(A) The president of the university shall be elected by and hold office at the pleasure of the board. The president shall be the executive head of the university and charged with the supervision of all its interests and activities.
(B) The president shall preside at commencements and other public occasions. The president shall have the authority to sign such diplomas and certificates and confer such degrees and honors as may be granted by the board unless such authority is rescinded by the board.
(C) The president or the president's designee shall attend all meetings of the board and its committees. The president and the appropriate board committee chairperson shall have the authority to act for and in behalf of the board, when necessary, during the interval between the June and September meetings of the board, provided that any such action of a financial nature shall not exceed the authority granted by paragraphs (E)(2), (E)(3)(a), and (E)(3)(b) of this rule and by rule 3361:10-1-06 of the Administrative Code. All such actions shall be reported to the board at its September meeting.
(D) The president shall present proposed annual budgets, and submit to the board periodically, for its information, an organizational chart of the university. The president shall, preferably at a regular meeting of the board in the fall of every odd-numbered year, submit to it a biennial report for the prior two years.
(E) Without board of trustees' approval, the president or the president's designee shall have the authority to:
(1) Approve all budget transfers in undesignated general or auxiliary funds, and all additional appropriations of undesignated general, auxiliary or plant funds in amounts of four million five hundred thousand dollars. The four million five hundred thousand dollar limit may be increased to five million dollars with the verbal or written consent of the chairperson of the finance and administration committee. Under normal conditions written approval is preferred. The president shall report all such approved transfers and appropriations to the board for information at its next regular meeting.
(2) Approve and execute
(a) Contracts (including term contracts which are the result of ordinary competitive bidding procedure), purchase orders and modifications thereof which require the expenditure of funds by the university of amounts not in excess of four million five hundred thousand dollars; provided that the four million five hundred dollar limit may be increased to five million dollars with the verbal or written consent of the chairperson of the finance and administration committee, or in the absence of the chairperson of the finance and administration committee, the vice chairperson of the finance and administration committee, which consent when given by the vice chairperson of the finance and administration committee and attested as provided in these bylaws shall be conclusively presumed to have been given in the absence of the chairperson of the finance and administration committee. Under normal conditions written approval is preferred.
(b) Grants, sponsored contracts and other contracts which do not require the expenditure of funds by the university (other than as an incident of performance of the contract), and modifications thereof, in any amount.
The president shall report all such approved and executed contracts, purchase orders, grants or modifications to the board for information at its next regular meeting or at such intervals as the board of trustees shall direct. Such report may be in summary form showing aggregated information for multiple contracts.
(3) All delegations of contracting authority by the president to a designee as authorized or provided for in paragraphs (E)(1), (E)(2) and (E)(3) of this rule shall be in writing and otherwise conform to the requirements of paragraph (F) of rule 3361: 10-1-05 of the Administrative Code.
(F) The president shall, upon receipt of written communications to the board from any employee, or from students or from student organizations of the university, transmit the same to the board.
(G) The president or the president's designee shall have authority to approve appointments, promotions and dismissals of employees of the university except as specified by paragraphs (A)(1)(b) and (A)(2)(a) of rule 3361:10-1-05 of the Administrative Code. The president shall be a member of the faculty of each college and division. The president may call special meetings of any college or division faculty or joint meetings of some or all such faculties. The president may preside at any university, college or school faculty meeting. The president shall have authority to appoint such committees as may seem to him or her appropriate.
(H) The president shall have the authority to take whatever action is necessary to maintain discipline at the university and to suspend any employee of the university, which actions shall have immediate effect.
(I) Except as specified by paragraph (A)(2)(b) of rule 3361:10-1-05 of the Administrative Code, the president shall have the authority to adopt necessary and reasonable personnel policies and procedures to amplify the university rules, the rules of the department of administration and finance, and the personnel procedures memoranda of the department of administration and finance. The president may delegate the authority granted by this paragraph.
(J) The president shall have the authority to adopt necessary and reasonable policies and procedures regarding the use of the facilities of the university, which amplify the university rules, and Ohio and federal law. The president shall also have the authority to amend or rescind such policies and procedures.
(K) The president shall have the authority to develop administrative guidelines and procedures to implement the rule on short-term loans, including such matters as the maximum dollar amount of all short-term loans and the administrative service fee assessed such short-term loans. The president may delegate the authority granted by this paragraph.
(L) The president shall have the authority to establish reasonable and necessary fees, and the process for assessing and refunding such fees, pursuant to paragraphs (B), (C), and (D) of rule 3361:20-31-01 of the Administrative Code.
(M) The president shall have the authority to establish and modify university parking rates and fines and to promulgate rules which implement the administration of parking pursuant to rule 3361:70-5-01 of the Administrative Code.
(N) The president shall recommend to the board for approval the appointment of any additional deans, directors or administrative officers as the president may deem necessary.
(O) The president shall have the authority to:
(1) Adopt amendments to any university rule which:
(a) Would clarify or correct the language of the rule but would not constitute a substantive change; or
(b) Would conform the rule to applicable laws or regulations.
(2) Adopt, amend or rescind rules which implement actions approved or taken previously, by the board of trustees. These adoptions, amendments and rescissions shall be effective as provided in section 111.15 of the Revised Code.
(3) Adopt, amend or rescind internal management rules, as defined and pursuant to section 111.15 of the Revised Code and which shall be effective as provided in that section.
Any rules adopted, amended or rescinded by the president under the authority granted by this paragraph shall be reported to the board of trustees for information at its next regular meeting.
(P) The president shall have authority to designate "employing units" for the university as such term is defined in division (A)(2) of section 145.297 of the Revised Code for purposes of early retirement incentive plans under the Ohio public employees retirement system.
Last updated June 5, 2021 at 3:36 AM
Supplemental Information
Amplifies: 3361
Prior Effective Dates: 3/16/1978, 7/15/1987, 4/23/1991, 10/11/1997, 1/11/2005