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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Chapter 321 | Treasurer

Section 321.01 | County treasurer - election and term.

A county treasurer shall be elected quadrennially in each county, who shall hold his office for four years from the first Monday of September next after his election.

Section 321.02 | Bond of county treasurer - oath.

Except as otherwise provided in section 3.061 of the Revised Code, before entering upon the duties of office, the county treasurer shall give bond to the state in such sum as the board of county commissioners directs, with a company authorized to conduct a surety business in this state as surety, to be approved by the board and conditioned for the payment of all moneys which come into the treasurer's hands for state, county, township, or other purposes. The expense or premium for such bond shall be paid by the board and charged to the general fund of the county. Such bond, with the oath of office required by Section 7 of Article XV, Ohio Constitution, and sections 3.22 and 3.23 of the Revised Code and the approval of the board indorsed on it, shall be deposited with the county auditor and carefully preserved in the auditor's office. Such bond shall be entered in full on the record of the proceedings of the board on the day when accepted and approved by it.

Except as otherwise provided in section 3.061 of the Revised Code, when, in the opinion of a majority of the members of the board, the surety has become insufficient, such board may require the treasurer to give additional sureties on the treasurer's previously accepted bond. Except as otherwise provided in section 3.061 of the Revised Code, when in its opinion more money has passed or is about to pass into the hands of the treasurer than is or would be covered by the treasurer's bond, the board may demand and receive from such treasurer an additional bond, payable and conditioned as required for the original bond, with such sureties and in such sum as it directs. If a treasurer fails or refuses to give such additional sureties or bond for ten days from the day on which the board so requires, the treasurer's office shall be vacant and another treasurer appointed as in other cases of vacancy.

If a person elected to the office of treasurer fails to give bond as provided in this section, on or before the day of the commencement of the treasurer's official term, the office shall become vacant.

Section 321.03 | Contracting with financial institution to process payments, checks and fees.

At the request of the county treasurer, a board of county commissioners may enter into a contract with any financial institution under which the financial institution, in accordance with the terms of the contract, receives at a post office box any type of payment or fee owed or payable to the county, opens the mail delivered to that box, processes the checks and other payments received in such mail and deposits them into the treasurer's account, and provides the county treasurer daily receipt information with respect to such payments. The contract may provide for the financial institution to receive at the post office box those payments and fees specifically named in the contract or all payments and fees payable to the county, including, but not limited to, utility, sewer, water, refuse collection, waste disposal, and airport fees, but in any case excluding taxes. The contract shall not be entered into unless:

(A) There is attached to the contract a certification by the auditor of state that the financial institution and the treasurer have given assurances satisfactory to the auditor of state that the records of the financial institution, to the extent that they relate to payments covered by the contract, shall be subject to examination by the auditor of state to the same extent as if the services that the financial institution has agreed to perform were being performed by the treasurer.

(B) The contract is awarded in accordance with sections 307.86 to 307.92 of the Revised Code.

(C) The treasurer's surety bond includes within its coverage any loss that might occur as the result of the contract.

(D) The provisions of the contract do not conflict with accounting and reporting requirements prescribed by the auditor of state.

Section 321.04 | Deputies.

Each county treasurer may appoint one or more deputies, and he shall be liable and accountable for their proceedings and misconduct in office.

Section 321.05 | Place of treasurer's office.

The county treasurer shall keep his office at the county seat, in rooms provided for that purpose by the board of county commissioners, which shall constitute the county treasury. Except as otherwise specifically provided by law, all public moneys and property in his possession shall be at all times kept in the county treasury.

Section 321.06 | Transfer of property to successor.

At the expiration of the county treasurer's term of office or on the treasurer's resignation or removal from office, the treasurer shall deliver to the treasurer's successor all moneys, books, papers, and other property in the treasurer's possession as treasurer. In case of the death or incapacity of the treasurer, they shall be delivered over by the treasurer's legal representatives. The county treasurer shall include an inventory of the items delivered in accordance with this section in a certificate of transition under section 117.171 of the Revised Code.

Section 321.07 | Content of accounts.

The county treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all moneys received by him, showing the amount, the time, from what source received, and of all disbursements made by him, showing the amount, the time, and for what purpose paid. He shall so arrange his accounts that the amount received and paid on account of each separate and distinct fund shall be exhibited in a separate and distinct account.

Section 321.08 | Method of entering tax receipts.

The county treasurer shall enter on the treasurer's account each day the money received for advance payments of taxes and taxes charged on the general and special duplicates of the current year in the following manner:

(A) Collections of estate tax to be credited to the "undivided estate tax fund;"

(B) Collections of classified property taxes, including interest and penalties thereon, shall be credited to the county public library fund and distributed in accordance with section 5747.48 of the Revised Code;

(C) Collections of other taxes and assessments of whatever kind to be credited to the undivided general tax fund.

Section 321.09 | Daily statement to county auditor.

Each business day, the county treasurer shall make a statement to the county auditor for the preceding day, showing the amount of taxes received and credited to the various undivided tax funds, the amount received on auditor's draft, the amount received from all other sources, the total amount deposited in the depository, the total amount paid by check on the depository, the total amount paid out in cash, the balance in the depository, and the balance in the county treasury.

Section 321.10 | County treasurer's statement to county auditor.

At the time of closing the books at the end of each collection of taxes, the county treasurer shall make to the county auditor a statement showing the amount of taxes received in each taxing district in the county since the last settlement, under the following heads: Inheritance tax, estate tax, dog tax, general tax, and classified tax.

The treasurer shall keep such accounts, in books provided for that purpose, as will enable him to make the statements required by sections 321.07 to 321.10, inclusive, of the Revised Code.

Section 321.11 | Inspection of books.

The books, accounts, and vouchers of the county treasurer, and all moneys remaining in the county treasury, shall be subject at all times to the inspection and examination of the board of county commissioners.

Last updated March 9, 2022 at 12:12 PM

Section 321.12 | Payments into county treasury.

Except for payments of taxes charged on any current or delinquent tax duplicate and advance payments of taxes pursuant to section 5719.02 of the Revised Code, all payments of money into the county treasury shall be on the draft of the county auditor, in favor of the county treasurer.

The county auditor shall preserve a duplicate copy of each such draft, and he and the county treasurer shall each keep an accurate record of each draft and of the fund in favor of which it is drawn.

Section 321.13 | Currency received and disbursed.

Notes of the United States, notes of solvent national banks organized under an act of congress, notes of federal reserve banks, and silver certificates of the United States shall be received by county treasurers and the treasurer of state, and by them disbursed in payment of legal demands on the state and county treasuries.

Section 321.14 | Duplicate receipts shall be given.

When money is paid to the county treasurer, except on account of taxes charged on the duplicate, he shall give to the person paying duplicate receipts, one of which such person shall deposit with the county auditor, who shall charge the treasurer with the amount of such receipt.

Section 321.15 | Payment of money from county treasury.

No money shall be paid from the county treasury, or transferred to any person for disbursement, except on the warrant of the county auditor, including an electronic warrant authorizing direct deposit, in accordance with division (F) of section 9.37 of the Revised Code, for payment of county obligations.

Section 321.16 | Redemption of county warrants.

(A) When a warrant drawn on the county treasurer by the county auditor is presented for payment, if there is money in the county treasury or depository to the credit of the fund on which it is drawn, and the warrant is endorsed by the payee thereof, the treasurer shall redeem it by payment of cash or by check on the depository.

(B) The warrant, and all information related to the presentment of the warrant, may be provided electronically to the county treasurer.

Section 321.17 | Indorsement and interest on warrants not paid.

When a warrant is presented to the county treasurer for payment, and is not paid, for want of money belonging to the particular fund on which it is drawn, the treasurer shall record the warrant as not paid for want of funds. The warrant shall thereafter bear interest at the rate of six per cent per year. A memorandum of all such warrants shall be kept by the treasurer.

Section 321.18 | Termination of interest on warrants.

As soon as sufficient funds are in the county treasury to redeem the warrants drawn on the treasury, and on which interest is accruing, the county treasurer shall give notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the county that the treasurer is ready to redeem such warrants, and from the date of the notice the interest on such warrants shall cease.

Section 321.19 | Account of interest.

When the county treasurer redeems a warrant on which interest is due, he shall note on the warrant the amount of interest paid by him, and shall enter in his account the amount of such interest, separate from the principal.

Section 321.20 | Deposit of warrants with the auditor.

On the first day of each month in each year, the county treasurer shall deposit with the county auditor all warrants the treasurer has redeemed and take the auditor's receipt for them.

Section 321.21 | County treasurer shall not purchase county warrants.

No county treasurer shall contract for or purchase, directly or indirectly, any warrant issued by the county of which he is treasurer, at a discount upon the sum due on such warrant. If he contracts for or purchases any such warrant, he shall not be allowed, the amount of the warrant, or any part of it, on settlement, and shall forfeit the whole amount due, to be recovered in an action in the name of the state, for the use of the county.

Section 321.22 | Failure to note interest on warrants.

In any settlement the county treasurer shall not be credited with any sum for interest paid by him on any warrant, unless, at the time of redeeming such warrant, he noted on it the amount of interest paid.

Section 321.23 | County money shall not be loaned.

A county treasurer who loans money belonging to the county, with or without interest, or uses such money for his own individual purpose, shall forfeit and pay, for each such offense, not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars, to be recovered in an action in the name of the state, for the use of the county.

Section 321.24 | Settlement by county treasurer with county auditor - allowance of fees.

(A) On or before the fifteenth day of February, in each year, the county treasurer shall settle with the county auditor for all taxes and assessments that the treasurer has collected on the general duplicate of real and public utility property at the time of making the settlement. If the county treasurer has made or will make advance payments to the several taxing districts of current year unpaid taxes under section 321.341 of the Revised Code before collecting them, the county treasurer shall take the advance payments into account for purposes of the settlement with the county auditor under this division.

(B) On or before the thirtieth day of June, in each year, the treasurer shall settle with the auditor for all advance payments of general personal and classified property taxes that the treasurer has received at the time of making the settlement.

(C) On or before the tenth day of August, in each year, the treasurer shall settle with the auditor for all taxes and assessments that the treasurer has collected on the general duplicates of real and public utility property at the time of making such settlement, not included in the preceding February settlement. If the county treasurer has made or will make advance payments to the several taxing districts of the current year delinquent taxes under section 321.341 of the Revised Code before collecting them, the county treasurer shall take the advance payments into account for purposes of the settlement with the county auditor under this division.

(D) On or before the thirty-first day of October, in each year, the treasurer shall settle with the auditor for all taxes that the treasurer has collected on the general personal and classified property duplicates, and for all advance payments of general personal and classified property taxes, not included in the preceding June settlement, that the treasurer has received at the time of making such settlement.

(E) In the event the time for the payment of taxes is extended, pursuant to section 323.17 of the Revised Code, the date on or before which settlement for the taxes so extended must be made, as herein prescribed, shall be deemed to be extended for a like period of time. At each such settlement, the auditor shall allow to the treasurer, on the moneys received or collected and accounted for by the treasurer, the treasurer's fees, at the rate or percentage allowed by law, at a full settlement of the treasurer.

(F) Within thirty days after the day of each settlement of taxes required under divisions (A) and (C) of this section, the treasurer shall certify to the tax commissioner any adjustments that have been made to the amount certified previously pursuant to section 319.302 of the Revised Code and that the settlement has been completed. Upon receipt of such certification, the commissioner shall provide for payment to the county treasurer from the general revenue fund of an amount equal to one-half of the amount certified by the treasurer in the preceding tax year under section 319.302 of the Revised Code, less the sum of (1) one-half of the amount computed for all taxing districts in that county for the current fiscal year under section 5703.80 of the Revised Code for crediting to the property tax administration fund and (2) any reduction required by the commissioner under division (D) of section 718.83 of the Revised Code. Such payment shall be credited upon receipt to the county's undivided income tax fund, and the county auditor shall transfer to the county general fund from the amount thereof the total amount of all fees and charges which the auditor and treasurer would have been authorized to receive had such section not been in effect and that amount had been levied and collected as taxes. The county auditor shall distribute the amount remaining among the various taxing districts in the county as if it had been levied, collected, and settled as real property taxes. The amount distributed to each taxing district shall be reduced by the total of the amounts computed for the district under section 5703.80 of the Revised Code, but the reduction shall not exceed the amount that otherwise would be distributed to the taxing district under this division. The amount distributed to a taxing district shall account for any reduction required by the commissioner under division (D) of section 718.83 of the Revised Code. The tax commissioner shall make available to taxing districts such information as is sufficient for a taxing district to be able to determine the amount of the reduction in its distribution under this section.

(G)(1) Within thirty days after the day of the settlement required in division (D) of this section, the county treasurer shall notify the tax commissioner that the settlement has been completed. Upon receipt of that notification, the commissioner shall provide for payment to the county treasurer from the general revenue fund of an amount equal to the amount certified under former section 319.311 of the Revised Code and paid in the state's fiscal year 2003 multiplied by the percentage specified in division (G)(2) of this section. The payment shall be credited upon receipt to the county's undivided income tax fund, and the county auditor shall distribute the amount thereof among the various taxing districts of the county as if it had been levied, collected, and settled as personal property taxes. The amount received by a taxing district under this division shall be apportioned among its funds in the same proportion as the current year's personal property taxes are apportioned.

(2) Payments required under division (G)(1) of this section shall be made at the following percentages of the amount certified under former section 319.311 of the Revised Code and paid under division (G)(1) of this section in the state's fiscal year 2003:

(a) In fiscal year 2004, ninety per cent;

(b) In fiscal year 2005, eighty per cent;

(c) In fiscal year 2006, sixty-four per cent;

(d) In fiscal year 2007, forty per cent;

(e) In fiscal year 2008, thirty-two per cent;

(f) In fiscal year 2009, sixteen per cent.

After fiscal year 2009, no payments shall be made under division (G)(1) of this section.

(H)(1) On or before the fifteenth day of April each year, the county treasurer shall settle with the county auditor for all manufactured home taxes that the county treasurer has collected on the manufactured home tax duplicate at the time of making the settlement.

(2) On or before the fifteenth day of September each year, the county treasurer shall settle with the county auditor for all remaining manufactured home taxes that the county treasurer has collected on the manufactured home tax duplicate at the time of making the settlement.

(3) If the time for payment of such taxes is extended under section 4503.06 of the Revised Code, the time for making the settlement as prescribed by divisions (H)(1) and (2) of this section is extended for a like period of time.

(I) On or before the second Monday in September of each year, the county treasurer shall certify to the tax commissioner the total amount by which the manufactured home taxes levied in that year were reduced pursuant to section 319.302 of the Revised Code. Within ninety days after the receipt of such certification, the commissioner shall provide for payment to the county treasurer from the general revenue fund of an amount equal to the amount certified by the treasurer. Such payment shall be credited upon receipt to the county's undivided income tax fund, and the county auditor shall transfer to the county general fund from the amount thereof the total amount of all fees and charges that the auditor and treasurer would have been authorized to receive had such section not been in effect and that amount had been levied and collected as manufactured home taxes. The county auditor shall distribute the amount remaining among the various taxing districts in the county as if it had been levied, collected, and settled as manufactured home taxes.

Section 321.25 | Confidential property records.

The county treasurer shall keep confidential information that is subject to a real property confidentiality notice under section 111.431 of the Revised Code, in accordance with that section.

Last updated February 10, 2022 at 5:38 PM

Section 321.26 | Schedule of fees allowed county treasurer.

(A) The county treasurer, on settlement with the county auditor, on or before the date prescribed for such settlement or any lawful extension of such date, shall be allowed as fees on all qualifying collections the following percentages:

(1) For settlement dates or any lawful extension of such dates occurring before January 1, 2018:

(a) On the first one hundred thousand dollars, two and nine thousand nine hundred forty-seven ten-thousandths of one per cent;

(b) On the next two million dollars, nine thousand nine hundred eighty-two ten-thousandths of one per cent;

(c) On the next two million dollars, seven thousand nine hundred eighty-six ten-thousandths of one per cent;

(d) On all further sums, one thousand nine hundred ninety-six ten-thousandths of one per cent.

(2) For settlement dates or any lawful extension of such dates occurring on or after January 1, 2018:

(a) On the first five million dollars or an amount as adjusted pursuant to division (B) of this section, nine thousand four hundred ninety-five ten-thousandths of one per cent;

(b) On all further sums, one thousand nine hundred ninety-six ten-thousandths of one per cent.

If qualifying collections for a year are less than five million dollars or the amount as adjusted under division (B) of this section, the fee shall equal the product of five million dollars or that adjusted amount, as applicable, multiplied by nine thousand four hundred ninety-five ten-thousandths of one per cent.

(B) In January of each year, beginning in 2019, if the sum of qualifying charges for all counties in the preceding year exceeded the sum of qualifying charges for all counties in the second preceding year, the tax commissioner shall multiply the percentage by which that sum increased, rounded to the nearest one-tenth of one per cent, by the dollar amount described in division (A)(2)(a) of this section that is applicable to the preceding year.

For settlement dates or any lawful extension of such dates occurring in 2019 or any year thereafter, the tax commissioner shall adjust the dollar amount described in division (A)(2)(a) of this section applicable to the preceding year by adding the resulting product to that dollar amount and rounding the resulting sum to the nearest ten thousand dollars. That adjusted amount shall apply to each year beginning in the calendar year in which the commissioner makes such an adjustment and to each ensuing calendar year until a calendar year in which the commissioner makes a new adjustment under this division.

The tax commissioner shall not make an adjustment under this division for a year in which the qualifying charges in the preceding year did not exceed the qualifying charges in the second preceding year, the rounded percentage calculated under this division does not exceed zero per cent, or the rounded resulting sum equals zero.

On or before the first day of February of each year, the tax commissioner shall certify to each county auditor and county treasurer the dollar amount under division (A)(2)(a) of this section applicable to settlement dates or any lawful extension of such dates occurring in that year.

(C) In the event any settlement prescribed by law is not made on or before the date prescribed by law for such settlement, on or before the dates prescribed by any lawful extension thereof, the aggregate compensation allowed to the county treasurer shall be reduced one per cent for each day such settlement is delayed after the prescribed date. No penalty shall apply in the event the auditor and treasurer grant all requests for advances up to ninety per cent of the settlement pursuant to section 321.34 of the Revised Code. The compensation allowed in accordance with this section on settlements made on or before the dates prescribed by law, or the reduced compensation allowed in accordance with this section on settlements made after the date prescribed by law or any lawful extension of such date, shall be apportioned ratably by the auditor and deducted from the shares or portion of the revenue payable to the state as well as to the county, township, corporations, and school districts. On all other moneys collected by the treasurer as fees or as advance payments, except moneys received from the treasurer of state, the treasurer's predecessors in office, the treasurer's legal representatives, or the sureties of such predecessors, and except moneys received from the proceeds of the bonds of the county or of any municipal corporation, five-tenths per cent, to be paid upon the warrant of the auditor out of the general fund of the county.

(D) As used in this section:

(1) "Qualifying collections" means moneys collected by a county treasurer on any tax duplicates other than the inheritance tax duplicate.

(2) "Qualifying charges" means taxes charged and payable against real and public utility property for the current tax year after making the reduction required by section 319.301 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 14, 2025 at 7:56 AM

Section 321.261 | Treasurer's delinquent tax and assessment collection fund; prosecuting attorney's delinquent tax and assessment collection fund.

(A) In each county treasury there shall be created the treasurer's delinquent tax and assessment collection fund and the prosecuting attorney's delinquent tax and assessment collection fund. Except as otherwise provided in this division, two and one-half per cent of all delinquent real property, personal property, and manufactured and mobile home taxes and assessments collected by the county treasurer shall be deposited in the treasurer's delinquent tax and assessment collection fund, and two and one-half per cent of such delinquent taxes and assessments shall be deposited in the prosecuting attorney's delinquent tax and assessment collection fund. The board of county commissioners shall appropriate to the county treasurer from the treasurer's delinquent tax and assessment collection fund, and shall appropriate to the prosecuting attorney from the prosecuting attorney's delinquent tax and assessment collection fund, money to the credit of the respective fund, and except as provided in division (D) of this section, the appropriation shall be used only for the following purposes:

(1) By the county treasurer or the county prosecuting attorney in connection with the collection of delinquent real property, personal property, and manufactured and mobile home taxes and assessments, including proceedings related to foreclosure of the state's lien for such taxes against such property;

(2) With respect to any portion of the amount appropriated from the treasurer's delinquent tax and assessment collection fund for the benefit of a county land reutilization corporation organized under Chapter 1724. of the Revised Code, the county land reutilization corporation. Upon the deposit of amounts in the treasurer's delinquent tax and assessment collection fund, any amounts allocated at the direction of the treasurer to the support of the county land reutilization corporation shall be paid out of such fund to the corporation upon a warrant of the county auditor.

If the balance in the treasurer's or prosecuting attorney's delinquent tax and assessment collection fund exceeds three times the amount deposited into the fund in the preceding year, the treasurer or prosecuting attorney, on or before the twentieth day of October of the current year, may direct the county auditor to forgo the allocation of delinquent taxes and assessments to that officer's respective fund in the ensuing year. If the county auditor receives such direction, the auditor shall cause the portion of taxes and assessments that otherwise would be credited to the fund under this section in that ensuing year to be allocated and distributed among taxing units' funds as otherwise provided in this chapter and other applicable law.

(B) During the period of time that a county land reutilization corporation is functioning as such on behalf of a county, the board of county commissioners, upon the request of the county treasurer, may designate by resolution that an additional amount, not exceeding five per cent of all collections of delinquent real property, personal property, and manufactured and mobile home taxes and assessments, shall be deposited in the treasurer's delinquent tax and assessment collection fund and be available for appropriation by the board for the use of the corporation. Any such amounts so deposited and appropriated under this division shall be paid out of the treasurer's delinquent tax and assessment collection fund to the corporation upon a warrant of the county auditor.

(C) Annually by the first day of December, the county treasurer and the prosecuting attorney each shall submit a report to the board of county commissioners regarding the use of the moneys appropriated from their respective delinquent tax and assessment collection funds. Each report shall specify the amount appropriated from the fund during the current calendar year, an estimate of the amount so appropriated that will be expended by the end of the year, a summary of how the amount appropriated has been expended in connection with delinquent tax collection activities or land reutilization, and an estimate of the amount that will be credited to the fund during the ensuing calendar year.

The annual report of a county land reutilization corporation required by section 1724.05 of the Revised Code shall include information regarding the amount and use of the moneys that the corporation received from the treasurer's delinquent tax and assessment collection fund.

(D)(1) In any county, if the county treasurer or prosecuting attorney determines that the balance to the credit of that officer's corresponding delinquent tax and assessment collection fund exceeds the amount required to be used as prescribed by division (A) of this section, the county treasurer or prosecuting attorney may expend the excess to prevent residential mortgage foreclosures in the county and to address problems associated with other foreclosed real property. The amount used for that purpose in any year may not exceed the amount that would cause the fund to have a reserve of less than twenty per cent of the amount expended in the preceding year for the purposes of division (A) of this section.

Money authorized to be expended under division (D)(1) of this section shall be used to provide financial assistance in the form of loans to borrowers in default on their home mortgages, including for the payment of late fees, to clear arrearage balances, and to augment moneys used in the county's foreclosure prevention program. The money also may be used to assist county land reutilization corporations, municipal corporations, or townships in the county, upon their application to the county treasurer, prosecuting attorney, or the county department of development, in the nuisance abatement of deteriorated residential buildings in foreclosure, or vacant, abandoned, tax-delinquent, or blighted real property, including paying the costs of boarding up such buildings, lot maintenance, and demolition.

(2) In a county having a population of more than one hundred thousand according to the department of development's 2006 census estimate, if the county treasurer or prosecuting attorney determines that the balance to the credit of that officer's corresponding delinquent tax and assessment collection fund exceeds the amount required to be used as prescribed by division (A) of this section, the county treasurer or prosecuting attorney may expend the excess to assist county land reutilization corporations, townships, or municipal corporations located in the county as provided in division (D)(2) of this section, provided that the combined amount so expended each year in a county shall not exceed five million dollars. Upon application for the funds by a county land reutilization corporation, township, or municipal corporation, the county treasurer or prosecuting attorney may assist the county land reutilization corporation, township, or municipal corporation in abating foreclosed residential nuisances, including paying the costs of securing such buildings, lot maintenance, and demolition. At the prosecuting attorney's discretion, the prosecuting attorney also may apply the funds to costs of prosecuting alleged violations of criminal and civil laws governing real estate and related transactions, including fraud and abuse.

Section 321.262 | Excess appropriation from RC 321.261 fund.

Notwithstanding section 321.261 of the Revised Code, in a county having a population of more than four hundred thousand according to the department of development's 2006 census estimate, if the county treasurer or prosecuting attorney determines that the amount appropriated to the office from the county's delinquent tax and assessment collection fund exceeds the amount required to be used as prescribed by that section, the county treasurer or prosecuting attorney may expend the excess to provide financial assistance in the form of loans to borrowers in default on their home mortgages, including for the payment of late fees, to clear arrearage balances, and to augment moneys used in the county's foreclosure prevention program, provided that the combined amount so expended each year in the county shall not exceed three million dollars.

Section 321.263 | County land reutilization fund.

A county land reutilization fund shall be established in the county treasury of each county in which a county land reutilization corporation has been organized under Chapter 1724. of the Revised Code and in which the county treasurer has made advance payments under section 321.341 of the Revised Code. The county treasurer shall credit all penalties and interest on the current year unpaid taxes and the current year delinquent taxes advanced to the fund as provided under section 321.341 of the Revised Code when the current year unpaid taxes and current year delinquent taxes are collected.

Any amount in the county land reutilization corporation fund appropriated by a board of county commissioners shall be paid to the corporation, upon its written request, by the county treasurer upon the warrant of the county auditor. At the end of the year immediately following the year in which an amount was deposited in the county land reutilization corporation fund, any balance of that amount remaining in the fund shall be encumbered for the repayment of any borrowed money, and interest accrued thereon, that was used to make an advance payment under section 321.341 of the Revised Code, and that has not yet been repaid. The balance remaining in the fund from any amount deposited in the fund shall be determined as if all amounts deposited into the fund are drawn from the fund on a first-in, first-out basis. The amount encumbered shall not exceed the county's aggregate liability for the borrowed money and interest, and shall be determined as if the liability were to be discharged on the termination or maturity date of the instrument under which the money was borrowed. If the balance is not or will not be reserved for appropriation or reappropriation to the corporation in a succeeding fiscal year, it shall be transferred by the county treasurer to the undivided general tax fund of the county. Such amounts shall be apportioned and distributed to the appropriate taxing districts in the same manner as the distribution of delinquent taxes and assessments.

Section 321.27 | Fees on estate tax duplicates and cigarette license moneys.

(A) On settlement annually with the county auditor, the county treasurer shall be allowed as fees on all moneys collected by the treasurer on estate tax duplicates two per cent of the amount collected and reported that year in excess of refunds distributed, for the use of the general fund of the county.

(B) On settlement semiannually with the county auditor, the county treasurer shall be allowed as fees on all cigarette license moneys collected by the treasurer one-half per cent on the amount received, to be paid upon the warrant of the auditor and apportioned ratably and deducted from the shares of revenue payable to the county and subdivisions of the county under section 5743.15 of the Revised Code, for the use of the general fund of the county.

Last updated July 30, 2021 at 10:27 AM

Section 321.28 | Allowing or receiving illegal fees.

A county auditor or county commissioner who makes, orders, or pays to the county treasurer, or any such treasurer who receives, from funds in the treasury of his county, any other allowance or compensation as fees, for clerk hire, or otherwise, than is specially provided by law, shall be liable upon his bond. The prosecuting attorney of the county shall bring action on such bond, for the use of the county, in double the amount paid, ordered to be paid, or received.

Section 321.29 | Certification of county treasurer as to correctness of settlement - oath - record.

At each settlement with the county auditor, the county treasurer shall certify at the foot of such settlement, next after the certificate of the auditor, that the fees and per cent allowed him in such settlement, together with any other fees allowed him by or in pursuance of law, specifying each item in such certificate, are all the fees allowed, paid to, or received by him since the last preceding settlement, and he shall testify to the correctness of the settlement under oath, administered by the auditor, and such oath and certificate shall be recorded by the auditor, in the same manner as the certificate of such auditor is recorded.

Section 321.30 | Payment to treasurer of state.

The county treasurer, after he has made each settlement with the county auditor, shall pay to the state the full amount of all sums found by the auditor of state, on an audit of the duplicate settlement sheets sent to him by the county auditor, to belong to the state.

Section 321.31 | Payment of proceeds of special tax levy by county auditor to local treasurers.

Immediately after each settlement with the county auditor, on demand, and on presentation of the warrant of the auditor therefor, the county treasurer shall pay to the township fiscal officer, or the treasurer of a municipal corporation, school district, or any board authorized by law to receive the funds or proceeds of any special tax levy, or other properly designated officers delegated by the boards and subdivisions to receive such funds or proceeds, all moneys in the county treasury payable to such boards and subdivisions. Delinquent taxes, interest, and penalties are payable in the proportions prescribed in section 319.45 of the Revised Code.

Section 321.32 | Money may remain in county treasury.

If a township fiscal officer or other proper officer so requires, or the board of township trustees, the legislative authority of a municipal corporation, or the board of education of a school district, respectively, directs, the moneys described in section 321.31 of the Revised Code shall remain in the county treasury, to be drawn by the proper officer on the warrant of the county auditor, in sums of not less than one hundred dollars.

If a county treasurer retains, or if a local officer permits the moneys to remain in the treasury, in any manner other than as provided by this section, the county treasurer or local officer shall forfeit and pay for the offense not less than one hundred nor more than one thousand dollars, to be recovered in an action at the suit of the state, for the use of the county.

Section 321.33 | Semiannual distribution to municipal corporations.

On the first Monday of February and August, each year, the county treasurer shall pay over to the treasurer of the municipal corporation all moneys received by such county treasurer up to that date, arising from taxes levied and assessments made, belonging to the municipal corporation. Moneys received from other sources for municipal corporations shall be paid over on or before the tenth day of each month following the receipt or collections thereof.

Section 321.34 | Advance payment to local authorities.

(A)(1) When the local authorities by resolution so request, the county auditor shall pay township fiscal officers, treasurers of municipal corporations, the treasurer of any board of education, and the treasurer of any other political subdivision or taxing district whose funds derived from taxes or other sources are payable by law to the county treasurer, any money that may be in the county treasury to the accounts of the local authorities, respectively, and lawfully applicable to the purpose of the current fiscal year in which the request is made. The auditor and county treasurer shall retain any amounts needed to make the payments of obligations of local political subdivisions or taxing districts as are required by law to be paid directly by the county authorities.

(2)(a) For purposes of this section, in addition to the moneys payable under division (A)(1) of this section, money in the county treasury to the account of a board of education that is to be included in the settlement required under division (C) of section 321.24 of the Revised Code shall be paid to the treasurer when the board of education, by resolution, so requests.

(b) The money becomes lawfully applicable to the purposes of the fiscal year in which the request is made upon the adoption of the resolution making the request if that resolution specifies the board's intent to use the money for the purposes of the fiscal year in which the request is made.

(B) The auditor, in making the advance payment, shall draw separate warrants for the payments for that part of the funds allocated to the general fund of the subdivision and the part allocated to service the debt charges of the subdivision. That part of the advance payment allocated to the servicing of debt charges shall be payable to the officer, board of trustees, or commission of the subdivision charged with the payment and retirement of the bonds and notes of such subdivision, and shall be used for no other purpose. Any officer, board, or commission receiving the advance payment shall return a certificate, in the form prescribed by the tax commissioner, to the auditor that the funds so advanced and received have been paid into the bond retirement fund.

(C) Upon the request, in like form, of any board of public library trustees or board of township park commissioners for which a share of the undivided classified property taxes collected in the county has been allowed and fixed by the budget commission, the auditor may, prior to the first day of April, in any year, pay to the treasurer of the board, from any undivided tax funds in the county treasury, an amount not exceeding twenty-five per cent of the board's share of the undivided classified property taxes; but the auditor and county treasurer shall retain an amount sufficient to meet all other requests for payments which have been made under this section or can be reasonably anticipated prior to such first day of April. On or after the first day of April, all amounts paid out of undivided tax funds shall be reimbursed to the funds from which they have been paid and charged against the share of the board of library trustees or board of township park commissioners in the undivided classified property tax fund.

(D) The request of a local authority for payment or advance payment under this section of any money in the county treasury to the accounts of the local authorities in no way abrogates the right of a county treasurer to advance payment of current year unpaid taxes or current year delinquent taxes under section 321.341 of the Revised Code, and to retain the penalties and interest on those taxes upon their collection as authorized by that section. Nothing in this section prohibits a county treasurer from making an advance payment to a local authority under section 321.341 of the Revised Code, notwithstanding that a local authority has not requested advance payment by resolution as otherwise provided in this section.

Section 321.341 | Advance payment of unpaid taxes to taxing districts.

(A) Within one hundred twenty days after the last day on which the first installment of current taxes may be paid without penalty, the county treasurer of a county in which a county land reutilization corporation is organized under Chapter 1724. of the Revised Code, in the treasurer's sole discretion, may advance the payment of current year unpaid taxes that are due and payable to any of the taxing districts, upon presentation of the warrant by the county auditor. The treasurer may make advance payment of the current year unpaid taxes from one or more of the following:

(1) Collections of taxes and assessments during the one-hundred-twenty-day period;

(2) A line of credit established under section 307.781 or sections 135.341 and 321.36 of the Revised Code, or both;

(3) Proceeds from the issuance of notes under section 133.082 of the Revised Code;

(4) Any other source of funds lawfully available for that purpose.

(B) Within one hundred twenty days after the last day on which the second installment of current taxes may be paid without penalty, the county treasurer, in the treasurer's sole discretion, may advance the payment of current year delinquent taxes to any of the taxing districts, upon presentation of the warrant by the county auditor. The treasurer may make advance payment of the current year delinquent taxes from one or more of the following:

(1) Collections of taxes and assessments during the one-hundred-twenty-day period;

(2) A line of credit established under section 307.781 or sections 135.341 and 321.36 of the Revised Code, or both;

(3) Proceeds from the issuance of notes under section 133.082 of the Revised Code;

(4) Any other source of funds lawfully available for that purpose.

(C) All advance payments made under this section shall be made in the same manner provided for advance payments under section 321.34 of the Revised Code. The county treasurer shall give notice by electronic or other means to a taxing district any time an advance payment is made to the district under this section. Upon the collection of the current year unpaid taxes and current year delinquent taxes upon which advances were made under this section from sources other than their collection, the treasurer shall deposit those current year unpaid taxes and current year delinquent taxes into a special account and shall apply them to the repayment of any moneys borrowed for the purpose of making those advance payments, including, but not limited to, delinquent tax anticipation notes issued under section 133.082 of the Revised Code, including the interest thereon; or the reimbursement of draws under a line of credit and the payment of the interest due thereon, that funded the advance payment in either or both cases. The treasurer shall be entitled to retain, upon collection, any penalty and interest that was or will be charged on the current year unpaid taxes and the current year delinquent taxes advanced under this section. The treasurer shall deposit all such penalties and interest collected in the county land reutilization corporation fund established under section 321.263 of the Revised Code. No taxing district receiving advance payment under division (A) or (B) of this section shall be entitled to receive payment of penalties or interest when penalties or interest are collected by the treasurer on those current year unpaid taxes and current year delinquent taxes so advanced.

(D) As used in the section:

(1) "Current taxes" has the same meaning as in section 323.01 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Current year unpaid taxes" means the aggregate amount of the first installment of current taxes that remain unpaid after the last day on which the first installment of such taxes may be paid without penalty.

(3) "Current year delinquent taxes" means the aggregate amount of current taxes that remain unpaid after the last day on which the second installment of such taxes may be paid without penalty.

Section 321.342 | Notifying township or municipality of estate tax receipts.

Immediately upon receipt of payment for any taxes due under Chapter 5731. of the Revised Code, the county treasurer shall notify the taxing authority of the township or municipal corporation entitled to share in the proceeds thereof. The notice shall identify the estate for which the tax was paid and the portion of the estate's total tax credited to that subdivision in the undivided estate tax fund. At any time prior to a settlement under section 5731.46 of the Revised Code, the fiscal officer of a municipal corporation or a township may request the county auditor to make payment to such subdivision from the fund of an amount not to exceed seventy-five per cent of taxes paid into such fund and standing to the credit of the subdivision, including both taxes with respect to which a final determination has been made under section 5731.27 of the Revised Code and taxes subject to review and final determination under section 5731.26 of the Revised Code. Within five days of the receipt of such request the auditor shall draw a warrant in such amount upon such fund, payable to the subdivision.

Section 321.343 | Authority for certain counties to authorize a county land reutilization corporation.

A county treasurer of a county in which a county land reutilization corporation has been organized under Chapter 1724. of the Revised Code may enter into an agreement with the county land reutilization corporation for the benefit of the holders of debt obligations of the corporation for the repayment of which will be pledged the penalties and interest on current year unpaid taxes and current year delinquent taxes, as defined in and available under section 321.341 of the Revised Code. The pledge agreement may include, without limitation, a pledge by the county treasurer of and a grant of a security interest in the penalties and interest deposited into the county land reutilization fund to the payment of debt service on the debt obligations and a covenant of the county treasurer to continue to make the special tax advances authorized under section 321.341 of the Revised Code when the debt obligations remain outstanding if necessary to generate from the penalties and interest at least the amount needed to pay the debt service on the debt obligations when due. The penalties and interest so pledged and so deposited are immediately subject to the pledge and security interest without any physical delivery thereof or further act. The pledge and security interest are valid, binding, and enforceable against all parties having claims of any kind against the county land reutilization corporation or the county treasurer, irrespective of notice thereof, and such pledge and grant of a security interest creates a perfected security interest for all purposes of Chapter 1309. of the Revised Code, without the necessity for separation or delivery or possession of the pledged penalties and interest, or for the filing or recording of the document by which the pledge and security interest are created. The penalties and interest so deposited may be applied to the purposes for which pledged without necessity for any act of appropriation. The performance under this pledge agreement is expressly determined and declared to be a duty specifically enjoined by law upon the county treasurer and each officer and employee having authority to perform the duty of the county treasurer resulting from an office, trust, or station, within the meaning of section 2731.01 of the Revised Code, enforceable by writ of mandamus.

Section 321.35 | Withholding school district funds to pay debt service charges.

Upon demand of the treasurer of state while holding a school district, county, township, or municipal corporation obligation purchased under division (G)(1) of section 135.143 of the Revised Code, in making any payment under section 321.31 or 321.34 of the Revised Code, the county auditor shall withhold funds of the school district, county, township, or municipal corporation in an amount sufficient to pay debt service charges on that obligation and any of the fee for the agreement to purchase that obligation, less any amount deposited for that purpose under division (D) of section 3317.18 of the Revised Code. The county auditor shall promptly pay to the treasurer of state the amount withheld.

Section 321.36 | Unpaid or delinquent tax line of credit.

The county treasurer of a county in which a county land reutilization corporation is organized under Chapter 1724. of the Revised Code may enter into a current unpaid or delinquent tax line of credit with the county investment advisory committee for the purpose of borrowing money from the county treasury to make advance payment of the current year unpaid taxes or the current year delinquent taxes, or both, to the several taxing districts in accordance with section 321.341 of the Revised Code. The current unpaid or delinquent tax line of credit shall conform to the requirements of division (G) of section 135.341 of the Revised Code, and the county treasurer is hereby authorized to do all things necessary and appropriate for the execution and delivery of the line of credit under that division.

Section 321.37 | Allegations against county treasurer.

(A)(1) If a county treasurer purposely, knowingly, or recklessly fails to perform a fiscal duty expressly imposed by law with respect to the fiscal duties of the office of county treasurer or purposely, knowingly, or recklessly commits any act expressly prohibited by law with respect to the fiscal duties of the office of county treasurer, the county auditor or a county commissioner may submit a sworn affidavit alleging the violation, together with evidence supporting the allegations, to the auditor of state. The sworn affidavit and evidence shall be submitted in the format prescribed by rule of the auditor of state under section 117.45 of the Revised Code. A person who makes a false statement in a sworn affidavit, for purposes of this section, is guilty of falsification under section 2921.13 of the Revised Code.

(2) The auditor of state shall review the sworn affidavit and the evidence. Within thirty calendar days after receiving the sworn affidavit and evidence, unless, for good cause, additional time is required, the auditor of state shall determine whether clear and convincing evidence supports the allegations. If the auditor of state finds that no allegation is supported by clear and convincing evidence, the auditor of state shall submit those findings in writing to the county treasurer and the person who initiated the sworn affidavit. If the auditor of state finds by clear and convincing evidence that an allegation is supported by the evidence, the auditor of state shall submit those findings in writing to the attorney general, the county treasurer, and the person who initiated the sworn affidavit. The findings shall include a copy of the sworn affidavit and the evidence submitted under division (A)(1) of this section.

(3)(a) The attorney general shall review the auditor of state's findings and the sworn affidavit and evidence. Within ten business days after receiving them, unless, for good cause, additional time is required, the attorney general shall determine whether clear and convincing evidence supports the allegations. If the attorney general finds that no allegation is supported by clear and convincing evidence, the attorney general, by certified mail, shall notify the auditor of state, the county treasurer, and the person who initiated the sworn affidavit, that no complaint for the removal of the county treasurer from public office will be filed.

(b) If the attorney general finds by clear and convincing evidence that an allegation is supported by the evidence, the attorney general, by certified mail, shall notify the auditor of state, the county treasurer, and the person who initiated the sworn affidavit of that fact, and shall commence an action for the removal of the county treasurer from public office under division (B) of this section.

(c) Nothing in this section is intended to limit the authority of the attorney general to enter into mediation, settlement, or resolution of any alleged violation before or following the commencement of an action under this section.

(B)(1)(a) The attorney general has a cause of action for removal of a county treasurer who purposely, knowingly, or recklessly fails to perform a fiscal duty expressly imposed by law with respect to the fiscal duties of the office of county treasurer or purposely, knowingly, or recklessly commits any act expressly prohibited by law with respect to the fiscal duties of the office of county treasurer. Not later than forty-five days after sending a notice under division (A)(3)(b) of this section, the attorney general shall cause an action to be commenced against the county treasurer by filing a complaint for the removal of the county treasurer from public office. If any money is due, the attorney general shall join the sureties on the county treasurer's bond as parties. The court of common pleas of the county in which the county treasurer holds office has exclusive original jurisdiction of the action. The action shall proceed de novo as in the trial of a civil action. The court is not restricted to the evidence that was presented to the auditor of state and the attorney general before the action was filed. The action is governed by the Rules of Civil Procedure.

(b) If the court finds by clear and convincing evidence that the county treasurer purposely, knowingly, or recklessly failed to perform a fiscal duty expressly imposed by law with respect to the fiscal duties of the office of county treasurer or purposely, knowingly, or recklessly committed any act expressly prohibited by law with respect to the fiscal duties of that office, the court shall issue an order removing the county treasurer from office and any order necessary for the preservation or restitution of public funds.

(2) Except as otherwise provided in this division, an action for removal from office under this section is stayed during the pendency of any criminal action concerning a violation of an existing or former municipal ordinance or law of this or any other state or the United States that is substantially equivalent to any criminal violation in Title XXIX of the Revised Code related to conduct in office, if the person charged in the criminal action committed the violation while serving as a county treasurer and the conduct constituting the violation was related to the duties of the office of county treasurer or to the person's actions as the county treasurer. The stay may be lifted upon motion of the prosecuting attorney in the related criminal action.

(3) Prior to or at the hearing, upon a showing of good cause, the court may issue an order restraining the county treasurer from entering the county treasurer's office and from conducting the affairs of the office pending the hearing on the complaint. If such an order is issued, the court may continue the order until the conclusion of the hearing and any appeals under this section.

(4) The board of county commissioners shall be responsible for the payment of reasonable attorney's fees for counsel for the county treasurer. If judgment is entered against the county treasurer, the court shall order the county treasurer to reimburse the board for attorney's fees and costs up to a reasonable amount, as determined by the court. Expenses incurred by the board in a removal action shall be paid out of the county general fund.

(C) The judgment of the court is final and conclusive unless reversed, vacated, or modified on appeal. An appeal may be taken by any party, and shall proceed as in the case of appeals in civil actions and in accordance with the Rules of Appellate Procedure. Upon the filing of a notice of appeal by any party to the proceedings, the court of appeals shall hear the case as an expedited appeal under Rule 11.2 of the Rules of Appellate Procedure. The county treasurer has the right of review or appeal to the supreme court.

(D) If a final judgment for removal from public office is entered against the county treasurer, the office shall be deemed vacated, and the vacancy shall be filled as provided in section 305.02 of the Revised Code. Except as otherwise provided by law, an individual removed from public office under this section is not entitled to hold any public office for four years following the date of the final judgment, and is not entitled to hold any public office until any repayment or restitution required by the court is satisfied.

(E) For the purposes of this section:

(1) A person acts purposely when it is the person's specific intention to cause a certain result, or, when the gist of the offense is a prohibition against conduct of a certain nature, regardless of what the person intends to accomplish thereby, it is the person's specific intention to engage in conduct of that nature.

(2) A person acts knowingly, regardless of the person's purpose, when the person is aware that the person's conduct will probably cause a certain result or will probably be of a certain nature. A person has knowledge of circumstances when the person is aware that such circumstances probably exist.

(3) A person acts recklessly when, with heedless indifference to the consequences, the person perversely disregards a known risk that the person's conduct is likely to cause a certain result or is likely to be of a certain nature. A person is reckless with respect to circumstances when, with heedless indifference to the consequences, the person perversely disregards a known risk that such circumstances are likely to exist.

(F) The proceedings provided for in this section may be used as an alternative to the removal proceedings prescribed under sections 3.07 to 3.10 of the Revised Code or other methods of removal authorized by law.

Section 321.39 | Report of treasurer.

At the time of making his annual settlement with the board of county commissioners, the county treasurer shall furnish a certified statement of all moneys received by him as fees or for official services, during the year next preceding the time of making such statement, designating the several sources and the amount from each.

If such treasurer fails to make reports at the time and in the manner required by this section, he shall forfeit and pay not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars, to be recovered in a civil action in the name of the board.

Section 321.40 | Powers of inspectors of county treasuries.

A person appointed, in pursuance of any law of this state, to examine or inspect a county treasury or perform any other duty, may exercise all authority to issue subpoena and compulsory process and direct their service by any constable or sheriff, compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of books and papers before him at any designated place, administer oaths, and punish for disobedience of subpoena or for refusal to be sworn or answer as a witness, which is conferred upon courts or officers authorized to take depositions.

Section 321.41 | Examination of county treasury on application of taxpayers - fees and costs.

On the written application of at least twenty taxpayers of a county, the court of common pleas shall appoint a committee of three persons to examine the books and papers belonging to the offices of the county auditor or county treasurer, and make report of their proceedings and the result of their examination. Before such committee is appointed, one or more of such taxpayers shall enter into bond to the state, in a sum and with sureties to the satisfaction of the court, conditioned that the obligors will pay all the costs and expenses of such examination if the court does not, on such report, certify that there was reasonable ground for the application. Before entering upon his duties, each member of such committee shall take an oath to perform his duties faithfully, and in the discharge thereof shall have all the powers given in section 321.40 of the Revised Code to examiners of the county treasury.

Each member of such committee shall be entitled to receive three dollars for each day occupied in the discharge of his duties, which, with all other costs and expenses of such examination, upon approval by the court, shall be paid from the county treasury.

Section 321.42 | Duty of prosecuting attorney.

On the presentation of the report of an examining committee as provided in section 321.41 of the Revised Code, if a breach of the bond of either the county auditor or county treasurer is shown, the prosecuting attorney shall commence an action on the bond of the delinquent officer. If no breach is reported, he shall commence an action on the bond of the applicants, unless they pay to the county the costs, or the court certifies that there was reasonable grounds for the application.

Section 321.43 | Employment of night watchman.

If the county treasurer, county auditor, and probate judge notify the board of county commissioners, in writing, that, in their opinion, the safety of the public money in the county treasury requires it, the board shall immediately authorize the treasurer to employ a night watchman. The board shall fix the compensation of such watchman, to be paid in biweekly installments. The employment shall continue until the treasurer, auditor, and judge certify that it may be discontinued. This section does not affect the liability of the county treasurer or his sureties.

Section 321.44 | Establishing probation services fund.

(A)(1) A county probation services fund shall be established in the county treasury of each county. The fund a county establishes under this division shall contain all moneys paid to the treasurer of the county under section 2951.021 of the Revised Code for deposit into the fund. The moneys paid into the fund shall be deposited by the treasurer of the county into the appropriate account established under divisions (A)(1)(a) to (d) of this section. Separate accounts shall be maintained in accordance with the following criteria in the fund a county establishes under this division:

(a) If a county department of probation is established in the county, a separate account shall be maintained in the fund for the county department of probation.

(b) If the judges of the court of common pleas of the county have affiliated with the judges of the court of common pleas of one or more other counties and have established a multicounty department of probation, a separate account shall be maintained in the fund for the multicounty department of probation.

(c) If a department of probation is established in a county-operated municipal court that has jurisdiction within the county, a separate account shall be maintained in the fund for the municipal court department of probation.

(d) If a county department of probation has not been established in the county and if the court of common pleas of the county, pursuant to section 2301.32 of the Revised Code, has entered into an agreement with the adult parole authority under which the court may place defendants under a community control sanction in charge of the authority, a separate account shall be maintained in the fund for the court of common pleas.

(2) For any county, if a county department of probation is established in the county or if a department of probation is established in a county-operated municipal court that has jurisdiction within the county, the board of county commissioners of the county shall appropriate to the county department of probation or municipal court department of probation all money that is contained in the department's account in the county probation services fund established in the county for use only for specialized staff, purchase of equipment, purchase of services, reconciliation programs for offenders and victims, other treatment programs, including alcohol and drug addiction services certified under section 5119.36 of the Revised Code, determined to be appropriate by the chief probation officer of the department of probation, and other similar expenses related to placing offenders under a community control sanction.

For any county, if the judges of the court of common pleas of the county have affiliated with the judges of the court of common pleas of one or more other counties and have established a multicounty department of probation to serve the counties, the board of county commissioners of the county shall appropriate and the county treasurer shall transfer to the multicounty probation services fund established for the multicounty department of probation under division (B) of this section all money that is contained in the multicounty department of probation account in the county probation services fund established in the county for use in accordance with that division.

For any county, if a county department of probation has not been established in the county and if the court of common pleas of the county, pursuant to section 2301.32 of the Revised Code, has entered into an agreement with the adult parole authority under which the court may place defendants under a community control sanction in charge of the authority, the board of county commissioners of the county shall appropriate to the court all money that is contained in the court's account in the county probation services fund established in the county for use only for specialized staff, purchase of equipment, purchase of services, reconciliation programs for offenders and victims, other treatment and recovery support services, including properly credentialed treatment and recovery support services program providers or alcohol and drug addiction services certified under section 5119.36 of the Revised Code, determined to be appropriate by the authority, and other similar uses related to placing offenders under a community control sanction.

(B) If the judges of the courts of common pleas of two or more counties have established a multicounty department of probation, a multicounty probation services fund shall be established in the county treasury of the county whose treasurer, in accordance with section 2301.27 of the Revised Code, is designated by the judges of the courts of common pleas as the treasurer to whom monthly supervision fees are to be appropriated and transferred under division (A)(2) of this section for deposit into the fund. The fund shall contain all moneys that are paid to the treasurer of any member county under section 2951.021 of the Revised Code for deposit into the county's probation services fund and that subsequently are appropriated and transferred to the multicounty probation services fund under division (A)(2) of this section. The board of county commissioners of the county in which the multicounty probation services fund is established shall appropriate the money contained in that fund to the multicounty department of probation, for use only for specialized staff, purchase of equipment, purchase of services, reconciliation programs for offenders and victims, other treatment programs, including alcohol and drug addiction services certified under section 5119.36 of the Revised Code, determined to be appropriate by the chief probation officer, and for other similar expenses related to placing offenders under a community control sanction.

(C) Any money in a county or multicounty probation services fund at the end of a fiscal year shall not revert to the general fund of the county but shall be retained in the fund.

(D) As used in this section:

(1) "County-operated municipal court" has the same meaning as in section 1901.03 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Multicounty department of probation" means a probation department established under section 2301.27 of the Revised Code to serve more than one county.

(3) "Community control sanction" has the same meaning as in section 2929.01 of the Revised Code.

Section 321.45 | Agreements for payment of current taxes.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Taxpayer" means any person in whose name a parcel of property or manufactured or mobile home is listed on the tax duplicate or a vendee of such property under a purchase agreement or land contract.

(2) "Prepayment" means any amount given to the county treasurer by a taxpayer under this section for the treasurer to apply as payment of the taxpayer's total taxes due in accordance with this section.

(3) In the case of a parcel of property or a manufactured or mobile home listed on the real property tax list, "taxes," "delinquent taxes," and "current taxes" have the same meanings as in section 323.01 of the Revised Code. In the case of a manufactured or mobile home listed on the manufactured home tax list, "taxes" means manufactured home taxes levied pursuant to section 4503.06 of the Revised Code.

(4) "Duplicate" means the treasurer's duplicate of real and public utility property and the manufactured home tax list.

(B)(1)(a) A county treasurer may enter into a written agreement with any taxpayer for the payment of current taxes, upon mutually agreed on terms and conditions, under which both of the following occur:

(i) The taxpayer agrees to tender prepayments of taxes on a parcel of property or a manufactured or mobile home listed on the tax duplicate in the name of the taxpayer;

(ii) The treasurer agrees to accept the prepayments and hold them either in an escrow fund or a separate depository account until the last day that an installment of current taxes may be paid without penalty, at which time the treasurer further agrees to apply, toward the payment of the current taxes due on the parcel or the manufactured or mobile home, the amount of the prepayments collected on the parcel or the manufactured or mobile home. If a discount is not given under division (B)(2) of this section, any earnings on prepayments in an escrow fund or depository account shall be paid to the credit of a special interest account to be used by the treasurer only for the payment of the expenses incurred in establishing and administering the system for collecting prepayments under division (B)(1) of this section.

(b) A county treasurer and a taxpayer may enter into both a written agreement for the payment of current taxes under division (B)(1)(a) of this section and a written contract for the payment of delinquent taxes under section 323.31 of the Revised Code.

(2) In addition to providing for the items enumerated in division (B)(1) of this section, the agreement may provide for the treasurer to invest prepayments held in the escrow fund or depository account, subject to Chapter 135. of the Revised Code, and apply the investment earnings thereon, after deducting an amount to pay the expenses incurred by the treasurer in establishing and administering the prepayment system, as a discount against the total taxes due of each taxpayer entering into such an agreement. The balance applied to the discounts shall be apportioned among taxpayers in such a manner that the discount credited to a taxpayer for each parcel of property or manufactured or mobile home for which taxes are prepaid is commensurate with the amount of current taxes due, the length of time current taxes are held in escrow, and the expenses incurred by the treasurer to process the prepayments. No discount shall be apportioned to a taxpayer who fails to pay the total taxes due or fails to make prepayments pursuant to the terms of the agreement.

(C) A prepayment accepted by a treasurer under an agreement under division (B) of this section does not constitute a payment of taxes until it is applied toward the payment of taxes as provided in this section. A separate prepayment agreement is required for each parcel of property or manufactured or mobile home, except that a taxpayer who makes prepayments on more than one parcel or manufactured or mobile home may enter into a single agreement covering all of the parcels or manufactured or mobile homes. The single agreement shall specify the manner in which each prepayment shall be apportioned among the parcels or manufactured or mobile homes. The treasurer shall keep either a separate record for each parcel or manufactured or mobile home showing the date and amount of each prepayment or a single record for all of the parcels or manufactured or mobile homes owned by a taxpayer showing the date and amount of each prepayment.

(D) No treasurer shall fail to apply prepayments toward the payment of taxes as required pursuant to an agreement entered into under division (B) of this section.

(E) The treasurer shall give each person who makes a tax prepayment in person at the office of the county treasurer a receipt in the form that the prepayment agreement requires. The treasurer shall give a receipt to a person who makes a tax prepayment to the treasurer by mail only if the taxpayer encloses with the prepayment an addressed envelope with sufficient postage, in which case the treasurer shall insert a receipt for the prepayment in that envelope and deposit it in the mail. The treasurer may refund any amount tendered as a prepayment, if the taxpayer so requests and files with the treasurer an affidavit and the supporting documents the treasurer requires providing that the taxpayer no longer owns the property. The request for the refund shall be made prior to the date of the mailing of a tax bill and escrow statement to the taxpayer. If a taxpayer who has entered into a prepayment agreement pursuant to this section dies before the last day on which an installment of current taxes may be paid without penalty, the treasurer may refund the amount of any prepayments made by that taxpayer to the executor or administrator of the taxpayer's estate.

(F) If the treasurer has received any prepayments from a taxpayer, the treasurer shall add to the tax bill required by section 323.13 of the Revised Code a tax escrow statement that shall specify the total amount of prepayments received by the treasurer on or before the date the statement was prepared, the balance of total taxes due for which no prepayment has been received, the amount of any discount to be applied to total taxes due, and the date the statement was prepared.

(G) If the total amount of a taxpayer's prepayments to the treasurer made on or before the final date an installment of taxes may be paid without penalty do not equal or exceed the current taxes due on that date, any late penalty or interest due pursuant to section 323.121 of the Revised Code shall be assessed on the balance due after the treasurer has applied the prepayments. If the treasurer fails to apply prepayments received by the treasurer's office in accordance with the terms of an agreement and the total amount of the taxpayer's prepayments equals or exceeds the total taxes due, the taxpayer is relieved of any late penalty or interest imposed under section 323.121 of the Revised Code.

(H) The office of the county treasurer shall bear all of the costs of establishing and administering a system for collecting prepayments as permitted by this section.

(I) Before the county treasurer commences a prepayment system, the tax commissioner shall approve all procedures and forms to be used in the system.

(J) The treasurer may enter into any agreements necessary to enable the taxpayer to make prepayments of taxes to the office of the treasurer through the electronic transfer of funds from an account in the name of the taxpayer at a financial institution, or by credit card.

Section 321.46 | Education programs for new treasurers and continuing education programs.

(A) To enhance the background and working knowledge of county treasurers in governmental accounting, portfolio reporting and compliance, investments, cybersecurity, and cash management, the auditor of state and the treasurer of state shall conduct education programs for persons elected for the first time to the office of county treasurer and shall hold biennial continuing education courses for persons who continue to hold the office of county treasurer.

Initial education programs for newly elected county treasurers shall be held between the first day of December and the first Monday of September next following that person's election to the office of county treasurer. Similar initial education programs may also be provided to any county treasurer who is appointed to fill a vacancy or who is elected at a special election.

(B)(1) The auditor of state shall determine the manner and content of the initial education programs in the subject areas of governmental accounting and portfolio reporting and compliance. In those areas, newly elected county treasurers shall take at least thirteen hours of education before taking office.

(2) The treasurer of state shall determine the manner and content of the initial education programs in the subject areas of investments and cash management. In those areas, newly elected county treasurers shall take at least thirteen hours of education before taking office.

(3)(a) After completing one year in office, a county treasurer shall take not less than twenty-four hours of continuing education during each biennial cycle. For purposes of division (B)(3)(a) of this section, a biennial cycle for continuing education shall be every two calendar years after the treasurer's first year in office. The treasurer of state shall determine the manner and content of the continuing education courses in the subject areas of investments, cash management, the collection of taxes, ethics, and any other subject area that the treasurer of state determines is reasonably related to the duties of the office of the county treasurer. The auditor of state shall determine the manner and content of the continuing education courses in the subject areas of governmental accounting, portfolio reporting and compliance, office management, cybersecurity, and any other subject area that the auditor of state determines is reasonably related to the duties of the office of the county treasurer.

(b) A county treasurer who accumulates more than twenty-four hours of continuing education in a biennial cycle described in division (B)(3)(a) of this section may credit the hours in excess of twenty-four hours to the next biennial cycle. However, regardless of the total number of hours earned, no more than six hours in continuing education determined by the treasurer of state pursuant to division (B)(3)(a) of this section and six hours in continuing education determined by the auditor of state pursuant to that division shall be carried over to the next biennial cycle.

(c) A county treasurer who participates in a training program or seminar established under section 109.43 of the Revised Code may apply the three hours of training to the twenty-four hours of continuing education required in a biennial cycle under division (B)(3)(a) of this section.

(C) The auditor of state and the treasurer of state may each charge counties a registration fee that will meet actual and necessary expenses of the training of county treasurers, including instructor fees, site acquisition costs, and the cost of course materials. The necessary personal expenses of county treasurers as a result of attending the initial education programs and continuing education courses shall be borne by the counties the treasurers represent.

(D) The auditor of state and the treasurer of state may allow any other interested person to attend any of the initial education programs or continuing education courses held pursuant to this section, provided that before attending any such program or course, the interested person shall pay to either the auditor of state or the treasurer of state, as appropriate, the full registration fee set for the program or course.

(E)(1) If a county treasurer fails to complete the initial education programs required by this section before taking office, the treasurer's authority to invest county funds and to manage the county portfolio immediately is suspended, and this authority is transferred to the county's investment advisory committee until full compliance with the initial education programs is determined by the treasurer of state.

(2) If a county treasurer fails to complete continuing education as required by this section, the county treasurer is subject to divisions (B) to (E) of section 321.47 of the Revised Code, including possible suspension of the treasurer's authority to invest county funds and to manage the county portfolio and transfer of this authority to the county's investment advisory committee.

(F)(1) Notwithstanding divisions (B) and (E) of this section, a county treasurer who fails to complete the initial education programs or continuing education required by this section shall invest only in the Ohio subdivisions fund pursuant to division (A)(6) of section 135.35 of the Revised Code, in no load money market mutual funds pursuant to division (A)(5) of section 135.35 of the Revised Code, or in time certificates of deposit or savings or deposit accounts pursuant to division (A)(3) of section 135.35 of the Revised Code.

(2) A county treasurer who has failed to complete the initial education programs required by this section and invests in other than the investments permitted by division (F)(1) of this section immediately shall have the county treasurer's authority to invest county funds and to manage the county portfolio suspended, and this authority shall be transferred to the county's investment advisory committee until full compliance with the initial education programs is determined by the treasurer of state.

(3) If a county treasurer fails to complete continuing education required by this section and invests in other than the investments permitted by division (F)(1) of this section, the county treasurer is subject to divisions (B) to (E) of section 321.47 of the Revised Code, including possible suspension of the treasurer's authority to invest county funds and to manage the county portfolio and transfer of this authority to the county's investment advisory committee.

(G)(1) There is hereby created in the state treasury the county treasurer education fund, to be used by the treasurer of state for actual and necessary expenses of initial education programs and continuing education held pursuant to this section and section 135.22 of the Revised Code. All registration fees collected by the treasurer of state under this section and section 135.22 of the Revised Code shall be paid into that fund.

(2) All registration fees collected by the auditor of state under this section shall be paid into the auditor of state training program fund established under section 117.44 of the Revised Code.

(H) The treasurer of state, with the advice and consent of the auditor of state, may adopt reasonable rules not inconsistent with this section for the implementation of this section.

Section 321.47 | Notice of continuing education of county treasurer.

(A) By the fifteenth day of January following completion of each biennial cycle described in division (B)(3)(a) of section 321.46 of the Revised Code, the auditor of state shall notify the treasurer of state of the continuing education hours completed under the auditor of state's supervision by each county treasurer for that biennial cycle pursuant to section 321.46 of the Revised Code.

(B) By the thirty-first day of January following completion of each biennial cycle described in division (B)(3)(a) of section 321.46 of the Revised Code, the treasurer of state shall determine whether any county treasurer has failed to comply with the county treasurer's continuing education requirements pursuant to section 321.46 of the Revised Code and, by certified mail, shall notify any county treasurer who has not complied with the requirements. The notice shall contain all of the following:

(1) Notification that the county treasurer is deficient in continuing education hours;

(2) Notification that if the county treasurer believes the treasurer of state's records are in error, the county treasurer has one month to submit proof to the treasurer of state that the county treasurer is in compliance with the continuing education requirements;

(3) Notification that completion of the continuing education requirements also may be obtained by attending courses approved by the auditor of state or the treasurer of state, but that the county treasurer must comply fully with the continuing education requirements and that the treasurer of state must have proof of full compliance by the last day of April following completion of each biennial cycle;

(4) Notification that if the county treasurer has failed to comply fully with the continuing education requirements by the last day of April following completion of each biennial cycle, the treasurer of state will notify the prosecuting attorney of that treasurer's county of that fact immediately.

(C)(1) Upon receipt of the notice described in division (B)(4) of this section, the prosecuting attorney shall petition the court of common pleas of that county for an order suspending the county treasurer's authority to invest county funds and to manage the county investment portfolio. The petition shall contain a brief statement of the facts and shall show that the county treasurer has failed to comply with the continuing education requirements of section 321.46 of the Revised Code. Before or simultaneously with the filing of the petition, the prosecuting attorney shall serve a copy of the petition upon the county treasurer personally or by certified mail, together with a copy of this section. Upon the filing of the petition, the court, on the motion of the prosecuting attorney, shall enter an order fixing a date for hearing not later than two weeks after the date of filing and shall require that a copy of the order be given to the county treasurer in the manner in which a summons is required to be served or substituted service is required to be made in other cases.

(2) On the date fixed for the hearing described in division (C)(1) of this section, or any adjournment of it, the court shall determine from the petition and evidence submitted by either party whether the county treasurer has met the continuing education requirements of section 321.46 of the Revised Code for the preceding biennial cycle described in division (B)(3)(a) of section 321.46 of the Revised Code. If the court finds that the county treasurer has failed to meet these continuing education requirements, it shall enter an order transferring the county treasurer's authority to invest county funds and to manage the county portfolio to the county's investment advisory committee until such time as the county treasurer complies fully with the continuing education requirements.

(3) The costs of the proceeding shall be assessed or apportioned as the court considers equitable.

(D) Upon receiving proof of completion of continuing education requirements for the preceding biennial cycle described in division (B)(3)(a) of section 321.46 of the Revised Code, the treasurer of state shall notify the prosecuting attorney that the county treasurer has complied fully with the continuing education requirements. The prosecuting attorney shall submit this information to the court, and the court shall enter an order terminating the authority of the county's investment advisory committee to invest county funds and to manage the county portfolio and restoring such authority to the county treasurer.

(E) The proceedings described in divisions (C) and (D) of this section are special proceedings, and final orders in the proceedings may be reviewed and affirmed, modified, or reversed on appeal pursuant to the Rules of Appellate Procedure and, to the extent not in conflict with those rules, pursuant to Chapter 2505. of the Revised Code.

Section 321.48 | Bad check fee.

A county treasurer may assess a fee not exceeding an amount equal to five dollars plus any amount passed on from a financial institution on a drawer or indorser for each check, draft, or money order returned or dishonored, or automatic bank transfer declined, due to insufficient funds or for any other reason. The county treasurer shall deposit in the general fund of the county any fee collected under this section.

Section 321.49 | Contracts for treasurer to provide services to county land reutilization corporation.

The county treasurer may enter into a contract with a county land reutilization corporation organized under Chapter 1724. of the Revised Code to provide employees of the treasurer to provide services to the corporation. An employee of the treasurer who provides services to a county land reutilization corporation under such a contract shall not be considered an employee of the corporation during the provision of services, but shall remain an employee of the county during provision of services pursuant to the contract.

Section 321.50 | Liability for loss of public funds.

A county treasurer shall not be held liable for a loss of public funds when the county treasurer has performed all official duties required of the county treasurer with reasonable care, but shall be liable only when a loss of public funds results from the county treasurer's negligence or other wrongful act.

Last updated June 30, 2022 at 5:13 PM