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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 901:1-5 | Brucellosis

Rule 901:1-5-01 | Definition of "brucellosis test".

(A) As used in regulations 901:1-5-01 through 901:1-5-11 "brucellosis test" means one of the following approved tests, conducted by a licensed-accredited veterinarian or by a laboratory approved by or operated by the department of agriculture:

(1) Standard plate agglutination test;

(2) Standard tube agglutination test;

(3) Acidified plate antigen test;

(4) Rivanol precipitation plate antigen test;

(5) Serial dilution milk ring test;

(6) Complement fixation test;

(7) Standard buffered brucella antigen card test;

(8) Mercaptoethanol agglutination test.

(B) A licensed-accredited veterinarian, outside an approved laboratory, shall use:

(1) The standard plate agglutination method or the standard buffered brucella antigen card test;

(2) The standard buffered brucella antigen card test only if he has received prior written authorization from the department;

(3) The following amounts of blood serum and brucella plate antigen when conducting the standard plate agglutination test:

Blood SerumBrucella Plate Antigen Equivalent Dilution
0.08 cc0.03 cc1/25
0.04 cc 0.03 cc 1/50
0.02 cc 0.03 cc 1/100
0.01 cc 0.03 cc 1/200

Dilution readings shall be made eight minutes following the mixing of the blood serum and antigen.

(C) Regardless of the standard plate or standard tube agglutination test results, the department may classify animals as positive based upon any one of the following test results:

Not Official Brucellosis VacinateOfficial Brucellosis Vacinate
(1) Rivanol + 1/25+ 1/50
(2) A.P.A.+ 3.75 ph+ 3.25 ph
(3) Serial Dilution (BRT)+ 1/16+ 1/32
(4) Complement fixation + 1/20 + 1/40
(5) Merceptoethanol+ 1/25 + 1/50

(D) The department shall classify any animal from which a Brucella sp. organism is isolated by bacteriological techniques as positive regardless of brucellosis test results or brucellosis vaccination status.

(E) Animals, other than swine, tested by either the standard plate or the standard tube agglutination method shall be classified as follows except that the department may reclassify positive animals to suspect pending further tests and examination.

Test Dilutions
1/50 1/1001/200 Not Official Brucellosis Vaccinate Official Brucellosis Vaccinate
++- Pos.Susp.
++- Pos.Susp.
+++ Pos. Pos.

(F) Swine and herds of swine shall be classified as follows:

(1) "Positive" swine means:

(a) Any swine disclosing a complete agglutination reaction in the blood titer dilution of 1:100 or higher;

(b) Any swine in an infected herd or herd of unknown status having a complete reaction in the 1:25 dilution or higher; or

(c) Any swine disclosing a positive card test reaction.

(2) "Negative" swine means:

(a) Any swine from an infected herd or herd of unknown status that:

(i) Discloses no reaction or less than complete agglutination in the blood titer dilution of 1:25;

(ii) Discloses a negative card test reaction;

(b) Any swine from a validated or negative herd that:

(i) Discloses no reaction or less than complete agglutination in the blood titer dilution of 1:100;

(ii) Discloses a negative card test reaction.

(3) "Suspect" swine means any swine not classed as positive or negative to a brucellosis test.

(4) "Infected herd" means any herd in which one or more swine show:

(a) A complete agglutination reaction in the blood titer dilution of 1:100 or higher;

(b) A positive reaction to the card test.

(5) "Negative herd" means any herd in which no swine:

(a) Have agglutination reactions higher than incomplete at the 1:100 dilution;

(b) Are found positive to the card test.

(G) Swine classed as positive or suspect shall be identified by an ear tag or such other method as approved by the department.

(H) No person shall move swine classed as positive or suspect, or exposed to brucellosis, without prior written permission from the department.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Rule 901:1-5-02 | Definition of "official brucellosis vaccinate".

(A) "Official brucellosis calfhood vaccinate" means a female bovine or bison animal:

(1) To which an approved brucella biologic was administered by a licensed accredited veterinarian, an employee of the department or a veterinary services representative, United States department of agriculture, in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations when the animal was:

(a) Not less than one hundred twenty days of age nor more than one hundred eighty days of age for dairy breeds; or

(b) Not less than one hundred twenty days nor more than two hundred forty days for beef breeds; or

(2) Which is listed as an official brucellosis calfhood vaccinated in the state or country of origin.

(3) Which does not meet the age requirements of paragraph (A)(1)(a) or (A)(1)(b) of this rule but is intended for interstate movement and meets the age requirement of the receiving state for official brucellosis calfhood vaccinates provided:

(a) The vaccination was done at a livestock auction or livestock concentration market; and

(b) The vaccination was done by a person meeting the requirements of paragraph (A)(1) of this rule; and

(c) The animal is moved to the receiving state within seven days of the date of vaccination.

All vaccinations done under authority of this paragraph must be reported to the department of agriculture on the next state business day. Any animals vaccinated in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph that are not shipped to the receiving state within seven days of the date of vaccination shall not be used for any purpose other than finish feeding to slaughter.

(B) Any licensed accredited veterinarian who administers an approved brucella biologic to any animal within the state of Ohio shall:

(1) Identify each animal with an individual identification in the right ear consisting of an official orange-colored vaccination eartag, an existing official eartag, or in the case of cattle registered with their respective breed association, by the registration identification; and

(2) Mark the right ear with a vaccination tattoo code consisting of three sections. The first section shall be an "R" designating the use of the RB51 brucella vaccine. The second section shall be the letter "V," enclosed in a shield, and the third shall be the last digit of the year in which the biologic is administered.

(C) Upon request and for good cause shown the director of agriculture may grant written permission to vaccinate animals not eligible for vaccination under paragraph (A)(1) or (A)(3) of this rule.

(D) No person shall administer, or permit the administration of, an approved brucella biologic to:

(1) A male bovine or bison animal: or

(2) Any female bovine or bison animal except as stipulated in paragraphs (A) and (C) of this rule.

Last updated December 9, 2021 at 8:36 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 941.03
Amplifies: 941.21, 941.27
Five Year Review Date: 8/31/2024
Prior Effective Dates: 8/9/1968
Rule 901:1-5-03 | Brucellosis herd test.

(A) A brucellosis herd test of cattle includes a test of each bovine animal six months of age or older except steers, spayed heifers and official brucellosis vaccinates under twenty-four months of age. Beginning January 1, 1970, a brucellosis herd test of cattle shall include a test of each official brucellosis vaccinate over twenty months of age.

(B) A brucellosis herd test of swine includes a test of each breeding swine six months of age and older.

(C) Any veterinarian who makes a brucellosis test, or employs any other method of detection for brucellosis shall include in the report required by Section 941.24 (C) Revised Code:

(1) The name and address of the owner;

(2) Date of test or sample collection;

(3) Identification, age, sex and breed of each individual animal tested or sampled.

(D) A veterinarian may identify cattle which are registered with their respective breed association by the name and registration number if:

(1) The registration certificate is available for comparison with the cattle so registered; and

(2) The veterinarian certifies on the brucellosis test report forms or vaccination report forms that the registration certificate was examined and the cattle so identified is represented by the registration certificate.

(E) A veterinarian may identify swine by any permanent and individual marking in lieu of ear tag or tattoo.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Rule 901:1-5-04 | Quarantining for brucellosis.

(A) The department of agriculture shall place under quarantine any premises on which brucellosis is known to exist or on which there is good reason to suspect the presence of brucellosis.

(B) The department may release any premises from quarantine upon evidence of a complete negative herd test made not less than 60 days following the removal of all reactor animals.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Rule 901:1-5-05 | Selling, moving, or disposing of cattle.

(A) No person shall sell, move or dispose of cattle within this state unless the cattle:

(1) Are classified as negative to a brucellosis test within thirty days prior to the date of sale, movement or disposal; or

(2) Are designated for immediate slaughter; or

(3) Are under twelve months of age; or

(4) Are official vaccinates under twenty four months of age; or

(5) Originate immediately and directly from certified brucellosis free herds; or

(6) Originate immediately and directly from a herd which has passed a complete negative brucellosis test conducted at a laboratory operated by the department of agriculture within sixty days prior to the date of sale, movement or disposal; or

(7) Originate from herds located in certified free counties if such herds were:

(a) Tested and classed as negative on the last area certification test and not less than five percent of the breeding animals are being tested by the market testing program annually; or

(b) Negative to brucellosis milk ring test within 120 days of the date of sale, movement or disposal; or

(8) Are steers or spayed heifers.

(B) Each livestock market operator, livestock dealer or livestock trucker, at the time such animals are received by him or are under his control, shall identify all cattle designated for immediate slaughter which originates within this state and are two years of age or older with an approved market tag issued by the department. A livestock trucker is exempt from this requirement in the case of animals which such a trucker received at an owner's premises for direct delivery to a licensed livestock market operator or livestock dealer.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Rule 901:1-5-06 | Designating herd to be certified brucellosis free.

(A) The department of agriculture may designate a herd of cattle to be certified brucellosis free if:

(1) It passed at least two consecutive negative herd blood tests which were not less than twelve months nor more than eighteen months apart; or

(2) It passed the first herd blood test without any evidence of brucellosis infection and passed one additional negative herd blood test conducted not earlier than six months nor more than eighteen months from the date of the first test; and

(3) All herd blood tests were conducted at a laboratory approved by or operated by the department.

(B) The department may recertify a herd as brucellosis free for 365 days if;

(1) It passes a negative herd blood test prior to the end of 455 days after the date of the certification or recertification test;

(2) All herd blood tests were conducted at a laboratory approved by or operated by the department.

(C) If a blood test of a certified brucellosis free herd, or of an animal from such a herd, reveals:

(1) One positive the department shall:

(a) Suspend the certified brucellosis free status of the herd;

(b) Continue the suspension until the herd passes a negative herd blood test conducted not earlier than sixty days following removal of the positive.

(2) More than one positive the department shall:

(a) Suspend the certified brucellosis free status of the herd;

(b) Require that the herd comply with all requirements stated in division (A) of this regulation before the department may recertify the herd as brucellosis free;

(3) One or more suspects the department shall suspend the certified brucellosis free status of the herd and prior to recertification of the herd, shall require:

(a) That each suspect be classified as negative to a brucellosis test; or

(b) A complete negative herd blood retest if any suspect is not available for retest, unless only one suspect is not available and that animal is identified as an official brucellosis vaccinate.

(D) The department shall suspend the certified brucellosis free status of a herd if each addition to the herd is not:

(1) A natural herd addition; or

(2) From a herd with equal brucellosis free status; or

(3) An official vaccinate:

(a) Under 24 months of age; and

(b) Neither parturient or post-parturient; and

(c) For which a certificate of vaccination is available; or

(4) An animal for which evidence is available that it passed negative brucellosis tests:

(a) Thirty days prior to addition to the herd; and

(b) Not less than sixty days after addition to the herd; and

(c) Such tests were conducted at a laboratory approved by or operated by the department.

(E) The department shall not grant status as a member of the certified brucellosis free herd, for sale purposes, to any animal added to the herd under subdivisions (D)(3) or (4) of this regulation until the animal:

(1) Has been in the herd at least 120 days; and

(2) Has been included in a complete herd retest.

(F) The department may conduct additional blood tests of any certified brucellosis free herd at any time which the department deems advisable.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Rule 901:1-5-07 | Designating area to be "certified brucellosis free".

The department of agriculture may designate an area as "certified brucellosis-free" for a six year period if:

(A) Each bovine herd in the area qualified on the basis of one or more of the following procedures, applied within not more than twenty-four months nor less than eighteen months immediately preceding the request for certified brucellosis-free status:

(1) Brucellosis ring tests conducted at least three times a year with at least four consecutive negative tests;

(2) Market cattle tests of the equivalent of ten percent of the breeding cows in non-BRT herds in the area each year if a minimum of ninety percent of the reactors are traced to the herds of origin and all such herds of origin are blood tested;

(3) Complete herd blood tests;

(4) Market cattle tests of the equivalent of five percent of the breeding cows in each non-BRT herd each year if all reactors are traced to the herds from which they originated and all the herds of origin are blood tested;

(B) Not more than one percent of the herds or one herd, within the area whichever is greater, was found to be infected during the twenty-four months immediately preceding the request for certified brucellosis-free status; or

Not more than two-tenths of one percent of the cattle within the area were found to be infected during the twenty-four months immediately preceding the request for certified brucellosis-free status;

(C) Each bovine herd in which brucellosis was found during the latest certification period has been retested not less than ninety days following removal of the last reactor or has qualified under the provisions stated for MCT or BRT in division (A)(1), (2) or (4) of this regulation;

(D) Each bovine suspect to brucellosis test has been slaughtered or retested sufficiently to determine its negative status; or the herds which had suspects have been retested or have qualified under the provisions for MCT or BRT in this part stated in division (A)(1), (2) or (4) of this regulation;

(E) Each herd of any other species of domestic livestock in which brucellosis has been found or suspected has been found to be free of reactors or has been eliminated, so no known foci of infections remain in the area.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Rule 901:1-5-08 | Recertifying a certified brucellosis free area.

(A) The department of agriculture may recertify a certified brucellosis-free area for an additional six year period if it meets all requirements for establishing a certified brucellosis-free area stated in regulation 901:1-5-07.

(B) If the percentage of infected herds in a formerly certified brucellosis-free area exceeds the limit for initial certified brucellosis-free status, the department shall designate it as a modified certified brucellosis area and may recertify it only when it meets the requirements for initial designation as a certified brucellosis-free area.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Rule 901:1-5-09 | Brucellosis tests.

(A) The Department of Agriculture may validate or revalidate a herd of swine as Brucellosis-free on the basis of a negative herd test on all breeding animals six (6) months of age and over in the herd. Validation shall be effective for 365 days and applies to all offspring of such herds.

(B) The department shall suspend the validation of a herd if each addition to the herd is not:

(1) A natural herd addition; or

(2) From a herd with equal validated status; or

(3) An animal for which evidence is available that it passed negative Brucellosis tests:

(a) Within thirty days prior to addition to the herd; and

(b) Not less than sixty days after addition to the herd; and

(c) Such tests were conducted at a laboratory approved by or operated by the department.

(C) If one or more reactors are found in a validated herd the department:

(1) Shall revoke the validation;

(2) May revalidate the herd only after two consecutive negative tests of all breeding animals in the herd six months of age and over, conducted no less than ninety (90) nor more than one hundred twenty (120) days apart.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Rule 901:1-5-10 | Designation of area as validated brucellosis free.

The department of agriculture may designate an area as validated brucellosis-free for a three year period if:

(A) Each breeding herd in the area qualifies under one of the following:

(1) Two negative herd tests, in which all breeding swine six months of age and over are tested, within the eighteen-month period prior to the date validation is requested for the area; or

(2) Negative herd status established by market swine testing, each year for not less than three years, of ten percent of the breeding swine in the herd, or a minimum of one animal, whichever is greater;

(B) Not more than three percent of the herds, or one herd, whichever is greater, was found to be infected during the eighteen-month qualification period, and infected herds found during the qualification period were held in quarantine until freed of brucellosis.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Rule 901:1-5-11 | Revalidating an area.

The department of agriculture may revalidate an area at the expiration of the three-year validation period, if,

(A) Each breeding herd of swine in the area qualifies by either:

(1) A negative herd test, in which all breeding swine six months of age or older are tested within the last eighteen months of the validation period; or

(2) A negative blood test of at least ten percent of the breeding swine over six months of age, or a minimum of one animal, whichever is greater, during each year of the validation period. To qualify by this method at least one-half of the required tests shall be reported by the end of the first eighteen months of the three-year validation period;

(B) Each herd found infected during the validation period is quarantined until freed of brucellosis;

(C) The accumulated number of infected herds found in the area during the three-year validation period does not exceed five percent of the herds in the area, or one herd, whichever is greater;

(D) Each reactor found in the area is:

(1) Permanently identified; and

(2) Moved under permit for slaughter only at approved slaughtering establishments, or disposed of in accordance with the procedures outlined in the plans selected by the owners for managing infected herds;

(E) All buildings, farrowing pens, equipment, etc., used by swine in the infected herds are cleaned and disinfected following removal of reactors or of the entire herds.

Supplemental Information

Authorized By:
Five Year Review Date:
Rule 901:1-5-12 | Brucella canis.

(A) Brucella canis tests.

(1) As used in this rule, a brucella canis test means one of the following:

(a) An indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFA test);

(b) A tube agglutination test (TAT test); or

(c) A brucella canis culture test.

(2) The tests contained in paragraph (A)(1) of this rule may only be conducted by a laboratory approved by or operated by the department of agriculture, except that a laboratory not approved or operated by the Ohio department of agriculture may conduct an IFA test.

(3) Laboratories approved or operated by the Ohio department of agriculture may combine no more than five samples for IFA testing. If the composite sample is positive for brucella canis, each canine sample making up the composite sample must be tested individually.

(4) Any blood samples which are taken to conduct a brucella canis test shall only be taken by an accredited veterinarian, or by a registered veterinary technician who is supervised by an accredited veterinarian.

(B) Brucella canis classifications.

(1) Suspect.

(a) A canine shall be classified as brucella canis suspect, if it tests positive for brucella canis using the following tests:

(i) An IFA test conducted by a laboratory; or

(ii) A TAT test, at dilutions of 1/50 or 1/100.

(b) A canine test which has been classified as brucella canis suspect according to paragraph (B)(1)(a) of this rule, shall either:

(i) Be referred to the Ohio department of agriculture for confirmation of its brucella canis status; or

(ii) Be humanely euthanized.

(2) Negative.

A canine shall be classified as brucella canis negative if, through tests conducted by the Ohio department of agriculture or an approved laboratory, the canine tests negative for brucella canis using the following tests:

(a) An IFA test; or

(b) A TAT test

(3) Positive.

A canine shall be classified as brucella canis positive if, through tests conducted by the Ohio department of agriculture or an approved laboratory, the canine tests positive for brucella canis using the following tests:

(a) A TAT test, at dilutions 1/200; or

(b) A brucella canis culture test.

(4) Reclassification.

Brucella canis positive animals may be reclassified by the Ohio department of agriculture to brucella canis suspect pending the following:

(a) The animal's history;

(b) Clinical signs of the animal;

(c) Vaccination history;

(d) An epidemiological study of the animal;

(e) Examination; and

(f) Further testing.

(C) Identification and reporting.

(1) All accredited veterinarians who conduct a brucella canis test, submits a sample for brucella canis testing, or employs any other method of detection for brucella canis, shall include in the report as required in division (C) of section 941.24 of the Revised Code, on a form approved by the Ohio department of agriculture, the following information:

(a) Name and address of the canine's owner;

(b) Date of test or sample collection;

(c) Identification, age, sex, and breed of each individual animal tested or sampled; and,

(d) The results of the test performed, if available.

(2) All accredited veterinarians and laboratories who conduct brucella canis testing shall report the results of the tests to the Ohio department of agriculture within seven days on a form approved by the Ohio department of agriculture.

(3) An accredited veterinarian must identify any canine to be tested for brucella canis with any of the following items which have been approved by the Ohio department of agriculture:

(a) A microchip;

(b) A tattoo;

(c) A tamper proof eartag; or

(d) A neck chain with an individual official USDA identification tag may only be used by USDA licensed kennels.

(D) Quarantine.

(1) Pursuant to Chapter 941. of the Revised Code, the Ohio department of agriculture shall quarantine any canine on any premises that has been exposed to or diagnosed as brucella canis suspect or brucella canis positive animal.

(2) A brucella canis suspect canine shall be released from quarantine upon two negative tests at least sixty days apart that were conducted by the Ohio department of agriculture or an approved laboratory.

(3) A brucella canis positive canine on an Ohio department of agriculture licensed kennel premises shall be released from quarantine upon either:

(a) The animal has been humanely euthanized; or

(b) All of the following have been met:

(i) Ovario-hysterectomy or castration;

(ii) The owner has been advised as to the zoonotic potential; and

(iii) The canine cannot be offered for sale, trade, barter, or otherwise cannot leave the premises without prior permission of the Ohio department of agriculture.

(4) A brucella canis positive canine not on an Ohio department of agriculture licensed kennel premises shall be released from quarantine upon the following conditions being met:

(a) Ovario-hysterectomy or castration;

(b) An epidemiological study conducted by the Ohio department of agriculture;

(c) Two negative tests at least sixty days apart that were conducted by the Ohio department of agriculture or an approved laboratory;

(d) The owner has been advised as to the zoonotic potential; and,

(e) The canine cannot be offered for sale, trade, barter, or otherwise cannot leave the premises without prior permission of the Ohio department of agriculture.

(E) Selling, movement, and disposal of animals.

(1) No canine known to be brucella canis suspect or brucella canis positive shall be offered for sale, trade, barter, or otherwise removed from the premises.

(2) Puppies born to a brucella canis suspect dam shall not be offered for sale, trade, barter, or be removed from the premises unless the dam is later classified as brucella canis negative. These puppies may be isolated and quarantined in accordance with paragraph (D) of rule 901:1-5-12 of the Administrative Code and shall be tested after they reach six months of age and must be re-tested no sooner than sixty days after the initial test.

(3) Puppies born to a brucella positive dam must not be offered for sale, barter, or otherwise removed from the premises without prior permission of the department. These puppies may be isolated and quarantined in accordance with paragraph (D) of rule 901:1-5-12 of the Administrative Code and shall be tested after six months of age and must be re-tested no sooner than sixty days after the initial test.

(4) Puppies under six-months of age which are classified as brucella canis positive may be retested after six-months of age and must be re-tested no sooner than sixty days after the initial test.

Last updated March 21, 2025 at 12:39 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 941.02, 941.03, 941.22
Amplifies: 941.02
Five Year Review Date: 4/1/2030