Section 173.524 | Kosher meals.
An individual enrolled in the PASSPORT program may request that home-delivered meals provided to the individual under the PASSPORT program be kosher. If such a request is made, the department of aging or the department's designee shall ensure that each home-delivered meal provided to the individual under the PASSPORT program is kosher. In complying with this requirement, the department or department's designee shall require each entity that provides home-delivered meals to the individual to provide the individual with meals that meet, as much as possible, the requirements established in rules adopted under sections 173.52 and 173.522 of the Revised Code governing the home-delivered meal service while complying with kosher practices for meal preparation and dietary restrictions.
An entity that provides a kosher home-delivered meal to a PASSPORT program enrollee pursuant to this section shall be reimbursed for the meal at a rate equal to the rate for home-delivered meals furnished to PASSPORT program enrollees requiring a therapeutic diet.
Available Versions of this Section
- September 29, 2013 – House Bill 59 - 130th General Assembly [ View September 29, 2013 Version ]