The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation.
Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.
Section |
Section 511.01 | [Repealed effective 4/3/2025 by H.B. 315, 135th General Assembly] Town hall.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
If, in a township, a town hall is to be built, improved, enlarged, or removed at a cost greater than the amount specified in section 9.17 of the Revised Code, the board of township trustees shall submit the question to the electors of such township and shall certify their resolution to the board of elections not later than four p.m. of the ninetieth day before the day of the election.
Last updated March 6, 2025 at 2:14 PM
Section 511.02 | [Repealed effective 4/3/2025 by H.B. 315, 135th General Assembly] Tax levy for town hall.
October 27, 1981
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 114 - 114th General Assembly
At the election provided for by section 511.01 of the Revised Code, if a majority of all the ballots cast are in the affirmative, the board of township trustees shall levy the necessary tax, which, in any year, shall not exceed four mills on the dollar valuation. Such tax shall not be levied for more than seven years. In anticipation of the collection of taxes, the board may borrow money and issue bonds for the whole or any part of such work, which bonds shall not bear interest to exceed the rate provided in section 9.95 of the Revised Code payable annually.
Last updated March 6, 2025 at 2:15 PM
Section 511.03 | Control and leasing of hall, lodge, or recreational facility.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 707 - 113th General Assembly
After an affirmative vote in an election held under sections 511.01 and 511.02 of the Revised Code, the board of township trustees may make all contracts necessary for the purchase of a site, and the erection, improvement, or enlargement of such building. The board shall have control of any town hall belonging to the township, and it may rent or lease all or part of any hall, lodge, or recreational facility belonging to the township, to any person or organization under terms the board considers proper, for which all rent shall be paid in advance or fully secured. In establishing the terms of any rental agreement or lease pursuant to this section, the board of township trustees may give preference to persons who are residents of or organizations that are headquartered in the township or that are charitable or fraternal in nature. All persons or organizations shall be treated on a like or similar basis, and no differentiation shall be made on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, or political affiliation. The rents received for such facilities may be used for their repair or improvement, and any balance shall be used for general township purposes.
Section 511.04 | Procurement of site for town hall.
October 16, 1980
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 736 - 113th General Assembly
The board of township trustees, whenever it has been authorized by an affirmative vote, to purchase a site and erect thereon a town hall, and suitable lands cannot be procured by contract for such purpose on reasonable terms, may appropriate land therefor, not to exceed one acre, by proceedings in accordance with sections 163.01 to 163.22 of the Revised Code.
Section 511.05 | Improvement of building jointly by village and township.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The electors of a township in which a village is situated, and the electors of such village, may, if the electors of both so determine, unite in the enlargement, improvement, or erection of a public building. For such purpose, an application shall be made to and filed with the board of township trustees, signed by not less than twenty-five resident freeholders of such township, who are not residents of the village, and an application shall also be made to and filed with the mayor of the village, signed by not less than twenty-five resident freeholders of the village.
Section 511.06 | Submission of question of tax to a vote.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
At the next regular municipal election after the applications for the enlargement, improvement, or erection of a public building have been so filed under section 511.05 of the Revised Code, the question as to whether or not a tax shall be levied upon all the property subject to taxation in the township and village for the enlargement, improvement, or erection of such building, shall be submitted to the electors of the township and village. Ten days' notice that the question will be submitted to the electors, shall be given by the board of township trustees and the mayor of the village, in a newspaper of general circulation in such township and village, which notice shall state the maximum amount of money proposed to be used for such purpose, and the rate of tax proposed to be levied.
Section 511.07 | Two-thirds vote necessary.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
If, at an election under section 511.06 of the Revised Code, two thirds of the electors of the township and of the village voting, vote in favor of such improvement, the board of township trustees and the legislative authority of the village shall jointly take such action as is necessary to carry out complete improvement.
Section 511.08 | Petition to build memorial.
August 22, 1995
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 99 - 121st General Assembly
Whenever a petition is presented to the board of township trustees, signed by not less than fifteen per cent of the electors of the township as shown at the most recent general election held therein, requesting the submission to such electors of the question of issuing bonds in an amount not to exceed one hundred thousand dollars, for purchasing a site, if necessary, and erecting and furnishing a memorial building, or erecting and maintaining a suitable and appropriate monument, statue, or memorial to commemorate the services of the soldiers, sailors, and marines of such township, the board shall provide by resolution for the submission of such question to the electors as provided by section 133.18 of the Revised Code. In case the petitions requesting the submission of such question are filed in two or more townships the total amount of bonds estimated for such purpose shall be divided among such townships in proportion to the tax valuation of each, as shown by its tax duplicate.
Section 511.09 | Memorial fund - application of fund - trustees.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
If a soldier's memorial is to be erected by a single township, the proceeds of bonds issued under section 511.08 of the Revised Code, other than any premium and accrued interest which shall be credited to the sinking fund, shall be placed in the township treasury to the credit of a fund to be known as "the memorial fund." If such bonds are issued by two or more townships to build a joint building, the board of township trustees of each township shall select one of its members, who, with the other board members so selected, shall constitute and be known as the "memorial trustees." Such trustees may perform all acts imposed upon the board of township trustees by sections 511.10 to 511.14, inclusive, of the Revised Code. "Board of township trustees" as used in sections 511.10 to 511.14, inclusive, of the Revised Code, with reference to the powers and duties of such board as to the construction of such memorial building, monument, statue, or memorial, includes "memorial trustees" in case of a joint building. Such fund shall be paid out upon the order of the board of township trustees. Upon the completion of the memorial building, monument, statue, or memorial, any unexpended balance shall be transferred and placed to the credit of the sinking fund.
Section 511.10 | Appointment of personnel - holidays - maintenance uniforms.
September 30, 2021
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 110 - 134th General Assembly
The board of township trustees may appoint such superintendents, architects, clerks, laborers, and other employees as are necessary and fix their compensation. Any person so appointed may be removed by a majority of the members of such board at any time. Any township employee working on a salary or hourly basis is entitled to eight hours of holiday pay for New Year's day, Martin Luther King day, Washington-Lincoln day, Memorial day, Juneteenth day, Independence day, Labor day, Columbus day, Veterans' day, Thanksgiving day, and Christmas day, of each year, provided that the employee is a regular employee with at least six months full-time township service prior to the month when such holiday occurs. Holidays shall occur on the days specified in section 1.14 of the Revised Code. The board of township trustees may purchase or lease uniforms for laborers or other employees engaged in the maintenance of township property.
Last updated July 14, 2021 at 4:09 PM
Section 511.11 | Acquisition of property.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The board of township trustees may acquire by purchase, appropriation, or otherwise, any private or public lands which it might deem necessary for its use, and, in case of condemnation, such proceedings shall be governed by sections 719.01 to 719.21, inclusive, of the Revised Code. Such board may receive donations, legacies, or devises in land, money, or other property for the general purpose of aiding the objects and purposes of the memorial building, monument, statue, or memorial and the endowment thereof. In all cases, no matter how such property is acquired, the title to it shall be taken in the name of the board and its successors in office forever, and shall be free from taxation by the state, county, or any municipal corporation.
Last updated March 23, 2022 at 3:22 PM
Section 511.12 | Plans, specifications and contracts.
October 3, 2023
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 33 - 135th General Assembly
The board of township trustees may prepare plans and specifications and make contracts for the construction and erection of a memorial building, monument, statue, or memorial, for the purposes specified and within the amount authorized by section 511.08 of the Revised Code. If the total estimated cost of the construction and erection exceeds the amount specified in section 9.17 of the Revised Code, the contract shall be let by competitive bidding. If the estimated cost is the amount specified in section 9.17 of the Revised Code or less, competitive bidding may be required at the board's discretion. In making contracts under this section, the board shall be governed as follows: (A) Contracts for construction when competitive bidding is required shall be based upon detailed plans, specifications, forms of bids, and estimates of cost, adopted by the board. (B) Contracts shall be made in writing upon concurrence of a majority of the members of the board, and shall be signed by at least two of the members and by the contractor. If competitive bidding is required, no contract shall be made or signed until an advertisement has been placed in a newspaper, published or of general circulation in the township, at least twice. The board may also cause notice to be inserted in trade papers or other publications designated by it or to be distributed by electronic means, including posting the notice on the board's internet web site. If the board posts the notice on its web site, it may eliminate the second notice otherwise required to be published in a newspaper published or of general circulation in the township, provided that the first notice published in such newspaper meets all of the following requirements: (1) It is published at least two weeks before the opening of bids. (2) It includes a statement that the notice is posted on the board's internet web site. (3) It includes the internet address of the board's internet web site. (4) It includes instructions describing how the notice may be accessed on the board's internet web site. (C) No contract shall be let by competitive bidding except to the lowest and best bidder, who shall meet the requirements of section 153.54 of the Revised Code. (D) When, in the opinion of the board, it becomes necessary in the prosecution of such work to make alterations or modifications in any contract, the alterations or modifications shall be made only by order of the board, and that order shall be of no effect until the price to be paid for the work or materials under the altered or modified contract has been agreed upon in writing and signed by the contractor and at least two members of the board. (E) No contract or alteration or modification of it shall be valid unless made in the manner provided in this section. (F) No project subject to this section shall be divided into component parts, separate projects, or separate items of work in order to avoid the requirements of this section.
Last updated September 12, 2023 at 9:49 AM
Section 511.13 | Interest in township contract prohibited - exception.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
No member of the board of township trustees or any officer or employee thereof shall be interested in any contract entered into by such board. No such person shall be individually liable to any contractor upon any contract made under sections 511.08 to 511.17, inclusive, of the Revised Code, nor shall he be liable to any person on any claims occasioned by any act or default of a contractor or anyone employed by him. This section does not apply where such person is a shareholder of a corporation, but not an officer or director thereof, and owns not more than five per cent of the stock of such corporation, the value of which does not exceed five hundred dollars. If a stockholder desires to avail himself of the exception provided in this section, he shall, before entering upon such contract, first file with the clerk of the board of county commissioners, an affidavit, stating his exact status and connection with the corporation.
Section 511.14 | Commemorative tablets.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
There shall be provided in a memorial building, erected under sections 511.08 to 511.17, inclusive, of the Revised Code, suitable apartments, of sufficient dimensions, to commemorate the soldiers, sailors, and marines of the township who lost their lives while in the service of the United States, and the names of such soldiers, sailors, and marines shall be inscribed on suitable tablets in the building or on the monument, statue, or memorial so erected.
Section 511.15 | Memorial trustees.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
Upon the completion and equipping of a soldier's memorial building, the board of township trustees shall certify such fact to the court of common pleas of the county in which the building was constructed, and the court thereupon shall appoint a board of permanent "memorial trustees," composed of seven citizens of the township; but if two or more townships unite in constructing a joint building each township shall be represented on each board, one of which members shall be appointed for the term of one year, one for two years, one for three years, one for four years, one for five years, one for six years, and one for seven years, and each year thereafter the court shall appoint a successor, for a term of seven years, to the trustee whose term of office then expires. Not more than four of the members of said board of trustees shall belong to the same political party. In the case of any memorial building existing prior to April 17, 1925, the court shall appoint the board in the manner provided in this section. Upon such appointment by the court the board of township trustees shall transfer the memorial building and other property and funds acquired under section 511.11 of the Revised Code to the board of permanent memorial trustees and the title of such property shall thereupon vest in such board and the memorial trustees provided for in section 511.09 of the Revised Code, shall cease to exist as an official board.
Section 511.16 | Control and maintenance.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
The board of permanent memorial trustees shall provide for the maintenance of the township memorial building, monument, statue, or memorial and shall always keep the memorial in such condition that it will fulfill the purpose for which it was constructed. The board of permanent memorial trustees may receive donations and bequests to aid in the maintenance of such memorial, and such moneys, together with moneys received from all other sources, shall be placed in a fund to be known as "the township memorial fund," and shall be paid out on vouchers signed by two members of the board of permanent memorial trustees. The board of permanent memorial trustees shall, annually, report a complete statement of all its receipts and disbursements and certify to the board of township trustees the amount of money required for the maintenance of such memorial and the making of any necessary improvements thereto, which amount shall be placed in the budget of the board of township trustees and certified to the budget commission of the county. The board of permanent memorial trustees may permit the occupancy and use of the memorial building or any part thereof, upon such terms as it deems proper.
Section 511.17 | Rules and regulations.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
Under such reasonable rules and regulations as the board of permanent memorial trustees prescribes, the memorial building constructed under section 511.08 of the Revised Code shall be open and free for use as a meeting place by all organizations and allied organizations of present and former soldiers, sailors, and marines.
Section 511.18 | Petition to organize park district.
September 21, 2000
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 417 - 123rd General Assembly
(A) When any number of electors in a township, including the electors of all municipal corporations in the township, equal to or exceeding one-tenth of the total vote cast in the township at the most recent general election, files a petition with the board of township trustees for proceedings to organize a park district and to establish one or more public parks within the township, the board shall certify that fact to the court of common pleas of the county, which court, or a judge of the court, shall appoint a board of park commissioners for the township. However, if an entire park district is contained within the unincorporated area of the township, the board of township trustees, instead of the court of common pleas of the county, shall, regardless of when the park district was established, appoint the board of park commissioners, unless the board of township trustees, by unanimous vote, adopts a resolution authorizing the court of common pleas to appoint the board of park commissioners. For purposes of this division, an entire park district shall be considered to be contained within the unincorporated area of the township if the electors of the unincorporated area would be the only persons entitled to vote on a tax levy submitted under division (B) of section 511.27 of the Revised Code, regardless of where real property owned by the district is located. If the board of township trustees adopts a resolution described in this division, the court, or a judge of the court, shall appoint the board of park commissioners. If, at any time after the adoption of that resolution, the board of township trustees wishes to rescind the resolution and again assume the authority provided under this division to appoint the board of park commissioners, it may adopt a resolution, by unanimous vote, rescinding the previous resolution and its authorization for the court of common pleas to appoint the board of park commissioners. After the adoption of a rescinding resolution, the board of township trustees shall appoint the board of park commissioners. (B) Regardless of when a township park district was established, at least seventy-five per cent of the acreage owned by a township park district shall be located within the boundaries of the township, unless the township has ceased to exist since the establishment of the park district.
Section 511.181 | Resolution to convert parks owned and operated by park district into parks owned and operated by township.
September 26, 2003
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 95 - 125th General Assembly
If the board of park commissioners of a township park district created before 1955 is appointed by the board of township trustees, the board of township trustees may adopt a resolution to convert the parks owned and operated by the park district into parks owned and operated by the township if the township has a population of less than thirty-five thousand and a geographical area of less than fifteen square miles. Upon the adoption of that resolution, the township park district shall cease to exist, all real and personal property owned by the park district shall be transferred to the township, and the township shall assume liability with respect to all contracts and debts of the park district. All employees of the township park district whose parks are so converted into township parks shall become township employees, and the board of township trustees may retain the former park commissioners, on the terms that the trustees consider appropriate, to operate the property formerly owned by the township park district. The township shall continue to collect any taxes levied within the former township park district, and the taxes shall be deposited into the township treasury as funds to be used for the park purposes for which they were levied. Within fifteen days after the adoption of a township park district conversion resolution under this section, the clerk of the board of township trustees shall certify a copy of that resolution to the county auditor.
Section 511.19 | Board of park commissioners.
September 21, 2000
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 417 - 123rd General Assembly
(A) Except as provided in division (B) of this section, the board of park commissioners shall consist of three electors. The electors may be residents of the township or of any municipal corporation that is located within the township, that was within the township at the time that the park district was established, or the boundaries of which are coterminous with or include the township. One of the commissioners shall serve for one year, one of the commissioners shall serve for two years, and one of the commissioners shall serve for three years, from the second Monday of May succeeding the appointment, and thereafter one commissioner shall be appointed annually to serve for three years. The court of common pleas, or the board of township trustees if the board of park commissioners is appointed by the board of township trustees, shall fill any vacancy that occurs in the board by death, resignation, or otherwise, by appointment for the unexpired term. (B) If a board of park commissioners is appointed by the board of township trustees, the board of township trustees may appoint a five-member board of park commissioners in lieu of the three-member board provided for in division (A) of this section. Except as provided in this division, members of a five-member board of park commissioners shall serve three-year terms. Of the initial appointees, two shall serve one-year terms, two shall serve two-year terms, and one shall serve a three-year term. Thereafter, terms of office for successive appointees shall be for three years. All terms shall commence on the second Monday of May succeeding appointment. Qualifications for members and filling of vacancies on five-member boards shall be the same as provided in division (A) of this section for three-member boards. (C) A board of township trustees, by resolution, may convert a three-member board of park commissioners that the board of township trustees has appointed to a five-member board of park commissioners. The conversion shall be effective from the second Monday of May succeeding the adoption of the resolution. If a three-member board is converted, any member of the three-member board whose term had not expired on the date of conversion shall serve as one of the five members of the new board until the expiration date of that member's term. (D) A board of township trustees, by resolution, may convert into a three-member board of park commissioners a five-member board of park commissioners that the board of township trustees has appointed. Upon the expiration of the terms of one or more park commissioners on the second Monday of May that immediately follows the date of the resolution's adoption, the board of township trustees shall appoint one park commissioner to a three-year term. Upon the expiration of the terms of one or more park commissioners on the second Monday of May in each of the immediately following two years, the board of township trustees shall appoint one park commissioner to a three-year term. During the transition period from a five-member board to a three-member board, any member of the five-member board whose term has not yet expired shall continue to serve as a member until that member's term expires.
Section 511.20 | Report of board as to site and cost.
September 21, 2000
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 417 - 123rd General Assembly
Prior to the submission to the electors of the question of whether one or more public parks are to be established as provided in section 511.21 of the Revised Code, the board of park commissioners shall call to its assistance one or more skilled landscape architects, and, if desired, other expert advice, as to suitable places for the location of one or more public parks. The board of park commissioners shall make a written report to the board of township trustees of its findings and recommendations, with an estimate of the cost of the land recommended for park purposes. Before filing the report, the board of park commissioners, for park purposes, may take options and receive bids from owners of land.
Section 511.21 | Notice of submission of question.
December 20, 2005
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 107 - 126th General Assembly
Upon the filing of the report of the board of park commissioners as provided by section 511.20 of the Revised Code, the board of township trustees shall direct the township fiscal officer to give thirty days' notice, by posting in five public places in the township and by publication in one or more newspapers of general circulation in the township, that an election will be held at the next general election to determine whether one or more public parks are to be established within the township, and the estimated cost of the land recommended for that purpose.
Section 511.22 | Form of ballot.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 48 - 128th General Assembly
The board of township trustees shall direct the township fiscal officer to file a written notice, not later than four p.m. of the ninetieth day before the day of the election, with the board of elections having charge of the preparation of official ballots, that an election will be held as provided in section 511.21 of the Revised Code and that the following shall be printed on the ballot: | "YES | SHALL A PUBLIC PARK OR | | NO | PUBLIC PARKS BE ESTABLISHED | | | IN _____ (NAME) _____ TOWNSHIP?" |
If a majority of the votes is in favor of the proposition, a park or parks shall be established for the township. If a majority of the votes cast is against the proposition, the board of park commissioners shall be abolished, and the board of township trustees shall provide for and pay all the proper expenses incurred by it.
Last updated March 22, 2022 at 2:33 PM
Section 511.23 | Powers and duties of park board.
September 28, 2016
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 413 - 131st General Assembly
(A) When the vote under section 511.22 of the Revised Code is in favor of establishing one or more public parks, the board of park commissioners shall constitute a board, to be called the board of park commissioners of that township park district, and they shall be a body politic and corporate. Their office is not a township office within the meaning of section 703.22 of the Revised Code but is an office of the township park district. The members of the board shall serve without compensation but shall be allowed their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. (B) The board may locate, establish, improve, maintain, and operate a public park or parks in accordance with division (B) of section 511.18 of the Revised Code, with or without recreational facilities. Any township park district that contains only unincorporated territory and that operated a public park or parks outside the township immediately prior to July 18, 1990, may continue to improve, maintain, and operate these parks outside the township, but further acquisitions of land shall not affect the boundaries of the park district itself or the appointing authority for the board of park commissioners. The board may lease, accept a conveyance of, or purchase suitable lands for cash, by purchase by installment payments with or without a mortgage, by lease or lease-purchase agreements, or by lease with option to purchase, may acquire suitable lands through an exchange under section 511.241 of the Revised Code, or may appropriate suitable lands and materials for park district purposes. The board also may lease facilities from other political subdivisions or private sources. The board shall have careful surveys and plats made of the lands acquired for park district purposes and shall establish permanent monuments on the boundaries of the lands. Those plats, when executed according to sections 711.01 to 711.38 of the Revised Code, shall be recorded in the office of the county recorder, and those records shall be admissible in evidence for the purpose of locating and ascertaining the true boundaries of the park or parks. (C) In furtherance of the use and enjoyment of the lands controlled by it, the board may accept donations of money or other property or act as trustees of land, money, or other property, and may use and administer the land, money, or other property as stipulated by the donor or as provided in the trust agreement. The board may receive and expend grants for park purposes from agencies and instrumentalities of the United States and this state and may enter into contracts or agreements with those agencies and instrumentalities to carry out the purposes for which the grants were furnished. (D) In exercising any powers conferred upon the board under divisions (B) and (C) of this section and for other types of assistance that the board finds necessary in carrying out its duties, the board may hire and contract for professional, technical, consulting, and other special services and may purchase goods and award contracts. The procuring of goods and awarding of contracts with a cost in excess of fifty thousand dollars shall be done in accordance with the procedures established for the board of county commissioners by sections 307.86 to 307.91 of the Revised Code. (E) The board may appoint an executive for the park or parks and may designate the executive or another person as the clerk of the board. It may appoint all other necessary officers and employees, fix their compensation, and prescribe their duties, or it may require the executive to appoint all other necessary officers and employees, and to fix their compensation and prescribe their duties, in accordance with guidelines and policies adopted by the board. (F) The board may adopt bylaws and rules that it considers advisable for the following purposes: (1) To prohibit selling, giving away, or using any intoxicating liquors in the park or parks; (2) For the government and control of the park or parks and the operation of motor vehicles in the park or parks; (3) To provide for the protection and preservation of all property and natural life within its jurisdiction. Before the bylaws and rules take effect, the board shall provide for a notice of their adoption to be published once a week for two consecutive weeks or as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code, in a newspaper of general circulation in the county within which the park district is located. No person shall violate any of the bylaws or rules. Fines levied and collected for violations shall be paid into the treasury of the township park district. The board may use moneys collected from those fines for any purpose that is not inconsistent with sections 511.18 to 511.37 of the Revised Code. (G) The board may do either of the following: (1) Establish and charge fees for the use of any facilities and services of the park or parks regardless of whether the park or parks were acquired before, on, or after September 21, 2000; (2) Enter into a lease agreement with an individual or organization that provides for the exclusive use of a specified portion of the park or parks within the township park district by that individual or organization for the duration of an event produced by the individual or organization. The board, for the specific portion of the park or parks covered by the lease agreement, may charge a fee to, or permit the individual or organization to charge a fee to, participants in and spectators at the event covered by the agreement. (H) The board may expend moneys from the treasury of the township park district, or revenue derived from property taxes levied for parks and recreational purposes, for the public purpose of presenting community events that are open to the public in the park or parks within the township park district. (I) If the board finds that real or personal property owned by the township park district is not currently needed for park purposes, the board may lease that property to other persons or organizations during any period of time the board determines the property will not be needed. If the board finds that competitive bidding on a lease is not feasible, it may lease the property without taking bids. (J) The board may exchange property owned by the township park district for property owned by the state, another political subdivision, or the federal government on terms that it considers desirable, without the necessity of competitive bidding. (K) Any rights or duties established under this section may be modified, shared, or assigned by an agreement pursuant to section 755.16 of the Revised Code.
Section 511.231 | Appraisal of park district property.
November 5, 1965
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 101 - 106th General Assembly
Whenever it is necessary for the board of park commissioners of a township park district to determine the value of any real property owned by the board, or which it proposes to acquire by purchase, lease, or appropriation, the board may employ competent appraisers to advise it of the value of such property, or expert witnesses to testify thereto in an appropriation proceeding, and shall pay a reasonable compensation for such services.
Section 511.232 | Law enforcement in park district.
January 1, 2004
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 490 - 124th General Assembly
(A) As used in this section, "felony" has the same meaning as in section 109.511 of the Revised Code. (B) The employees designated by the board of park commissioners of a township park district may enforce the laws of the state and the regulations of the board within and adjacent to the lands under the jurisdiction and control of the board or when acting as authorized by section 511.235 or 511.236 of the Revised Code. Before exercising those powers, the designated employees shall comply with the certification requirement established in section 109.77 of the Revised Code, take an oath, and give a bond to the state, in the sum that the board prescribes, for the proper performance of their duties. This division is subject to division (C) of this section. (C)(1) The board of park commissioners of a township park district shall not designate an employee as provided in division (B) of this section on a permanent basis, on a temporary basis, for a probationary term, or on other than a permanent basis if the employee previously has been convicted of or has pleaded guilty to a felony. (2)(a) The board of park commissioners of a township park district shall terminate the employment of an employee designated as provided in division (B) of this section if the employee does either of the following: (i) Pleads guilty to a felony; (ii) Pleads guilty to a misdemeanor pursuant to a negotiated plea agreement as provided in division (D) of section 2929.43 of the Revised Code in which the employee agrees to surrender the certificate awarded to the employee under section 109.77 of the Revised Code. (b) The board shall suspend from employment an employee designated as provided in division (B) of this section if the employee is convicted, after trial, of a felony. If the employee files an appeal from that conviction and the conviction is upheld by the highest court to which the appeal is taken or if the employee does not file a timely appeal, the board shall terminate the employment of that employee. If the employee files an appeal that results in that employee's acquittal of the felony or conviction of a misdemeanor, or in the dismissal of the felony charge against the employee, the board shall reinstate that employee. An employee who is reinstated under division (C)(2)(b) of this section shall not receive any back pay unless that employee's conviction of the felony was reversed on appeal, or the felony charge was dismissed, because the court found insufficient evidence to convict the employee of the felony. (3) Division (C) of this section does not apply regarding an offense that was committed prior to January 1, 1997. (4) The suspension from employment, or the termination of the employment, of an employee under division (C)(2) of this section shall be in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code.
Section 511.233 | Liability insurance.
August 3, 1982
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 259 - 114th General Assembly
A board of park commissioners of a township park district may purchase a policy or policies of insurance to insure the members of the board and its appointees, assistants, and employees against liability arising from the performance of their official duties.
Section 511.234 | Policies for use of of park district credit card accounts.
November 2, 2018
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 312 - 132nd General Assembly
(A) Not later than three months after the effective date of this amendment , the board of park commissioners of a township park district that holds a credit card account on the effective date of this amendment shall adopt a written policy for the use of credit card accounts. Otherwise, a board shall adopt a written policy before first holding a credit card account. The policy shall include provisions addressing all of the following: (1) The officers, positions, or appointees authorized to use a credit card account; (2) The types of expenses for which a credit card account may be used; (3) The procedure for acquisition, use, and management of a credit card account and presentation instruments related to the account including cards and checks; (4) The procedure for submitting itemized receipts to the clerk or the clerk's designee; (5) The procedure for credit card issuance, credit card reissuance, credit card cancellation, and the process for reporting lost or stolen credit cards; (6) The district's credit card account's maximum credit limit or limits; (7) The actions or omissions by an officer, employee, or appointee that qualify as misuse of a credit card account. (B) The name of the township park district shall appear on each presentation instrument related to the account including cards and checks. (C) If the clerk of the district does not retain general possession and control of the credit card account and presentation instruments related to the account including cards and checks, the board shall appoint a compliance officer to perform the duties enumerated under division (D) of this section. The compliance officer may not use a credit card account and may not authorize an officer, employee, or appointee to use a credit card account, except that a board of park commissioners serving in the role of compliance officer may use a credit card account if so authorized under the policy and may authorize an officer, employee, or appointee to use a credit card account as provided in division (A) of this section. The clerk is not eligible for appointment as compliance officer. (D) The compliance officer, if applicable, and the board at least quarterly shall review the number of cards and accounts issued, the number of active cards and accounts issued, the cards' and accounts' expiration dates, and the cards' and accounts' credit limits. (E) If the clerk retains general possession and control of the credit card account and presentation instruments related to the account including cards and checks, and the board authorizes an officer, employee, or appointee to use a credit card, the clerk may use a system to sign out credit cards to the authorized users. The officer, employee, or appointee is liable in person and upon any official bond the officer, employee, or appointee has given to the township park district to reimburse the district treasury the amount for which the officer, employee, or appointee does not provide itemized receipts in accordance with the policy described in division (A) of this section. (F) The use of a credit card account for expenses beyond those authorized by the board constitutes misuse of a credit card account. An officer, employee, or appointee of a township park district or a public servant as defined under section 2921.01 of the Revised Code who knowingly misuses a credit card account held by the board violates section 2913.21 of the Revised Code. (G) The clerk or the clerk's designee annually shall file a report with the board detailing all rewards received based on the use of the township park district's credit card account. (H) As used in this section, "credit card account" means any bank-issued credit card account, store-issued credit card account, financial institution-issued credit card account, financial depository-issued credit card account, affinity credit card account, or any other card account allowing the holder to purchase goods or services on credit or to transact with the account, and any debit or gift card account related to the receipt of grant moneys. "Credit card account" does not include a procurement card account, gasoline or telephone credit card account, or any other card account where merchant category codes are in place as a system of control for use of the card account.
Section 511.235 | Mutual aid contracts for law enforcement purposes.
September 29, 2011
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 153 - 129th General Assembly
The board of park commissioners of a township park district may enter into contracts with one or more townships, township police districts, joint police districts, municipal corporations, or county sheriffs of this state, with one or more park districts created pursuant to section 1545.01 of the Revised Code or other township park districts, or with a contiguous political subdivision of an adjoining state, and a township, township police district, joint police district board, municipal corporation, county sheriff, park district, or other township park district of this state may enter into a contract with a township park district upon any terms that are agreed to by them, to allow the use of the township park district law enforcement officers designated under section 511.232 of the Revised Code to perform any police function, exercise any police power, or render any police service in behalf of the contracting political subdivision that the subdivision may perform, exercise, or render. Chapter 2744. of the Revised Code, insofar as it applies to the operation of police departments, shall apply to the contracting political subdivisions and to the members of their police force or law enforcement department when they are rendering service outside their own subdivisions pursuant to that contract. Any members of the police force or law enforcement department acting pursuant to that contract outside the political subdivision in which they are employed shall be entitled to participate in any indemnity fund established by their employer to the same extent as while acting within the employing subdivision. Those members shall be entitled to all the rights and benefits of Chapter 4123. of the Revised Code, to the same extent as while performing service within the subdivision. The contracts entered into pursuant to this section may provide for the following: (A) A fixed annual charge to be paid at the times agreed upon and stipulated in the contract; (B) Compensation based upon the following: (1) A stipulated price for each call or emergency; (2) The number of members or pieces of equipment employed; (3) The elapsed time of service required in each call or emergency. (C) Compensation for loss or damage to equipment while engaged in rendering police services outside the limits of the subdivision that owns and furnishes the equipment; (D) Reimbursement of the subdivision in which the police force or law enforcement department members are employed, for any indemnity award or premium contribution assessed against the employing subdivision for workers' compensation benefits for injuries or death to members of its police force or law enforcement department occurring while engaged in rendering service pursuant to the contract.
Section 511.236 | Providing police services without a contract.
September 29, 2011
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 153 - 129th General Assembly
The police force or law enforcement department of any township park district may provide police protection to any county, municipal corporation, township, township police district, or joint police district of this state, to any other township park district or any park district created pursuant to section 1545.01 of the Revised Code, or to a governmental entity of an adjoining state without a contract to provide police protection, upon the approval, by resolution, of the board of park commissioners of the township park district in which the police force or law enforcement department is located and upon authorization by an officer or employee of the police force or department providing the police protection who is designated by title of office or position, pursuant to the resolution of the board of park commissioners, to give the authorization. Chapter 2744. of the Revised Code, insofar as it applies to the operation of police departments, shall apply to any township park district and to members of its police force or law enforcement department when those members are rendering police services pursuant to this section outside the township park district by which they are employed. Police force or law enforcement department members acting, as provided in this section, outside the township park district by which they are employed shall be entitled to participate in any pension or indemnity fund established by their employer to the same extent as while acting within the township park district by which they are employed. Those members shall be entitled to all rights and benefits of Chapter 4123. of the Revised Code to the same extent as while performing services within the township park district by which they are employed.
Section 511.24 | Appropriating land and materials for park purposes.
December 23, 1986
Latest Legislation:
Senate Bill 393 - 116th General Assembly
When the board of park commissioners cannot, by deed of gift or by purchase, procure the lands or materials desired for park purposes upon terms which it regards as reasonable, the board may appropriate such lands or materials for that purpose under sections 163.01 to 163.22 of the Revised Code. If it is desired at any time to acquire additional grounds for enlarging and improving such park or parks, the board may purchase, appropriate, or accept a deed of gift for such lands in the manner provided for by sections 511.18 to 511.23 of the Revised Code, and improve them. The board may accept and receive from any school, college, or university located within its boundaries, funds, land, or property for use in the improvement, expansion, or construction of athletic fields, stadia, or recreational facilities located within said park grounds, and may, upon such terms, conditions, and for such periods of time as it deems advisable, enter into leasing agreements for the use of said athletic fields, stadia, or recreational facilities with those schools, colleges, or universities having contributed such funds, land, or property, provided that the facilities erected upon said park land shall become and remain public property and shall remain open for public use except for the regular admission charge or parking charge levied by such school, college, or university for entrance to an athletic contest or recreational event. Such leasing agreements may provide for the school, college, or university's exclusive use of the necessary portion of the property during the period of an athletic contest or recreational event. The construction on such a facility shall not commence until the board of park commissioners is assured that adequate funds for its completion are available. The terms of each such contribution of funds, land, or property and the terms of each leasing arrangement shall first be approved by the court of common pleas, or by the board of township trustees if the board of park commissioners is appointed by the board of township trustees, before the board of park commissioners may accept such contribution or enter into such leasing arrangement. When gravel or other material is desired for the construction, improvement, or repair of the roadway or other improvement authorized by sections 511.18 to 511.31 of the Revised Code, the board may appropriate and take such material, and for this purpose such board may go outside the township.
Section 511.241 | Exchange of real property with township.
September 21, 2000
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 417 - 123rd General Assembly
The board of park commissioners may acquire lands for use by the township park district through an exchange of real property in which the board leases or conveys to the township all or part of the lands located within the township to which the park district holds title, in exchange for the lease or conveyance of township land from the board of township trustees to the board of park commissioners. Before any such exchange becomes effective, the county auditor shall certify in writing to the board of township trustees and the board of park commissioners that the current market value of the land that each board will receive is at least equal to the current market value of the land exchanged, plus any cash or other consideration that will be received as part of the exchange. The exchange may include terms agreed to between the board of park commissioners and the board of township trustees not otherwise prohibited by law. This section does not authorize exchanges by a board of township trustees that are otherwise prohibited by law. Section 511.25 of the Revised Code does not apply to exchanges authorized by this section.
Section 511.25 | Sale and disposal of park lands.
September 29, 2011
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 153 - 129th General Assembly
If the board of park commissioners of a township park district finds that any lands that the board has acquired are not necessary for the purposes for which they were acquired, it may sell and dispose of those lands upon terms that the board considers advisable and may reject any purchase bid received under this section that the board determines does not meet its terms for sale. Except as otherwise provided in this section, no lands shall be sold without first giving notice of the board's intention to sell the lands by publication once a week for four consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the township or as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code. The notice shall contain an accurate description of the lands being offered for sale and shall state the time and place at which sealed bids for the lands will be received. If the board rejects all of the purchase bids, it may reoffer the lands for sale in accordance with this section. The board also may sell park lands not necessary for district purposes to another political subdivision, the state, or the federal government without giving the notices or taking bids as otherwise required by this section. No lands acquired by a township park district may be sold without the approval of the court of common pleas of the county in which the park district is located, if the court appointed the board under section 511.18 of the Revised Code, or the approval of the board of township trustees, if the board of township trustees appointed the board of park commissioners under section 511.18 of the Revised Code.
Section 511.26 | Disposition of money from sale of park lands.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
Money arising from the sale of park land under section 511.25 of the Revised Code may be expended by the board of park commissioners or the purchase of other land for park purposes, or it may be applied to the payment of any outstanding bonds which are unprovided for. Any money not so expended shall be deposited in the particular fund by which such property was acquired, or in the general fund of the township, unless such general fund has ceased to exist under section 703.22 of the Revised Code, in which event it shall be deposited with the treasurer of the municipal corporation, to become a portion of the park fund of that municipal corporation.
Section 511.261 | Disposition of moneys for sale or lease of park district mineral rights.
September 29, 2013
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 59 - 130th General Assembly
If a township park district enters into an agreement for the sale or lease of mineral rights regarding a park within the district, any royalties or other moneys resulting from the sale or lease shall be deposited into a special fund that the board of park commissioners shall establish under division (F) of section 5705.09 of the Revised Code. The fund shall be used exclusively for maintenance of parks within the district and for the acquisition of new park lands.
Section 511.27 | Tax levy to defray expenses of park district.
September 13, 2022
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 140 - 134th General Assembly
(A) To defray the expenses of the township park district and for purchasing, appropriating, operating, maintaining, and improving lands for parks or recreational purposes, the board of park commissioners may levy a sufficient tax within the ten-mill limitation, not to exceed one mill on each dollar of taxable value on all real and personal property within the township, and on all real and personal property within any municipal corporation that is within the township, that was within the township at the time that the park district was established, or the boundaries of which are coterminous with or include the township. The levy shall be over and above all other taxes and limitations on such property authorized by law. (B) Except as otherwise provided in division (C) of this section, the board of park commissioners, not less than ninety days before the day of the election, may declare by resolution that the amount of taxes that may be raised within the ten-mill limitation will be insufficient to provide an adequate amount for the necessary requirements of the district and that it is necessary to levy a tax in excess of that limitation for the use of the district. The resolution shall specify the information required for a resolution adopted under division (B)(1) of section 5705.03 of the Revised Code. Upon the adoption of the resolution, the board shall certify the resolution to the county auditor, who shall certify to the board the information required under division (B)(2) of that section in the manner provided in that division. Upon receipt of that certification, the question of levying the taxes shall be submitted to the electors of the township and the electors of any municipal corporation that is within the township, that was within the township at the time that the park district was established, or the boundaries of which are coterminous with or include the township, at a special election to be held on whichever of the following occurs first: (1) The day of the next ensuing general election; (2) The first Tuesday after the first Monday in May of any calendar year, except that, if a presidential primary election is held in that calendar year, then the day of that election. The rate submitted to the electors at any one election shall not exceed two mills annually upon each dollar of taxable value. If a majority of the electors voting upon the question of the levy vote in favor of the levy, the tax shall be levied on all real and personal property within the township and on all real and personal property within any municipal corporation that is within the township, that was within the township at the time that the park district was established, or the boundaries of which are coterminous with or include the township, and the levy shall be over and above all other taxes and limitations on such property authorized by law. (C) In any township park district that contains only unincorporated territory, if the township board of park commissioners is appointed by the board of township trustees, before a tax can be levied and certified to the county auditor pursuant to section 5705.34 of the Revised Code or before a resolution for a tax levy can be certified to the board of elections pursuant to section 511.28 of the Revised Code, the board of park commissioners shall receive approval for its levy request from the board of township trustees. The board of park commissioners shall adopt a resolution requesting the board of township trustees to approve the levy request, stating the annual rate of the proposed levy and the reason for the levy request. On receiving this request, the board of township trustees shall vote on whether to approve the request and, if a majority votes to approve it, shall issue a resolution approving the levy at the requested rate.
Last updated July 15, 2022 at 8:43 AM
Section 511.28 | Submission of tax levy - form of ballot.
September 13, 2022
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 140 - 134th General Assembly
A copy of any resolution for a tax levy adopted by the township board of park commissioners as provided in section 511.27 of the Revised Code shall be certified by the clerk of the board of park commissioners to the board of elections of the proper county, together with a certified copy of the resolution approving the levy, passed by the board of township trustees if such a resolution is required by division (C) of section 511.27 of the Revised Code, and the county auditor's certification, not less than ninety days before a general or primary election in any year. The board of elections shall submit the proposal to the electors as provided in section 511.27 of the Revised Code at the succeeding general or primary election. A resolution to renew an existing levy may not be placed on the ballot unless the question is submitted at the general election held during the last year the tax to be renewed may be extended on the real and public utility property tax list and duplicate, or at any election held in the ensuing year. The board of park commissioners shall cause notice that the vote will be taken to be published once a week for two consecutive weeks prior to the election in a newspaper of general circulation, or as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code, in the county within which the park district is located. Additionally, if the board of elections operates and maintains a web site, the board of elections shall post that notice on its web site for thirty days prior to the election. The notice shall state the purpose of the proposed levy, the levy's estimated annual collections, the levy's annual rate or, if applicable, the levy's estimated effective rate, expressed in dollars for each one hundred thousand dollars of the county auditor's appraised value as well as the annual rate expressed in mills for each one dollar of taxable value, the number of consecutive years during which the levy shall be in effect, and the time and place of the election. The form of the ballots cast at the election shall be: "An additional tax for the benefit of (name of township park district) __________ for the purpose of (purpose stated in the order of the board) __________, that the county auditor estimates will collect $_____ annually, at a rate not exceeding __________ mills for each $1 of taxable value, which amounts to $__________ for each $100,000 of the county auditor's appraised value, for (number of years the levy is to run) __________ | FOR THE TAX LEVY | | | AGAINST THE TAX LEVY | " |
If the levy submitted is a proposal to renew, increase, or decrease an existing levy, the form of the ballot specified in this section shall be changed by substituting for the words "An additional" at the beginning of the form, the words "A renewal of a" in the case of a proposal to renew an existing levy in the same amount; the words "A renewal of __________ mills and an increase of __________ mills for each $1 of taxable value to constitute a" in the case of an increase; or the words "A renewal of part of an existing levy, being a reduction of __________ mills for each $1 of taxable value, to constitute a" in the case of a decrease in the rate of the existing levy. Additionally, the estimated effective rate, in lieu of the rate, shall be expressed for each one hundred thousand dollars of the county auditor's appraised value. If the tax is to be placed on the current tax list, the form of the ballot shall be modified by adding, after the statement of the number of years the levy is to run, the phrase ", commencing in __________ (first year the tax is to be levied), first due in calendar year __________ (first calendar year in which the tax shall be due)." The question covered by the order shall be submitted as a separate proposition, but may be printed on the same ballot with any other proposition submitted at the same election, other than the election of officers. More than one such question may be submitted at the same election. As used in this section, "the county auditor's appraised value" and "estimated effective rate" have the same meanings as in section 5705.01 of the Revised Code.
Last updated February 13, 2025 at 8:20 PM
Section 511.29 | Collection of tax - bond issue.
October 30, 1989
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 230 - 118th General Assembly
When a tax is levied under sections 511.27 and 511.28 of the Revised Code, the township board of park commissioners shall cause it to be certified to the county auditor for collection, and it shall be collected as other taxes. For the purpose of raising money to pay for and improve parks or recreational facilities, the board may issue the bonds of the park district, in any sum not in excess of the taxes authorized by such sections, to be denominated township park district bonds. The issuance of the bonds is governed by Chapter 133. of the Revised Code.
Section 511.30 | Issuance of revenue securities.
September 21, 2000
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 417 - 123rd General Assembly
(A) In addition to any power granted to township park districts to issue securities under other provisions of the Revised Code, a township park district may issue revenue securities as authorized in this section. For purposes of this section, "securities" has the same meaning as in division (KK) of section 133.01 of the Revised Code. (B) A township park district may issue revenue securities to fund or refund revenue securities previously issued, or to raise money to pay for and improve parks or recreational facilities. (C) A township park district shall establish rates, charges, or rents for the use, availability, or rental of the facilities to which the financing relates, which rates, charges, or rents shall be designed to provide revenues to the park district sufficient to pay the costs of all current expenses of the facilities payable by the park district, to pay the debt charges on the securities, and to establish and maintain any contractually required special funds relating to the securities or the facilities. (D) Revenue securities issued under this section shall not be general obligations of the township park district. The revenue securities shall be secured only by a pledge of and lien upon the revenues of the park district derived from its ownership or operation of the facilities, including the rates, charges, or rents referred to in division (C) of this section and any interest subsidies or debt charges, grants, or other payments by federal or state agencies available for this purpose, and the covenants of the park district to maintain sufficient rates, charges, and rents to produce revenues sufficient to pay all current expenses of the facilities payable by the park district, to pay the debt charges on the securities, and to establish and maintain any contractually required special funds relating to the securities or the facilities, and, if the securities are anticipatory securities, to issue the revenue securities in anticipation of the issuance of which the securities are issued. Revenue securities also may be secured by a pledge of and lien on the proceeds of any securities issued to fund or refund those revenue securities. (E) The township park district officers authorized by the board of park commissioners shall execute the necessary documents, including, but not limited to, trust agreements and leases, to provide for the pledge, protection, and disposition of the pledged revenues from which debt charges and any special fund deposits are to be paid. (F) As long as any of these revenue securities, in either original or refunded form, remain outstanding, except as otherwise provided in the documents referred to in division (E) of this section, all parts of the facilities the revenues from which are pledged shall remain under the control of the board of park commissioners, whether any parts of the facilities are leased to or operated by others or are in or thereafter come within the boundaries of any municipal corporation, and the facilities shall remain subject to the power and duty of the board of park commissioners to fix and collect rates, charges, or rents for the use of facilities. (G) Sections 9.98 to 9.983 of the Revised Code apply to revenue securities issued under this section. (H) Revenue securities issued under this section, their transfer, and any income from them, including any profit made on their sale, shall at all times be free from taxation within the state. (I) The appointing authority of the board of park commissioners of any township park district that proposes to issue revenue securities under this section shall approve that proposal by resolution before the park district issues the revenue securities.
Section 511.31 | Obligations of park board.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1100 - 110th General Assembly
Every township board of park commissioners regardless of the manner in which it was created shall function under and be governed by sections 511.18 to 511.31, 511.34 to 511.37, 755.14, 755.16, 755.17, and 755.18 of the Revised Code. All obligations incurred by any such board under any former law, whether constitutional or otherwise, shall become the lawful obligations of the board provided for by such sections, and the title to all property acquired by any such former board shall pass to and be vested in the board provided for by such sections, in trust, for park purposes.
Section 511.32 | Improvement of public parks, squares, and grounds.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1100 - 110th General Assembly
The board of township trustees of any township having within its limits a public park, public square, or grounds devoted to public uses for park purposes, and which are not under the control of a board of park commissioners, may: (A) Control, care for, grade, and improve any such park, square, or grounds; (B) Plant or place therein and care for trees, shrubbery, and plants, and maintain lawns in good condition; (C) Construct and maintain fountains; (D) Lay out, construct, reconstruct, repair, and maintain in good condition suitable driveways and walks constructed of such materials as are most suitable, and provide and maintain suitable and sufficient lights in any such park, square, or grounds; (E) Construct, reconstruct, repair, and maintain therein all necessary sewers, drains, and ditches; (F) Protect and preserve to public uses for park purposes all of such property and improvements, and, to that end, adopt bylaws, rules, and regulations for the government and control of any such park, square, or grounds and the driveways and walks therein, and protect them and the trees, shrubbery, plants, and improvements from misuse, injury, or destruction, and provide for the enforcement of such rules and regulations by fines and penalties.
Section 511.33 | Appropriations and tax levy.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 48 - 128th General Assembly
In paying any expenses of park management and of improvements authorized by section 511.32 of the Revised Code, the board of township trustees may appropriate and use for these purposes any funds in the township treasury then unappropriated for any other purpose. If there are no available funds in the treasury or an insufficient amount to pay for the desired park management and improvements in any year, the board may levy a tax in order to pay for the park management and improvements. The tax shall be levied upon all of the taxable property in the township and shall be certified, levied, and collected in the manner prescribed for the certification, levy, and collection of other township taxes. The money so raised shall be paid over to the township fiscal officer, and the fiscal officer shall pay the money out on the order of the board. If a sum greater than two thousand dollars is to be expended by the board for park management and improvement purposes in any one year, and the sum is not available from any unappropriated money in the township treasury, the question of levying the additional tax shall, before making a levy that will amount to more than two thousand dollars, be submitted to and approved by a majority of the electors of the township voting on the question. If the election is necessary, it shall be called at a regular meeting of the board, and the resolution shall be certified to the board of elections not later than four p.m. of the ninetieth day before the day of the election. Twenty days' notice of the election shall be given by the posting of notices of the election by the township fiscal officer in ten public places in the township, and provisions for holding the election shall be made by the board of elections upon receiving notice of the date and purpose of the election from the fiscal officer. This section and section 511.32 of the Revised Code do not repeal, affect, or modify any law relating to park commissioners, or prevent the appointment of park commissioners in the future.
Section 511.34 | Care and maintenance of parks - tax levy.
September 13, 2022
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 140 - 134th General Assembly
In townships composed of islands, and on one of which islands lands have been conveyed in trust for the benefit of the inhabitants of the island for use as a park, and a board of park trustees has been provided for the control of the park, the board of township trustees may create a tax district of the island to raise funds by taxation as provided under divisions (A) and (B) of this section. (A) For the care and maintenance of parks on the island, the board of township trustees annually may levy a tax, not to exceed one mill for each one dollar of taxable value, upon all the taxable property in the district. The tax shall be in addition to all other levies authorized by law, and subject to no limitation on tax rates except as provided in this division. The proceeds of the tax levy shall be expended by the board of township trustees for the purpose of the care and maintenance of the parks, and shall be paid out of the township treasury upon the orders of the board of park trustees. (B) For the purpose of acquiring additional land for use as a park, the board of township trustees may levy a tax in excess of the ten-mill limitation on all taxable property in the district. The tax shall be proposed by resolution adopted by two-thirds of the members of the board of township trustees. The resolution shall specify the purpose and rate of the tax and the number of years the tax will be levied, which shall not exceed five years, and which may include a levy on the current tax list and duplicate. The resolution shall go into immediate effect upon its passage, and no publication of the resolution is necessary other than that provided for in the notice of election. The board of township trustees shall certify a copy of the resolution to the proper board of elections not later than ninety days before the primary or general election in the township, and the board of elections shall submit the question of the tax to the voters of the district at the succeeding primary or general election. The board of elections shall make the necessary arrangements for the submission of the question to the electors of the district, and the election shall be conducted, canvassed, and certified in the same manner as regular elections in the township for the election of officers. Notice of the election shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the township once a week for two consecutive weeks, or as provided in section 7.16 of the Revised Code prior to the election. If the board of elections operates and maintains a web site, notice of the election also shall be posted on that web site for thirty days prior to the election. The notice shall state the purpose of the tax, the levy's estimated annual collections, the proposed rate of the tax expressed in dollars for each one hundred thousand dollars of the county auditor's appraised value and mills for each one dollar of taxable value, the number of years the tax will be in effect, the first year the tax will be levied, and the time and place of the election. The form of the ballots cast at an election held under this division shall be as follows: "An additional tax for the benefit of _________ (name of the township) for the purpose of acquiring additional park land, that the county auditor estimates will collect $____ annually, at a rate of _________ mills for each $1 of taxable value, which amounts to $________ for each $100,000 of the county auditor's appraised value, for _________ (number of years the levy is to run) beginning in ___________ (first year the tax will be levied). | FOR THE TAX LEVY | | | AGAINST THE TAX LEVY | " |
The question shall be submitted as a separate proposition but may be printed on the same ballot with any other proposition submitted at the same election other than the election of officers. More than one such question may be submitted at the same election. If the levy is approved by a majority of electors voting on the question, the board of elections shall certify the result of the election to the tax commissioner. In the first year of the levy, the tax shall be extended on the tax lists after the February settlement following the election. If the tax is to be placed on the tax lists of the current year as specified in the resolution, the board of elections shall certify the result of the election immediately after the canvass to the board of township trustees, which shall forthwith make the necessary levy and certify the levy to the county auditor, who shall extend the levy on the tax lists for collection. After the first year of the levy, the levy shall be included in the annual tax budget that is certified to the county budget commission. As used in this section, "the county auditor's appraised value" has the same meaning as in section 5705.01 of the Revised Code.
Last updated July 15, 2022 at 8:44 AM
Section 511.35 | Construction and meaning.
October 1, 1953
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 1 - 100th General Assembly
It is hereby declared that the proper construction and meaning of sections 511.18 to 511.31, inclusive, of the Revised Code, heretofore, has been that the said boards of township park commissioners therein provided for, were officers of park districts coterminous with the geographic township, wherein they existed, that said boards of park commissioners constituted bodies politic and corporate, and that the offices of said park commissioners were not township offices, within the meaning of that term in section 703.22 of the Revised Code.
Section 511.36 | Sale of public grounds for park purposes to annexing municipality.
November 1, 1965
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 841 - 106th General Assembly
The board of park commissioners or the township trustees may sell to an annexing municipality, upon terms and conditions mutually agreed upon, the whole or any part of any public square, public park, or grounds devoted to public uses for park purposes owned by such board or trustees when any such square, park, or grounds devoted to public uses for park purposes is or has been annexed by such municipality. Such board or trustees may sell by bid or otherwise to any purchaser any of its park equipment used on such square, park, or grounds devoted to public uses for park purposes.
Last updated March 23, 2022 at 3:22 PM
Section 511.37 | Contributions of property or funds to park districts with overlapping territory.
September 21, 2000
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 417 - 123rd General Assembly
The board of township trustees of any township may make contributions of moneys, lands, supplies, equipment, office facilities, and other personal property or services to any board of park commissioners of a park district that is established pursuant to section 511.18 or Chapter 1545. of the Revised Code and whose territory overlaps the territory of the township in whole or in part, for the purposes of park planning, acquisition, management, and improvement. The board of park commissioners may accept the contributions without the approval of the terms by the appointing authority, if applicable. Any moneys contributed by the board of township trustees for those purposes shall be drawn from the general fund in the township treasury not otherwise appropriated. The board of township trustees may anticipate the contributions of moneys for those purposes and enter the amount of the contributions in its annual statement to the county budget commission for inclusion in the budget upon which rates of taxation are based.
Section 511.51 | Township preservation commission -- creation.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 315 - 135th General Assembly
(A) A board of township trustees by resolution may establish a township preservation commission. The commission shall consist of seven members appointed by the board of township trustees. Initially, two members shall serve a term of one year, two members shall serve a term of two years, and three members shall serve a term of three years. All subsequent terms shall be for a period of three years. The board of township trustees shall appoint members to fill vacancies caused by death, resignation, or removal for the unexpired term. Members shall serve without compensation. (B) Not later than thirty days after the appointment of all initial members by the board of township trustees, the commission shall meet and select a chairperson and vice-chairperson. The commission shall adopt rules of procedure, which shall be approved by resolution of the board of township trustees. Four members shall be required for official action and constitute a quorum. The commission shall take official action only by a vote of a majority of the members voting on the question on the table, during a public meeting open to the public. A record of proceedings shall be maintained and available for inspection. (C) Not later than six months after the appointment of all initial members by the board of township trustees, the commission shall adopt procedures and guidelines by which the commission shall perform the duties enumerated under section 511.52 of the Revised Code, which shall be approved by the board of township trustees.
Last updated February 21, 2025 at 11:04 AM
Section 511.52 | Township preservation commission -- duties.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 315 - 135th General Assembly
A township preservation commission has the following duties: (A) Promote the importance of historic preservation throughout the unincorporated territory of the township; (B) Maintain a register of historic properties located within the unincorporated territory of the township. Upon recommendation of the commission, the board of township trustees by resolution may designate appropriate properties as registered properties; (C) Protect the unique historical and architectural character of registered properties and promote the conservation of the registered properties by considering applications, and issuing certificates, for exterior alterations at registered properties.
Last updated February 21, 2025 at 11:05 AM
Section 511.53 | Township preservation commission -- exterior alterations.
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 315 - 135th General Assembly
Within the unincorporated territory of a township that has established a township preservation commission under section 511.51 of the Revised Code, no person may alter the exterior of a registered property without first obtaining from the commission a certificate under division (C) of section 511.52 of the Revised Code.
Last updated February 21, 2025 at 11:05 AM
Section 511.99 | Penalty.
August 26, 1977
Latest Legislation:
House Bill 187 - 112th General Assembly
Whoever violates division (F) of section 511.23 of the Revised Code is guilty of a minor misdemeanor for a first offense; for each subsequent offense such person is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree.