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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 1501:14-1 | General Provisions

Rule 1501:14-1-01 | Definitions.

As used in Chapters 1501:14-1 to 1501:14-6 of the Administrative Code, except as may be otherwise specifically provided in the rules adopted pursuant to Chapter 1514. of the Revised Code:

(A) "Accident," as used in division (C) of section 1514.40 of the Revised Code, means an accident as defined in paragraph (h) of 30 C.F.R. 50.2.

(B) "Acid Drainage" means the flow of acid water resulting from a surface mining operation.

(C) "Acid Producing Material" means any material with a pH of 4.0 or less, or a calcium carbonate (CaCO3) deficiency of more than five tons of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) per one thousand tons of material.

(D) "Acid Water" means any water, the pH of which, as determined by standard methods, is below 6.0.

(E) "Applicant" means any person who applies for a surface mining permit pursuant to Chapter 1514. of the Revised Code.

(F) "Application" means a surface mining application for the permit required by Chapter 1514. of the Revised Code and division 1501:14 of the Administrative Code, and which is on a form prescribed by the chief.

(G) "Aquifer" means a consolidated or unconsolidated geologic formation or series of formations that are hydraulically interconnected and that have ability to receive, store, or transmit water.

(H) "Authorized representative of the miners" means the organization or, if applicable, the individual, authorized by the miners of a surface mining operation as the miners' representative.

(I) "Beneficial Use" means the use of lime mining wastes within a lime mining and reclamation area for land application when it is utilized for agronomic purposes at standard agronomic rates as determined by standard soil testing, for land reclamation in accordance with Chapter 1514. of the Revised Code and the rules adopted under it, including, but not limited to, use as fill material in quarries, and for any other purposes designated by the chief, including demonstration projects approved by the chief.

(J) "Building Permit" means a permit issued by a county, township, or municipal governmental authority which authorizes the construction of a commercial, industrial, residential, or public building. For construction of a building for which no building permit is necessary under the law, detailed plans and specifications may, at the chief's discretion, be accepted in lieu of a building permit.

(K) "Certified mine foreperson" means the person whom the operator of a surface mining operation places in charge of the conditions and practices at the mine, who is responsible for conducting workplace examinations under 30 C.F.R. part 56, as amended, and who has passed an examination for the position administered by the division of mineral resources management.

(L) "Chief" means the chief of the division of mineral resources management.

(M) "Contamination" means the degradation of quality in an underground water supply as a result of surface mining activity under Chapter 1514. of the Revised Code.

(N) "Contour" means to grade the affected area to a land configuration similar to that which existed prior to any mining, sufficient to achieve soil stability and control landslides, erosion, and sedimentation with adequate provisions for drainage appropriate to the intended future use.

(O) "Dam" means any artificial barrier together with appurtenant works, which either does or may impound water.

(P) "Delay Interval" means the nominal period of time between the detonation of successive explosive charges.

(Q) "Dewatering" means the withdrawal of ground water from an aquifer or saturated zone which may result in the lowering of the water level within the aquifer or saturated zone, or a decline of the potentiometric surface within that aquifer or saturated zone.

(R) "Dike" means any artificial barrier together with appurtenant works that will divert or restrain the flow of a stream or other body of water for the purpose of protecting an area from inundation by flood waters.

(S) "Diversion" means a channel with a ridge on the lower side which is constructed across the slope and is used for intercepting, directing, or channeling water.

(T) "Drainage Channel" means a natural or constructed watercourse or channel, having a definite bed and sides or banks, through which water flows.

(U) "Excavate" means to remove topsoil, overburden, minerals, or incidental coal from a natural deposit in the process of surface mining.

(V) "Fatality," as used in division (C) of section 1514.41 of the Revised Code, means a death of an individual at a mine.

(W) "Fill in quarries" means the discrete, controlled placement and compaction of lime mining wastes within the mined area of a quarry which is permitted and bonded under Chapter 1514. of the Revised Code. The purposes of the fill include, but are not limited to, raising the general contour back to an approximate original elevation, backfilling highwalls, creating safety egress areas, and fish and wildlife habitat. "Fill in quarries" does not include random deposition of non-calcined materials.

(X) "Grade" means to reshape the affected area to a reasonably smooth configuration to achieve soil stability and control landslides, erosion, and sedimentation, with adequate provisions for drainage appropriate to the intended future use.

(Y) "Ground water" means all water occurring in an aquifer.

(Z) "Hazardous condition" means an unsafe condition at a surface mining operation that could reasonably be expected to cause death or serious physical harm due to the violation of a safety standard contained in 30 C.F.R. part 56 or 58.

(AA) "Haul Road" means any road used to transport minerals from the area of land affected.

(BB) "Highwall" means the steeply inclined unexcavated face of exposed consolidated materials or exposed consolidated overburden in an open cut of a surface mine.

(CC) "Impervious Material" means a material through which fluid does not readily pass because of low porosity, very small individual pores, or pores that are disconnected.

(DD) "Incidental to construction work" means the extraction of minerals which is necessary to enable the construction to be accomplished, but does not include generalized site development for the future use of commercial, industrial or residential building construction for which no building permit has been issued.

(EE) "Life-threatening injury," as used in division (D) of section 1514.41 of the Revised Code, means an accident or injury as defined in paragraphs (h)(2) to (h)(12) of 30 C.F.R. 50.2.

(FF) "Lime Mining Wastes" means residual solid or semisolid materials generated from lime or limestone mining and processing operations, including, without limitation, lime kiln dust, scrubber sludge from kiln operations, lime or limestone materials not meeting product specification, lime hydrating materials, and other lime or limestone mining, processing, or calcining materials associated with lime or limestone mining or processing. "Lime Mining Wastes" does not include materials generated for the manufacture of cement.

(GG) "Lost-time accident," as used in rule 1501:14-2-09 of the Administrative Code, means the same as a "Non-Fatal Days Lost incident" and an "NFDL incident" as used by MSHA and includes any accident or occupational injury that caused no fatality but that resulted in days away from work or days of restricted work activity for an employee at a surface mining operation.

(HH) "Mine safety training" means any training relating to mine safety provided by the division of mineral resources management or such other training relating to mine safety as otherwise permitted or required by Chapter 1514. of the Revised Code or these rules.

(II) "Mining Area" means:

(1) An area of land affected by the removal of topsoil, overburden, minerals or minerals and incidental coal in the production of such minerals or minerals and incidental coal. Mining areas are not considered contiguous if connected solely by haul roads;

(2) For purposes of application for an exemption for extraction of incidental coal, calculation of production or revenues derived from incidental coal extraction, and compliance with or reporting on an incidental coal exemption, an individual excavation site or pit from which coal, other minerals, and overburden are removed.

(JJ) "MSHA" means the mine safety and health administration in the United States department of labor.

(KK) "Occupational injury" means occupational injury as defined in paragraph (e) of 30 C.F.R. 50.2.

(LL) "Operator" means any person engaged in surface mining who removes minerals, or minerals and incidental coal, from the earth by surface mining or who removes overburden for the purpose of determining the location, quality, or quantity of a mineral deposit. "Operator" also means any person engaged in in-stream mining who removes minerals from the bottom of the channel of a watercourse by in-stream mining.

(MM) "Peak Design Flow" means the maximum rate of runoff that can be expected to occur at a specific location on the average of once in twenty-five years during a twenty-four hour period, except that where adjoining property may be damaged the peak design flow is the maximum rate of runoff to be expected on the average of once in fifty years during a twenty-four hour period.

(NN) "Permittee" means an operator who has been issued a surface mining permit by the chief.

(OO) "Person" means an individual, partnership, corporation, business trust, estate, trust, association, or other legal entity, or any political subdivision, instrumentality or agency of the state or the United States.

(PP) "Probable hydrologic impacts" is applicable to the use of lime mining wastes in rule 1501:14-6-01 of the Administrative Code and means the projected result of proposed surface mining operations which may reasonably be expected to change the quantity or quality of the surface and ground water, the flow, timing, or pattern of the surface and ground water, and the stream channel conditions on or off the proposed permit area or amended area.

(QQ) "Production" means excavating minerals, or minerals and incidental coal, from a natural deposit for the purpose of commercial use or sale.

(RR) "Quadrangle" means the United States geological survey (U.S.G.S.) 7.5 minute topographic map in which the proposed permit area is located.

(SS) "Quadrangle Sketch" means that section of the appropriate county road map which clearly shows the location of the permit area or proposed permit area and appears on the map submitted with the application. Appropriate county road maps are those published by the Ohio department of transportation or by the appropriate county engineer.

(TT) A "qualified person" means a person who has met compliance with an approved detailed training plan in accordance with division (E) of section 1514.47 of the Revised Code and rule 1501:14-2-08 of the Administrative Code so as to be qualified to conduct and document examinations at a surface mining operation for the purposes of 30 C.F.R. part 56, as amended.

(UU) "Resoil" means to distribute topsoil and subsoil, or substitute resoiling material.

(VV) "Restrict" means the use of reasonable means including, but not limited to, fencing, earthen barriers, or confining vegetation to prevent access to areas that pose a danger to the public or to domestic animals.

(WW) "Rules adopted under," "rules adopted pursuant thereto," "rules thereunder," or "these rules" means all rules contained in Chapters 1501:14-1 to 1501:14-6 of the Administrative Code.

(XX) "Seedbed" means an area of land prepared, prior to planting, to promote the germination of seed and the growth of seedlings.

(YY) "Significant" means the addition of any of the following activities when those activities are not currently approved in the permit plan:

(1) Blasting activities;

(2) Dewatering activities;

(3) Vertical or horizontal expansion of a permit area that would result in an increase to the geographical area to which the water replacement provisions of rule 1501:14-5-03 of the Administrative Code would apply;

(4) The beneficial use of lime mining wastes (LMW); or

(5) Other amendments that the chief determines, within the framework of those performance standards contained in Chapter 1514. of the Revised Code, would increase the likelihood that the mining operation may have a negative impact on the public.

(ZZ) "Slope Angle" means the inclination of a surface from the horizontal, expressed in degrees.

(AAA) "Stemming" means the inert material used in a blasthole to confine the gaseous products formed upon explosion.

(BBB) "Surface mining" means all or any part of a process followed in the production of minerals from the earth or from the surface of the land by surface excavation methods, such as open pit mining, dredging, placering, or quarrying, and includes the removal of overburden for the purpose of determining the location, quantity, or quality of mineral deposits, and the incidental removal of coal at a rate less than one-sixth the total weight of minerals and coal removed during the year, but does not include: test or exploration boring; mining operations carried out beneath the surface by means of shafts, tunnels, or similar mine openings; the extraction of minerals, other than coal, by a landowner for the landowner's own noncommercial use where such material is extracted and used in an unprocessed form on the same tract of land; the extraction of minerals, other than coal, from borrow pits for highway construction purposes, provided that the extraction is performed under a bond, a contract, and specifications that substantially provide for and satisfy reclamation practices consistent with the requirements of Chapter 1514. of the Revised Code; the removal of minerals incidental to construction work, provided that the owner or person having control of the land upon which the construction occurs, the contractor, or the construction firm possesses a valid building permit; the removal of minerals to a depth of not more than five feet, measured from the highest original surface elevation of the area to be excavated, where not more than one acre of land is excavated during twelve successive calendar months; routine dredging of a watercourse for purely navigational or flood control purposes during which materials are removed for noncommercial purposes, including activities conducted by or on behalf of a conservancy district, organized under Chapter 6101. of the Revised Code, for flood control purposes that are exempt from permitting under section 10 of the "Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899," 30 Stat. 1151, 33 U.S.C. 403, as amended; or the extraction or movement of soil or minerals within a solid waste facility, as defined in section 3734.01 of the Revised Code, that is a sanitary landfill when the soil or minerals are used exclusively for the construction, operation, closure, and post-closure care of the facility or for maintenance activities at the facility.

(CCC) "Surface Mining Permit" or "permit" means the permit issued by the chief pursuant to Chapter 1514. of the Revised Code and division 1501:14 of the Administrative Code.

(DDD) "Surrounding Areas" means those areas within one thousand feet of the beneficial use area or a greater distance based upon site specific characteristics, to allow an adequate description of the geology and quality and quantity of the groundwater and surface water.

(EEE) "Terrace" means to grade in alternate slopes and plateaus to achieve soil stability and control landslides, erosion, and sedimentation, with adequate provisions for drainage appropriate to the intended future use.

(FFF) "Topographic Relief" means the difference in elevation between the highest and lowest elevations of the area depicted on any map submitted pursuant to Chapter 1514. of the Revised Code and division 1501:14 of the Administrative Code.

(GGG) "Year" means twelve successive calendar months.

(HHH) For dates of federal rules and federal laws referenced in this rule, see rule 1501:14-1-16 or rule 1501:14-2-01 of the Administrative Code.

Last updated June 27, 2024 at 9:14 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1514.02, 1514.08, 1514.40
Amplifies: 1514.01, 1514.02, 1514.40, 1514.41, 1514.42, 1514.43, 1514.46, 1514.47
Five Year Review Date: 6/27/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 1/15/1975, 7/28/2005
Rule 1501:14-1-02 | Severability.

The validity of any rule or portion thereof, adopted or amended by the chief, pursuant to Chapter 1514. of the Revised Code, will not be affected by the invalidity of any other rule or portion thereof adopted or amended thereunder by the chief.

Last updated February 1, 2024 at 8:25 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1514.08
Amplifies: 1514.08
Five Year Review Date: 2/1/2029
Rule 1501:14-1-03 | Successor division.

Unless expressly provided to the contrary by any rule or any section of the Revised Code, any rule adopted or amended by the chief pursuant to Chapter 1514. of the Revised Code shall apply to, and be the rule of, any division or other unit of the department of natural resources, which by virtue of a consolidation or reorganization pursuant to section 121.07 of the Revised Code, or by legislative action, succeeds to the responsibility of the division of mineral resources management to administer and enforce Chapter 1514. of the Revised Code.

Last updated February 1, 2024 at 8:25 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1514.08
Amplifies: 1514.08
Five Year Review Date: 2/1/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 2/15/2003
Rule 1501:14-1-04 | Procedure for filing applications.

(A) An application for a surface mining permit or for an amendment to a surface mining permit will not be deemed filed when it is received by the chief unless the application contains all substantial information required by Chapter 1514. of the Revised Code and rules adopted pursuant thereto.

(B) Each application for a surface mining permit or for an amendment to a surface mining permit shall be in the format required by the chief and be filed at the address, "Division of Mineral Resources Management, 2045 Morse Road, Building H, Columbus, Ohio 43229."

(C) Each application for a surface mining permit or for an amendment to a surface mining permit shall contain such attachments as are required by Chapter 1514. of the Revised Code and rules adopted pursuant thereto.


(1) An application for a surface mining permit or an amendment to a surface mining permit or any other form that requires a signature of an applicant or permittee shall be signed by:

(a) The operator, if the applicant or permittee is a sole proprietorship;

(b) Any partner, if the applicant or permittee is a partnership;

(c) Any officer or director, if the applicant or permittee is a corporation;

(d) Any other person who has a right to control or in fact controls the management of the applicant or the selection of officers, directors, or managers of the applicant, if such person is so designated in the permit application as having such authority; or

(e) Any other person who is the authorized agent of the applicant or permittee for purpose of signing and is so designated in the application.

(2) One copy of any form that requires a signature of an applicant or permittee shall have an original signature in ink or electronic signature of a person who meets the requirements of paragraph (D)(1) of this rule.

Last updated February 1, 2024 at 8:25 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1514.08
Amplifies: 1514.011, 1514.02
Five Year Review Date: 2/1/2029
Rule 1501:14-1-05 | Permit transfers.

(A) Transfer of permit rights.

(1) Submission of an application for transfer of a surface mining permit is necessary for any person seeking to succeed by transfer to the rights granted by a permit. The chief will prescribe forms for the application that request, at a minimum:

(a) The name and address of the existing permittee and the permit number;

(b) The information required by divisions (A)(1), (A)(7), and (A)(8) of section 1514.02 of the Revised Code for the applicant proposing to succeed by transfer, and if applicable, the name and address of that person's statutory agent;

(c) The signatures of the applicant and the current permit holder, and

(d) A sworn statement by the applicant for the transfer as required by division (A)(14) of section 1514.02 of the Revised Code.

(2) If the applicant complies with the requirement of paragraph (A)(1) of this rule, the chief will grant written approval of the transfer of rights under a permit if the chief first finds, that:

(a) The applicant is eligible to obtain a permit in accordance with division (B) of section 1514.02 of the Revised Code; and

(b) The person seeking the transfer will conduct the operations covered by the permit in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 1514. of the Revised Code and these rules and that any orders by the chief outstanding at the time of the transfer of the permit will be complied with in accordance with a schedule for such work approved with the transfer.

(3) Upon notification from the chief of the chief's intent to issue an order granting a transfer of a permit, the applicant for the transfer will file with the chief all of the documents listed in paragraphs (A)(3)(a) to (A)(3)(c) of this rule. The name of the applicant on each document in paragraphs (A)(3)(a) to (A)(3)(c) of this rule is to be identical to the name of the applicant in paragraphs (A)(1) and (A)(2) of this rule:

(a) Performance bond coverage for the permit in accordance with section 1514.04 of the Revised Code;

(b) A certificate of public liability insurance as required by division (A)(13) of section 1514.02 of the Revised Code; and

(c) A copy of a deed, lease, or other instrument that authorizes entry upon the land within the permit by the applicant if surface rights in the land are not owned by the applicant for the transfer.

(4) Upon receipt of the documents required in paragraph (A)(3) of this rule, the chief will issue an order granting the transfer of the permit applied for.

Last updated June 27, 2024 at 9:15 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1514.08
Amplifies: 1514.02
Five Year Review Date: 9/11/2025
Prior Effective Dates: 5/15/2015
Rule 1501:14-1-08 | Certificate of public liability insurance.

(A) Public liability insurance required by division (A)(13) of section 1514.02 of the Revised Code is effective from the date of issuance of the permit until the release of the final portion of the performance bond.

(B) A rider requiring that the insurer notify the chief of termination of the policy or failure to renew is necessary for any public liability insurance policy.

(C) The permittee's proof of insurance coverage may be submitted on a form provided by the chief or on a form provided by the insurance provider that includes, at a minumim:

(1) The name of the permittee covered by the policy, or if the insured is not the permittee, the name(s) of the operator(s) or operation(s) covered by the policy;

(2) The policy number;

(3) The policy period;

(4) The amount of coverage; and

(5) The name, address, and telephone number of the insurance provider.

(D) At the request of the chief, the permittee is to provide proof of insurance.

Last updated June 27, 2024 at 9:16 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1514.08
Amplifies: 1514.011, 1514.02
Five Year Review Date: 11/30/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 9/7/1996, 10/6/2011, 8/22/2016
Rule 1501:14-1-09 | Payment of fees and filing of performance bond.

(A) Required fees and surety bond, cash, an irrevocable letter of credit, or certificates of deposit are to be filed by the applicant within the time prescribed by the chief in the notification of intention to issue an order granting a surface mining permit, a renewal of a surface mining permit, or an amendment to a surface mining permit.

(1) The requirement of division (A) of section 1514.04 of the Revised Code that the applicant file a surety bond, cash, an irrevocable letter of credit, or certificates of deposit in the amount of ten thousand dollars do not apply to permits of twenty or fewer acres issued prior to August 15, 2002. For these permits, any of the following is to be filed: a surety bond, cash, an irrevocable letter of credit, or certificates of deposit in the amount of two thousand dollars, or five hundred dollars per acre of land to be affected, whichever is greater.

(2) The requirement of division (A) of section 1514.04 of the Revised Code that, if the amount of land to be affected is more than twenty acres, the applicant file a surety bond, cash, an irrevocable letter of credit, or certificates of deposit in the amount of five hundred dollars per acre of land to be affected that exceeds twenty acres apply to all surface mining applications and to all existing permits regardless of issuance date.

(B) If the applicant fails to file the required fees and/or surety bond, cash, letter of credit, or certificates of deposit within the time prescribed by the chief pursuant to paragraph (A) of this rule, the chief will issue an order denying the issuance of the surface mining permit, renewal of the surface mining permit, or amendment to the surface mining permit, except that the chief may extend such time for good cause shown.

(C) All performance bond is to be filed in the name of the applicant or permittee and in a format prescribed by the chief and shall meet the requirements for signature specified in paragraph (D) of rule 1501:14-1-04 of the Administrative Code.

(D) All performance bond is to be filed at the address, "Division of Mineral Resources Management, Bonding Section, 2045 Morse Road, Building H, Columbus, Ohio 43229."

(E) If the performance bond is in the form of a certificate of deposit, the applicant is to submit to the chief the original certificate of deposit and the assignment for the certificate of deposit.

(F) The required fees are to be deposited with the treasurer of state to the credit of the mining regulation and safety fund created under section 1513.30 of the Revised Code.

Last updated June 27, 2024 at 9:17 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1514.08
Amplifies: 1514.011, 1514.02, 1514.021, 1514.03, 1514.04
Five Year Review Date: 6/27/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 1/15/1975, 2/15/2003, 10/6/2011
Rule 1501:14-1-12 | Maps: general requirements, uniform color code and map symbols.

(A) Submit maps along with permit applications, renewal applications, and annual and final reports, as required by Chapter 1514. of the Revised Code and these rules, except that a map need not be submitted along with the annual report if there has been no affectment of the land surface or the mining area has not expanded laterally during the year, and no additional affectment of the land surface or lateral expansion of the mining area is expected during the next year.

(B) All acreage figures required to be reported or estimated by Chapter 1514. of the Revised Code or these rules shall be to the nearest one-tenth of an acre.

(C) All maps required by Chapter 1514. of the Revised Code and these rules shall conform to the following standards:

(1) Submitted in triplicate, except that at the time of initial filing of an application for a surface mining permit, only two copies of the application map need be submitted;

(2) Locate the north direction at the top of the map, designated by an arrow in the upper left hand corner of the map;

(3) Drawn to a scale of the map either one inch equals one hundred feet, one inch equals two hundred feet, one inch equals three hundred feet, or one inch equals four hundred feet, as is sufficient for the map to show the requirements of division (A)(11) of section 1514.02 of the Revised Code;

(4) Include a contour interval of the map at two feet, five feet, ten feet, or twenty feet, as is adequate to show the topographic relief of the proposed area;

(5) Place the quadrangle sketch, not to exceed six inches by six inches, in the upper right hand corner of the map and identify sufficient landmarks to locate the permit area or the proposed permit area, and include the name of the quadrangle utilized;

(6) Place a legend below the quadrangle sketch, which will utilize the symbols described in paragraph (F) of this rule;

(7) Include a notarized certification made by the preparer of the map, placed below the legend. The certification shall be signed and attested to before a notary public, and read: "I, the undersigned, hereby certify that this map is correct, and shows to the best of my knowledge and belief all the information required by the surface mining laws of the state."

(8) Place a title block in the lower right hand corner of the map, and include the following information if applicable:

(a) The title of the map, i.e. application, amendment, renewal, annual, progress, final, or reclamation;

(b) The name of the applicant or permittee;

(c) The permit number;

(d) The township and range designation;

(e) The location coordinates of the approximate geographical center of the proposed or existing permit site, be given in state plane coordinates, derived from the appropriate 7.5 minute U.S.G.S. topographic map, or latitude and longitude;

(f) The name of the township and county;

(g) The section, lot, or survey numbers;

(h) The scale and contour interval of the map;

(i) The date when the map was prepared or, when applicable, the dates when it was prepared and revised; and

(j) The municipal corporation.

(D) In addition to the requirements of paragraph (C) of this rule, include the following for all annual maps, final maps, and renewal maps:

(1) A summary, by mining area and for the permit area, in the chronological order in which it occurred, the number of acres affected to date and the number of acres to be reclaimed;

(2) A listing, for each mining area and for the permit area, of the acres estimated to be affected during the next year; and

(3) A listing for the permit area of: the acres that have had a grading release but not a planting release; the acres that have had a planting release; the acres that have had a total bond release; and the acres previously released that are now reaffected.

(E) All maps required by Chapter 1514. of the Revised Code or these rules shall utilize the following uniform color code:

(1) Designate the perimeter of the proposed or existing permit area with a solid black line highlighted in yellow;

(2) Designate the area proposed in an amendment by a solid black line, with its area shaded yellow, and the perimeter of the existing permit area designated by a solid black line highlighted in yellow;

(3) Designate the perimeter of the cumulative area actually affected by a solid orange line;

(4) Designate the perimeter of the area to be reclaimed, i.e., area on which mining has been completed during the permit year, with a solid red line;

(5) Designate the perimeter of the area estimated to be affected during the next permit year, including areas to be reaffected, by a dashed red line, with the areas to be reaffected shaded in orange;

(6) Any area which has been shown to be reclaimed on a previous map but has not had a performance bond release shaded pink;

(7) When more than one mining area exists within a permit area, identify each by name or number;

(8) Record the number of the permit year in which an area was reported to be reclaimed, in paragraph (E)(4) of this rule, in such area;

(9) Designate any area upon which grading, contouring or terracing, and resoiling has been completed and a performance bond release request is being submitted by purple cross-hatching;

(10) Designate any area upon which permanent planting or a permanent water impoundment has been completed and a performance bond release request is being submitted by green cross-hatching;

(11) Shade any area upon which grading has been released, but not planting, purple;

(12) Designate any area upon which all performance bond has been released by black cross-hatching;

(13) Shade any area to be deleted from the permit, green;

(14) Designate the perimeter of any area of topsoil, subsoil, or suitable substitute resoiling material storage with a dashed black line, and shade the area included therein brown; and

(15) Show existing and proposed sediment ponds and permanent impoundments on the map and identified by name or number.

(F) Utilize the following uniform symbols for all maps and drawings required by Chapter 1514. of the Revised Code or these rules:

Permanent impoundments

Sediment ponds

Existing bodies of water


Overflow pipe (show inside diameter)

Electric distribution line

Electric transmission line (5kv or greater)


Gas line

Oil line

Water line

Occupied building

Unoccupied building

Mineral outcrop line

Final highwall

Beginning point

Ending point

Direction arrow (to show how mining will proceed)

Test holes

Contour lines

Property lines


Diversion ditch

Natural drainage

Pumped drainage

Natural drainage (intermittent flow)

Haul road

Hard surface road

Gravel road or driveway

Oil well

Gas well

Water well

Deep mine shaft

Drift or slope mine entry

Areas to be planted in trees (only needed if entire area is not to be planted in trees)

Existing highwall or active mining face

Toe of spoil or overburden

Cross section

Proposed spoil area


Last updated February 1, 2024 at 8:26 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1514.08
Amplifies: 1514.05, 1514.03, 1514.021, 1514.02, 1514.011
Five Year Review Date: 2/1/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 1/15/1975, 9/7/1996
Rule 1501:14-1-14 | Reports.

Any reports required to be filed by Chapter 1514. of the Revised Code shall will not be deemed filed when received by the chief unless the reports contain all substantial information required by Chapter 1514. of the Revised Code and rules adopted pursuant thereto.

Last updated February 8, 2024 at 1:00 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1514.08
Amplifies: 1514.011, 1514.02, 1514.021, 1514.03, 1514.08
Five Year Review Date: 2/1/2029
Rule 1501:14-1-15 | Public notice of hearing to adopt, amend, or rescind rules.

(A) Public notices of hearings to adopt, amend, or rescind rules, which are conducted by the Ohio department of natural resources, division of mineral resources management, shall be given in the register of Ohio as required by Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. The website for the register of Ohio is

(B) Public notice of a hearing to adopt, amend, or rescind rules shall be given at least thirty days prior to the hearing. The notice shall: state the division's intention to consider adopting, amending, or rescinding rules; include a synopsis of the proposed rules, amendments, or rules to be rescinded, or a general statement of the subject matter to which such proposed rules, amendments or rescissions relate; state the reason or purpose for adopting, amending, or rescinding the rules; and enumerate the date, time, and place of the hearing on the proposed action, which shall not be earlier than the thirty-first nor later than the fortieth day after the proposed rules, amendments or rescissions are filed. The notice shall also state the place where a copy of the proposed rules, amendments or rescissions may be obtained. The chief shall provide a copy of the public notice to anyone who requests it and pays a reasonable fee, not to exceed the cost of copying and mailing.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 10:07 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1514.08, 1514.081, 1514.13, 1514.40
Amplifies: 1514.08, 1514.081, 1514.13, 1514.40
Five Year Review Date: 11/30/2026
Prior Effective Dates: 2/15/2003
Rule 1501:14-1-16 | Incorporation by reference.

(A) The Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) references listed in Chapter 1501:14-1 and Chapters 1501:14-3 to 1501:14-6 of the Administrative Code are those published on the following date(s): for Title 30, July 1, 2023; for Title 40, July 1, 2023. These regulations can generally be found in public libraries or electronically at the website These regulations are:

(1) 30 C.F.R. 50.2.

(2) 30 C.F.R. parts 56 and 58, as amended.

(3) 40 C.F.R. parts 122, 123, and 136, as amended.

(B) The federal laws listed in these rules are those published in the 2018 edition of the United States Code (U.S.C.), dated January 14, 2019, as supplemented in 2021, effective January 5, 2023. These laws can generally be found in public libraries or electronically at the website These laws are:

(1) Section 5(a) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, 16 U.S.C. 1271 et seq., as amended.

(2) The Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq., as amended.

(3) The Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, 33 U.S.C. 403, as amended.

Last updated June 27, 2024 at 9:18 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 1514.08, 1514.081, 1514.40
Amplifies: 121.71 to 121.75, 1514.01, 1514.02, 1514.10, 1514.40
Five Year Review Date: 6/27/2029
Prior Effective Dates: 9/17/2010, 10/6/2011, 12/18/2017, 11/26/2020, 2/14/2022