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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.
Section 4519.01 | Special vehicle definitions.

As used in this chapter:

(A) "Snowmobile" means any self-propelled vehicle designed primarily for use on snow or ice, and steered by skis, runners, or caterpillar treads.

(B) "All-purpose vehicle" means any self-propelled vehicle designed primarily for cross-country travel on land and water, or on more than one type of terrain, and steered by wheels or caterpillar treads, or any combination thereof, including vehicles that operate on a cushion of air, vehicles commonly known as all-terrain vehicles, all-season vehicles, mini-bikes, and trail bikes. "All-purpose vehicle" does not include a utility vehicle as defined in section 4501.01 of the Revised Code or any vehicle principally used in playing golf, any motor vehicle or aircraft required to be registered under Chapter 4503. or 4561. of the Revised Code, and any vehicle excepted from definition as a motor vehicle by division (B) of section 4501.01 of the Revised Code.

(C) "Owner" means any person or firm, other than a lienholder or dealer, having title to a snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle, or other right to the possession thereof.

(D) "Operator" means any person who operates or is in actual physical control of a snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle.

(E) "Dealer" means any person or firm engaged in the business of manufacturing or selling snowmobiles, off-highway motorcycles, or all-purpose vehicles at wholesale or retail, or who rents, leases, or otherwise furnishes snowmobiles, off-highway motorcycles, or all-purpose vehicles for hire.

(F) "Street or highway" has the same meaning as in section 4511.01 of the Revised Code.

(G) "Limited access highway" and "freeway" have the same meanings as in section 5511.02 of the Revised Code.

(H) "Interstate highway" means any part of the interstate system of highways as defined in subsection (e), 90 Stat. 431 (1976), 23 U.S.C.A. 103, as amended.

(I) "Off-highway motorcycle" means every motorcycle, as defined in section 4511.01 of the Revised Code, that is designed to be operated primarily on lands other than a street or highway.

(J) "Electronic" and "electronic record" have the same meanings as in section 4501.01 of the Revised Code.

(K) "Electronic dealer" means a dealer whom the registrar of motor vehicles designates under section 4519.511 of the Revised Code.

(L) "Mini-truck" means a vehicle that has four wheels, is propelled by an electric motor with a rated power of seven thousand five hundred watts or less or an internal combustion engine with a piston displacement capacity of six hundred sixty cubic centimeters or less, has a total dry weight of nine hundred to two thousand two hundred pounds, contains an enclosed cabin and a seat for the vehicle operator, resembles a pickup truck or van with a cargo area or bed located at the rear of the vehicle, and was not originally manufactured to meet federal motor vehicle safety standards.

(M) "State highway" and "state route" have the same meanings as in section 4511.01 of the Revised Code.

(N) "Proof of financial responsibility" has the same meaning as in section 4509.01 of the Revised Code.

Section 4519.02 | Registration required - exceptions - operation of watercraft.

(A)(1) Except as provided in divisions (B), (C), and (D) of this section, no person shall operate any snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle within this state unless the snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle is registered and numbered in accordance with sections 4519.03 and 4519.04 of the Revised Code.

(2) Except as provided in section 4511.215 of the Revised Code, no registration is required for a mini-truck that is operated within this state. A mini-truck may be operated only in accordance with that section and section 4519.401 of the Revised Code.

(B)(1) No registration is required for a snowmobile or off-highway motorcycle that is operated exclusively upon lands owned by the owner of the snowmobile or off-highway motorcycle, or on lands to which the owner of the snowmobile or off-highway motorcycle has a contractual right.

(2) No registration is required for an all-purpose vehicle that is used primarily for agricultural purposes when the owner qualifies for the current agricultural use valuation tax credit, unless it is to be used on any public land, trail, or right-of-way.

(3) Any all-purpose vehicle exempted from registration under division (B)(2) of this section and operated for agricultural purposes may use public roads and rights-of-way when traveling from one farm field to another, when such use does not violate section 4519.41 of the Revised Code.

(4) No registration is required for a snowmobile or all-purpose vehicle that is operated on a state highway as authorized by division (F) of section 4519.41 of the Revised Code.

(C) No registration is required for a snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle owned and used in this state by a resident of another state whenever that state has in effect a registration law similar to this chapter and the snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle is properly registered under that state's law. Any snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle owned and used in this state by a resident of a state not having a registration law similar to this chapter shall comply with section 4519.09 of the Revised Code.

(D) No registration is required for a snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle owned and used in this state by the United States, another state, or a political subdivision thereof, but the snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle shall display the name of the owner thereon.

(E) The owner or operator of any all-purpose vehicle operated or used upon the waters in this state shall comply with Chapters 1547. and 1548. of the Revised Code relative to the operation of watercraft.

(F) Except as otherwise provided in this division, whoever violates division (A) of this section shall be fined not less than fifty dollars but not more than one hundred dollars.

Section 4519.03 | Application for registration or renewal - fee.

(A) The owner of every snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, and all-purpose vehicle required to be registered under section 4519.02 of the Revised Code shall file an application for registration with the registrar of motor vehicles or a deputy registrar, on blanks furnished by the registrar for that purpose and containing all of the following information:

(1) A brief description of the snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle, including the year, make, model, and the vehicle identification number;

(2) The name, residence, and business address of the owner;

(3) A statement that the snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle is equipped as required by section 4519.20 of the Revised Code and any rule adopted under that section. The statement shall include a check list of the required equipment items in the form the registrar shall prescribe.

The application shall be signed by the owner of the snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle and shall be accompanied by a fee as provided in division (C) of section 4519.04 of the Revised Code.

If the application is not in proper form, or if the vehicle for which registration is sought does not appear to be equipped as required by section 4519.20 of the Revised Code or any rule adopted under that section, the registration shall be refused, and no registration sticker, license plate, or validation sticker shall be issued.

(B) No certificate of registration or renewal of a certificate of registration shall be issued for an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle required to be registered under section 4519.02 of the Revised Code, and no certificate of registration issued under this chapter for an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle that is sold or otherwise transferred shall be transferred to the new owner of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle as permitted by division (B) of section 4519.05 of the Revised Code, unless a certificate of title has been issued under this chapter for the motorcycle or vehicle, and the owner or new owner, as the case may be, presents a physical certificate of title or memorandum certificate of title for inspection at the time the owner or new owner first submits a registration application, registration renewal application, or registration transfer application for the motorcycle or vehicle if a physical certificate of title or memorandum certificate has been issued by a clerk of a court of common pleas. If, under sections 4519.512 and 4519.58 of the Revised Code, a clerk instead has issued an electronic certificate of title for the applicant's off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, that certificate may be presented for inspection at the time of first registration in a manner prescribed by rules adopted by the registrar.

(C) When the owner of an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle first registers it in the owner's name, and a certificate of title has been issued for the motorcycle or vehicle, the owner shall present for inspection a physical certificate of title or memorandum certificate of title showing title to the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle in the name of the owner if a physical certificate of title or memorandum certificate has been issued by a clerk of a court of common pleas. If, under sections 4519.512 and 4519.58 of the Revised Code, a clerk instead has issued an electronic certificate of title for the applicant's off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, that certificate may be presented for inspection at the time of first registration in a manner prescribed by rules adopted by the registrar. If, when the owner of such an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle first makes application to register it in the owner's name, the application is not in proper form or the certificate of title or memorandum certificate of title does not accompany the registration or, in the case of an electronic certificate of title is not presented in a manner prescribed by the registrar, the registration shall be refused, and neither a certificate of registration nor a registration sticker, license plate, or validation sticker shall be issued. When a certificate of registration and registration sticker, license plate, or validation sticker are issued upon the first registration of an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle by or on behalf of the owner, the official issuing them shall indicate the issuance with a stamp on the certificate of title or memorandum certificate of title or, in the case of an electronic certificate of title, an electronic stamp or other notation as specified in rules adopted by the registrar.

(D) Each deputy registrar shall be allowed a fee equal to the amount established under section 4503.038 of the Revised Code for each application or renewal application received by the deputy registrar, which shall be for the purpose of compensating the deputy registrar for services, and office and rental expense, as may be necessary for the proper discharge of the deputy registrar's duties in the receiving of applications and the issuing of certificates of registration.

Each deputy registrar, upon receipt of any application for registration, together with the registration fee, shall transmit the fee, together with the original and duplicate copy of the application, to the registrar in the manner and at the times the registrar, subject to the approval of the director of public safety and the treasurer of state, shall prescribe by rule.

Section 4519.031 | Registration information to be transmitted to tax commissioner.

The registrar of motor vehicles shall transmit to the tax commissioner the names, addresses, and any other information requested by the commissioner, of all persons who register a snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle under section 4519.03 of the Revised Code. Such information shall be transmitted in a form agreed to by the registrar and the commissioner.

Section 4519.04 | Vehicles to be issued distinctive number, certificate of registration and registration sticker.

(A) Upon the filing of an application for registration of a snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle and the payment of the tax therefor, the registrar of motor vehicles or a deputy registrar shall assign to the snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle a distinctive number and issue and deliver to the owner in such manner as the registrar may select, a certificate of registration, in such form as the registrar shall prescribe. Any number so assigned to a snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle shall be a permanent number, and shall not be issued to any other snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle.

(B)(1) In addition to the certificate of registration, the registrar or deputy registrar also shall issue to the owner of a snowmobile or off-highway motorcycle two decal registration stickers. The registrar shall prescribe the color and size of the stickers and the combination of numerals and letters displayed on them. The placement of the decal stickers shall be one on either side of the forward cowling or fuel tank.

(2) The registrar or deputy registrar also shall issue to the owner of an all-purpose vehicle, in addition to the certificate of registration, one license plate and a validation sticker, or a validation sticker alone when applicable upon a registration renewal. The license plate and validation sticker shall be displayed on the all-purpose vehicle so that they are distinctly visible, in accordance with such rules as the registrar adopts. The validation sticker shall indicate the expiration date of the registration period of the all-purpose vehicle. During each succeeding registration period following the issuance of the license plate and validation sticker, upon the filing of an application for registration and payment of the fee specified in division (C) of this section, a validation sticker alone shall be issued.

(C) Unless previously canceled, each certificate of registration issued for a snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle expires upon the thirty-first day of December in the third year after the date it is issued. Application for renewal of a certificate may be made not earlier than ninety days preceding the expiration date, and shall be accompanied by a fee of thirty-one dollars and twenty-five cents.

Notwithstanding section 4519.11 of the Revised Code, of each thirty-one dollar and twenty-five-cent fee collected for the registration of an all-purpose vehicle, the registrar shall retain not more than five dollars to pay for the licensing and registration costs the bureau of motor vehicles incurs in registering the all-purpose vehicle. The remainder of the fee shall be deposited into the state treasury to the credit of the state recreational vehicle fund created by section 4519.11 of the Revised Code.

Section 4519.05 | Destruction or transfer of vehicle - lost or destroyed registration.

(A) Whenever a registered snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle is destroyed or similarly disposed of, the owner shall surrender the certificate of registration to the registrar of motor vehicles or a deputy registrar within fifteen days following the destruction or disposal. The registrar thereupon shall cancel the certificate and enter that fact in the registrar's records.

In the case of an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle for which a certificate of title has been issued, the owner also shall surrender the certificate of title to the clerk of the court of common pleas who issued it and the clerk, with the consent of any lienholders noted thereon, shall enter a cancellation upon the clerk's records and shall notify the registrar of the cancellation. Upon the cancellation of a certificate of title in the manner prescribed by this division, the clerk and the registrar may cancel and destroy all certificates of title and memorandum certificates of title in that chain of title.

(B) Subject to division (B) of section 4519.03 of the Revised Code, whenever the ownership of a registered snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle is transferred by sale or otherwise, the new owner, within fifteen days following the transfer, shall make application to the registrar or a deputy registrar for the transfer of the certificate of registration. Upon receipt of the application and a fee of one dollar, the registrar shall transfer the certificate to the new owner and shall enter the new owner's name and address in the registrar's records.

(C) Whenever the owner of a registered snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle changes address, the owner shall surrender the certificate of registration to the registrar or a deputy registrar within fifteen days following the address change. Upon receipt of the certificate, the registrar shall enter the new address thereon and shall make the appropriate change in the registrar's records. In a case where the owner's change of address involves a move outside of the state, the registrar shall cancel the certificate of registration for that snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle.

(D) Whenever a certificate of registration for a snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle is lost, mutilated, or destroyed, the owner may obtain a duplicate certificate, which shall be identified as such, upon application and the payment of a fee of one dollar.

(E) The registrar and each deputy registrar may collect and retain an additional fee equal to the amount established under section 4503.038 of the Revised Code for each application for the transfer of a certificate of registration or duplicate certificate of registration received by the registrar or deputy registrar.

(F) Whoever violates division (A), (B), or (C) of this section shall be fined not more than twenty-five dollars for a first offense; for each subsequent offense, the offender shall be fined not less than twenty-five nor more than fifty dollars.

Section 4519.08 | Vehicles used for emergency purposes registered free of charge.

Any snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle owned or leased by the state, by any of its political subdivisions, or by any volunteer organization that uses such vehicles exclusively for emergency purposes shall be registered free of charge. The registration number and registration sticker assigned to each such snowmobile or off-highway motorcycle, and the license plate and validation sticker assigned to such an all-purpose vehicle, shall be displayed as required by section 4519.04 of the Revised Code.

Section 4519.09 | Temporary operating permit for nonresidents.

Every owner or operator of a snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle who is a resident of a state not having a registration law similar to this chapter, and who expects to use the snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle in Ohio, shall apply to the registrar of motor vehicles or a deputy registrar for a temporary operating permit. The temporary operating permit shall be issued for a period not to exceed one year from the date of issuance, shall be in such form as the registrar determines, shall include the name and address of the owner and operator of the snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle, and any other information as the registrar considers necessary, and shall be issued upon payment of a fee of eleven dollars and twenty-five cents. Every owner or operator receiving a temporary operating permit shall display it upon the reasonable request of any law enforcement officer or other person as authorized by sections 4519.42 and 4519.43 of the Revised Code.

Section 4519.10 | Temporary license registration for off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle.

(A) The purchaser of an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, upon application and proof of purchase, may obtain a temporary motor vehicle license registration for it. The application shall be signed by the purchaser of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle. The temporary motor vehicle license registration shall be issued only for the applicant's use of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle to enable the applicant to operate it legally while proper title and a registration sticker or license plate and validation sticker are being obtained and shall be displayed on no other off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle. A temporary motor vehicle license registration issued under this section shall be in a form prescribed by the registrar of motor vehicles, shall differ in some distinctive manner from a registration issued under section 4503.182 of the Revised Code, shall be valid for a period of forty-five days from the date of issuance, and shall not be transferable or renewable. The temporary motor vehicle license registration either shall consist of or be coated with such material as will enable it to remain legible and relatively intact despite the environmental conditions to which it is likely to be exposed during the forty-five-day period for which it is valid. The purchaser of an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle shall attach the temporary motor vehicle license registration to it, in a manner prescribed by rules the registrar shall adopt, so that the numerals or letters are clearly visible.

The fee for a temporary motor vehicle license registration issued under this section is two dollars. If the temporary motor vehicle license registration is issued by a deputy registrar, the deputy registrar shall charge an additional fee equal to the amount established under section 4503.038 of the Revised Code, which the deputy registrar shall retain. The deputy registrar shall transmit each two-dollar fee received by the deputy registrar under this section to the registrar, who shall pay the two dollars to the treasurer of state for deposit into the public safety - highway purposes fund established by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(B) The registrar may issue temporary motor vehicle license registrations to a dealer to be issued to purchasers for use on vehicles sold by the dealer, in accordance with rules prescribed by the registrar. The dealer shall notify the registrar within forty-eight hours of proof of issuance on a form prescribed by the registrar.

The fee for each such temporary motor vehicle license registration issued by the registrar to a dealer shall be two dollars plus a fee equal to the amount established under section 4503.038 of the Revised Code.

Last updated April 14, 2021 at 5:37 PM

Section 4519.11 | State recreational vehicle fund.

Five dollars of each fee collected under section 4519.04 of the Revised Code and one dollar and twenty-five cents of each fee collected under section 4519.09 of the Revised Code shall be paid into the public safety - highway purposes fund created by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code. All other fees, and all taxes and fines levied, charged, or referred to in this chapter, unless otherwise designated by law, shall be deposited into the state treasury to the credit of the state recreational vehicle fund, which is hereby created. The state recreational vehicle fund shall be used for the purpose of enforcing and administering the law relative to the registration and operation of snowmobiles, off-highway motorcycles, and all-purpose vehicles within the state, for the purpose of expanding the activities of the department of natural resources to provide trails and other areas for the operation of such vehicles on state-controlled land and waters, for the purchase of additional land to be used for such purposes, and for the development and implementation by the department of programs relating to the safe use and enjoyment of snowmobiles, off-highway motorcycles, and all-purpose vehicles.

All investment earnings of the state recreational vehicle fund shall be credited to the fund.

Notwithstanding section 1501.01 of the Revised Code, nothing in this section authorizes the appropriation of property to provide trails and other areas for the operation of snowmobiles, off-highway motorcycles, and all-purpose vehicles.

Section 4519.20 | Rules for equipment of snowmobiles, off-highway motorcycles, and all-purpose vehicles.

(A) The director of public safety, pursuant to Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall adopt rules for the equipment of snowmobiles, off-highway motorcycles, and all-purpose vehicles. The rules may be revised from time to time as the director considers necessary, and shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, requirements for the following items of equipment:

(1) At least one headlight having a minimum candlepower of sufficient intensity to reveal persons and objects at a distance of at least one hundred feet ahead under normal atmospheric conditions during hours of darkness;

(2) At least one red tail light having a minimum candlepower of sufficient intensity to be plainly visible from a distance of five hundred feet to the rear under normal atmospheric conditions during hours of darkness;

(3) Adequate brakes. Every snowmobile, while traveling on packed snow, shall be capable of carrying a driver who weighs one hundred seventy-five pounds or more, and, while carrying such driver, be capable of stopping in not more than forty feet from an initial steady speed of twenty miles per hour, or locking its traction belt.

(4) A muffler system capable of precluding the emission of excessive smoke or exhaust fumes, and of limiting the engine noise of vehicles. On snowmobiles manufactured after January 1, 1973, such requirement shall include sound dampening equipment such that noise does not exceed eighty-two decibels on the "A" scale at fifty feet as measured according to SAE J192 (September 1970).

(B) No person shall operate any snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle in violation of division (A)(1), (2), (3), or (4) of this section, except that equipment specified in divisions (A)(1) and (2) of this section shall not be required on snowmobiles, off-highway motorcycles, or all-purpose vehicles operated during the daylight hours.

(C) Except as otherwise provided in this division, whoever violates division (B) of this section shall be fined not more than fifty dollars. If the offender within the preceding year previously has committed a violation of division (B) of this section, whoever violates division (B) of this section shall be fined not less than fifteen nor more than one hundred dollars, imprisoned not more than three days, or both.

Section 4519.21 | Director may authorize sample tests to determine conformity.

The director of public safety may authorize sample tests of new snowmobiles, off-highway motorcycles, and all-purpose vehicles to determine their degree of conformity to rules adopted under section 4519.20 of the Revised Code. In prescribing tests for muffler equipment, the director may require sound pressure levels in decibels to be measured on the "A" scale of a sound level meter having characteristics defined by the American standards association standard S1.4-1961 "General Purpose Sound Meter," and also may require the use of applicable measurement practices outlined in the procedures for sound level measurement of snowmobiles endorsed by the international snowmobile industry association, January 1969, or such other sources of standards for the measurement of sound levels as the director may consider advisable.

Upon finding that any make or model of vehicle authorized to be tested under this section does not meet an applicable standard adopted by the director, the person conducting the test shall report that fact to the director, who immediately shall notify the manufacturer of the vehicle and the registrar of motor vehicles. Upon receipt of a notification, the registrar shall refuse to issue a certificate of registration to an owner or dealer with respect to any vehicle of the same make or model as that named in the notification until the vehicle has been modified in such manner as the director shall prescribe, and meets the applicable standard.

Section 4519.22 | Sale, lease or rental of nonconforming vehicle.

(A) No person shall have for sale, sell, offer for sale, lease, rent, or otherwise furnish for hire in this state any new snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle that fails to comply with any rule adopted by the director of public safety under section 4519.20 of the Revised Code, after the effective date of the rule.

(B) Except as otherwise provided in this division, whoever violates this section shall be fined not more than fifty dollars. If the offender within the preceding year previously has committed a violation of this section, whoever violates this section shall be fined not less than fifteen nor more than one hundred dollars, imprisoned not more than three days, or both.

Section 4519.40 | Prohibited acts.

(A) The applicable provisions of Chapters 4511. and 4549. of the Revised Code apply to the operation of snowmobiles, off-highway motorcycles, and all-purpose vehicles, except that no person shall operate a snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle as follows:

(1) On any state highway, including a limited access highway or freeway or the right-of-way thereof, except for emergency travel during such time and in such manner as the director of public safety designates or except as authorized by division (F) of section 4519.41 of the Revised Code;

(2) On any private property, or in any nursery or planting area, without the permission of the owner or other person having the right to possession of the property;

(3) On any land or waters controlled by the state, except at those locations where a sign has been posted permitting such operation;

(4) On the tracks or right-of-way of any operating railroad;

(5) While transporting any firearm, bow, or other implement for hunting, that is not unloaded and securely encased;

(6) For the purpose of chasing, pursuing, capturing, or killing any animal or wildfowl;

(7) During the time from sunset to sunrise, unless displaying lighted lights as required by section 4519.20 of the Revised Code.

(B) Whoever violates this section shall be fined not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars, imprisoned not less than three nor more than thirty days, or both.

Section 4519.401 | Operation of a mini-truck.

(A) Except as provided in this section and section 4511.215 of the Revised Code, no person shall operate a mini-truck within this state.

(B) A person may operate a mini-truck on a farm for agricultural purposes only when the owner of the farm qualifies for the current agricultural use valuation tax credit. A mini-truck may be operated by or on behalf of such a farm owner on public roads and rights-of-way only when traveling from one farm field to another.

(C) A person may operate a mini-truck on property owned or leased by a dealer who sells mini-trucks at retail.

(D) Whoever violates this section shall be penalized as provided in division (D) of section 4511.214 of the Revised Code.

Section 4519.41 | Operation of vehicle on or near highway, street or road.

Snowmobiles, off-highway motorcycles, and all-purpose vehicles may be operated as follows:

(A) To make a crossing of a highway, other than a highway as designated in division (A)(1) of section 4519.40 of the Revised Code, whenever the crossing can be made in safety and will not interfere with the movement of vehicular traffic approaching from any direction on the highway, and provided that the operator yields the right-of-way to any approaching traffic that presents an immediate hazard;

(B) On highways in the county or township road systems whenever the local authority having jurisdiction over such highways so permits;

(C) Off and alongside a street or highway for limited distances from the point of unloading from a conveyance to the point at which the snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle is intended and authorized to be operated;

(D) On the berm or shoulder of a highway, other than a highway as designated in division (A)(1) of section 4519.40 of the Revised Code, when the terrain permits such operation to be undertaken safely and without the necessity of entering any traffic lane;

(E) On the berm or shoulder of a county or township road, while traveling from one area of operation of the snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle to another such area;

(F) For snowmobiles without metal studded tracks and all-purpose vehicles, on state highways located on an island in Lake Erie, including limited access highways and freeways, between the first day of November and the thirtieth day of April, provided that all of the following conditions apply:

(1) The operator has a valid driver's license as required under section 4519.44 of the Revised Code.

(2) The snowmobile or all-purpose vehicle is in compliance with rules governing safety equipment adopted under section 4519.20 of the Revised Code.

(3) The owner of the snowmobile or all-purpose vehicle maintains proof of financial responsibility for both on-road and off-road use of the snowmobile or all-purpose vehicle.

(4) The operator obeys all traffic rules and regulations.

Section 4519.42 | Powers and duties of director of natural resources.

The director of natural resources shall adopt rules for the operation of snowmobiles, off-highway motorcycles, and all-purpose vehicles on land or waters controlled by the state. The director also shall undertake a program relating to the development of trails and special areas for the use of snowmobiles, off-highway motorcycles, and all-purpose vehicles, and may require any permits for such use as the director considers necessary.

The director may designate employees of the department of natural resources to enforce any rules adopted under this section. An employee so designated shall have full authority to enforce any provision of this chapter with respect to the proper titling, registration, equipping, and operation of snowmobiles, off-highway motorcycles, or all-purpose vehicles on land or waters controlled by the state.

Section 4519.43 | Powers of board of park commissioners.

A board of park commissioners of any park district created under Chapter 1545. of the Revised Code may provide by rule for the operation of snowmobiles, off-highway motorcycles, and all-purpose vehicles in the parks, parkways, and other reservations of land under its jurisdiction, and shall file a copy of any such rules with the director of natural resources.

Any employee of a board of park commissioners designated pursuant to section 1545.13 of the Revised Code shall have full authority to enforce any of the provisions of this chapter with respect to the proper titling, registration, equipping, and operation of snowmobiles, off-highway motorcycles, or all-purpose vehicles within the lands under the jurisdiction and control of the board.

Section 4519.44 | Driver's license required.

(A) No person who does not hold a valid, current motor vehicle driver's or commercial driver's license, motorcycle operator's endorsement, or probationary license, issued under Chapter 4506. or 4507. of the Revised Code or a valid, current driver's license issued by another jurisdiction, shall operate a snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle on any street or highway in this state, on any portion of the right-of-way thereof, or on any public land or waters.

(B) No person who is less than sixteen years of age shall operate a snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle on any land or waters other than private property or waters owned by or leased to the person's parent or guardian, unless accompanied by another person who is eighteen years of age, or older, and who holds a license as provided in division (A) of this section, except that the department of natural resources may permit such operation on state controlled land under its jurisdiction when such person is less than sixteen years of age and is accompanied by a parent or guardian who is a licensed driver eighteen years of age or older.

(C) Whoever violates this section shall be fined not less than fifty nor more than five hundred dollars, imprisoned not less than three nor more than thirty days, or both.

Section 4519.45 | Dealer to maintain vehicles.

(A) Any dealer who rents, leases, or otherwise furnishes a snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle for hire shall maintain the vehicle in safe operating condition. No dealer, or agent or employee of a dealer, shall rent, lease, or otherwise furnish a snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle for hire to any person who does not hold a license as required by division (A) of section 4519.44 of the Revised Code, or to any person whom the dealer or an agent or employee of the dealer has reasonable cause to believe is incompetent to operate the vehicle in a safe and lawful manner.

(B) Whoever violates this section shall be fined not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars.

Section 4519.46 | Reporting of accident.

The operator of a snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle involved in any accident resulting in bodily injury to or death of any person, or damage to the property of any person in excess of one hundred dollars, shall report the accident within forty-eight hours to the state highway patrol, the sheriff of the county within which the accident occurred, or the chief of police, if the accident occurred within a municipal corporation, and, within thirty days, shall forward a written report of the accident to the registrar of motor vehicles on a form prescribed by the registrar. If the operator is physically incapable of making the reports and there is another participant in the accident not so incapacitated, the participant shall make the reports. In the event there is no other participant, and the operator is other than the owner, the owner, within the prescribed periods of time, shall make the reports.

Any law enforcement officer, or other person authorized by sections 4519.42 and 4519.43 of the Revised Code, who investigates or receives information of an accident involving a snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle, shall forward to the registrar a written report of the accident within forty-eight hours.

The registrar shall maintain a file of all reports received by the registrar of accidents involving a snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle. The reports shall be for the confidential use of the director of public safety and the director of natural resources in the development of equipment and operating regulations, and of programs relating to the safe use of snowmobiles, off-highway motorcycles, and all-purpose vehicles, except that the registrar shall furnish a copy of such report to any person claiming to have been injured or damaged in such accident, or the person's attorney, upon the payment of a fee of one dollar.

Section 4519.47 | Impoundment of vehicle.

(A) Whenever a person is found guilty of operating a snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle in violation of any rule authorized to be adopted under section 4519.21 or 4519.42 of the Revised Code, the trial judge of any court of record, in addition to or independent of any other penalties provided by law, may impound for not less than sixty days the certificate of registration and license plate, if applicable, of that snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle. The court shall send the impounded certificate of registration and license plate, if applicable, to the registrar of motor vehicles, who shall retain the certificate of registration and license plate, if applicable, until the expiration of the period of impoundment.

(B) If a court impounds the certificate of registration and license plate of an all-purpose vehicle pursuant to section 2911.21 of the Revised Code, the court shall send the impounded certificate of registration and license plate to the registrar, who shall retain them until the expiration of the period of impoundment.

Section 4519.48 | Local regulations.

Nothing contained in this chapter shall prevent local authorities from regulating the operation of snowmobiles, off-highway motorcycles, and all-purpose vehicles on streets and highways and other public property under their jurisdiction, and within the reasonable exercise of the police power, except that no local authority shall require the registration or licensing of any snowmobile, off-highway motorcycle, or all-purpose vehicle required to be registered or titled under this chapter.

Section 4519.51 | Adoption of rules.

The registrar of motor vehicles shall adopt rules the registrar considers necessary to ensure uniform and orderly operation of sections 4519.51 to 4519.70 of the Revised Code, and the clerks of the courts of common pleas shall conform to those rules. The registrar shall receive and file in the registrar's office all information forwarded to the registrar by the clerks under those sections, and the clerks shall maintain in their offices indexes for the certificates of title.

The registrar shall check with the registrar's records all certificates of title received in the registrar's office from the clerks.

If it appears that any certificate of title has been issued improperly, the registrar shall cancel the certificate. Upon the cancellation of any certificate of title, the registrar shall notify the clerk who issued it, and the clerk shall enter the cancellation in the clerk's records. The registrar also shall notify the person to whom the certificate of title was issued, as well as any lienholders appearing on it, of the cancellation and, if it is a physical certificate of title, shall demand surrender of the certificate of title, but the cancellation shall not affect the validity of any lien noted on it. The holder of a physical certificate of title shall return it immediately to the registrar.

The clerks shall keep on hand a sufficient supply of blank forms, which, except for the certificate of title and memorandum certificate forms, shall be furnished and distributed without charge to registered manufacturers or dealers, or other persons residing within the county.

Section 4519.511 | Electronic dealers.

The registrar of motor vehicles shall designate as an electronic dealer a dealer who meets both of the following criteria:

(A) The dealer has the capability, via electronic means, to send title and registration information relating to off-highway motorcycles and all-purpose vehicles, as specified by the registrar, to the registrar and the clerks of the courts of common pleas.

(B) The dealer meets other criteria for electronic dealers that the registrar may establish by rule adopted under Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.

Section 4519.512 | Electing entry of certificate of title information into automated system without issuance of physical certificate.

The owner of an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle shall apply for a certificate of title for the motorcycle or vehicle when required by this chapter, but, except as otherwise specifically required in this chapter, the owner may elect whether or not to have the clerk of the court of common pleas to whom the certificate of title application is submitted issue a physical certificate of title for the motorcycle or vehicle, as provided in section 4519.58 of the Revised Code.

Except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter, any provision of this chapter relating to the cancellation, issuance, or surrender of a certificate of title, including, but not limited to, provisions that contain a phrase such as "when a certificate of title is issued," "the clerk shall issue a certificate of title," or "the person shall obtain a certificate of title to the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle," or another phrase of similar import, shall include those circumstances when a clerk enters certificate of title information into the automated title processing system, but does not take any further action relating to a physical certificate of title for the motorcycle or vehicle.

Section 4519.52 | Obtaining certificate of title prerequisite for selling vehicle.

(A) Except as provided in sections 4519.521 and 4519.54 of the Revised Code, no dealer engaged in the business of selling new or used off-highway motorcycles or all-purpose vehicles shall sell or otherwise transfer a new or used off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle without obtaining a certificate of title to the new or used motorcycle or vehicle, in accordance with this chapter, and delivering the certificate of title or memorandum certificate of title to the purchaser or transferee.

(B)(1) A person who is not a dealer engaged in the business of selling new or used off-highway motorcycles or all-purpose vehicles and who owns an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle may choose to obtain a certificate of title to the motorcycle or vehicle. The person shall comply with this chapter in order to obtain the certificate of title.

(2) If a person who is not a dealer engaged in the business of selling new or used off-highway motorcycles or all-purpose vehicles and who owns an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle obtains a certificate of title to the motorcycle or vehicle, that person, except as otherwise provided in section 4519.521 of the Revised Code, shall not sell or otherwise transfer the motorcycle or vehicle without delivering to the purchaser or transferee a certificate of title with an assignment on it as is necessary to show title in the purchaser or transferee, and no person shall subsequently purchase or otherwise acquire the motorcycle or vehicle without obtaining a certificate of title to the motorcycle or vehicle in the person's own name.

(C) Whoever violates this section shall be fined fifty dollars.

Section 4519.521 | Selling motorcycle or vehicle where physical certificate of title has not been issued.

(A)(1) If a person who is not an electronic dealer owns an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle for which a physical certificate of title has not been issued by a clerk of a court of common pleas and the person sells the motorcycle or vehicle to an electronic dealer, the person is not required to obtain a physical certificate of title to the motorcycle or vehicle in order to transfer ownership to the dealer. The person shall present the dealer, in a manner approved by the registrar of motor vehicles, with sufficient proof of the person's identity and complete and sign a form prescribed by the registrar attesting to the person's identity and assigning the motorcycle or vehicle to the dealer. The electronic dealer then shall inform a clerk of a court of common pleas via electronic means of the sale of the motorcycle or vehicle and assignment of ownership of the motorcycle or vehicle to the dealer. The clerk shall enter the information relating to the assignment into the automated title processing system, and ownership of the motorcycle or vehicle passes to the dealer when the clerk enters this information into the system. The dealer is not required to obtain a certificate of title to the motorcycle or vehicle in the dealer's name.

(2) A clerk shall charge and collect from a dealer a fee of five dollars for each motorcycle or vehicle assigned to the dealer under division (A)(1) of this section. The fee shall be distributed in accordance with section 4519.59 of the Revised Code.

(B) If a person who is not an electronic dealer owns an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle for which a physical certificate of title has not been issued by a clerk of a court of common pleas and the person sells the motorcycle or vehicle to a person who is not an electronic dealer, the person shall obtain a physical certificate of title to the motorcycle or vehicle in order to transfer ownership of the vehicle to the person who is not an electronic dealer.

Section 4519.53 | Showing evidence of ownership.

No person who acquires an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle from the owner of it, whether the owner is a manufacturer, importer, dealer, or any other person, acquires any right, title, claim, or interest in or to the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle until the person has been issued a certificate of title to the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, or there is delivered to the person a manufacturer's or importer's certificate for it, or a certificate of title to it is assigned as authorized by section 4519.521 of the Revised Code. No waiver or estoppel operates in favor of that person against a person having possession of the certificate of title to, or manufacturer's or importer's certificate for, the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, for a valuable consideration.

No court in any case at law or in equity shall recognize the right, title, claim, or interest of any person in or to any off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle sold or disposed of, or mortgaged or encumbered, unless evidenced by one of the following:

(A) A certificate of title or a manufacturer's or importer's certificate issued in accordance with this chapter, or an assignment of a certificate of title made under section 4519.521 of the Revised Code;

(B) Admission in the pleadings or stipulation of the parties.

Section 4519.54 | Manufacturer's or importer's certificate of origin.

No manufacturer, importer, dealer, or other person shall sell or otherwise dispose of a new off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle to a dealer to be used by the dealer for purposes of display and resale, without delivering to the dealer a manufacturer's or importer's certificate executed in accordance with this section, and with such assignments thereon as are necessary to show title in the purchaser. No dealer shall purchase or acquire a new off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle without obtaining from the seller the manufacturer's or importer's certificate.

A manufacturer's or importer's certificate of the origin of an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle shall contain the following information, in such form and together with such further information as the registrar of motor vehicles may require:

(A) A description of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, including its make, year, series or model, if any, body type, and manufacturer's vehicle identification number;

(B) Certification of the date of transfer of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle to a distributor or dealer or other transferee, and the name and address of the transferee;

(C) Certification that this was the first transfer of the new off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle in ordinary trade and commerce;

(D) The signature and address of a representative of the transferor.

An assignment of a manufacturer's or importer's certificate before a notary public or other officer empowered to administer oaths shall be printed on the reverse side of the manufacturer's or importer's certificate in a form to be prescribed by the registrar. The assignment form shall include the name and address of the transferee, a certification that the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle is new, and a warranty that the title at the time of delivery is subject only to such liens and encumbrances as are set forth and described in full in the assignment.

Section 4519.55 | Application for certificate of title.

Application for a certificate of title for an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle shall be made upon a form prescribed by the registrar of motor vehicles and shall be sworn to before a notary public or other officer empowered to administer oaths. The application shall be filed with the clerk of any court of common pleas. An application for a certificate of title may be filed electronically by any electronic means approved by the registrar in any county with the clerk of the court of common pleas of that county.

If an application for a certificate of title is filed electronically by an electronic dealer on behalf of the purchaser of an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, the clerk shall retain the completed electronic record to which the dealer converted the certificate of title application and other required documents. The registrar, after consultation with the attorney general, shall adopt rules that govern the location at which, and the manner in which, are stored the actual application and all other documents relating to the sale of an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle when an electronic dealer files the application for a certificate of title electronically on behalf of the purchaser.

The application shall be accompanied by the fee prescribed in section 4519.59 of the Revised Code. The fee shall be retained by the clerk who issues the certificate of title and shall be distributed in accordance with that section. If a clerk of a court of common pleas, other than the clerk of the court of common pleas of an applicant's county of residence, issues a certificate of title to the applicant, the clerk shall transmit data related to the transaction to the automated title processing system.

If a certificate of title previously has been issued for an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, the application also shall be accompanied by the certificate of title duly assigned, unless otherwise provided in this chapter. If a certificate of title previously has not been issued for the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, the application, unless otherwise provided in this chapter, shall be accompanied by a manufacturer's or importer's certificate; by a sworn statement of ownership; or by a certificate of title, bill of sale, or other evidence of ownership required by law of another state from which the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle was brought into this state. The registrar, in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code, shall prescribe the types of additional documentation sufficient to establish proof of ownership, including, but not limited to, receipts from the purchase of parts or components, photographs, and affidavits of other persons.

If the application is made by two persons regarding an off-highway motorcycle or an all-purpose vehicle in which they wish to establish joint ownership with right of survivorship, they may do so as provided in section 2131.12 of the Revised Code. If the applicant requests a designation of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle in beneficiary form so that upon the death of the owner of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, ownership of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle will pass to a designated transfer-on-death beneficiary or beneficiaries, the applicant may do so as provided in section 2131.13 of the Revised Code. A person who establishes ownership of an off-highway motorcycle or an all-purpose vehicle that is transferable on death in accordance with section 2131.13 of the Revised Code may terminate that type of ownership or change the designation of the transfer-on-death beneficiary or beneficiaries by applying for a certificate of title pursuant to this section.

For purposes of the transfer of a certificate of title, if the clerk is satisfied that a secured party has duly discharged a lien notation but has not canceled the lien notation with a clerk, the clerk may cancel the lien notation on the automated title processing system and notify the clerk of the county of origin.

In the case of the sale of an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle by a dealer to a general purchaser or user, the certificate of title shall be obtained in the name of the purchaser by the dealer upon application signed by the purchaser. In all other cases, the certificate shall be obtained by the purchaser. In all cases of transfer of an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, the application for certificate of title shall be filed within thirty days after the later of the date of purchase or assignment of ownership of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle. If the application for certificate of title is not filed within thirty days after the later of the date of purchase or assignment of ownership of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, the clerk shall charge a late filing fee of five dollars in addition to the fee prescribed by section 4519.59 of the Revised Code. The clerk shall retain the entire amount of each late filing fee.

Except in the case of an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle purchased prior to July 1, 1999, the clerk shall refuse to accept an application for certificate of title unless the applicant either tenders with the application payment of all taxes levied by or pursuant to Chapter 5739. or 5741. of the Revised Code based on the purchaser's county of residence, or submits either of the following:

(A) A receipt issued by the tax commissioner or a clerk of courts showing payment of the tax;

(B) An exemption certificate, in any form prescribed by the tax commissioner, that specifies why the purchase is not subject to the tax imposed by Chapter 5739. or 5741. of the Revised Code.

Payment of the tax shall be made in accordance with division (E) of section 4505.06 of the Revised Code and any rules issued by the tax commissioner. When a dealer submits payment of the tax to the clerk, the dealer shall retain any discount to which the dealer is entitled under section 5739.12 of the Revised Code. The clerk shall issue a receipt in the form prescribed by the tax commissioner to any applicant who tenders payment of the tax with the application for a certificate of title. If the application for a certificate of title is for an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle purchased prior to July 1, 1999, the clerk shall accept the application without payment of the taxes levied by or pursuant to Chapter 5739. or 5741. of the Revised Code or presentation of either of the items listed in division (A) or (B) of this section.

For receiving and disbursing such taxes paid to the clerk by a resident of the clerk's county, the clerk may retain a poundage fee of one and one-hundredth per cent of the taxes collected, which shall be paid into the certificate of title administration fund created by section 325.33 of the Revised Code. The clerk shall not retain a poundage fee from payments of taxes by persons who do not reside in the clerk's county.

A clerk, however, may retain from the taxes paid to the clerk an amount equal to the poundage fees associated with certificates of title issued by other clerks of courts of common pleas to applicants who reside in the first clerk's county. The registrar, in consultation with the tax commissioner and the clerks of the courts of common pleas, shall develop a report from the automated title processing system that informs each clerk of the amount of the poundage fees that the clerk is permitted to retain from those taxes because of certificates of title issued by the clerks of other counties to applicants who reside in the first clerk's county.

In the case of casual sales of off-highway motorcycles or all-purpose vehicles that are subject to the tax imposed by Chapter 5739. or 5741. of the Revised Code, the purchase price for the purpose of determining the tax shall be the purchase price on an affidavit executed and filed with the clerk by the seller on a form to be prescribed by the registrar, which shall be prima-facie evidence of the price for the determination of the tax.

In addition to the information required by section 4519.57 of the Revised Code, each certificate of title shall contain in bold lettering the following notification and statements: "WARNING TO TRANSFEROR AND TRANSFEREE (SELLER AND BUYER): You are required by law to state the true selling price. A false statement is in violation of section 2921.13 of the Revised Code and is punishable by six months imprisonment or a fine of up to one thousand dollars, or both. All transfers are audited by the department of taxation. The seller and buyer must provide any information requested by the department of taxation. The buyer may be assessed any additional tax found to be due."

The clerk shall forward all payments of taxes, less poundage fees, to the registrar of motor vehicles in a manner to be prescribed by the tax commissioner and shall furnish information to the commissioner as the commissioner may require.

Every clerk shall have the capability to transact by electronic means all procedures and transactions relating to the issuance of certificates of title for off-highway motorcycles and all-purpose vehicles that are described in the Revised Code as being accomplished by electronic means.

Last updated February 12, 2024 at 9:08 AM

Section 4519.551 | Use of term sworn to in casual sales.

Notwithstanding any general requirement in this chapter to the effect that an application for a certificate of title to an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle shall be "sworn to" or shall be "sworn to before a notary public or other officer empowered to administer oaths," that requirement shall apply only in the case of a transfer of an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle between parties in the course of a sale by a person other than a registered dealer to a person who purchases the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle for use as a consumer.

Section 4519.56 | Application contents.

(A) An application for a certificate of title shall be sworn to before a notary public or other officer empowered to administer oaths by the lawful owner or purchaser of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle and shall contain at least the following information in a form and together with any other information the registrar of motor vehicles may require:

(1) Name, address, and social security number or employer's tax identification number of the applicant;

(2) Statement of how the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle was acquired;

(3) Name and address of the previous owner;

(4) A statement of all liens, mortgages, or other encumbrances on the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, and the name and address of each holder thereof;

(5) If there are no outstanding liens, mortgages, or other encumbrances, a statement of that fact;

(6) A description of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, including the make, year, series or model, if any, body type, and manufacturer's vehicle identification number.

If the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle contains a permanent identification number placed thereon by the manufacturer, this number shall be used as the vehicle identification number. Except as provided in division (B) of this section, if the application for a certificate of title refers to an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle that contains such a permanent identification number, but for which no certificate of title has been issued previously by this state, the application shall be accompanied by a physical inspection certificate as described in that division.

If there is no manufacturer's vehicle identification number or if the manufacturer's vehicle identification number has been removed or obliterated, the registrar, upon receipt of a prescribed application and proof of ownership, but prior to issuance of a certificate of title, shall assign a vehicle identification number for the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle. This assigned vehicle identification number shall be permanently affixed to or imprinted upon the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle by the state highway patrol. The state highway patrol shall assess a fee of fifty dollars for affixing the number to the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle and shall deposit each such fee in the public safety - highway purposes fund established by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(B) Except in the case of a new off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle sold by a dealer title to which is evidenced by a manufacturer's or importer's certificate, if the application for a certificate of title refers to an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle that contains a permanent identification number placed thereon by the manufacturer, but for which no certificate of title previously has been issued by this state, the application shall be accompanied by a physical inspection certificate issued by the department of public safety verifying the make, year, series or model, if any, body type, and manufacturer's vehicle identification number of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle for which the certificate of title is desired. The physical inspection certificate shall be in such form as is designated by the registrar. The physical inspection shall be made at a deputy registrar's office, a clerk of the common pleas' office if the clerk offers such physical inspections, or at an established place of business operated by a licensed motor vehicle dealer. The deputy registrar, clerk of the court of common pleas, or motor vehicle dealer may charge a maximum fee equal to the amount established under section 4503.038 of the Revised Code for conducting the physical inspection.

The clerk of the court of common pleas shall charge a fee of one dollar and fifty cents for the processing of each physical inspection certificate. The clerk shall retain fifty cents of the one dollar and fifty cents so charged and shall pay the remaining one dollar to the registrar by monthly returns, which shall be forwarded to the registrar not later than the fifth day of the month next succeeding that in which the certificate is received by the clerk. The registrar shall pay such remaining sums into the public safety - highway purposes fund established by section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated August 28, 2024 at 4:42 PM

Section 4519.57 | Issuing physical certificate.

(A) When the clerk of a court of common pleas issues a physical certificate of title for an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, the clerk shall issue it over the clerk's official seal. The front side of each physical certificate of title shall contain the information required in the application for it as prescribed by section 4519.56 of the Revised Code, spaces for the dates of notation and cancellation of two liens, mortgages, or encumbrances, and any other pertinent information as may be required by the registrar of motor vehicles, but shall contain neither the social security number nor taxpayer identification number of the applicant. The reverse side of each physical certificate of title shall contain all of the information specified in division (F) of section 4505.07 of the Revised Code. An assignment of certificate of title before a notary public or other officer empowered to administer oaths shall appear on the reverse side of each physical certificate of title in the form to be prescribed by the registrar. The assignment form shall include a warranty that the signer is the owner of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle and that there are no mortgages, liens, or encumbrances on the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle except as are noted on the face of the certificate of title.

Physical certificates of title also shall bear a statement that liens applicable to the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle other than the two for which there are spaces on the certificates may exist and, if so, are entered into the automated title processing system.

(B) An electronic certificate of title is an electronic record stored in the automated title processing system that establishes ownership of an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, as well as any security interests that exist in that off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle.

Section 4519.58 | Issuing duplicate certificate.

(A) When the clerk of a court of common pleas issues a physical certificate of title, the clerk shall issue the certificate of title on a form and in a manner prescribed by the registrar of motor vehicles. The clerk shall file a copy of the physical evidence for the creation of the certificate of title in a manner prescribed by the registrar. A clerk may retain digital images of documents used as evidence for issuance of a certificate of title. Certified printouts of documents retained as digital images shall have the same evidentiary value as the original physical documents. The record of the issuance of the certificate of title shall be maintained in the automated title processing system. The clerk shall sign and affix the clerk's seal to the original certificate of title and, if there are no liens on the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, shall deliver the certificate to the applicant or the selling dealer. Except as otherwise provided in this section, if there are one or more liens on the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, the certificate of title shall be delivered to the holder of the first lien. If the certificate of title is obtained by a dealer on behalf of the applicant and there are one or more liens on the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, the clerk shall issue a certificate of title and may issue a memorandum certificate of title. The certificate of title and memorandum certificate of title, if issued, shall be delivered to the holder of the first lien or the selling dealer, who shall deliver the certificate of title to the holder of the first lien and the memorandum certificate of title to the applicant. The selling dealer also may make arrangements with the clerk to have the clerk deliver the memorandum certificate of title to the applicant.

(B) The registrar shall prescribe a uniform method of numbering certificates of title. The numbering shall be in such manner that the county of issuance is indicated. Numbers shall be assigned to certificates of title in the manner prescribed by the registrar. The clerk shall file all certificates of title according to the rules to be prescribed by the registrar, and the clerk shall maintain in the clerk's office indexes for the certificates of title.

The clerk need not retain on file any current certificates of title, current duplicate certificates of title, current memorandum certificates of title, or current salvage certificates of title, or supporting evidence of them, covering any off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle for a period longer than seven years after the date of their filing; thereafter, the documents and supporting evidence may be destroyed. The clerk need not retain on file any inactive records, including certificates of title, duplicate certificates of title, or memorandum certificates of title, or supporting evidence of them, including the electronic record described in section 4519.55 of the Revised Code, covering any off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle for a period longer than five years after the date of their filing; thereafter, the documents and supporting evidence may be destroyed.

The automated title processing system shall contain all active records and an index of the active records, and shall contain a record and index of all inactive titles for ten years, and a record and index of all inactive titles for manufactured and mobile homes for thirty years. If the clerk provides a written copy of any information contained in the database, the copy shall be considered the original for purposes of the clerk certifying the record of such information for use in any legal proceedings.

(C) Except as provided in this division, the clerk shall issue a physical certificate of title to an applicant unless the applicant specifically requests the clerk not to issue a physical certificate of title and instead to issue an electronic certificate of title. In the case of a title application that is submitted electronically to the clerk, the clerk shall issue an electronic certificate of title unless the applicant requests the issuance of a physical certificate of title. The fact that a physical certificate of title is not issued for an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle does not affect ownership of the motorcycle or vehicle. In that case, when the clerk completes the process of entering certificate of title application information into the automated title processing system, the effect of the completion of the process is the same as if the clerk actually issued a physical certificate of title for the motorcycle or vehicle.

(D) An electronic dealer who applies for a certificate of title on behalf of a customer who purchases an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle from the dealer may print a non-negotiable evidence of ownership for the customer if the customer so requests. The authorization to print the non-negotiable evidence of ownership shall come from the clerk with whom the dealer makes application for the certificate of title for the customer, but the printing by the dealer does not create an agency relationship of any kind between the dealer and the clerk.

(E) The owner of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle may apply at any time to a clerk of a court of common pleas for a non-negotiable evidence of ownership for the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle.

Section 4519.59 | Fees.

(A)(1) The clerk of a court of common pleas shall charge and retain fees as follows:

(a) Fifteen dollars for each certificate of title or duplicate certificate of title including the issuance of a memorandum certificate of title, authorization to print a non-negotiable evidence of ownership described in division (D) of section 4519.58 of the Revised Code, non-negotiable evidence of ownership printed by the clerk under division (E) of that section, and notation of any lien on a certificate of title that is applied for at the same time as the certificate of title. The clerk shall retain eleven dollars and fifty cents of that fee for each certificate of title when there is a notation of a lien or security interest on the certificate of title, twelve dollars and twenty-five cents when there is no lien or security interest noted on the certificate of title, and eleven dollars and fifty cents for each duplicate certificate of title.

(b) Five dollars for each certificate of title with no security interest noted that is issued to a licensed motor vehicle dealer for resale purposes. The clerk shall retain two dollars and twenty-five cents of that fee.

(c) Five dollars for each memorandum certificate of title or non-negotiable evidence of ownership that is applied for separately. The clerk shall retain that entire fee.

(2) The fees that are not retained by the clerk shall be paid to the registrar of motor vehicles by monthly returns, which shall be forwarded to the registrar not later than the fifth day of the month next succeeding that in which the certificate is forwarded or that in which the registrar is notified of a lien or cancellation of a lien.

(B)(1) The registrar shall pay twenty-five cents of the amount received for each certificate of title that is issued to a motor vehicle dealer for resale, one dollar for certificates of title issued with a lien or security interest noted on the certificate of title, and twenty-five cents for each certificate of title with no lien or security interest noted on the certificate of title into the public safety - highway purposes fund established in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(2) Fifty cents of the amount received for each certificate of title shall be paid by the registrar as follows:

(a) Four cents shall be paid into the state treasury to the credit of the motor vehicle dealers board fund created in section 4505.09 of the Revised Code, for use as described in division (B)(2)(a) of that section.

(b) Twenty-one cents shall be paid into the highway operating fund.

(c) Twenty-five cents shall be paid into the state treasury to the credit of the motor vehicle sales audit fund created in section 4505.09 of the Revised Code, for use as described in division (B)(2)(c) of that section.

(3) Two dollars of the amount received by the registrar for each certificate of title shall be paid into the state treasury to the credit of the automated title processing fund created in section 4505.09 of the Revised Code, for use as described in divisions (B)(3)(a) and (c) of that section.

Section 4519.60 | Transfer of ownership by operation of law; transfer on death.

(A) In the event of the transfer of ownership of an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle by operation of law, as upon inheritance, devise, bequest, order in bankruptcy, insolvency, replevin, or execution of sale, or when repossession is had upon default in performance of the terms of a security agreement as provided in Chapter 1309. of the Revised Code, a clerk of a court of common pleas, upon the surrender of the prior certificate of title or the manufacturer's or importer's certificate, or, when that is not possible, upon presentation to the clerk of satisfactory proof of ownership and rights of possession to the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, and upon payment of the fee prescribed in section 4519.59 of the Revised Code and presentation of an application for certificate of title, may issue to the applicant a certificate of title to the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle. Only an affidavit by the person or agent of the person to whom possession of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle has passed, setting forth the facts entitling the person to the possession and ownership, together with a copy of the journal entry, court order, or instrument upon which the claim of possession and ownership is founded, is satisfactory proof of ownership and right of possession. If the applicant cannot produce that proof of ownership, the applicant may apply directly to the registrar of motor vehicles and submit the evidence the applicant has, and the registrar, upon finding the evidence sufficient, may authorize the clerk to issue a certificate of title. If, from the records in the office of the clerk, there appears to be any lien on the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, the certificate of title shall contain a statement of the lien unless the application is accompanied by proper evidence of its extinction.

(B) Upon the death of one of the persons who have established joint ownership with right of survivorship under section 2131.12 of the Revised Code in an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle and the presentation to the clerk of the title and the certificate of death of the deceased person, the clerk shall enter into the records the transfer of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle to the surviving person, and the title to the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle immediately passes to the surviving person. The transfer does not affect any liens on the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle.

(C) Upon the death of an owner of an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle designated in beneficiary form under section 2131.13 of the Revised Code, upon application of the transfer-on-death beneficiary or beneficiaries designated pursuant to that section, and upon presentation to the clerk of the certificate of title and the certificate of death of the deceased owner, the clerk shall transfer the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle and issue a certificate of title to the transfer-on-death beneficiary or beneficiaries. The transfer does not affect any liens upon any off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle so transferred.

Last updated April 26, 2021 at 7:38 PM

Section 4519.61 | Surrender and cancelling certificate.

(A) Each owner of an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle and each person mentioned as owner in the last certificate of title, when the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle is dismantled, destroyed, or changed in such manner that it loses its character as an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, or changed in such manner that it is not the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle described in the certificate of title, shall surrender the certificate of title to a clerk of a court of common pleas, and the clerk, with the consent of the holders of any liens noted on the certificate of title, then shall enter a cancellation upon the clerk's records and shall notify the registrar of motor vehicles of the cancellation.

Upon the cancellation of a certificate of title in the manner prescribed by this section, any clerk and the registrar may cancel and destroy all certificates and all memorandum certificates in that chain of title.

(B) If an Ohio certificate of title or salvage certificate of title to an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle is assigned to a salvage dealer, the dealer shall not be required to obtain an Ohio certificate of title or a salvage certificate of title to the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle in the dealer's own name if the dealer dismantles or destroys the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, completes the assignment on the certificate of title or salvage certificate of title, indicates the number of the dealer's motor vehicle salvage dealer's license on it, marks "FOR DESTRUCTION" across the face of the certificate of title or salvage certificate of title, and surrenders the certificate of title or salvage certificate of title to a clerk of a court of common pleas as provided in division (A) of this section. If the salvage dealer retains the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle for resale, the salvage dealer shall make application for a salvage certificate of title to the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle in the salvage dealer's own name as provided in division (C)(1) of this section.

(C)(1) When an insurance company declares it economically impractical to repair the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle and has paid an agreed price for the purchase of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle to any insured or claimant owner, the insurance company shall receive the certificate of title and off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle and proceed as follows. Within thirty days, the insurance company shall deliver the certificate of title to a clerk of a court of common pleas and shall make application for a salvage certificate of title. The clerk shall issue the salvage certificate of title on a form, prescribed by the registrar, that shall be easily distinguishable from the original certificate of title and shall bear the same information as the original certificate of title except that it may bear a different number from that of the original certificate of title. Except as provided in division (C)(2) of this section, the salvage certificate of title shall be assigned by the insurance company to a salvage dealer or any other person for use as evidence of ownership upon the sale or other disposition of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, and the salvage certificate of title shall be transferable to any other person. The clerk of the court of common pleas shall charge a fee of four dollars for the cost of processing each salvage certificate of title.

(2) If an insurance company considers an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle as described in division (C)(1) of this section to be impossible to restore to normal operation, the insurance company may assign the certificate of title to the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle to a salvage dealer or scrap metal processing facility and send the assigned certificate of title to the clerk of the court of common pleas of any county. The insurance company shall mark the face of the certificate of title "FOR DESTRUCTION" and shall deliver a photocopy of the certificate of title to the salvage dealer or scrap metal processing facility for its records.

(3) If an insurance company declares it economically impractical to repair an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, agrees to pay to the insured or claimant owner an amount in settlement of a claim against a policy of motor vehicle insurance covering the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, and agrees to permit the insured or claimant owner to retain possession of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, the insurance company shall not pay the insured or claimant owner any amount in settlement of the insurance claim until the owner obtains a salvage certificate of title to the vehicle and furnishes a copy of the salvage certificate of title to the insurance company.

(D) When a self-insured organization, rental or leasing company, or secured creditor becomes the owner of an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle that is burned, damaged, or dismantled and is determined to be economically impractical to repair, the self-insured organization, rental or leasing company, or secured creditor shall do one of the following:

(1) Mark the face of the certificate of title to the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle "FOR DESTRUCTION" and surrender the certificate of title to a clerk of a court of common pleas for cancellation as described in division (A) of this section. The self-insured organization, rental or leasing company, or secured creditor then shall deliver the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, together with a photocopy of the certificate of title, to a salvage dealer or scrap metal processing facility and shall cause the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle to be dismantled, flattened, crushed, or destroyed.

(2) Obtain a salvage certificate of title to the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle in the name of the self-insured organization, rental or leasing company, or secured creditor, as provided in division (C)(1) of this section, and then sell or otherwise dispose of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle. If the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle is sold, the self-insured organization, rental or leasing company, or secured creditor shall obtain a salvage certificate of title to the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle in the name of the purchaser from a clerk of a court of common pleas.

(E) If an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle titled with a salvage certificate of title is restored for operation, application shall be made to a clerk of a court of common pleas for a certificate of title after inspection by the state highway patrol. The inspection shall include establishing proof of ownership and an inspection of the motor number and vehicle identification number of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle and of documentation or receipts for the materials used in restoration by the owner of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle being inspected, which documentation or receipts shall be presented at the time of inspection. Upon successful completion of the inspection, the state highway patrol shall issue to the owner a completed inspection form. The clerk, upon submission of the completed inspection form and surrender of the salvage certificate of title, shall issue a certificate of title for a fee prescribed by the registrar. The certificate of title shall be in the same form as the original certificate of title and shall bear the words "REBUILT SALVAGE" in black boldface letters on its face. Every subsequent certificate of title, memorandum certificate of title, or certified copy of a certificate of title or memorandum certificate of title issued for the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle also shall bear the words "REBUILT SALVAGE" in black boldface letters on its face. The exact location on the face of the certificate of title of the words "REBUILT SALVAGE" shall be determined by the registrar, who shall develop an automated procedure within the automated title processing system to comply with this division. The clerk shall use reasonable care in performing the duties imposed on the clerk by this division in issuing a certificate of title pursuant to this division, but the clerk is not liable for errors or omissions of the clerk of courts, the clerk's deputies, or the automated title processing system in the performance of such duties. A fee of fifty dollars shall be assessed by the state highway patrol for each inspection made pursuant to this division.

(F) No off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle the certificate of title to which has been marked "FOR DESTRUCTION" and surrendered to a clerk of a court of common pleas shall be used for anything except parts and scrap metal.

Section 4519.62 | Duplicate and memorandum certificates.

In the event of a lost or destroyed certificate of title, application shall be made to a clerk of a court of common pleas, by the owner of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, or the holder of a lien on it, for a certified copy of the certificate, upon a form prescribed by the registrar of motor vehicles and accompanied by the fee prescribed by section 4519.59 of the Revised Code. The application shall be signed and sworn to by the person making the application, and the clerk shall issue a certified copy of the certificate of title to the person entitled to receive it under this chapter. The certified copy shall be plainly marked across its face with the word "duplicate," and any subsequent purchaser of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle in the chain of title originating through the certified copy acquires only such rights in the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle as the original holder of the certified copy had. Any purchaser of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, at the time of purchase, may require the seller of the same to indemnify the purchaser and all subsequent purchasers of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle against any loss that the purchaser or subsequent purchasers may suffer by reason of any claim presented upon the original certificate. In the event of the recovery of the original certificate of title by the owner, the owner shall surrender it immediately to the clerk for cancellation.

The holder of a certificate of title for an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle upon which is noted an existing lien, encumbrance, or mortgage, may make application at any time to a clerk for a memorandum certificate, which application shall be made in the form prescribed by the registrar and signed and sworn to by the applicant. Upon receipt of the application, if it appears to be correct, together with the fee prescribed by section 4519.59 of the Revised Code, the clerk shall issue to the applicant a memorandum certificate for the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle. If the memorandum certificate is lost or destroyed, the holder of it may obtain a certified copy of it upon the filing of an application with the clerk on a form prescribed by the registrar, accompanied by the fee prescribed in section 4519.59 of the Revised Code. The memorandum certificate is not assignable and constitutes no evidence of title or of right to transfer or encumber the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle described in it.

Section 4519.63 | Fees for supplying title information and copies.

(A) The registrar of motor vehicles or the clerk of the court of common pleas, upon the application of any person and payment of the proper fee, may prepare and furnish title information regarding off-highway motorcycles and all-purpose vehicles in the form and subject to any territorial division or other classification as they may direct. The registrar or the clerk may search the records of the bureau of motor vehicles regarding off-highway motorcycles and all-purpose vehicles and furnish reports of those records under the signature of the registrar or the clerk.

(B)(1) Fees for lists containing title information shall be charged and collected as follows:

(a) For lists containing three thousand titles or more, twenty-five dollars per thousand or part thereof;

(b) For each report of a search of the records, the fee is five dollars per copy. The registrar and clerk may certify copies of records generated by an automated title processing system.

(2) A copy of any such report shall be taken as prima-facie evidence of the facts therein stated in any court of the state. The registrar and the clerk shall furnish information on any title without charge to state highway patrol troopers, sheriffs, chiefs of police, or the attorney general. The clerk also may provide a copy of a certificate of title to a public agency without charge.

(C)(1) Those fees collected by the registrar as provided in division (B)(1)(a) of this section shall be paid to the treasurer of state to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund established in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code. Those fees collected by the clerk as provided in division (B)(1)(a) of this section shall be paid to the certificate of title administration fund created by section 325.33 of the Revised Code.

(2) The registrar shall pay each five-dollar fee the registrar collects under division (B)(1)(b) of this section into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund established in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

(3) The clerk of the court of common pleas shall retain two dollars of each fee the clerk collects under division (B)(1)(b) of this section and deposit that two dollars into the certificate of title administration fund created by section 325.33 of the Revised Code. The clerk shall forward the remaining three dollars to the registrar not later than the fifth day of the month next succeeding that in which the transaction occurred. The registrar shall deposit the three-dollar portion of each fee into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund established in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Section 4519.631 | Public access to title information via electronic means.

The registrar of motor vehicles shall enable the public to access off-highway motorcycle and all-purpose vehicle title information via electronic means. No fee shall be charged for this access. The title information that must be so accessible is only the title information that is in an electronic format at the time a person requests this access.

The registrar shall establish procedures governing this access. The procedures may be established by rule in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. In adopting the rules, the registrar shall confer with the clerks of the courts of common pleas.

Access by the public to off-highway motorcycle and all-purpose vehicle title information under this section shall comply with all restrictions contained in the Revised Code and federal law that govern the disclosure of that information.

Section 4519.64 | Appointing agents to sign.

Manufacturers and importers of off-highway motorcycles or all-purpose vehicles shall appoint and authorize agents who shall sign manufacturer's or importer's certificates. The registrar of motor vehicles may require that a certified copy of a list containing the names and the facsimile signatures of the authorized agents be furnished to the registrar and be forwarded to each clerk of the court of common pleas in the respective counties within the state, and the registrar may prescribe the form of authorization to be used by the manufacturers or importers and the method of certification of the names of the agents.

Section 4519.65 | Administration of oaths.

The clerk of the court of common pleas and the clerk's deputies may administer oaths on any application or affidavit required by this chapter.

Section 4519.66 | Prohibited acts.

(A) No person shall do any of the following:

(1) Operate in this state an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle without having a certificate of title for the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, if such a certificate is required by this chapter to be issued for the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, or, if a physical certificate of title has not been issued for it, operate an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle knowing that the ownership information relating to the motorcycle or vehicle has not been entered into the automated title processing system by a clerk of a court of common pleas;

(2) Operate in this state an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle if a certificate of title to the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle has been issued and then has been canceled;

(3) Fail to surrender any certificate of title upon cancellation of it by the registrar of motor vehicles and notice of the cancellation as prescribed in this chapter;

(4) Fail to surrender the certificate of title to a clerk of a court of common pleas as provided in this chapter, in case of the destruction or dismantling of, or change in, the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle described in the certificate of title;

(5) Violate any provision of sections 4519.51 to 4519.70 of the Revised Code for which no penalty is otherwise provided or any lawful rules adopted pursuant to those sections;

(6) Operate in this state an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle knowing that the certificate of title to or ownership of the motorcycle or vehicle as otherwise reflected in the automated title processing system has been canceled.

(B) Whoever violates this section shall be fined not more than two hundred dollars, imprisoned not more than ninety days, or both.

Section 4519.67 | Additional prohibited acts.

(A) No person shall do any of the following:

(1) Procure or attempt to procure a certificate of title to an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, or pass or attempt to pass a certificate of title or any assignment of a certificate of title to an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, or in any other manner gain or attempt to gain ownership to an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, knowing or having reason to believe that the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle has been stolen;

(2) Sell or offer for sale in this state an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle on which the manufacturer's or assigned vehicle identification number has been destroyed, removed, covered, altered, or defaced with knowledge of the destruction, removal, covering, alteration, or defacement of the manufacturer's or assigned vehicle identification number;

(3) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, sell or transfer an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle without delivering to the purchaser or transferee of it a certificate of title, or a manufacturer's or importer's certificate to it, assigned to the purchaser as provided for in this chapter.

(B) Whoever violates this section shall be fined not more than five thousand dollars, imprisoned in the county jail or workhouse not less than six months nor more than one year or in the penitentiary not less than one year nor more than five years, or both.

Section 4519.68 | Effect of secured transaction restrictions.

(A)(1) Chapter 1309. of the Revised Code does not permit or require the deposit, filing, or other record of a security interest covering an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, except as provided in division (A)(2) of this section.

(2) Chapter 1309. of the Revised Code applies to a security interest in an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle held as inventory, as defined in section 1309.102 of the Revised Code, for sale by a dealer. The security interest has priority over creditors of the dealer as provided in Chapter 1309. of the Revised Code without notation of the security interest on a certificate of title, without entry of a notation of the security interest into the automated title processing system if a physical certificate of title has not been issued, or without the retention of a manufacturer's or importer's certificate.

(B) Subject to division (A) of this section, any security agreement covering a security interest in an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, if a notation of the agreement has been made by a clerk of a court of common pleas on the face of the certificate of title or if the clerk has entered a notation of the agreement into the automated title processing system if a physical certificate of title has not been issued, is valid as against the creditors of the debtor, whether armed with process or not, and against subsequent purchasers, secured parties, and other lienholders or claimants. All security interests, liens, mortgages, and encumbrances entered into the automated title processing system in relation to a particular certificate of title, regardless of whether a physical certificate of title is issued, take priority according to the order of time in which they are entered into the automated title processing system by the clerk. Exposure for sale of any off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle by its owner, with the knowledge or with the knowledge and consent of the holder of any security interest, lien, mortgage, or encumbrance on it, does not render the security interest, lien, mortgage, or encumbrance ineffective as against the creditors of the owner, or against holders of subsequent security interests, liens, mortgages, or encumbrances upon the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle.

The secured party, upon presentation of evidence of a security interest to a clerk of a court of common pleas, together with the certificate of title if a physical certificate of title for the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle exists, and the fee prescribed by section 4519.59 of the Revised Code, may have a notation of the security interest made. Unless the secured party specifically requests the clerk not to issue a physical certificate of title and instead to issue an electronic certificate of title, the clerk, over the clerk's signature and seal of office, shall issue a new original certificate of title from the automated title processing system that indicates the security interest and the date of the security interest.

If a security interest is fully discharged as a result of its holder's receipt of good funds in the correct amount and if the holder holds a physical certificate of title, the holder shall note the discharge of the security interest over the holder's signature on the face of the certificate of title, or over the holder's signature on a form prescribed by the registrar of motor vehicles when there is no space for the discharge on the face of the certificate of title. Except as otherwise provided in this section, prior to delivering the certificate of title to the owner, the holder or the holder's agent shall convey the certificate of title or a separate sworn statement of the discharge of the security interest to a clerk. The conveyance shall occur not more than seven business days after the date good funds in the correct amount to discharge fully the security interest have been credited to an account of the holder, provided the holder has been provided accurate information concerning the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle. Conveyance of the certificate of title or separate sworn statement of the discharge within the required seven business days may be indicated by postmark or receipt by a clerk within that period. If the discharge of the security interest appears to be genuine, the clerk shall note the cancellation of the security interest on the face of the certificate of title, if it was so conveyed, and also shall note it in the automated title processing system.

If a security interest is fully discharged as a result of its holder's receipt of good funds in the correct amount and the holder does not hold a physical certificate of title, when the holder notifies a clerk of the discharge of its security interest, the holder at that time also may request the clerk to issue a physical certificate of title to the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle. The request shall specify whether the clerk is to send the certificate of title directly to the owner or to the holder or the holder's agent for transmission to the owner. If such a request is made, the clerk shall issue a physical certificate of title and send it to the specified person.

The clerk shall not honor such a request for a physical certificate of title if it is not made by the holder at the same time as the holder's notification to the clerk of the discharge of its security interest.

(C) In all cases, a secured party may choose to present a clerk with evidence of a security interest via electronic means, and the clerk shall enter the security interest into the automated title processing system. A secured party also may choose to notify a clerk of the discharge of its security interest via electronic means, and the clerk shall enter the cancellation into the automated title processing system.

(D) If a physical certificate of title has not been issued for an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle and all the security interests relating to that motorcycle or vehicle have been discharged, the owner of the motorcycle or vehicle may obtain a physical certificate of title from the clerk of any court of common pleas upon payment of the fee specified in section 4519.59 of the Revised Code.

(E) If a clerk of a court of common pleas, other than the clerk of the court of common pleas of the county in which the owner of an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle resides, enters a notation of the existence of, or the cancellation of, a security interest relating to the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle, the clerk shall transmit the data relating to the notation to the automated title processing system.

Section 4519.69 | Application accompanied by physical inspection certificate.

If the application for a certificate of title refers to an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle last previously registered in another state, the application shall be accompanied by a physical inspection certificate issued by the department of public safety verifying the make, year, series or model, if any, body type, and manufacturer's identification number of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle for which the certificate of title is desired. The physical inspection certificate shall be in such form as is designated by the registrar of motor vehicles. The physical inspection of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle shall be made at a deputy registrar's office, a clerk of the court of common pleas' office if the clerk offers such physical inspections, or at an established place of business operated by a licensed motor vehicle dealer. Additionally, the physical inspection of a salvage off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle owned by an insurance company may be made at an established place of business operated by a salvage motor vehicle dealer licensed under Chapter 4738. of the Revised Code. The deputy registrar, the clerk of the court of common pleas, the motor vehicle dealer, or the salvage motor vehicle dealer may charge a maximum fee equal to the amount established under section 4503.038 of the Revised Code for conducting the physical inspection.

The clerk of the court of common pleas shall charge a fee of one dollar and fifty cents for the processing of each physical inspection certificate. The clerk shall retain fifty cents of the one dollar and fifty cents so charged and shall pay the remaining one dollar to the registrar by monthly returns, which shall be forwarded to the registrar not later than the fifth day of the month next succeeding that in which the certificate is received by the clerk. The registrar shall pay such remaining sums into the state treasury to the credit of the public safety - highway purposes fund established in section 4501.06 of the Revised Code.

Last updated August 28, 2024 at 4:43 PM

Section 4519.70 | Minor prohibited from acquiring or disposing of vehicle.

(A)(1) No minor under eighteen years of age shall purchase or otherwise acquire an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle and obtain a certificate of title for the motorcycle or vehicle unless the application for the certificate of title is accompanied by a form prescribed by the registrar of motor vehicles that is signed by a parent of the minor, the minor's guardian, or other person having custody of the minor authorizing the purchase or acquisition of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle.

(2) No minor under eighteen years of age shall sell or otherwise dispose of an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle for which a certificate of title has been issued under this chapter unless a parent of the minor, the minor's guardian, or other person having custody of the minor furnishes to the buyer or person acquiring the motorcycle or vehicle, at the time of the sale or disposition, a form prescribed by the registrar that is signed by the parent, guardian, or other person authorizing the sale or disposition of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle.

(B)(1) At the time an application for a certificate of title for an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle described in division (A) of this section is submitted, one of the following shall occur:

(a) The adult who signed the form authorizing the sale, disposition, purchase, or acquisition of the motorcycle or vehicle by the minor shall be present and shall provide identification establishing that the adult is the individual whose signature appears on the form.

(b) A dealer or the dealer's designee, if the transaction involves that dealer, shall submit a signed statement affirming that the dealer or the dealer's designee used reasonable diligence in ascertaining the age of the minor and the identity of the adult who signed the form and that the adult provided the identification required by division (B) of this section establishing that the adult is the individual whose signature appears on the form.

(2) The registrar shall prescribe, by rule, the types of identification that are acceptable for the purposes of division (B) of this section. If the adult who signed the form does not provide identification at the time of application to the clerk of court or to the dealer at the time of sale, disposition, purchase, or acquisition as required by this division, the application shall be refused.

(C) No right, title, claim to, or interest in an off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle shall be acquired by or from a minor unless the application for a certificate of title for the motorcycle or vehicle is accompanied by the form required by this section.

(D) No clerk of a court of common pleas shall be held liable in any civil action that arises under the law of this state for injury or loss to persons or property caused when a person has obtained a certificate of title in violation of this section, unless the clerk failed to use reasonable diligence in ascertaining the age of the minor or the identity of the adult who signed the form authorizing the sale, disposition, purchase, or acquisition of the off-highway motorcycle or all-purpose vehicle by the minor.

Last updated February 16, 2023 at 2:35 PM