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Section 4763.05 | Applying for initial certificate, license or registration.

A new version of Section 4763.05 exists that takes effect April 9, 2025View New Version

(A)(1)(a) A person shall make application for an initial state-certified general real estate appraiser certificate, an initial state-certified residential real estate appraiser certificate, an initial state-licensed residential real estate appraiser license, or an initial state-registered real estate appraiser assistant registration in writing to the superintendent of real estate on a form the superintendent prescribes. The application shall include the address of the applicant's principal place of business and all other addresses at which the applicant currently engages in the business of performing real estate appraisals and the address of the applicant's current residence. The superintendent shall retain the applicant's current residence address in a separate record which does not constitute a public record for purposes of section 149.43 of the Revised Code. The application shall indicate whether the applicant seeks certification as a general real estate appraiser or as a residential real estate appraiser, licensure as a residential real estate appraiser, or registration as a real estate appraiser assistant and be accompanied by the prescribed examination and certification, registration, or licensure fees set forth in section 4763.09 of the Revised Code. The application also shall include a pledge, signed by the applicant, that the applicant will comply with the standards set forth in this chapter; and a statement that the applicant understands the types of misconduct for which disciplinary proceedings may be initiated against the applicant pursuant to this chapter.

(b) Upon the filing of an application and payment of any examination and certification, registration, or licensure fees, the superintendent of real estate shall request the superintendent of the bureau of criminal identification and investigation, or a vendor approved by the bureau, to conduct a criminal records check based on the applicant's fingerprints in accordance with section 109.572 of the Revised Code. Notwithstanding division (L) of section 121.08 of the Revised Code, the superintendent of real estate shall request that criminal record information from the federal bureau of investigation be obtained as part of the criminal records check. Any fee required under division (C)(3) of section 109.572 of the Revised Code shall be paid by the applicant.

(2) For purposes of providing funding for the real estate appraiser recovery fund established by section 4763.16 of the Revised Code, the real estate appraiser board shall levy an assessment against each person issued an initial certificate, registration, or license and against current licensees, registrants, and certificate holders, as required by board rule. The assessment is in addition to the application and examination fees for initial applicants required by division (A)(1) of this section and the renewal fees required for current certificate holders, registrants, and licensees. The superintendent of real estate shall deposit the assessment into the state treasury to the credit of the real estate appraiser recovery fund. The assessment for initial certificate holders, registrants, and licensees shall be paid prior to the issuance of a certificate, registration, or license, and for current certificate holders, registrants, and licensees, at the time of renewal.

(B) An applicant for an initial general real estate appraiser certificate, residential real estate appraiser certificate, or residential real estate appraiser license shall possess experience in real estate appraisal as the board prescribes by rule. In addition to any other information required by the board, the applicant shall furnish, under oath, a detailed listing of the appraisal reports or file memoranda for each year for which experience is claimed and, upon request of the superintendent or the board, shall make available for examination a sample of the appraisal reports prepared by the applicant in the course of the applicant's practice.

(C) An applicant for an initial certificate, registration, or license shall be at least eighteen years of age, honest, and truthful and shall present satisfactory evidence to the superintendent that the applicant has successfully completed any education requirements the board prescribes by rule.

(D) An applicant for an initial general real estate appraiser or residential real estate appraiser certificate or residential real estate appraiser license shall take and successfully complete a written examination in order to qualify for the certificate or license.

The board shall prescribe the examination requirements by rule.

(E)(1) The board shall issue a residential real estate appraiser license, a residential real estate appraiser certificate, real estate appraiser assistant registration, or a general real estate appraiser certificate in accordance with Chapter 4796. of the Revised Code to an applicant if either of the following applies:

(a) The applicant holds a certificate, license, or registration in another state.

(b) The applicant has satisfactory work experience, a government certification, or a private certification as described in that chapter as a residential real estate appraiser, real estate appraiser assistant, or general real estate appraiser in a state that does not issue that certificate, license, or registration.

(2)(a) The board shall recognize on a temporary basis a certification or license issued in another state and shall register on a temporary basis an appraiser who is certified or licensed in another state if all of the following apply:

(i) The temporary registration is to perform an appraisal assignment that is part of a federally related transaction.

(ii) The appraiser's business in this state is of a temporary nature.

(iii) The appraiser registers with the board pursuant to this division.

(b) An appraiser who is certified or licensed in another state shall register with the board for temporary practice before performing an appraisal assignment in this state in connection with a federally related transaction.

(c) The board shall adopt rules relating to registration for the temporary recognition of certification and licensure of appraisers from another state. The registration for temporary recognition of certified or licensed appraisers from another state shall not authorize completion of more than one appraisal assignment in this state. The board shall not issue more than two registrations for temporary practice to any one applicant in any calendar year. The application for obtaining a registration under this division may include any of the following:

(i) A pledge, signed by the applicant, that the applicant will comply with the standards set forth in this chapter;

(ii) A statement that the applicant understands the types of misconduct for which disciplinary proceedings may be initiated against the applicant pursuant to this chapter;

(iii) A consent to service of process.

(d) A nonresident appraiser whose certification or license has been recognized by the board on a temporary basis and who is acting in accordance with this section and the board's rules is not required to obtain a license in accordance with Chapter 4796. of the Revised Code.

(F) The superintendent shall not issue a certificate, registration, or license to, or recognize on a temporary basis an appraiser from another state that is a corporation, partnership, or association. This prohibition shall not be construed to prevent a certificate holder or licensee from signing an appraisal report on behalf of a corporation, partnership, or association.

(G) Every person licensed, registered, or certified under this chapter shall notify the superintendent, on a form provided by the superintendent, of a change in the address of the licensee's, registrant's, or certificate holder's principal place of business or residence within thirty days of the change. If a licensee's, registrant's, or certificate holder's license, registration, or certificate is revoked or not renewed, the licensee, registrant, or certificate holder immediately shall return the annual and any renewal certificate, registration, or license to the superintendent.

(H)(1) The superintendent shall not issue a certificate, registration, or license to any person, or recognize on a temporary basis an appraiser from another state, who does not meet applicable minimum criteria for state certification, registration, or licensure prescribed by federal law or rule.

(2) The superintendent shall not refuse to issue a general real estate appraiser certificate, residential real estate appraiser certificate, residential real estate appraiser license, or real estate appraiser assistant registration to any person because of a conviction of or plea of guilty to any criminal offense unless the refusal is in accordance with section 9.79 of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 14, 2025 at 7:29 AM

Available Versions of this Section