Section 3709.071 | Election for union into single general health district.
If at least three per cent of the qualified electors residing within each of one or more city health districts and a general health district sign a petition for union into a single general health district, an election shall be held as provided in this section to determine whether a single general health district shall be formed. The petition for union may specify regarding the board of health of the new district:
(A) The qualifications for membership;
(B) The term of office;
(C) The number of members or a method by which the number may be determined from time to time;
(D) The method of appointment.
Such petition shall be filed with the boards of county commissioners of the respective counties affected, subject to approval of the director of health, and such boards shall promptly certify the text of the proposal to the boards of election for the purpose of having the proposal placed on the ballot at the next general election occurring more than ninety days after the filing of the petition with the boards of election. The election procedures provided in Chapter 3505. of the Revised Code for questions and issues shall be followed. If a majority of the electors voting on the proposal in each of the health districts affected vote in favor thereof, the union of such districts into a single general health district shall be established on the second succeeding January 1.
When the establishment of a combined health district has been approved by the electors of a general health district and one or more city health districts, the chairperson of the district advisory council and the chief executive of each city uniting with the general health district shall enter into a contract for the administration of health affairs in the combined district. Such contract shall conform to the provisions of section 3709.07 of the Revised Code regarding the contract for the administration of health affairs in a combined district, except that the date of the change of administration shall be as provided in this section and except for the specifications as to the board of health of the new district contained in the petition and submitted to the electors in the proposal to establish such district.
Available Versions of this Section
- July 2, 2010 – House Bill 48 - 128th General Assembly [ View July 2, 2010 Version ]