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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3775-4 | Sports Gaming Licenses

Rule 3775-4-01 | General licensing requirements.

(A) No sports gaming proprietor, mobile management services provider, management services provider, sports gaming supplier, sports gaming employee, or type C sports gaming host may operate, conduct, or assist in operating or conducting sports gaming in this state without first obtaining an appropriate license or provisional license from the commission.

(B) Except for an appointing professional sports organization, type C sports gaming host, or applicant who currently holds a license under division (A)(3) of section 3775.06 of the Revised Code, each person applying for an initial or renewal sports gaming license must submit two complete sets of fingerprints to the commission for the purpose of conducting a criminal records check pursuant to divisions (A) and (C) of section 109.572 of the Revised Code, at the applicant's sole expense and cost. An applicant that employs a sports gaming employee applicant must pay these fees on that person's behalf. An applicant convicted of any disqualifying offense, as defined and prohibited by sections 3772.07 and 3772.10 of the Revised Code, and as determined under section 9.79 of the Revised Code, will not be issued a license.

(C) The commission may grant a sports gaming proprietor, mobile management services provider, management services provider, or sports gaming supplier license to an applicant only once it has determined that each person in control of the applicant, has:

(1) Submitted any forms, documents, or information the commission requires;

(2) Submitted two sets of fingerprints. The costs of which are to be paid by the entity the person controls; and

(3) Been found eligible, qualified, and suitable as determined by the commission.

(D) The commission must conduct a complete investigation of each applicant for a sports gaming license each time the applicant applies for an initial or renewal sports gaming license.

(E) The commission may reopen a licensing investigation or adjudication at any time.

(F) When reviewing an applicant, the commission may rely on or consider the last investigation conducted into, or license issued to, the applicant under Chapter 3770. or 3772. of the Revised Code.

(G) All sports gaming applicants and licensees, except for appointing professional sports organizations and type C gaming hosts, must update the commission, in writing, within ten days of any material change to any information provided in an initial or renewal sports gaming license application, to include the following:

(1) Change of name;

(2) Change of home or business address;

(3) Change of primary telephone number or electronic mail address;

(4) Change to the state of incorporation or principal place of business;

(5) A change in the persons in control of an applicant or licensee;

(6) Any bankruptcy filed, discharged, or dismissed;

(7) Any arrest, charge, plea, or conviction for any crime or offense occurring in any jurisdiction, excluding minor misdemeanor traffic offenses;

(8) Any investigation commenced by or action filed by a gaming regulatory agency or government gaming authority, except for routine renewal application reviews;

(9) Any rejection, suspension, revocation, or denial of any gaming-related application or license, and any fine, penalty, or settled amount related to any gaming-related license imposed upon or agreed to in any jurisdiction;

(10) Any other changes designated on an applicable update form; and

(11) Any other information affecting the sports gaming license applicant's or sports gaming licensee's suitability.

(H) All appointing professional sports organizations must update the commission, in writing, within ten days of any material change to any information provided in an initial or renewal sports gaming license application, to include the following:

(1) Change of name;

(2) Change of address;

(3) Change of primary telephone number or electronic mail address;

(4) Change to the state of incorporation or principal place of business;

(5) Any investigation commenced by or action filed by a gaming regulatory agency or government gaming authority, except for routine renewal application reviews;

(6) Any changes to the appointing professional sports organization's status, including changes regarding their membership in a league, association, or organization with a policy preventing them from being subject to the regulatory control of the commission or from otherwise operating under a license, as well as changes to that policy itself; and

(7) Any other changes designated on an applicable update form.

(I) All type C sports gaming hosts must update the commission, in writing, within ten days of any material change to any information provided in an initial or renewal sports gaming license application to include the following:

(1) Change of name;

(2) Change of address;

(3) Change of primary telephone number or electronic mail address;

(4) Change to any A-1A, A-1C, D-1, D-2, or D-5 liquor permit held and issued under Chapter 4303. of the Revised Code;

(5) Change to any lottery sales agent license held and issued Chapter 3770. of the Revised Code;

(6) Change to a lottery commission recommendation; and

(7) Any other changes designated on an applicable update form.

(J) A sports gaming licensee must adhere to the following with respect to a license granted by the commission:

(1) A sports gaming proprietor, mobile management services provider, and management services provider must display its license conspicuously in its place of business or have the license available for inspection by the commission or any law enforcement agency upon request;

(2) A sports gaming employee licensee must prominently display evidence of a license, in a manner determined by the executive director, while actively on duty for a sports gaming proprietor and present in a sports gaming facility; and

(3) A type C sports gaming host must display its license conspicuously in its place of business.

(K) Information provided on the application, and any additional information requested by and provided to the commission, will be used as a basis for an investigation of each applicant or licensee.

(L) An incomplete application, or an application containing false, misleading, or omitted information, is cause for administrative action by the commission.

(M) The executive director may recommend to the commission that it deny any application, or limit, condition, restrict, suspend, or revoke any license or impose any fine upon any licensee or other person in accordance with sports gaming law.

(N) No person may re-apply for a sports gaming license for three years from the date the person's application for licensure was denied or license was revoked by the commission. This provision does not apply to applications the executive director approves for withdrawal or to an applicant who is not issued a license solely due to a restraint in the number of licenses available.

(O) No license issued under this chapter is transferable. A significant change in or transfer of control of a licensee, as determined by the executive director, requires the filing of a new application and submission of the applicable fees under this chapter before any change in or transfer of control is approved by the commission.

Last updated January 27, 2025 at 8:03 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3775.02, 3775.03
Amplifies: R.C. 3770.25, 3772.07, 3772.10, 3775.02, 3775.03, 3775.04, 3775.041, 3775.05, 3775.051, 3775.06, 3775.07, 3775.08, and 3775.09
Five Year Review Date: 8/15/2027
Prior Effective Dates: 8/15/2022
Rule 3775-4-02 | Type A sports gaming proprietor licensure.

(A) An applicant for an initial or renewal type A sports gaming proprietor license must complete and submit the appropriate form(s) required by the commission and ensure the payment of a nonrefundable application fee of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, as well as all fees necessary to cover the cost of any required criminal-records checks.

(B) An applicant for an initial or renewal type A sports gaming proprietor license must establish, by clear and convincing evidence, the applicant's suitability for licensure.

(C) Except for an appointing professional sports organization, in determining whether to grant, maintain, or renew a type A sports gaming proprietor license, the commission will evaluate and consider the following factors, in addition to those set forth in division (C) of section 3775.03 and divisions (A), (B), and (C) of section 3775.041 of the Revised Code:

(1) Whether the type A sports gaming proprietor and any person that controls it possesses good character, honesty, and integrity;

(2) Whether the type A sports gaming proprietor and any person that controls it possesses financial stability, integrity, and responsibility;

(3) Whether the type A sports gaming proprietor is a professional sports organization, casino operator, or video lottery sales agents as defined in section 3775.01 of the Revised Code;

(4) The extent to which the type A sports gaming proprietor and any person that controls it have cooperated with the commission in connection with the background investigation;

(5) The extent to which the type A sports gaming proprietor and any person that controls it have provided accurate and complete information as required by the commission;

(6) The suitability of any material person, as determined by the executive director;

(7) The reputation and business experience of the type A sports gaming proprietor operating in the state;

(8) The establishment and maintenance of facilities that meet the requirements of division (A)(3) of section 3775.04 of the Revised Code;

(9) Whether the type A sports gaming proprietor has been issued a comparable sports gaming license in another gaming jurisdiction with similar licensing requirements, as determined by the commission;

(10) The prospective total revenue to be collected by the state for the conducting of online sports gaming by a sports gaming proprietor;

(11) The prospective total taxable income to be earned by the type A sports gaming proprietor's employees in the state;

(12) The extent to which the type A sports gaming proprietor contributes to the economic development in the state; and

(13) The extent to which the type A sports gaming proprietor has complied with the requirements of Chapters 3772. and 3775. of the Revised Code and the rules adopted thereunder.

(D) If the type A sports gaming proprietor is an appointing professional sports organization, the designee operator must establish the designee operator's suitability on behalf of the appointing professional sports organization in accordance with paragraph (C) of this rule. A type A sports gaming proprietor that is a professional sports organization, regardless of appointing status, otherwise must:

(1) Meet all applicable eligibility standards and economic development factors including those in divisions (A) and (C) of section 3775.041 of the Revised Code; and

(2) Maintain protocols and procedures in place with the designee operator to ensure independence and avoid conflicts of interest in the operation of sports gaming, in accordance with division (A) of section 3775.05 of the Revised Code and the rules adopted thereunder.

(E) If, at any time during licensure, a professional sports organization either loses its status as an appointing professional sports organization or otherwise wishes to offer sports gaming without a designee operator, the professional sports organization must first demonstrate its suitability under paragraph (C) of this rule as well as compliance with all other provisions of Chapters 3772. and 3775. of the Revised Code and the rules adopted thereunder.

(F) A type A sports gaming proprietor license expires five years after the date of licensure.

(G) A type A sports gaming proprietor may request renewal of the license by completing and submitting the appropriate form(s) required by the commission no less than one hundred eighty days before the expiration of the license.

(H) Upon approval by the commission, at a meeting held under section 3772.02 of the Revised Code, an applicant for an initial or renewal type A sports gaming proprietor license must ensure that:

(1) The first installment of the license fees described in division (E)(1) of section 3775.04 of the Revised Code is paid. Each subsequent annual license fee must be paid by the anniversary date of the granting of the license. Failure to timely pay any portion of a fee required by this rule constitutes cause for the executive director to issue an emergency order in the manner prescribed by division (G) of section 3772.04 of the Revised Code; and

(2) A surety bond of an amount necessary to cover all future license fees owed, payable to the state, is posted and maintained, as required by division (E) of section 3775.04 of the Revised Code. The bond must be issued by a surety that is licensed to do business in this state.

(I) In the event the application fee paid by a type A sports gaming proprietor is insufficient to cover the actual costs of investigating the suitability of the applicant or the persons that control it, the commission may assess additional fees to cover the costs of the investigation that exceed the application fee paid under this chapter.

(J) Unless otherwise approved by the executive director, all fees must be submitted to the commission in the form of an electronic funds transfer payable to the treasurer of the state of Ohio.

(K) If the executive director determines at any time that a type A sports gaming proprietor licensee has not actively offered sports gaming to patrons under the license for a continued period of one year or more or that the proprietor was issued a license because of a preference described in division (A) of section 3775.041 of the Revised Code and no longer qualifies for that preference, administrative action to revoke the applicable license may be taken against the licensee. Notice of any proposed action and an opportunity for hearing will be provided in the manner prescribed under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code and Chapter 3772-21 of the Administrative Code. In so doing, the executive director may issue an emergency order in the manner prescribed by division (G) of section 3772.04 of the Revised Code. Such administrative action will not affect any other sports gaming proprietor licenses that are held by the licensee.

(L) A type A sports gaming proprietor may not apply to renew its license if it did not actively offer sports gaming to the economic benefit of the state under the license during the preceding license term and must wait a minimum of one year from the expiration of the license before seeking another license.

(M) The applicant should clearly identify those portions of the application that it deems to be confidential, proprietary commercial information, trade secrets, or otherwise not subject to public disclosure. Information provided as part of the application and licensing process is open to public inspection to the extent provided by the Ohio Public Records Act and section 3775.14 of the Revised Code.

Last updated October 29, 2024 at 8:18 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3775.03, 3775.04, 3775.041
Amplifies: 3775.03, 3775.04, 3775.041, 3775.05, 3775.09, 3775.14
Five Year Review Date: 8/15/2027
Prior Effective Dates: 8/15/2022
Rule 3775-4-02.1 | Additional type A sports gaming proprietor licenses.

(A) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (B) of this rule, the commission must not license more than twenty-five type A sports gaming proprietors at any one time.

(B) Once twenty-five type A sports gaming proprietors are licensed in this state, the commission may, in its sole discretion, issue additional type A sports gaming proprietor licenses only if the potential applicant(s) can demonstrate that:

(1) There is a substantial, considerable, and ongoing need for additional type A sports gaming proprietors evidenced by quantifiable sports gaming market data gathered in this state consisting of;

(a) Market share analyses;

(b) Reports performed by a qualified third party on the projected amount of additional contributions to economic development, taxable revenue, and job creation that will be generated resulting in a further substantial benefit to this state; and

(c) Any other information so requested by the commission to aid in its determination; and

(2) They meet all requirements for licensure under Chapter 3775. of the Revised Code and the rules adopted thereunder.

Last updated October 16, 2024 at 4:40 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3775.02
Amplifies: 3775.03, 3775.04
Five Year Review Date: 10/15/2027
Rule 3775-4-03 | Type B sports gaming proprietor licensure.

(A) An applicant for an initial or renewal type B sports gaming proprietor license must complete and submit the appropriate form(s) required by the commission and ensure the payment of a nonrefundable application fee of twenty thousand dollars, as well as all fees necessary to cover the cost of any required criminal-records checks.

(B) An applicant for an initial or renewal type B sports gaming proprietor license must establish, by clear and convincing evidence, the applicant's suitability for licensure.

(C) Except for an appointing professional sports organization, in determining whether to grant, maintain, or renew a type B sports gaming proprietor license, the commission will evaluate and consider the following factors, in addition to those set forth in division (C) of section 3775.03 and divisions (A), (B), and (C) of section 3775.041 of the Revised Code:

(1) Whether the type B sports gaming proprietor and any person that controls it possesses good character, honesty, and integrity;

(2) Whether the type B sports gaming proprietor and any person that controls it possesses financial stability, integrity, and responsibility;

(3) Whether the type B sports gaming proprietor is a professional sports organization, casino operator, or video lottery sales agent as defined in section 3775.01 of the Revised Code;

(4) The extent to which the type B sports gaming proprietor and any person that controls it have cooperated with the commission in connection with the background investigation;

(5) The extent to which the type B sports gaming proprietor and any person that controls it have provided accurate and complete information as required by the commission;

(6) The suitability of any material person, as determined by the executive director;

(7) The reputation and business experience of the type B sports gaming proprietor operating in the state;

(8) The suitability of the facilities or proposed facilities for the conducting of sports gaming in the state;

(9) Whether the type B sports gaming proprietor has been issued a comparable sports gaming license in another gaming jurisdiction with similar licensing requirements, as determined by the commission;

(10) The prospective total revenue to be collected by the state for the conducting of in-person sports gaming by the sports gaming proprietor;

(11) The prospective total taxable income to be earned by the type B sports gaming proprietor's employees in the state;

(12) The extent to which the type B sports gaming proprietor contributes to the economic development in the state; and

(13) The extent to which the type B sports gaming proprietor has complied with the requirements of Chapters 3772. and 3775. of the Revised Code and the rules adopted thereunder.

(D) If the type B sports gaming proprietor is an appointing professional sports organization, the designee operator must establish the designee operator's suitability on behalf of the appointing professional sports organization in accordance with paragraph (C) of this rule. A type B sports gaming proprietor that is a professional sports organization, regardless of appointing status, otherwise must:

(1) Meet all applicable eligibility standards and economic development factors including those in divisions (A) and (C) of section 3775.041 of the Revised Code; and

(2) Maintain protocols and procedures in place with the designee operator to ensure independence and avoid conflicts of interest in the operation of sports gaming, in accordance with division (A) of section 3775.051 of the Revised Code and the rules adopted thereunder.

(E) If, at any time during licensure, a professional sports organization either loses its status as an appointing professional sports organization or otherwise wishes to offer sports gaming without a designee operator, the professional sports organization must first demonstrate its suitability under paragraph (C) of this rule as well as compliance with all other provisions of Chapters 3772. and 3775. of the Revised Code and the rules adopted thereunder.

(F) In addition to the factors in paragraph (C) or (D) of this rule, as applicable, and the county population parameters outlined in division (B) of section 3775.04 of the Revised Code, the commission will only issue an initial type B sports gaming proprietor license to a person who conducts significant economic activity in the county in which the sports gaming facility is to be located. This requirement will be determined by the commission in consultation with the department of development and may include consideration of the following factors:

(1) Contributions of physical capital or infrastructure;

(2) Contributions to employment;

(3) Contributions to business development, including tourism; and

(4) Any other factors the commission determines, in consultation with the department of development, to materially affect the economic activity in a particular county.

(G) A type B sports gaming proprietor license expires five years after the date of licensure.

(H) A type B sports gaming proprietor may request renewal of the license by completing and submitting the appropriate form(s) required by the commission no less than one hundred eighty days before the expiration of the license.

(I) Upon approval by the commission, at a meeting held under section 3772.02 of the Revised Code, an applicant for an initial or renewal type B sports gaming proprietor license must ensure that:

(1) The first installment of the license fees described in division (E)(2) of section 3775.04 of the Revised Code is paid. Each subsequent annual license fee must be paid by the anniversary date of the granting of the license. Failure to timely pay any portion of a fee required by this rule constitutes cause for the executive director to issue an emergency order in the manner prescribed by division (G) of section 3772.04 of the Revised Code; and

(2) A surety bond of an amount necessary to cover all future license fees owed, payable to the state, is posted and maintained, as required by division (E) of section 3775.04 of the Revised Code. The bond must be issued by a surety that is licensed to do business in this state.

(J) In the event the application fee paid by a type B sports gaming proprietor is insufficient to cover the actual costs of investigating the suitability of the applicant or the persons that control it, the commission may assess additional fees to cover the costs of the investigation that exceed the application fee paid under this chapter.

(K) Unless otherwise approved by the executive director, all fees must be submitted to the commission in the form of an electronic funds transfer payable to the treasurer of the state of Ohio.

(L) If the executive director determines at any time that a type B sports gaming proprietor licensee has not actively offered sports gaming to patrons under the license for a continued period of one year or more, or that the proprietor was issued a license because of a preference described in division (A) of section 3775.041 of the Revised Code and no longer qualifies for that preference, administrative action to revoke the applicable license may be taken against the licensee. Notice of any proposed action and an opportunity for hearing will be provided in the manner prescribed under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code and Chapter 3772-21 of the Administrative Code. In so doing, the executive director may issue an emergency order in the manner prescribed by division (G) of section 3772.04 of the Revised Code. Such administrative action will not affect any other sports gaming proprietor licenses that are held by the licensee.

(M) A type B sports gaming proprietor may not apply to renew its license if it did not actively offer sports gaming to the economic benefit of the state under the license during the preceding license term and must wait a minimum of one year from the expiration of the license before seeking another license.

(N) The applicant should clearly identify those portions of the application that it deems to be confidential, proprietary commercial information, trade secrets, or otherwise not subject to public disclosure. Information provided as part of the application and licensing process is open to public inspection to the extent provided by the Ohio Public Records Act and section 3775.14 of the Revised Code.

Last updated October 29, 2024 at 8:18 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3775.03, 3775.04, 3775.041
Amplifies: 3775.03, 3775.04, 3775.041, 3775.05, 3775.09, 3775.14
Five Year Review Date: 8/15/2027
Rule 3775-4-03.1 | County population exception for type B sports gaming proprietor license.

(A) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (B) of this rule, the commission must not license a type B sports gaming proprietor with a sports gaming facility located in a county with a population of less than one hundred thousand, as determined by the 2010 federal decennial census.

(B) If a type B sports gaming proprietor has a sports gaming facility located in a county with a population of fifty thousand or more but less than one hundred thousand, as determined by the 2010 federal decennial census, the commission may issue a type B sports gaming proprietor license if:

(1) The type B sports gaming proprietor obtains and submits information from the department of development attesting that the county where the proposed or current sports gaming facility is located received at least five million visitors for purposes of tourism during the most recent calendar year for which data is available; and

(2) They meet all requirements for licensure under Chapter 3775. of the Revised Code and the rules adopted thereunder.

Last updated October 16, 2024 at 4:40 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3775.02
Amplifies: 3775.03, 3775.04
Five Year Review Date: 10/15/2027
Rule 3775-4-04 | Type C sports gaming proprietor licensure.

(A) An applicant for an initial or renewal type C sports gaming proprietor license must complete and submit the appropriate form(s) required by the commission and pay a nonrefundable application fee of fifteen thousand dollars and all fees necessary to cover the cost of any required criminal-records checks.

(B) An applicant for an initial or renewal type C sports gaming proprietor license must establish, by clear and convincing evidence, the applicant's suitability for licensure.

(C) In determining whether to grant, maintain, or renew a type C sports gaming proprietor license, the commission will evaluate and consider the following factors, in addition to those set forth in division (C) of 3775.03 and divisions (B) and (C) of section 3775.041 of the Revised Code:

(1) Whether the type C sports gaming proprietor and any person that controls it possesses good character, honesty, and integrity;

(2) Whether the type C sports gaming proprietor and any person that controls it possesses financial stability, integrity, and responsibility;

(3) The extent to which the type C sports gaming proprietor and any person that controls it have cooperated with the commission in connection with the background investigation;

(4) The extent to which the type C sports gaming proprietor and any person that controls it have provided accurate and complete information as required by the commission;

(5) The suitability of any material person, as determined by the executive director;

(6) The reputation and business experience of the type C sports gaming proprietor;

(7) Whether the type C sports gaming proprietor has entered or will enter into agreements to offer sports gaming at type C sports gaming host facilities, subject to regulatory approvals;

(8) Whether the type C sports gaming proprietor has been issued a comparable sports gaming license in another gaming jurisdiction with similar licensing requirements, as determined by the commission;

(9) The prospective total revenue to be collected by the state for the conducting of sports gaming;

(10) The prospective total taxable income to be earned by the type C sports gaming proprietor's employees in the state;

(11) The extent to which the type C sports gaming proprietor contributes to the economic development in the state; and

(12) The extent to which the type C sports gaming proprietor has complied with the requirements of Chapters 3770., 3772., and 3775. of the Revised Code and the rules adopted thereunder.

(D) A type C sports gaming proprietor license expires five years after the date of licensure.

(E) A type C sports gaming proprietor may request renewal of the license by completing and submitting the appropriate form(s) required by the commission no less than one hundred eighty days before the expiration of the license.

(F) Upon approval by the commission, at a meeting held under section 3772.02 of the Revised Code, an applicant for an initial or renewal type C sports gaming proprietor license must:

(1) Pay the nonrefundable license fees as outlined in division (E)(3) of section 3775.04 of the Revised Code;

(2) Post and maintain a surety bond of an amount necessary to cover all future license fees owed, payable to the state, which must be issued by a surety that is licensed to do business in this state, as required by division (E) of section 3775.04 of the Revised Code; and

(3) Enter into a valid contract with the state lottery commission to operate lottery sports gaming pursuant to Chapters 3770. and 3775. of the Revised Code. Failure to enter into or to maintain a contract with the state lottery commission may be cause for administrative action against the licensee.

(G) In the event the application fee paid by a type C sports gaming proprietor is insufficient to cover the actual costs of investigating the suitability of the applicant or the persons that control it, the commission may assess additional fees to cover the costs of the investigation that exceed the application fee paid under this chapter.

(H) Unless otherwise approved by the executive director, all fees must be submitted to the commission in the form of an electronic funds transfer payable to the treasurer of the state of Ohio.

(I) If the executive director determines at any time that a type C sports gaming proprietor licensee has not actively offered sports gaming to patrons under the license for a continued period of one year or more, administrative action to revoke the applicable license may be taken against the licensee. Notice of any proposed action and an opportunity for hearing will be provided in the manner prescribed under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code and Chapter 3772-21 of the Administrative Code. Such administrative action will not affect any other sports gaming proprietor licenses that are held by the licensee.

(J) A type C sports gaming proprietor may not apply to renew its license if it did not actively offer sports gaming to the economic benefit of the state under the license during the preceding license term and must wait a minimum of one year from the expiration of the license before seeking another license.

(K) The applicant should clearly identify those portions of the application that it deems to be confidential, proprietary commercial information, trade secrets, or otherwise not subject to public disclosure. Information provided as part of the application and licensing process is open to public inspection to the extent provided by the Ohio Public Records Act and section 3775.14 of the Revised Code.

Last updated October 29, 2024 at 8:18 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3770.24, 3775.03, 3775.04, 3775.041
Amplifies: 3770.24, 3775.03, 3775.04, 3775.041, 3775.09, 3775.14
Five Year Review Date: 8/15/2027
Prior Effective Dates: 8/15/2022
Rule 3775-4-05 | Mobile management services provider licensure.

(A) An applicant for an initial or renewal mobile management services provider license must complete and submit the appropriate form(s) required by the commission and ensure the payment of a nonrefundable application fee of one hundred fifty thousand dollars, as well as all fees necessary to cover the cost of any required criminal-records checks.

(B) An applicant for an initial or renewal mobile management services provider license must establish, by clear and convincing evidence, the applicant's suitability for licensure.

(C) In determining whether to grant, maintain, or renew a mobile management services provider license, the commission will evaluate and consider the following factors, in addition to those set forth in division (C) of section 3775.03 and division (B) of section 3775.041 of the Revised Code:

(1) Whether the mobile management services provider and any person that controls it possesses good character, honesty, and integrity;

(2) Whether the mobile management services provider and any person that controls it possesses financial stability, integrity, and responsibility;

(3) The extent to which the mobile management services provider and any person that controls it have cooperated with the commission in connection with the background investigation;

(4) The extent to which the mobile management services provider and any person that controls it have provided accurate and complete information as required by the commission;

(5) Whether the mobile management services provider has been issued a comparable sports gaming license in another gaming jurisdiction with similar licensing requirements, as determined by the commission;

(6) Whether the applicant is considered a designated first mobile management services provider or designated second mobile management services provider pursuant to division (A) of section 3775.05 of the Revised Code, including, for a second designated mobile management services provider, whether the type A sports gaming proprietor, in coordination with the mobile management services provider, has demonstrated that issuing the license would:

(a) Not prevent any other type A sports gaming proprietor from securing a first designated mobile management services provider; and

(b) Provide an incremental economic benefit to the state. The economic benefit generated to the state will be determined by:

(i) The additional actual or expected sports gaming tax revenue generated and license fees dedicated for educational purposes, problem gambling services, and veterans;

(ii) Any jobs created or other services procured in the state that are attributable to the designated second mobile management services provider conducting sports gaming;

(iii) Any capital investments made or intended to be made in the state by the designated second mobile management services provider; or

(iv) Other economic impacts approved by the commission.

(7) Whether the mobile management services provider has been contractually appointed as the mobile management services provider or designee operator by a type A sports gaming proprietor licensee, subject to regulatory approval;

(8) The reputation and business experience of the mobile management services provider operating in the state;

(9) The prospective total revenue to be collected by the state for the conducting of sports gaming; and

(10) The extent to which the mobile management services provider has complied with the requirements of Chapters 3772. and 3775. of the Revised Code and the rules adopted thereunder.

(D) A mobile management services provider that has been appointed as the designee operator in accordance with division (A) of section 3775.05 of the Revised Code must ensure independence with the professional sports organization that holds the type A sports gaming proprietor license. In so doing, the designee operator must ensure that a conflicts of interest policy is created, implemented, and maintained to avoid apparent or actual conflicts of interests between the parties. The policy must be originally approved by the commission, with material changes approved by the executive director, and must include controls or information necessary to ensure that:

(1) Neither party:

(a) Shares information that may compromise the integrity of sporting events or sports gaming with the other; nor

(b) Controls nor improperly influences the other; and

(2) Both parties maintain separate and independent records as it relates to the operation of sports gaming in this state, to the extent such records exist in the normal course of business.

(E) A mobile management services provider license expires five years after the date of licensure. Regardless of the licensure term, and pursuant to division (E)(2) of section 3775.05 of the Revised Code, a mobile management services provider is not permitted to operate sports gaming other than pursuant to a currently valid and binding contract with a type A sports gaming proprietor.

(F) A mobile management services provider may request renewal of the license by completing and submitting the appropriate form(s) required by the commission no less than one hundred eighty days before the expiration of the license.

(G) Upon approval by the commission, at a meeting held under section 3772.02 of the Revised Code, an applicant for an initial or renewal mobile management services provider license must ensure that:

(1) The first installment of the license fees described in division (B)(3) of section 3775.05 of the Revised Code is paid. Each subsequent annual license fee must be paid by the anniversary date of the granting of the license. Failure to timely pay any portion of a fee required by this rule constitutes cause for the executive director to issue an emergency order in the manner prescribed by division (G) of section 3772.04 of the Revised Code;

(2) A surety bond of at least five hundred thousand dollars, payable to the state, is posted and maintained. The bond must be issued by a surety that is licensed to do business in this state; and

(3) A written contract with a type A sports gaming proprietor to operate sports gaming on the proprietor's behalf has been entered into and approved by the commission. The contract must contain a description of what duties under Chapter 3775. of the Revised Code and the rules adopted thereunder each party is responsible for.

(H) As required by division (D) of section 3775.05 of the Revised Code, any material change, as determined by the executive director, to the contract described in paragraph (G)(3) of this rule requires executive director approval. If material changes to the contract are made without approval, those changes are null and void. This contract, and any provision thereof, is not assignable or transferable.

(I) No mobile management services provider may hold more than four mobile management services licenses at any one time. For each mobile management services provider application submitted after the first, a mobile management services provider need only complete those portions of the application so indicated and need only pay an application fee of seventy-five thousand dollars.

(J) In the event the application fee paid by a mobile management services provider is insufficient to cover the actual costs of investigating the suitability of the applicant or the persons that control it, the commission may assess additional fees to cover the costs of the investigation that exceed the application fee paid under this chapter.

(K) Unless otherwise approved by the executive director, all fees must be submitted to the commission in the form of an electronic funds transfer payable to the treasurer of the state of Ohio.

(L) If the executive director determines at any time that a mobile management services provider licensee has not actively offered sports gaming to the economic benefit of the state under the license for a continued period of one year or more, administrative action to revoke the applicable license may be taken against the licensee. Notice of any proposed action and an opportunity for hearing will be provided in the manner prescribed under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code and Chapter 3772-21 of the Administrative Code. Such administrative action will not affect any other mobile management services provider licenses that are held by the licensee.

(M) A mobile management service provider may not apply to renew its license if it did not actively offer sports gaming to the economic benefit of the state under the license during the preceding license term and must wait a minimum of one year from the expiration of the license before seeking another license.

(N) The applicant should clearly identify those portions of the application that it deems to be confidential, proprietary commercial information, trade secrets, or otherwise not subject to public disclosure. Information provided as part of the application and licensing process is open to public inspection to the extent provided by the Ohio Public Records Act and section 3775.14 of the Revised Code.

Last updated October 29, 2024 at 8:18 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3775.03, 3775.041, 3775.05
Amplifies: 3775.03, 3775.04, 3775.041, 3775.05, 3775.09, 3775.14
Five Year Review Date: 8/15/2027
Prior Effective Dates: 8/15/2022, 5/27/2024
Rule 3775-4-06 | Management services provider licensure.

(A) An applicant for an initial or renewal management services provider license must complete and submit the appropriate form(s) required by the commission and ensure the payment of a nonrefundable application fee of twenty thousand dollars, as well as all fees necessary to cover the cost of any required criminal-records checks.

(B) An applicant for an initial or renewal management services provider license must establish, by clear and convincing evidence, the applicant's suitability for licensure.

(C) In determining whether to grant, maintain, or renew a management services provider license, the commission will evaluate and consider the following factors, in addition to those set forth in division (C) of section 3775.03 and division (B) of section 3775.041 of the Revised Code:

(1) Whether the management services provider and any person that controls it possesses good character, honesty, and integrity;

(2) Whether the management services provider and any person that controls it possesses financial stability, integrity, and responsibility;

(3) The extent to which the management services provider and any person that controls it have cooperated with the commission in connection with the background investigation;

(4) The extent to which the management services provider and any person that controls it have provided accurate and complete information as required by the commission;

(5) Whether the management services provider has been issued a comparable sports gaming license in another gaming jurisdiction with similar licensing requirements, as determined by the commission;

(6) Whether the management services provider has been contractually appointed as the management services provider or designee operator by a type B sports gaming proprietor licensee, subject to regulatory approval;

(7) The reputation and business experience of the management services provider operating in the state;

(8) The prospective total revenue to be collected by the state for the conducting of sports gaming; and

(9) The extent to which the management services provider has complied with the requirements of Chapters 3772. and 3775. of the Revised Code and the rules adopted thereunder.

(D) A management services provider that has been appointed as the designee operator in accordance with division (A) of section 3775.051 of the Revised Code must ensure complete independence with the professional sports organization that holds the contractual type B sports gaming proprietor license. In so doing, the designee operator must ensure that a conflicts of interest policy is created, implemented, and maintained to avoid apparent or actual conflicts of interests between the parties. The policy must be originally approved by the commission, with material changes approved by the executive director, and must include controls or information necessary to ensure that:

(1) Neither party:

(a) Shares information that may compromise the integrity of sporting events or sports gaming with the other; nor

(b) Controls nor improperly influences the other; and

(2) Both parties maintain separate and independent records as it relates to the operation of sports gaming in this state, to the extent such records exist in the normal course of business.

(E) A management services provider license expires five years after the date of licensure. Regardless of the licensure term, and pursuant to division (E)(2) of section 3775.051 of the Revised Code, a management services provider is not permitted to operate sports gaming other than pursuant to a currently valid and binding contract with a type B sports gaming proprietor.

(F) A management services provider may request renewal of the license by completing and submitting the appropriate form(s) required by the commission no less than one hundred eighty days before the expiration of the license.

(G) Upon approval by the commission, at a meeting held under section 3772.02 of the Revised Code, an applicant for an initial or renewal management services provider license must ensure that:

(1) The first installment of the license fees described in division (B)(3) of section 3775.051 of the Revised Code is paid. Each subsequent annual license fee must be paid by the anniversary date of the granting of the license. Failure to timely pay any portion of a fee required by this rule constitutes cause for the executive director to issue an emergency order in the manner prescribed by division (G) of section 3772.04 of the Revised Code;

(2) A surety bond of at least one hundred thousand dollars payable to the state is posted and maintained. The bond must be issued by a surety that is licensed to do business in this state; and

(3) A written contract with a type B sports gaming proprietor to operate sports gaming on the proprietor's behalf has been entered into and approved by the commission. The contract must contain a description of what duties under Chapter 3775. of the Revised Code and the rules adopted thereunder each party is to be responsible for.

(H) As required by division (D) of section 3775.051 of the Revised Code, any material change, as determined by the executive director, to the contract described in paragraph (G)(3) of this rule requires executive director approval. If material changes to the contract are made without approval, those changes are null and void. This contract, and any provision thereof, is not assignable or transferrable.

(I) No management services provider may hold more than twelve management service provider licenses at any one time. For each management services provider application submitted after the first, a management services provider need only complete those portions of the application so indicated and need only pay an application fee of ten thousand dollars.

(J) In the event the application fee paid by a management services provider is insufficient to cover the actual costs of investigating the suitability of the applicant or the persons that control it, the commission may assess additional fees to cover the costs of the investigation that exceed the application fee paid under this chapter.

(K) Unless otherwise approved by the executive director, all fees must be submitted to the commission in the form of an electronic funds transfer payable to the treasurer of the state of Ohio.

(L) If the executive director determines at any time that a management services provider licensee has not actively offered sports gaming to the economic benefit of the state under the license for a continued period of one year or more, administrative action to revoke the applicable license may be taken against the licensee. Notice of any proposed action and an opportunity for hearing will be provided in the manner prescribed under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code and Chapter 3772-21 of the Administrative Code. Such administrative action will not affect any other management services provider licenses that are held by the licensee.

(M) A management service provider may not apply to renew its license if it did not actively offer sports gaming to the economic benefit of the state under the license during the preceding license term and must wait a minimum of one year from the expiration of the license before seeking another license.

(N) The applicant should clearly identify those portions of the application that it deems to be confidential, proprietary commercial information, trade secrets, or otherwise not subject to public disclosure. Information provided as part of the application and licensing process is open to public inspection to the extent provided by the Ohio Public Records Act and section 3775.14 of the Revised Code.

Last updated October 29, 2024 at 8:18 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3775.03, 3775.04, 3775.041, 3775.051
Amplifies: 3775.03, 3775.04, 3775.041, 3775.051, 3775.09, 3775.14
Five Year Review Date: 8/15/2027
Prior Effective Dates: 8/15/2022
Rule 3775-4-07 | Type C sports gaming host licensure.

(A) An applicant for an initial or renewal type C sports gaming host license must apply for licensure via the state of Ohio eLicense website at, comply with all instructions, and pay a non-refundable application fee of one thousand dollars. This application fee will be credited as payment of the type C gaming host's license fee, as prescribed by division (C) of section 3775.07 of the Revised Code.

(B) In determining whether to grant, maintain, or renew a type C sports gaming host license, the commission will evaluate and consider the following factors:

(1) Whether the applicant has been issued a valid A-1A, A-1C, D-1, D-2, or D-5 liquor permit under Chapter 4303. of the Revised Code;

(2) Whether the applicant has been issued a valid lottery sales agent license under Chapter 3770. of the Revised Code;

(3) Whether the applicant has or will enter into an agreement with a type C sports gaming proprietor to offer sports gaming at its facility, subject to regulatory approval;

(4) Whether the state lottery commission recommends the applicant be issued the license; and

(5) Whether the applicant has complied with the requirements of Chapters 3770., 3772., and 3775. of the Revised Code and the rules adopted thereunder.

(C) A type C sports gaming host may offer sports gaming through a different type C sports gaming proprietor than the one identified in the applicant's initial license application during the period of the license, subject to the terms of any governing agreement with the type C sports gaming proprietor.

(D) An applicant for a type C sports gaming host license is not required to undergo a criminal background check or suitability investigation to be issued the license.

(E) The commission, at a meeting held under section 3772.02 of the Revised Code, will determine whether the applicant is eligible for the license and whether the applicant has complied with the requirements of Chapters 3770., 3772., and 3775. of the Revised Code and the rules adopted thereunder.

(F) A type C sports gaming host license expires three years after the date of licensure.

(G) A type C gaming host licensee may request renewal of the license by completing and submitting the appropriate form(s) required by the commission no less than one hundred twenty days before the expiration of the license.

(H) The applicant should clearly identify those portions of the application that it deems to be confidential, proprietary commercial information, trade secrets, or otherwise not subject to public disclosure. Information provided as part of the application and licensing process is open to public inspection to the extent provided by the Ohio Public Records Act and section 3775.14 of the Revised Code.

Last updated May 28, 2024 at 8:25 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3770.25, 3775.03, 3775.04, 3775.07
Amplifies: 3770.25, 3775.03, 3775.04, 3775.07, 3775.14
Five Year Review Date: 8/15/2027
Prior Effective Dates: 8/15/2022
Rule 3775-4-08 | Sports gaming supplier licensure.

(A) An applicant for an initial or renewal sports gaming supplier license must complete and submit the appropriate form(s) required by the commission and ensure the payment of a nonrefundable application fee of ten thousand dollars and all fees necessary to cover the cost of any required criminal-records checks.

(B) An applicant for an initial or renewal sports gaming supplier license must establish, by clear and convincing evidence, the applicant's suitability for licensure.

(C) In determining whether to grant, maintain, or renew a sports gaming supplier license, the commission will evaluate and consider the following factors, in addition to those set forth in division (C) of section 3775.03 and division (B) of section 3775.041 of the Revised Code:

(1) Whether the sports gaming supplier and any person that controls it possesses good character, honesty, and integrity;

(2) Whether the sports gaming supplier and any person that controls it possesses financial stability, integrity, and responsibility;

(3) The extent to which the sports gaming supplier and any person that controls it have cooperated with the commission in connection with the background investigation;

(4) The extent to which the sports gaming supplier and any person that controls it have provided accurate and complete information as required by the commission;

(5) The suitability of any material person, as determined by the executive director;

(6) The reputation and business experience of the sports gaming supplier operating in the state;

(7) Whether the sports gaming supplier has been issued a comparable sports gaming license in another gaming jurisdiction with similar licensing requirements, as determined by the commission; and

(8) The extent to which the sports gaming supplier has complied with the requirements of Chapters 3772. and 3775. of the Revised Code and the rules adopted thereunder.

(D) A sports gaming supplier license that currently holds an active license issued under Chapter 3770. or 3772. of the Revised Code will not be required to satisfy any additional requirement for the sports gaming supplier license that is substantially similar to any requirement the applicant previously satisfied in order to obtain or renew the applicable license issued under Chapter 3770. or 3772. of the Revised Code so long as:

(1) The applicant submits the appropriate form(s) required by the commission and ensures the payment of all applicable fees;

(2) The applicant demonstrates that the license is active and in good standing in this state; and

(3) The applicant otherwise meets the eligibility requirements of Chapter 3775. of the Revised Code and the rules adopted thereunder.

(E) A sports gaming supplier license expires three years after the date of licensure.

(F) A sports gaming supplier may request renewal of the license by completing and submitting the appropriate form(s) required by the commission no less than one hundred eighty days before the expiration of the license.

(G) Upon approval by the commission, at a meeting held under section 3772.02 of the Revised Code, an applicant for an initial or renewal sports gaming supplier license must ensure that the nonrefundable license fee of fifteen thousand dollars as required by division (C) of section 3775.08 of the Revised Code is paid.

(H) Unless otherwise approved by the executive director, all fees must be submitted to the commission in the form of an electronic funds transfer payable to the treasurer of the state of Ohio.

(I) The applicant should clearly identify those portions of the application that it deems to be confidential, proprietary commercial information, trade secrets, or otherwise not subject to public disclosure. Information provided as part of the application and licensing process is open to public inspection to the extent provided by the Ohio Public Records Act and section 3775.14 of the Revised Code.

Last updated September 17, 2022 at 12:28 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3775.02, 3775.03, 3775.041, 3775.08
Amplifies: 3775.03, 3775.041, 3775.08, 3775.09, 3775.14
Five Year Review Date: 9/17/2027
Rule 3775-4-09 | Sports gaming employee licensure.

(A) An applicant for an initial or renewal sports gaming employee license must complete and submit the appropriate form(s) required by the commission and ensure the payment of a nonrefundable application fee of one hundred dollars as well as all fees necessary to cover the cost of any required criminal-records checks except that a sports gaming applicant or licensee that employs a sports gaming employee applicant must pay all fees on the sports gaming employee's behalf.

(B) An applicant for an initial or renewal sports gaming employee license must establish, by clear and convincing evidence, the applicant's suitability for licensure.

(C) A sports gaming employee must obtain either a standard-level or a key-level sports gaming employee license depending on the individual's duties and involvement in sports gaming in the state, as follows:

(1) Standard sports gaming employee licenses must be held by individuals whose duties, regardless of title, are outlined in division (A)(1) of section 3775.06 of the Revised Code; and

(2) Key sports gaming employee licenses must be held by individuals who, regardless of title, are considered persons in control, as defined in rule 3775-1-01 of the Administrative Code.

(D) Unless expressly noted in this rule or on the appropriate form provided by the commission, an individual obtaining a standard sports gaming employee license or key sports gaming employee license will be subject to the same fees, requirements, and eligibility considerations.

(E) An individual who meets the sports gaming employee license classifications in paragraph (C) of this rule solely due to their employment with or control of an appointing professional sports organization or a type C gaming host need not obtain a sports gaming employee license.

(F) In determining whether to grant, maintain, or renew a sports gaming employee license, the commission will evaluate and consider the following factors, in addition to those set forth in section 3775.06 of the Revised Code:

(1) Whether the individual possesses good character, honesty, and integrity;

(2) Whether the individual possesses financial stability, integrity, and responsibility;

(3) The criminal history of the individual in any jurisdiction;

(4) Whether the individual has filed or had filed against the individual a proceeding for bankruptcy or has ever been involved in any formal process to adjust, defer, suspend, or otherwise resolve the payment of any debt in the last ten years;

(5) Whether the individual has been served with a complaint or other notice filed with any public body regarding any payment of tax required under federal, state, or local law that has been delinquent for one or more years in the last ten years;

(6) Whether the individual is a party to any currently pending litigation or has been a defendant in litigation during the last ten years;

(7) The extent to which the individual has cooperated with the commission in connection with the background investigation;

(8) The extent to which the individual has provided accurate and complete information as required by the commission;

(9) Whether the individual has been issued a comparable sports gaming license in another gaming jurisdiction with similar licensing requirements, as determined by the commission, including the related compliance history of the individual; and

(10) The extent to which the individual has complied with the requirements of Chapters 3772. and 3775. of the Revised Code and the rules adopted thereunder.

(G) A sports gaming employee who currently holds an active license issued under Chapter 3770. or 3772. of the Revised Code will not be required to satisfy any additional requirement for the sports gaming employee license that is substantially similar to any requirement the applicant previously satisfied in order to obtain or renew the applicable license issued under Chapter 3770. or 3772. of the Revised Code so long as:

(1) The individual submits the appropriate form(s) required by the commission and ensures the payment of all applicable fees;

(2) The individual demonstrates that the license is active and in good standing in this state; and

(3) The individual otherwise meets the eligibility requirements of this chapter and the rules adopted thereunder.

(H) A sports gaming employee who currently holds an active sports gaming occupational license from another jurisdiction is eligible to receive license reciprocity by the commission so long as:

(1) The individual submits the appropriate form(s) required by the commission and ensures the payment of all applicable fees;

(2) The individual demonstrates that the license is active and in good standing in the other jurisdiction;

(3) The commission determines that the other jurisdiction's requirements to receive that license and the activities authorized by the license are substantially similar to those of this state; and

(4) The individual otherwise meets the eligibility requirements of Chapter 3775. of the Revised Code and the rules adopted thereunder.

(I) A sports gaming employee license expires three years after the date of licensure.

(J) A sports gaming employee may request renewal of the license by completing and submitting the appropriate form(s) required by the commission no less than one hundred twenty days before the expiration of the license.

(K) Upon approval by the commission, at a meeting held under section 3772.02 of the Revised Code, an applicant for an initial or renewal sports gaming employee license must pay a nonrefundable license fee of fifty dollars as required by division (C) of section 3775.06 of the Revised Code except that a sports gaming applicant or licensee that employs a sports gaming employee applicant must pay the license fee on the sports gaming employee's behalf.

(L) Unless otherwise approved by the executive director, all fees must be submitted to the commission in the form of an electronic funds transfer payable to the treasurer of the state of Ohio.

(M) The applicant should clearly identify those portions of the application that it deems to be confidential, proprietary commercial information, trade secrets, or otherwise not subject to public disclosure. Information provided as part of the application and licensing process is open to public inspection to the extent provided by the Ohio Public Records Act and section 3775.14 of the Revised Code.

Last updated September 17, 2022 at 12:28 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3775.02, 3775.03, 3775.041, 3775.06
Amplifies: 3775.03, 3775.041, 3775.06, 3775.09, 3775.14
Five Year Review Date: 9/17/2027
Rule 3775-4-99 | Provisional licenses.

(A) An applicant for an initial sports gaming license, prior to June 30, 2023, may request a provisional license by submitting a written provisional request to the commission, submitting a complete application for the applicable plenary license type, providing the commission with all documents and information the commission requests, and paying a nonrefundable application fee, as described in paragraph (B) of this rule.

(B) The application fees for a provisional license are as follows:

(1) Sports gaming proprietors: fifteen thousand dollars;

(2) Mobile management services providers and management services providers: ten thousand dollars;

(3) Sports gaming suppliers: ten thousand dollars;

(4) Sports gaming employees: one hundred dollars; and

(5) Type C sports gaming hosts: one thousand dollars.

(C) The amount charged for a provisional license application will be credited to any applicant's plenary license application or license fee, as applicable. Nothing in this rule is to be construed as to set or limit the plenary license application fees for any sports gaming license type.

(D) An applicant must pay those fees required by division (B) of section 3775.03 and division (E) of section 125.18 of the Revised Code.

(E) An applicant that employs a sports gaming employee applicant must pay the provisional application fee and those fees described in paragraph (D) of this rule on the sports gaming employee's behalf.

(F) Unless otherwise approved by the executive director, all fees must be submitted in the form of an electronic funds transfer payable to the treasurer of the state of Ohio.

(G) If all requirements of this rule have been met, the executive director may issue a provisional license of the applicable type to the applicant.

(H) Provisional licenses are valid up to three months and may be renewed one time for up to three additional months. If renewed, an additional application fee will not be required.

(I) A provisional license may be renewed at the direction of the executive director to avoid a lapse in licensure.

(J) No provisional license will be valid after June 30, 2023.

(K) No applicant will be issued a provisional license under this rule unless the applicant is also being considered for a plenary license under Chapter 3775-4 of the Administrative Code.

(L) An applicant who is granted a provisional license under this rule and later withdraws, abandons, or surrenders their plenary license application will be required to pay the associated license fee for the applicable license type.

Last updated June 15, 2022 at 9:46 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3775.02 and section 4 of House Bill 29 of the 134th General Assembly
Amplifies: 3775.01, 3775.02, 3775.03, 3775.04, 3775.041, 3775.05, 3775.051, 3775.06, 3775.07, 3775.08, 3775.09, and section 4 of House Bill 29 of the 134th General Assembly
Five Year Review Date: 6/15/2027