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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

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Section 3727.76 | Review of discharge plan.

... the following components: (a) If the discharging health care professional determines that it is appropriate, a live demonstration of each task described in the discharge plan performed by a hospital employee or an individual under contract with the hospital to provide the instruction; (b) An opportunity for each participant to ask questions and receive responses; (c) Any other component the hospital believes i...

Section 4112.14 | Age discrimination.

...(A) No employer shall discriminate in any job opening against any applicant or discharge without just cause any employee aged forty or older who is physically able to perform the duties and otherwise meets the established requirements of the job and laws pertaining to the relationship between employer and employee. (B) Except as otherwise provided in section 4112.052 of the Revised Code and this section, a person a...

Section 5309.52 | Entry of release or discharge of encumbrance.

...When any registered mortgage, encumbrance, lien, charge, or lesser estate, vested, contingent, expectant, or inchoate, is satisfied, released, extinguished, or terminated, in any manner in whole or in part, the mortgagee, encumbrancer, assignee, owner of lesser estate, or his legal representative , holder of lien, or other person authorized to discharge or release such encumbrance, shall forthwith file with the count...

Section 5731.37 | Taxes are lien on property.

...(A) Taxes levied by this chapter shall be, until restricted, transferred, or discharged pursuant to this division, until paid, or unless division (A)(5)(b) of section 5731.21 of the Revised Code applies to them, a lien upon all property subject to the taxes. This lien: (1) Is discharged, as to property applied to costs and expenses of administration, property constituting the allowance made to the surviving spouse, ...

Section 5924.503 | Findings of competency or incompetency; evaluation and treatment of accused.

...(A) If the issue of an accused's competence to stand trial is raised and if the court, upon conducting the hearing provided for in section 5924.502 of the Revised Code, finds that the accused is competent to stand trial, the accused shall be proceeded against as provided by law. If the court finds the accused competent to stand trial and the accused is receiving psychotropic drugs or other medication, the court may a...

Section 126.65 | State post-traumatic stress fund.

...(A) The state post-traumatic stress fund is created in the state treasury. The director of budget and management shall be the trustee of the fund. (B) The state post-traumatic stress fund shall be used for the following purposes: (1) Payment of compensation for lost wages that result from a public safety officer being disabled by post-traumatic stress disorder received in the course of, and arising out of, employm...

Section 1304.78 | Payment by originator to beneficiary - discharge of underlying obligation - UCC 4A-406.

...(A) Subject to division (E) of section 1304.66 and divisions (D) and (E) of section 1304.77 of the Revised Code, the originator of a funds transfer shall pay the beneficiary of the originator's payment order at the time a payment order for the benefit of the beneficiary is accepted by the beneficiary's bank in the funds transfer and in an amount equal to the amount of the order accepted by the beneficiary's bank, but...

Section 1309.406 | Discharge of account debtor - UCC 9-406.

...(A) Subject to divisions (B) to (I) of this section, an account debtor on an account, chattel paper, or payment intangible may discharge its obligation by paying the assignor until, but not after, the account debtor receives a notification, authenticated by the assignor or the assignee, that the amount due or to become due has been assigned and that payment is to be made to the assignee. After receipt of the no...

Section 161.01 | Emergency interim government definitions. any deputy exercising the powers and discharging the duties of an office because of a vacancy, and his duly authorized deputy are absent or unable to exercise the powers and discharge the duties of the office. (B) "Emergency interim successor" means a person designated, in the event the officer and his deputies are unavailable, to exercise the powers and discharge the duties of an office until a successor is appo...

Section 2151.356 | Sealing of juvenile court records.

...(A) The records of a case in which a person was adjudicated a delinquent child for committing a violation of section 2903.01, 2903.02, or 2907.02 of the Revised Code shall not be sealed under this section. (B)(1) The juvenile court shall promptly order the immediate sealing of records pertaining to a juvenile in any of the following circumstances: (a) If the court receives a record from a public office or agency ...

Section 2305.401 | member of the firearms industry not liable for harm sustained as a result of the operation or discharge of firearm.

...(A) As used in this section: (1) "Ammunition" means any projectile capable of being expelled or propelled from a firearm by the action of an explosive or combustible propellant. (2) "Firearm" has the same meaning as in section 2923.11 of the Revised Code. (3) Except as provided in division (C)(2) of this section, "harm" means injury, death, or loss to person or property. (4) "Member of the firearms industry" mean...

Section 2313.21 | Discharge for past service.

...(A) A person who is summoned as a juror and who has actually served as a juror in any county of the state under Chapter 2313. of the Revised Code for two consecutive calendar weeks shall be discharged by the court, except that the person shall not be so discharged until the close of a trial in which the person may be serving when the person's jury term expires. (B) A person who is discharged as prescribed in ...

Section 2929.14 | Definite prison terms.

...offender with committing the offense by discharging a firearm from a motor vehicle other than a manufactured home, the court, after imposing a prison term on the offender for the violation of section 2923.161 of the Revised Code or for the other felony offense under division (A), (B)(2), or (B)(3) of this section, shall impose an additional prison term of five years upon the offender that shall not be reduced pursuan...

Section 2937.30 | Recognizance when accused discharged.

...When a defendant is discharged by the trial court otherwise than on a verdict or finding of acquittal, or when the appellate court reverses a conviction and orders the discharge of the defendant and the state or municipality signifies its intention to appeal therefrom, or the record is certified to the supreme court, the defendant shall not be discharged if he is in jail, nor the surety discharged or deposit release...

Section 2941.1412 | Discharged firearm at peace officer or corrections officer specification.

...(A) Imposition of a seven-year mandatory prison term upon an offender under division (B)(1)(f) (i) of section 2929.14 of the Revised Code is precluded unless the indictment, count in the indictment, or information charging the offense specifies that the offender discharged a firearm at a peace officer or a corrections officer while committing the offense. The specification shall be stated at the end of the body of th...

Section 2945.15 | Discharge of defendant.

...When two or more persons are tried jointly, before any of the accused has gone into his defense the trial court may direct one or more of such accused to be discharged that he may be a witness for the state. An accused person, when there is not sufficient evidence to put him upon his defense, may be discharged by the court, but if not so discharged, shall be entitled to the immediate verdict of the jury in his favor...

Section 317.241 | Issuance of Ohio veterans identification cards.

...(A) The board of county commissioners may by resolution allow the county recorder or county veterans service office to issue Ohio veterans identification cards to individuals who have met the following requirements: (1) Presented the individual's armed forces discharge record for recording in the record of discharges in the office of the county recorder; (2) Provided, while appearing in person at a county recorder'...

Section 3796.28 | Rights of employer.

...bits an employer from refusing to hire, discharging, disciplining, or otherwise taking an adverse employment action against a person with respect to hire, tenure, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment because of that person's use, possession, or distribution of medical marijuana; (3) Prohibits an employer from establishing and enforcing a drug testing policy, drug-free workplace policy, or zero-tolerance d...

Section 4121.121 | Bureau of workers' compensation - appointment, powers and duties of administrator - chief operating officer.

...inistrator considers proper, capable of discharging as many of the functions of the bureau as is practicable so as to promote prompt and efficient administration in the processing of claims. All active and inactive lost-time claims files shall be held at the service office responsible for the claim. A claimant, at the claimant's request, shall be provided with information by telephone as to the location of the file p...

Section 4123.90 | Retaliation for filing a claim, discrimination against out-of-country dependents prohibited.

...The bureau of workers' compensation, industrial commission, or any other body constituted by the statutes of this state, or any court of this state, in awarding compensation to the dependents of employees, or others killed in Ohio, shall not make any discrimination against the widows, children, or other dependents who reside in a foreign country. The bureau, commission, or any other board or court, in determining th...

Section 4999.17 | Discipline or discharge of employee without hearing.

...ent, or manager, before disciplining or discharging such employee, grants such employee a fair opportunity to be heard in defense or explanation of the complaint against him, at which hearing said employer shall state specific charges on which said act or discharge is based and at which the accused employee has the right to furnish testimony in his defense. Whoever violates this section shall be fined not less than ...

Section 5122.02 | Application for voluntary admission.

...(A) Except as provided in division (D) of this section, any person who is eighteen years of age or older and who is, appears to be, or believes self to be mentally ill may make written application for voluntary admission to the chief medical officer of a hospital. (B) Except as provided in division (D) of this section, the application also may be made on behalf of a minor by a parent, a guardian of the person, or ...

Section 5123.801 | Expenses of trial visit or discharge.

...If neither a discharged resident, nor a resident granted trial visit, nor the persons requesting the resident's trial visit or discharge are financially able to bear the expense of the resident's trial visit or discharge, the managing officer of an institution under the control of the department of developmental disabilities may then provide actual traveling and escort expenses to the township of which t...

Section 5139.05 | Order to commit.

...(A) The juvenile court may commit any child to the department of youth services as authorized in Chapter 2152. of the Revised Code, provided that any child so committed shall be at least ten years of age at the time of the child's delinquent act, and, if the child is ten or eleven years of age, the delinquent act is a violation of section 2909.03 of the Revised Code or would be aggravated murder, murder, or a f...

Section 5924.71 | Sentence of dismissal or discharge.

...(A) If the sentence of a court-martial of a commissioned officer or cadet includes dismissal, that part of the sentence providing for dismissal may not be executed until it is approved by the adjutant general. The adjutant general may commute, remit, or suspend the sentence or any part of the sentence as the adjutant general sees fit. In time of war or national emergency, the adjutant general may commute a sent...