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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 4765-19 | Emergency Medical Services Continuing Education

Rule 4765-19-01 | Continuing education for EMS providers.

(A) Unless the holder of a certificate to practice elects to take an examination approved or administered by the board in accordance with rule 4765-19-02 of the Administrative Code, or is granted an exemption under rule 4765-19-04 of the Administrative Code, the holder shall complete emergency medical services continuing education of such length and in such subject areas as set forth in Chapters 4765-12, 4765-15, 4765-16, and 4765-17 of the Administrative Code.

(B) In order to count for continuing education credit, an EMS continuing education course shall meet all of the following criteria:

(1) Each course shall be related to EMS operations or patient care;

(2) Written documentation of successful completion of the course shall be issued to the student by the sponsoring agency upon successful completion of the course;

(3) A single session of continuing education shall be at least one-half contact hour;

(4) No more than twelve hours of continuing education training in any one calendar day shall be accepted for credit;

(5) No online training class, taken more than once per calendar year, shall be accepted for credit;

(6) Each EMS continuing education course shall be provided or approved by one of the following entities:

(a) An EMS accredited institution or EMS approved institution;

(b) An EMS licensing agency in another state;

(c) A branch of the armed forces of the United States or a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, including the Ohio national guard, the Ohio military reserve, the Ohio naval militia, or the national guard of any other state;

(d) A medical or nursing board of this state or another state;

(e) Federal, national, or state entities, as follows:

(i) Emergency management agency;

(ii) Homeland security;

(iii) American red cross;

(iv) American heart association;

(v) American safety and health institute;

(vi) Any other agency or organization as approved by the board.

(f) CAPCE- or CECBEMS-approved courses.

(7) The provision of patient care shall not be considered as continuing education except as set forth in section 4745.04 of the Revised Code and paragraph (G) of this rule.

(C) Each EMS continuing education course shall be provided in one of the following formats:

(1) Instruction in a traditional classroom environment or a seminar setting;

(2) Online education, as defined in rule 4765-1-01 of the Administrative Code, which shall include a testing process;

(3) Distance learning, as defined in rule 4765-1-01 of the Administrative Code, which shall include a testing process;

(4) Journals, publications or electronic media formats including compact discs, digital video discs, or other technological media as approved by the board, which shall include a testing process;

(5) A skills practicum course which shall include an evaluation of skills performance;

(6) Independent study, as set forth in rule 4765-7-11 of the Administrative Code, shall only be conducted through an EMS accredited or EMS approved institution;

(7) Other formats as approved by the board.

(D) Portions of an initial certification or licensing course that meet the requirements set forth in paragraphs (B) and (C) of this rule, may be counted towards continuing education credit when the sponsoring entity issues written documentation of the continuing education credit.

(E) Continuing education credit for EMS providers may be obtained from teaching EMS continuing education through an EMS accredited or EMS approved institution provided that:

(1) The continuing education course has received prior approval from the program director;

(2) An EMS provider counts a presentation for continuing education credit only once during a twelve month period;

(3) The number of contact hours awarded to the holder of a certificate to teach or guest lecturer for a presentation shall not exceed the total number of contact hours established for the course.

(a) Contact hours can only be awarded for that portion of the course presented by the holder of a certificate to teach or guest lecturer.

(b) Continuing education contact hours may be awarded for additional portions of the activity the holder of a certificate to teach or guest lecturer attends.

(c) Contact hours shall not be awarded for time spent in the development or preparation of a course or presentation.

(F) Notwithstanding the requirements set forth in paragraph (B) of this rule, the division shall consider relevant education, training, or service completed by the holder of a certificate to practice as a member of the armed forces of the United States or reserve components thereof, the Ohio national guard, the Ohio military reserve, the Ohio naval militia, or the national guard of any other state in determining whether the holder of a certificate to practice has fulfilled required continuing education.

(G) As set forth in section 4745.04 of the Revised Code and this rule:

(1) A holder of a certificate to practice as an EMT, AEMT, or paramedic may satisfy up to one third of continuing education requirements, excluding hours in the areas of pediatrics, geriatrics, trauma, and cardiac, if the certificate holder:

(a) Provides health care services to an indigent and uninsured person;

(b) Provides the health care services as a volunteer;

(c) Satisfies the requirements of section 2305.234 of the Revised Code to qualify for the immunity from liability granted under that section;

(d) Provides health care services within the scope of practice of the certificate held and authorized by a physician who meets qualifications for a medical director established by the board as set forth in rule 4765-3-05 of the Administrative Code; and

(e) Provides required documentation with attestation by the certificate holder and medical director overseeing the patient care.

(2) A certificate holder at the request of the division shall report continuing education claimed under this paragraph on a form approved by the division to include at minimum:

(a) Medical direction/authorization from a physician who meets the qualifications established by the board as set forth in rule 4765-3-05 of the Administrative Code;

(b) The time spent as a volunteer in provision of patient care;

(c) The name, location, and telephone number of the facility where care was provided;

(d) The description of the care provided; and

(e) The patient contact times for which continuing education is claimed, expressed as date and beginning and ending time, in minutes, for each hour of credit claimed.

(3) Credit hours of continuing education earned by providing health care services to an indigent and uninsured person shall meet all of the following criteria:

(a) One credit hour of continuing education is equal to sixty minutes spent providing health care services to an indigent and uninsured person.

(b) Credit for continuing education for specialty hours, including but not limited to pediatrics, geriatrics, trauma, and cardiac, is excluded.

(c) Credit is earned based in the time spent providing actual patient care and not for time scheduled.

Last updated January 2, 2024 at 9:24 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4765.11, 4765.16
Amplifies: 4765.31, 4745.04
Five Year Review Date: 8/1/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 2/1/2009
Rule 4765-19-02 | Examination alternative to continuing education.

(A) In accordance with section 4765.31 of the Revised Code, an applicant for renewal of a certificate to practice may elect to pass an examination administered or approved by the board as an alternative to completing a continuing education requirement.

(B) A certificate holder who elects to take an examination rather than complete a continuing education program must achieve a passing score on the examination, administered by the board in accordance with section 4765.10 of the Revised Code, for initial certification to practice at the level for which the certificate holder seeks renewal.

(C) A certificate holder who elects to take an examination rather than complete a continuing education program may do so at any time during the last six months prior to the expiration of the holder's certificate to practice or prior to the expiration of an extension issued in accordance with rule 4765-19-03 of the Administrative Code.

(D) Such examination must be successfully completed within three attempts.

Last updated September 12, 2023 at 12:05 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4765.11
Amplifies: 4765.30, 4765.31
Five Year Review Date: 8/1/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 9/13/1995
Rule 4765-19-03 | Extension of continuing education requirement for EMS providers.

[Comment: For dates and availability of material incorporated by reference in this chapter, see rule 4765-1-03 of the Administrative Code.]

(A) Pursuant to section 4765.31 of the Revised Code, the holder of a certificate to practice may be granted an extension of time to comply with the continuing education required for renewal of the certificate to practice.

(B) A ninety-day functioning extension may be granted by the division, as delegated by the board, to the holder of a certificate to practice that submits a "Request for Extension of EMS Certificates," if either of the following conditions are met:

(1) The request is received prior to the expiration date of the certificate to practice;

(2) The request is received no more than ninety days after the expiration date of the certificate to practice and there are extenuating circumstances, deemed acceptable by the board, that prevented the submission of the request for an extension prior to the expiration of the certificate to practice.

(C) The board may grant an extension for a period of greater than ninety days if it determines there are extenuating circumstances affecting the ability of the certificate holder to comply with the continuing education requirement within ninety days of the expiration of the certificate to practice. The board has full discretion in determining the length of the extension and whether, or to what extent, the holder of the lapsed certificate may engage in activities for which a certificate to practice is otherwise required.

(D) A holder of a certificate to practice seeking an extension for a period of greater than ninety days shall submit a written request to the division which includes all of the following:

(1) Length of extension requested;

(2) Justification for the extension;

(3) The amount and type of continuing education needed to comply with the requirement for renewal of the certificate to practice;

(4) A specific plan for completion of the continuing education requirement within the length of time requested;

(5) Certification number of the certificate to practice;

(6) Signature of the certificate holder.

(E) The holder of a certificate to practice that is granted an extension pursuant to this rule shall complete the continuing education requirement and submit an "EMS Renewal Application" no later than the expiration date of the granted extension.

(F) If the holder of an expired certificate failed to meet the continuing education requirements because of the holder's service in the armed forces or a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, including the Ohio national guard or the national guard of any other state, the certificate holder may submit an application requesting an extension, which shall be approved in accordance with section 5903.12 of the Revised Code.

Last updated January 2, 2024 at 9:24 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4765.11
Amplifies: 4765.31, 5903.12
Five Year Review Date: 8/1/2028
Prior Effective Dates: 2/22/1999, 7/31/2014
Rule 4765-19-04 | Exemption from continuing education requirements for EMS providers.

[Comment: For dates and availability of material incorporated by reference in this chapter, see rule 4765-1-03 of the Administrative Code.]

(A) Pursuant to section 4765.31 of the Revised Code, the board may grant an applicant for renewal of a certificate to practice a complete or partial exemption from compliance with the continuing education required for renewal, and in accordance with this rule.

(B) A complete or partial exemption may be granted for, but not limited to, the following reasons:

(1) The applicant is on active duty with any branch of the armed forces of the United States, or a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, including the Ohio national guard or the national guard of any other state;

(a) The applicant shall submit a completed "Exemption Request for Continuing Education for EMS Certificates," which includes the following:

(i) The continuing education requirements for which an exemption is sought;

(ii) Justification for the exemption;

(iii) Signature of the certificate holder;

(iv) Proof of active military service during the certification period for which the exemption is requested.

(b) A request for military exemption shall be submitted no later than six months from discharge of active service.

(2) The applicant has a medical hardship or unusual circumstances that impact the applicant's ability to comply with the continuing education requirements for renewal of the certificate to practice.

(a) The applicant shall submit a completed "Exemption Request for Continuing Education for EMS Certificates," which includes the following:

(i) The continuing education requirements for which an exemption is sought;

(ii) Justification for the exemption;

(iii) Signature of the certificate holder.

(b) A request for exemption shall be submitted to the division prior to the expiration date of the certificate to practice.

(C) If a request for exemption is received after the expiration date of the certificate to practice, the board may consider the request if the board determines there are extenuating circumstances affecting either the submission of the request for exemption prior to the expiration of the certificate, or the ability of the certificate holder to comply with the continuing education requirements.

(D) As delegated by the board, the division may grant a functioning extension, not to exceed ninety days, to an applicant that submitted a request for an exemption prior to the expiration date of the certificate to practice.

Last updated January 2, 2024 at 9:24 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 4765.11, 4765.16
Amplifies: 4765.31, 5903.10
Five Year Review Date: 8/1/2028