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This website publishes administrative rules on their effective dates, as designated by the adopting state agencies, colleges, and universities.

Chapter 3362-4 | Finance and Administration

Rule 3362-4-01 | Purchasing authority.

(A) General purchasing rule

(1) Pursuant to section 3362.04 of the Revised Code, the board of trustees of Shawnee state university has statutory authority to make and enter into all contracts and agreements necessary or incidental to the operation of the university.

(2) The board of trustees has delegated, to designated positions within the university, the authority to sign contracts on behalf of the university as outlined in policy 5.27.

(B) Procurement services department

(1) Procurement services is charged with the responsibility of organizing and administering procurements for all departments of the university in accordance with this rule, state law, and where applicable, the rules and programs of the department of administrative services.

(2) University departments may purchase supplies or services from external vendors, using a requisition/purchase order (preferred), a request for payment form, a blanket order, or a petty cash voucher.

(3) Procedures related to this rule describe the established processes that are to be followed for university procurement, including but not limited to, competitive bidding, minority set asides, conditions required for bid waiver, use of a university credit card, and disposal of surplus property.

(C) Unauthorized purchases

Except as noted in this rule, no individual has the authority to enter into purchase contracts or to in any way obligate the university for procurement indebtedness unless specifically authorized to do so by the vice president for finance and administration. Individuals who make or participate in making unauthorized purchases or contracts may be personally liable to the vendor. Exclusive of the petty cash procedures, the university will not reimburse officers or employees for the cost of any such purchases unless approval is received.

(D) Ethical and legal issues related to the purchasing process

(1) Conflict of interest; university personnel will not enter into contracts for the purchase of materials or services which would constitute an unlawful interest in a public contract as addressed in Ohio's ethics statutes and advisories from the ethics commission.

(2) Personal gifts; some vendors, particularly vendors of office and computer supplies, may offer free gifts (such as video games, briefcases, and accessory items) with an order. Acceptance of such gifts by any university employee is inappropriate and prohibited.

(3) Personal purchases; purchases for personal use or in the name of the university are prohibited.

(4) Purchases by individuals for university use; purchases by individuals for university use, whether by cash, credit card, or check are strictly prohibited, except when approval by the budget manager is obtained prior to the purchase being made. Recurring exceptions for the benefit of the same individual/department also requires the approval of the director of procurement services or designee.

(5) Promotional items; Shawnee state university regulates and controls the use of the university's name or other marks, logos, and symbols. All requests for use of the university's name or other marks, logos, and symbols must be forwarded to the director of communications and the director of procurement or the designee of the vice president for finance and administration for prior approval. The procurement of all promotional and award related items on behalf of the entire university is to be handled through the department of procurement. The items include but are not limited to "printed" items; "marketing" items such as pens, pencils, bookmarks, balloons, and t-shirts; and "award" items such as plaques and trophies.

Last updated October 15, 2024 at 1:54 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3362.03
Amplifies: 3362.03
Rule 3362-4-03 | Asset management.

(A) Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to ensure the appropriate managerial oversight and authority is established for the effective control, recording, and reporting of the university's assets.

(B) Oversight authority and responsibility

(1) The chief financial officer will be authorized to oversee the management of assets including setting and/or modifying asset capitalization thresholds considering generally accepted accounting principles, federal grant guidelines, valuations performed by appropriate officials, objective assessments, and practices followed by comparable institutions.

(2) The office of the controller will manage the university's asset management program including assuring the accuracy in the recording and reporting of the university's assets as well as monitoring regulations and industry trends to identify the necessity for policy modification.

(C) Reporting

The board of trustees will be informed of any proposed changes to capitalization thresholds that may have substantial financial implications.

(D) Procedures

A procedure shall be established that addresses the management of the university's assets.

Last updated February 26, 2024 at 8:53 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3362.03
Amplifies: 3362.03
Rule 3362-4-04 | Travel Authority and driving rules.

(A) Rule purpose

Shawnee state university desires for its employees and students to experience the educational benefits of traveling, to represent the university at appropriate venues, and to broaden the reach of the university community to other regions of the nation and the world. Further, Shawnee state university is committed to the safety of its faculty, staff, students and visitors while traveling for any university-sponsored activity. The purpose of this rule is to establish and manage reasonable rules that govern the travel and assures the safety of all travelers for university-sponsored activities.

(B) Authority for travel

All travel (same-day and overnight) domestic and international must be authorized and approved in advance by the appropriate administrative supervisor. Such approval indicates that the employee is authorized to travel on official university business and that related travel expenses will be covered per this rule and associated procedures.

(C) Procedures

(1) Travel authorities - business rules

Travelers must comply with business rules including but not limited to those that address: reimbursement of travel expenses travel by privately-owned vehicles, travel by common carrier or rental vehicles, lodging for overnight travel and meal expenses, conference registration fees, and expenses associated with interviewing applicants as established by university business procedures found at: travel authority: business rules.

(2) Driving rules - university sponsored activities

Drivers to university - sponsored activities must have in their possession at all times a valid driver's license and proof of insurance as required by law. Where applicable, driver(s) must complete a motor vehicle record check in accordance with procedure to this rule.

Last updated October 15, 2024 at 1:55 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3362.03
Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 12/8/1989, 6/10/1994
Rule 3362-4-07 | Meeting expenditures.

(A) Policy purpose

In order to advance the mission and to perform an important or necessary university function, the president and vice presidents are authorized to use or to approve the use of university funds for holding meetings and hosting university guests, including costs of meals and refreshments.

(B) Restrictions

(1) In general, university funds may be used to cover the cost of meals and refreshments in the following circumstances:

(a) When meetings are necessary for the purpose of dealing with major or important issues that require a large uninterrupted period of time and would run through lunch or dinner or be longer than one day.

(b) When hosting one or more university guests would serve to establish or maintain effective communications and relationships for the benefit of the university.

(2) Reimbursement or payment of university funds to cover costs for meals and refreshments that are associated with group meetings or hosting will be determined based upon the following:

(a) When hosting a university guest, the number of university employees and spouses (when appropriate) is kept to a minimum.

(b) The basis for reimbursement and/or payment of costs shall be actual reasonable costs supported by receipts or vendor invoices. University funds may not be used to purchase alcoholic beverages (see rule 3.19).

(c) University facilities should be used for group meetings and hosting guests whenever possible and appropriate. The rental of an off-campus facility may be made in limited circumstances with written approval by the applicable vice president.

Last updated December 19, 2022 at 8:51 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 12/26/2016
Rule 3362-4-11 | Cash management.

(A) Oversight and authority

(1) Shawnee state university shall manage the handling and depositing of all forms of currency including cash and other receipts in accordance with accepted fiscal regulatory standards.

(2) The oversight authority for this effort resides with the vice president for finance and administration or designee. The office of the controller is charged with establishing appropriate controls for the effective day-to-day handling of currency.

(3) The office of the controller is the only entity authorized to open and/or operate a Shawnee state university bank account. All others, including student organizations, are prohibited from opening a separate bank account which utilizes the name or tax identification number of Shawnee state university.

(B) Collection/handling of money

(1) Requests for approval to charge admission, or to collect money, in any form, must be obtained in writing from the office of the controller. Such requests must be submitted through the administrative chain of officials and authorized by the appropriate vice president or president (for direct reports).

(2) Per section 9.38 of the Revised Code, all university departments or individuals receiving cash, checks or credit card payments from any source are required to deposit such funds in the bursar's office within twenty four hours of receipt or on the next business day.

(3) University representatives receiving cash must maintain auditable records and follow procedures set by the office of the controller (e.g., retain copies of deposit receipts, deposit transmittal forms, etc.).

(C) Credit cards

University offices interested in accepting credit card payments must obtain approval from the office of the controller prior to executing any agreements related to the acceptance and/or handling of credit card payments following established procurement guidelines

(D) Charitable gifts

All charitable gifts to Shawnee state university are to be forwarded to the Shawnee state university development foundation (SSUDF) following the established timelines in accordance with university and SSUDF guidelines.

(E) Procedures

Procedures for cash management and related functions shall be established and made available at the office of the controller's website.

Last updated October 15, 2024 at 1:55 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3362.03
Amplifies: 3362.03
Rule 3362-4-12 | University reserves.

In order to promote both financial stability and to encourage future development of programs and staff, the board of trustees of Shawnee state university recognizes a need to establish an orderly process for appropriating university reserves.

Allocated funds or reserves are accumulated university resources within the educational and general fund that have been set aside for a specific purpose and are to be expended only for that purpose and only when current-year revenues are not sufficient to meet the approved expenditure needs unless otherwise authorized by the Shawnee state university board of trustees.

(A) Reserve or allocated fund balance categories

The board of trustees hereby establishes the following reserve or allocated fund balance categories. These categories are examples and should not be considered as all inclusive. The board of trustees may add, delete, and otherwise amend this list at any board meeting through the resolution process. Reserve or allocated fund balance categories include those listed below:

(1) Building alteration, this fund provides for repairing, replacing, and modernizing university buildings and attached equipment, including (but not limited to) heating, ventilating and air conditioning, phones, networking, plumbing, carpeting, and electrical equipment and installations.

(2) Faculty and staff development, this fund encourages professional development of university employees.

(3) Movable equipment, this fund provides for the replacement of movable equipment necessary for the operation of the university.

(4) Program development, this fund provides start-up money to assist in the development of new educational programming.

(5) Unemployment compensation, this fund is established to assist in the funding of unexpected unemployment claims. Shawnee is a reimbursable employer per section 4141.241 of the Revised Code. Claims are paid by the Ohio bureau of employment services, and the university is billed each month for claims paid.

(6) Site improvements, this fund provides for repairing, replacing and/or modernizing parking lots, sidewalks, roads, and outdoor lighting, as well as care of grounds and other site improvements.

(7) Legislative or other reserve requirement, these funds are reserved in accordance with any legislative or other legal mandate governing unrestricted educational and general revenues.

(8) Departmental funds, funds held in reserve by departments or cost centers as a result of unspent budgetary allocations or dedicated revenues not spent.

(9) Working capital, this fund assures that the university's current assets will be sufficient to meet monthly cash flow requirements.

(B) Reserve and allocated funds and fund goals

Each reserve fund approved by the board of trustees shall establish a goal to which annual pledges may be made. The goal may be a dollar amount recommended by the president or it may be an amount which is the result of an approved formula. For the reserve funds outlined in this rule, the initial goal shall be established in the following manner:

(1) Building alternation, five per cent of total investment in buildings as reported on the most recent annual financial report.

(2) Faculty and staff development as recommended by the president at twenty-five thousand dollars.

(3) Movable equipment, five per cent of the total investment in movable equipment as reported on the most recent annual financial statement.

(4) Program development as recommended by the president at fifty-thousand dollars.

(5) Unemployment compensation, one per cent the total salary and wages paid as reflected on the prior year's W-2 reports.

(6) Site improvements as recommended by the president at seven hundred fifty thousand dollars.

(7) Legislative or other reserve as required through legislative or other requirement legal mandates.

(8) Departmental funds as accumulated by departments through unspent budgetary allocations or dedicated revenues.

(9) Working capital, twelve point five per cent of the educational and general operating budget (exclusive of transfers) reported on the most recent annual financial statement; such reserves shall be recorded as an allocated fund balance on the balance sheet and must be fully funded before those reserves identified in paragraphs (B)(1) to (B)(5) of this rule are funded unless authorized by resolution of Shawnee state university board of trustees.

(C) Review of reserve and allocated

Annually, after year and reserves are made known by the university controller, the board of trustees finance and facilities committee shall meet to review reserve pledges. Pledges will be accounted for by appropriate category and reflected accordingly in the annual financial statement.

(D) Expending reserve funds

Expenditures from any line item in reserve shall be made according to the following guidelines:

(1) Departmental funds, encumbrances, revenue center, lab fees and carry forward funds are allowed to be spent at the discretion of the applicable account administrator, subject to appropriate oversight approval from the division administrator. New degree programs funds are allowed to be spent at the discretion of the vice president for business affairs and the provost.

(2) The president, or his delegate, has authority to spend up to a total of fifty thousand dollars from other reserve categories per fiscal year as long as the purpose of the expenditure is in concert with that category. An accounting of this expenditure will be made annually to the board of trustees finance & facilities committee. Expenditure of reserve funds greater than fifty thousand dollars in a fiscal year require board of trustees approval.

(3) Should financial difficulties arise as determined by the vice president for business affairs, necessitating preservation of reserves, the president, upon the advice of the vice president for business affairs, can suspend reserves expenditure(s) for up to ninety days, pending final approval by the board of trustees.

Last updated October 15, 2024 at 1:56 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3362.03
Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 6/5/2001
Rule 3362-4-17 | Access to university buildings.

(A) Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to provide for the appropriate access to university buildings for academic and business operations by university faculty, staff, students, and visitors while ensuring the control of keys for the protection of university property and people.

(B) Responsibilities

(1) Department of public safety - ensure that academic and business buildings are open at appropriate times; provide access to authorized persons during times when buildings are closed; and take other actions such as patrolling the premises for the purpose of ensuring that university buildings are secured.

(2) Department of facilities - administer a campus-wide lock/keying system, including distribution of keys to employees and/or visitors as required, and maintain accurate records of key owners.

(3) Department of human resources - inform employees during new-hire on-boarding and at exit interviews of employees' obligations for the proper handling of assigned parking lot gate keys. Human resources also is responsible for informing employees about their obligations to follow established procedures for acquiring, maintaining and returning building and assigned office/space keys that are issued to them.

(C) Building security

Access to Shawnee state university buildings (owned and leased) for academic and business purposes is permitted for faculty, staff, students, and authorized visitors as provided in and in accordance with procedures designed for the physical protection of the buildings and their occupants.

(D) Building hours

The university will establish hours during which its buildings will typically be open in order to provide access to students, faculty, staff and visitors for academic and business purposes. Procedures will include enabling authorized persons access to buildings during off hours.

(E) Key control

To protect university property and people, procedures addressing the effective handling of the issuance, usage, and return of keys will be established.

(F) Procedures

The board of trustees authorizes the president to establish procedures to effectively implement this policy.

Last updated August 12, 2022 at 9:38 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 7/21/2014
Rule 3362-4-21 | Use of university facilities and reservation.

(A) The uses of university facilities and grounds are primarily for the educational, student life and activities, and administrative functions of the university. It is recognized that designated university facilities and space may, with adequate administrative controls in place, be utilized by external or non-university groups.

(B) Procedures and/or guidelines shall be established to ensure that use of indoor and outdoor university facilities and space does not interfere or conflict with university educational and/or administrative activities. Such procedures or guidelines shall:

(1) Identify specific university facilities and space available for non-university use;

(2) Provide an administrative process to schedule facilities and space and provides priority use for academic and other university activities;

(3) Provide sufficient restrictions and controls on the scheduling and use of university facilities and space to protect university property and avoid disruption to university activities.

(C) A fee schedule, approved by the president or designee, shall be established for the reserved use by external groups and individuals.

(D) Procedures on the usage of indoor and outdoor spaces on campus, including the scheduling and use of university facilities and space, shall be approved by the president.

Last updated July 1, 2024 at 4:55 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3362.03
Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 3/23/2015
Rule 3362-4-23 | Leaves of absence (paid and unpaid).

(A) Purpose

The university is committed to providing administrators and administrative technical support staff (ATSS) with appropriate avenues employees to take time away from work assignments and for the university to remain fully compliant with applicable regulatory provisions for various forms of leaves that are essential to the health and wellbeing of university employees. This rule identifies the holidays that are observed by the university, provides for the accrual and use of vacation, and defines the various forms of leaves of absences (LOAs) that are available or that the administration may impose.

(B) Holidays

(1) The following are designated university holidays:

New Year's dayJanuary first
Martin Luther King dayThird Monday in January
President's day*Third Monday in February
Memorial dayLast Monday in May
JuneteenthJune 19
Independence dayJuly fourth
Labor dayFirst Monday in September
Columbus day*Second Monday in October
Veteran's dayNovember eleventh
Thanksgiving dayFourth Thursday in November
Christmas dayDecember twenty-fifth

(2) The university will develop a schedule each year that will allow for designated holidays to be observed. The two holidays marked with an asterisk (*) on the list will be observed on the Friday after Thanksgiving and on the day before Christmas day.

(3) If any of the holidays as provided herein falls on Saturday, the Friday immediately preceding shall be observed as the holiday. If any of the holidays as provided herein falls on Sunday, the Monday immediately succeeding shall be observed as the holiday.

(4) The university reserves the right to require work on observed holidays at its discretion. Non-exempt salaried employees working on an observed holiday shall be paid for the holiday and for the actual time worked at one and one-half times their base salary per hour rate of pay.

(C) Winter and summer break

The university will be closed for winter break each year from December twenty-six through December thirty-one. In the event that the observance of Christmas eve, Christmas day, or New Year's day occurs during the December twenty-six through December thirty-one period, an additional vacation day shall not be provided to employees. The university may close additional days around the Christmas and/or Independence day holidays as determined by the president, who shall report any such changes to and receive approval from the chair of the board of trustees.

(D) Vacation leave

(1) The university regards a vacation as a period of rest and relaxation earned for past service. Since the annual vacation is important to the wellbeing of employees and their families, employees are encouraged to utilize all earned vacation.

(2) For accrual purposes, the vacation year shall be based on an employee's anniversary date.

(3) Employees accrue vacation leave based upon the schedule reflected in the table in this paragraph. Part time (benefit eligible) employees who work twelve months will receive pro-rated vacation. Benefit eligible full time employees employed for less than twelve months will receive vacation at one half of the applicable accrual rate.

Years of Completed Service# DaysHours of VacationAccrual RateMaximum Balance
Years 0-2171365.23272.00
Years 3-5181445.54288.00
Years 6-8191525.85304.00
Years 9-11201606.15320.00
Years 12-14211686.46336.00
Years 15+221766.77352.00

(4) An employee may accumulate a maximum of two times the accrued hours of vacation earned in one year. This amount may be carried over from year to year. With approval of the division senior executive, an additional amount may be carried over when vacation cannot be taken due to operational needs outside the employee's control. Division senior executive shall mean the provost/vice president for academic and student affairs; chief financial officer; chief operating officer; chief enrollment officer; chief advancement officer; chief of staff; and the president for employees who report directly to the president.

(5) A newly hired employee's vacation accrual rate may include prior public service with the state of Ohio or any of its political subdivisions or regional councils of government, with the following conditions:

(a) The employee must inform and provide written documentation to the department of human resources within ninety days of employment that s/he has service with the state of Ohio or any of its political subdivisions or regional councils of government. In such case, the employee's accrual will be adjusted to the appropriate rate from the date of employment with the university.

(b) Notification by the employee to the department of human resources received after ninety days of employment with the university will be applied to the employee's accrual rate beginning the next full pay period in which the request and required documentation are received by human resources.

(c) The employee's adjusted accrual balance (whether retroactive to the employment date or a later date) will be reflected on the pay records beginning with the next full pay period after receipt of required documentation.

(d) A year of service with the state of Ohio or a political subdivision or regional council of government is considered as twenty-six biweekly periods.

(e) An employee who has retired in accordance with the provisions of any retirement plan offered by the state of Ohio and is reemployed will not have prior service with the state of Ohio, any political subdivision of the state or a regional council of government counted for purposes of computing vacation leave.

(6) To assure accurate leave balances, employees requesting vacation leave must submit their request electronically through the BearTrax system.

(7) Extended vacation requests (over three weeks in a single instance) may have a negative impact on the operation and will be considered only as an exception with accompanying extenuating circumstances. Requests of this nature will require a written rationale with supervisor approval, as well as the approval of the division senior executive (as defined in paragraph (D)(4) of this rule) .

(8) When an official university observed holiday falls within an employee's vacation, that day will not be charged as vacation.

(9) All accrued vacation must be exhausted before an unpaid leave of absence commences. This paragraph does not apply when an employee opts to take some or all of the time off without pay during university shutdown as permitted by paragraph (E)(12) of this rule.

(10) Employees who retire or resign will be paid for earned but unused vacation up to a maximum of two times the accrued hours of vacation in one year at the time of their departure. In the event of the death of an employee, vacation pay for vacation earned but not taken up to a maximum of two times the accrued hours of vacation in one year will be paid to the estate of the employee.

(11) The department of human resources will maintain an up-to-date record of vacation for each employee. Any questions concerning vacation record-keeping should be directed to human resources.

(12) In order to provide for continuous payment during a board approved university closure, temporary changes to vacation accruals will be permitted as follows:

(a) Employees will be permitted to use accrued vacation leave hours during hours they will not be working as a result of the shutdown to offset lost pay, or

(b) Employees will be permitted to use unearned vacation leave hours that they are scheduled to earn during the remainder of that calendar year in exchange for a reduced vacation accrual rate for the remainder of the calendar year.

(c) These actions will not be considered a reduction in pay, layoff or furlough.

(E) Sick leave

(1) Sick leave may be used for an authorized absence from scheduled duties due to personal illness (which may include physical and/or mental health issues); personal injury; exposure to contagious disease that poses a reasonable risk of contagion to the university (the university may require documentation); medical , mental health, dental, or optical examination or treatment for self or immediate family members when the employee's attendance is required; family emergencies requiring the attendance of the employee; pregnancy and/or childbirth and related conditions; or death in the immediate family. The definition of an immediate family member includes: grandparents, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, father, father-in-law, mother, mother-in-law, spouse, child, grandchild, legal guardian, or other person who stands in the place of a parent.

(2) Upon hire, a full-time administrator or ATSS employee will receive one hundred twenty hours of sick leave credited to his/her leave account.

(3) After the first year of employment and thereafter, sick leave will accrue for full-time administrators and ATSS pro-rated each pay period for a maximum of one hundred twenty hours per year.

(4) Upon hire, the part-time administrator or ATSS employee will receive a pro-rated amount of sick leave credited to his/her leave account, based upon the employee's full-time equivalency (FTE) percentage determined at the time of hire. For example, a half-time employee will be eligible for a credit of sixty hours of sick leave, etc.

(5) After the first year of employment and thereafter, sick leave shall accrue for part-time administrators and ATSS at a pro-rated amount based upon the employee's FTE.

(6) An administrator or ATSS may transfer into his/her university sick leave account any accumulated, documented, and verified sick leave balance that has been accumulated in the public service in the state of Ohio, provided that his/her re-employment takes place within ten years of the date on which the employee was last terminated from public service. If the employee elects to do so and informs the department of human resources, he/she may elect to transfer any unused and unpaid sick leave balance above one hundred twenty hours to their Shawnee state university sick leave account. This amount will be in addition to the university credited amount. For example, if the employee had six hundred twenty hours of unused and unpaid sick leave from a prior state of Ohio employer, then five hundred hours could be transferred to Shawnee state university.

(7) There is no maximum applied to the amount of sick leave that may be accumulated during active employment.

(8) The sick leave account balance will be reduced an hour for each hour of sick leave used. As an alternative to using up sick leave hours, the employee with advance approval from his/her supervisor, may use flexible scheduling (working less hours of the normal schedule and making those hours up another time or day) to account for time off for medical appointments or other reasons which would otherwise be used as sick leave hours. For ATSS, hours must be made up within the same week, or if not, the sick leave account will be reduced an hour for each hour of sick leave used.

(9) Employees requesting sick leave (including leave that qualifies under the Family and Medical Leave Act - FMLA) must submit their request electronically through the BearTrax system. When the leave is foreseeable, the employee must make every effort to request the leave thirty days in advance of the leave. When that is not possible for the leave request form to be submitted in advance of the leave, it must be approved by the employee's supervisor and submitted to human resources upon the employee's return from the absence. Time on approved sick leave will run concurrent with an approved leave under FMLA (refer to paragraph (G) of this rule).

(10) If an employee is expected to be off more than five consecutive work days, a signed or official doctor's statement must be submitted in advance to the supervisor or human resources. If an employee does not have advance warning, the doctor's statement must be provided to the supervisor or human resources as soon as practicable after the employee knows he/she will be off more than five consecutive days and in no event any later than the date the employee returns to work (unless more time is granted by the director of human resources or designee).

(11) In situations of sick leave involving less than five consecutive work days, where suspicious patterns of leave exist (e.g., leave taken immediately before or after weekends or days off), a doctor's statement may be required upon the request of the supervisor or human resources. All doctors' statements shall be in the form of a signed or official statement from the attending physician, stating the general nature of the illness, date of medical treatment, and the conditions under which the employee is released to return to work or a statement from the attending physician verifying the illness or injury of the employee's immediate family member. The failure to submit doctor's statements, or the failure to submit a proper leave form to human resources, may result in delay of payment for the time missed.

(12) Intentional misuse of the sick leave provision herein may be considered grounds for disciplinary action. Non-compliance with sick leave rules and regulations may result in the administrator or ATSS not receiving pay for the requested sick leave.

(F) Sick leave retirement payment

(1) The administrator or ATSS, upon official state retirement from active service or upon separation of employment by an alternative retirement plan (ARP) participant who would meet the age and service eligibility requirements under a state pension system (OPERS or STRS), and with ten or more years of service with the state of Ohio or any of its political subdivisions, will be paid for one-fourth of the value of accumulated sick leave balance, up to a maximum payment of two hundred forty hours. Payment will be based upon the employee's base per hour rate of pay at the time of retirement. Any unpaid leave remaining on the Shawnee state sick leave account will be available for use upon rehire (unless hired into a position that does not provide sick leave). In the event of an eligible employee's death prior to retirement, the sick leave retirement payout is not subject to payment to the employee's estate.

(2) The payout of sick leave balance as provided in this policy will be made only once to any administrator or ATSS. An employee, who received such cash payout and who was rehired post retirement, may accrue and use sick leave while actively employed but shall not be eligible for payment of any unused sick leave balance.

(3) The payment discussed in paragraph (F)(1) of this rule will only be available to employees who formally notify the department of human resources of their retirement and meet all other eligibility requirements.

(G) Family and medical leave policy

(1) Scope

(a) Employees with at least one year of service with the university and who have worked for one thousand two hundred fifty hours in the previous twelve-month period are eligible for up to twelve weeks of paid (existing sick leave and/or vacation) and/or unpaid leave for qualifying events, in a twelve-month period (rolling year, see CFR 29, Part 825.200). Qualifying events are:

(i) Childbirth (due to the birth of or to care for the newborn child)

(ii) Adoption or foster care

(iii) Serious personal illness -

(a) A serious health condition that results in a period of incapacity for more than three days during which the employee is unable to work, or

(b) A chronic condition requiring a regimen of ongoing care by a health care provider that intermittently renders the employee unable to work for periods of less than three days while seeking treatment or while recovering from the condition.

(iv) The serious health condition of a member of the employee's immediate family (as defined in paragraph (E)(1) of this rule) which requires the employee to provide care.

(v) Qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that the employee's spouse, child, or parent is a covered military member on active duty, or has been called to active duty, in support of a contingency operation.

(vi) Care for a covered service member with a serious injury or illness if the employee is the spouse, child, parent or next of kin of the service member.

(2) Length of leave/paid or unpaid

Family and medical leave provides an eligible employee to take up to twelve workweeks of leave per rolling twelve-month period except for leave under paragraph (G)(1)(a)(vi) of this rule which may be taken up to twenty six workweeks. Employees will first use sick leave, where appropriate, prior to vacation and any unpaid leave. Employees will use vacation and any comp time prior to any unpaid leave after sick leave is exhausted or for events where sick leave is inappropriate. Family medical leave coordinates and runs concurrently with other paid and unpaid leaves.

(3) Childbirth and adoption timeframe

Leave under this policy which pertains to care for a newborn, adopted, or foster child may only be taken within twelve months of the child's birth or placement into the employee's home.

(4) Certification for health leave

If an employee requires leave for a serious health condition for himself/herself or a spouse, parent, or child a health care provider's certification shall be required stating the commencement date and probable duration of the condition and the medical facts substantiating the condition. The university may require an independent examination at no cost to the employee.

(5) Notice of the leave

Employees must provide at least thirty days' advance notice if the leave is foreseeable. If the leave must begin within fewer than thirty days, the employee must provide notice as soon as practicable.

(6) Employment and benefits protection

Any employee who takes leave under the provisions of this policy, on return from such leave shall be restored by the university to the position of employment held by the employee when the leave commenced or be restored to an equivalent position with equivalent employment benefits, pay, and other terms and conditions of employment.

(7) Continuation of health plan coverage

If after the exhaustion of all forms of paid leave, a period of unpaid leave is needed up to the twelve week maximum provided under this rule (or twenty six maximum, as applicable), the university shall maintain the coverage under the group health plan for this period under the conditions coverage would have been provided if the employee had continued in employment continuously for the duration of the leave. Upon return to work, the employee must make arrangements with the department of human resources to make up the employee contributions missed for insurance coverage while on unpaid leave.

(8) Return from leave

If the employee fails to return from family and medical leave, the university may recover the premium that the employer paid for maintaining coverage for the employee under the group health plan during any period of unpaid leave.

(H) Disability leave

(1) Application

(a) Full-time administrators and ATSS may be granted a disability leave of absence in the event of a disabling illness or injury (except work related in which case workers' compensation rules will apply) that extends beyond leave provided under FMLA.

(b) Approval of such leave is contingent upon the employee submitting a satisfactory written physician's statement attesting that the essential functions of the assigned position cannot be performed.

(c) The university may request that an examination be completed by a physician of its choosing. In such case, the university will pay for the cost of the examination.

(d) Written application to the department of human resources should be made as early as possible and must include a statement from the attending physician with a projected return date.

(2) Duration and retention

(a) The duration of disability leave will be based on the projected return date provided by the attending physician. An initial request for disability leave may be for one year or less. A disability leave may be extended one additional year with a request for such extension to be made no later than sixty days prior to the originally scheduled return date. The total amount of time on such leave, paid or unpaid, for the same injury or illness, may not exceed two years. The amount of time shall be reduced by family medical leave used for the same injury or illness.

(b) In order to be paid for disability leave, the employee will use all earned but unused sick leave, vacation leave, personal leave, and comp time. All types of paid leave must be used prior to unpaid leave.

(c) Prior to returning to work, the employee must provide the university with the attending physician's release attesting to his/her ability to perform the essential job duties. The university may request an independent examination as identified in paragraph (H)(1)(c) of this rule.

(d) The employee will retain reinstatement rights to his/her current position if the disability leave is six months or less. If such leave time exceeds six months, up to a maximum of twelve months, the university will place such employee in the same or similar position in which the employee possesses the required qualifications necessary to perform the essential responsibilities. The university will make reasonable efforts to reinstate an employee to the same or similar position if such leave exceeds one year.

(3) Insurance coverage

(a) The university will continue group health insurance throughout the period of an approved paid leave.

(b) The university will continue group health insurance throughout the period of an approved unpaid leave that is not FMLA leave for a maximum of six months.

(c) While on an approved unpaid leave other than FMLA, the employee must timely remit the established insurance contribution payments for the duration of the leave. If the employee payment contributions are not timely remitted, the employee will forfeit university-provided health plan coverage and may elect health plan continuation under COBRA at one hundred two per cent of the full cost of the university's health plan.

(d) The university will continue group health insurance as provided in the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993 as currently amended, and offer group health continuation and conversion benefits as provided under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA).

(4) Disability retirement reinstatement

In the case of an employee who has been granted a disability retirement through OPERS or STRS, the period of reinstatement shall be in accordance with the prevailing rules of the state retirement system.

(5) An employee requesting disability leave must submit his/her request electronically through the BearTrax system.

(I) Workers' compensation leave

Workers' compensation leave will be provided as set forth in the Ohio statutes (Chapter 4123. of the Revised Code) for workplace injuries and/or occupational diseases. Additional information may be found on the university website at the office of human resources webpages.

(J) Court/jury duty leave

(1) An employee who is required to report for jury duty or is subpoenaed to appear before any court, commission, board, or other legally constituted body, where the employee is not a party to the action, shall be entitled to leave with pay for the scheduled work hours lost as the result of such duty. For ATSS employees, the employees will be compensated by the university in an amount equal to his/her straight-time (non-overtime) rate of pay. For both administrators and ATSS employees, their normal pay will be paid to them while on jury duty, less the amount received by the employee from the government for such appearance. An employee who reports for such duty and is excused shall immediately contact his/her immediate supervisor and report for work, if requested.

(2) In order to be paid by the university for such leave the employee must submit to human resources written proof, executed by an authorized administrator of the court, showing the duration of such duty and the amount of compensation received for such duty.

(K) Military leave

(1) An employee who is unable to report for regularly scheduled work because the employee is required to report for duty as an active duty member of the armed forces, a reserve member of the armed forces, or as a member of the Ohio national guard shall be compensated in accordance with Ohio law.

(2) The university will adhere to any federal or state laws enacted regarding employer responsibilities toward active employees who are members of the armed forces.

(3) To be eligible for this leave and in accordance with federal and state law, the employee upon request, shall provide the order or written statement from the appropriate military commander to his/her supervisor which shall be forwarded to human resources.

(L) Furloughs

A furlough is a non-permanent, unpaid leave of absence from work for a specified period of time. The president may impose furloughs in accordance with Ohio law. The president shall enact a procedure setting forth the terms and conditions under which furloughs may be imposed.

(M) Request for leave forms

(1) Except in the case of an emergency, prior notification to the employee's supervisor of anticipated leaves is required. Employees shall notify his/her immediate supervisor by telephone or electronic message prior to the scheduled start time that they are unable to report to work due to a qualifying reason. In cases where an employee is incapacitated, they may designate a family member or third-party representative to communicate with the university.

(2) Request for leaves as identified in this policy must be submitted electronically via the BearTrax system. In order to assure accuracy of leave balances and to properly secure approvals for leaves, every effort should be made to make requests prior to the end of the pay period in which the leave is to occur. In rare circumstances in which this cannot be done due to emergency or oversight, the employee must submit such request at the earliest date upon return from leave.

(3) Additional guidelines regarding leaves of absences may be found on the department of human resources website.

Last updated October 3, 2024 at 8:52 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3362.03
Amplifies: 3362.03
Rule 3362-4-24 | Administrative employees - employment status and other employment actions.

(A) Purpose and scope

The purpose of this rule is to establish provisions that address various employment matters for administrative employees, as identified in paragraph (B) of this policy, including but not limited to: probationary periods, performance evaluations, performance improvement plans, discipline, and reduction in force.

(B) Included

(1) The term "administrative employee" refers to an administrator as defined in this paragraph and administrative technical support staff (ATSS).

(2) Administrators (full and part time) include employees assigned professional, managerial, and/or supervisory responsibilities as described in an approved job description. Administrators are generally paid on a salaried basis, with assigned duties that may be exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime payment rules, and are not "public employees" as defined by Chapter 4117. of the Revised Code.

(3) Administrative technical support staff (ATSS) (full or part time) include employees typically paid on a per-hour basis (but can be paid on a salaried basis), assigned confidential duties, subject to FLSA overtime rules, and who are not "public employees" as defined by Chapter 4117. of the Revised Code.

(4) Temporary or intermittent administrative employees employed at will are subject to all provisions of this policy except that such employees may be terminated without a prior performance improvement plan (PIP).

(C) Exclusions

This policy does not apply to executive administrators who are subject to executive employment agreements, to the extent that such agreements are inconsistent with this rule. Executive administrators who do not have executive employment agreements shall be subject to this rule to the extent that the provisions herein are not inconsistent with their executive appointment letter; specific provisions in executive appointment letters shall govern over terms contained in this rule. To the extent that executive employment agreements or appointment letters are silent as the matters contained in this rule, the terms of this rule shall apply.

(D) Employment contract status and probationary periods

(1) Employment for eligible administrative employees includes the status of:

(a) Defined contract period appointments that have a defined duration and end date with specific terms and conditions of employment incorporated into an agreement/contract, or

(b) Continuous contract appointments which do not specify an end date as employment is expected to be continuous.

(2) Both appointment types require the successful completion of a probationary period, satisfactory performance on an ongoing basis, and are subject to university policies and procedures.

(3) Administrative employees in positions funded by university funds (general operating, auxiliary, etc.) and that are not employed for a defined contract period, are eligible for continuous contract status upon successful completion of a six-month probationary period.

(4) Administrative employees in temporary or intermittent positions, or positions funded by grants and/or soft or external sources will be hired for a defined contract period and are not eligible for continuous contract status. Such employees must successfully complete a six-month probationary period.

(E) Performance evaluations (probationary and annual)

(1) New-hire probationary evaluation - successful completion of the six-month new-hire probationary period with a minimum overall

(2) Rating of "meets basic expectations," is required for continued employment.

(3) Annual performance evaluation - upon completion of the new-hire probationary evaluation, performance evaluations are completed at least annually or on a periodic basis as determined by the supervisor.

(4) Performance improvement plan (PIP) - a written performance improvement plan (PIP) may be initiated by the supervisor at any time in which the employee is not demonstrating satisfactory performance based on the assigned responsibilities and/or established objectives.

(5) An employee whose performance rating states that he or she "does not meet basic expectations" in his/her essential job competencies and/or performance will be subject to procedure 4.51:1.

(F) Administrative leave

(1) Should an investigation or assessment of an alleged incident of misconduct involving an administrative employee be required and/or in any instance in which the health or safety of an employee or any person or property entrusted to the employee's care could be adversely affected, an administrative leave with pay may be implemented upon the recommendation of the director of human resources and the approval of the appropriate vice president and/or the president. The administrative employee will receive appropriate notice in such case.

(2) Access to university facilities and resources may be restricted or denied to an employee placed on an administrative leave unless otherwise authorized by the director of human resources.

(3) The university may place an employee on administrative leave without pay for a period not to exceed two months, if the employee has been charged with a violation of law that is punishable as a felony. If the employee subsequently does not plead guilty to or is not found guilty of a felony with which the employee is charged or any other felony, the university shall pay the employee at the employee's base rate of pay, plus interest, for the period the employee was on the unpaid administrative leave.

(G) Pre-disciplinary hearing

(1) If a demotion, suspension, or termination may be imposed based on the findings of an investigation or employee's unsatisfactory completion of a PIP, an informal pre-disciplinary hearing will be scheduled prior to any imposition of such actions. Written notice will be provided to the administrative employee prior to the hearing date. At the pre-disciplinary hearing, the employee will be provided with a summary of the evidence against him or her and given an opportunity to respond to it in person at the hearing or in writing within forty-eight hours of the hearing.

(2) A decision to impose a demotion, suspension, or termination will be communicated in writing to the administrative employee as soon as reasonably possible but no more than fifteen calendar days after the conclusion of a pre-disciplinary hearing.

(H) Corrective actions

(1) Corrective action that results from the findings of an investigation will be reasonable and commensurate with the offense, and may include, but not be limited to, a letter to the personnel file, unpaid suspension, demotion, and/or termination of employment. Except in unusual circumstances, the unsatisfactory completion of a PIP will result in termination.

(2) With the authorization of the president or designee, an administrative employee may be disciplined for reasons that include but are not limited to:

(a) Incompetence, inefficiency, dishonesty, use or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs at work or inappropriate use of prescription drugs, discourteous treatment of the public, neglect of duty, failure to return from a leave of absence, or other failure of good behavior.

(b) Violation of an official regulation or failure to obey reasonable directions given by a supervisor when such violation or failure to obey amounts to insubordination or a serious breach of university policies and/or work rules or puts the university and/or its employees and students at serious risk.

(c) Misfeasance in office, malfeasance in office, nonfeasance in office, conviction of a felony or of an offense involving moral turpitude.

(d) Demonstration of abusive or threatening behavior in the treatment of students, fellow employees, or other persons.

(I) Reduction in force

(1) In case of a reduction in force, notification to affected administrative employees will be as follows:

(a) Those with up to three years of service will receive thirty days written notice.

(b) Those with service of three years or more will receive ninety days written notice.

(2) Administrative employees with defined-period contracts or in positions funded by "soft" grant funds or external sources will continue employment for the defined contract period or until funding is discontinued, provided they are not subject to discipline as detailed in this policy.

(3) Unsatisfactory performance issues will be managed separately from the reduction in force process.

(4) Attempts will be made to reassign affected employees to other open positions for which they are qualified.

(5) If an administrative employee is terminated due to a reduction in force, the employee will be eligible for reappointment to the last held position should it become available within a period of two years form the date of the force reduction.

(6) The decision to fill a position that has been eliminated through a reduction in force is at the sole discretion of the university.

(7) If reappointed to the last held position following a reduction in force action, an administrative employee will be reinstated at his/her prior employment status as governed by existing university policies.

(J) Procedures

Procedures necessary to implement the provisions of this policy will be adopted following the university's process.

Last updated October 3, 2024 at 8:52 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3362.03
Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 4/23/2018
Rule 3362-4-25 | Compensation for administrative employees.

(A) Purpose and scope

(1) Shawnee state university desires a competitive and equitable compensation system that will attract and retain qualified administrative personnel. The purpose of this policy is to establish and maintain an administrative compensation system that considers comparable positions in similar markets, internal equity, the performance of employees, and the availability and allocation of funds as determined by the president.

(2) This policy applies to administrative employees in approved administrative positions for either "regular" or "term" appointments, regardless of the funding source, and who are not in positions that are under a collective bargaining unit.

(a) Regular appointments are expected to be ongoing, subject to the needs of the university, with no designated end date.

(b) Term appointments are for a designated period of time, normally between one and three years. The duration may be determined by the funding source (e.g., externally funded grants) or by authorization of the president.

(3) This policy does not apply to executive staff; faculty and staff covered by a collective bargaining agreement; or temporary and intermittent staff with at will employment agreements.

(B) Categories of administrative positions

(1) Administrator - an administrative position with professional, managerial, supervisory, or fiduciary responsibilities that is exempt from collective bargaining under section 4117.01 of the Revised Code, and may meet the exemption criteria under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

(a) Employees in administrator positions that meet FLSA exemption criteria for duties and salary tests will be classified as "exempt."

(b) Employees in administrator positions that meet the FLSA exemption criteria for the duties test, but not the salary test, will be classified as "non-exempt."

(2) Administrative technical support staff (ATSS) - an administrative position that is confidential in nature and is exempt from collective bargaining under section 4117.01 of the Revised Code. ATSS employees do not meet the exemption criteria under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) based on the duties test. ATSS employees will be classified as "non-exempt."

(C) Fair labor standards act (FLSA) status

Administrative employees classified by the department of human resources as "non-exempt" due to not meeting the FLSA exemption criteria (based on salary and/or duties test) will be compensated for their work in accordance with the FLSA and its associated administrative regulations.

(D) Classification/compensation structure

(1) The director of human resources is responsible for managing the structure of the administrative compensation system(s) and for reviewing the applicable structure relative to the appropriate market.

(2) The director of human resources or designee will assess all administrative positions' responsibilities and determine the placement of each within the university's compensation structure, relying upon market benchmarking methodology, with consideration of internal equity for comparable responsibilities.

(E) Salary budget and allocation

The allocation of an approved salary pool in the annual operating budget is at the discretion of the president who may allocate all, a portion, or none of the salary pool. The salary allocation may be applied evenly to all administrative employees (across-the-board) or to individual employees based on factors such as, but not limited to, market benchmarking, internal equity analyses, and/or performance.

(F) Procedures

The board of trustees authorizes the president to establish procedures to effectively implement this policy.

Last updated October 3, 2024 at 8:52 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3362.03
Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 7/7/2023
Rule 3362-4-26 | Professional development (degree and non-degree).

(A) Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to provide eligible administrative employees (administrators and administrative technical support staff) with degree and non-degree professional development opportunities that encourage employees to pursue knowledge and skill enhancements important to career aspirations and that are vital to the success of the university. These programs are consistent with higher education industry standards and are an important component of the university's overall employee-benefit program.

(B) University approved or required professional development

(1) The university supports both career and job-related professional development activities. It is expected that employees and supervisors will discuss professional development needs and opportunities during the annual performance evaluation process.

(2) When an employee is required to attend a university-approved development program, training or other educational activity, the time spent in attendance will be counted as time worked, and the associated fees and costs, (i.e., materials, travel and per diem, etc.) will be paid by their department.

(C) Elective professional development

(1) The university will consider a request for an employee to enroll in an elective (not required) training or professional development program. The time attending such training or program will be non-compensable and any related expenditures will not be reimbursable (i.e., materials, travel and per diem, etc.) unless otherwise specified in this policy.

(2) To participate in an elective professional development program off campus (degree and non-degree), the employee must develop and submit a written plan through the applicable supervisory and management levels, including the president, requesting approval to participate in the program. In addition to providing the information prescribed in this paragraph, approval will be subject to scheduling, staffing, and budget considerations. The written plan must include the following:

(a) A description of the program and a concise explanation of the necessity to participate in the program;

(b) The expected length of the program;

(c) The relation of the program to the employee's current job responsibilities, how the program enhances the employee's department and the university, and how the program will assist the employee's transition into career-related positions at the university; and

(d) The impact on the employee's workload and the workload of colleagues within the department.

(D) On-campus tuition assistance (undergraduate and graduate)

(1) The university waives certain Shawnee state on-campus education costs for undergraduate and graduate courses as a means of encouraging administrative employees and their eligible dependents as defined in this policy to further their education.

(2) The on-campus undergraduate education benefit waives instructional, technology, and general fees for courses including those delivered online as outlined in this policy. Where applicable, out-of-state surcharge fees are waived.

(3) Employees and eligible dependents enrolled in a graduate program will be responsible for paying the difference between the on-campus graduate and undergraduate tuition rates for instructional, general, and technology rates, and out-of-state surcharge, if applicable, for one graduate program.

(4) Employees enrolled in a graduate program prior to July 1, 2024 will not be responsible for paying the difference between the on-campus graduate and undergraduate tuition rates.

(5) The on-campus education benefit does not cover the costs of special fees including but not limited to: course fees, program fees, bond fees, late payment fees, books, or supply fees. These costs, including those incurred by eligible dependent(s), are the responsibility of the employee.

(6) If an employee and dependent is eligible for Pell or OCOG grants, such funds will apply against applicable educational expenses as stipulated by the grant.

(E) Eligibility for on-campus tuition assistance (undergraduate and graduate)

(1) Full-time administrative employees (actively employed)

(a) Upon completion of the new-hire probationary period, full-time administrative employees may take two courses per semester (including main campus courses delivered online). Those who are enrolled in an e-campus or hybrid program are permitted to take one course per sub-session within a semester.

(b) Administrative employees who are actively enrolled in a course of study prior to the commencement of an approved leave of absence (does not include involuntary administrative leave), temporary layoff or furlough status may continue that course of study.

(c) Administrative employees are prohibited from completing coursework during work hours and are expected to register for classes that meet outside of their regular work schedules. In situations in which the course must be taken during the employee's regular work schedule, with written approval from his/her supervisor, an administrative employee may arrange for a flexible schedule in order to complete the required course. In no case will a schedule that would result in the employee being in overtime work status be approved.

(d) The maximum benefit for a full-time administrative employee is one hundred sixty attempted credit hours for undergraduate courses and one graduate degree program.

(2) Dependents of actively-employed full-time administrative employees

(a) Upon completion of the new-hire probationary period, dependents of full-time employees may enroll in as many hours per semester as allowed under the university's academic policies.

(b) As used in this policy, an eligible dependent is defined as the spouse or child twenty-five years of age or younger, and dependent as defined under IRS rulings, of full-time actively-employed administrative employees.

(c) The maximum benefit for each dependent under this policy is one hundred sixty attempted credit hours for undergraduate courses and one graduate degree program.

(3) Retired full-time administrative employees and dependents

(a) A full-time administrative employee who has formally retired (disability or service) under an Ohio state pension system or approved alternative retirement system (ARP), receiving a pension benefit payment, not actively working as a re-employed retiree, and who has served at Shawnee state university for ten continuous years or more in full-time status ("eligible retiree"), is eligible to receive undergraduate fee waiver benefits on a space-available basis not to exceed one hundred sixty attempted credit hours.

(b) A dependent of an eligible retiree who is enrolled in a degree program at the time of the eligible retiree's retirement may continue to receive waivers for instructional, general, and technology fees and out of state surcharge where applicable in order to complete the current course of study, not to exceed a total of one hundred sixty attempted credit hours for undergraduate courses or one graduate degree program.

(c) Re-employed retirees will be eligible for tuition assistance based upon full or part-time status as defined in this policy.

(4) Dependents of full-time employees deceased while in active status

A widow or widower and/or dependent child of a deceased full-time administrative employee with ten years of continuous service is eligible to receive on-campus education benefits, as follows:

(a) Must be enrolled in a degree program within one year of the active employee's date of death;

(b) Will be registered on a space-available basis; and

(c) Maximum tuition waiver is not to exceed one hundred sixty attempted credit hours for undergraduate courses or one graduate degree program.

(5) Part-time administrative employees and eligible dependents

Upon completion of the new-hire probationary period, actively-employee part-time administrative employees regularly working at least twenty hours and their eligible dependents may take one course per semester (including main campus courses delivered online). Those who are enrolled in an e-campus program are permitted to take one course during the semester (one of the sub sessions). No special provisions will be made in employees' work schedules to accommodate taking the class. The maximum tuition waiver is one hundred sixty attempted credit hours for undergraduate courses or one graduate degree program.

(F) Criteria for on-campus tuition assistance (undergraduate and graduate)

(1) Administrative employees, spouses and dependents shall enroll during the regular registration processes.

(2) Programs or classes which have special admission requirements or limited class sizes will be available for enrollment in the same manner as made available to the general student body; and administrative employees, spouses and dependents will be required to compete for admission into these programs or courses with other student applicants.

(3) Administrative employees, spouses and dependents must remit payment for special fees and charges as defined in this policy in accordance with university student payment deadlines.

(4) The administrative employee, spouse or dependent may be required to file the free application for federal student aid (FAFSA) and complete the verification process if determined necessary by the financial aid office.

(5) All necessary and required forms must be completed according to university policies and timetables. Forms are available on the financial aid webpage.

(6) No employee or his/her dependent will be entitled to on-campus education benefits, nor will the university be required to pay, for any classes that have already been taken by the employee or dependent and failed or otherwise not successfully completed by the employee or dependent.

(7) Applicable educational benefits awarded will be reported as required by IRS regulations.

(G) Eligibility for off-campus graduate tuition reimbursement

(1) The university supports full-time administrative employees with at least two years of continuos service taking graduate courses at other institutions of higher education when the graduate program will increase the skills necessary in their present positions and enhances their contribution to the university. Employees seeking off-campus tuition reimbursement must receive written approval of the degree program, as outlined in paragraph (C) of this rule.

(2) Any graduate program offered by Shawnee state university (on-campus or online through e-campus) is not eligible for tuition reimbursement at a different institution.

(H) Criteria for off-campus graduate tuition reimbursement

(1) The off-campus education benefit allows full-time administrative employees to apply for master's and doctoral program tuition and fee reimbursement as specified herein after two years of continuous full-time service with the university.

(2) The graduate degree, including online degrees, must be provided by an accredited institution of higher education.

(3) To ensure the proposed course of study meets conditions outlined in this policy, prior approvals by the employee's supervisor, the department budget manager, and concurrence of the appropriate chief officer or vice president are required.

(4) Reimbursement is provided for approved courses with a grade of B or higher. Should the program not provide a grade, the employee must submit evidence of satisfactory progress (e.g. dissertation credits as PR, etc.) Documentation from the institution granting the grade and/or progress report must be attached to the reimbursement request.

(5) The maximum reimbursement tuition rate will be at the appropriate Shawnee state's master's or doctoral in-state tuition rate. The rare exception to this maximum rate requires approval of the chief officer or vice president of the employee's division.

(6) Only courses required for the attainment of the degree as identified in the initially approved course of study are eligible for reimbursement.

(7) Reimbursement is limited to one graduate-level program.

(8) An employee awarded this off-campus education benefit will agree in writing to remain employed at the university for at least two years from the end date of the term of the approved coursework. If not, the employee agrees to repay the tuition reimbursement amount received. Employees who are receiving or have received this benefit prior to September 20, 2024, are not required to repay the tuition paid on their behalf if they voluntarily separate from the university on or before June 30, 2025.

(9) Repayment requirements set forth in paragraph (H)(8) of this rule shall not apply in cases of: (a) the elimination of the employee's position, or (b) a workforce reduction in which the employee is laid off for at least twenty-one months duration.

(I) Positions funded by external sources

(1) Employees whose positions are funded by external sources are only eligible for off-campus education benefits to the extent allowed and funded by the external source(s).

Last updated October 3, 2024 at 8:52 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3362.03
Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 3/26/2020
Rule 3362-4-27 | Administrative employees vacation.
This rule was filed with the Legislative Service Commission in PDF format and is presented here as filed.
View Rule Text

Last updated July 25, 2023 at 1:17 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3362.03
Amplifies: 3362.03
Rule 3362-4-28 | Administrators and ATSS sick leave.
This rule was filed with the Legislative Service Commission in PDF format and is presented here as filed.
View Rule Text

Last updated July 25, 2023 at 1:17 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3362.03
Amplifies: 3362.03
Rule 3362-4-29 | Administrative staff holidays.
This rule was filed with the Legislative Service Commission in PDF format and is presented here as filed.
View Rule Text

Last updated July 25, 2023 at 1:17 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3362.03
Amplifies: 3362.03
Rule 3362-4-35 | Relocation expense reimbursement.

(A) Rule purpose

Shawnee state university recruits for talented faculty and administrators nationally and internationally. In order to generate a competitive recruitment pool, the reimbursement of relocation expenditures may be provided to individuals. The purpose of this policy is to provide for the consistent reimbursement of relocation expenses incurred by eligible employees that are in accordance with IRS regulations.

(B) Eligibility

(1) Newly hired full-time faculty and administrators from outside the Portsmouth area may be eligible for reimbursement of relocation expenses if accepting a position at the university requires that person to move his/her household to within the Portsmouth area.

(2) The hiring department will determine and recommend when reimbursement is appropriate or necessary. The prior approval of the appropriate vice president or president must be secured before extending relocation expense reimbursement to a prospective employee under this policy. The reimbursement details must be incorporated in the employment offer letter.

(3) Any exception to this policy requires the prior approval of the president.

(4) Board of trustee executed employment contracts are not subject to this policy and underlying procedure(s). However, this policy and underlying procedure will apply to employees who have Board executed agreements that do not include a provision for university reimbursement for moving or relocation expenses.

(C) Governing regulations

Benefits provided by this policy have tax implications to the employees receiving the benefits. Employees should refer to the IRS website ( and instructions for form 3903 "moving expenses," or equivalent, and consult a tax professional for advice concerning possible income tax implications. The current information is subject to change by the IRS.

(D) Procedures

The president will establish procedures that address the parameters for the reimbursement of qualified relocation expenses. Such parameters will include, but not be limited to, the types of expenses that are eligible to be reimbursed, the method to determine the maximum amount to be reimbursed, possible restrictions on the reimbursement and procedures for the university to recoup the reimbursement in certain circumstances.

Last updated July 18, 2022 at 8:16 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 6/5/2001, 7/24/2008, 5/12/2014
Rule 3362-4-40 | Concern resolution for administrators.

(A) It is important at Shawnee state university to provide all employees with an opportunity to resolve concerns they may have about their roles, working conditions, application of university policies, and other matters. The university encourages open communication between employees and supervisors.

(B) This policy applies to administrative staff (administrators/ATSS) only. Matters such as discrimination and harassment will be addressed through other university policies. Administrative employees may have their concerns addressed through both informal and formal processes described in the related procedure. Administrators with supervisory responsibility at all levels of the university will make reasonable efforts to resolve the concern in a timely manner.

(C) Administrative employees have the right to disagree with a university process or decision, but that does not automatically mean the process or decision is unreasonable, unfair, or discriminatory; disagreement also may not change the decision or the process.

(D) No employee will be retaliated against for using the university's concern resolution process in good faith.

Last updated October 15, 2024 at 1:58 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3362.03
Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 6/5/2001
Rule 3362-4-44 | On campus education benefits for adjunct faculty.

(A) Purpose

Shawnee state university waives certain on-campus education costs as a means of encouraging adjunct faculty to further their education in accordance with the terms of this rule. On-campus education benefits are consistent with higher education industry standards and are an important component of the university's overall benefit program provided to employees.

(B) On-campus education benefits

(1) The on-campus education benefit applies to any adjunct faculty member who has taught at least nine semester credits within the immediately previous four complete fiscal years and is an adjunct faculty member during the fiscal year in which he or she elects to take a course.

(2) An adjunct faculty member is entitled to a tuition waiver for one course per term, "one course" being a single class for credit and carrying five or fewer credit hours.

(a) The university waives undergraduate instructional, technology, and general fees. Where applicable, out-of-state fees are waived.

(b) The benefit does not cover the costs of special fees such as course fees, program fees, lab fees, bond fees, late payment fees, or other fees which in the sole discretion of the university are determined to be dissimilar to instructional, technology, and general fees. These costs are the responsibility of the employee.

(C) Requirements and limitations

(1) The adjunct faculty member may enroll in undergraduate courses during the regular registration process, and no special provisions will be made for them to enroll in a course. Such enrollees will not be counted in determining minimum class size requirements, nor will additional sections be added to accommodate them.

(2) Programs or courses which have special admission requirements or class size limitations will be available to such enrollees in the same way they are available to the student body, and enrollees will be required to compete for admission into these programs or courses with other student applicants.

(3) Any adjunct faculty member desiring to take a Shawnee state university undergraduate course under this rule shall obtain and complete all necessary and required forms according to university policies and timetables. Forms are available on the financial aid webpage.

(4) At least one week prior to early registration, an adjunct faculty member should submit their tuition waiver benefit form to their division chairperson or dean for approval. Upon receipt of approval from the supervisor and verification of eligibility by the human resources department, the form will be sent to the financial aid office for final processing.

(5) No adjunct faculty member will be entitled to on-campus education benefits, nor will the university be required to pay for any classes that have already been taken by the adjunct faculty member and failed, or otherwise not successfully completed by the adjunct faculty member unless the university determines in its sole discretion that the failure or unsuccessful completion was the result of extenuating circumstances.

(D) Non-credit courses

Non-credit courses are generally not eligible for waiver under this rule. However, if completion of a non-credit course is recommended by an adjunct instructor's supervisor, and the supervisor determines that the course directly relates to and enhances the employee's skills and ability to perform assigned duties and aids in the department's overall performance, the cost for such course may be paid fully by the adjunct instructor's department.

Last updated January 30, 2023 at 8:40 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3362.03
Rule 3362-4-46 | Use of university resources.

(A) Purpose

The purpose of this rule is to establish expectations regarding the temporary use of university property and resources that are determined to be appropriate to an employee's assigned role with the university.

(B) General statement of rule

(1) The use of university resources must have a business purpose and may include the use of office space, vehicles, equipment, computers, internet, telephone, and software.

(2) When necessary, abuse of such resources may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination in accordance with applicable policies and/or collective bargaining agreements. An individual who abuses or misuses university resources may also be required to pay restitution to the university.

(3) Abuse could be determined when either of the following occurs:

(a) The use is outside the boundaries of that which is customarily provided or reasonably needed by the employee to function in their position.

(b) The use conflicts with federal, state, or local laws or regulations, or with an existing university policy.

(C) Brief personal use of the university's communication resources that operate on a flat-rate basis (internet or email) is allowable during work hours. Such use should be infrequent in nature and of short duration. After-hours personal use of internet and email services is permitted, subject to policy 5.30, campus computer and network use.

(D) Incurring long distance telephone charges for personal calls is not permitted.

(E) To the extent that university property is to be used at locations other than on campus for an extended period of time, the following conditions will apply:

(1) A written request specifying the need for the item, identifying that such use is for business purposes, and an estimated duration for the use, must be submitted to the employee's supervisor.

(2) Use of university property off-campus must not interfere with normal on-campus activities and operations of the university.

(3) The property may not be used for personal gain or personal profit-making purposes.

(4) The university will not be responsible for claims by employees for damages arising from the use of university property and equipment off-campus.

(5) Permission to use university property can be withdrawn at any time.

(F) Policies and procedures related to the use of specific university resources may be found under the applicable department website.

Last updated January 30, 2023 at 8:41 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 9/4/2007
Rule 3362-4-48 | Retirement and re-employment of retirees.

This policy applies to employees of Shawnee state university (SSU) eligible for retirement under an Ohio state retirement system (OPERS, STRS, SERS or their successors) or the Shawnee state university alternative retirement plan (ARP).

(A) Definitions

(1) Retirement: the voluntary act of an employee that severs employment from the university and entitles the employee to subsequent compensation from a state sponsored retirement system or an ARP.

(2) Public meeting: any meeting held by the board of trustees which complies with section 121.22 of the Revised Code.

(B) Eligibility for employment post-retirement

(1) Employees who retire, or have applied to retire, and are in good standing with the university are eligible to apply for a position for which they meet published qualifications that the university is seeking to fill following established university employment procedures.

(2) Re-hired retirees are personally responsible for familiarizing themselves with retirement system rules, if any, that could result in the forfeiture of retirement compensation upon re-employment.

(3) The university is not required to hold a position open or delay filling a position in order for a retiree to fill the position without loss of retirement compensation.

(C) The re-employment of an OPERS retiree in a position that is customarily filled by a vote of the university board of trustees (e.g., vice president, general counsel) will include compliance with the section 145.381 of the Revised Code.

(D) The board of trustees may authorize exceptions to one or more provisions of this policy upon adoption of a retirement incentive program.

(E) The president will ensure the development of procedures related to this policy including consistent and systematic processes for the re-employment of retiring or retired SSU employees.

(F) This policy and related procedures do not supersede collectively bargained post-retirement, employment related benefit provisions contained in the applicable labor agreement for unionized faculty and staff members.

Last updated October 31, 2022 at 9:09 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 5/12/2014
Rule 3362-4-49 | Identity theft/red flagrules.

(A) Purpose

(1) The purpose of this policy is to assure Shawnee state university's compliance with the federal trade commission's red flags rule in the detection, prevention, and mitigation of identity theft in connection with the opening of a covered account or transactions involving an existing covered account.

(2) The university will monitor university operations and adopt appropriate procedures as required for compliance with the red flags rule.

(B) Responsibility for monitoring, developing, and implementing red flags rule requirements lies with the vice president for finance and administration or the vice president's designated program administrator. The program administrator will be responsible for:

(1) Determining the appropriate steps to prevent and mitigate identity theft related to covered accounts in particular circumstances.

(2) Implementing and promulgating periodic changes to the program to address new or revised university operations.

Last updated January 23, 2023 at 9:13 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3362.03
Rule 3362-4-59 | Department of public safety employment status and other employment actions.

(A) Purpose

(1) The purpose of this rule is to establish a department of public safety, thereby creating measures and expectations for a safe and secure campus environment embracing the concept of community policing, to increase awareness of safety and security issues, assure the enforcement of university rules and laws for the preservation of good order, and prevent the disruption of the educational and business functions of the university.

(2) A secure and safe environment is a shared responsibility between the department of public safety and all stakeholders within the community. The university provides programs, systems, and processes that promote the safety and security of students, faculty, staff and visitors while balancing the need to maintain a quality, convenient, and affordable higher education environment.

(B) Establishment of the department of public safety (DPS)

The board of trustees, by resolution F29-08 and in compliance with section 3345.21 of the Revised Code, established a department of public safety.

(1) In accordance with section 3345.21 of the Revised Code, the Shawnee state university board of trustees extends its authority to the president for the purpose of directing the adoption, implementation, approval, and ongoing review and revision of policies and procedures required to administer the operation of DPS.

(2) Employees in the department of public safety may include, but not be limited to, security sergeants, security officers, police officers and police sergeants. These groups of employees may be referred to collectively in this rule as "officers" or "public safety officers".

Last updated October 3, 2024 at 8:53 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3362.03
Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 9/10/2018
Rule 3362-4-60 | Tuition, academic fees, other student fees, and fines and charges.

(A) Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to direct the adoption, management, and review of all fees and charges assessed by the university to students and to ensure compliance with applicable state regulations.

(B) Tuition and other student fees

Tuition and other student fees, as defined in this policy, that will be assessed to students must receive prior approval from the board of trustees and follow parameters established in the state biennial budget bill or other state law.

(C) Definitions:

(1) Tuition - fees charged to all students each term , based on their enrollment status. Tuition includes instructional, general, and technology fees; fees assessed to high school students (college credit plus); graduate workshop credit fee; fees assessed to all students for a specific purpose (e.g., required bond repayment fees); and any future fees meeting this definition.

(2) Course fees - fees charged only to students enrolled in courses for which a supplemental fee has been established to defray the cost of lab supplies, technology needs, or other special requirements of the course.

(3) Academic program fees - fees charged only to students who have been accepted into an academic program that requires specialized supplies, equipment, or individualized services. Examples may include studio-based programs, programs requiring state-of-the-art equipment, and programs with clinical requirements.

(4) Other student fees - fees assessed to specific groups of students that support the delivery of academic services and student life activities (e.g., credit by arrangement fee, residential student programming fee).

(D) Fines and cost recovery charges

(1) Fines and cost recovery charges that may be assessed to students must be approved by the president and will be shared with the board of trustees annually.

(2) Definitions:

(a) Fines - fines assessed to students as a result of disciplinary action.

(b) Cost recovery charges - charges assessed to students to defray the cost of providing an optional service (e.g. express mail charge for a rush transcript).

(E) Procedures

Procedures that address the management and use of board-approved fees and to otherwise effectively administer this policy shall be established.

Last updated July 7, 2023 at 8:28 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3362.03
Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 11/12/2012
Rule 3362-4-61 | Naming of university buildings and campus areas.

(A) Rule statement

This rule provides for the naming of university owned and/or operated buildings and campus areas following an orderly and efficient process in order to provide uniformity and consistency in the identification of these areas by students, staff, and visitors.

(B) Exception

The process for the "naming" of university buildings, campus areas, or features as a result of credit for commemorative/naming opportunities are covered under the auspices of the SSU development foundation policies (sections 11.0 and 12.0).

(C) Right to remove and/or change naming

The board of trustees reserves the right to remove and/or change names of buildings and structures, spaces, units or entities, whether administrative, philanthropic or honorific/commemorative, if at any time the university determines that the continued naming of a space, unit or entity compromises the university's integrity or reputation, or for any other reason in its sole discretion.

(D) Procedure

The president will ensure procedures will be established for the naming of university owned and/or operated buildings and campus areas that follow a consistent framework, effectively communicate the approved identification, and provide for revision or discontinuation of such names under paragraph (C) in this rule.

Last updated December 2, 2022 at 12:40 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 1/27/2014
Rule 3362-4-62 | Student enrollment: business functions.

(A) Rule purpose

The university is committed to enabling prospective and existing students to complete enrollment and related business functions required to remain in good standing with the university in an efficient, streamlined and student-friendly manner. The purpose of this rule is to ensure the establishment of business functions required for student business matters such as, but not limited to: enrollment and registration processes; course and laboratory schedules; deadlines for all required business actions such as the payment of tuition and fees, housing and meal plan rates; payment due-dates for each term; refund schedules for courses that students drop or withdraw from; placement of student-account "holds" for non-payment (when permitted by law;) and guidelines for the collection of outstanding account balances.

(B) Procedures

The president will ensure the adoption of procedures and guidelines, including the delegation of responsibility to university officials, for the effective administration of this rule and communication and distribution of information in a variety of formats.

Last updated January 30, 2023 at 8:41 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 1/27/2014
Rule 3362-4-63 | Controlling infectious and communicable diseases.

(A) Purpose

This rule is to safeguard against infectious and communicable diseases by adopting strategies that will mitigate the impact of imminent or emerging threats of disease upon the campus community.

(B) Definitions

(1) Infectious or communicable disease - an infectious or communicable disease is the presence and growth of a microorganism that produces a disease that may be transmitted directly or indirectly from one individual to another. An infectious or communicable disease may be transmitted by inhalation of airborne pathogens, ingestion into the gastrointestinal tract from contaminated food, water or utensils, direct contact with a pathogen with a normally protected part of the body or insects.

(2) Other health-related conditions - Any condition that may not pose a serious risk to health or life safety but, if not controlled, could result in a considerable impact on daily operations of the university. These conditions may be something that is being transmitted from off campus which could require some action be taken at home or at the origin of the issue. Examples of these conditions can include but are not limited to scabies, fleas, bed bugs, lice etc.

(C) Scope

(1) This rule addresses infectious and communicable diseases commonly found in the university population and which can be transmitted by air, object or through casual contact. Some examples of these infectious & communicable diseases include but are not limited to:

(a) Measles - (Rubella, Rubeola)

(b) Tuberculosis

(c) Hepatitis

(d) Meningitis - viral and bacterial

(e) Chicken pox

(f) Influenza

(g) Pneumonia

(h) Mononucleosis

(i) Ebola

(j) Severe adult respiratory syndrome (SARS) or SARS-CoV-2 virus

(2) Other conditions (i.e. scabies, fleas etc.) that pose risks of contagion and that would put the university community at risk.

(3) Excluded from this rule are diseases transmitted through sexual contact, or through needle use, such as Hepatitis B and HIV (see rule 5.21 bloodborne pathogens).

(D) Procedures

Procedures will be implemented that define a process for addressing students, faculty and/or staff that may contract an infectious or communicable disease.

Last updated October 15, 2024 at 1:34 PM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 3362.03
Amplifies: 3362.03
Rule 3362-4-64 | Electronic signatures.

(A) Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to establish rules regarding electronic signatures at the university in compliance with division (I) of section 1306.20 of the Revised Code.

(B) Authority

The vice president for finance and administration, controller, and chief information officer are responsible for the effective oversight and management of electronic signatures.

(C) Use of electronic signatures

(1) The use of electronic signatures shall be consistent with established operational policies and procedures, including board of trustee policy 5.27rev, signature authority for contracts.

(2) The university recognizes an authorized electronic signature as legally binding to the fullest extent permitted by law.

(3) The vice president for finance and administration or designee has discretion to opt out of conducting business electronically with any party or in any transaction.

(4) The university's chief information officer shall be responsible for establishing a process and security protocol for authentication, nonrepudiation, and integrity to the extent that is reasonable for each electronic signature. An electronic signature that does not comply with an approved authentication method at the time of signature may not be binding on the university.

(5) Documentation of individual electronic signatures shall be maintained in accordance with the university's record retention schedule.

(D) Procedures

Procedures developed by the appropriate university offices for the effective implementation of this policy, including the authentication method for electronic signatures and identification of responsibilities for individuals and units regarding the use of electronic signatures, will be approved by the president.

Last updated January 23, 2023 at 9:13 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3362.03
Prior Effective Dates: 12/28/2015
Rule 3362-4-65 | Flexible work arrangements.

(A) Shawnee state recognizes the value of flexible work options, and understands that offering flexible work arrangements can result in improved productivity, recruitment and retention of top talent, and improved employee satisfaction. Offering workplace flexibility is a strategy for using resources most efficiently and providing the best environment for supporting staff while meeting the university's needs.

(B) Purpose

The purpose of this rule is to provide a structure and guidelines to support flexible work arrangements at the university, enabling managers to balance the operational and educational demands of the university with the preferred work arrangements of eligible employees. The goal of flexible work arrangements is to improve employee wellness by creating better work-life balance and improving employee recruitment and retention while maintaining a productive, efficient work environment.

(C) Policy scope

This rule applies to all university personnel, unless specifically excluded based on job duties or the scheduling demands of the university. This rule does not apply to faculty, students, or other temporary employees.

(D) Policy statement

(1) Flexible work arrangements should be implemented in a fair and equitable manner throughout the university, but eligibility depends on job responsibilities, service obligations, and departmental needs.

(2) Flexible work arrangements are a discretionary benefit to eligible employees based on the needs of the university; such arrangements should not be viewed as automatic or permanent in light of the varying roles and responsibilities of employees and changing needs of the university over time.

(3) The primary criterion for determining approval of a flexible work arrangement for any employee shall be whether the arrangement meets the business needs of the department and university. Flexible work arrangements may be appropriate for staff in some positions and departments but may not be possible for all. While acknowledging that not every position is appropriate for a flexible work arrangement, supervisors, department heads, and vice presidents should strive to ensure reasonable and equitable access to these options. Vice presidents should ensure that flexible work arrangements are offered in a manner that does not violate the university's policies against discrimination. Careful consideration should be given to create a flexible work arrangement that will set the employee and the unit or department up for success.

(4) Flexible work arrangements need to ensure the delivery of quality service to our students, employees and external constituents, and that the university maintains a vibrant and connected campus community.

(5) Flexible work arrangements are to be documented and regularly evaluated, and are subject to termination in accordance with the accompanying procedure. The university reserves the right to require, deny, alter or cease flexible arrangements based on the unit's business needs, the individual's work performance, and other relevant factors.

(6) The approval of a remote work plan and other flexible work arrangements is not a right of an employee and it also does not change the terms and conditions of employment with the university. Employees with flexible work arrangements remain subject to applicable university policies and procedures, collective bargaining agreements, and federal and state laws.

(7) Flexible work arrangements are not appropriate nor required for occasional, non-routine flexibility in work hours or location.

(8) The university may permit variations of flexible work arrangements that modify the provisions set forth in this rule or accompanying procedure in response to a short- or long-term university declared emergency or other operational or educational needs. Any such declaration or need will be communicated to the affected employees, as well as any permitted variations, depending on the nature of the emergency or university need.

Last updated February 27, 2023 at 8:44 AM

Supplemental Information

Authorized By: 111.15
Amplifies: 3362.03