Ohio Revised Code Search
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Section 2111.091 | Restrictions on attorney representing guardian.
...No attorney who represents any other person and who is appointed as a guardian under this chapter or under any other provision of the Revised Code shall do either of the following: (A) Act as a person with co-responsibility for any guardianship asset for which the guardian is responsible; (B) Be a cosignatory on any financial account related to the guardianship, including any checking account, savings account... |
Section 2111.11 | Spouse may be appointed guardian.
...When a guardian is appointed for a person having a spouse, the court may appoint such spouse as the guardian, if it is made to appear to the satisfaction of the court that such spouse is competent to discharge the duties of such appointment. |
Section 2111.141 | Inventory to be supported by evidence.
...The court, by order or rule, may require that any inventory filed by a guardian pursuant to section 2111.14 of the Revised Code be supported by evidence that the inventory is a true and accurate inventory of the estate of the ward of the guardian. The evidence may include, but is not limited to, prior income tax returns, bank statements, and social security records of the ward or other documents that are releva... |
Section 2111.15 | Duties of guardian of person and estate.
...When a person is appointed to have the custody of the person and to take charge of the estate of a ward, such person shall have all the duties required of a guardian of the estate and of a guardian of the person. |
Section 2111.151 | Liability of guardian or conservator as to contracts and debts.
...(A) If a guardian of the estate, a guardian of the person and estate, a guardian of the person, or a conservator enters into a contract in the representative capacity of the guardian or conservator, if the contract is within the authority of the guardian or conservator, and if the guardian or conservator discloses in the contract that it is being entered into in the representative capacity of the guardian or conserva... |
Section 2111.16 | Certain vouchers not allowed as credits.
...Unless previously authorized by the court, no voucher that is signed or purports to be signed by the ward shall be received from or allowed as a credit in the settlement of a guardian's account. |
Section 2111.17 | Suits by guardians.
...A guardian may sue in the guardian's own name, describing the guardian as suing on behalf of the ward. When the guardianship ceases, actions or proceedings then pending shall not abate, if the right survives. The guardian's successor as guardian, the executor or administrator of the ward, or the ward, if the guardianship has terminated other than by the ward's death, shall be made party to the suit or other pro... |
Section 2111.19 | Completion of real property contracts.
...A guardian, whether appointed by a court in this state or elsewhere, may complete the contracts of the ward for the purchase or sale of real property or any authorized contract relating to real property entered into by a guardian who has died or been removed. The appointed guardian shall proceed in the manner provided by sections 2113.48 to 2113.50 of the Revised Code. |
Section 2111.20 | Sale of personal estate.
...The guardian of the person and estate, or of the estate only, may sell all or any part of the personal property of the ward if the sale is for the interest of the ward. |
Section 2111.22 | Release of ward's tax title by guardian.
...When a ward has title to real property by tax title only, the guardian, by deed of release and quitclaim, may convey the ward's interest or title to the person entitled to redeem the real property, upon receiving from that person the amount paid for the tax title with the forfeiture and interest allowed by sections 319.52 and 323.121 of the Revised Code. If the guardian tenders that deed to the person entitled ... |
Section 2111.27 | Petition.
...A guardian's application for authority to lease real property of a ward shall be by petition setting forth the following: (A) The legal capacity of the petitioner; (B) The name of the ward, the character of the ward's disability, and if it is incompetence, whether the disability is curable or not, temporary, or confirmed, and its duration; (C) The number, names, ages, and residence of the family of the ward,... |
Section 2111.28 | Parties.
...In an application for authority to lease real property of a ward under sections 2111.26 and 2111.27 of the Revised Code, the guardian may act for two or more wards and two or more guardians of different wards may unite if all the wards are jointly or in common interested in the real property. If the same person is guardian of two or more wards owning lands in common, the wards may be joined as defendants in the... |
Section 2111.29 | Parties and proceedings.
...When a guardian files an application for authority to lease the real property of a ward, the same rules shall apply as to the parties and, upon the filing of the petition described in section 2111.27 of the Revised Code, similar proceedings shall be had as in an action to sell real property belonging to the ward under sections 2127.01 to 2127.43 of the Revised Code, including services of summons, notice, apprai... |
Section 2111.42 | Foreign guardians may receive property.
...If a guardian is appointed by a court of another state or territory or by a foreign country for a nonresident ward, and the ward is entitled to money or other property in the custody of an executor, administrator, or other person in this state, the executor, administrator, or other person may deliver the money or other property to the guardian of the nonresident ward. |
Section 2111.43 | Foreign wards and guardians.
...Wards living outside this state and owning lands within it are entitled to the benefit of Chapters 2101. to 2131., inclusive, of the Revised Code. Guardians appointed by foreign courts for nonresident wards may bring and maintain actions and enforce the collection of judgments rendered in such cases in their favor in the manner and to the extent that they could if appointed in this state, upon giving security for the... |
Section 2111.45 | Marriage of ward.
...The marriage of a ward shall terminate the guardianship as to the person, but not as to the estate, of the ward. |
Section 2111.48 | Certain acts validated.
...All sales, leases, encumbrances, or liens made or created on any real property located in this state by guardians for persons who are incompetent by reason of advanced age or mental or physical disability since August 17, 1919, by order of any court of this state shall not be declared invalid for the reason that the guardians for the incompetents were not vested with all the statutory powers given to guardians ... |
Section 2112.011 | Short title.
...Chapter 2112. of the Revised Code may be cited as the Adult Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act. |
Section 2112.26 | Notice of proceeding.
...If an application for the appointment of a guardian or issuance of a protective order is brought in this state and this state was not the respondent's home state on the date that the application was filed, in addition to complying with the notice requirements of this state, the applicant shall give notice of the application to those persons who would be entitled to notice of the application if a proceeding were... |
Section 2113.04 | Payment of wages of deceased employee without administration.
...(A) Any employer, including the state or a political subdivision, at any time after the death of an employee, may pay all wages or personal earnings due to the deceased employee to the following, preference being given in the order named, without requiring letters testamentary or letters of administration to be issued upon the estate of the deceased employee, and without requiring an Ohio estate tax release if ... |
Section 2113.041 | Request to financial institution to release account proceed to recover costs of services.
...(A) The administrator of the medicaid estate recovery program established pursuant to section 5162.21 of the Revised Code may present an affidavit to a financial institution requesting that the financial institution release account proceeds to recover the cost of services correctly provided to a medicaid recipient who is subject to the medicaid estate recovery program. The affidavit shall include all of the fol... |
Section 2113.06 | To whom letters of administration shall be granted.
...(A) Administration of the estate of an intestate shall be granted to persons mentioned in this division, in the following order: (1) To the surviving spouse of the deceased, if resident of the state; (2) To one of the next of kin of the deceased, resident of the state. (B) If the persons entitled to administer the estate under division (A) of this section fail to take or renounce administration voluntaril... |
Section 2113.07 | Application for appointment as executor or administrator.
...Before being appointed executor or administrator, every person shall make and file an application that shall contain the names of the surviving spouse and all the next of kin of the deceased known to the applicant, their addresses of usual residence if known, a statement in general terms of what the estate consists and its probable value, and a statement of any indebtedness the deceased had against the applica... |
Section 2113.17 | Creditor's claims before Special Administrator.
...A creditor's claim may be presented in accordance with section 2117.06 of the Revised Code to a special administration appointed under section 2113.15 of the Revised Code. |
Section 2113.22 | Proceedings against former executor or administrator.
...An executor or administrator appointed in the place of an executor or administrator who has resigned or been removed, whose letters have been revoked, or whose authority has been extinguished is entitled to the possession of all the unadministered personal effects and assets of the estate and all other funds collected and unaccounted for by the former executor or administrator, and may maintain a suit against t... |