates, term and means of appointment, and the office to which the body reports. Request for alteration of catalog entries may be made by notifying the chair of the committee on committees no later than January first, to be effective the following academic year.

(iv) The committee on committees shall make recommendations regarding the structure and functioning of faculty senate and university councils, committees, commissions and boards.

(v) In the spring term the committee shall make available in summary form information on each group and circulate an interest inventory to all faculty members to determine the committees for which individuals would like to be considered.

(vi) Annual recommendations of faculty members for membership on university councils, committees, commissions and boards shall be completed before the end of the spring term. Prior to the meeting at which recommendations are made, the faculty senate executive committee shall designate those university councils, committees, commissions and boards upon which the faculty senate shall have representation during the coming faculty senate year within the term of faculty senate, paragraph (G)(6)(a) of the faculty senate charter as provided for in rule 3342-2-05 of the Administrative Code.

(vii) Changes to the composition of the committee on committees membership or changes in the process of selection and apointment of members to the committee shall be proposed by the faculty senate executive committee and approved by the faculty senate.

(e) Faculty senate budget advisory committee.

(i) The faculty senate budget advisory committee shall be advisory to the president on matters related to the university budget.

(ii) Changes to the composition of the faculty senate budget advisory committee membership or changes in the process of selection and appointment of members to the committee shall be proposed by the committee on committees and approved by the faculty senate.

(f) Faculty ethics committee.

(i) The faculty ethics committee shall serve as a screening and hearing body for any faculty member(s), who wishes to lodge a charge of unethical professional practice against another faculty member. A charge may also be filed against an administrator with faculty rank only in relation to those responsibilities assigned as a faculty member. "Unethical professional practice" is defined as violations of the faculty code of professional ethics (as included in rule 3342-6-17 of the Administrative Code). The ethics committee may also serve as a hearing body for faculty members who wish to request a hearing to respond to charges made against them.

(ii) The operating procedures for the faculty ethics committee shall be developed by the committee subject to approval by the faculty senate.

(iii) Changes to the composition of the faculty ethics committee membership or changes in the process of selection and appointment of members to the committee shall be proposed by the committee on committees and approved by the faculty senate.

(g) Faculty marshals.

(i) The faculty marshals shall be a faculty senate committee charged wth acting as observers and liaisons between administrators and students during university-wide gatherings and times of possible unrest. As observers, they are important sources of information to faculty senate and the faculty as a whole. They will be trained in coordination with the staff observers, but report to the chair of faculty senate.

(ii) The senate executive committee will select from a pool of volunteers, based on need.

(h) Survey of student instruction review committee.

(i) This committee shall bear primary responsibility for curating the list of custom questions used in the survey of student instruction (SSI). The process of curation will allow for modification, removal or addition of list questions. This committee will also be responsible for preparing an annual summary of SSI participation rates at both the aggregate level and broken down by campus, college, undergraduate versus graduate and online versus traditional delivery. The committee will also respond to requests from faculty senate executive committee for any additional information on the SSIs. The committee may make any recommendations to the faculty senate executive committee specific to the SSIs.

(ii) Changes to the composition of the survey of student instruction review committee membership or changes in the process of selection and appointment of members to the committee shall be proposed by the committee on committees and approved by the faculty senate.

(i) University libraries advisory committee.

(i) This committee shall advise and make recommendations to the dean of university libraries and the provost regarding the short and long-term operations and planning of university libraries. Matters within the purview of the committee may include, but are no necessarily limited to, the following:

(a) Collection development and budgetary issues;

(b) Service initiatives, evaluating existing services, creating new initiatives;

(c) Physical facilities (use and planning); and

(d) Assessment activities.

(ii) Changes to the composition of the university libraries advisory committee membership or changes in the process of selection and appointment of members to the committee shall be proposed by the committee on committees and approved by the faculty senate.

(4) Appointments of commissions of the faculty senate. Appointments of members of commissions shall terminate at the end of a faculty senate year. Members may be reappointed if the task of the commission has not been completed.

(5) Responsibilities and prerogatives of the faculty senate councils, committees and commissions.

(a) Meetings.

(i) All faculty senate bodies should meet at least once during each term of the academic year.

(ii) All faculty senate bodies should hold a planning meeting early in the faculty senate year. Each body should submit an outline of proposed activities to the executive committee.

(iii) All bodies shall file a copy of the minutes of their meetings with the faculty senate office.

(b) Facilities and services.

(i) The faculty senate conference room shall be available for meetings of faculty senate bodies.

(ii) Secretarial services of the faculty senate office shall be available to faculty senate bodies. Requests for services shall be directed to the chair of the faculty senate.

(iii) Bodies of the faculty senate may file requests for funds from the faculty senate budget to support their activities.

(iv) A faculty senate body may request that the chair appoint consultants to the body. Consultants will not have voting privileges.

(c) Reports.

(i) Each faculty senate body shall file a report at the end of the faculty senate year summarizing the activities of the body. The chair of the body is responsible for the report.

(ii) Progress reports to the faculty senate may be made orally.

(iii) Reports to the faculty senate which summarize investigations or which embody recommendations shall be submitted in writing.

(iv) Reports which embody major recommendations shall be submitted to the vice chair of the senate prior to presentation at a faculty senate meeting. The vice chair or the executive committee of the faculty senate may request additional work by the body including hearings which permit interested parties to comment upon proposals. Reports to members of the senate shall be circulated in advance of the meeting at which a vote is to occur.

(6) Composition and terms of appointment. Composition and terms of appointments of members of faculty senate councils, committees, and commissions except where specified elsewhere in the bylaws shall be specified for each group in the catalog of university and senate councils, committees, and commissions.

(7) Membership of faculty senate bodies.

(a) Sizes of faculty senate committees and commissions. Every effort shall be made to keep committees and commissions small except when bodies require a number of permanent subcommittees. A committee or commission with as few as three members is not inappropriate.

(b) Representation on faculty senate bodies.

(i) Faculty senate committees will normally be chaired by members of the faculty senate.

(ii) Faculty senate commissions may be chaired by any member of the faculty.

(iii) Faculty senate committees shall have at least two members of the faculty senate as members of the committee. Other faculty members, students, and alumni may serve as members of the faculty senate bodies.

(iv) A faculty senate commission will normally have at least one member of the faculty senate as a member.

(8) Additional programs, functions, and responsibilities of the faculty senate may be established.

Last updated April 26, 2021 at 9:40 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3341.04
Amplifies: 3341.01, 3341.04
Prior Effective Dates: 3/11/1982, 11/1/2016
Rule 3342-2-07 | University policy and procedures regardin the educational policies council.

(A) Educational policies council. For complete information on this council, see rules 3342-2-05 and 3342-2-06 of the Administrative Code and this register.

(B) Responsibility and authority. The responsibilities and authority of the educational policies council shall be as follows:

(1) Long-range academic planning, both conceptually and structurally, for the university. It is understood, of course, that this long-range planning shall reflect the mission and goals of the university as these are defined by the board and the president jointly. A close, coordinated interrelationship is to be presumed between the educational policies council and agencies established by the board and/or the president;

(2) Overall curricular planning and policy guidelines for the university;

(3) Sensitivity to proliferation and duplication of courses and programs;

(4) Arbitration of interdepartmental and intercollegial curricular disputes or misunderstandings;

(5) Monitoring of curricular changes generated by a specific academic unit of the university as they affect other academic departments, majors, and colleges;

(6) At its discretion, review of all curricular changes and proposals originating with other academic units to assure effective adherence to university-wide policies;

(7) Action on matters referred to it by college curriculum committees specified in preceding paragraphs; and

(8) Approval of new or altered academic programs, policies, operational procedures and regulations and administrative structures (e.g., academic department, college).

(C) Periodic review of the educational policies council. The responsibility, authority and structure of the educational policies council shall be reviewed each two years or at any time review may be considered appropriate by majority vote of the whole membership of the educational policies council.

(D) Procedures of the educational policies council. All curricular changes whether initiated and determined by department, college or other curricular body shall be reported to and published in the agenda of the educational policies council. This publication will give notice to all academic units of proposed curricular changes thereby affording them the opportunity to comment upon the proposals. All curricular bodies and academic units must be mindful of certain time limitations such as deadlines for catalog copy when proposing or commenting upon curricular changes. After a prescribed period of time succeeding the publication of curricular proposals, they will become effective as outlined in the balance of this statement; if any curricular proposal is questioned by any other curricular body or academic unit within the time allowed after publication, the issue will be resolved as outlined in the balance of this statement and upon resolution becomes effective.

(1) Curricular matters determined and proposed solely by academic departments shall be as follows:

(a) Changes in course descriptions not involving substantial changes in course content;

(b) Changes in course titles not involving substantial changes in course content;

(c) Changes in course prerequisites not affecting any other academic unit;

(d) Inactivation of courses not affecting any other academic unit; and

(e) Changes in course numbers not affecting level.

(2) Curricular changes initiated by academic departments but forwarded to parent college curriculum committees for approval shall be as follows:

(a) Changes in course credit hours;

(b) Changes in course numbers affecting the level of courses;

(c) Inactivation of courses affecting other academic programs or general curricular requirements within the parent college;

(d) New or additional courses;

(e) Substantial changes in course content affecting description and title, constituting essentially new courses; and

(f) Changes in or establishment of major, minor and certificate admission, course and graduation requirements consistent with university-wide policies.

(3) Curricular changes initiated by academic departments but forwarded to parent college for approval and to other affected academic units for acknowledgement shall be as follows:

(a) Inactivation of courses specified in degree programs or general curricular requirements of colleges other than the parent college;

(b) Substantial changes in content affecting title and description of courses required in academic programs or other curricular requirements of colleges other than the parent college;

(c) Changes in prerequisite of courses required in academic programs or other curricular requirements of colleges other than the parent college;

(d) Changes in course numbers affecting level of courses required in academic programs or other curricular requirements of colleges other than the parent college; and

(e) Establishment of new or additional courses designed for academic programs or other curricular requirements of other than the parent college.

(4) Curricular matters initiated and determined by college curriculum bodies shall be as follows:

(a) Policies for major, minor and certificate programs; proposed departures from university-wide policies shall be approved by the educational policies council; and

(b) General curricular policies and requirements for the college; proposed departures from university- wide policies shall be approved by the educational policies council.

(5) Independent schools, honors college, graduate studies, undergraduate studies and university libraries shall function in a fashion parallel to the college curriculum committees.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3341.01
Amplifies: 3341.01, 3341.04
Prior Effective Dates: 5/28/1997
Rule 3342-2-08 | Undergraduate student government charter.

(A) Preamble.

(1) The authority, which exists on the campus of Kent state university, is the authority of the state of Ohio delegated by law to the board of trustees of the university and through them to such agencies, as they deem proper. Recognizing our lack of sovereignty in this regard, we use the term "undergraduate student government" to pertain to the primary vehicle by which the undergraduate student body provides its input into the university community.

(2) We, the undergraduate students of Kent state university, in order to define and secure our rights and status in the university community, and in order to provide for the common betterment and general welfare of the undergraduate student body and the university and to insure meaningful student participation in total university governance, do hereby establish this revised charter for the undergraduate student government of Kent state university.

(B) Undergraduate student government, herein after referred to as the USG which are the representative bodies on the following campuses: Ashtabula, East Liverpool, Geauga, Kent, Salem, Stark, Trumbull, and Tuscarawas.

(1) Powers, responsibilities, and limitations.

(a) The legislative powers of the USG and the determination of all matters of policy, except as otherwise provided in this charter, shall be vested in the USG. It shall have the ultimate authority and responsibility within the USG framework to: (i) provide for the common betterment and general welfare of the undergraduate student body. (ii) ensure meaningful student participation in total university governance across all eight campuses.

(b) In pursuit of these functions, the USG shall have the following powers and responsibilities:

(i) Shall authorize or approve the creation of all positions within the jurisdiction of the USG.

(ii) Shall establish criteria for minimum standards for all elected and appointed members of the USG. These standards shall be set forth in the by-laws of the USG. Failure to meet these standards will be grounds for disqualification.

(iii) Shall be responsible for considering student opinion.

(iv) Shall coordinate undergraduate student participation in established channels of university policy making through the appointment of undergraduate students to all university committees and positions which have undergraduate student representation.

(a) Such appointments shall be made in accordance with this charter and applicable university policies.

(b) The USG may remove any of these appointees as articulated in its by-laws.

(v) Shall ensure proper channels of communication both internally between students, faculty, staff and the administration as well as with parties external to the university.

(vi) Shall channel the execution of its resolutions and bills through the president of USG and thereby to the university administration or to such appointees as sit on the appropriate university committees.

(vii) Shall exercise or delegate such additional authority as may be entrusted to USG by the board of trustees or its designees.

(viii) Shall ensure that the USG is perpetuated under this charter and shall provide for a smooth transition to a new USG by ensuring the education and training of newly elected or appointed representatives. The president shall oversee the transition of the new USG by conducting, together with the outgoing and/or the incoming president, a series of training workshops during the period between the election and the beginning of fall semester.

(c) In the pursuit of its responsibilities and functions the USG shall have the following limitations:

(i) No member of the USG shall hold any position of employment in the administrative service of the USG, during the elected or appointed term.

(ii) No member of the USG shall hold any other position on campus for which scholarship is received, with the exception of work-study or other university employment.

(2) Membership. The membership is comprised of the USG members from the representative bodies on the following campuses: Ashtabula, East Liverpool, Geauga, Kent, Salem, Stark, Trumbull, and Tuscarawas.

(a) Kent campus. Nine undergraduate students shall be elected at-large from the undergraduate student body on the Kent campus to serve a term of one year. Ten undergraduate students shall be elected at-large from within ten academic colleges of the Kent campus to serve a term of one year. Six undergraduate students shall be appointed to represent specific constituencies of undergraduate students of the Kent campus to serve a term of one year.

(b) Regional campuses. Each USG shall elect or appoint a minimum of three designated representatives with one of those representatives being named the president.

Unless otherwise provided for in this rule, the recognized USG at each regional campus shall be governed by rule 3342-8-01.7 of the Administrative Code.

(C) The president.

(1) Duties. The president shall act as chief spokesperson of the USG in communication with the administration, the student body, and the community. In this capacity, the president is charged with representing the view of the USG. The president shall be considered the coordinator of all administrative functions and bodies of the USG.

(2) Responsibilities.

(a) The president shall be responsible to the USG for the proper administration of the USG and shall be required to:

(i) Serve as chairperson of the USG and as such shall have all the powers and limitations of a member with the exception of additional powers and limitations as follows:

(a) Shall preside over the USG meetings and ensure order and progress through the use of parliamentary procedure.

(b) Shall serve as a non-voting member of the USG. The president may, however, as provided for in Robert's Rules of Order, make or break a tie on any matter of business.

(c) Shall communicate the resolutions of the USG to the appropriate persons.

(ii) Use the president's authority to make reasonable requests of USG members in an effort to fulfill the responsibilities of the USG.

(iii) Recommend to the USG the removal of any individual member of the USG who is consistently negligent in the performance of the members' duties and responsibilities.

(iv) Use discretion in directing issues to the appropriate members. The aforementioned clause shall not supersede any chartered powers or responsibilities of any member of the USG.

(v) Oversee the routine business functions of the USG.

(vi) Perform all duties, which may reasonably be requested by the USG.

(vii) Oversee all expenditures authorized to the applicable USG.

(viii) Exercise control over all departments, programs, and positions placed under the president's purview by the USG.

(ix) Recommend to the USG such measures, as deemed necessary and expedient.

(x) Receive, validate, and submit to the USG all initiative petitions and depositions.

(xi) Report to the USG at all regular meetings on all actions, the current financial position of the USG, and current or future needs of the USG and the undergraduate student body, and report either verbally or in writing on all official functions when requested.

(xii) Shall receive and act within fifteen academic class days, upon all valid petitions, defined under paragraph (E) of this rule, which shall be presented to the president.

(xiii) Shall consider any issue presented by an undergraduate student or group to the president in the form of a signed deposition stating the issue and bearing the signatures of one representative who agrees to consider the issue.

(xiv) Shall consider and act, within fifteen academic class days, upon all recommendations made by the president in the form of a signed deposition and bearing the signature of one other representative who agrees to consider the issue.

(D) The judicial function. The all university hearing board is established through the authority of the university code of student conduct, rule 3342-4-02 of the Administrative Code to recommend sanctions regarding the violation of university rules and regulations; the all university hearing board is vested with the judicial authority for the USG.

(1) Structure. Should the nature or structure of the all university hearing board be substantially altered by any means, this article will be submitted by the USG for referendum to the undergraduate student body; such referendum shall determine the composition and powers of the all university hearing board under the judicial function.

(2) Composition. There shall be four undergraduate positions on the all university hearing board. Students shall be appointed to these by the USG. There shall be no graduate student position on the board for purposes of the jurisdiction herein defined. Other sections of university policy which pertain to the nature and structure of the all university hearing board are valid for purposes of this document except as provided for paragraph (D)(1) of this rule.

(3) Jurisdiction. With regard to USG, the all university hearing board shall have jurisdiction to hear and decide all:

(a) Cases concerning interpretations of the charter of the USG of Kent state university.

(b) Cases concerning the legality, with respect to this charter, of all USG resolutions and bills.

(c) Cases concerning charges of fraud, malfeasance, or illegal procedure taking place within any general student election.

(d) Cases concerning disputes between student organizations or between a student or students and any organization or organizations.

(E) Initiative petitions and referenda.

(1) The USG shall hold a referendum under the following conditions.

(a) If a two-thirds majority of the USG across all eight campuses votes in favor of holding a referendum; or

(b) If the president receives a valid initiative petition; or

(c) If each USG across the eight campuses vote to hold a referendum based on their specific campus needs; voting will be held only on the campus who initiated the referendum.

(2) Initiative petitions. A valid initiative petition shall contain the valid written signatures and email of registered undergraduate students, as listed in paragraph (E)(3) of this rule. Such petitions shall be submitted to the president for validation and referral to the USG.

(3) Requirements. Legal and valid petitions bearing the written signatures and email of the following percentages of the registered undergraduate student body shall be sufficient for the purpose indicated:

(a) Two per cent to require the USG to consider a particular issue.

(b) Eight per cent to require a referendum on any specified issue or issues.

(c) Eight per cent to require a referendum on proposed charter amendments.

(d) Eight per cent to require a referendum on recalling a USG officer.

(F) Amendments.

(1) Proposal of amendments. Amendment proposals to this charter may be submitted for referendum as prescribed in paragraph (E)(1)(a) or paragraph (E)(1)(b) of this rule or by an affirmative vote of two-thirds majority of the USG across the eight campuses.

(2) Ratification. Amendments shall be valid as part of this charter when ratified by a majority of the undergraduate student bodies across the eight campuses casting ballots in a referendum and after the approval of the board of trustees.

(G) USG - Kent.

(1) Kent campus elections.

(a) Elections shall occur between the eighth and the eleventh (inclusive) regular academic class weeks of the spring semester.

(b) Each candidate will declare one position and will petition and campaign for only that declared position.

(c) Each undergraduate student of Kent campus may vote for one candidate for each USG position.

(d) The candidate receiving the highest number of votes for each of the nineteen elected USG positions will take office within twenty regular academic class days after the official election results are announced and shall serve for one year barring recall, resignation or disqualification.

(2) Status of members at the Kent campus.

(a) The positions at the Kent campus shall be known as follows:

(i) President;

(ii) Director of governmental affairs;

(iii) Director of community affairs;

(iv) Director of programming;

(v) Director of student involvement;

(vi) Director of student advancement;

(vii) Director of marketing and communications;

(viii) Director of academic affairs;

(ix) Director of business and finance;

(x) Senator for the college of architecture and environmental design;

(xi) Senator for the college of the arts;

(xii) Senator for the college of arts and sciences;

(xiii) Senator for the college of business administration;

(xiv) Senator for the college of communication and information;

(xv) Senator for the college of education, health and human services;

(xvi) Senator for the honors college;

(xvii) Senator for the college of nursing;

(xviii) Senator for the college of applied engineering, sustainability & technology;

(xix) Senator for the college of public health;

(xx) Senator for university college;

(xxi) Senator for the residence halls;

(xxii) Senator for off-campus and commuter students;

(xxiii) Senator at large;

(xxiv) Senator at large;

(xxv) Senator at large;

(b) Position descriptions for the twenty-five USG positions listed in paragraphs (G)(2)(a)(i) to (G)(2)(a)(xxv) of this rule will be defined by the USG-Kent by-laws.

(c) The USG may delegate any other authority and responsibility within itself as it sees fit.

(3) Removals, vacancies, and reassignments of members of USG-Kent.

(a) Removal by petition. A petition of eight percent of the Kent campus undergraduate student body may require a referendum to recall any USG official from office. Such referendum shall be held within fifteen academic class days after the receipt of a valid petition. See paragraph (F) of this rule.

(b) Declaration of vacancy. In case of a USG member's persistent failure to abide by the charter and by-laws as established by the USG, the seat of said member shall be declared vacant through a resolution of the USG. Said resolution must be approved by a two-thirds vote of USG members present at a regular or special meeting called for this purpose.

(4) Filling of USG vacancies at the Kent campus.

(a) If any USG member shall cease to be an undergraduate student, resign, be disqualified, or otherwise vacate a position on or before October first, the USG, within fifteen academic class days of the acknowledgement of the member's inability to remain in their position, shall hold a special election, or if applicable interview process, for the assignment of that particular USG position.

(b) In the event that a USG position is not filled during the regular election, a special election will be held for the purpose of filling the vacant USG position(s). The special election will be held within fifteen academic class days following the general election.

(c) In the event that after a USG position becomes vacant after October first, or that after a special election is held the USG position(s) remains vacant, the USG shall appoint by three-fourths majority vote a person to fill each vacancy within fifteen academic class days.

(5) Procedures of USG on the Kent campus.

(a) The USG shall develop by-laws determining its own rules and procedures and shall have available minutes of all meetings upon request.

(b) Quorum to conduct business for an executive cabinet meeting shall be five members, with the presence of the president counting in establishing quorum. A concurring vote of a majority of the USG executive cabinet members casting votes, except as otherwise noted within the charter and by-laws of the USG, shall be required for passage of all business. Quorum to conduct business for a regular meeting shall be thirteen members, with the presence of the president counting in establishing quorum. A concurring vote of a two-thirds majority of the USG members casting votes, except as otherwise noted within the charter and by-laws of the USG, shall be required for passage of all legislation as well as the annual USG budget.

(c) The USG shall have regular public meetings at such times as may be prescribed by its rules, but not less frequently than twice each month. All meetings shall be open to the public, but the USG reserves the right to move into executive session.

(d) Special meetings may be called by the president or any five members of the USG executive cabinet on twenty-four hours notice as stated in rule 3342-9-01.2 of the Administrative Code, Administrative policy regarding electronic communications for students. The purpose of a special meeting shall be stated in the notice and no other business shall be transacted at said meeting.

(e) The USG-Kent shall determine the distribution process for all monies for which the USG-Kent has been delegated authority.

(i) The undergraduate student activities tuition allocation monies, with the exception of the "May 4th" commemoration allocation, shall be distributed between standing committees of the USG. These standing committees shall exist as follows:

(a) An allocations standing committee, chaired by the director of business and finance, for the purpose of allocating funds to requesting student organizations for programming and conferences and for academic conferences for individuals at the Kent campus.

(b) A programming board standing committee, chaired by the director of programming, for the purpose of providing USG managed programming for undergraduate students.

(H) Undergraduate student government staff of USG- Kent.

(1) Appointment and removal.

(a) The president, with the advice of the USG, will appoint staff personnel necessary to carry out the functions of the USG. These appointees must then be confirmed by majority vote of the USG at the next public meeting following the appointment. The appointees will assume their duties, as described in the by-laws of the USG, upon confirmation. Should any appointee not be confirmed, the president will make a new appointment to be confirmed by majority vote.

(b) The director of business and finance, with the advice of the USG, will appoint undergraduate students to the allocations standing committee. These appointees must then be confirmed by majority vote of the USG at the next public meeting following the appointment. The appointees will assume their duties, as described in the by-laws of the USG, upon confirmation. Should any appointee not be confirmed, the director of business and finance will make a new appointment to be confirmed by a majority of the USG.

(c) The director of programming, with the advice of the USG, will appoint undergraduate students to the programming board standing committee. These appointees must then be confirmed by majority vote of the USG at the next public meeting following the appointment. The appointees will assume their duties, as described in the by-laws of the USG, upon confirmation. Should any appointee not be confirmed, the director of programming will make a new appointment to be confirmed by a majority of the USG.

(d) Any member of the staff, allocations standing committee, or programming board standing committee may be removed by the president, with the advice and consent of a majority of those members present at a regular or special meeting called for that purpose.

(e) Any vacancies of the at-large positions of the allocations standing committee or programming board standing committee shall be filled by an appointee of the respective standing committee chairperson, with the advice of the USG. These appointees must then be confirmed by majority vote of the USG at the next public meeting following appointment. The appointees will assume their duties, as described in the by-laws of the USG, upon confirmation. Should any appointee not be confirmed, the respective member will make a new appointment to be confirmed by a majority of the USG.

(2) Functions.

(a) The staff will be coordinated by the president in accordance with paragraph (C)(2)(a)(viii) of this rule.

(b) The staff will assist the members in carrying out their duties and responsibilities.

(I) Implementation. This rule shall become the official charter of the USG of Kent state university upon approval by the undergraduate students in a general referendum and approval by the board of trustees. This charter applies to the representative bodies across all eight campuses and shall supersede all previous charters of the USG.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3341.04
Amplifies: 3341.01, 3341.04
Prior Effective Dates: 2/24/1995, 3/7/2000
Rule 3342-2-09 | Graduate student senate charter.

(A) The name of the organization shall be the "Graduate Student Senate" of Kent state university, and for the purpose of this rule will be referred to as the GSS.

(B) University sanction. The GSS shall operate in compliance with all university regulations and will observe the policies set forth in paragraph (G)(5) of rule 3342-2-01 of the Administrative Code.

(C) Purpose.

(1) The GSS shall:

(a) Operate in compliance with its charter and bylaws;

(b) Allocate the funds it receives from the university in compliance with university funding policies and the funding policies of the GSS as set forth in this document;

(c) Provide a channel for communication among graduate students, the university, and the local, state, and national communities;

(d) Serve graduate students and represent their interests in the university and the local, state, and national communities;

(e) Promote understanding and intellectual stimulation among graduate students, Kent state university, and the community at large;

(f) Facilitate collaboration with other representative student groups;

(g) Advise Kent state university administration, the graduate schools and graduate policy councils on matters of graduate student concern.

(2) The GSS shall endeavor at all times to:

(a) Advocate for graduate students in academic and extracurricular matters;

(b) Promote the quality in graduate education; and

(c) Secure the rights and privileges of graduate students as members of Kent state university and the community at large.

(D) Membership. Members of the GSS shall be graduate students, selected/elected by graduate students (on a departmental basis).

(1) The number of representatives to the GSS from each academic department, school, or college will be determined yearly on the basis of the enrollment and guidelines to be set in GSS bylaws.

(2) Each graduate college/school within the Kent state university shall provide a process for the election of voting representatives and alternates.

(3) Each representative and alternate will be elected by a majority of those students from the academic unit, department, program, or a group of selected programs as determined in advance.

(4) Election of representatives and alternates shall take place annually.

(5) Representatives or alternates serve for one twelve month period and may be reelected.

(6) Recall of a representative shall be the responsibility of the students from the academic unit, department, program, or group of programs that elected the representative.

(7) When the representative is absent from a meeting, the alternate assumes the vacant position until the representative returns.

(8) A representative who has two consecutive absences from the GSS meetings can be removed from the GSS, unless an alternate is present in the representative's place. The executive shall govern the removal of a representative and determine whether the absences were excusable. All GSS vacancies arising from absences shall be filled by the affected academic unit, department, program, or group of programs within three weeks of notification of the removal.

(9) Should a representative resign, the alternate shall immediately become the representative and an alternate shall be elected from the academic unit, department, program, or group of programs to complete the remainder of the term.

(10) The duly designated and alternate representative of any graduate student organization shall be entitled to all privileges of the floor at the meetings of the GSS. The alternate shall be eligible to vote only in the absence of the designated representative.

(E) Officers. The executive vice-chair, information services chair, finance chair, colloquium chair and executive chair of the GSS shall be elected at the second to the last regularly scheduled meeting of the spring semester of each year. In order to promote continuity, a smooth transition and understanding of functions, the previous committee chair will become the executive chair and the previous executive chair will become the colloquium chair. An elected officer shall officially assume his or her duties at the last scheduled GSS meeting of the spring semester. Vacancies shall be filled at this meeting.

(1) The executive committee of the GSS shall consist of the executive chair, colloquium chair, executive vice-chair, finance chair, information services chair and any and all ex-officio members.

(a) The executive committee shall conduct business of the GSS between meetings and prepare the agenda for these general meetings.

(b) All decisions affecting funding shall originate in the executive committee. Any action taken by the executive committee shall be subject to appeal and possible revision by the full membership of GSS. Appeal procedures shall fall under new business at the next regular general meeting of the GSS.

(c) Should an elected office become vacant, the executive committee may appoint on interim until a special election can be held to choose a person to complete the term of office. The special election shall take place on or before the second regularly scheduled meeting of the GSS after the office is vacated.

(d) The executive committee shall report on all actions taken by the executive committee at the GSS general meeting. In all matters, the GSS as a whole retains the right to approve, overrule, or amend any decision of the executive committee by a quorum majority.

(e) Former members of the executive committee shall be entitled to sit as "ex officio" and nonvoting members of the executive committee as long as they shall maintain the status of graduate students at Kent state university.

(2) The executive chair of the GSS shall preside at all meetings of the GSS.

(a) The executive chair shall be the official spokesperson and representative of GSS to the administration of Kent state university.

(b) When acting for or representing the GSS in any official capacity, the executive chair and all the other officers of the GSS shall consider themselves bound by all decisions of the GSS and the executive committee.

(c) The executive chair shall act as the official delegate to any state, regional or national convention involving graduate students.

(d) The executive chair shall schedule and preside over all meetings of the executive committee.

(3) The executive vice-chair of GSS shall assume all of the duties of the executive chair in the absence of the executive chair.

(a) Should the position of executive chair become permanently vacant for any reason, the executive vice-chair shall become the executive chair in name and fact, and a new executive vice-chair shall be elected from GSS.

(b) The executive vice-chair shall be responsible for filling all Kent state university-wide committee appointments made by GSS.

(c) The executive vice-chair shall act as the official liaison of the GSS with the faculty senate.

(4) The finance chair shall be responsible for the execution of the financial obligations of the GSS, in accordance with Kent state university policies and procedures.

(a) The finance chair shall be authorized to disperse funds for executive committee officers' claims for reimbursement from the treasury, not to exceed a limit as established by the GSS without formal executive committee approval.

(b) The finance chair shall be authorized to disperse funds in accordance with the GSS travel policy without formal executive committee approval.

(c) The finance chair shall submit financial reports at every general meeting.

(d) All requests for funds from the treasury shall be submitted, in writing, through a representative to the finance chair.

(e) The finance chair shall be responsible for processing all claims against the treasury.

(5) The information services chair shall be responsible for recording and distributing minutes and other records of the GSS.

(a) Whenever possible, the information services chair shall be assisted by an administrative assistant. In such cases the information services chair shall have the duty of approving, by signature, the preparation of minutes, records, and correspondence.

(b) The information services chair shall be responsible for the maintenance of membership lists, and shall bring vacancies and absences to the attention of the executive committee.

(c) The information services chair shall provide copies of all records, excluding those which require confidentiality from higher authority, without approval of the entire executive committee, to any member of GSS upon written request.

(6) The colloquium chair shall serve on the executive committee and in an advisory capacity to the executive committee and to GSS. The colloquium chair shall perform specific duties as designated by the executive chair and the executive committee.

(a) The colloquium chair shall be responsible for the coordination and organization of special GSS events as designated by the executive chair and the executive committee.

(b) The colloquium chair shall serve on special committees and act as public relations officer for GSS.

(7) The GSS retains all powers not delegated in this document, and may assign other duties as it chooses.

(8) GSS election of officers shall be by quorum majority.

(F) Committees. The GSS shall create, staff, and disband such committees as it wishes to conduct its business.

(1) Appointments to standing council, Kent state university, and college committees shall be made by the executive vice-chair.

(2) Appointees to such committees may include graduate students other than members of the GSS.

(3) The graduate student representatives to Kent state university committees shall submit a summary report to the GSS.

(G) Impeachment. The impeachment of an officer shall be by quorum majority of the GSS.

(1) The accuser must present a petition for the impeachment of an officer to the provost or her/his designee. The petition must contain the signatures of a majority of the GSS representatives, excluding alternates or one-third of the graduate student body as determined by the registrar's office.

(2) A special meeting of the GSS shall be called by the provost or her/his designee for this specific purpose.

(3) The accused officer must be notified, in writing, at least seven days prior to the date of the special meeting.

(4) The provost or her/his designee shall designate a representative to preside at the meeting and a full transcript shall be made.

(5) Both the accused and the accuser shall have the right to counsel and to present evidence and testimony at the special meeting.

(6) The meeting shall be closed to all persons except the above.

(7) All voting shall be by secret ballot. The count shall be made by the person presiding, verified by the accused, and the ballots shall be sealed with the transcript to be held with the official records of GSS.

(8) The verdict shall be mailed to all members of the GSS and the accused officer by the provost or his/her designee within one week of the special meeting.

(H) Voting.

(1) A quorum must be present to conduct business. A quorum shall consist of at least ten elected representatives to the GSS or their alternates.

(2) Unless otherwise noted, a quorum majority shall be required for approval of any GSS action. A quorum majority shall mean more than one-half of the number of representatives present at the meeting.

(3) All GSS members (representatives and executive committee members) with the exception of the executive chair have voting privileges. The executive chair shall exercise the privilege to settle the issue of a tie vote.

(I) Amendments.

(1) To propose an amendment to this document, a GSS representative (or alternate), shall read and present a written copy of the amendment at a general meeting of the GSS. A copy of the proposed amendment shall be sent to all GSS representatives (or alternates) within two weeks of the meeting for their review.

(2) The amendment proposal shall be placed on the agenda of the next general GSS meeting following its introduction. A two-thirds majority vote will be required to bring the amendment to the floor for discussion.

(3) Amendments shall be adopted by a two-thirds quorum majority of the GSS and shall take effect upon adoption and ratification by the Kent state university president and the board of trustees and fulfillment of the requirements of section 111.15 of the Revised Code.

(J) Ratification. Ratification of this document shall be by quorum majority of the GSS, the president of Kent state university, and the board of trustees.

(1) Upon ratification, this document, or a revised version thereof, shall supersede all previous governing documents and practices of the GSS of Kent state university.

(2) Upon ratification of this document, or a revised version thereof, all persons holding office in the GSS shall continue as officers of the GSS until the end of their terms or their resignations.

(K) Bylaws. Bylaws may be established as long as they operate in compliance with this charter.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3341.01
Amplifies: 3341.01, 3341.04
Prior Effective Dates: 1/11/1991
Rule 3342-2-10 | Bylaws of the graduate college council.

(A) Name of organization. Kent state university graduate college council.

(B) Object and aim of organization. The graduate college council serves the university as the primary academic advisory body to the dean on those matters involving graduate college programs, policies and procedures.

(C) Membership.

(1) Members. The graduate college council consists of dean, the associate and assistant deans of the graduate college, the dean of arts and sciences, the dean of fine and professional arts, the dean of university libraries and media services, one member chosen by each of the departments in the graduate college, and six graduate students. Each faculty councilperson must be a full member of the graduate faculty. The six graduate students, to be selected by the graduate student senate shall each represent one of these broad discipline areas:

(a) Humanities;

(b) Natural sciences and mathematics;

(c) Social sciences;

(d) Fine and performing arts;

(e) Professional programs; and

(f) At-large.

(2) Voting privileges. All members of the council have voting rights.

(3) Terms. Faculty representatives are chosen by their departments in accordance with customary departmental procedures; the term of the councilperson so chosen shall normally be for two years with renewal possible. Graduate student members shall serve terms of one year with reappointment permitted. Terms shall commence the fifteenth of September.

(D) Officers. The dean of the graduate college is chairperson of the council. In the absence of the dean, a presiding officer shall be appointed by the dean.

(E) Meetings.

(1) Meetings shall be held monthly during the academic year. Special meetings may be called at any time by the dean of the graduate college.

(2) A quorum is necessary to conduct any council business. A quorum shall consist of more than half the council.

(3) Items of council business and agenda shall be mailed to all members of the council so as to be in their hands in advance of a meeting.

(4) New business of an emergency nature can be brought before council at any meeting if a majority of the members present agree.

(5) Items of business, other than changes in the bylaws, shall be passed if a majority of members present vote favorably.

(F) Committees.

(1) There shall be standing committees on curricula, graduate faculty, graduate student affairs, and long range planning. A slate of membership for each committee shall be prepared by the dean and presented to the council for approval in the fall semester. The term of duty is one calendar year.

(2) Agenda items for these committees normally shall be directed to them by council or by the dean of the graduate college. These committees shall report to council.

(3) Ad hoc committees shall be authorized by council upon need, and the method of appointment of their members shall be specified by council.

(G) Parliamentary authority.

(1) The parliamentary authority for graduate college council is defined in these bylaws.

(2) For parliamentary procedure not defined in these bylaws, graduate college council shall follow "Robert's Rules of Order."

(H) Amendments.

(1) Consideration of changes in the bylaws of the graduate college council may be brought before council at any time on motion duly made, seconded, and favorably voted upon by a majority of council present.

(2) The specific proposal to amend the bylaws shall be considered at the next regular meeting of council provided it has been circulated to the membership as required by paragraph (E)(3) of this rule. A favorable vote by at least a majority of council present at the meeting is necessary to carry the motion to amend these bylaws.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3341.01
Amplifies: 3341.04
Prior Effective Dates: 3/3/1991
Rule 3342-2-11 | University policy for the selection of student trustees.

(A) The Ohio Revised Code states, "The student members of the board of trustees shall be appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, from a group of five candidates selected pursuant to a procedure adopted by the university's student governments and approved by the university's board of trustees.

(B) The candidates.

(1) Qualifications.

(a) Must possess the qualifications of an elector of the state of Ohio;

(i) Eighteen years of age;

(ii) Resident of the state of Ohio;

(iii) Registered to vote.

(b) Students must be enrolled in, regularly attending, and complete at least eight undergraduate credit hours or six graduate credit hours, for the semester in which they are an applicant.

(c) Students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.50 undergraduate and 3.0 graduate, not be aon academic probation or warning, and have passed at least six undergraduate or three graduate credit hours in the preceding semester of attendance at Kent state university.

(d) At the time of nomination, nominees must be able to complete a two year term of office.

(C) Nomination and application process.

(1) The vice president for enrollment management and student affairs will call for applications and nominations from the entire university community.

(a) Advertise the vacant position in the "Daily Kent Stater";

(b) Seek nomination from regional campuse deans, Kent campus deans, chairs, and faculty members, undergraduate and graduate student senates, and other unversities constituents.

(2) The vice president for enrollment management and student affairs will review the returned applications for eligbility of the required criteria, then forward the eligible applicants to the committee.

(D) Selection process.

(1) Committee composition.

(a) Members of the committee shall be comprised of a designee from each of the following constituencies. The vice president for enrollment management and student affairs is responsible for seeking the designees. The director for the center for student involvement or his/her designee will serve on the committee in an ex-officio capacity.

(i) Undergraduate student government;

(ii) Graduate student senate;

(iii) Commuter and off-campus student organization;

(iv) Black united students;

(v) Kent interhall council;

(vi) Regional campuses (one representative) as appointed by the vice orovost for regional campuses;

(vii) Unaffiliated student representative as appointed by the vice president for enrollment management and student affairs;

(viii) Outgoing student trustee (chair);

(ix) Current student trustee.

(b) The chair of the committee shall be the outgoing student trustee. In the event of a tie, the chair may cast the tie-breaking vote.

(2) Responsibilities of the chair.

(a) Convene the committee no later than the first week of April;

(b) Determine the voting procedure at the initial meeting;

(c) Select, by majority vote, the five nominees for the position;

(d) Shall forward the names of the five approved nominees to the governor of the state of Ohio no later than the third week of April.

(E) Responsibilities.

(1) All student trustees are expected to fulfill the responsibilities of a trustee as stated by law and the policies of the board of trustees of Kent state university.

(2) A student trustee Is expected to maintain the same level of expertise and preparedness as an empowered member of the board of trustees.

(3) The selected student trustees shall enter their office the seventeenth day of may and shall end their term two years thereafter (no later than the sixteenth of May).

(4) If a student trustee is to resign, ge/she must submit, to the governor of the state of Ohio, a letter of resignation. A copy of the original letter of resignation must also be sent to the chair of the board of trustees, and the vice president for enrollment management and student affairs. Upon receiving said letter, the process of nominations and applications will begin, according to paragraph (B) of this rule.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3341.01
Amplifies: 3341.01, 3341.04
Prior Effective Dates: 11/20/1996
Rule 3342-2-12 | Attendance by members of the Kent state university board of trustees at a meeting by means of electronic communications.

(A) Policy statement. It is the policy of the Kent state university board of trustees to allow its members to attend a meeting of the board via means of electronic communications in accordance with section 3345.82 of the Revised Code.

(B) Attendance of a trustee by means of electronic communication at a meeting of the board, called in accordance with paragraph (F) of rule 3342-2-01 of the Administrative Code, shall be subject to the following provisions:

(1) Each trustee shall be required to be present, in person, at least two regular meetings of the board annually, which shall not be less than one-half of the regular meetings held during such term.

(2) A trustee may only attend a meeting by means of electronic communication if all of the following minimum standards are met:

(a) At least one-third of the trustees attending the meeting shall be present, in person, at the place where the meeting is conducted;

(b) All votes taken at the meeting are taken by roll call vote; and

(c) A trustee who intends to attend a meeting by means of electronic communication has notified the board chair of such intent no less than forty-eight hours prior to the start of the meeting, except in the case of a declared emergency.

(C) Notwithstanding division (C) of section 121.22 of the Revised Code, a trustee satisfying the conditions of paragraph (B) of this rule and attending a meeting by means of electronic communication shall be:

(1) Considered to be present at the meeting;

(2) Counted for purposes of establishing a quorum; and

(3) Eligible to vote at the meeting.

Last updated October 1, 2021 at 9:01 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3341.04
Amplifies: 3341.01, 3341.04, 3345.82