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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Chapter 3709 | Health Districts

Section 3709.01 | Health districts.

The state shall be divided into health districts. Each city constitutes a city health district.

The townships and villages in each county shall be combined into a general health district.

As provided for in sections 3709.051, 3709.07, and 3709.10 of the Revised Code, there may be a union of two or more general health districts, a union of two or more city health districts to form a single city health district, or a union of a general health district and one or more city health districts located within or partially within such general health district.

Section 3709.011 | Titles.

A board of health of a city or general health district or the authority having the duties of a board of health under section 3709.05 of the Revised Code may select the titles it uses to refer to itself, the health district it represents, or any health facility or other entity it operates. The titles may include any terms selected by the board or authority, including the term "public health."

Section 3709.012 | Study of merging city health district with general health district.

(A) Except as provided in division (F) of this section, not later than the date that is eighteen months after the official announcement of the result of a federal decennial census taken in a particular census year, including the 2020 census, a city with a population less than fifty thousand that is represented by a board of health of a city health district shall complete a study examining the efficiency and effectiveness of the city health district merging with the general health district of the county in which the city is located. As part of the study, the city shall compare the merger's efficiency and effectiveness with that of remaining as a separate health district.

(B) The director of health shall develop criteria to be used by the city described in division (A) of this section in determining whether such a merger is advisable. The criteria may include accreditation standards promulgated by the public health accreditation board.

(C) The director of health shall provide technical and financial assistance to each city described in division (A) of this section and shall oversee any efficiency and effectiveness study conducted.

(D) If, based on the criteria described in division (B) of this section, the study indicates that a merger would be efficient and effective, then the chief executive of the city shall enter into a contract with the district advisory council of the general health district that includes the city for the administration of health affairs in the former city health district and the merged general health district.

(E) If a merger is required by this section, the merger shall be completed not later than thirty months after the official announcement of the result of a federal decennial census, unless either of the following, as applicable, acts for good cause to delay implementation of the merger:

(1) In the case of a general health district consisting of a single county, the district advisory council of the general health district;

(2) In the case of a general health district consisting of more than one county as a result of a union of general health districts under section 3709.10 of the Revised Code, the district advisory council representing the county within the district where a majority of the population to be served by the merged general health district resides.

(F) This section does not apply to a city with a population less than fifty thousand whose city health district meets either of the following conditions regarding accreditation by an accreditation body approved by the director of health:

(1) The district has received accreditation and maintains its accreditation.

(2) The district is in the process of applying for accreditation on the effective date of this section , receives accreditation not later than December 31, 2025, and maintains its accreditation.

Last updated September 9, 2021 at 12:59 PM

Section 3709.02 | Board of health of general health district - term - expenses - vacancies - quorum.

(A) In each general health district there shall be a board of health consisting of five members to be appointed as provided in sections 3709.03 and 3709.41 of the Revised Code. The term of office of the members shall be five years from the date of appointment, except that of those first appointed one shall serve for five years, one for four years, one for three years, one for two years, and one for one year, and thereafter one shall be appointed each year. This paragraph does not apply to a combined board of health created under section 3709.07 of the Revised Code.

(B) Each member of the board shall be paid a sum not to exceed eighty dollars a day for the member's attendance at each meeting of the board. No member shall receive compensation for attendance at more than eighteen meetings in any year.

(C) Each member of the board shall receive travel expenses at rates established by the director of budget and management pursuant to section 126.31 of the Revised Code to cover the actual and necessary travel expenses incurred for travel to and from meetings that take place outside the county in which the member resides, except that any member may receive travel expenses for registration for any conference that takes place inside the county in which the member resides.

(D) A vacancy in the membership of the board shall be filled in the same manner as an original appointment and shall be for the unexpired term. When a vacancy occurs in a position to be filled by the district advisory council, the council shall hold a special meeting pursuant to section 3709.03 of the Revised Code for the purpose of appointing a member to fill the vacancy.

(E) A majority of the members of the board constitutes a quorum.

Section 3709.03 | General health district advisory council.

(A) There is hereby created in each general health district a district advisory council. A council shall consist of the president of the board of county commissioners, the chief executive of each municipal corporation not constituting a city health district, and the chairperson of the board of township trustees of each township. The board of county commissioners, the legislative body of a municipal corporation, and the board of township trustees of a township may select an alternate from among themselves to serve if the president, the chief executive, or the chairperson is unable to attend any meeting of the district advisory council. When attending a meeting on behalf of a council member, the alternate may vote on any matter on which the member is authorized to vote.

The council shall organize by selecting a chair and secretary from among its members. The council shall adopt bylaws governing its meetings, the transaction of business, and voting procedures.

The council shall meet annually in March at a place determined by the chair and the health commissioner for the purpose of electing the chair and the secretary, making necessary appointments to the board of health, receiving and considering the annual or special reports from the board of health, and making recommendations to the board of health or to the department of health in regard to matters for the betterment of health and sanitation within the district or for needed legislation. The secretary of the council shall notify the district health commissioner and the director of health of the proceedings of such meeting.

Special meetings of the council shall be held on the order of any of the following:

(1) The director of health;

(2) The board of health;

(3) The lesser of five or a majority of district advisory council members.

The district health commissioner shall attend all meetings of the council.

(B) The district advisory council shall appoint five members of the board of health, unless the board of health has established a health district licensing council under section 3709.41 of the Revised Code, in which case, the district advisory council shall appoint four members of the board of health, and the health district licensing council shall appoint one member of the board of health. At least one member of the board of health shall be a physician. Appointments shall be made with due regard to equal representation of all parts of the district.

(C) If at an annual or special meeting at which a member of the board of health is to be appointed fewer than a majority of the members of the district council are present, the council, by the majority vote of council members present, may organize an executive committee to make the appointment. An executive committee shall consist of five council members, including the president of the board of county commissioners, the council chair, the council secretary, and two additional council members selected by majority affirmative vote of the council members present at the meeting. The additional members selected shall include one representative of municipal corporations in the district that are not city health districts and one representative of townships in the district. If an individual is eligible for more than one position on the executive committee due to holding a particular office, the individual shall fill one position on the committee and the other position shall be filled by a member selected by a majority affirmative vote of the council members present at the meeting. A council member's alternate for annual meetings may serve as the member's alternate at meetings of the executive committee.

Not later than thirty days after an executive committee is organized, the committee shall meet and the council chair shall present to the committee the matter of appointing a member of the board of health. The committee shall appoint the board member by majority affirmative vote. In the case of a combined health district, the executive committee shall appoint only members of the board of health that are to be appointed by the district advisory council, unless the contract for administration of health affairs in the combined district provides otherwise. If a majority affirmative vote is not reached within thirty days after the executive committee is organized, the director of health shall appoint the member of the board of health under the authority conferred by section 3709.03 of the Revised Code.

If the council fails to meet or appoint a member of the board of health as required by this section or section 3709.02 of the Revised Code, the director of health may appoint the member.

Section 3709.04 | Director of health may appoint board for general health district.

If in any general health district the district advisory council fails to meet or to select a board of health, the director of health may appoint a board of health for such district which shall have and exercise all powers conferred on a board of health of a general health district.

Section 3709.05 | City health district board - compensation, term.

(A) Unless an administration of public health different from that specifically provided in this section is established and maintained under authority of its charter, or unless a combined city health district is formed under section 3709.051 of the Revised Code, the legislative authority of each city constituting a city health district shall establish a board of health. The board of health shall be composed of five members appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the legislative authority, unless the board of health has established a health district licensing council under section 3709.41 of the Revised Code, in which case, the mayor shall appoint four members of the board of health, confirmed by the legislative authority, and the health district licensing council shall appoint one member of the board of health.

(B) Each member of the board shall be paid a sum not to exceed eighty dollars a day for the member's attendance at each meeting of the board. No member shall receive compensation for attendance at more than eighteen meetings in any year.

(C) Each member of the board shall receive travel expenses at rates established by the director of budget and management pursuant to section 126.31 of the Revised Code to cover the actual and necessary travel expenses incurred for travel to and from meetings that take place outside the county in which the member resides, except that any member may receive travel expenses for registration for any conference that takes place inside the county in which the member resides.

(D) A majority of the members constitutes a quorum, and the mayor shall be president of the board.

(E) The term of office of the members shall be five years from the date of appointment, except that of those first appointed, one shall serve for five years, one for four years, one for three years, one for two years, and one for one year, and thereafter one shall be appointed each year.

A vacancy in the membership of the board shall be filled in like manner as an original appointment and shall be for the unexpired term.

Section 3709.051 | Formation of single city health district from two or more districts.

Two or more city health districts may be united to form a single city health district by a majority affirmative vote of the legislative authority of each city affected by the union.

If at least three per cent of the qualified electors residing within each of two or more city health districts sign a petition proposing a union into a single city health district, an election shall be held as provided in this section to determine whether a single city health district shall be formed. The petition for union may specify regarding the board of health of the new district:

(A) The qualifications for membership;

(B) The term of office;

(C) The number of members or a method by which the number may be determined from time to time;

(D) The method of appointment.

Such petition shall be filed with the boards of county commissioners of the respective counties affected, subject to approval of the director of health, and such boards shall promptly certify the text of the proposal to the boards of election for the purpose of having the proposal placed on the ballot at the next general election occurring more than ninety days after such certification. The election procedures provided in Chapter 3505. of the Revised Code for questions and issues shall apply to the election. If a majority of the electors voting on the proposal in each of the health districts affected vote in favor thereof, the union of such districts into a single city health district shall be established on the second succeeding first day of January.

Section 3709.052 | Contract for administration of public health affairs in combined district.

When a majority of the members of the legislative authority or a majority of the electors of each city constituting a city health district have voted affirmatively, the chief executives of the cities affected shall enter into a contract for the administration of public health affairs in the combined district. Such contract shall state the proportion of expenses of the board of health or health department of the combined district to be paid by each city. Unless the proposal establishing the district as contained in the petition and submitted to the electors provides for the board of health of the new district, the contract may provide that the administration of the combined district be taken over by either the board of health or the health department of one of the cities or by a combined board of health. If the contract provides for a combined board of health, the number of members of the board, their terms of office, and the method of appointment, shall be set forth in the contract. The contract shall designate the city in which the central office of the board of health shall be located. The city treasurer of such city shall be the custodian of the health funds of the combined district. The auditor of such city shall act as the auditor of the combined district and shall pay the expenses of the health program as approved by the board of health and signed by the health commissioner. A copy of such contract shall be filed with the director of health.

The service status of any person employed by a city health district shall not be affected by the creation of a combined district.

Last updated August 18, 2021 at 1:53 PM

Section 3709.06 | Director of health may appoint health commissioner for city.

If any city constituting a city health district fails to establish a board of health under section 3709.05 of the Revised Code, the director of health may appoint a health commissioner for such city, and fix the commissioner's salary and term of office. Such commissioner shall have the same powers and perform the duties granted to or imposed upon a board of health of a city health district, except that rules, regulations, or orders of a general nature, made by the commissioner and required to be published, shall be approved by the director. The salary of such commissioner and all necessary expenses incurred by the commissioner in performing the duties of the board shall be paid by and be a valid claim against such city.

Last updated August 18, 2021 at 1:54 PM

Section 3709.07 | Union of city with general health districts.

Except as provided in section 3709.071 of the Revised Code, when it is proposed that one or more city health districts unite with a general health district in the formation of a single district, the district advisory council of the general health district shall meet and vote on the question of union. It shall require a majority affirmative vote of the members of the district advisory council to carry the question. The legislative authority of each city constituting a city health district shall likewise vote on the question. A majority voting affirmatively shall be required for approval. When the majority of the district advisory council and the legislative authority have voted affirmatively, the chair of the council and the chief executive of each city shall enter into a contract for the administration of health affairs in the combined district. Such contract shall state the proportion of the expenses of the board of health or health department of the combined district t o be paid by the city or cities and by the original general health district. The contract may provide that the administration of the combined district shall be taken over by either the board of health or health department of one of the cities, by the board of health of the general health district, or by a combined board of health. Such contract shall prescribe the date on which such change of administration shall be made. A copy of such contract shall be filed with the director of health.

The combined district shall constitute a general health district, and the board of health or health department of the city, the board of health of the original general health district, or the combined board of health, as may be agreed in the contract, shall have, within the combined district, all the powers granted to, and perform all the duties required of, the board of health of a general health district.

The district advisory council of the combined general health district shall consist of the members of the district advisory council of the original general health district and the chief executive of each city constituting a city health district, each member having one vote.

If the contract provides that the administration of the combined district shall be taken over by a combined board of health, rather than the board of health of the original health district, the contract shall set forth the number of members of such board, their terms of office, and the manner of appointment or election of officers. One of the members of such combined board of health shall be a physician, and one member shall be an individual appointed by the health district licensing council, if such council is established under section 3709.41 of the Revised Code. The contract may also provide for the representation of areas by one or more members and shall, in such event, specify the territory to be included in each such area.

The appointment of any member of the combined board who is designated by the provisions of the contract to represent a city shall be made by the chief executive and approved by the legislative authority of such city. If a member is designated by the contract to represent more than one city, the member shall be appointed by majority vote of the chief executives of all cities included in any such area. Except for the member appointed by the health district licensing council, if such council is established, the appointment of all members of the combined board who are designated to represent the balance of the district shall be made by the district advisory council.

The service status of any person employed by a city or general health district shall not be affected by the creation of a combined district.

Last updated August 18, 2021 at 3:43 PM

Section 3709.071 | Election for union into single general health district.

If at least three per cent of the qualified electors residing within each of one or more city health districts and a general health district sign a petition for union into a single general health district, an election shall be held as provided in this section to determine whether a single general health district shall be formed. The petition for union may specify regarding the board of health of the new district:

(A) The qualifications for membership;

(B) The term of office;

(C) The number of members or a method by which the number may be determined from time to time;

(D) The method of appointment.

Such petition shall be filed with the boards of county commissioners of the respective counties affected, subject to approval of the director of health, and such boards shall promptly certify the text of the proposal to the boards of election for the purpose of having the proposal placed on the ballot at the next general election occurring more than ninety days after the filing of the petition with the boards of election. The election procedures provided in Chapter 3505. of the Revised Code for questions and issues shall be followed. If a majority of the electors voting on the proposal in each of the health districts affected vote in favor thereof, the union of such districts into a single general health district shall be established on the second succeeding January 1.

When the establishment of a combined health district has been approved by the electors of a general health district and one or more city health districts, the chairperson of the district advisory council and the chief executive of each city uniting with the general health district shall enter into a contract for the administration of health affairs in the combined district. Such contract shall conform to the provisions of section 3709.07 of the Revised Code regarding the contract for the administration of health affairs in a combined district, except that the date of the change of administration shall be as provided in this section and except for the specifications as to the board of health of the new district contained in the petition and submitted to the electors in the proposal to establish such district.

Section 3709.08 | Contract between boards of health.

(A) A board of health of a city or general health district or the authority having the duties of a board of health under section 3709.05 of the Revised Code may enter into a contract to provide some or all public health services for a board of health of another city or general health district.

(B) Each contract entered under division (A) of this section shall do all of the following:

(1) State the amount of money or the proportion of expenses to be paid by the board of health or authority having the duties of a board of health for such services and how it is to be paid;

(2) Specify the amount and character of the public health services to be provided;

(3) State the date on which the provision of services is to begin;

(4) State the length of time the contract is to be in effect.

(C) Except as provided in division (D) of this section, no contract entered into under division (A) of this section shall be in effect until both of the following are the case:

(1) The director of health determines that the board of health or authority having the duties of a board of health that is to provide the services is organized and equipped to provide the services. After such a determination is made, the board of health or authority having the duties of a board of health providing the services shall have, within the health district receiving the services, all the powers and shall perform all the duties required of the board of health or the authority having the duties of a board of health.

(2) One of the following, as applicable, is the case:

(a) If the contract is with a city constituting a city health district, the chief executive of that city, with the approval of the majority of the members of the legislative authority of that city, approves the contract.

(b) If the contract is with the board of health of a general health district, the chairperson of the district advisory council of the general health district, with the approval of a majority of the members of the district advisory council, approves the contract.

(c) If the contract is with an authority having the duties of a board of health under section 3709.05 of the Revised Code, the majority of the members of the authority's governing body approves the contract.

(D) A contract entered into under division (A) of this section that is for not all but for only one or some public health services provided by a board of health or the authority having the duties of a board of health shall neither require a determination by the director of health described in division (C)(1) of this section nor an approval by the persons described in division (C)(2)(a), (b), or (c), as applicable, to be effective.

Section 3709.085 | Contracts for enforcement services for air pollution control or supervision of sewage disposal systems.

(A) The board of health of a city or general health district may enter into a contract with any political subdivision or other governmental agency to obtain or provide all or part of any services, including, but not limited to, enforcement services, for the purposes of Chapter 3704. of the Revised Code, the rules adopted and orders made pursuant thereto, or any other ordinances or rules for the prevention, control, and abatement of air pollution.

(B)(1) As used in division (B)(2) of this section:

(a) "Semipublic disposal system" means a disposal system that treats the sanitary sewage discharged from publicly or privately owned buildings or places of assemblage, entertainment, recreation, education, correction, hospitalization, housing, or employment, but does not include a disposal system that treats sewage in amounts of more than twenty-five thousand gallons per day; a disposal system for the treatment of sewage that is exempt from the requirements of section 6111.04 of the Revised Code pursuant to division (F)(7) of that section; or a disposal system for the treatment of industrial waste.

(b) Terms defined in section 6111.01 of the Revised Code have the same meanings as in that section.

(2) The board of health of a city or general health district may enter into a contract with the environmental protection agency to conduct on behalf of the agency inspection or enforcement services, for the purposes of Chapter 6111. of the Revised Code and rules adopted thereunder, for the disposal or treatment of sewage from semipublic disposal systems. The board of health of a city or general health district may charge a fee established pursuant to section 3709.09 of the Revised Code to be paid by the owner or operator of a semipublic disposal system for inspections conducted by the board pursuant to a contract entered into under division (B)(2) of this section, except that the board shall not charge a fee for those inspections conducted at any recreational vehicle park, recreation camp, or combined park-camp that is licensed under section 3729.05 of the Revised Code or at any manufactured home park that is licensed under section 4781.27 of the Revised Code.

Section 3709.09 | Board of health to establish uniform system of fees; adoption of rules.

(A) The board of health of a city or general health district may, by rule, establish a uniform system of fees to pay the costs of any services provided by the board.

The fee for issuance of a certified copy of a vital record or a certification of birth shall not be less than the fee prescribed for the same service under division (A)(1) of section 3705.24 of the Revised Code and shall include the fees required by division (B) of section 3705.24 and section 3109.14 of the Revised Code.

Fees for services provided by the board for purposes specified in sections 3701.344, 3711.10, 3718.06, 3729.07, 3730.03, and 3749.04 of the Revised Code shall be established in accordance with rules adopted under division (B) of this section. The district advisory council, in the case of a general health district, and the legislative authority of the city, in the case of a city health district, may disapprove any fee established by the board of health under this division, and any such fee, as disapproved, shall not be charged by the board of health.

(B) The director of health shall adopt rules under section 111.15 of the Revised Code that establish fee categories and a uniform methodology for use in calculating the costs of services provided for purposes specified in sections 3701.344, 3711.10, 3718.06, 3729.07, 3730.03, and 3749.04 of the Revised Code. In adopting the rules, the director shall consider recommendations it receives from advisory boards established either by statute or the director for entities subject to the fees.

(C) Except when a board of health establishes a fee by adopting a rule as an emergency measure, the board of health shall hold a public hearing regarding each proposed fee for a service provided by the board for a purpose specified in section 3701.344, 3711.10, 3718.06, 3729.07, 3730.03, or 3749.04 of the Revised Code. If a public hearing is held, at least twenty days prior to the public hearing the board shall give written notice of the hearing to each entity affected by the proposed fee. The notice shall be mailed to the last known address of each entity and shall specify the date, time, and place of the hearing and the amount of the proposed fee.

(D) If payment of a fee established under this section is not received by the day on which payment is due, the board of health shall assess a penalty. The amount of the penalty shall be equal to twenty-five per cent of the applicable fee.

(E) All rules adopted by a board of health under this section shall be adopted, recorded, and certified as are ordinances of municipal corporations and the record thereof shall be given in all courts the same effect as is given such ordinances, but the advertisements of such rules shall be by publication in one newspaper of general circulation within the health district. Publication shall be made once a week for two consecutive weeks or as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code, and such rules shall take effect and be in force ten days from the date of the first publication.

Section 3709.091 | Failure to pay household sewage disposal system permit or inspection fee.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Household sewage treatment system" means any sewage treatment system, or part of such a system, for a single-family, two-family, or three-family dwelling that receives sewage.

(2) "Sewage" means liquid waste containing animal or vegetable matter in suspension or solution that originates from humans and human activities. "Sewage" includes liquids containing household chemicals in solution commonly discharged from a residence or from commercial, institutional, or other similar facilities.

(3) "Small flow on-site sewage treatment system" means a system, other than a household sewage treatment system, that treats not more than one thousand gallons of sewage per day and that does not require a national pollutant discharge elimination system permit issued under section 6111.03 of the Revised Code or an injection well drilling or operating permit issued under section 6111.043 of the Revised Code.

(B) If any owner, leaseholder, or assignee of real property fails to pay a fee as required by rule of a board of health of a city or general health district pursuant to section 3709.09 of the Revised Code for an operation permit for, or for inspection of, a household sewage treatment system or a small flow on-site sewage treatment system located on the real property, the health commissioner of the city or general health district or the commissioner's designated representative shall notify the owner, leaseholder, or assignee of the real property of the amount of the fee and any accrued penalties for late payment of the fee. The notice shall state, in boldface letters: "You have 30 days to object to the amount of the unpaid operation permit or inspection fee for your household sewage treatment system or small flow on-site sewage treatment system, as applicable, as designated in this notice, which may include accrued penalties for late payment of the fee. If you do not pay this amount as instructed herein within 30 days of receipt of this notice or object to this amount during that time period in accordance with the procedures set forth herein, the amount will be placed as a lien on your real property." The notice also shall explain how the owner, leaseholder, or assignee may pay the amount, or object to the amount in accordance with the procedures established by divisions (C) and (D) of this section.

Notice to the owner, leaseholder, or assignee shall be made by either of the following:

(1) Certified mail, overnight delivery service, hand delivery, or any other method that includes written evidence of receipt;

(2) The sheriff of the county in which the owner, leaseholder, or assignee to be served resides, in one or more of the methods provided in the Ohio Rules of Civil Procedure. The sheriff may charge reasonable fees for that service.

(C) Not later than thirty days after receipt under division (B) of this section of notification of the amount of an unpaid operation permit or inspection fee and any accrued late payment penalties, the owner, leaseholder, or assignee may object to the amount by delivering a written notice of objection to the health commissioner by any of the means provided for in division (B)(1) of this section. Not later than sixty days after receipt of the notice of objection, the county prosecutor, on behalf of the city or general health district, may file a civil action in the court of common pleas against the owner, leaseholder, or assignee. If the county prosecutor fails to commence suit within the sixty-day period, or if the action is commenced, but dismissed with prejudice before adjudication, the unpaid fee and any accrued late payment penalties are void and cannot be placed on the general tax list and duplicate as a lien against the real property.

(D) If, in accordance with division (C) of this section, the owner, leaseholder, or assignee objects to the amount of the unpaid operation permit or inspection fee and any accrued late payment penalties and the county prosecutor commences suit and prevails in the action, the owner, leaseholder, or assignee objecting shall pay the amount of the fee, any accrued late payment penalties, and the costs of the action, as determined by the court.

(E) If the owner, leaseholder, or assignee on which the notice required by division (B) of this section was served does not pay to the city or general health district the amount of an unpaid operation permit or inspection fee and any accrued late payment penalties within thirty days after receipt of the notice, or does not object to the amount in the manner provided in division (C) of this section, the health commissioner of the city or general health district or the commissioner's designated representative may certify, on or before the first Monday of September, the amount of the unpaid fee and any accrued late payment penalties to the county auditor to be placed on the general tax list and duplicate as provided in section 319.281 of the Revised Code.

Section 3709.092 | Transmission of fees.

(A) A board of health of a city or general health district shall transmit to the director of health all fees or additional amounts that the director requires to be collected under sections 3701.344, 3718.06, 3729.07, and 3749.04 of the Revised Code. The fees and amounts shall be transmitted according to the following schedule:

(1) For fees and amounts received by the board on or after the first day of January but not later than the thirty-first day of March, transmit the fees and amounts not later than the fifteenth day of May;

(2) For fees and amounts received by the board on or after the first day of April but not later than the thirtieth day of June, transmit the fees and amounts not later than the fifteenth day of August;

(3) For fees and amounts received by the board on or after the first day of July but not later than the thirtieth day of September, transmit the fees and amounts not later than the fifteenth day of November;

(4) For fees and amounts received by the board on or after the first day of October but not later than the thirty-first day of December, transmit the fees and amounts not later than the fifteenth day of February of the following year.

(B) The director shall deposit the fees and amounts received under this section into the state treasury to the credit of the general operations fund created in section 3701.83 of the Revised Code. Each amount shall be used solely for the purpose for which it was collected.

Section 3709.10 | Union of general health districts.

When it is proposed that two or more general health districts unite in the formation of one general health district, the district advisory council of each general health district shall meet and vote on the question of union. An affirmative majority vote of the district advisory council shall be required for approval. When the district advisory councils have voted affirmatively on the question, they shall meet in joint session and shall elect a board of health for the combined districts. Each original general health district shall be entitled to at least one member on the board of health of the combined districts.

When such union is completed, the district shall constitute a general health district and shall be governed in the manner provided for general health districts. When two or more general health districts unite to form one district, the office of the board of health shall be located at the county seat of the county selected by the joint board of district advisory councils.

When two or more general health districts have been combined into a single district, the county auditor of the county selected by the joint board of district advisory councils as the location of the central office of the board of health shall be the auditor of such district and the county treasurer of such county shall be the custodian of the health funds of such district. When the budget of such combined general health district is a matter for consideration, the members of the budget commissions of the counties constituting the district shall sit as a joint board for considering and acting on such budget.

Section 3709.11 | Organization of board of general health district - appointment of health commissioner - duties.

Within thirty days after the appointment of the members of the board of health in a general health district, they shall organize by selecting one of the members as president and another member as president pro tempore.

The board shall appoint a health commissioner upon such terms, and for such period of time, not exceeding five years, as may be prescribed by the board. The person appointed as commissioner shall be one of the following: a licensed physician; a person who is licensed as a certified nurse-midwife, clinical nurse specialist, or certified nurse practitioner and who specializes in public health; a licensed dentist; a licensed veterinarian; a licensed podiatrist; a licensed chiropractor; or the holder of a master's degree in public health or an equivalent master's degree in a related health field as determined by the members of the board of health in a general health district. Notice of such appointment shall be filed with the director of health.

The commissioner shall be secretary of the board, and shall devote such time to the duties of office as may be fixed by contract with the board. The commissioner shall be the executive officer of the board and shall carry out all orders of the board and of the department of health. The commissioner shall be charged with the enforcement of all sanitary laws and regulations in the district. The commissioner shall keep the public informed in regard to all matters affecting the health of the district.

When the commissioner is not a physician, certified nurse-midwife, clinical nurse specialist, or certified nurse practitioner, the board shall provide for adequate medical direction of all personal health and nursing services by the employment of a licensed physician, certified nurse-midwife, clinical nurse specialist, or certified nurse practitioner as medical director on either a full-time or part-time basis. The medical director shall be responsible to the board of health.

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Section 3709.12 | President pro tempore of board of city health district - meetings.

The board of health in a city health district shall elect one of its number president pro tempore, who shall preside in the absence of the chief executive and shall perform all duties incumbent upon the president. The board shall meet at least once in each calendar month for the transaction of business, and as much oftener as is necessary for the prompt and thorough transaction of its business. Special meetings of the board shall be called by the president or three members thereof.

Section 3709.13 | Appointment of clerk, nurses, physicians, and others by board of general health district.

In any general health district the board of health may, upon the recommendation of the health commissioner, appoint for full or part time service a public health nurse and a clerk and such additional public health nurses, physicians, certified nurse-midwives, clinical nurse specialists, certified nurse practitioners, and other persons as are necessary for the proper conduct of its work. Such number of public health nurses may be employed as is necessary to provide adequate public health nursing service to all parts of the district. Employees of the board, other than the commissioner, shall be in the classified service of the state, and all employees of the board may be removed for cause by a majority of the board.

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Section 3709.14 | Appointment of health commissioner, clerks, nurses, physicians, and others by board of city health district.

In any city health district, the board of health or person performing the duties of a board of health shall appoint for full or part time service a health commissioner and may appoint such public health nurses, clerks, physicians, and other persons as are necessary.

Section 3709.15 | Appointing sanitarians and nurses.

The board of health of a city or general health district may appoint as many persons for sanitary duty as the public health and sanitary conditions of the district require, and such persons shall have general police powers and be known as "sanitarians." The board may also appoint as many registered nurses for public health nurse duty as the public health and sanitary conditions of the district require, who shall be known as "public health nurses," and where such are appointed, the board may appoint licensed practical nurses as defined by section 4723.15 of the Revised Code. The legislative authority of the city may determine the maximum number of sanitarians and public health nurses and licensed practical nurses to be appointed.

The board of health of a city or general health district may provide nursing care and other therapeutic and supportive care services to maintain an ill or infirm person in a place of residence used as such person's home or elsewhere. The board shall charge and collect reasonable fees not to exceed the cost of service for such care from patients financially able to pay, or may accept payment for such services from persons or public or private agencies on behalf of the recipient, either directly or by contract with such persons or agencies. The fees shall be retained by the board and placed in a special fund to be known as the home health services fund, and shall be used by the board only for defraying the cost of personnel, equipment, supplies, rental of physical facilities including real property, utilities, and administrative costs in providing services under this section. The approval of the auditor of state referred to in section 5705.12 of the Revised Code shall not be required for the establishment of the fund.

The board, in addition, may contract with any individual or a public or private agency to furnish services authorized by this section on behalf of a city or general health district for such time and for such compensation as may be agreed upon by the board and the individual or agency. The compensation shall be paid by the board from the home health services fund, or from any other available fund of the board.

Section 3709.16 | Board determines duties and salaries of employees - employee insurance.

The board of health of a city or general health district shall determine the duties and fix the salaries of its employees.

No member of the board shall be appointed as health officer or ward physician.

The board of health of any health district may procure and pay all or any part of the cost of group life, hospitalization, surgical, major medical, sickness and accident insurance, or a combination of any of the foregoing types of insurance or coverage, for the health commissioner, the employees of the health district, and their immediate dependents, from the funds or budgets from which said health commissioner or employees are compensated for services, issued by an insurance company or a health insuring corporation duly authorized to do business in this state.

Notwithstanding section 3917.01 of the Revised Code, the board of health of any health district may purchase group life insurance authorized by this section by reason of payment of premiums therefor by the board from its funds, and such group life insurance may be issued and purchased if otherwise consistent with sections 3917.01 to 3917.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 3709.161 | Liability insurance.

(A) The board of health of a city or general health district may procure a policy or policies of insurance insuring the members of the board, the health commissioner, and the employees of the board against liability on account of damage or injury to persons and property resulting from any act or omission that occurs in the individual's official capacity as a member or employee of the board or resulting solely out of such membership or employment.

(B)(1) As used in this division, "health care professional" means all of the following:

(a) A dentist or dental hygienist licensed under Chapter 4715. of the Revised Code;

(b) A registered nurse or licensed practical nurse licensed under Chapter 4723. of the Revised Code;

(c) A person licensed under Chapter 4729. of the Revised Code to practice as a pharmacist;

(d) A person authorized under Chapter 4730. of the Revised Code to practice as a physician assistant;

(e) A person authorized under Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code to practice medicine and surgery, osteopathic medicine and surgery, or podiatry;

(f) A psychologist licensed under Chapter 4732. of the Revised Code;

(g) A veterinarian licensed under Chapter 4741. of the Revised Code;

(h) A speech-language pathologist or audiologist licensed under Chapter 4753. of the Revised Code;

(i) An occupational therapist, physical therapist, physical therapist assistant, or athletic trainer licensed under Chapter 4755. of the Revised Code;

(j) A licensed professional clinical counselor, licensed professional counselor, independent social worker, or social worker licensed under Chapter 4757. of the Revised Code;

(k) A dietitian licensed under Chapter 4759. of the Revised Code.

(2) The board of health of a city or general health district may purchase liability insurance for a health care professional with whom the board contracts for the provision of health care services against liability on account of damage or injury to persons and property arising from the health care professional's performance of services under the contract. The policy shall be purchased from an insurance company licensed to do business in this state, if such a policy is available from such a company. The board of health of a city or general health district shall report the cost of the liability insurance policy and subsequent increases in the cost to the director of health on a form prescribed by the director.

Section 3709.17 | Travel expense outside district.

When it is necessary for an employee of a board of health of a city or general health district to travel outside the district, such employee shall be reimbursed for travel and per diem expenses incidental to such travel. No employee of a board shall be reimbursed for such travel unless prior approval has been granted by the board.

Section 3709.18 | Infant welfare stations and prenatal clinics.

The board of health of a city or general health district may provide such infant welfare stations, prenatal clinics, and other measures for the protection of children as are necessary. It may also provide for the prevention and treatment of trachoma and may establish clinics or detention hospitals and provide the necessary medical and nursing service therefor.

Section 3709.19 | Record of proceedings and record of diseases - quarterly activity reports.

The secretary of the board of health of a city or general health district shall keep a complete and accurate record of the proceedings of the board together with a record of diseases reported to the health commissioner. The records shall be kept as required by the director of health.

In each general health district, the health commissioner shall prepare a quarterly report detailing the board's activities during the preceding three months. The secretary shall provide a complete and accurate copy of the record of proceedings of the board of health to the health commissioner for the purpose of preparing the report. The quarterly reports shall be submitted to the district advisory council on or before the first day of January, April, July, and October of each year.

On leaving office, the secretary shall turn over to the succeeding secretary all books, records, papers, and other matter belonging to the board.

Each board or person performing the duties of the board shall procure suitable books, blanks, and other things necessary to the transaction of its business. The forms shall be used as the director of health prescribes.

Section 3709.20 | Orders and regulations of board of city health district - hearing referees or examiners.

(A) The board of health of a city health district may make such orders and regulations as are necessary for its own government, for the public health, the prevention of restriction of disease, and the prevention, abatement, or suppression of nuisances. Orders and regulations not for the government of the board, but intended for the general public, shall be adopted, advertised, recorded, and certified as are ordinances of municipal corporations and the record thereof shall be given in all courts the same effect as is given such ordinances. In cases of emergency caused by epidemics of contagious or infectious diseases, or conditions or events endangering the public health, the board may declare such orders and regulations to be emergency measures, and such orders and regulations shall become effective immediately without such advertising, recording, and certifying.

(B) In any hearing conducted by the board of health of a city health district, general health district, or combined health district, the board may appoint a referee or examiner to conduct the hearing. In a hearing conducted by a board of health of a city health district, a combined health district, or a general health district at least one member of the board shall be present.

The referee or examiner appointed to conduct the hearing shall have the same powers and authority in conducting the hearing as is granted to the board. The referee or examiner shall have been admitted to the practice of law in the state and be possessed of such additional qualifications as the board may require. The referee or examiner shall submit to the board a written report setting forth his findings of fact and conclusions of law and a recommendation of the action to be taken by the board. A copy of such written report and recommendation of the referee or examiner shall, within five days of the date of filing thereof, be served upon the party or his attorney or other representative of record, by certified mail. The party may, within ten days of receipt of the copy of the written report or recommendation, file with the board written objections to the report and recommendation, which objections shall be considered by the board before approving, modifying, or disapproving the recommendation. The board may grant extensions of time to the party within which to file such objections.

No recommendation of the referee or examiner shall be approved, modified, or disapproved by the board until ten days after the service of the report and recommendation as provided in this section. The board may order additional testimony to be taken or permit the introduction of further documentary evidence. No recommendation shall be final until approved by a quorum of the entire board as indicated by an order on its record of proceedings.

Section 3709.21 | Orders and regulations of board of general health district.

The board of health of a general health district may make such orders and regulations as are necessary for its own government, for the public health, the prevention or restriction of disease, and the prevention, abatement, or suppression of nuisances. Such board may require that no human, animal, or household wastes from sanitary installations within the district be discharged into a storm sewer, open ditch, or watercourse without a permit therefor having been secured from the board under such terms as the board requires. All orders and regulations not for the government of the board, but intended for the general public, shall be adopted, recorded, and certified as are ordinances of municipal corporations and the record thereof shall be given in all courts the same effect as is given such ordinances, but the advertisements of such orders and regulations shall be by publication in a newspaper of general circulation within the district. Publication shall be made once a week for two consecutive weeks or as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code, and such orders and regulations shall take effect and be in force ten days from the date of the first publication. In cases of emergency caused by epidemics of contagious or infectious diseases, or conditions or events endangering the public health, the board may declare such orders and regulations to be emergency measures, and such orders and regulations shall become effective immediately without such advertising, recording, and certifying.

Section 3709.211 | Injunctive or other relief.

When an order of the board of health of a city or general health district made pursuant to section 3709.20 or 3709.21 of the Revised Code is not complied with in whole or in part, the board may petition the court of common pleas for injunctive or other appropriate relief requiring all persons to whom such order of the board is directed to comply with such order. The court of the county in which such offense is alleged to be occurring may grant such injunctive or other appropriate relief as the equities of the case require.

Section 3709.212 | Application of order or regulation for the public health or for prevention or restriction of disease.

Any order or regulation for the public health or for the prevention or restriction of disease issued by a board of health of a city or general health district under section 3709.20 or 3709.21 of the Revised Code may apply to only the following persons:

(A) Those who have been medically diagnosed with the disease that is the subject of the order or regulation;

(B) Those who have come in direct contact with someone who has been medically diagnosed with the disease that is the subject of the order or regulation;

(C) Those that have had a documented incident in the building of the disease that is the subject of the order or regulation.

As used in this section, "person" has the same meaning as in section 1.59 of the Revised Code.

Section 3709.22 | Duties of board of city or general health district.

Each board of health of a city or general health district shall study and record the prevalence of disease within its district and provide for the prompt diagnosis and control of communicable diseases. The board may also provide for the medical and dental supervision of school children, for the free treatment of cases of venereal diseases, for the inspection of schools, public institutions, jails, workhouses, children's homes, infirmaries, and county homes, and other charitable, benevolent, and correctional institutions. The board may also provide for the inspection of dairies, stores, restaurants, hotels, and other places where food is manufactured, handled, stored, sold, or offered for sale, and for the medical inspection of persons employed therein. The board may also provide for the inspection and abatement of nuisances dangerous to public health or comfort, and may take such steps as are necessary to protect the public health and to prevent disease.

In the medical supervision of school children, as provided in this section, no medical or surgical treatments shall be administered to any minor school child except upon the written request of a parent or guardian of such child. Any information regarding any diseased condition or defect found as a result of any school medical examination shall be communicated only to the parent or guardian of such child and if in writing shall be in a sealed envelope addressed to such parent or guardian.

Section 3709.23 | Laboratory work.

Each board of health of a city or general health district may provide for the carrying on of such laboratory work as is necessary for the proper conduct of its work. It may establish a district laboratory or may contract with any existing laboratory within or convenient to the district for the performance of such work or may unite with another district in the establishment of a joint laboratory. All state institutions supported in whole or in part by public funds shall furnish such laboratory service as may be required by any board under terms to be agreed upon. Any contract for the furnishing of laboratory service to a board and any proposal for the establishment of a joint laboratory shall be subject to the approval of the director of health. In the operation of such laboratories standard methods approved by the director shall be used.

Section 3709.24 | Free treatment for venereal diseases.

Each board of health of a city or general health district may provide for the free treatment of cases of gonorrhea, syphilis, and chancroid. It may establish and maintain one or more clinics for such purpose and may provide for the necessary medical and nursing service therefor. The board may provide for the quarantine of such carriers of gonorrhea, syphilis, or chancroid, as the director of health orders to be quarantined. It shall use due diligence in the prevention of such venereal diseases and shall carry out all orders and regulations of the department of health in connection therewith.

Section 3709.241 | Minor may give consent for diagnosis or treatment of venereal disease.

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a minor may give consent for the diagnosis or treatment of any sexually transmitted infection by a licensed physician, certified nurse-midwife, clinical nurse specialist, or certified nurse practitioner. Such consent is not subject to disaffirmance because of minority. The consent of the parent, parents, or guardian of a minor is not required for such diagnosis or treatment. The parent, parents, or guardian of a minor giving consent under this section are not liable for payment for any diagnostic or treatment service provided under this section without their consent.

Last updated February 18, 2025 at 5:46 PM

Section 3709.25 | Free distribution of antitoxin.

Each board of health of a city or general health district shall provide for the free distribution of antitoxin for the treatment of cases of diphtheria and shall establish sufficient distributing stations to render such antitoxin readily available in all parts of the district.

Section 3709.26 | Inspections of county institutions.

The health commissioner of a city or general health district may make frequent inspection of all county homes, children's homes, workhouses, jails, or other charitable, benevolent, or correctional institutions in the district, including physical examination of the inmates whenever necessary, and may make laboratory examinations of inmates as requested by any state or county official having jurisdiction over an institution.

Section 3709.27 | Establishment of detention hospitals.

The board of health of a city or general health district may establish detention hospitals for cases of communicable diseases and provide for the support and maintenance thereof. It may collect from persons committed to such hospitals the cost of the care and treatment of such persons while inmates therein. The expenses of such indigent persons as are committed to such hospitals shall be a proper charge against and shall be collected from the township or municipal corporation from which such person was sent to the hospital.

Section 3709.28 | Apportionment of appropriation; adoption of appropriation measures; apportionment by county auditor; district health fund.

(A) If a general health district will receive any part of its revenue for a fiscal year from an appropriation apportioned among the townships and municipal corporations composing the district, the board of health of the district shall adopt an itemized appropriation measure under this section for that fiscal year on or before the first day of April of the immediately preceding fiscal year. If a general health district will not receive any part of its revenue for a fiscal year from an appropriation apportioned among the townships and municipal corporations composing the district, the board of health of the district shall adopt an annual appropriation measure for that fiscal year under this section or sections 5705.38, 5705.39, and 5705.40 of the Revised Code.

(B) An appropriation measure adopted under this section shall set forth the amounts for the current expenses of the district for the ensuing fiscal year. The appropriation measure, together with an estimate in itemized form, of the several sources of revenue available to the district, including the amount due from the state for the next fiscal year as provided in section 3709.32 of the Revised Code and the amount which the board anticipates will be collected in fees or from any tax levied for the benefit of the district under this chapter or Chapter 5705. of the Revised Code during the fiscal year, shall be certified to the county auditor and by the county auditor submitted to the county budget commission, which may reduce the appropriation to be apportioned among the townships and municipal corporations composing the district in accordance with division (C) of this section.

(C) The aggregate appropriation, as fixed by the commission, less the amounts available to the general health district from all sources of revenue certified for the ensuing fiscal year, including any amounts in the district health fund from the previous appropriation, and after considering and allowing for funds needed to fund ongoing operations in the ensuing fiscal year, shall be apportioned by the county auditor among the townships and municipal corporations composing the health district on the basis of taxable valuations in such townships and municipal corporations. The auditor, when making the auditor's semiannual apportionment of funds, shall retain at each semiannual apportionment one-half of the amount apportioned to each township and municipal corporation. Such moneys shall be placed in a separate fund to be known as the "district health fund." Unless otherwise required by a provision of the Revised Code or a rule adopted pursuant thereto, all other sources of revenue of the district shall be placed in the district health fund, provided that the revenue is used and maintained in accordance with the purpose for which the revenue was received.

(D) When a general health district is composed of townships and municipal corporations in two or more counties, the county auditor making the original apportionment shall certify to the auditor of each county concerned the amount apportioned to each township and municipal corporation in such county. Each auditor shall withhold from the semiannual apportionment to each such township or municipal corporation the amount certified, and shall pay the amounts withheld to the custodian of the funds of the health district concerned, to be credited to the district health fund. In making the apportionment under this paragraph for each year from 2002 through 2016, the county auditor shall add to the taxable valuation of each township and municipal corporation the tax value loss determined for each township and municipal corporation under divisions (D) and (E) of section 5727.84 of the Revised Code multiplied by the percentage used for that year in determining replacement payments under division (A)(1) of section 5727.86 of the Revised Code. The tax commissioner shall certify to the county auditor the tax value loss for each township and municipal corporation for which the auditor must make an apportionment.

(E) Subject to the aggregate amount as has been apportioned among the townships and municipalities and as may become available from the several sources of revenue, the board of health may, by resolution, transfer funds from one item in their appropriation to another item, reduce or increase any item, create new items, and make additional appropriations or reduce the total appropriation. Any such action shall forthwith be certified by the secretary of the board of health to the auditor for submission to and approval by the budget commission.

(F) When any general health district has been united with or has contracted with a city health district located therein, the chief executive of the city shall, annually, on or before the first day of June, certify to the county auditor the total amount due for the ensuing fiscal year from the municipal corporations and townships in the district as provided in the contract between such city and the district advisory council of the original general health district. After approval by the county budget commission, the county auditor shall thereupon apportion the amount certified to the townships and municipal corporations, and shall withhold the sums apportioned as provided in this section.

Section 3709.281 | Agreement by a board of health to perform municipal services.

A board of health of a city or general health district may enter into an agreement with the legislative authority of a municipality in which such health district is totally or partially located, and such legislative authority may enter into an agreement with such board of health, whereby such board of health undertakes, and is authorized by such legislative authority to exercise any power, perform any function, or render any service, in behalf of such legislative authority which such legislative authority may exercise, perform, or render.

Upon the execution of such agreement and within the limitations prescribed by it, such board of health may exercise the same powers as such legislative authority possesses with respect to the performance of any function or the rendering of any service, which, by such agreement, it undertakes to perform or render, and all powers necessary or incidental thereto, as amply as such powers are possessed and exercised by such legislative authority directly. Any agreement authorized by this section does not suspend the possession by such legislative authority of any power or function exercised or performed by such board of health in pursuance of such agreement, and no board of health, by virtue of any agreement entered into under this section, shall acquire any power to levy taxes in behalf of such legislative authority unless approved by a majority of the electors of the municipality.

Every agreement entered into under this section shall provide, either in specific terms or by prescribing a method for determining the amounts, for any payments which are to be made by the legislative authority in consideration of the performance of the agreement. Such payments shall be made to the health fund of the health district.

Section 3709.282 | Participation and cooperation by board of health.

The board of health of any city or general health district may participate in, receive or give financial and other assistance, and cooperate with other agencies or organizations, either private or governmental, in establishing and operating any federal program enacted prior to or after November 6, 1969, by the congress of the United States.

Section 3709.283 | County establishing and operating any health program.

A board of county commissioners may give or receive financial or other assistance, cooperate with other agencies or organizations, either private or governmental, or otherwise participate in establishing and operating any health program conducted by a city or general health district.

Section 3709.29 | Special levy for general health districts.

If the estimated amount of money necessary to meet the expenses of a general health district program will not be forthcoming to the board of health of such district out of the district health fund because the taxes within the ten-mill limitation will be insufficient, the board of health shall certify the fact of such insufficiency to the board of county commissioners of the county in which such district is located. Such board of county commissioners is hereby ordained to be a special taxing authority for the purposes of this section only, and, notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, the board of county commissioners of any county in which a general health district is located is the taxing authority for such special levy outside the ten-mill limitation. The board of county commissioners shall thereupon, in the year preceding that in which such health program will be effective, by vote of two-thirds of all the members of that body, declare by resolution that the amount of taxes which may be raised within the ten-mill limitation will be insufficient to provide an adequate amount for the necessary requirements of such district within the county, and that it is necessary to levy a tax in excess of such limitation in order to provide the board of health with sufficient funds to carry out such health program. Such resolution shall be filed with the board of elections not later than four p.m. of the ninetieth day before the day of election.

Such resolution shall specify the amount of increase in rate which it is necessary to levy and the number of years during which such increase shall be in effect, which shall not be for a longer period than ten years.

The resolution shall conform to section 5705.191 of the Revised Code and be certified and submitted in the manner provided in section 5705.25 of the Revised Code, provided that the proposal shall be placed on the ballot at the next primary or general election occurring more than ninety days after the resolution is filed with the board of elections.

Section 3709.30 | Additional expense in case of epidemic.

In case of epidemic or threatened epidemic or during the unusual prevalence of a dangerous communicable disease, if the moneys in the district health fund of a general health district are not sufficient, in the judgment of the board of health of the district, to defray the expenses necessary to prevent the spread of such disease, the board shall estimate the amount required for this purpose and apportion it among the townships and municipal corporations in which the condition exists, on the basis provided for in section 3709.28 of the Revised Code. The estimate and apportionment shall be certified to the county auditor of the proper county, who shall draw an order on the clerk, fiscal officer, auditor, or other similar officer of each township or municipal corporation affected by it, for that amount. The clerk, fiscal officer, auditor, or other similar officer shall forthwith draw a warrant on the township fiscal officer or the treasurer of the municipal corporation for the amount of the certification, which shall be honored by the fiscal officer or treasurer from any general treasury balances subject to the fiscal officer's or treasurer's control, regardless of funds.

The clerk, fiscal officer, auditor, or other similar officer then shall set up an account to be designated as an emergency health account, showing a deficit in the account, and certify the action taken to the board of township trustees, legislative authority, or other body having the power to borrow money. That body then may exercise the powers provided for in section 3707.28 of the Revised Code. Moneys raised under this section shall be placed in the treasury of the borrowing subdivision and credited to the emergency health account, which shall then be closed, so that the moneys taken from general cash balances shall be restored thereto and the regular funds of the subdivision shall be restored thereby.

If there is not sufficient money in the general cash balances of the subdivisions to satisfy the warrant so drawn by the clerk, fiscal officer, auditor, or other similar officer, the township fiscal officer or the treasurer of the municipal corporation shall honor the warrant to the extent of the cash in the treasury, and the balance shall be certified by the clerk, fiscal officer, auditor, or other similar officer and the fiscal officer or treasurer, jointly, to the borrowing authority, which shall immediately exercise the powers provided for in this section, to raise the amount of the warrant. The proceeds of such action shall be paid into the general cash balance in the treasury of the subdivision, and the balance due on the warrant shall then be paid.

The warrants provided for in this section shall be drawn in favor of the county treasurer, as treasurer of the district health fund, and the proceeds shall go into the fund. A separate account shall be kept of expenditures under this section. If a greater amount is expended in any township or municipal corporation than the amount drawn therefrom by action under this section, the excess shall be charged against the subdivision at the next annual apportionment in addition to the amount apportionable to the subdivision under section 3709.28 of the Revised Code. If the amount drawn under this section is not wholly expended in any subdivision, the unexpended remainder shall be credited to the next annual apportionment to the subdivision.

Performance of the official duties imposed by this section on officers, boards, and legislative bodies may be enforced by mandamus on the relation of the board of health, which is hereby given special capacity to sue in a mandamus action. In any mandamus action, the return day of the alternative writ shall not be more than three days after the filing of the petition.

Section 3709.31 | Custodian of health fund - auditor - expenses.

The treasurer of a city which constitutes a city health district shall be the custodian of the health fund of such city health district. The county treasurer of a county which constitutes all or the major portion of a general health district shall be the custodian of the health fund of the general health district.

The county auditor of a county which constitutes all or a major portion of a general health district shall act as the auditor of the general health district. The auditor of a city which constitutes a city health district shall act as the auditor of a city health district.

Expenses of the board of health of a general health district shall be paid on the warrant of the county auditor issued on vouchers approved by the board of health and signed by the health commissioner or the commissioner's designee. Expenses of a board of health or health department of a city health district shall be paid on the warrant of the auditor of the city issued on vouchers approved by the board of health or health department of a city health district and signed by the health commissioner or the commissioner's designee. A designee of a health commissioner of a general or city health district may sign vouchers only if he has given bond to the board of health in the amount of one million dollars with a company authorized to conduct a surety business in this state as a surety to be held by the board and conditioned on the faithful performance of his duties. The expense or premium of the bond shall be paid by the board and charged to the health fund.

Section 3709.32 | Conditions for payment of state health district subsidy funds.

The president of each board of health providing health services in one or more health districts and the chief executive officer of each health department providing health services in one or more health districts shall, on or before the first day of March of each year, certify the amounts expended during the preceding calendar year which qualify for state health district subsidy funds under section 3701.342 of the Revised Code and rules adopted by the director of health. The director of health shall certify the amount payable under the state health district subsidy funds distribution formula adopted by the director of health under section 3701.342 of the Revised Code to the director of budget and management for payment. Payment shall not be made unless:

(A) The board or department has provided such information concerning services and costs as is requested by the director of health;

(B) The certificate of the board of health or health department has been endorsed by the director of health;

(C) The board or department has complied with section 3701.342 of the Revised Code and rules adopted by the director of health;

(D) The municipal corporations and townships composing the health district have provided adequate local funding for public health services. The director of health shall determine what constitutes adequate local funding, and may grant an exception to this requirement to a municipal corporation or township if unusually severe economic conditions prevent it from receiving adequate tax revenues to help support minimally acceptable public health services.

No state health district subsidy funds shall be granted to any board or department that decreases its appropriation for public health services in anticipation of using state funds to provide public health services normally supported by local revenues.

Section 3709.33 | Legal advisor in general health districts.

In general health districts the prosecuting attorney of the county constituting all or a major part of such district shall act as the legal advisor of the board of health. In a proceeding in which the board is a party the prosecuting attorney of the county in which such proceeding is instituted shall act as the legal representative of the board.

Section 3709.34 | Suitable quarters furnished.

The board of county commissioners or the legislative authority of any city may furnish suitable quarters for any board of health or health department having jurisdiction over all or a major part of such county or city.

Section 3709.341 | Conveyance of property to board of health.

The board of county commissioners may donate or sell property, buildings, and furnishings to any board of health of a general or combined health district. Upon acceptance by the board of health of the general or combined district, the board of county commissioners may convey the property, buildings, and furnishings to the board of health to be used as quarters by the board of health. The instrument conveying the property, buildings, and furnishings shall include a reverter clause that, in the event the board of health subsequently sells the property, buildings, and furnishings:

(A) Reverts the property, buildings, and furnishings to the board of county commissioners if they initially were donated by the board of county commissioners; or

(B) Specifies how the proceeds of the board of health's subsequent sale of the property, buildings, and furnishings shall be distributed, if they initially were sold by the board of county commissioners.

Section 3709.35 | Preferment of charges against health commissioner or member of board.

If the director of health charges that the health commissioner or a member of the board of health of a health district is guilty of misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance or has failed to perform any or all of the duties required by sections 3701.10, 3701.29, 3701.81, 3707.08, 3707.14, 3707.16, 3707.47, and 3709.01 to 3709.36 of the Revised Code, the director shall notify the commissioner or board member as to the time and place at which such charges will be heard. If the director, after hearing, finds the commissioner or board member guilty of the charge, it may remove such commissioner or member from office.

If the lesser of three or one-fifth of the members of a district advisory council have reason to believe a member of the board of health of a general health district is guilty of misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance or has failed to perform any or all of the duties required by sections 3701.10, 3701.29, 3701.81, 3707.14, 3707.16, 3707.47, and 3709.01 to 3709.36 of the Revised Code, the district advisory council members shall prefer a charge against the board member before the district advisory council and shall notify the board member as to the time and place at which such charges will be heard. If a majority of the council, after hearing, finds the board member guilty of the charge, it may remove the member from office.

When any member of the board of health of a general or city health district is removed from office, the district advisory council or the chief executive of the city, upon notice of such removal, shall within thirty days after receipt of such notice fill the vacancy in accordance with section 3709.03 or 3709.05 of the Revised Code.

Section 3709.36 | Board of health of city or general health district.

The board of health of a city or general health district hereby created shall exercise all the powers and perform all the duties formerly conferred and imposed by law upon the board of health of a municipal corporation, and all such powers, duties, procedure, and penalties for violation of the sanitary regulations of a board of health of a municipal corporation are transferred to the board of health of a city or general health district by sections 3701.10, 3701.29, 3701.81, 3707.08, 3707.14, 3707.16, 3707.47, and 3709.01 to 3709.36 of the Revised Code.

The board of health of a city or general health district or the authority having the duties of a board of health under section 3709.05 of the Revised Code shall, for the purpose of providing public health services, be a body politic and corporate. As such, it is capable of suing and being sued, contracting and being contracted with, acquiring, holding, possessing, and disposing of real and personal property, and taking and holding in trust for the use and benefit of such district or authority any grant or devise of land and any domain or bequest of money or other personal property.

Section 3709.37 | Statewide boards of health association.

By a majority vote of its members, a board of health of a city or general health district may join a statewide boards of health association. Any such board may appropriate from its health fund an amount sufficient to pay the annual dues established by such association.

Section 3709.38 | Payment of annual association dues of health commissioner.

A board of health of a city or general health district may appropriate from its health fund an amount to pay the annual dues for the health commissioner's membership in a statewide association of health commissioners.

Section 3709.41 | Health district licensing council.

(A) The board of health of each city and of each general health district may establish a health district licensing council, to be appointed by the entity that has responsibility for appointing the board of health in the health district. The members of the council shall consist of one representative of each business activity for which the board of health operates a licensing program. To be appointed and remain a member, an individual shall be a resident of the health district for which the council was created.

The appointing authority shall make initial appointments to the council not later than thirty days after the board of health establishes the council. Of the initial appointments to the council, one-third of the members, rounded to the nearest whole number, shall serve for a term ending three years after the date of appointment; one-third, rounded to the nearest whole number, shall serve for a term ending four years after the date of appointment; and the remaining members shall serve for a term ending five years after the date of appointment. Thereafter, terms of office shall be five years, with each term ending on the same day of the same month as did the term that it succeeds.

Each member shall hold office from the date of the member's appointment until the end of the term for which the member was appointed. Members may be reappointed.

Vacancies shall be filled in the manner provided for original appointments. Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which the member's predecessor was appointed shall hold office as a member for the remainder of that term. A member shall continue in office subsequent to the expiration date of the member's term until the member's successor takes office or until a period of sixty days has elapsed, whichever occurs first.

Members shall serve without compensation, except to the extent that serving on the council is part of their regular duties of employment.

(B) Each health district licensing council shall organize by selecting from among its members a chairperson, a secretary, and any other officers it considers necessary. Each council shall adopt bylaws for the regulation of its affairs and the conduct of its business.

Each council shall meet at least annually or at more frequent intervals if specified in its bylaws. In addition to the mandatory meetings, a council shall meet at the call of the chairperson or the request of a majority of the council members.

(C) Pursuant to sections 3709.03, 3709.05, and 3709.07 of the Revised Code, the health district licensing council, if established by the board of health, shall appoint one member of the board of health. The council shall appoint one of its members to serve as an alternate board of health member if for any reason the original member is required to abstain from voting on a particular issue being considered by the board of health. While serving on behalf of the original member, the alternate member has the same powers and duties as the original member.

Section 3709.42 | Authorization for use of credit card account.

(A) As used in this section:

(1) "Board of health" means a board of health of a city or general health district or the authority having the duties of a board of health under section 3709.05 of the Revised Code.

(2) "Credit card account" means any bank-issued credit card account, store-issued credit card account, financial institution-issued credit card account, financial depository-issued credit card account, affinity credit card account, or any other card account allowing the holder to purchase goods or services on credit or to transact with the account, and any debit or gift card account related to the receipt of grant moneys. "Credit card account" does not include a procurement card account, gasoline or telephone credit card account, or any other card account where merchant category codes are in place as a system of control for use of the card account.

(B) A board of health may authorize an officer or employee of the board to use a credit card account held by the board. Not later than three months after the effective date of this section, a board of health that holds a credit card account on the effective date of this section shall adopt a written policy for the use of credit card accounts. Otherwise, a board of health shall adopt a written policy before first holding a credit card account.

The policy shall include provisions addressing all of the following:

(1) The officers, positions, or appointees authorized to use a credit card account;

(2) The types of expenses for which a credit card account may be used;

(3) The procedure for acquisition, use, and management of a credit card account and presentation instruments related to the account including cards and checks;

(4) The procedure for submitting itemized receipts to the fiscal officer or the fiscal officer's designee;

(5) The procedure for credit card issuance, credit card reissuance, credit card cancellation, and the process for reporting lost or stolen credit cards;

(6) The credit card account's maximum credit limit or limits;

(7) The actions or omissions by an officer or employee that qualify as misuse of a credit card account.

(C) The name of the board of health shall appear on each presentation instrument related to the account including cards and checks.

(D) If the fiscal officer of the board of health does not retain general possession and control of the credit card account and presentation instruments related to the account including cards and checks, the board of health shall appoint a compliance officer to perform the duties enumerated under division (E) of this section. The compliance officer may not use a credit card account and may not authorize an officer or employee to use a credit card account. The fiscal officer is not eligible for appointment as compliance officer.

(E) The compliance officer and the board of health, at least quarterly, shall review the number of cards and accounts issued, the number of active cards and accounts issued, the cards' and accounts' expiration dates, and the cards' and accounts' credit limits.

(F) If the fiscal officer retains general possession and control of the credit card account and presentation instruments related to the account including cards and checks, and the board of health authorizes an officer or employee to use a credit card, the fiscal officer may use a system to sign out credit cards to authorized users. The officer or employee is liable in person and upon any official bond the officer or employee has given to the board of health to reimburse the health fund of the city or general health district the amount for which the member or employee does not provide itemized receipts in accordance with the policy described in division (B) of this section.

(G) The use of a credit card account for expenses beyond those authorized by the board of health constitutes misuse of a credit card account. An officer or employee or a public servant as defined under section 2921.01 of the Revised Code who knowingly misuses a credit card account held by the board of health violates section 2913.21 of the Revised Code.

(H) The fiscal officer or the fiscal officer's designee annually shall file a report with the board of health detailing all rewards received based on the use of the board's credit card account.

Section 3709.50 | Order or regulation may apply only to specific persons.

Notwithstanding anything in this chapter, a board of health of a city or general health district or the authority having the duties of a board of health under section 3709.05 of the Revised Code, or any person acting on the board's or authority's behalf, may issue an order or regulation that applies only to specific persons. Any order or regulation that applies to a class of persons in violation of this section is invalid and has no legal effect. As used in this section, "person" has the same meaning as in section 1.59 of the Revised Code.

Last updated May 4, 2021 at 1:26 PM

Section 3709.99 | Penalty.

(A) Whoever violates section 3709.20, 3709.21, or 3709.22 of the Revised Code or any order or regulation of the board of health of a city or general health district adopted in pursuance of those sections, or whoever interferes with the execution of an order or regulation of that nature by a member of the board or person authorized by the board, shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars or imprisoned not more than ninety days, or both. No person shall be imprisoned for the first offense, and the prosecution shall always be for a first offense unless the affidavit upon which the prosecution is instituted contains the allegation that the offense is a subsequent offense.

(B) Except in case of an emergency endangering the public health caused by an epidemic, an infectious or a communicable disease, or a disaster emergency condition or event, no prosecution for a violation of any regulation or order adopted pursuant to section 3709.20, 3709.21, or 3709.22 of the Revised Code shall take place until twenty days after the board of health of a city or general health district has notified the person subject to the regulation or order of the specific violation alleged. Any person notified by the board of a violation of any regulation or order of that nature may file an action for declaratory judgment pursuant to Chapter 2721. of the Revised Code to have determined whether the regulation or order is unreasonable or unlawful. No prosecution of that nature shall be commenced when, within the twenty-day period described in this division, the violation has been corrected. No prosecution of that nature shall be commenced until a declaratory judgment of that nature has been given.