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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 4758-13 | Continuing Education and License Renewal

Rule 4758-13-01 | Continuing education requirements for chemical dependency counselors.

(A) The following steps are required for renewal of a license or certificate to practice as a chemical dependency counselor within each two-year period of licensure or certification.

(1) Completion of a renewal application in the board's electronic application system and submitting the proper fee prior to its expiration date and no earlier than ninety days prior to the expiration date.

(2) Completion of continuing education hours within the two year renewal cycle with documentation of these hours uploaded onto the board's continuing education monitoring system prior to renewal application payment.

(a) A minimum of thirty hours of approved continuing education credit within the two year renewal period;

(b) A minimum of six hours of the total thirty hours shall be in substance use disorder specific education;

(c) A minimum of three hours of the total thirty hours shall be in ethics education;

(d) For renewal of a LICDC-CS license, a minimum of six hours shall be in clinical supervision education within the following areas: assessment/evaluation, counselors' professional development, management/administration and professional responsibility;

(e) For renewal of a license with a gambling disorder endorsement, a minimum of six hours shall be in gambling disorder education;

(f) The remaining continuing education hours must be field related.

(g) For the renewal of a license with an ADC or CS reciprocal endorsement, an additional ten continuing education hours in substance use disorder education or field related hours.

(h) For a certificate or license holder who is sixty-five years of older and does not hold an ADC or CS reciprocal endorsement, a minimum of twenty approved continuing education hours within a two year period including paragraphs (A)(2)(b), (A)(2)(c), and (A)(2)(f), and including (A)(2)(d) of this rule if they hold a LICDC-CS, and paragraph (A)(2)(e) of this rule if they hold a gambling disorder endorsement.

(3) Chemical dependency counselors may be granted up to a maximum of twenty CEUs for authoring alcohol and other drug related publications at the board's discretion.

(4) A maximum of ten CEUs may be granted for presenting a workshop or teaching substance use disorder, ethics, supervision or gambling disorder related courses. One CEU is given for each contact hour of training. Credit is not granted for preparation time. Presenters must hold the appropriate license or endorsement.

(5) A maximum of ten CEUs may be granted for special language courses or workshops.

(6) The board shall consider relevant education, training, or service completed during the current renewal period by a licensee or certificate holder who is a member of or spouse of a member of the armed forces of the United States or reserve components thereof, the Ohio national guard, the Ohio military reserve, the Ohio naval militia, or the national guard of any other state in determining whether a licensee has fulfilled required continuing education for that renewal period.

(7) Chemical dependency licensees and certificate holders may claim up to four hours of volunteer service toward the continuing education requirement. To qualify under this rule, volunteer services shall:

(a) Be provided at a free clinic or other non-profit organization that offers health care services based on eligibility screenings identifying the client as an "indigent and uninsured person" as that term is defined in division (A)(7) of section 2305.234 of the Revised Code;

(b) Not be credited for license holders in a paid position at the organization at which the services are rendered;

(c) Not be credited for license holders in a paid position at the organization at which the services are rendered;

(d) Be credited as one hour of CE for each sixty minutes spent providing services as a volunteer, not to exceed four hours of the total biennial CE requirement;

(e) Not count toward the requirement to complete three hours of continuing education in ethics continuing education.

(f) Be documented in writing from an administrative official at the organization where services were performed, specifying at a minimum the volunteer's name, date(s) of qualifying volunteer services, number of hours of service, and a brief description of what services the volunteer performed.


A member of the armed forces of the United States, the Ohio national guard, the Ohio military reserve, the Ohio naval militia, the national guard of any other state, or a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States who has served on active duty, whether inside or outside the United States, for a period in excess of thirty-one days may submit to the board stating that the licensee or certificate holder requires an extension of the current reporting period because the licensee or certificate holder has served on active duty during the current or a prior reporting period. The licensee or certificate holder shall submit proper documentation certifying the active duty service and the length of that active duty service.

Upon receiving the application and proper documentation, the board shall extend the current reporting period by an amount of time equal to the total number of months that the licensee spent on active duty during the current reporting period. For purposes of this paragraph, any portion of a month served on active duty shall be considered one full month.

(C) The board shall send renewal reminders ninety days prior to the lapse date.

(D) The board may audit the renewal of a licensee or certificate holder. If selected for an audit, licensee or certificate holders shall be required to provide verification of completion of the hours required for their renewal period.

(E) Failure to produce proper documentation of continuing education hours or to comply with a continuing education audit may result in a fee and disciplinary action.

Last updated July 5, 2023 at 2:59 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4758.20
Amplifies: 4758.51
Five Year Review Date: 7/3/2028
Rule 4758-13-02 | Continuing education requirements for prevention certificate holders.

(A) The following steps are required for renewal of a certificate to practice as an OSPCA, OCPS, or OCPC within each two-year period of certification or licensure:.

(1) Completion of a renewal application in the board's electronic application system and submitting the proper fee prior to its expiration date and no earlier than ninety days prior to the expiration date.

(2) Completion of continuing education hours within the two-year renewal cycle with documentation of these hours unloaded onto the boards' continuing education monitoring system prior to renewal application payment.

(a) A minimum of forty hours of approved continuing education credit within the two-year renewal period for an OCPS or OCPC. A minimum of twenty hours of approved continuing education credit within the two-year renewal period for an OCPSA.

(b) A minimum of six hours from content are or domain VI: professional growth and responsibility in prevention science for an OCPS or OCPC. A minimum of three hours from content area or domain VI: professional growth and responsibility in prevention science for an OCPSA. This includes current prevention research, historical perspectives, theoretical approaches and current program models;

(c) A minimum of three hours of the total forty hours for the OCPS or OCPC, and a minimum of one and a half hours of the total twenty hours for the OCPSA shall be in prevention ethics education;

(d) A maximum of three hours may be in cultural humility; and

(e) The remaining hours must be prevention related.

(3) Active OCPS or OCPC holders may be granted up to a maximum of twenty CEUs for authoring substance use disorder prevention, other behavioral health prevention including but not limited to gambling disorder prevention or suicide prevention, or mental health promotion related publications at the board's discretion.

(4) A maximum of ten CEUs may be granted OCPS or OCPC for presenting for the first time, and maximum of five CEUS may be granted to an OCPSA for co-presenting, a workshop or teaching substance use disorder prevention, other behavioral health prevention including but not limited to gambling disorder prevention or suicide prevention, or mental health promotion, prevention ethics, or prevention supervision related courses per renewal period. One and a half CEU is given for each contact hour of training. Credit is not granted for preparation time.

(5) The board shall consider relevant education, training, or service completed during the current renewal period by a licensee or certificate holder who is a member of or spouse of a member of the armed forces of the United States or reserve components thereof, the Ohio national guard, the Ohio military reserve, the Ohio naval militia, or the national guard of any other state in determining whether a licensee has fulfilled required continuing education for that renewal period.

(6) A member of the armed forces of the United States, the Ohio national guard, the Ohio military reserve, the Ohio naval militia, the national guard of any other state, or a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States who has served on active duty, whether inside or outside the United States, for a period in excess of thirty-one days may submit an application to the board stating that the certificate holder requires an extension of the current reporting period because the certificate holder has served on active duty during the current or a prior reporting period. The certificate holder shall submit proper documentation certifying the active duty service and the length of that active duty service.

Upon receiving the application and proper documentation, the board shall extend the current reporting period by an amount of time equal to the total number of months that the certificate holder spent on active duty during the current reporting period. For purposes of this paragraph, any portion of a month served on active duty shall be considered one full month.

(7) OCPSA, OCPS and OCPC holders holders may claim up to four hours of volunteer service toward the forty hour continuing education requirement. To qualify under this rule, volunteer services shall:

(a) Be provided at a free clinic or other non-profit organization that offers health care services based on eligibility screenings identifying the client or consumer as an "indigent and uninsured person" as that term is defined in division (A)(7) of section 2305.234 of the Revised Code;

(i) Not be credited for certificate holders in a paid position at the organization at which the services are rendered;

(ii) Be prevention services provided in compliance with the professional conduct requirements specified agency 4758 of the Administrative Code;

(iii) Be credited as one hour of CE for each sixty minutes spent providing services as a volunteer, not to exceed four hours of the total biennial CE requirement;

(iv) Not count toward the requirement to complete three hours of continuing education in ethics continuing education.

(v) Be documented in writing from an administrative official at the organization where services were performed, specifying at a minimum the volunteer's name, date(s) of qualifying volunteer services, number of hours of service, and a brief description of what services the volunteer performed.

(8) The board shall send renewal reminders ninety days prior to the expiration date prior to it moving to an inactive, lapsed status.

(9) The board may audit the renewal of a license or certificate holder. If selected for an audit, licensee or certificate holders shall be required to have all proper verification of completion of the hours required for their renewal period within the boards' continuing education monitoring system.

(10) Failure to hold proper documentation of continuing education hours or to comply with a continuing education audit may result in a failed audit fee and disciplinary action.

(B) [Reserved]

Last updated April 3, 2024 at 2:34 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4758.20
Amplifies: 4758.51
Five Year Review Date: 4/1/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 7/7/2014
Rule 4758-13-03 | Special circumstances for the renewal of a license or certificate.

(A) Sixty-five years of age or older status:

(1) Licensees or certificate holders who are retired from any full time employment and sixty-five years of age or older may request senior sixty-five plus status.

(2) Fees are reduced.

(3) To be eligible for sixty-five plus status, the licensee or certificate holder shall document that he/she has reached sixty-five years of age and is no longer employed full time.

(4) If the licensee or certificate holder elects to return to full time employment, the senior sixty-five plus status is automatically voided and the fact shall be recognized on the next renewal application.

(5) In order for a licensee or certificate holder to qualify for "senior sixty-five plus status" they shall work twenty hours or less per week.

(B) Inactive, escrow status:

(1) A licensee or certificate holder who temporarily leaves the field for medical reasons, moving out of state, or leaving employment and does not require certification or licensure in the field may request inactive, escrow status for up to five years.

(2) To apply for inactive, escrow status, the licensee or certificate holder shall submit to the board prior to the lapse date:

(a) A request for this status in the board's electronic online application portal;

(b) The required inactive, escrow status holding fee.

(3) During this period, the licensee or certificate holder shall not practice as a chemical dependency counselor assistant or counselor, or prevention specialist assistant, specialist, or consultant, and shall not use the license, certificate or endorsement designation.

(4) To reactivate the license or certificate the licensee or certificate holder shall submit a renewal application for reinstatement before the five-year limit expires. The request shall be accompanied by the current renewal fee and submission of documentation of the successful completion of required CEUs within the inactive status period.

(5) The licensee or certificate holder's lapse date will be two years from the date of reinstatement.

(6) A licensee or certificate holder who is placed on inactive, escrow status shall still be subject to the code of ethics as defined in rules 4758-8-01 to 4758-8-03 of the Administrative Code.

Last updated April 3, 2024 at 2:34 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4758.20
Amplifies: 4758.51
Five Year Review Date: 4/1/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 6/13/2004
Rule 4758-13-04 | Definition of continuing education units.

(A) The continuing education unit (CEU) equals one contact hour of participation in an organized educational format.

(B) CEUs and college courses:

(1) CEUs may be awarded for college courses that address one or more of the knowledge and skill areas associated with substance use disorder counseling, gambling disorder counseling, or prevention science education services.

(2) In determining the number of CEUs to be awarded for college courses, the following conversions shall be used:

(a) One semester hour equals fifteen CEUs

(b) One quarter hour equals ten CEUs.

(C) CEUs may be awarded to programs that address the following knowledge and skill areas:

(1) Counselor areas:

(a) Substance use disorder and recovery knowledge

(b) Counseling procedures and strategies as applied to those with substance use disorder

(c) Group process and techniques

(d) Assessment and diagnosis of substance use disorder

(e) Family dynamics

(f) Pharmacology

(g) Relapse and recovery strategies

(h) Treatment planning

(i) Legal and ethical issues pertaining to substance use disorder professionals

(2) Prevention areas:

(a) Ethics pertaining to prevention professionals

(b) Planning and evaluation

(c) Prevention education and service delivery

(d) Communication

(e) Community organization

(f) Public policy and environmental change

(g) Professional growth and responsibility (prevention foundation and science)

(h) Cultural humility

(3) Chemical dependency counselor supervisor areas:

(a) Counselor development

(b) Professional and ethical standards

(c) Program development and quality assurance

(d) Performance evaluation

(e) Administration

(f) Treatment knowledge

(4) Gambling disorder areas:

(a) Knowledge of gambling disorder

(b) Gambling counseling practice

(c) Special issues in gambling treatment

(d) Professionalism in gambling treatment

(5) Prevention administrator / supervisor areas:

(a) Personnel management

(b) Financial management

(c) Program development and planning

(d) Board development

(e) Policy development

(f) Coalition development

(D) Events for which no CEUs are awarded shall include:

(1) Programs leading to a high school diploma or equivalency certificate.

(2) In-service programs that deal with internal organizational affairs such as benefits, organizational structure or policy and procedures.

(3) Participation in department or committee meetings, delegate assemblies or similar meetings.

(4) Meetings for policy making or problem solving purposes.

(5) Business meetings of professional associations or societies.

(6) Programs delivered through the mass media unless they are an integral part of an educational program, which has prior board approval.

(7) CPR/first aid classes.

Last updated April 3, 2024 at 2:34 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4758.20
Amplifies: 4758.20
Five Year Review Date: 4/1/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 3/22/2013 (Emer.), 3/20/2017
Rule 4758-13-05 | Lapsed license or certificate and renewals.

(A) A license or certificate that has not been properly renewed lapses on its expiration date.

(B) Except as otherwise stated in this paragraph, credential holders may renew a license or certificate that has lapsed if the credential holder applies for renewal no later than one years after the license or certificate has lapsed.

(1) The RA certification is not renewable. A RA certification is not eligible for reapplication.

(2) In order to be issued a two year, renewable CDCA certification a credential holder whose CDCA preliminary certification has lapsed shall meet the requirements in paragraph (D) of rule 4758-5-01 of the Administrative Code not later than one year after the CDCA preliminary certification lapses. A credential holder whose CDCA certification is lapsed beyond one year shall be required to reapply for a CDCA preliminary certification and meet all requirements.

(3) Military personnel who have been active within the prior six consectuive months, or their spouses may renew a certification or license without a late fee penalty if the credential was not renewed due to the deployment for more than one-half of the days during the renewal period.

(C) An individual shall not be required to take an examination as a condition of renewal of a lapsed credential, if it is renewed within one year of the date in which it lapsed.

(D) All licenses or certificates are the property of the board and shall be surrendered by the chemical dependency counselor or prevention specialist/consultant upon request by the board.

Last updated July 5, 2023 at 2:59 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4758.20
Amplifies: 4758.26, 5903.10
Five Year Review Date: 7/3/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 5/6/2013, 7/7/2014
Rule 4758-13-06 | Expired license or certificate.

(A) Persons whose licenses, certificates, or endorsements have lapsed or expired and who continue to hold themselves out as chemical dependency counselors, certified prevention specialists, or gambling disorder endorsees shall be in violation of Chapter 4758. of the Revised Code.

(B) Persons who practice substance use disorder counseling, gambling disorder counseling, or prevention while their licenses, certificates, or endorsements are under suspension or revocation shall be in violation of Chapter 4758. of the Revised Code.

(C) Persons who engage in substance use disorder counseling, who are not exempt from licensure or certification or who do not already hold a valid license or certificate to practice substance use disorder counseling under Chapter 4758. of the Revised Code, shall be in violation of Chapter 4758. of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 3, 2024 at 2:34 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4758.20
Amplifies: 4758.02,4758.30,4758.99
Five Year Review Date: 4/1/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 6/13/2004, 3/22/2015
Rule 4758-13-07 | Approval of continuing education units.

(A) Sponsors of education and training programs that are relevant to the practice of chemical dependency counseling, gambling disorder counseling or prevention may apply for CEU approval. Program CEUs may be awarded by the board to any program that addresses the knowledge and skill areas, which contribute to the professional growth of the chemical dependency counselor, gambling disorder endorsee or prevention professional. CEUs may be awarded upon approval of the CEU application.

(1) Procedure to apply for CEU approval:

(a) Complete the program sponsor application process for continuing education unit (CEU) approval no fewer than thirty days prior to the offering of the continuing education course.

(b) Pay the required application fee.

(c) The program shall satisfy at least one of the topic areas of rule 4758-13-04 of the Administrative Code required for application or renewal of a license, certificate or endorsement to practice as a chemical dependency counselor, gambling disorder counselor or prevention professional.

(d) Provide evidence that the program trainer or lecturer has education and training that would qualify them to teach the offered course. Education or training may include, but is not limited to: holding a license or certificate in the subject area in which they are teaching; having a bachelor's or master's degree in the subject area or having other recognized training or experience in the subject area in which they propose to teach.

(2) If CEU approval is granted, the sponsor shall provide one of the following forms of participant verification of attendance:

(a) Upload verification of participant attendance including license or certificate number onto the board's continuing education monitoring system.

(b) Provide each program participant with a verification of attendance form which shall include the following information:

(i) Title of the program;

(ii) Date of the program;

(iii) Participant's name;

(iv) Program sponsor's name;

(v) Number of CEUs attended;

(vi) CEU approval number;

(vii) CEU approved education content area(s).

(3) Sponsors shall maintain participant attendance records for five years.

(B) Entities that regularly sponsor CEUs and wish to obtain a provider status may apply to the board for a one year or two year provider status:

(1) Procedure to apply for provider status:

(a) A provider shall have sponsored fifty hours of education within the last three consecutive years approved by the board;

(b) The provider shall complete the application process for provider status.

(c) The provider shall pay the required application fee.

(2) If provider status is granted, the board reserves the right to audit the provider's course offerings and may request information including but not limited to the following:

(a) All approved courses including titles, hours approved, and content areas awarded;

(b) Timed agenda;

(c) Course goals and objectives;

(d) Verification of presenter(s) qualifications, or

(e) Verification of qualifications of person(s) approving continuing education and applicable content areas assigned.

(3) The provider shall also provide one of the following forms of participant verification of attendance:

(a) Upload verification of participant attendance including license or certificate number onto the board's continuing education monitoring system.

(b) Provide each program participant with a verification of attendance form which shall include the following information:

(i) Title of the program;

(ii) Date of the program;

(iii) Participant's name;

(iv) Program sponsor's name;

(v) Number of CEUs attended;

(vi) Provider number;

(vii) CEU approved education content area(s).

(4) Providers shall maintain participant attendance records for five years.

(5) For CEU approval to be granted to a program, the provider shall obtain evidence that the program trainer or lecturer has education and training that would qualify them to teach the offered course. Education or training may include, but is not limited to: holding a license or certificate in the subject area in which they are teaching; having a bachelor's or master's degree in the subject area or having other recognized training or experience in the subject area in which they propose to teach.

(6) Providers shall maintain evidence that each course is either planned, reviewed or conducted by one of the following:

(a) For chemical dependency specific training: an LCDC II, LCDC III, LICDC, LICDC-CS or an individual credentialed by IC&RC or NAADAC at a chemical dependency counseling level.

(b) For prevention specific training: an OCPS, OCPC, or an individual credentialed by IC&RC or NAADAC at a prevention specialist level.

(c) For chemical dependency clinical supervisor specific training: an LICDC-CS or an individual credentialed by IC&RC or NAADAC at a chemical dependency clinical supervisor level.

(7) Renewal of provider status:

(a) A provider may apply for renewal of their provider status by completing the renewal application process and paying the renewal application fee to the board.

(b) The board may refuse to renew the status of any provider who fails to comply with the requirements of this rule. Approved provider status may be withdrawn for cause.

Last updated April 3, 2024 at 2:34 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4758.20
Amplifies: 4758.20
Five Year Review Date: 4/1/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 3/1/2011, 1/1/2017