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Ohio Revised Code Search

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Section 1313.52 | Fees of probate judge.

...The probate judge shall be entitled to the following fees for service performed under sections 1313.01 to 1313.59, inclusive, of the Revised Code: (A) For hearing and deciding each application, two dollars; (B) For appointing or removing an assignee or trustee, one dollar; (C) For filing assignment, inventory, and schedule, each, ten cents; (D) For filing other papers, each five cents; (E) For other services, th...

Section 1337.12 | Formality of execution.

... of the principal may be filed with the probate court for safekeeping, and the probate court shall designate the nomination as the nomination of a standby guardian. (4) If a guardian is appointed for the principal, a durable power of attorney for health care is not terminated, and the authority of the attorney in fact continues unless the court, pursuant to its authority under section 2111.50 of the Revised Co...

Section 1337.28 | Nomination of guardian; relation of agent to court-appointed fiduciary.

...der this division may be filed with the probate court for safekeeping, and the probate court shall designate the nomination as the nomination of a standby guardian. (E) As used in this section, "incompetent" has the same meaning as in section 2111.01 of the Revised Code.

Section 141.05 | Compensation of judges by county.

...t of common pleas and each judge of the probate court shall receive an annual compensation equal to eighteen cents per capita for the population of the county in which the judge resided when elected or appointed, as ascertained by the latest federal census of the United States. The annual compensation shall not be less than three thousand five hundred dollars nor more than fourteen thousand dollars and, except for an...

Section 1545.02 | Application to probate judge.

...of a park district shall be made to the probate judge of the county within which the district is to be located. Such application shall either be signed by a majority of the electors residing within the proposed district as determined by the number of electors voting at the most recent general election within such territory, or, in lieu thereof, shall be authorized by resolution adopted by the board of county commissi...

Section 1545.04 | Evidence - argument - judgment. taken as in other civil cases in the probate court, and the probate judge shall hear all arguments for and against the creation of such district. If he finds that such application is signed or authorized as provided in section 1545.02 of the Revised Code, and that the creation of such district will be conducive to the general welfare, he shall enter an order creating the district under the name specified in the ap...

Section 1545.06 | Removal of park commissioners - vacancy.

...may be removed at the discretion of the probate judge, either upon complaint filed with such judge or upon his own motion. No such removal shall be made without giving such commissioner not less than ten days' notice and a full opportunity to be heard in his own behalf in a public hearing. The order removing such commissioner shall state the reasons therefor and shall be entered upon the records of the probate court....

Section 1545.12 | Sale or lease of lands - notice - approval by probate court.

...rivate sale without the approval of the probate court of the county in which the lands are situated.

Section 1545.36 | Petition for dissolution of district.

...he board of park commissioners and the probate court that created the district. (B) The petition shall: (1) Be filed with the board no less than ninety days before the next election; (2) Be supported by the signatures of at least twenty-five per cent of the number of voters in the district who voted in the preceding gubernatorial election. (C) If the petition as filed does not have the required number of si...

Section 1545.40 | Dissolution.

...ponsibilities shall be exercised by the probate court until all of the board's business is completed and all of its property disposed of. The court may retain special counsel and another person who in the court's discretion are qualified to assist it in the closing out of business and disposal of property and any employee of the district the court determines is necessary to closing out the business or to maintaining ...

Section 1717.06 | Agents of county humane society.

...ffect until it has been approved by the probate judge of the county for which it is made. The mayor or probate judge shall keep a record of the appointments and shall maintain as a public record a copy of the proof of successful completion of training for each humane society agent acting within the approving authority's jurisdiction. (D) The approving authority shall notify the appropriate county sheriff and the bo...

Section 1719.07 | Articles of incorporation.

...te articles of incorporation. After the probate of such a will, and if within six months of such probate he or they do not file such articles, then a minority of the officials for the time being named in such will may execute, acknowledge, and file them, and therein must set forth: (A) A copy of the will to carry out whose provisions the corporation is organized; (B) The name of the corporation, including the name ...

Section 1923.04 | Notice - service.

...e known to the park operator: (1) If a probate court has granted letters testamentary or of administration for the estate of the adverse party in accordance with Title XXI of the Revised Code, the executor or administrator appointed by the probate court; (2) The deceased resident's spouse and any other members of the deceased resident's immediate family.

Section 2101.05 | Oaths and depositions.

...A probate judge may administer oaths, take acknowledgment of instruments in writing required to be acknowledged, and take depositions. Depositions taken according to sections 2319.05 to 2319.31, inclusive, of the Revised Code, to be used on the trial of civil cases, may be taken and used on the trial of any question before the probate court.

Section 2101.07 | Master commissioners - powers - fees.

...A special master commissioner of the probate court may administer all oaths required in the discharge of the commissioner's duties, may summon and enforce the attendance of witnesses, may compel the production of books and papers, and may grant adjournments the same as the court, and, when the court directs, the commissioner shall require the witnesses severally to subscribe the witnesses' testimony. All proc...

Section 2101.13 | Probate judge shall make entries omitted by his predecessor.

...When a probate judge, whether elected or appointed, enters upon the discharge of the judge's official duties, the judge shall make, in the books and other record-keeping materials of the judge's office, the proper records, entries, and indexes omitted by the judge's predecessors in office. When made, the entries shall have the same validity and effect as though they had been made at the proper time and by the ...

Section 2101.15 | Probate judge to file itemized account of fees with county auditor.

...h case, examination, or proceeding, the probate judge shall file an itemized account of fees received or charged by the judge. Not later than the fifteenth day of January, in each year, the judge shall file with the county auditor an account, certified by the judge, of all fees received by the judge during the preceding year. No judge shall fail to perform the duties imposed in this section. At the instance of any pe...

Section 2101.17 | Fees from county treasury.

...ed in this section shall be paid to the probate court from the county treasury upon the warrant of the county auditor which shall issue upon the certificate of the probate judge and shall be in full for all services rendered in the respective proceedings as follows: (A) For each hearing to determine if a person is an individualwith a mental illne...

Section 2101.20 | Reduction of fees.

...f fees and allowances collected by the probate judge in any calendar year exceeds by more than ten per cent the amount necessary to pay the salaries of the judge and the employees of the probate court, including court constables, for the same calendar year, the judge may, by an order entered on the judge's journal, provide for a discount of all the fees and allowances the judge is required to charge and collec...

Section 2101.25 | Optional jurisdiction of probate judge.

...ater supply system case is filed in the probate court, the judge may certify such cause to the court of common pleas of the county, together with all the papers filed therein, whereupon the clerk of the court of common pleas shall file said papers and enter said cause on the docket. Thereupon the court of common pleas shall have jurisdiction to hear, determine, and make record of said cause, as if commenced in such c...

Section 2105.061 | Real property subject to monetary charge of surviving spouse. the surviving spouse as found by the probate court. The certificate of transfer ordered by the probate court shall recite that the title to the real property described in the certificate is subject to the monetary charge in favor of the surviving spouse and shall recite the value in dollars of the charge on the title to the real property included in the certificate.

Section 2105.09 | Disposition of escheated lands.

...jority of its members, may request the probate court to direct the administrator or executor of the estate that contains the escheated property to commence an action in the probate court for authority to sell the real property in the manner provided in Chapter 2127. of the Revised Code. The proceeds from the sale of real property that is located outside the incorporated area of a city shall be distributed by th...

Section 2105.15 | Designation of heir at law.

... mind and memory may appear before the probate judge of the person's county and in the presence of the judge and two disinterested persons of that person's acquaintance, file a written declaration declaring that, as the person's free and voluntary act, the person did designate and appoint another, stating the name and place of residence of the other person specifically, to stand toward the person in the relati...

Section 2105.25 | Filing declaration alleging fatherhood of adult child. child may appear together before the probate judge of the county in which the man resides and jointly file a declaration stating that the man is the adult child's father and requesting that the court issue an order declaring the man to be the adult child's father. The declaration must state that the adult child's birth certificate does not designate anyone as the adult child's father, the request for the order is ...

Section 2106.04 | Failure to make election - presumption.

...If the surviving spouse dies before probate of the will, or, having survived the probate, thereafter either fails to make the election provided by section 2106.01 of the Revised Code or dies without having made an election within the times described in division (E) of that section, the surviving spouse shall be conclusively presumed to have elected to take under the will, and the surviving spouse and the heirs, devis...