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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Chapter 319 | Auditor

Section 319.01 | County auditor - term of office.

A county auditor shall be chosen quadrennially in each county, who shall hold his office for four years, commencing on the second Monday in March next after his election.

Section 319.02 | Bond of county auditor - oath of office.

Except as otherwise provided in section 3.061 of the Revised Code, before entering upon the discharge of the duties of office, the county auditor shall give a bond signed by a bonding or surety company authorized to do business in this state and to be approved by the board of county commissioners, or, at the auditor's option, by two or more freeholders having real estate in the value of double the amount of the bond over and above all encumbrances to the state, in a sum of not less than five thousand nor more than twenty thousand dollars, as the board requires, conditioned for the faithful discharge of the duties of office. The expense or premium for such bond shall be paid by the board and charged to the general fund of the county. Such bond, with the oath of office required by sections 3.22 and 3.23 of the General Code, and Section 7 of Article XV, Ohio Constitution, and the approval of the board indorsed upon it shall be deposited by such board with the county treasurer, who shall record and carefully preserve it.

If an auditor-elect fails to give bond and take the oath of office, as required by this section, on or before the day on which the auditor is required to take office, such office shall become vacant.

Section 319.03 | Location of office.

The office of the county auditor shall be at the county seat, in such rooms as the board of county commissioners provides.

Section 319.04 | Continuing education courses.

(A) Each county auditor who is elected to a full term of office shall attend and successfully complete at least sixteen hours of continuing education courses during the first year of the auditor's term of office, and complete at least another eight hours of such courses by the end of that term. Each such county auditor shall include at least two hours of ethics and substance-abuse training in the total twenty-four hours of required courses. To be counted toward the twenty-four hours required by this section, a course must be approved by the county auditors association of Ohio. Any county auditor who teaches an approved course shall be entitled to credit for the course in the same manner as if the county auditor had attended the course.

That association shall record and, upon request, verify the completion of required course work for each county auditor, and issue a statement to each county auditor of the number of hours of continuing education the county auditor has successfully completed. Each year the association shall send a list of the continuing education courses, and the number of hours each county auditor has successfully completed, to the auditor of state and the tax commissioner, and shall provide a copy of this list to any other individual who requests it.

The auditor of state shall issue a certificate of completion to each county auditor who completes the continuing education courses required by this section. The auditor of state shall issue a "notice of failure" to any county auditor required to complete continuing education courses under this section who fails to successfully complete at least sixteen hours of continuing education courses during the first year of the county auditor's term of office or to complete a total of at least twenty-four hours of such courses by the end of that term. This notice is for informational purposes only and does not affect any individual's ability to hold the office of county auditor.

(B) Each board of county commissioners shall approve, from money appropriated to the county auditor, a reasonable amount requested by the county auditor of its county to cover the costs the county auditor must incur to meet the requirements of division (A) of this section, including registration fees, lodging and meal expenses, and travel expenses.

Section 319.05 | Deputies.

The county auditor may appoint one or more deputies to aid him in the performance of his duties. The auditor and his sureties shall be liable for the acts and conduct of such deputies. When an auditor appoints or removes a deputy, such auditor shall make a record of such appointment or removal in his office and file a certificate of appointment or removal with the county treasurer, who shall record and preserve it.

Last updated February 13, 2025 at 8:10 PM

Section 319.06 | Oaths.

The county auditor and his deputies may administer any oath necessary in the discharge of the duties of their respective offices, or proper in the authentication of any return, voucher, or document to be filed in the auditor's office.

Section 319.07 | Certain officials ineligible to office of auditor.

No judge or clerk of a court, county commissioner, county recorder, county engineer, county treasurer, or sheriff shall be eligible to the office of county auditor.

Section 319.08 | Secretary of board of county commissioners.

If the board of county commissioners has not appointed a full-time clerk pursuant to section 305.13 of the Revised Code, the county auditor, by virtue of his office , shall be the secretary of the board. When requested, he shall aid the board in the performance of its duties. He shall keep an accurate record of its proceedings, and carefully preserve all documents, books, records, maps, and papers required to be deposited and kept in his office.

Section 319.09 | County auditor as fiscal auditor.

The county auditor, if authorized by a resolution of the board of county commissioners, may serve as the fiscal officer of any department, office, or agency of the county, except that the county auditor may not serve as the fiscal officer for the office of any county elected officer or any agency governed by an appointed board or commission without the written agreement of that elected officer or agency.

Section 319.10 | Contracts for auditor to provide services to county land reutilization corporation.

The county auditor may enter into a contract with a county land reutilization corporation organized under Chapter 1724. of the Revised Code to provide employees of the auditor to provide services to the corporation. An employee of the auditor who provides services to a county land reutilization corporation under such a contract shall not be considered an employee of the corporation during the provision of services, but shall remain an employee of the county during provision of services pursuant to the contract.

Section 319.11 | Annual county financial report.

The county auditor shall prepare a financial report of the county for the preceding fiscal year in such form as prescribed by the auditor of state and by such date as required under section 117.38 of the Revised Code. Upon completing the report, the county auditor shall publish notice that the report has been completed and is available for public inspection at the office of the county auditor. The notice shall be published once in a newspaper of general circulation in the county. If there is no newspaper of general circulation in the county, then publication is required in the newspaper of general circulation in an adjoining county that has the largest circulation in that adjoining county. The report shall contain at least the information required by section 117.38 of the Revised Code, and a copy shall be filed with the auditor of state.

No county auditor shall fail or neglect to prepare the report or publish notice of completion of the report as required by this section.

Section 319.12 | Annual report expenses.

The proper and necessary expenses of publishing the notice of completion of the annual report, as required by section 319.11 of the Revised Code, shall be paid from the county treasury as county expenses are paid, and the board of county commissioners shall make the necessary appropriation for that expense. If the board fails to make the appropriation, or if the appropriation is insufficient to meet that expense, any person interested may apply to the court of common pleas within the county for an allowance to cover the expense, and the court shall issue an order instructing the county auditor to issue a warrant upon the county treasurer for the amount deemed necessary, and the order by the court shall be final.

Section 319.13 | Money to be certified into treasury.

Except as to moneys collected on the tax duplicate, the county auditor shall certify all moneys into the county treasury, specifying by whom to be paid, what fund to be credited, charge the treasurer with such moneys, and preserve a duplicate of the certificate in his office. Costs collected in felony cases that have been or are to be paid by the state shall be certified into the treasury as belonging to the state.

Section 319.14 | Account current with county treasurer.

The county auditor shall keep an accurate account current with the county treasurer, showing all moneys paid into the treasury, the amount of such moneys, the time when, by whom, from what source, and to what fund paid, and showing all moneys paid out, the amount of such moneys, the time when, to whom, for what purpose, and from what fund paid. Upon the receipt of the daily statement of the county treasurer required by section 321.09 of the Revised Code, the auditor shall enter on his account current, as a charge to the treasurer, the amount of tax collected as shown by such statement, in the following manner:

(A) Collections of estate tax to be credited to the undivided estate tax fund;

(B) Collections of other taxes and assessments of whatever kind to be credited to the undivided general tax fund.

Section 319.15 | Monthly statement of county finances.

On the first business day of each month, the county auditor shall prepare in duplicate a statement of the finances of the county for the preceding month, showing the amount of money received to the credit of each fund and account, the amount disbursed from each, the balance remaining to the credit of each, and the balance of money in the treasury and depository. After careful comparison with the county treasurer's balances, he shall submit such statement to the board of county commissioners, which shall place it on file and post one copy in the auditor's office, such copy to remain posted for at least thirty days for the inspection of the public.

Section 319.16 | Issuing and recording warrants.

(A) The county auditor shall issue warrants, including electronic warrants authorizing direct deposit for payment of county obligations in accordance with division (F) of section 9.37 of the Revised Code, on the county treasurer for all moneys payable from the county treasury, upon presentation of either of the following:

(1) Any proper order or voucher and evidentiary matter;

(2) Any proper court order for expenses of any court funded through the county treasury and, upon request of the county auditor, legible copies of any court-approved invoice, bill, receipt, check, or contract related to the order, redacted as required by law, to the extent those documents exist.

(B) When a court order described in division (A)(2) of this section is presented, the auditor shall have no liability for that expenditure and the court issuing the order shall assume the financial liability, if any, for that expenditure. The county auditor shall keep a record of all such warrants showing the number, date of issue, amount for which drawn, in whose favor, for what purpose, and on what fund.

(C) The auditor shall not issue a warrant for the payment of any claim against the county, unless it is allowed by the board of county commissioners, except where the amount due is fixed by law or is allowed by an officer or tribunal, including a county board of mental health or county board of developmental disabilities, so authorized by law.

(D) If the auditor questions the validity of an expenditure under division (A)(2) of this section that is within available appropriations, the auditor shall notify the court that presented the documents, shall issue the warrant under protest, and shall notify the auditor of state of the protest. When a warrant is issued under division (D) of this section, the auditor has no liability for that expenditure. If the auditor refuses to issue the warrant, a writ of mandamus may be sought. The court shall issue a writ of mandamus for issuance of the warrant if the court determines that the claim is valid.

(E) If the auditor questions the validity of an expenditure presented under division (A)(1) of this section that is within available appropriations, the auditor shall notify the board, officer, or tribunal who presented the documents. If the board, officer, or tribunal determines that the expenditure is valid and the auditor refuses to issue the appropriate warrant on the county treasury, a writ of mandamus may be sought. The court shall issue a writ of mandamus for issuance of the warrant if the court determines that the claim is valid.

Evidentiary matter includes original invoices, receipts, bills and checks, and legible copies of contracts.

Section 319.17 | Warrants for funds payable to school district.

All warrants of the county auditor on the county treasurer for funds payable to a school district shall be stamped across their face "for deposit only."

Section 319.18 | Proceedings when fund is exhausted.

When any fund is exhausted, the county auditor and county treasurer shall make an estimate of the amount of money belonging to such fund which has been collected as taxes and credited to the undivided tax funds in the treasury. If the board of county commissioners deems it advisable, by an order entered on its journal, such board may authorize the auditor and treasurer to transfer from such undivided tax funds to the fund so exhausted an amount not to exceed three fourths of the amount estimated to belong to the exhausted fund. At the next semiannual distribution of taxes, the amount so transferred shall be deducted from the total amount found to be due the fund. The estimate shall be made in writing, signed by the auditor and treasurer, and recorded on the board's journal.

Section 319.20 | Transfer of title and tax value of property.

After complying with sections 319.202, 315.251, and 319.203 of the Revised Code, and on application and presentation of title, with the affidavits required by law, or the proper order of a court or the county board of revision, bearing the last known address of the grantee, or of any one of the grantees named in the title, and a reference to the volume and page of the recording, or other means of identifying the recording, of the next preceding recorded instrument by or through which the grantor claims title, the county auditor shall transfer any land or town lot or part thereof, minerals therein, or mineral rights thereto, charged with taxes on the tax list, from the name in which it stands into the name of the owner, when rendered necessary by a conveyance, partition, devise, descent, or otherwise. If by reason of the conveyance or otherwise, a part only of a tract or lot, minerals therein, or mineral rights thereto, as charged in the tax list, is to be transferred, the auditor shall determine the tax value of the part of a tract or lot of real estate, minerals therein, or mineral rights thereto, so transferred, and the value of the remaining part compared with the value of the whole.

Whenever a part only of a tract or lot of real estate has been transferred by the auditor and the tract or lot bears unpaid taxes, penalties, interest, or special assessments, the unpaid taxes, penalties, interest, or special assessments shall immediately be apportioned, upon demand or request by the transferee or remaining owner, in the following manner:

(A) The auditor shall allocate to the part so transferred, and to the remaining part, amounts of any current or delinquent taxes, interest, or penalties that have accrued against the parcel as a whole, proportionate to their respective values.

(B) The lien of taxes, penalties, interest, and special assessments, as levied against the original tract, shall extend to the part so transferred and the part remaining only to the extent of the amounts so allocated to the respective parts.

This section does not change the total amount of taxes, special assessments, or other charges as originally levied, or the total amount of the balance due. The auditor shall certify such apportionments to the county treasurer.

Whenever the state acquires an entire parcel or a part only of a parcel of real property in fee simple, the county auditor, upon application of the grantor or property owner or the state, which application shall contain a description of the property as it appears on the tax list and the date of transfer of ownership, shall prepare an estimate of the taxes that are a lien on the property, but have not been determined, assessed, and levied for the year in which the property was acquired. The county auditor shall thereupon apportion the estimated taxes proportionately between the grantor and the state for the period of the lien year that each had or shall have had ownership or possession of the property, whichever is earlier. The county treasurer shall accept payment from the state for estimated taxes at the time that the real property is acquired. If the state has paid in full in the year in which the property is acquired that proportion of the estimated taxes that the tax commissioner determines are not subject to remission by the county auditor for such year under division (D) of section 5713.08 of the Revised Code, the estimated taxes paid shall be considered the tax liability on the exempted property for that year.

Section 319.42 of the Revised Code applies to the apportionment of special assessments.

Complaint against such values as determined by the auditor or the allocation of assessments by the certifying authority may be filed by the transferee or the remaining owner, and if filed, proceedings including appeals shall be had in the manner and within the time provided by sections 5717.01 to 5717.06 and 5715.19 to 5715.22 of the Revised Code, for complaints against valuation or assessment of real property.

The auditor shall endorse on the deed or other evidences of title presented to the auditor that the proper transfer of the real estate described in the deed has been made in the auditor's office or that it is not entered for taxation, and sign the auditor's name to the deed. The address of the grantee, or any one of the grantees, set forth in the deed or other evidences of title shall be entered by the auditor on the transfer sheets and on the general tax list of real property prepared pursuant to section 319.28 of the Revised Code.

Section 319.201 | Evidence of title to real property acquired by state or political subdivision.

Whenever the state or any political subdivision thereof acquires an easement, right, title, or interest in a parcel or part of a parcel of real property, either by deed of purchase or by order of a court or a county board of revision, upon which parcel of real property the lien for taxes has attached under section 323.11 or 5727.06 of the Revised Code, the state agency or political subdivision acquiring such real property shall file evidence of title, by purchase or by order of a court or a board of revision, with the county auditor of the county in which such property is located. Such evidence of title shall contain a reference to the volume and page of the recording of the next preceding recorded instrument by or through which the grantor or previous property owner acquired or claims title. Such evidence of title shall be endorsed by the county auditor as provided in section 317.22 of the Revised Code, and recorded as other instruments of conveyance are recorded. Any evidence of title to real property that the state or an agency of the state files pursuant to this section shall identify the agency of the state that has the use and benefit of the property as specified in section 5301.012 of the Revised Code.

All taxes appearing on the current tax duplicate as owing on such transferred parcel or part of such parcel of real property shall be due and payable as of the date of transfer or acquisition of easement, right, or interest, whichever is later.

Whenever said easement, right, or interest has been acquired in a parcel or part of a parcel of real property after the lien for taxes has attached and the taxes for said tax lien year have not been determined, assessed, and levied for that year, the county auditor, upon application of the grantee or the grantor or property owner, shall make an estimate of the taxes that will be assessed and levied against said parcel for the tax lien year.

If the grantor or property owner has transferred only a part of the parcel by easement, right, or interest in or to such part of the parcel of real property to the state or a political subdivision thereof, the county auditor shall apportion the tax valuation of the parcel of real property proportionately between the part acquired by the state or the political subdivision and the residue remaining with the grantor. If such tax valuation of the residue remaining with the property owner is sufficient to support the taxes that are a lien or that are due and payable, the lien for taxes shall attach to the residue part of the parcel. If such apportioned assessed valuation of the part of the parcel remaining with the grantor or property owner is not sufficient to support the taxes on the parcel that are due and payable and the proportionate amount of the estimated taxes that are a lien but not determined, assessed, and levied, such taxes shall immediately be due and payable; provided, that the grantor or property owner shall be liable only for that portion of the estimated taxes, for the period of the tax lien year preceding the transfer or conveyance of the property to the state or the political subdivision.

This section does not change the total amount of taxes, special assessments, or other charges as originally levied, or the total amount of the balance due. The auditor shall certify such apportionments to the county treasurer.

Section 319.42 of the Revised Code applies to the apportionment of special assessments.

Upon presentation of the executed instrument of conveyance of an easement or the order of court conveying or granting such an easement for highway purposes together with evidence or proof showing that the proportionate amount of taxes, penalties, and interest charged against the part of the whole parcel over which the easement attaches and the proportionate amount of estimated taxes to be levied and assessed against the part of the parcel acquired for highway purposes have been paid or provision made for the payment thereof, the county auditor shall reduce the tax valuation of the parcel to reflect the value of the part or portion used or occupied as a public highway in accordance with section 5713.04 of the Revised Code.

The lien for taxes shall thereupon be extinguished as to that part or portion acquired and used for public highway purposes.

Any instrument by which real property is acquired pursuant to this section shall identify the agency of the state that has the use and benefit of the real property as specified in section 5301.012 of the Revised Code.

Section 319.202 | Submitting statement declaring value of real property transferred.

Before the county auditor indorses any real property conveyance or manufactured or mobile home conveyance presented to the auditor pursuant to section 319.20 of the Revised Code or registers any manufactured or mobile home conveyance pursuant to section 4503.061 of the Revised Code, the grantee or the grantee's representative shall submit, either electronically or three written copies of, a statement, in the form prescribed by the tax commissioner, and other information as the county auditor may require, declaring the value of real property or manufactured or mobile home conveyed, except that when the transfer is exempt under division (G)(3) of section 319.54 of the Revised Code only a statement of the reason for the exemption shall be required. Each statement submitted under this section shall contain the information required under divisions (A) and (B) of this section.

(A) Each statement submitted under this section shall either:

(1) Contain an affirmation by the grantee that the grantor has been asked by the grantee or the grantee's representative whether to the best of the grantor's knowledge either the preceding or the current year's taxes on the real property or the current or following year's taxes on the manufactured or mobile home conveyed will be reduced under division (A) of section 323.152 or under section 4503.065 of the Revised Code and that the grantor indicated that to the best of the grantor's knowledge the taxes will not be so reduced; or

(2) Be accompanied by a sworn or affirmed instrument stating:

(a) To the best of the grantor's knowledge the real property or the manufactured or mobile home that is the subject of the conveyance is eligible for and will receive a reduction in taxes for or payable in the current year under division (A) of section 323.152 or under section 4503.065 of the Revised Code and that the reduction or reductions will be reflected in the grantee's taxes;

(b) The estimated amount of such reductions that will be reflected in the grantee's taxes;

(c) That the grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted for the total estimated amount of such reductions to the satisfaction of both the grantee and the grantor. The auditor shall indorse the instrument, return it to the grantee or the grantee's representative, and provide a copy of the indorsed instrument to the grantor or the grantor's representative.

(B) Each statement submitted under this section shall either:

(1) Contain an affirmation by the grantee that the grantor has been asked by the grantee or the grantee's representative whether to the best of the grantor's knowledge the real property conveyed qualified for the current agricultural use valuation under section 5713.30 of the Revised Code either for the preceding or the current year and that the grantor indicated that to the best of the grantor's knowledge the property conveyed was not so qualified; or

(2) Be accompanied by a sworn or affirmed instrument stating:

(a) To the best of the grantor's knowledge the real property conveyed was qualified for the current agricultural use valuation under section 5713.30 of the Revised Code either for the preceding or the current year;

(b) To the extent that the property will not continue to qualify for the current agricultural use valuation either for the current or the succeeding year, that the property will be subject to a recoupment charge equal to the tax savings in accordance with section 5713.34 of the Revised Code;

(c) That the grantor and the grantee have considered and accounted for the total estimated amount of such recoupment, if any, to the satisfaction of both the grantee and the grantor. The auditor shall indorse the instrument, forward it to the grantee or the grantee's representative, and provide a copy of the indorsed instrument to the grantor or the grantor's representative.

(C) The grantor shall pay the fee required by division (G)(3) of section 319.54 of the Revised Code; and, in the event the board of county commissioners of the county has levied a real property or a manufactured home transfer tax pursuant to Chapter 322. of the Revised Code, the amount required by the real property or manufactured home transfer tax so levied. If the conveyance is exempt from the fee provided for in division (G)(3) of section 319.54 of the Revised Code and the tax, if any, levied pursuant to Chapter 322. of the Revised Code, the reason for such exemption shall be shown on the statement. "Value" means, in the case of any deed or certificate of title not a gift in whole or part, the amount of the full consideration therefor, paid or to be paid for the real estate or manufactured or mobile home described in the deed or title, including the amount of any mortgage or vendor's lien thereon. If property sold under a land installment contract is conveyed by the seller under such contract to a third party and the contract has been of record at least twelve months prior to the date of conveyance, "value" means the unpaid balance owed to the seller under the contract at the time of the conveyance, but the statement shall set forth the amount paid under such contract prior to the date of conveyance. In the case of a gift in whole or part, "value" means the estimated price the real estate or manufactured or mobile home described in the deed or certificate of title would bring in the open market and under the then existing and prevailing market conditions in a sale between a willing seller and a willing buyer, both conversant with the property and with prevailing general price levels. No person shall willfully falsify the value of property conveyed.

(D) The auditor shall indorse each conveyance on its face to indicate the amount of the conveyance fee and compliance with this section and if the property is residential rental property include a statement that the grantee shall file with the county auditor the information required under division (A) or (C) of section 5323.02 of the Revised Code. The auditor shall retain the original copy of the statement of value, forward to the tax commissioner one copy on which shall be noted the most recent assessed value of the property, and furnish one copy to the grantee or the grantee's representative.

(E) In order to achieve uniform administration and collection of the transfer fee required by division (G)(3) of section 319.54 of the Revised Code, the tax commissioner shall adopt and promulgate rules for the administration and enforcement of the levy and collection of such fee.

(F) As used in this section, "residential rental property" has the same meaning as in section 5323.01 of the Revised Code.

Last updated August 3, 2023 at 9:34 AM

Section 319.203 | Adopting standards governing conveyances of real property in county.

Subject to division (B) of section 315.251 of the Revised Code, the county auditor and the county engineer of each county, by written agreement, shall adopt standards governing conveyances of real property in the county. These standards may include the requirements specified in section 315.251 of the Revised Code. The county auditor and county engineer may modify those standards from time to time as they consider necessary or desirable. The standards shall be adopted or modified only after the county auditor and county engineer have held two public hearings, not less than ten days apart, concerning adoption or modification of the standards. The standards shall be available for public inspection during normal business hours at the offices of the county auditor and county engineer.

Before the county auditor transfers any conveyance of real property presented to the auditor under section 319.20 or 315.251 of the Revised Code, the county auditor shall review the conveyance to determine whether it complies with the standards adopted under this section. The county auditor shall not transfer any conveyance that does not comply with those standards.

Section 319.21 | Fraudulent transfers.

If a transfer of real estate is fraudulently or improperly obtained, or the just proportion of valuation is not transferred with the part of a lot or tract transferred, the county auditor may cancel such transfer and, if necessary, he shall return the proper valuation.

Section 319.22 | Examination of records.

The county auditor or a person authorized in writing by him, may, at all reasonable times, examine and make memorandums from the records of deeds, mortgages, and leases in any county in the state, free of charge.

Section 319.23 | Discharge of indigent prisoner.

The county auditor may discharge from imprisonment any person confined in the county jail for the nonpayment of a fine or amercement due the county, except fines for contempt of court or an officer of the law, when it is made clearly to appear to him that the fine or amercement cannot be collected by such imprisonment.

Section 319.26 | Allegations against county auditor.

(A)(1) If a county auditor purposely, knowingly, or recklessly fails to perform a fiscal duty expressly imposed by law with respect to the fiscal duties of the office of county auditor or purposely, knowingly, or recklessly commits any act expressly prohibited by law with respect to the fiscal duties of the office of county auditor, the county treasurer or a county commissioner may submit a sworn affidavit alleging the violation, together with evidence supporting the allegations, to the auditor of state. The sworn affidavit and evidence shall be submitted in the format prescribed by rule of the auditor of state under section 117.45 of the Revised Code. A person who makes a false statement in a sworn affidavit, for purposes of this section, is guilty of falsification under section 2921.13 of the Revised Code.

(2) The auditor of state shall review the sworn affidavit and the evidence. Within thirty calendar days after receiving the sworn affidavit, unless, for good cause, additional time is required, the auditor of state shall determine whether clear and convincing evidence supports the allegations. If the auditor of state finds that no allegation is supported by clear and convincing evidence, the auditor of state shall submit those findings in writing to the county auditor and the person initiating the sworn affidavit. If the auditor of state finds by clear and convincing evidence that an allegation is supported by the evidence, the auditor of state shall submit those findings in writing to the attorney general, the county auditor, and the person who initiated the sworn affidavit. The findings shall include a copy of the sworn affidavit and the evidence submitted under division (A)(1) of this section.

(3)(a) The attorney general shall review the auditor of state's findings and the sworn affidavit and evidence. Within ten business days after receiving the sworn affidavit and evidence, unless, for good cause, additional time is required, the attorney general shall determine whether clear and convincing evidence supports the allegations. If the attorney general finds that no allegation is supported by clear and convincing evidence, the attorney general, by certified mail, shall notify the auditor of state, the county auditor, and the person who initiated the sworn affidavit, that no complaint for the removal of the county auditor from public office will be filed.

(b) If the attorney general finds by clear and convincing evidence that an allegation is supported by the evidence, the attorney general, by certified mail, shall notify the auditor of state, the county auditor, and the person who initiated the sworn affidavit of that fact, and shall commence an action for the removal of the county auditor from public office under division (B) of this section.

(c) Nothing in this section is intended to limit the authority of the attorney general to enter into mediation, settlement, or resolution of any alleged violation before or following the commencement of an action under this section.

(B)(1)(a) The attorney general has a cause of action for removal of a county auditor who purposely, knowingly, or recklessly fails to perform a fiscal duty expressly imposed by law with respect to the fiscal duties of the office of county auditor or purposely, knowingly, or recklessly commits any act expressly prohibited by law with respect to the fiscal duties of the office of county auditor. Not later than forty-five days after sending a notice under division (A)(3)(b) of this section, the attorney general shall cause an action to be commenced against the county auditor by filing a complaint for the removal of the county auditor from public office. If any money is due, the attorney general shall join the sureties on the county auditor's bond as parties. The court of common pleas of the county in which the county auditor holds office has exclusive original jurisdiction of the action. The action shall proceed de novo as in the trial of a civil action. The court is not restricted to the evidence that was presented to the auditor of state and the attorney general before the action was filed. The action is governed by the Rules of Civil Procedure.

(b) If the court finds by clear and convincing evidence that the county auditor purposely, knowingly, or recklessly failed to perform a fiscal duty expressly imposed by law with respect to the fiscal duties of the office of county auditor or purposely, knowingly, or recklessly committed any act expressly prohibited by law with respect to the fiscal duties of that office, the court shall issue an order removing the county auditor from office and any order necessary for the preservation or restitution of public funds.

(2) Except as otherwise provided in this division, an action for removal from office under this section is stayed during the pendency of any criminal action concerning a violation of an existing or former municipal ordinance or law of this or any other state or the United States that is substantially equivalent to any criminal violation in Title XXIX of the Revised Code related to conduct in office, if the person charged in the criminal action committed the violation while serving as a county auditor and the conduct constituting the violation was related to the duties of the office of county auditor or to the person's actions as the county auditor. The stay may be lifted upon motion of the prosecuting attorney in the related criminal action.

(3) Prior to or at the hearing, upon a showing of good cause, the court may issue an order restraining the county auditor from entering the county auditor's office and from conducting the affairs of the office pending the hearing on the complaint. If such an order is issued, the court may continue the order until the conclusion of the hearing and any appeals under this section.

(4) The board of county commissioners shall be responsible for the payment of reasonable attorney's fees for counsel for the county auditor. If judgment is entered against the county auditor, the court shall order the county auditor to reimburse the board for attorney's fees and costs up to a reasonable amount, as determined by the court. Expenses incurred by the board in a removal action shall be paid out of the county general fund.

(C) The judgment of the court is final and conclusive unless reversed, vacated, or modified on appeal. An appeal may be taken by any party, and shall proceed as in the case of appeals in civil actions and in accordance with the Rules of Appellate Procedure. Upon the filing of a notice of appeal by any party to the proceedings, the court of appeals shall hear the case as an expedited appeal under Rule 11.2 of the Rules of Appellate Procedure. The county auditor has the right of review or appeal to the supreme court.

(D) If a final judgment for removal from public office is entered against the county auditor, the office shall be deemed vacated, and the vacancy shall be filled as provided in section 305.02 of the Revised Code. Except as otherwise provided by law, an individual removed from public office under this section is not entitled to hold any public office for four years following the date of the final judgment, and is not entitled to hold any public office until any repayment or restitution required by the court is satisfied.

(E) For the purposes of this section:

(1) A person acts purposely when it is the person's specific intention to cause a certain result, or, when the gist of the offense is a prohibition against conduct of a certain nature, regardless of what the person intends to accomplish thereby, it is the person's specific intention to engage in conduct of that nature.

(2) A person acts knowingly, regardless of the person's purpose, when the person is aware that the person's conduct will probably cause a certain result or will probably be of a certain nature. A person has knowledge of circumstances when the person is aware that such circumstances probably exist.

(3) A person acts recklessly when, with heedless indifference to the consequences, the person perversely disregards a known risk that the person's conduct is likely to cause a certain result or is likely to be of a certain nature. A person is reckless with respect to circumstances when, with heedless indifference to the consequences, the person perversely disregards a known risk that such circumstances are likely to exist.

(F) The proceedings provided for in this section may be used as an alternative to the removal proceedings prescribed under sections 3.07 to 3.10 of the Revised Code or other methods of removal authorized by law.

Section 319.27 | Delivery of property on retirement of auditor.

Upon going out of or suspension from office by the board of county commissioners, each county auditor shall deliver to the auditor's successor or the appointee of the board, all documents, books, records, vouchers, papers, maps, and other property in the auditor's hands belonging to the county, and in the case of the death of an auditor, such property shall in like manner be delivered by the auditor's legal representatives. The county auditor shall include an inventory of the items delivered in accordance with this section in a certificate of transition under section 117.171 of the Revised Code.

Section 319.28 | General tax list and general duplicate of real and public utility property compiled - parcel numbering system.

(A) Except as otherwise provided in division (B) of this section, on or before the first Monday of August, annually, the county auditor shall compile and make up a general tax list of real and public utility property in the county, either in tabular form and alphabetical order, or, with the consent of the county treasurer, by listing all parcels in a permanent parcel number sequence to which a separate alphabetical index is keyed, containing the names of the several persons, companies, firms, partnerships, associations, and corporations in whose names real property has been listed in each township, municipal corporation, special district, or separate school district, or part of either in the auditor's county, placing separately, in appropriate columns opposite each name, the description of each tract, lot, or parcel of real estate, the value of each tract, lot, or parcel, the value of the improvements thereon, and of the names of the several public utilities whose property, subject to taxation on the general tax list and duplicate, has been apportioned by the department of taxation to the county, and the amount so apportioned to each township, municipal corporation, special district, or separate school district or part of either in the auditor's county, as shown by the certificates of apportionment of public utility property. If the name of the owner of any tract, lot, or parcel of real estate is unknown to the auditor, "unknown" shall be entered in the column of names opposite said tract, lot, or parcel. Such lists shall be prepared in duplicate. On or before the first Monday of September in each year, the auditor shall correct such lists in accordance with the additions and deductions ordered by the tax commissioner and by the county board of revision, and shall certify and on the first day of October deliver one copy thereof to the county treasurer. The copies prepared by the auditor shall constitute the auditor's general tax list and treasurer's general duplicate of real and public utility property for the current year.

Once a permanent parcel numbering system has been established in any county as provided by the preceding paragraph, such system shall remain in effect until otherwise agreed upon by the county auditor and county treasurer.

(B)(1) An individual, or the spouse of that individual, whose residential and familial information is not a public record under divisions (A)(1)(p) and (A)(7) of section 149.43 of the Revised Code may submit an affidavit to the county auditor requesting the county auditor to remove the name of the individual filing the affidavit from any record made available to the general public on the internet or a publicly accessible database, and from the general tax list and duplicate of real and public utility property, and to instead insert the individual's initials on any such record, and on the general tax list and duplicate of real and public utility property as the name of the individual that appears on the deed.

(2) Upon receiving an affidavit described in division (B)(1) of this section, the county auditor shall act within five business days in accordance with the request to remove the individual's name from any record made available to the general public on the internet or a publicly accessible database, and from the general tax list and duplicate of real and public utility property and insert the individual's initials on any such record and on the general tax list and duplicate of real and public utility property, if practicable. If the removal and insertion is not practicable, the county auditor shall verbally or in writing within five business days after receiving the affidavit explain to the individual why the removal and insertion is impracticable.

(C) The county auditor shall keep confidential information that is subject to a real property confidentiality notice under section 111.431 of the Revised Code, in accordance with that section.

Last updated February 2, 2022 at 4:00 PM

Section 319.281 | Unpaid operation permit or inspection fee for household sewage disposal system.

The county auditor shall place on the general tax list and duplicate compiled in accordance with section 319.28 of the Revised Code the amount certified by the health commissioner of a city or general health district pursuant to section 3709.091 of the Revised Code of any unpaid operation permit or inspection fee for a household sewage treatment system or a small flow on-site sewage treatment system or any other unpaid fee levied under Chapter 3718. of the Revised Code and any accrued late payment penalties, together with any fee charged by the county auditor for placing the amount on the general tax list and duplicate and for the expenses of its collection. The amount placed on the general tax list and duplicate shall be a lien on the real property on which the household sewage treatment system or small flow on-site sewage treatment system is located from the date the amount was placed on the tax list and duplicate, and shall be charged and collected in the same manner as taxes on the list.

Section 319.29 | General tax list and general duplicate of personal property compiled.

On or before the first Monday of August, annually, the county auditor shall compile and make up, in tabular form and alphabetical order, separate lists of the names of the several persons, companies, firms, partnerships, associations, and corporations in whose names personal property required to be entered on the general tax list and duplicate has been listed and assessed as shown on the returns and in the preliminary and final assessment certificates in the hands of the auditor pursuant to sections 5711.01 to 5711.36 and 5727.29 of the Revised Code, in each township, municipal corporation, special district, or separate school district or part of either in his county. He shall place in an appropriate column opposite each name, the aggregate value of such personal property as listed and assessed in such lists. On or before the third Monday of August in each year the auditor shall correct such lists in accordance with the additions and deductions ordered by the department of taxation, and shall certify and deliver one copy of such corrected lists to the county treasurer. The copies prepared by the auditor shall constitute the auditor's general tax list and treasurer's general duplicate of personal property for the current year.

Section 319.30 | Tax levied upon each tract of real property.

(A) After receiving from officers and authorities empowered to determine the rates or amounts of taxes to be levied for the various purposes authorized by law, statements of the rates and sums to be levied for the current year, the county auditor shall proceed to determine the sums to be levied upon each tract and lot of real property, adding, except as provided under section 319.48 of the Revised Code for tracts and lots on the real property tax suspension list, the taxes of any previous year that have been omitted or that are delinquent, including the penalties and interest thereon, and upon the amount of public utility property listed on the general tax list and duplicate in the county, in the name of each public utility, which shall be assessed equally on all property subject to such taxes, and entered in one or more columns, in such manner and form as the tax commissioner prescribes. The auditor shall enter as separate items any interest required to be so entered under division (B)(1), (2), or (3) of section 323.121 of the Revised Code.

(B) If a taxing authority or unit has not certified the necessary levies to the county auditor by the time prescribed by section 5705.34 of the Revised Code and an appeal of an action of the budget commission with respect to the tax rate of that authority or unit has been initiated under section 5705.341 or 5705.37 of the Revised Code but a final determination has not been made, the county auditor, in order to avoid a delay in the preparation of the tax list and duplicate, may proceed under division (A) of this section, using in lieu of the rate of tax to be levied for such authority or unit for any levy that has not been so certified, the estimated rate certified to the taxing authority or unit under section 5705.34 of the Revised Code. If as a result of the appeal the tax rate certified to the county auditor is not the same as the estimated rate used to determine the sums to be levied, the auditor shall proceed in the manner prescribed by this section and sections 319.301 and 319.302 of the Revised Code to determine the correct amount of taxes to be levied, charged, and payable for the year. If the correct amount of taxes charged and payable after the determination is complete is greater than or less than the taxes charged and payable as shown on the tax list and duplicate, a clerical error shall be deemed to have occurred in the preparation of the tax list and duplicate, and the auditor shall proceed in the manner prescribed by section 319.35 of the Revised Code.

(C) Notwithstanding section 2723.01 of the Revised Code, when any taxing district or the county auditor or county treasurer is involved in litigation, no court shall, with respect to such litigation, enjoin the collection of any taxes on real property, except assessments, for the current tax year, on or after the fifteenth day of November of that year. Any such injunction issued prior to that date shall expire on the fifteenth day of November of that year, and the county auditor and county treasurer shall proceed to levy and collect taxes for that year as required by law, in the following manner:

(1) Each tax that is a subject of the litigation and that was approved and authorized by the county budget commission pursuant to section 5705.31 of the Revised Code shall be levied by the county auditor at the rate approved and authorized by the budget commission.

(2) With respect to any other matter that was the subject of any order, determination, or certification required by law to be made by the tax commissioner, or is the subject of any rule, opinion, order, or instruction issued by the commissioner pursuant to section 5715.28, 5715.29, or 5715.30 of the Revised Code, the county auditor shall proceed in accordance with such authority.

The court shall attempt to decide the litigation prior to the first day of May, so that, absent an appeal, the county auditor may adjust the amount of taxes to be collected at the second-half collection in accordance with the order of the court. In such a case the adjustment shall be treated as the correction of a clerical error pursuant to section 319.35 of the Revised Code.

Section 319.301 | Determining and certifying tax reduction percentage for carryover property.

(A) The reductions required by division (D) of this section do not apply to any of the following:

(1) Taxes levied at whatever rate is required to produce a specified amount of tax money, including a tax levied under section 5705.199 or 5748.09 of the Revised Code, or an amount to pay debt charges;

(2) Taxes levied within the one per cent limitation imposed by Section 2 of Article XII, Ohio Constitution;

(3) Taxes provided for by the charter of a municipal corporation.

(B) As used in this section:

(1) "Real property" includes real property owned by a railroad.

(2) "Carryover property" means all real property on the current year's tax list except:

(a) Land and improvements that were not taxed by the district in both the preceding year and the current year;

(b) Land and improvements that were not in the same class in both the preceding year and the current year.

(3) "Effective tax rate" means with respect to each class of property:

(a) The sum of the total taxes that would have been charged and payable for current expenses against real property in that class if each of the district's taxes were reduced for the current year under division (D)(1) of this section without regard to the application of division (E)(3) of this section divided by

(b) The taxable value of all real property in that class.

(4) "Taxes charged and payable" means the taxes charged and payable prior to any reduction required by section 319.302 of the Revised Code.

(C) The tax commissioner shall make the determinations required by this section each year, without regard to whether a taxing district has territory in a county to which section 5715.24 of the Revised Code applies for that year. Separate determinations shall be made for each of the two classes established pursuant to section 5713.041 of the Revised Code.

(D) With respect to each tax authorized to be levied by each taxing district, the tax commissioner, annually, shall do both of the following:

(1) Determine by what percentage, if any, the sums levied by such tax against the carryover property in each class would have to be reduced for the tax to levy the same number of dollars against such property in that class in the current year as were charged against such property by such tax in the preceding year subsequent to the reduction made under this section but before the reduction made under section 319.302 of the Revised Code. In the case of a tax levied for the first time that is not a renewal of an existing tax, the commissioner shall determine by what percentage the sums that would otherwise be levied by such tax against carryover property in each class would have to be reduced to equal the amount that would have been levied if the full rate thereof had been imposed against the total taxable value of such property in the preceding tax year. A tax or portion of a tax that is designated a replacement levy under section 5705.192 of the Revised Code is not a renewal of an existing tax for purposes of this division.

(2) Certify each percentage determined in division (D)(1) of this section, as adjusted under division (E) of this section, and the class of property to which that percentage applies to the auditor of each county in which the district has territory. The auditor, after complying with section 319.30 of the Revised Code, shall reduce the sum to be levied by such tax against each parcel of real property in the district by the percentage so certified for its class. Certification shall be made by the first day of September except in the case of a tax levied for the first time, in which case certification shall be made within fifteen days of the date the county auditor submits the information necessary to make the required determination.

(E)(1) As used in division (E)(2) of this section, "pre-1982 joint vocational taxes" means, with respect to a class of property, the difference between the following amounts:

(a) The taxes charged and payable in tax year 1981 against the property in that class for the current expenses of the joint vocational school district of which the school district is a part after making all reductions under this section;

(b) Two-tenths of one per cent of the taxable value of all real property in that class.

If the amount in division (E)(1)(b) of this section exceeds the amount in division (E)(1)(a) of this section, the pre-1982 joint vocational taxes shall be zero.

As used in divisions (E)(2) and (3) of this section, "taxes charged and payable" has the same meaning as in division (B)(4) of this section and excludes any tax charged and payable in 1985 or thereafter under sections 5705.194 to 5705.197 or section 5705.199, 5705.213, 5705.219, or 5748.09 of the Revised Code.

(2) If in the case of a school district other than a joint vocational or cooperative education school district any percentage required to be used in division (D)(2) of this section for either class of property could cause the total taxes charged and payable for current expenses to be less than two per cent of the taxable value of all real property in that class that is subject to taxation by the district, the commissioner shall determine what percentages would cause the district's total taxes charged and payable for current expenses against that class, after all reductions that would otherwise be made under this section, to equal, when combined with the pre-1982 joint vocational taxes against that class, the lesser of the following:

(a) The sum of the rates at which those taxes are authorized to be levied;

(b) Two per cent of the taxable value of the property in that class. The auditor shall use such percentages in making the reduction required by this section for that class.

(3) If in the case of a joint vocational school district any percentage required to be used in division (D)(2) of this section for either class of property could cause the total taxes charged and payable for current expenses for that class to be less than two-tenths of one per cent of the taxable value of that class, the commissioner shall determine what percentages would cause the district's total taxes charged and payable for current expenses for that class, after all reductions that would otherwise be made under this section, to equal that amount. The auditor shall use such percentages in making the reductions required by this section for that class.

(F) No reduction shall be made under this section in the rate at which any tax is levied.

(G) The commissioner may order a county auditor to furnish any information the commissioner needs to make the determinations required under division (D) or (E) of this section, and the auditor shall supply the information in the form and by the date specified in the order. If the auditor fails to comply with an order issued under this division, except for good cause as determined by the commissioner, the commissioner shall withhold from such county or taxing district therein fifty per cent of state revenues to local governments pursuant to section 5747.50 of the Revised Code or shall direct the department of education and workforce to withhold therefrom fifty per cent of state revenues to school districts pursuant to Chapter 3317. of the Revised Code. The commissioner shall withhold the distribution of such revenues until the county auditor has complied with this division, and the department shall withhold the distribution of such revenues until the commissioner has notified the department that the county auditor has complied with this division.

(H) If the commissioner is unable to certify a tax reduction factor for either class of property in a taxing district located in more than one county by the last day of November because information required under division (G) of this section is unavailable, the commissioner may compute and certify an estimated tax reduction factor for that district for that class. The estimated factor shall be based upon an estimate of the unavailable information. Upon receipt of the actual information for a taxing district that received an estimated tax reduction factor, the commissioner shall compute the actual tax reduction factor and use that factor to compute the taxes that should have been charged and payable against each parcel of property for the year for which the estimated reduction factor was used. The amount by which the estimated factor resulted in an overpayment or underpayment in taxes on any parcel shall be added to or subtracted from the amount due on that parcel in the ensuing tax year.

A percentage or a tax reduction factor determined or computed by the commissioner under this section shall be used solely for the purpose of reducing the sums to be levied by the tax to which it applies for the year for which it was determined or computed. It shall not be used in making any tax computations for any ensuing tax year.

(I) In making the determinations under division (D)(1) of this section, the tax commissioner shall take account of changes in the taxable value of carryover property resulting from complaints filed under section 5715.19 of the Revised Code for determinations made for the tax year in which such changes are reported to the commissioner. Such changes shall be reported to the commissioner on the first abstract of real property filed with the commissioner under section 5715.23 of the Revised Code following the date on which the complaint is finally determined by the board of revision or by a court or other authority with jurisdiction on appeal. The tax commissioner shall account for such changes in making the determinations only for the tax year in which the change in valuation is reported. Such a valuation change shall not be used to recompute the percentages determined under division (D)(1) of this section for any prior tax year.

Last updated August 1, 2023 at 4:29 PM

Section 319.302 | Reduction of remaining taxes.

(A)(1) Real property that is not intended primarily for use in a business activity shall qualify for a partial exemption from real property taxation. For purposes of this partial exemption, "business activity" includes all uses of real property, except farming; leasing property for farming; occupying or holding property improved with single-family, two-family, or three-family dwellings; leasing property improved with single-family, two-family, or three-family dwellings; or holding vacant land that the county auditor determines will be used for farming or to develop single-family, two-family, or three-family dwellings. For purposes of this partial exemption, "farming" does not include land used for the commercial production of timber that is receiving the tax benefit under section 5713.23 or 5713.31 of the Revised Code and all improvements connected with such commercial production of timber.

(2) Each year, the county auditor shall review each parcel of real property to determine whether it qualifies for the partial exemption provided for by this section as of the first day of January of the current tax year.

(B) After complying with section 319.301 of the Revised Code, the county auditor shall reduce the remaining sums to be levied by qualifying levies against each parcel of real property that is listed on the general tax list and duplicate of real and public utility property for the current tax year and that qualifies for partial exemption under division (A) of this section, and against each manufactured and mobile home that is taxed pursuant to division (D)(2) of section 4503.06 of the Revised Code and that is on the manufactured home tax list for the current tax year, by ten per cent, to provide a partial exemption for that parcel or home. For the purposes of this division:

(1) "Qualifying levy" means a levy approved at an election held before September 29, 2013; a levy within the ten-mill limitation; a levy provided for by the charter of a municipal corporation that was levied on the tax list for tax year 2013; a subsequent renewal of any such levy; or a subsequent substitute for such a levy under section 5705.199 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Qualifying levy" does not include any replacement imposed under section 5705.192 of the Revised Code of any levy described in division (B)(1) of this section.

(C) Except as otherwise provided in sections 323.152, 323.158, 323.16, 505.06, and 715.263 of the Revised Code, the amount of the taxes remaining after any such reduction shall be the real and public utility property taxes charged and payable on each parcel of real property, including property that does not qualify for partial exemption under division (A) of this section, and the manufactured home tax charged and payable on each manufactured or mobile home, and shall be the amounts certified to the county treasurer for collection. Upon receipt of the real and public utility property tax duplicate, the treasurer shall certify to the tax commissioner the total amount by which the real property taxes were reduced under this section, as shown on the duplicate. Such reduction shall not directly or indirectly affect the determination of the principal amount of notes that may be issued in anticipation of any tax levies or the amount of bonds or notes for any planned improvements. If after application of sections 5705.31 and 5705.32 of the Revised Code and other applicable provisions of law, including divisions (F) and (I) of section 321.24 of the Revised Code, there would be insufficient funds for payment of debt charges on bonds or notes payable from taxes reduced by this section, the reduction of taxes provided for in this section shall be adjusted to the extent necessary to provide funds from such taxes.

(D) The tax commissioner may adopt rules governing the administration of the partial exemption provided for by this section.

(E) The determination of whether property qualifies for partial exemption under division (A) of this section is solely for the purpose of allowing the partial exemption under division (B) of this section.

Section 319.31 | Tax upon personal property - credit of advance payment.

As soon as the general tax list and duplicate of personal property is made up in any year the county auditor shall extend on such list and duplicate, against the amount of personal property listed in the name of each person, firm, corporation, company, partnership, and association, the same rates of taxation levied upon the real and public utility property on the tax list and duplicate of such property in the preceding year, for the purposes of the current year, and shall proceed to determine the sums to be levied upon the amount of such personal property, adding the taxes of any previous year that have been omitted, which shall be assessed equally on all property subject to such taxes, and entered in one or more columns in such manner and form as the tax commissioner prescribes. In each case the auditor shall credit the amount so charged with the amount of the advance payment, in the manner provided by sections 5719.02 and 5719.03 of the Revised Code.

Section 319.32 | Rounding off fractions.

(A) In determining the amount of taxes to be levied upon the real and personal property subject to such taxes, if the amount chargeable against a piece of real property or upon the personal property of any person contains a fractional part of a cent, and such fraction exceeds five mills, it shall be entered as a whole cent, but if such fraction is five mills or less, it shall be dropped. In all cases where the whole amount of taxes upon the personal property of a person does not amount to two dollars, the county auditor shall not enter it upon the tax list if such person has no other taxable property. In all cases where the whole amount of taxes, penalties, and assessments for the current tax year charged and payable against a parcel of real property is less than two dollars, the auditor may reduce such amount to zero on the tax list and duplicate in which case such parcel shall not be charged with taxes, penalties, and assessments for the current tax year.

(B) If the whole amount of taxes, penalties, interest, and assessments chargeable against a parcel of real property or upon the personal property of any person contains a fractional part of a dollar, and that fractional part of a dollar exceeds fifty cents, the county auditor may increase it to the next whole dollar. If the fractional part is fifty cents or less, it may be dropped.

Section 319.33 | Auditor shall dispose of fractional mills.

The county auditor need not assess on the taxable property of the county, or of any township, municipal corporation, or school district in such county, for any purpose, any rate of taxation containing or resulting in any fraction other than a decimal fraction or in any decimal fraction less than one-tenth of a mill, but if the sum required to be raised for any purpose results in a fraction less than one-twentieth of a mill, such fraction shall be dropped, and if more than one-twentieth and less than one-tenth, the difference between such fraction and one-tenth of a mill shall be added to the fraction.

Section 319.34 | Classified tax list and duplicate.

On or before the first Monday of August, annually, the county auditor shall compile and make up, in tabular form and alphabetical order, a list of the names of the several persons, companies, firms, partnerships, associations, and corporations in whose names any taxable property of the kinds enumerated in section 5707.04 of the Revised Code has been listed and assessed in each municipal corporation and elsewhere in his county, as shown on the returns and by the preliminary and final assessment certificates in his hands, referred to in section 319.29 of the Revised Code, placing separately in appropriate columns opposite each name the amount of the assessment of each kind of such property, separately taxed, the rate of taxation and the amount of tax upon each, and the total tax payable by each such person, company, firm, partnership, association, or corporation, crediting such amount with the amount of the advance payment, in the manner provided by sections 5719.02 and 5719.03 of the Revised Code. Such lists shall be prepared in duplicate. On or before the third Monday of August in each year the auditor shall correct such lists in accordance with the additions and deductions ordered by the department of taxation, and shall certify and deliver one copy of the lists to the county treasurer. The copies prepared by the auditor shall constitute the auditor's classified tax list and treasurer's classified tax duplicate of taxable property for the current year. Such tax list and duplicate shall not be open to public inspection, but may be inspected by the department of taxation.

Section 319.35 | Correction of clerical errors in tax lists and duplicates.

From time to time the county auditor shall correct all clerical errors the auditor discovers in the tax lists and duplicates in the name of the person charged with taxes or assessments, the description of lands or other property, the valuation or assessment of property or when property exempt from taxation has been charged with tax, or in the amount of such taxes or assessment, and shall correct the valuations or assessments on the tax lists and duplicates agreeably to amended, supplementary, or final assessment certificates. If the correction is made after a duplicate is delivered to the county treasurer, it shall be made on the margin of such list and duplicate without changing any name, description, or figure in the duplicate, as delivered, or in the original tax list, which shall always correspond exactly with each other.

For the purposes of this section and section 319.36 of the Revised Code, a clerical error is an error that can be corrected by the county auditor from the inspection or examination of documents in the county auditor's office or from the inspection or examination of documents that have been presented to the county auditor and have been recorded by the county recorder. Except as otherwise provided by law, any error in the listing, valuation, assessment, or taxation of real property other than a clerical error constitutes a fundamental error and is subject to correction only by the county board of revision as provided by law.

Section 319.36 | Clerical errors in taxes.

If, after having delivered a duplicate to the county treasurer for collection, the county auditor is satisfied that any tax, assessment, recoupment charge, or any part thereof has been erroneously charged as a result of a clerical error as defined in section 319.35 of the Revised Code, the county auditor shall give the person so charged a certificate to that effect to be presented to the treasurer, who shall deduct the amount from such tax, assessment, or charge. If, at any time, the auditor discovers that erroneous taxes, assessments, or charges have been charged or collected in previous years as a result of a clerical error, except for public utility taxes covered under section 5727.471 of the Revised Code, the auditor shall call the attention of the county board of revision to such charge or collection at a regular or special session of the board. If the board finds that taxes, assessments, or charges have been erroneously charged or collected, as a result of a clerical error, it shall certify that finding to the county auditor. Upon receipt of the board's certification, and in all cases where the tax commissioner has certified such a determination under section 5711.32 of the Revised Code, the auditor shall do one of the following:

(A) In the event of erroneous charges that have not been collected, give the person so charged a certificate of erroneous assessments to be presented to the treasurer, who shall deduct the amount from such taxes, assessments, or charges;

(B) In the event of erroneous charges that have been collected, do one of the following:

(1) Draw a warrant on the treasurer in favor of the person paying the erroneous charges, or the personal representative of the person paying the erroneous charges, for the full amount of the taxes, assessments so charged and collected with any applicable interest thereon as prescribed by division (E) of this section or by section 5719.041 of the Revised Code;

(2) Refund a portion of the overpayment and any interest and prorate the remaining balance as a credit against future taxes that may be charged to the person;

(3) Prorate the full amount of the overpayment and any interest as a credit against future taxes that may be charged to the person;

(4) Enter into a written undertaking with the person providing for refund of the overpayment in installments. The terms of such an undertaking shall include the amount payable and the due date of each installment, including the due date of the final payment, which shall not be later than two years after the due date of the first installment. Notwithstanding section 5719.041 of the Revised Code to the contrary, any applicable interest on the overpayment allowed under that section shall not accrue beyond the day on which the undertaking is entered into.

(C) The auditor shall have discretion as to which method to use and shall advise the person of the decision within sixty days after receipt of the board's or tax commissioner's certification. The auditor shall draw a warrant for payment of any refund under division (B)(1) or (2) of this section within ninety days after receipt of the certification. Any amount to be credited under division (B)(2) or (3) of this section shall be applied to all or a part of the taxes otherwise due from the person on any property tax due dates after the date on which the certification was received, but shall not be spread over more than the next ten ensuing due dates. If any portion of the overpayment has not been refunded or credited by the tenth such tax due date or by a time when the auditor determines that the person and the property of the person are not shown on any tax list for the county, the auditor immediately shall draw a warrant to refund that portion.

Interest allowed under division (E) of this section or by section 5719.041 of the Revised Code shall continue to accrue on portions of overpayments credited against future taxes until the last day of the month preceding the day the portion of the overpayment is credited, and shall be computed separately on each portion credited. In computing the interest on a portion of an overpayment credited against current taxes due, the portion shall be considered to have been credited on the last day on which those taxes may be paid without penalty.

(D) The treasurer shall pay a refund warrant from the undivided general property tax fund and such refund or any prorated refund credit, including interest paid thereon, shall be properly apportioned by the auditor among the subdivision accounts to which the overpayment originally was paid. When the auditor finds that there are insufficient funds present in the undivided tax fund to the credit of any subdivision account for the full repayment of a refund, the auditor may draw a warrant in an amount not exceeding the amount present and the balance, with accrued interest, shall be paid as funds become available. In no instance shall taxes that are to be apportioned to any one subdivision be used to refund erroneous payments that have been previously distributed to any other subdivision. Except for taxes required to be refunded by the county auditor pursuant to division (A) of section 5711.32 of the Revised Code, no taxes or assessments shall be refunded unless they have been erroneously charged or collected in the five years next preceding the discovery of such charge or collection by the auditor.

(E) In the event of an erroneous tax, assessment, or charge against real property, the county auditor shall add the accrued interest to the overpayment, which interest becomes part of the overpayment. The interest accrues on the overpayment from the first day of the month following the date of overpayment until the last day of the month preceding the date of the drawing of the warrant pursuant to division (A) of this section. The date of overpayment with respect to persons who pay their real property taxes in two installments is the date of the second installment payment. The rate at which the interest accrues is the rate per calendar month, rounded to the nearest one-hundredth of one per cent, equal to one-twelfth of the rate per annum prescribed by section 5703.47 of the Revised Code for the calendar year that includes the month for which the charge accrues. The interest shall be paid on a pro-rata basis from the fund or funds to which the overpayment was credited.

(F) The payment of interest under division (E) of this section shall not be made on an overpayment resulting from a reduction in the appraised true value, other than such a reduction resulting from the correction of a clerical error.

Section 319.37 | Settlements with tax commissioner and county treasurer.

After the refunding of taxes as prescribed by section 319.36 of the Revised Code:

(A) At the next settlement with the tax commissioner, the county auditor shall deduct from the amount of taxes due the state at such settlement the amount of such taxes that have been paid into the state treasury.

(B) At the next settlement with the county treasurer, the amount of each such refund apportioned among the various subdivision accounts shall be subtracted by the auditor from those accounts.

Section 319.38 | Deductions from valuation for injured or destroyed property.

Whenever it is made to appear to the county auditor, based on an inspection by the county auditor or based on notice provided to the county auditor, on a form prescribed by the department of taxation, by a property owner or two disinterested persons who are residents of the township or municipal corporation in which the property is or was situated, that property that is listed for taxation for the current year has been destroyed or injured after the first day of January of the current year, the county auditor shall investigate the matter and adjust the valuation of the property, on the tax list for the current year, as prescribed by divisions (A) through (D) of this section:

(A) If the injury or destruction occurred during the first calendar quarter, the county auditor shall deduct from the valuation of the property an amount that, in the county auditor's judgment, fairly represents the extent of the injury or destruction;

(B) If the injury or destruction occurred during the second calendar quarter, the county auditor shall deduct from the valuation of the property seventy-five per cent of the amount that, in the county auditor's judgment, fairly represents the extent of the injury or destruction;

(C) If the injury or destruction occurred during the third calendar quarter, the county auditor shall deduct from the valuation of the property fifty per cent of the amount that, in the county auditor's judgment, fairly represents the extent of the injury or destruction;

(D) If the injury or destruction occurred during the fourth calendar quarter, the county auditor shall deduct from the valuation of the property twenty-five per cent of the amount that, in the county auditor's judgment, fairly represents the extent of the injury or destruction.

No such deduction shall be made in the case of an injury or destruction resulting in damage of less than one hundred dollars.

If a form has not been filed with the county auditor by either an owner or two disinterested persons but it appears to the county auditor, based on an inspection and investigation, that the owner's property is listed for taxation for the current year and has been destroyed or injured after the first day of January of the current year, the county auditor may complete the form on behalf of an owner.

To obtain a deduction under division (A), (B), or (C) of this section, an owner or two disinterested persons shall file the form with the county auditor, or the county auditor shall complete the form on behalf of an owner, not later than the thirty-first day of December of the year in which the injury or destruction occurred. To obtain a deduction under division (D) of this section, an owner or two disinterested persons shall file the form with the county auditor, or the county auditor shall complete the form on behalf of an owner, not later than the thirty-first day of January of the year after the year in which the injury or destruction occurred.

The county auditor shall certify the deductions made under this section to the county treasurer, who shall correct the tax list and duplicate in accordance with such deductions. If the deduction cannot be entered upon the current tax list and duplicate, the county auditor shall proceed in the manner prescribed under section 5715.22 of the Revised Code to refund or credit to the taxpayer the amount of the reduction in taxes attributable to the deduction in valuation made under this section.

Last updated February 22, 2022 at 12:25 PM

Section 319.39 | Record of additions and deductions - certificate of correction.

The county auditor shall keep books or other records of "additions and deductions," in which he shall enter all corrections of the general duplicates and of the classified duplicate respectively, made after delivery of such duplicates to the county treasurer, which either increase or diminish the amount of a tax or assessment, as stated in such duplicates. In addition to the marginal corrections provided for in section 319.35 of the Revised Code, he shall in each case give the treasurer a certificate of the correction.

Section 319.40 | Omitted taxes shall be charged.

When the county auditor is satisfied that lots or lands on the tax list or duplicate have not been charged with either the county, township, municipal corporation, or school district tax, he shall charge against it all such omitted tax for the preceding years, not exceeding five years, unless in the meantime such lands or lots have changed ownership, in which case only the taxes chargeable since the last change of ownership shall be so charged.

Section 319.41 | Liability for loss of public funds.

A county auditor shall not be held liable for a loss of public funds when the county auditor has performed all official duties required of the county auditor with reasonable care, but shall be liable only when a loss of public funds results from the county auditor's negligence or other wrongful act.

Last updated June 30, 2022 at 5:13 PM

Section 319.42 | Apportionment of unpaid special assessments.

Whenever a portion of a tract or parcel of real estate is conveyed to another owner, and such tract or parcel bears unpaid special assessments, the authority certifying such assessments shall, on request of the county auditor, furnish the auditor with the proportionate amounts of the assessments to be allocated to the portion of the original tract or parcel so conveyed to another owner, and the lien of the assessments, as levied against the original tract or parcel, shall extend to the portion conveyed only to the extent of the amount so allocated to the portion by the certifying authority. This section does not change the total amount of the assessments as originally levied, or the total amount of the balances due.

Section 319.43 | Settlement for real and public utility property taxes - certification of delinquent list.

(A) On or before the fifteenth day of February and on or before the tenth day of August of each year, the county auditor shall attend at the auditor's office to make settlement with the county treasurer and ascertain the amount of real property taxes and assessments and public utility property taxes with which such treasurer is to stand charged. At each August settlement the auditor shall take from the duplicate previously put into the hands of the treasurer for collection a list of all such taxes and assessments as the treasurer has been unable to collect, describing in such list the property on which the delinquent taxes and assessments are charged as described on the duplicate, and note on the list, in a marginal column, the several reasons assigned by the treasurer why such taxes and assessments should not be collected. Such list shall be signed by the treasurer, who shall testify to its correctness, under oath to be administered by the auditor.

(B) When making a settlement required by this section, if the county treasurer, under division (A) or (B) of section 321.341 of the Revised Code, has made advance payments to the several taxing districts of the current year unpaid taxes or current year delinquent taxes by means of a current unpaid or delinquent tax line of credit or by means of any other type of borrowing, the county auditor shall not apportion the current year unpaid taxes or current year delinquent taxes thereafter collected if the distribution of the taxes and assessments was made by means of such borrowing. The county treasurer shall apply the current year unpaid taxes or current year delinquent taxes, as applicable and upon collection, to repayment or reimbursement of the source from which the money to make the advance payments was borrowed. The county auditor shall not apportion the penalties and interest on such current year unpaid taxes and current year delinquent taxes collected thereafter to the several subdivisions. The county treasurer shall retain the penalties and interest in the county treasury and shall credit the penalties and interest to the county land reutilization corporation fund established under section 321.263 of the Revised Code pending appropriation to and for the benefit of a county land reutilization corporation organized under Chapter 1724. of the Revised Code.

Section 319.44 | Proceedings as to delinquent list.

In making a list as provided by section 319.43 of the Revised Code, the delinquencies of each township shall be kept separate. After deducting the amount of taxes as returned delinquent and the collection fees allowed the county treasurer from the several taxes charged on the duplicate, in a just and ratable proportion, the treasurer shall be held liable for the balance of such taxes. After first correcting any error which may have occurred in the apportionment of taxes at any previous settlement, the county auditor shall certify the balance due the state, the balance due the county, the balance due for road purposes, and the balance due the township, and shall record such list of delinquencies in his office forthwith.

Section 319.45 | Certificate to treasurer as to moneys collected.

(A) In making the settlement required by sections 319.43 and 319.44 of the Revised Code, the county auditor shall carefully examine the tax duplicate and ascertain, from the entries of taxes, interest, and penalty paid in whole or in part, and from such other sources of information as are within the auditor's reach, the true amount collected by the county treasurer on account of each of the several taxes charged on such duplicate, the amount remaining in the hands of the treasurer payable to each fund, and shall give to the treasurer separate certificates, in duplicate, of the separate sums found to have been collected by the treasurer.

(B) In making each of those settlements, the county auditor, except as provided in division (B) of section 319.43 of the Revised Code, shall apportion any delinquent taxes, penalties, and interest among the several taxing districts in the same proportions that the amount of real and public utility property taxes levied by each district in the preceding tax year bears to the amount of real and public utility property taxes levied by all such districts in the preceding tax year.

Section 319.451 | Auditor shall ascertain net amount of taxes collected.

The county auditor shall ascertain the net amount of taxes collected for each particular purpose.

Section 319.46 | Certificate to treasurer as to taxes charged.

The county auditor shall make and deliver to the county treasurer a certificate specifying the amount charged on the tax duplicate of the county for each of the several purposes for which taxes have been levied, and also a certificate or an abstract of the taxes which have become due and payable and which remain unpaid. In making the settlement in February of each year as required by section 319.43 of the Revised Code, the auditor may ascertain the amount of taxes collected from the statements required by sections 321.09 and 321.10 of the Revised Code to be made to him by the treasurer.

Section 319.47 | Duplicate of certificates and abstracts to tax commissioner.

Within ten days after he has made each semiannual settlement with the county treasurer, the county auditor shall transmit to the tax commissioner a duplicate of each of the several certificates and abstracts required to be made in the settlements.

Section 319.48 | Real property tax suspension list of taxes uncollectible except through foreclosure or through foreclosure and forfeiture.

(A) The county auditor shall maintain a real property tax suspension list of tracts and lots certified to him under section 323.33 of the Revised Code as being charged with delinquent amounts most likely uncollectible except through foreclosure or through foreclosure and forfeiture. Tracts and lots on the list shall be listed in the same form and order or sequence as on the general tax list of real and public utility property. The list also shall include a description of the tract or lot and the name of the person under whom it is listed.

(B) When the county auditor enters current taxes and delinquent amounts on the general tax list and duplicate of real and public utility property under section 319.30 of the Revised Code, he shall enter against a tract or lot that is on the suspension list only the current taxes levied against the tract or lot; he shall not enter on the general tax list and duplicate the delinquent taxes, penalties, and interest charged against the tract or lot. Instead, he shall indicate on the general tax list and duplicate with an asterisk or other marking that the tract or lot appears on the real property tax suspension list, that delinquent taxes, penalties, and interest stand charged against it, and that the amount of the delinquency may be obtained through the county auditor or treasurer.

(C) If a tract or lot is foreclosed upon or foreclosed upon and forfeited for payment of delinquent taxes, penalties, and interest or is redeemed by the owner or another authorized taxpayer, the county auditor shall immediately strike the tract or lot from the real property tax suspension list.

Section 319.49 | Settlement by auditor with treasurer for taxes - certification of delinquent tax and assessment list by treasurer - liability of treasurer.

On or before the thirtieth day of June and on or before the thirty-first day of October of each year the county auditor shall attend at his office to make settlement with the county treasurer and ascertain the amount of general personal and classified property taxes with which such treasurer is to stand charged. At each October settlement, the auditor shall take from the duplicates previously put into the hands of the treasurer for collection a list of all such taxes as the treasurer has been unable to collect, describing in such list the assessments on which such delinquent taxes are charged, as described on the duplicates, and note on the list, in a marginal column, the several reasons assigned by the treasurer why such taxes could not be collected. Such list shall be signed by the treasurer, who shall testify to the correctness of the list, under oath to be administered by the auditor. After deducting the amount of such taxes as returned delinquent and the collection fees allowed the treasurer from the several taxes charged on the duplicates in a just and ratable proportion, the treasurer shall be held liable for the balance of such taxes. After first correcting any error which may have occurred in the apportionment of taxes at any previous settlement, the auditor shall certify the balance due the state, the balance due the county, and the balance due each other taxing district, and shall record such list of delinquencies in his office forthwith.

Section 319.50 | Certificates issued to treasurer by auditor - duplicates to tax commissioner.

(A) In making each June settlement required by section 319.49 of the Revised Code, the county auditor shall carefully examine the duplicate certificates and receipts for the advance payment of taxes and ascertain from such certificates and receipts, and from such other sources of information as are within the auditor's reach, the true amount collected by the county treasurer on account of each of the several taxes reported thereby, and the amount remaining in the hands of the treasurer payable to each fund, and shall give the treasurer separate certificates, in duplicate, of the separate sums found to have been received by the treasurer.

(B) In making each October settlement required by such section, the auditor shall carefully examine and ascertain from the entries of taxes, interest, and penalties paid in part, and from such other sources of information as are within the auditor's reach, the true amount collected by the treasurer on account of each of the several taxes charged on the duplicates, and the amount remaining in the hands of the treasurer payable to each fund, and shall give the treasurer separate certificates, in duplicate, of the separate sums found to have been collected by the treasurer.

(C) In making either settlement required under section 319.49 of the Revised Code, the county auditor shall apportion delinquent taxes, penalties, and interest among the several taxing districts in the same proportion that the amount of taxes levied by the district against the delinquent property in the preceding tax year bears to the taxes levied by all such districts against the property in the preceding tax year, and shall apportion assessments and other charges among the taxing districts in the order in which they became due.

(D) Within ten days after making each settlement provided for in this section, the auditor shall transmit to the tax commissioner a duplicate of each of the several certificates and abstracts required to be made in such settlements.

Section 319.51 | Account with new township.

On the erection of a new township in the county, the county auditor shall open an account with it and, at the auditor's next semiannual settlement, credit it with all moneys for taxes collected in or distributable to the territory included in the new township, making corresponding deductions from the townships from which it was taken. The moneys so credited shall be drawn by warrants in favor of the fiscal officer of the new township.

Section 319.52 | Abstract of delinquent tax and assessment list.

The delinquent tax and assessment list shall not be returned to the tax commissioner but shall be recorded by the county auditor immediately after his semiannual settlement with the county treasurer, an abstract of which, in such forms as the tax commissioner prescribes, shall be sent to the tax commissioner in August, with the settlement sheet of the county treasurer. No taxes returned delinquent shall be paid into the state treasury except by the county treasurers. In making out the duplicate of each year all tracts of land and lots returned delinquent shall be again entered on the duplicate, and the taxes on such tract or lot including the taxes of the current year, shall be charged on the tract or lot, together with the penalty and interest imposed by section 323.121 of the Revised Code, except as provided under section 319.48 of the Revised Code for tracts and lots on the real property tax suspension list and under section 5723.02 of the Revised Code for real property forfeited to the state.

Section 319.53 | County auditor to report to tax commissioner.

No county auditor shall fail to make and transmit to the tax commissioner, within the time required by law, a return or report which he is required to make to the tax commissioner.

Section 319.54 | Fees to compensate for auditor's services.

(A) On all moneys collected by the county treasurer on any tax duplicate of the county, other than estate tax duplicates, and on all moneys received as advance payments of personal property and classified property taxes, the county auditor, on settlement with the treasurer and tax commissioner, on or before the date prescribed by law for such settlement or any lawful extension of such date, shall be allowed as compensation for the county auditor's services the following percentages:

(1) On the first one hundred thousand dollars, two and one-half per cent;

(2) On the next two million dollars, eight thousand three hundred eighteen ten-thousandths of one per cent;

(3) On the next two million dollars, six thousand six hundred fifty-five ten-thousandths of one per cent;

(4) On all further sums, one thousand six hundred sixty-three ten-thousandths of one per cent.

If any settlement is not made on or before the date prescribed by law for such settlement or any lawful extension of such date, the aggregate compensation allowed to the auditor shall be reduced one per cent for each day such settlement is delayed after the prescribed date. No penalty shall apply if the auditor and treasurer grant all requests for advances up to ninety per cent of the settlement pursuant to section 321.34 of the Revised Code. The compensation allowed in accordance with this section on settlements made before the dates prescribed by law, or the reduced compensation allowed in accordance with this section on settlements made after the date prescribed by law or any lawful extension of such date, shall be apportioned ratably by the auditor and deducted from the shares or portions of the revenue payable to the state as well as to the county, townships, municipal corporations, and school districts.

(B) For the purpose of reimbursing county auditors for the expenses associated with the increased number of applications for reductions in real property taxes under sections 323.152 and 4503.065 of the Revised Code that result from the amendment of those sections by Am. Sub. H.B. 119 of the 127th general assembly, there shall be paid from the state's general revenue fund to the county treasury, to the credit of the real estate assessment fund created by section 325.31 of the Revised Code, an amount equal to one per cent of the total annual amount of property tax relief reimbursement paid to that county under sections 323.156 and 4503.068 of the Revised Code for the preceding tax year. Payments made under this division shall be made at the same times and in the same manner as payments made under section 323.156 of the Revised Code.

(C) From all moneys collected by the county treasurer on any tax duplicate of the county, other than estate tax duplicates, and on all moneys received as advance payments of personal property and classified property taxes, there shall be paid into the county treasury to the credit of the real estate assessment fund created by section 325.31 of the Revised Code, an amount to be determined by the county auditor, which shall not exceed the percentages prescribed in divisions (C)(1) and (2) of this section.

(1) For payments made after June 30, 2007, and before 2011, the following percentages:

(a) On the first five hundred thousand dollars, four per cent;

(b) On the next five million dollars, two per cent;

(c) On the next five million dollars, one per cent;

(d) On all further sums not exceeding one hundred fifty million dollars, three-quarters of one per cent;

(e) On amounts exceeding one hundred fifty million dollars, five hundred eighty-five thousandths of one per cent.

(2) For payments made in or after 2011, the following percentages:

(a) On the first five hundred thousand dollars, four per cent;

(b) On the next ten million dollars, two per cent;

(c) On amounts exceeding ten million five hundred thousand dollars, three-fourths of one per cent.

Such compensation shall be apportioned ratably by the auditor and deducted from the shares or portions of the revenue payable to the state as well as to the county, townships, municipal corporations, and school districts.

(D) Each county auditor shall receive four per cent of the amount of tax collected and paid into the county treasury, on property omitted and placed by the county auditor on the tax duplicate.

(E) On all estate tax moneys collected by the county treasurer, the county auditor, on settlement annually with the tax commissioner, shall be allowed, as compensation for the auditor's services under Chapter 5731. of the Revised Code, two per cent of the amount collected and reported that year in excess of refunds distributed, for the use of the general fund of the county.

(F) On all cigarette license moneys collected by the county treasurer, the county auditor, on settlement semiannually with the treasurer, shall be allowed as compensation for the auditor's services in the issuing of such licenses one-half of one per cent of such moneys, to be apportioned ratably and deducted from the shares of the revenue payable to the county and subdivisions, for the use of the general fund of the county.

(G) The county auditor shall charge and receive fees as follows:

(1) For deeds of land sold for taxes to be paid by the purchaser, five dollars;

(2) For the transfer or entry of land, lot, or part of lot, or the transfer or entry on or after January 1, 2000, of a used manufactured home or mobile home as defined in section 5739.0210 of the Revised Code, fifty cents for each transfer or entry, to be paid by the person requiring it;

(3) For receiving statements of value and administering section 319.202 of the Revised Code, one dollar, or ten cents for each one hundred dollars or fraction of one hundred dollars, whichever is greater, of the value of the real property transferred or, for sales occurring on or after January 1, 2000, the value of the used manufactured home or used mobile home, as defined in section 5739.0210 of the Revised Code, transferred, except no fee shall be charged when the transfer is made:

(a) To or from the United States, this state, or any instrumentality, agency, or political subdivision of the United States or this state;

(b) Solely in order to provide or release security for a debt or obligation;

(c) To confirm or correct a deed previously executed and recorded or when a current owner on any record made available to the general public on the internet or a publicly accessible database and the general tax list of real and public utility property and the general duplicate of real and public utility property is a peace officer, parole officer, prosecuting attorney, assistant prosecuting attorney, correctional employee, youth services employee, firefighter, EMT, or investigator of the bureau of criminal identification and investigation and is changing the current owner name listed on any record made available to the general public on the internet or a publicly accessible database and the general tax list of real and public utility property and the general duplicate of real and public utility property to the initials of the current owner as prescribed in division (B)(1) of section 319.28 of the Revised Code;

(d) To evidence a gift, in trust or otherwise and whether revocable or irrevocable, between husband and wife, or parent and child or the spouse of either;

(e) On sale for delinquent taxes or assessments;

(f) Pursuant to court order, to the extent that such transfer is not the result of a sale effected or completed pursuant to such order;

(g) Pursuant to a reorganization of corporations or unincorporated associations or pursuant to the dissolution of a corporation, to the extent that the corporation conveys the property to a stockholder as a distribution in kind of the corporation's assets in exchange for the stockholder's shares in the dissolved corporation;

(h) By a subsidiary corporation to its parent corporation for no consideration, nominal consideration, or in sole consideration of the cancellation or surrender of the subsidiary's stock;

(i) By lease, whether or not it extends to mineral or mineral rights, unless the lease is for a term of years renewable forever;

(j) When the value of the real property or the manufactured or mobile home or the value of the interest that is conveyed does not exceed one hundred dollars;

(k) Of an occupied residential property, including a manufactured or mobile home, being transferred to the builder of a new residence or to the dealer of a new manufactured or mobile home when the former residence is traded as part of the consideration for the new residence or new manufactured or mobile home;

(l) To a grantee other than a dealer in real property or in manufactured or mobile homes, solely for the purpose of, and as a step in, the prompt sale of the real property or manufactured or mobile home to others;

(m) To or from a person when no money or other valuable and tangible consideration readily convertible into money is paid or to be paid for the real estate or manufactured or mobile home and the transaction is not a gift;

(n) Pursuant to division (B) of section 317.22 of the Revised Code, or section 2113.61 of the Revised Code, between spouses or to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 5302.17 of the Revised Code as it existed prior to April 4, 1985, between persons pursuant to section 5302.17 or 5302.18 of the Revised Code on or after April 4, 1985, to a person who is a surviving, survivorship tenant pursuant to section 5302.17 of the Revised Code on or after April 4, 1985, or pursuant to section 5309.45 of the Revised Code;

(o) To a trustee acting on behalf of minor children of the deceased;

(p) Of an easement or right-of-way when the value of the interest conveyed does not exceed one thousand dollars;

(q) Of property sold to a surviving spouse pursuant to section 2106.16 of the Revised Code;

(r) To or from an organization exempt from federal income taxation under section 501(c)(3) of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C.A. 1, as amended, provided such transfer is without consideration and is in furtherance of the charitable or public purposes of such organization;

(s) Among the heirs at law or devisees, including a surviving spouse, of a common decedent, when no consideration in money is paid or to be paid for the real property or manufactured or mobile home;

(t) To a trustee of a trust, when the grantor of the trust has reserved an unlimited power to revoke the trust;

(u) To the grantor of a trust by a trustee of the trust, when the transfer is made to the grantor pursuant to the exercise of the grantor's power to revoke the trust or to withdraw trust assets;

(v) To the beneficiaries of a trust if the fee was paid on the transfer from the grantor of the trust to the trustee or if the transfer is made pursuant to trust provisions which became irrevocable at the death of the grantor;

(w) To a corporation for incorporation into a sports facility constructed pursuant to section 307.696 of the Revised Code;

(x) Between persons pursuant to section 5302.18 of the Revised Code;

(y) From a county land reutilization corporation organized under Chapter 1724. of the Revised Code, or its wholly owned subsidiary, to a third party.

(4) For the cost of publishing the delinquent manufactured home tax list, the delinquent tax list, and the delinquent vacant land tax list, a flat fee, as determined by the county auditor, to be charged to the owner of a home on the delinquent manufactured home tax list or the property owner of land on the delinquent tax list or the delinquent vacant land tax list.

The auditor shall compute and collect the fee. The auditor shall maintain a numbered receipt system, as prescribed by the tax commissioner, and use such receipt system to provide a receipt to each person paying a fee. The auditor shall deposit the receipts of the fees on conveyances in the county treasury daily to the credit of the general fund of the county, except that fees charged and received under division (G)(3) of this section for a transfer of real property to a county land reutilization corporation shall be credited to the county land reutilization corporation fund established under section 321.263 of the Revised Code.

The real property transfer fee provided for in division (G)(3) of this section shall be applicable to any conveyance of real property presented to the auditor on or after January 1, 1968, regardless of its time of execution or delivery.

The transfer fee for a used manufactured home or used mobile home shall be computed by and paid to the county auditor of the county in which the home is located immediately prior to the transfer.

Last updated March 17, 2025 at 5:35 PM

Section 319.541 | County to pay damages of suit against officials.

When an action has been commenced against the county treasurer, county auditor, or other county officer for performing or attempting to perform a duty authorized or directed by statute for the collection of the public revenue, the amount of damages and cost adjudged against such treasurer, auditor, or other officer shall be apportioned ratably by the auditor among all the parties entitled to share the revenue collected, and be deducted by the auditor from the shares of revenue payable to each, including as one of the parties, the state itself, as well as the counties, townships, municipal corporations, school districts, and organizations entitled thereto.

Section 319.55 | County sealer.

The county auditor shall be county sealer of weights and measures and shall be responsible for the preservation of the copies of all standards in his possession. He shall submit such standards to the state sealer at such times as may be required by regulation of the director of agriculture. The auditor shall see that all state laws relating to weights and measures are strictly enforced throughout his county, and shall assist generally in the prosecution of all violations of such laws.

Section 319.57 | County sealer shall deliver copies to successor.

When a county sealer resigns, is removed from office, or removes from the county, he shall deliver to his successor in office the standards, beams, weights, measures, and records in his possession. In case of the death of a county sealer, his representatives, in like manner, shall deliver to his successor in office such beams, weights, measures, and records.

In case of neglect or refusal to deliver such standards and records entire and complete, the successor in office may maintain a civil action against the person so refusing or neglecting, and recover double the value of such standards as have not been delivered, with costs of suit, which shall be appropriated by such successor to the purchase of such standards as are required in his office.

Section 319.58 | Use of false weights and measures.

If any person uses any weights, measures, or beams, in weighing or measuring, which do not conform to the standards of the state, or any other measures established by law, whereby a dealer in, purchaser of, or seller of any commodity or article of traffic is injured or defrauded, such dealer, purchaser, or seller may maintain a civil action against the offender, and if judgment is rendered him, he shall receive double damages and costs of suit.

Section 319.59 | Appointment of inspectors - salary.

Each county sealer of weights and measures shall appoint, by writing under his hand and seal, one or more inspectors, who shall compare weights and measures whereever they are used or maintained for use within his county, or which are brought to the office of the county sealer for that purpose, with the copies of the standards in the possession of the county sealer. Such inspectors shall receive a salary fixed by the county sealer, to be paid by the county, which shall be instead of all fees or charges otherwise allowed by law. Such inspectors shall also be employed by the county sealer to assist in the prosecution of all violations of law relating to weights and measures.

Section 319.60 | Injunctions.

The county sealer or his inspector may apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for a temporary or permanent injunction restraining any person from violating any provisions of the weights and measures laws or regulations issued by the director of agriculture pursuant thereto.

Section 319.61 | Notice of intention to proceed with public improvement.

(A) When a political subdivision of this state authorized to undertake public improvements has determined to construct or make such an improvement and to levy special assessments or charges to pay all or a part of the cost thereof, the authority of such subdivision empowered to levy such special assessments or charges shall, within the time limitations prescribed by this section, cause notice of intention to proceed with such improvement to be filed with the auditor of each county in which any property to be specially assessed or charged is located and shall, within the time limitations prescribed by this section, cause notice of the levy of such assessments or charges for such improvement to be filed with the auditor of each county in which any property specially assessed or charged is located.

The filing of the notice of intention to proceed with the improvement shall take place within fifteen days after the earliest of the following actions: the adoption of an ordinance or resolution determining to proceed with the improvement; the adoption of an ordinance or resolution directing that the improvement be made by force account or authorizing or directing entry into a contract for the making of the improvement; or the written or verbal order that the improvement be made by force account or authorizing or directing entry into a contract for the improvement; provided, that if any of these actions occur prior to September 1, 1961, such notice shall be filed within six months following such date.

The filing of the notice of the levy of special assessments or charges shall take place within twenty days after the earliest of the following actions: the adoption of an ordinance or resolution levying such assessments or charges; the adoption of an ordinance or resolution certifying the same to the auditor; the determination by the officer empowered to establish the amount to be assessed or charged of the amounts of such assessments or charges; provided, that if any of these actions occur prior to September 1, 1961, such notice shall be filed within six months following such date.

(B) The failure to file with the auditor either the notice of intention to proceed or the notice of the levy of special assessments or charges, in the manner and within the times prescribed in this section, shall not impair the validity of the assessments or charges, and, subject to section 727.34 of the Revised Code, the lien of such assessments or charges shall be and remain prior to any and all liens obtained by any private person, firm, partnership, or corporation irrespective of the date thereof except the lien of a mortgage obtained by a bona fide mortgagee and duly filed for record after either:

(1) The expiration of the period prescribed in this section for the filing of the notice of intention to proceed and prior to the filing of such notice; or

(2) The expiration of the period prescribed in this section for the filing of the notice of the levy of special assessments or charges and prior to the filing of such notice; provided, that if the notice of intention to proceed has not been filed but the notice of the levy of special assessments or charges has been filed, then no private person, firm, partnership, or corporation shall obtain any lien prior to the lien of such assessments or charges except pursuant to division (B)(1) of this section; and provided, that if on September 1, 1961 any assessments or charges have been certified to the auditor or bonds have been issued in anticipation of the collection thereof, the lien of such assessments shall be and remain prior to any and all liens obtained by any private person, firm, or corporation whether or not the notices required in this section are filed in the manner and within the times prescribed in this section.

(C) As used in this section:

(1) "Political subdivision" means the city health district; general health district; municipal corporation; board of park commissioners of a city, county, township, park district, conservancy district; sanitary district; regional sewer and water district; and any other political subdivision of this state which is empowered to levy special assessments or charges.

(2) "Notice of intention to proceed" means a copy, certified as true and accurate by the custodian of the records of the political subdivision, of an ordinance or resolution determining to proceed with such an improvement; a copy, certified as true and accurate by the custodian of the records of the political subdivision, of an ordinance, resolution, entry, or order that the work be done by force account or authorizing or directing the entry into a contract for such work; or certificate of the officer having supervision of the improvement reciting that the improvement is to be made and that all or a portion of the cost thereof will be assessed or charged against designated property.

(3) "Notice of the levy of special assessments or charges" means a copy, certified as true and accurate by the custodian of the records of the political subdivision, of an ordinance or resolution levying the assessments for such improvement; a copy, certified as true and accurate by the custodian of the records of the political subdivision, of an ordinance or resolution certifying the assessments or charges to the auditor; or certificate of the officer empowered to establish the amounts to be assessed or charged that such amounts have been determined.

(4) "Special assessments or charges" means special assessments or charges excluding charges for utility services.

The auditor of each such county shall charge and collect a fee of one dollar for each copy of any such resolution, ordinance, entry, order, or certificate filed in his office pursuant to this section. The auditor, upon receiving for filing any of the foregoing items, shall endorse thereon the time of its filing and its consecutive filing number and shall enter in a book or on cards, which shall be known as the special assessment record, and which shall be alphabetically arranged as between political subdivisions, the filing number, the number, if any, set forth on any ordinance or resolution, the date of its enactment or of the entry, order, or certificate, the date upon which it was received, and an abbreviated description of the improvement for which the assessments or charges are to be levied or are levied as disclosed by such items. The auditor shall also file each such item received in his office to be kept for inspection of all persons interested therein.

Section 319.63 | Payment to treasurer of housing trust fund fees.

(A) During the first thirty days of each calendar quarter, the county auditor shall pay to the treasurer of state all amounts that the county recorder collected as housing trust fund fees pursuant to section 317.36 of the Revised Code during the previous calendar quarter. If payment is made to the treasurer of state within the first thirty days of the quarter, the county auditor may retain an administrative fee of one per cent of the amount of the trust fund fees collected during the previous calendar quarter.

(B) The treasurer of state shall deposit the housing trust fund fees received each year pursuant to this section into the low- and moderate-income housing trust fund created under section 174.02 of the Revised Code.

(C) The county auditor shall deposit the administrative fee that the auditor is permitted to retain pursuant to division (A) of this section into the county general fund for the county recorder to use in administering the trust fund fee.

Section 319.99 | Penalty.

(A) Whoever violates section 319.53 of the Revised Code is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.

(B) Whoever violates section 319.202 of the Revised Code is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.