The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation.
Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.
Section |
Section 305.01 | Board of county commissioners - election, term.
February 25, 1972
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 322 - 109th General Assembly
The board of county commissioners shall consist of three persons who shall be elected as follows: (A) In November, 1974, and quadrennially thereafter, one county commissioner shall be elected to take office on the first day of January following. (B) In November, 1972, and quadrennially thereafter, two commissioners shall be elected. The term of one of such commissioners shall commence on the second day of January next after his election, and the term of the other commissioner shall commence on the third day of January next after his election. (C) Thereafter such officers shall hold office for the term of four years and until their successors are elected and qualified.
Section 305.02 | Vacancy in county offices filled by election or appointment.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 405 - 134th General Assembly
(A) If a vacancy in the office of county commissioner, prosecuting attorney, county auditor, county treasurer, clerk of the court of common pleas, sheriff, county recorder, county engineer, or coroner occurs more than forty days before the next general election for state and county officers, a successor shall be elected at such election for the unexpired term unless such term expires within one year immediately following the date of such general election. In either event, the vacancy shall be filled as provided in this section and the appointee shall hold office until a successor is elected and qualified. (B) If a vacancy occurs from any cause in any of the offices named in division (A) of this section, then not later than forty-five days after the vacancy occurs, a person shall be appointed to hold the office and to perform the duties thereof until a successor is elected and has qualified. The appointment shall be made as follows: (1) If the last occupant of the office was elected as a partisan candidate, the county central committee of the political party that nominated the last occupant of the office for the current term shall make the appointment. However, if such vacancy occurs because of the death, resignation, or inability to take the office of an officer-elect whose term has not yet begun, and the officer-elect was elected as a partisan candidate, an appointment to take such office at the beginning of the term shall be made by the central committee of the political party that nominated the officer-elect as a candidate for that office for that term. A county central committee that makes an appointment under division (B)(1) of this section shall meet for that purpose not less than five nor more than forty-five days after the vacancy occurs. Not less than four days before the date of such meeting the chairperson or secretary of such central committee shall send by first class mail to every member of such central committee a written notice which shall state the time and place of such meeting and the purpose thereof. A majority of the members of the central committee present at such meeting may make the appointment. (2) If the last occupant of the office or the officer-elect was elected to serve the current term as an independent candidate, the board of county commissioners shall make the appointment, except where the vacancy is in the office of county commissioner, in which case the prosecuting attorney and the remaining commissioners or a majority of them shall make the appointment. (C) Appointments made under this section shall be certified by the appointing county central committee or by the board of county commissioners to the county board of elections and to the secretary of state, and the persons so appointed and certified shall be entitled to all remuneration provided by law for the offices to which they are appointed. (D) The board of county commissioners may appoint a person to hold any of the offices named in division (A) of this section as an acting officer and to perform the duties thereof between the occurrence of the vacancy and the time when the officer appointed under division (B) of this section qualifies and takes the office. (E) A person appointed prosecuting attorney or assistant prosecuting attorney shall give bond and take the oath of office prescribed by section 309.03 of the Revised Code for the prosecuting attorney.
Last updated January 19, 2023 at 11:18 AM
Section 305.021 | County engineer vacancy.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 315 - 135th General Assembly
(A) When there is a vacancy in the county engineer's office as a result of death or resignation and the vacancy cannot be filled by election or appointment as provided in section 305.02 of the Revised Code, or if no one runs for the office of county engineer and, for that reason, the office is vacant, the board of county commissioners may contract with another county's county engineer to exercise the powers and perform the acts, duties, or functions of the county engineer. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of the Revised Code or the common law, the same person may serve as the county engineer of more than one county, including adjacent counties, under this section. (B) A county engineer with whom the board contracts shall receive supplemental compensation for services rendered under the contract in an amount equal to the compensation specified in sections 325.14 and 325.18 of the Revised Code for the population range of the county in which the engineer is contracted to perform services, prorated for the duration of the contract. The supplemental compensation shall have no effect on the compensation a county engineer receives for serving as county engineer in the county in which the engineer holds office. The duration of the contract shall not extend beyond the last day of the term for which there was a vacancy.
Last updated February 21, 2025 at 11:01 AM
Section 305.03 | Absence of certain county officers; office deemed vacant.
March 20, 2025
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 196 - 135th General Assembly
(A)(1) Whenever any county officer, except the county auditor or county treasurer, fails to perform the duties of office for ninety consecutive days, except in case of sickness or injury as provided in divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the office shall be deemed vacant. (2) Whenever any county auditor or county treasurer fails to perform the duties of office for thirty consecutive days, except in case of sickness or injury as provided in divisions (B) and (C) of this section, the office shall be deemed vacant. (B) Whenever any county officer is absent because of sickness or injury, the officer shall cause to be filed with the board of county commissioners a certificate from a physician, certified nurse-midwife, clinical nurse specialist, or certified nurse practitioner of the officer's sickness or injury. If the certificate is not filed with the board within ten days after the expiration of thirty consecutive days, in the case of a county auditor or county treasurer, or within ten days after the expiration of ninety consecutive days of absence, in the case of all other county officers, the office shall be deemed vacant. (C) Whenever a county officer files a certificate under division (B) of this section, but continues to be absent for an additional thirty days commencing immediately after the last day on which this certificate may be filed under division (B) of this section, the office shall be deemed vacant. (D) If at any time two county commissioners in a county are absent and have filed a certificate under division (B) of this section, the county coroner, in addition to performing the duties of coroner, shall serve as county commissioner until at least one of the absent commissioners returns to office or until the office of at least one of the absent commissioners is deemed vacant under this section and the vacancy is filled. If the coroner so requests, the coroner shall be paid a per diem rate for the coroner's service as a commissioner. That per diem rate shall be the annual salary specified by law for a county commissioner of that county whose term of office began in the same year as the coroner's term of office began, divided by the number of days in the year. While the coroner is serving as a county commissioner, the coroner shall be considered an acting county commissioner and shall perform the duties of the office of county commissioner until at least one of the absent commissioners returns to office or until the office of at least one of the absent commissioners is deemed vacant. Before assuming the office of acting county commissioner, the coroner shall take an oath of office as provided in sections 3.22 and 3.23 of the Revised Code. The coroner's service as an acting county commissioner does not constitute the holding of an incompatible public office or employment in violation of any statutory or common law prohibition against the simultaneous holding of more than one public office or employment. The coroner shall give a new bond in the same amount and signed and approved as provided in section 305.04 of the Revised Code. The bond shall be conditioned for the faithful discharge of the coroner's duties as acting county commissioner and for the payment of any loss or damage that the county may sustain by reason of the coroner's failure in those duties. The bond, along with the oath of office and approval of the probate judge indorsed on it, shall be deposited and paid for as provided for the bonds in section 305.04 of the Revised Code. (E) Any vacancy declared under this section shall be filled in the manner provided by section 305.02 of the Revised Code. (F) This section shall not apply to a county officer while in the active military service of the United States.
Last updated February 18, 2025 at 5:05 PM
Section 305.04 | Bond of county commissioners - oath of office.
March 20, 2019
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 291 - 132nd General Assembly
Before entering upon the discharge of official duties, each county commissioner, except as otherwise provided in section 3.061 of the Revised Code, shall give bond, signed by a bonding or surety company authorized to do business in this state, or, at the county commissioner's option, by two or more freeholders having real estate in the value of double the amount of the bond over and above all encumbrances to the state, in a sum not less than five thousand dollars, and the surety company to be approved by the probate judge of the county. The bond shall be conditioned for the faithful discharge of the commissioner's official duties, and for the payment of any loss or damage that the county may sustain by reason of the commissioner's failure in such duties. Such bond, with the oath of office and approval of the probate judge indorsed thereon, shall be deposited with the county treasurer and kept in the treasurer's office. The expense or premium for such bond shall be paid by the board of county commissioners and charged to the general fund of the county. Such surety may be discharged in the manner provided by section 2109.18 of the Revised Code for the release of sureties of guardians.
Section 305.05 | Organization; election of president.
September 29, 2017
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 49 - 132nd General Assembly
The board of county commissioners shall organize not later than the second Monday of January of each year, by the election of one of its members as president for a term of one year. The member so elected shall preside at all regular and special sessions of the board. If the position of president becomes vacant during the year, the board shall select one of its members to preside.
Section 305.06 | Regular sessions.
August 5, 1998
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 419 - 122nd General Assembly
(A) The board of county commissioners shall conduct at least fifty regular sessions each year, at an office provided for the board in the county seat or at another location as provided in division (B) of this section. Each of these sessions shall be conducted at a specific time fixed in advance. At each meeting the board shall transact such business as it considers necessary or as required by law. (B) The board of county commissioners may provide by resolution for the holding of any or all regular sessions of the board at a location in the county other than the office provided for the board in the county seat. The adoption of the resolution and the location where the session or sessions will be held shall be entered on the journal of the board. The board shall give reasonable public notice of its action taken pursuant to this division, in accordance with division (F) of section 121.22 of the Revised Code.
Section 305.07 | Special sessions.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 281 - 134th General Assembly
(A) Special sessions of the board of county commissioners may be held as often as the commissioners deem it necessary. At a regular or special session, the board may make any necessary order or contract in relation to the building, furnishing, repairing, or insuring of public buildings or bridges; the employment of janitors; the improvements or enclosure of public grounds; the maintenance or support of persons with developmental disabilities or persons with mental illnesses; the expenditure of any fund; or the board may provide for the reconstruction or repair of any bridge destroyed by fire, flood, or otherwise. The board shall comply with division (F) of section 121.22 of the Revised Code. The board may do any other official act not, by law, restricted to a particular regular session. (B) The board of county commissioners may provide by resolution for the holding of special sessions of the board at a location in the county other than the usual office of the board at the county seat. The adoption of the resolution and the location where the sessions will be held shall be entered on the journal of the board. The board shall give reasonable public notice of its action taken pursuant to this division, in accordance with division (F) of section 121.22 of the Revised Code.
Last updated March 10, 2023 at 10:57 AM
Section 305.08 | Quorum.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum at any regular or special meeting.
Section 305.09 | Proceedings of board of county commissioners.
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 84 - 127th General Assembly
All the proceedings of the board of county commissioners shall be public, at the office provided for the board in the county seat, or at another location, as provided in division (B) of section 305.06 or division (B) of section 305.07 of the Revised Code, and, as far as possible, shall be in conformity with the rules of parliamentary law. If the clerk of the board maintains the full record of the proceedings by electronic means, the chairperson of the board, prior to complying with section 305.11 of the Revised Code, shall announce that the record is being maintained in such a manner and, during the proceedings, shall ensure that each person self-identifies prior to speaking during the proceedings.
Section 305.10 | Written or electronic record and index of proceedings.
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 84 - 127th General Assembly
(A) Except as otherwise provided in division (B) of this section, the clerk of the board of county commissioners shall keep a full written record of the proceedings of the board, and a written general index of those proceedings, entering each motion with the name of the person making it on the record. The clerk shall call and record the yeas and nays on each motion. The clerk shall state fully and clearly in the record any question relating to the powers and duties of the board which is raised for its consideration by any person having an interest therein, together with the decision on such question, and shall call and record the yeas and nays by which the decision is made. When requested by a party interested in the proceedings or by a party's counsel, the clerk shall record any legal proposition decided by the board, the decision thereon, and the votes by which the decision is reached. If either party, in person or by counsel, takes exception to such decision, the clerk shall record the exceptions with the record of the decision. (B) A board of county commissioners may elect to maintain a full record of its proceedings by electronic means, including, but not limited to, those listed in section 9.01 of the Revised Code, by adopting a resolution that directs the clerk to maintain a full record of the proceedings by electronic means. The clerk also shall maintain a general index of the electronic record in either a written form or by electronic means, as determined by the board in its resolution. The board's resolution also may authorize the clerk to maintain a written summary of the record of the proceedings, provided that the summary shall include a notation that the full record of proceedings is maintained by electronic means. If the electronic means malfunctions, the clerk shall create the full written record of the proceedings as described in division (A) of this section.
Section 305.11 | Signing of record.
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 84 - 127th General Assembly
Immediately upon the opening of each day's session of the board of county commissioners, the records of the proceedings of the session of the previous day shall be read, or provided to each commissioner in written form, by the clerk of the board and, if correct, approved and signed by the commissioners. In the alternative, if the clerk maintains the full record of the proceedings by electronic means as authorized by division (B) of section 305.10 of the Revised Code, the board shall orally approve the electronic record of proceedings at the previous meeting after the clerk certifies that the entire record of the proceedings at that meeting is completely and accurately captured in the electronic record of those proceedings. When the board is not in session, the record of proceedings shall be kept in the county auditor's office or, if the county has a full-time clerk, in the county commissioners' office, open at all proper times to public inspection. It shall be certified by the president and clerk of the board and shall be received as evidence in every court in the state.
Section 305.12 | Liability of commissioners.
December 30, 2008
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 129 - 127th General Assembly
The board of county commissioners may sue and be sued, and plead and be impleaded, in any court. It may bring, maintain, and defend suits involving an injury to any public, state, or county road, bridge, ditch, drain, or watercourse in the county with respect to which the county has the primary responsibility to keep in proper repair, and for the prevention of injury to them. The board shall demand and receive, by suit or otherwise, any real estate or interest in real estate, legal or equitable, belonging to the county, or any money or other property due the county. The money so recovered shall be paid into the county treasury, and the board shall take the county treasurer's receipt for it and file it with the county auditor. The board of county commissioners may enter into contracts with municipal corporations and townships pursuant to division (D) of section 715.72 of the Revised Code.
Section 305.13 | Appointment of clerk.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
If the board of county commissioners finds it necessary for the clerk of the board to devote his entire time to the discharge of the duties of such position, it may appoint a full time clerk, in place of the county auditor, and such necessary assistants to the clerk as the board deems necessary. Such clerk shall perform the duties required by sections 305.10 and 305.11 of the Revised Code and by the board.
Section 305.14 | Employment of legal counsel.
October 6, 2009
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 79 - 128th General Assembly
(A) The court of common pleas, upon the application of the prosecuting attorney and the board of county commissioners, may authorize the board to employ legal counsel to assist the prosecuting attorney, the board, or any other county officer in any matter of public business coming before such board or officer, and in the prosecution or defense of any action or proceeding in which such board or officer is a party or has an interest, in its official capacity. (B) The board of county commissioners may also employ legal counsel, as provided in section 309.09 of the Revised Code, to represent it in any matter of public business coming before such board, and in the prosecution or defense of any action or proceeding in which such board is a party or has an interest, in its official capacity. (C) Notwithstanding division (A) of this section and except as provided in division (D) of this section, a county board of developmental disabilities or a public children services agency may, without the authorization of the court of common pleas, employ legal counsel to advise it or to represent it or any of its members or employees in any matter of public business coming before the board or agency or in the prosecution or defense of any action or proceeding in which the board or agency in its official capacity, or a board or agency member or employee in the member's or employee's official capacity, is a party or has an interest. (D)(1) In any legal proceeding in which the prosecuting attorney is fully able to perform the prosecuting attorney's statutory duty to represent the county board of developmental disabilities or public children services agency without conflict of interest, the board or agency shall employ other counsel only with the written consent of the prosecuting attorney. In any legal proceeding in which the prosecuting attorney is unable, for any reason, to represent the board or agency, the prosecuting attorney shall so notify the board or agency, and, except as provided in division (D)(2) of this section, the board or agency may then employ counsel for the proceeding without further permission from any authority. (2) A public children services agency that receives money from the county general revenue fund must obtain the permission of the board of county commissioners of the county served by the agency before employing counsel under division (C) of this section.
Last updated May 26, 2022 at 11:28 AM
Section 305.15 | Employment of engineer.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 547 - 114th General Assembly
When the services of an engineer are required with respect to roads, turnpikes, ditches, bridges, or any other matter, and when, on account of the amount of work to be performed, the board of county commissioners deems it necessary, upon the written request of the county engineer, the board may employ a registered professional engineer and as many assistant engineers, rodmen, and inspectors as are needed, and may also enter into contracts with any person, firm, partnership, association, or corporation qualified to perform engineering services in the state for this purpose and fix the compensation therefor. In awarding such contracts the board shall not be required to comply with sections 153.40 and 5555.61 of the Revised Code. If no such contract is entered into, the board shall furnish suitable offices, necessary books, stationery, instruments, and implements for the proper performance of the duties imposed on the engineer, assistant engineers, rodmen, and inspectors by such board.
Section 305.16 | Other employees.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The board of county commissioners may employ a superintendent, and such watchmen, janitors, and other employees as are necessary for the care and custody of the court house, jail, and other county buildings, bridges, and other property under its jurisdiction and control.
Section 305.17 | Compensation of employees.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The board of county commissioners shall fix the compensation of all persons appointed or employed under sections 305.13 to 305.16, inclusive, of the Revised Code, which, with their reasonable expenses, shall be paid from the county treasury upon the allowance of the board. No law requiring a certificate that the money for such compensation and expenses is in the treasury shall apply to the appointment or employment of such persons.
Section 305.171 | Group insurance coverage for county officers and employees.
September 28, 2012
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 509 - 129th General Assembly
(A) The board of county commissioners of any county may contract for, purchase, or otherwise procure and pay all or any part of the cost of any of the following insurance, coverage, or benefits issued by an insurance company or administered by a board of county commissioners or a contractor, for county officers and employees and their immediate dependents from the funds or budgets from which the county officers or employees are compensated for services: (1) Group insurance policies that may provide any of the following: (a) Benefits including, but not limited to, hospitalization, surgical care, major medical care, disability, dental care, eye care, medical care, hearing aids, or prescription drugs; (b) Sickness and accident insurance; (c) Group legal services; (d) Group life insurance. (2) Any other qualified benefit available under section 125 of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 26 U.S.C. 125; (3) A health and wellness benefit program through which the county provides a benefit or incentive to county officers, employees, and their immediate dependents to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including, but not limited to, programs to encourage healthy eating and nutrition, exercise and physical activity, weight control or the elimination of obesity, and cessation of smoking or alcohol use. (4) Any combination of any of the foregoing types of insurance, coverage, or benefits. (B) The board of county commissioners also may negotiate and contract for any plan or plans of health care services with health insuring corporations holding a certificate of authority under Chapter 1751. of the Revised Code, provided that each county officer or employee shall be permitted to do both of the following: (1) Exercise an option between a plan offered by an insurance company and a plan or plans offered by health insuring corporations under this division, on the condition that the county officer or employee shall pay any amount by which the cost of the plan chosen by the county officer or employee pursuant to this division exceeds the cost of the plan offered under division (A) of this section; (2) Change from one of the plans to another at a time each year as determined by the board. (C) Section 307.86 of the Revised Code does not apply to the purchase of benefits for county officers or employees under divisions (A) and (B) of this section when those benefits are provided through a jointly administered health and welfare trust fund in which the county or contracting authority and a collective bargaining representative of the county employees or contracting authority agree to participate. (D) The board of trustees of a jointly administered trust fund that receives contributions pursuant to collective bargaining agreements entered into between the board of county commissioners of any county and a collective bargaining representative of the employees of the county may provide for self-insurance of all risk in the provision of fringe benefits, and may provide through the self-insurance method specific fringe benefits as authorized by the rules of the board of trustees of the jointly administered trust fund. The fringe benefits may include, but are not limited to, hospitalization, surgical care, major medical care, disability, dental care, vision care, medical care, hearing aids, prescription drugs, group life insurance, sickness and accident insurance, group legal services, or a combination of any of the foregoing types of insurance or coverage, for county employees and their dependents. (E) The board of county commissioners may provide the benefits described in divisions (A) to (D) of this section through an individual self-insurance program or a joint self-insurance program as provided in section 9.833 of the Revised Code. (F) When a board of county commissioners offers benefits authorized under this section to a county officer or employee, the board may offer the benefits through a cafeteria plan meeting the requirements of section 125 of the "Internal Revenue Code of 1986," 100 Stat. 2085, 26 U.S.C.A. 125, as amended, and, as part of that plan, may offer the county officer or employee the option of receiving a cash payment in any form permissible under such cafeteria plans. A cash payment made to a county officer or employee under this division shall not exceed twenty-five per cent of the cost of premiums or payments that otherwise would be paid by the board for benefits for the county officer or employee under a policy or plan. (G) The board of county commissioners may establish a policy authorizing any county appointing authority to make a cash payment to any county officer or employee in lieu of providing a benefit authorized under this section if the county officer or employee elects to take the cash payment instead of the offered benefit. A cash payment made to a county officer or employee under this division shall not exceed twenty-five per cent of the cost of premiums or payments that otherwise would be paid by the board for benefits for the county officer or employee under an offered policy or plan. (H) No cash payment in lieu of a health benefit shall be made to a county officer or employee under division (F) or (G) of this section unless the county officer or employee signs a statement affirming that the county officer or employee is covered under another health insurance or health care policy, contract, or plan, and setting forth the name of the employer, if any, that sponsors the coverage, the name of the carrier that provides the coverage, and the identifying number of the policy, contract, or plan. (I) The legislative authority of a county-operated municipal court, after consultation with the judges, or the clerk and deputy clerks, of the municipal court, shall negotiate and contract for, purchase, or otherwise procure, and pay the costs, premiums, or charges for, group health care coverage for the judges, and group health care coverage for the clerk and deputy clerks, in accordance with section 1901.111 or 1901.312 of the Revised Code. (J) As used in this section: (1) "County officer or employee" includes, but is not limited to, a member or employee of the county board of elections. (2) "County-operated municipal court" and "legislative authority" have the same meanings as in section 1901.03 of the Revised Code. (3) "Health care coverage" has the same meaning as in section 1901.111 of the Revised Code.
Section 305.172 | Health savings account program.
August 17, 2006
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 46 - 126th General Assembly
As used in this section, "county officer or employee" includes, but is not limited to, a member or employee of the county board of elections. The board of county commissioners of any county may establish and maintain a health savings account program whereby county officers or employees may establish and maintain health savings accounts in accordance with section 223 of the Internal Revenue Code. Public moneys may be used to pay for or fund federally qualified high deductible health plans that are linked to health savings accounts or to make contributions to health savings accounts.
Section 305.18 | Annual inventory.
September 16, 1963
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 610 - 105th General Assembly
Each county officer or department head shall make an inventory, on the second Monday in January of each year, of all the materials, machinery, tools, and other county supplies under the jurisdiction of such county officer or department head. Such inventory shall be a public record, made in duplicate, and one copy shall be filed with the clerk of the board of county commissioners and one copy with the county auditor.
Section 305.19 | Duty as to reports of county officers.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The board of county commissioners shall compare the annual reports and statements made to it by the prosecuting attorney, clerk of the court of common pleas, sheriff, and county treasurer, take all necessary measures to rectify errors in such reports and to trace and correct any discrepancies between them, and place on its journal the result of such examination. All such reports shall be recorded by the county auditor in a book kept specially for that purpose.
Section 305.21 | May administer oaths.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
Any county commissioner may administer any oath necessary in the discharge of the duties of the board of county commissioners.
Section 305.22 | Shall provide place for holding courts.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
Until proper buildings are erected for the permanent seat of justice in a county, the board of county commissioners shall provide a suitable place for holding the courts of such county.
Section 305.23 | Centralized services for a county office.
September 29, 2013
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 59 - 130th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section: (1) "County office" means the offices of the county commissioner, county auditor, county treasurer, county engineer, county recorder, county prosecuting attorney, county sheriff, county coroner, county park district, veterans service commission, clerk of the juvenile court, clerks of court for all divisions of the courts of common pleas, including the clerk of the court of common pleas, clerk of a county-operated municipal court, and clerk of a county court, and any agency, department, or division under the authority of, or receiving funding in whole or in part from, any of those county offices. (2) "Human resources" means any and all functions relating to human resource management, including civil service, employee benefits administration, collective bargaining, labor relations, risk management, workers' compensation, unemployment compensation, and any human resource management function required by state or federal law, but "human resources" does not authorize a board of county commissioners to adopt a resolution establishing a centralized human resource service that requires any county office to conform to any classification and compensation plan, position descriptions, or organizational structure; to determine the rate of compensation of any employee appointed by the appointing authority of a county office or the salary ranges for positions of a county office within the aggregate limits set in the appropriation resolution of the board of county commissioners; to determine the number of or the terms of employment of any employee appointed by the appointing authority of a county office within the aggregate limits set in the board's appropriation resolution; or to exercise powers relating to the hiring, qualifications, evaluation, suspension, demotion, disciplinary action, layoff, furloughing, establishment of a modified work-week schedule, or the termination of any employee appointed by the appointing authority of any county office. (B) Subject to division (C) of this section, a board of county commissioners may adopt a resolution establishing centralized purchasing, printing, transportation, vehicle maintenance, human resources, revenue collection, and mail operation services for a county office. Before adopting a resolution under this section, the board of county commissioners, in a written notice, shall inform any other county office that will be impacted by the resolution of the board's desire to establish a centralized service or services. The written notice shall include a statement that provides the rationale and the estimated savings anticipated for centralizing a service or services. In addition, the board may request any other county office to serve as the agent and responsible party for administering a centralized service or services. That county office may enter into an agreement with the board of county commissioners to administer the centralized service or services under such terms and conditions as are included in the agreement, but nothing in this section authorizes the board of county commissioners to require a county office to serve as the agent and responsible party for administering a centralized service or services at the board's request. A resolution establishing a centralized service or services shall specify all of the following: (1) The name of the county office that will be the agent and responsible party for administering a centralized service or services, and if the agent and responsible party is not the board of county commissioners, the designation of the county office that has entered into an agreement under division (B) of this section with the board to be the agent and responsible party; (2) Which county offices are required to use the centralized services; (3) If not all of the centralized services, which centralized service each county office must use; (4) A list of rates and charges the county office shall pay for the centralized services; (5) The date upon which each county office specified in the resolution shall begin using the centralized services. Not later than ten days after a resolution is adopted under this section, the clerk of the board of county commissioners shall send a copy of the resolution to each county office that is specified in the resolution. (C) A board of county commissioners shall not adopt a resolution that establishes a centralized service or services regarding any of the following: (1) Purchases made for contract services with moneys from the county recorder's technology fund established under section 317.321 of the Revised Code or from the funds that are paid out of the general fund of the county under sections 325.071 and 325.12 of the Revised Code; (2) Purchases made with moneys from the real estate assessment fund established under section 325.31 of the Revised Code; (3) Purchases of financial software used by the county auditor; (4) The printing of county property tax bills; (5) The collection of any taxes, assessments, and fees the county treasurer is required by law to collect; (6) Purchases of software used by the county recorder. (D) Nothing in this section authorizes the board of county commissioners to have control or authority over funds that are received directly by a county office under another section of the Revised Code, or to control, or have authority regarding, the expenditure or use of such funds.
Section 305.25 | When contracts valid.
October 27, 1981
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 114 - 114th General Assembly
No contract entered into by the board of county commissioners, or order made by it, shall be valid unless it has been assented to at a regular or special session of the board, and entered in the minutes of its proceedings by the county auditor or the clerk of the board.
Section 305.26 | May release or compound claims.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The board of county commissioners may compound or release, in whole or in part, a debt, judgment, fine, or amercement due the county and for the use thereof, except where it or any of its members is personally interested. In such case the board shall enter upon its journal a statement of the facts in the case and the reasons for such release or composition.
Section 305.27 | Interest in county contracts prohibited - exception.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
No county commissioner shall be concerned, directly or indirectly, in any contract for work to be done or material to be furnished for the county. For a violation of this section, a commissioner shall forfeit not less than two hundred nor more than two thousand dollars, to be recovered by a civil action, in the name of the state, for use of the county. Such commissioner shall also forfeit, in like manner, any compensation he may have received on such contract. This section does not apply where a commissioner, being a shareholder of a corporation but not an officer or director, owns not in excess of five per cent of the stock of such corporation and the value of the stock so owned does not exceed five hundred dollars. If a stockholder desires to avail himself of the exception provided in this section, before entering upon such contract he shall first file with the clerk of the board of commissioners an affidavit stating his exact status and connection with such corporation.
Section 305.28 | Criminal justice regional information fund.
September 29, 2005
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 66 - 126th General Assembly
If a board of county commissioners by resolution elects to participate in a criminal justice regional information system as provided in section 2949.093 of the Revised Code, the board also shall create in its county treasury a criminal justice regional information fund. All money deposited into the fund shall be used only as provided in that section.
Section 305.29 | County administrator - appointment.
August 30, 1957
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 791 - 102nd General Assembly
The board of county commissioners may appoint a county administrator, who shall be the administrative head of the county under the direction and supervision of the board and who shall hold office at the pleasure of the board. In the event that the county administrator is absent from his office by reason of illness, death, vacation, resignation, or removal, the chairman of the board or a qualified person designated by him with the approval of the board shall act as county administrator and perform all duties of such office, until such time as the county administrator returns to his duties or the board appoints a new county administrator to fill the vacancy. The board shall fix the salary of the county administrator and cause the same to be paid.
Section 305.30 | County administrator - powers and duties.
September 29, 1999
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 31 - 123rd General Assembly
The county administrator, under the direction of the board of county commissioners, shall do the following: (A) Assist in the administration, enforcement, and execution of the policies and resolutions of the board; (B) Supervise and direct the activities of the affairs of the divisions of county government under the control or jurisdiction of the board; (C) Attend all meetings of the board at which the administrator's attendance is required by that body; (D) Recommend measures for adoption to the board; (E) Prepare and submit to the board reports required by that body, or reports that it considers advisable; (F) Keep the board fully advised on the financial conditions of the county, preparing and submitting a budget for the next fiscal year; (G) Contract on behalf of the board within limits provided by a resolution of the board, provided that the resolution authorizing such actions shall also specify the types of contracts upon which the administrator may act without further resolution of the board; (H) Allow and pay claims for goods received and services rendered within limits provided by a resolution of the board, provided that the county department receiving those goods and services certifies their receipt before the administrator allows the claim; (I) Perform any or all personnel functions otherwise conferred or incumbent upon the board of county commissioners under Chapter 124. or any other chapter or section of the Revised Code, provided that the board, by resolution, has delegated the specific functions to the administrator; (J) Perform any or all functions conferred or incumbent upon the board of county commissioners in the case of a disaster or emergency, provided that the board, by resolution, has delegated the specific functions or all of the functions to the administrator. As used in this division, "disaster" and "emergency" have the same meanings as in divisions (E) and (F) of section 5502.21 of the Revised Code. (K) Perform such additional duties as the board may determine by resolution. The board of county commissioners may assign to such county administrator any office, position, or duties under its control, such office, position, and duties to be performed under the direction and supervision of the board and to be in addition to those set forth in this section.
Section 305.31 | Procedure for submitting to referendum resolution on additional tax.
March 24, 2021
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 340, House Bill 197 - 133rd General Assembly
The procedure for submitting to a referendum a resolution adopted by a board of county commissioners under division (H) of section 307.695 of the Revised Code that is not submitted to the electors of the county for their approval or disapproval; any resolution adopted by a board of county commissioners pursuant to division (D)(1) of section 307.697, section 322.02, or 322.06, sections 940.32 and 940.35, division (B)(1) of section 4301.421, section 4504.02, 5739.021, or 5739.026, division (F), (J), or (U) of section 5739.09, section 5741.021 or 5741.023, or division (C)(1) of section 5743.024 of the Revised Code; or a rule adopted pursuant to section 307.79 of the Revised Code shall be as prescribed by this section. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, when a petition, signed by ten per cent of the number of electors who voted for governor at the most recent general election for the office of governor in the county, is filed with the county auditor within thirty days after the date the resolution is passed or rule is adopted by the board of county commissioners, or is filed within forty-five days after the resolution is passed, in the case of a resolution adopted pursuant to section 5739.021 of the Revised Code that is passed within one year after a resolution adopted pursuant to that section has been rejected or repealed by the electors, requesting that the resolution be submitted to the electors of the county for their approval or rejection, the county auditor shall, after ten days following the filing of the petition, and not later than four p.m. of the ninetieth day before the day of election, transmit a certified copy of the text of the resolution or rule to the board of elections. In the case of a petition requesting that a resolution adopted under division (D)(1) of section 307.697, division (B)(1) of section 4301.421, or division (C)(1) of section 5743.024 of the Revised Code be submitted to electors for their approval or rejection, the petition shall be signed by seven per cent of the number of electors who voted for governor at the most recent election for the office of governor in the county. The county auditor shall transmit the petition to the board together with the certified copy of the resolution or rule. The board shall examine all signatures on the petition to determine the number of electors of the county who signed the petition. The board shall return the petition to the auditor within ten days after receiving it, together with a statement attesting to the number of such electors who signed the petition. The board shall submit the resolution or rule to the electors of the county, for their approval or rejection, at the succeeding general election held in the county in any year, or on the day of the succeeding primary election held in the county in even-numbered years, occurring subsequent to ninety days after the auditor certifies the sufficiency and validity of the petition to the board of elections. No resolution shall go into effect until approved by the majority of those voting upon it. However, a rule shall take effect and remain in effect unless and until a majority of the electors voting on the question of repeal approve the repeal. Sections 305.31 to 305.41 of the Revised Code do not prevent a county, after the passage of any resolution or adoption of any rule, from proceeding at once to give any notice or make any publication required by the resolution or rule. The board of county commissioners shall make available to any person, upon request, a certified copy of any resolution or rule subject to the procedure for submitting a referendum under sections 305.31 to 305.42 of the Revised Code beginning on the date the resolution or rule is adopted by the board. The board may charge a fee for the cost of copying the resolution or rule. As used in this section, "certified copy" means a copy containing a written statement attesting that it is a true and exact reproduction of the original resolution or rule.
The Legislative Service Commission presents the text of this section as a composite of the section as amended by multiple acts of the General Assembly. This presentation recognizes the principle stated in R.C. 1.52(B) that amendments are to be harmonized if reasonably capable of simultaneous operation.
Section 305.32 | Separate petition papers.
March 23, 1981
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1062 - 113th General Assembly
Any referendum petition may be presented in separate petition papers, but each petition paper shall contain a full and correct copy of the title and text of the resolution or rule sought to be referred. Referendum petitions shall be governed by the rules of section 3501.38 of the Revised Code. In determining the validity of any such petition, all signatures which are found to be irregular shall be rejected, but no petition shall be declared invalid in its entirety when one or more signatures are found to be invalid except when the number of valid signatures is found to be less than the total number required by section 305.31 of the Revised Code. The petitions and signatures upon such petitions shall be prima-facie presumed to be in all respects sufficient. No resolution submitted to the electors of any county, and receiving an affirmative majority of the votes cast thereon, shall be held ineffective or void on account of the insufficiency of the petitions by which such submission of the resolution was procured, nor shall the rejection, by a majority of the votes cast thereon, of any resolution submitted to the electors of such county, be held invalid for such insufficiency. No rule submitted to the electors of the county, and receiving a majority of the votes cast against repeal, shall be held invalid or void on account of the insufficiency of the petitions by which such submission was procured, nor shall the repeal, by approval of a majority voting for repeal, be held invalid for such insufficiency. Resolutions receiving an affirmative majority of the votes cast thereon, shall become effective on the first day of the month following certification by the board of elections of the official vote on such question.
Section 305.33 | Filing certified copy of commissioners' resolution before circulating referendum petition.
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 158 - 121st General Assembly
Whoever files a referendum petition against any resolution shall, before circulating such petition, file a certified copy of the resolution with the county auditor and with the county board of elections. As used in this section, "certified copy" means a copy containing a written statement attesting that it is a true and exact reproduction of the original resolution.
Section 305.34 | Form of petition.
December 12, 1967
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 919 - 107th General Assembly
At the top of each part of the petition mentioned in section 305.33 of the Revised Code, the following words shall be printed in red: NOTICE Whoever knowingly signs this petition more than once, signs a name other than his own, or signs when not a legal voter is liable to prosecution.
Section 305.35 | Designating petition committee.
January 12, 1979
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 513 - 112th General Assembly
The petitioners may designate in any referendum petition a committee of not less than three of their number, who shall be regarded as filing the petition. After a petition has been filed with the county auditor it shall be kept open for public inspection for ten days. If, after a verified referendum petition has been filed against any resolution or rule, the board of county commissioners repeals or rescinds such, or it is held to be invalid, the board of elections shall not submit such resolution or rule to a vote of the electors.
Section 305.36 | Circulator of referendum petition to file statement.
March 23, 1981
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1062 - 113th General Assembly
(A) The circulator of a referendum petition, or his agent, shall, within five days after such petition is filed with the county auditor, file a statement, made under penalty of election falsification, showing in detail: (1) All moneys or things of value paid, given, or promised for circulating such petition; (2) Full names and addresses of all persons to whom such payments or promises were made; (3) Full names and addresses of all persons who contributed anything of value to be used in circulating such petitions; (4) Time spent and salaries earned while circulating or soliciting signatures to petitions by persons who were regular salaried employees of some person who authorized them to solicit signatures for or circulate the petition as a part of their regular duties. (B) The statement provided for in division (A) of this section is not required from persons who take no other part in circulating a petition other than signing declarations to parts of the petition and soliciting signatures to them. (C) Such statement shall be open to public inspection for a period of one year.
Section 305.38 | Prohibited acts.
December 12, 1967
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 919 - 107th General Assembly
No person shall knowingly sign a referendum petition more than once, sign a name other than his own, or sign when not a legal voter.
Section 305.39 | Prohibited act.
December 12, 1967
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 919 - 107th General Assembly
No person shall accept anything of value for signing a referendum petition.
Section 305.41 | Prohibited acts.
December 12, 1967
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 919 - 107th General Assembly
No person shall, directly or indirectly, by intimidation or threats, influence or seek to influence any person to sign or abstain from signing, or to solicit signatures to or abstain from soliciting signatures to a referendum petition.
Section 305.42 | Provisions apply to petitions filed under other chapters.
September 28, 2016
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 390 - 131st General Assembly
Sections 305.32 to 305.41 and 305.99 of the Revised Code apply to petitions authorized by sections 307.791, 322.021, 4504.021, and 5739.022 of the Revised Code.
Section 305.43 | Conflict and appointment of new commissioner.
September 13, 2022
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 224 - 134th General Assembly
If a county commissioner is required by law to serve as an ex officio member on a board, commission, or other body of the county or of another political subdivision, including a joint district, but has or may have a conflict of interest under division (D) of section 102.03 of the Revised Code, or has or may have an unlawful interest in a public contract under section 2921.42 of the Revised Code, regarding the commissioner's membership on that body, the other two county commissioners shall appoint an individual to serve on that body in place of the commissioner who has or may have a conflict or unlawful interest.
Last updated October 20, 2022 at 4:56 PM
Section 305.99 | Penalty.
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 2 - 121st General Assembly
Whoever violates section 305.38, 305.39, or 305.41 of the Revised Code is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.