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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Rule 5180:5-1-01 | Regional prevention councils operation and regional prevention council member duties.

Rule 5180:5-1-01 was renumbered from 5101:5-1-01 on 01/02/2025.

Regional prevention councils are established to serve child abuse and child neglect prevention regions created and defined under section 3109.171 of the Revised Code.

(A) Meetings and notices.

(1) All business transactions of each council shall be conducted in public meetings. Each council shall meet in compliance with division (H) of section 3109.172 of the Revised Code at the call of the chairperson; and

(a) Held in accordance with a schedule adopted by each council at its first meeting; or

(b) Scheduled at a previous meeting of the council; or

(c) Special meeting called by the chairperson of the council.

(2) Public notice of meetings will specify the time and place of the meeting.

(a) Each council will maintain a list of persons who have requested notice of all meetings.

(b) Any person may obtain electronic mail notification of the time and place of any regularly scheduled meeting by requesting such notification from the council before the close of the business day prior to the meeting.

(c) In the event of a special meeting, the council will notify all listed persons by electronic mail notification as soon as possible after the special meeting is scheduled.

(3) Quorum.

A majority of the actual number of county prevention specialists that have been appointed to and are serving on the council at the time of a meeting where official action is to be taken constitutes a quorum to conduct a meeting. A majority of those members present and voting yes on a proposal shall constitute a favorable vote. All votes shall be conducted by roll call.

(B) Officers and their duties.

(1) The chairperson serves as a nonvoting member of the council. The chairperson is to preside at all council meetings or may call upon the vice chairperson to preside during a meeting.

(2) A vice chairperson shall be selected by the council from among the members of the council.

(a) The vice chairperson shall preside in the event of the absence of the chairperson or upon the request of the chairperson.

(b) When presiding over a council meeting, the vice chairperson becomes a nonvoting member and functions in the same capacity as the chairperson.

(C) Each child abuse and child neglect regional prevention council and its regional prevention coordinator shall collaborate on assembling the council's regional child abuse and child neglect prevention plan. The council shall then submit its regional prevention plan to the OCTF board by submitting the form JFS 01475, "Ohio children's trust fund regional child abuse and child neglect prevention plan submission."

(D) Pursuant to division (I)(5) of section 3109.172 of the Revised Code, each regional prevention council member shall:

(1) Serve on a minimum of one workgroup.

(2) Assist the regional prevention coordinator in conducting comprehensive needs assessments in addition to the initial assessment as outlined in division (I)(2) of section 3109.172 of the Revised Code.

Last updated July 1, 2021 at 11:07 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3109.16, 3109.179
Amplifies: 3109.172, 3109.174
Five Year Review Date: 7/1/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 1/1/2016