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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

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Section 2903.44 | Out-of-state offenders with VOD duties; enrollment.

...(A) Pursuant to this section, if a violent offender or qualifying out-of-state violent offender has VOD duties imposed under section 2903.42 or 2903.421 of the Revised Code and if a court has extended the offender's ten-year enrollment period pursuant to division (D)(2) of section 2903.43 of the Revised Code, the offender may file a motion to the court of common pleas of the county in which the offender resides reque...

Section 2905.21 | Extortionate extension of credit - criminal usury definitions.

...As used in sections 2905.21 to 2905.24 of the Revised Code: (A) "To extend credit" means to make or renew any loan, or to enter into any agreement, express or implied, for the repayment or satisfaction of any debt or claim, regardless of whether the extension of credit is acknowledged or disputed, valid or invalid, and however arising. (B) "Creditor" means any person who extends credit, or any person claiming by, u...

Section 2913.11 | Passing bad checks.

...(A) As used in this section: (1) "Check" includes any form of debit from a demand deposit account, including, but not limited to any of the following: (a) A check, bill of exchange, draft, order of withdrawal, or similar negotiable or non-negotiable instrument; (b) An electronic check, electronic transaction, debit card transaction, check card transaction, substitute check, web check, or any form of automated ...

Section 2919.171 | Physician's report to department on attempted or completed abortions.

...(A)(1) A physician who performs or induces or attempts to perform or induce an abortion on a pregnant woman shall submit a report to the department of health in accordance with the forms, rules, and regulations adopted by the department that includes all of the information the physician is required to certify in writing or determine under section 2919.17, section 2919.18, divisions (A) and (C) of section 2919.192, di...

Section 2919.202 | Report by physician.

...(A) A physician who performs or induces or attempts to perform or induce an abortion on a pregnant woman shall submit a report to the department of health in accordance with the forms, rules, and regulations adopted by the department that includes all of the information the physician is required to certify in writing or determine under sections 2919.201 and 2919.203 of the Revised Code. (B) By the thirtieth day of...

Section 2921.03 | Intimidation.

...(A) No person, knowingly and by force, by unlawful threat of harm to any person or property, or by filing, recording, or otherwise using a materially false or fraudulent writing with malicious purpose, in bad faith, or in a wanton or reckless manner, shall attempt to influence, intimidate, or hinder a public servant, a party official, or an attorney or witness involved in a civil action or proceeding in the discharge...

Section 2921.05 | Retaliation.

...(A) No person, purposely and by force or by unlawful threat of harm to any person or property, shall retaliate against a public servant, a party official, or an attorney or witness who was involved in a civil or criminal action or proceeding because the public servant, party official, attorney, or witness discharged the duties of the public servant, party official, attorney, or witness. (B) No person, purposely and ...

Section 2923.1213 | Temporary emergency license.

...(A) As used in this section: (1) "Evidence of imminent danger" means any of the following: (a) A statement sworn by the person seeking to carry a concealed handgun that is made under threat of perjury and that states that the person has reasonable cause to fear a criminal attack upon the person or a member of the person's family, such as would justify a prudent person in going armed; (b) A written document prep...

Section 2923.211 | Underage purchase of firearm or handgun.

...(A) No person under eighteen years of age shall purchase or attempt to purchase a firearm. (B) No person under twenty-one years of age shall purchase or attempt to purchase a handgun, provided that this division does not apply to the purchase or attempted purchase of a handgun by a person eighteen years of age or older and under twenty-one years of age if either of the following apply: (1) The person is a law en...

Section 2929.18 | Financial sanctions - felony.

...(A) Except as otherwise provided in this division and in addition to imposing court costs pursuant to section 2947.23 of the Revised Code, the court imposing a sentence upon an offender for a felony may sentence the offender to any financial sanction or combination of financial sanctions authorized under this section or, in the circumstances specified in section 2929.32 of the Revised Code, may impose upon the offend...

Section 2929.281 | Restitution.

...(A) In determining the amount of restitution at the time of sentencing under this section, the court shall order full restitution for any expenses related to a victim's economic loss due to the criminal offense. The amount of restitution shall be reduced by any payments to the victim for economic loss made or due under a policy of insurance or governmental program. Economic loss includes, but is not limited to, the...

Section 2930.18 | No employee discipline for court attendance necessary to protect rights of victim.

...(A) No employer of a victim shall discharge, discipline, or otherwise retaliate against the victim, a member of the victim's family, or a victim's representative for any of the following: (1) Participating, at the prosecutor's request, in preparation for a criminal or delinquency proceeding; (2) Attendance at a criminal or delinquency proceeding if the attendance is reasonably necessary to protect the interests o...

Section 2931.30 | Change of venue - transfer of accused.

...When a change of venue is ordered pursuant to section 2901.12 of the Revised Code, and the accused is in jail, a warrant shall be issued by the clerk of the court in which the cause originated, directed to the proper officer, commanding him to convey the prisoner to the jail of the county or municipal corporation where the prisoner is to be tried, there to be kept until discharged. If the accused is charged with a ba...

Section 2933.07 | Warrant to keep the peace - failure to prosecute appeal.

...In the case of an appeal from the decision of a mayor sitting as the judge of a mayor's court to the appropriate municipal or county court, no further pleadings shall be required. If the complainant fails to prosecute in such an appeal, the accused shall be discharged unless good cause to the contrary is shown, and the municipal or county court shall render judgment against the complainant for the costs of prosecutio...

Section 2933.08 | Warrant to keep the peace - hearing on appeal.

...In the case of an appeal from the decision of a mayor sitting as the judge of a mayor's court to the appropriate municipal or county court, the municipal or county court shall set a time for the hearing of that appeal and, at that time, shall hear the witnesses under oath, and either discharge the accused, render judgment against the complainant for costs, and award execution for the costs, or order the accused to en...

Section 2935.21 | Security for costs.

...When the offense charged is a misdemeanor, the magistrate or court, before issuing the warrant, may require the complainant, or if the magistrate considers the complainant irresponsible, may require that said complainant procure a person to be liable for the costs if the complaint is dismissed, and the complainant or other person shall acknowledge himself so liable, and such court or magistrate shall enter such ackno...

Section 2935.31 | Hearing before magistrate in county of arrest.

...If an arrest is made in this state by an officer of another state under section 2935.30 of the Revised Code, he shall without unnecessary delay take the person arrested before a magistrate of the county in which the arrest was made, who shall conduct a hearing for the purpose of determining the lawfulness of the arrest. If the magistrate determines that the arrest was lawful be shall commit the person arrested to awa...

Section 2935.36 | Pre-trial diversion programs.

...(A) The prosecuting attorney may establish pre-trial diversion programs for adults who are accused of committing criminal offenses and whom the prosecuting attorney believes probably will not offend again. The prosecuting attorney may require, as a condition of an accused's participation in the program, the accused to pay a reasonable fee for supervision services that include, but are not limited to, monitoring and d...

Section 2937.011 | Pretrial release.

...(A) Unless the court orders the defendant detained pursuant to section 2937.222 of the Revised Code or other applicable law, the court shall release the defendant on the least restrictive conditions that, in the discretion of the court, will reasonably assure the defendant's appearance in court, the protection or safety of any person or the community, and that the defendant will not obstruct the criminal justice proc...

Section 2937.13 | Finding of presence of substantial credible evidence.

...In entering a finding, pursuant to section 2937.12 of the Revised Code, the court, while weighing credibility of witnesses, shall not be required to pass on the weight of the evidence and any finding requiring accused to stand trial on any charge shall be based solely on the presence of substantial credible evidence thereof. No appeal shall lie from such decision nor shall the discharge of defendant be a bar to furth...

Section 2937.18 | Commitment of witness refusing to give recognizance.

...If a witness ordered to give recognizance fails to comply with such order, the judge or magistrate shall commit him to such custody or open or close detention as may be appropriate under the circumstances, until he complies with the order or is discharged. Commitment of the witness may be to the custody of any suitable person or public or private agency, or to an appropriate detention facility other than a jail, or ...

Section 2937.21 | Continuances.

...No continuance at any stage of the proceeding, including that for determination of a motion, shall extend for more than ten days unless both the state and the accused consent thereto. Any continuance or delay in ruling contrary to the provisions of this section shall, unless procured by defendant or his counsel, be grounds for discharge of the defendant forthwith.

Section 2939.09 | Clerk - minutes.

...The grand jury may appoint one of its members to be its clerk to preserve the minutes of its proceedings and actions in all cases pending before it. Such minutes shall be delivered to the prosecuting attorney before the jury is discharged.

Section 2941.38 | Warrant when accused escapes.

...When an accused escapes and forfeits his recognizance after the jury is sworn, a warrant reciting the facts may issue at the request of the prosecuting attorney, to the sheriff of any county, who shall pursue, arrest, and commit the accused to the jail of the county from which such warrant issued, until he is discharged.

Section 2941.48 | Recognizance of witnesses for appearance at trial.

...In any case pending in the court of common pleas, the court, either before or after indictment, may require any witness designated by the prosecuting attorney to enter into a recognizance, with or without surety, in such sum as the court thinks proper for his appearance to testify in such cause. A witness failing or refusing to comply with such order shall be committed to the county jail until he gives his testimony ...