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The Legislative Service Commission staff updates the Revised Code on an ongoing basis, as it completes its act review of enacted legislation. Updates may be slower during some times of the year, depending on the volume of enacted legislation.

Ohio Revised Code Search

Drug Charge
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Section 4729.291 | Drugs personally furnished by prescriber. professional authorized to prescribe drugs personally furnishes drugs to a patient pursuant to division (B) of section 4729.29 of the Revised Code, the prescriber shall ensure that the drugs are labeled and packaged in accordance with state and federal drug laws and any rules and regulations adopted pursuant to those laws. Records of purchase and disposition of all drugs personally furnished to patients shall be m...

Section 4729.292 | On-site inspection of opioid treatment programs.

...The state board of pharmacy shall annually conduct an on-site inspection of each opioid treatment program licensed under section 5119.37 of the Revised Code.

Section 4729.30 | Sale of Paris green.

...Sections 4729.27 and 4729.28 of the Revised Code shall not prohibit a person from selling Paris green and other materials or compounds used exclusively for spraying and disinfecting when put up in bottles or boxes, bearing the name of a licensed pharmacist or wholesale dealer, and labeled as required by section 3719.33 of the Revised Code or apply to or interfere with the exclusively wholesale business of a dealer.

Section 4729.31 | Exceptions.

...Sections 4729.27 and 4729.28 of the Revised Code shall not apply to, interfere with, or prohibit any person, firm, or corporation from selling completely denatured alcohol or wood alcohol.

Section 4729.32 | Requirements for sale of denatured or wood alcohol in five gallon lots or more.

...No person shall have in his possession, or dispense or sell packages or containers of completely denatured alcohol or wood alcohol containing five wine gallons or more without having marked or stenciled thereon the name and address of the seller, the degree of proof of such alcohol, the formula number, and, in letters of not less than one inch in height, the words, "Completely Denatured Alcohol" or "Wood Alcohol," as...

Section 4729.33 | Requirements for sale of denatured or wood alcohol in less than five gallon lots.

...No person shall dispense or sell completely denatured alcohol or wood alcohol in packages containing less than five wine gallons without having affixed thereto a label on which is printed or stenciled in plain, legible, red letters of equal prominence on a white background the words, "Completely Denatured Alcohol" or "Wood Alcohol," as the case may be, and in addition on the same label in red ink, under the skull and...

Section 4729.34 | Advertising.

...No person shall dispense, sell, or offer for sale completely denatured alcohol or wood alcohol, or shall display a sign or use a label or advertise such alcohol having the word "pure" or the single word "alcohol" alone thereon, or shall fail to state the degree of proof of such alcohol, or to have the letters displaying or advertising "Completely Denatured Alcohol" or "Wood Alcohol" plain, legible, and of equal promi...

Section 4729.35 | Violations deemed public nuisance.

...rmacy controlling the distribution of a drug of abuse as defined in section 3719.011 of the Revised Code or the commission of any act set forth in division (A) of section 4729.16 of the Revised Code, is hereby declared to be inimical, harmful, and adverse to the public welfare of the citizens of Ohio and to constitute a public nuisance. The attorney general, the prosecuting attorney of any county in which the offense...

Section 4729.36 | Advertisements.

... as a terminal distributor of dangerous drugs and no person except a licensed pharmacist shall display any sign or advertise in any fashion, using the words "pharmacy," "drugs," "drug store," "drug store supplies," "pharmacist," "druggist," "pharmaceutical chemist," "apothecary," "drug sundries," "medicine," or any of these words or their equivalent, in any manner. (B) A pharmacy making retail sales may advertise by...

Section 4729.361 | Disclosing price information.

...(A) A retail seller of dangerous drugs shall disclose price information regarding dangerous drugs to any person requesting such information. (B) Pursuant to division (A) of this section, a retail seller of dangerous drugs shall disclose price information in the following ways: (1) By means of verbal disclosure on the premises of the retail seller to all persons requesting such information; (2) By means of telephon...

Section 4729.37 | Filling prescriptions - records.

...A copy of an original prescription may only be filled in accordance with the rules and regulations adopted by the state board of pharmacy. Prescriptions received electronically or by word of mouth, telephone, telegraph, or other means of communication shall be recorded in writing by the pharmacist and the record so made by the pharmacist shall constitute the original prescription to be filled by the pharmacist. All ...

Section 4729.38 | Selecting generically equivalent drugs or interchangeable biological products.

...d dosage form," "generically equivalent drug," and "interchangeable biological product" have the same meanings as in section 3715.01 of the Revised Code. (B) Unless instructed otherwise by the person receiving the drug pursuant to the prescription, a pharmacist filling a prescription for a drug prescribed by its brand name may, subject to the following conditions, select a generically equivalent drug, or, in the cas...

Section 4729.381 | Licensed pharmacist - immunity.

...cution arising from the dispensing of a drug based upon a formulary established by a hospital, a health insuring corporation, a long-term care facility, or the department of rehabilitation and corrections and requiring the pharmacist to dispense the particular drug.

Section 4729.382 | Pharmacist's authority to dispense an epinephrine autoinjector by substitution.

... approved by the United States food and drug administration; and it has not been excluded from recognition as a pharmaceutical equivalent form of epinephrine by rules adopted under division (H) of this section. (C) All of the following conditions apply with respect to a pharmacist's authority to dispense an epinephrine autoinjector by substitution: (1) The pharmacist shall not make the substitution if the person ...

Section 4729.39 | Consult agreement with physicians.

...nt relationship with each patient whose drug therapy is to be managed. (2) The diagnosis for which each patient has been prescribed drug therapy must be within the scope of each practitioner's practice. (3) Each pharmacist must have training and experience related to the particular diagnosis for which drug therapy is to be prescribed. (D) With respect to consult agreements, all of the following apply: (1) Und...

Section 4729.391 | Adding drug delivery devices to a prescription.

...(A) A pharmacist may modify a drug's prescription to also include a drug delivery device, if the pharmacist determines that the device is necessary for the drug's administration. (B) The state board of pharmacy may adopt rules to implement this section. The rules shall be adopted in accordance with Chapter 119. of the Revised Code. (C) For purposes of reimbursement under the terms of a health benefit plan by a he...

Section 4729.40 | Authority for pharmacists to convert prescriptions authorizing refills under certain circumstances.

...ase of a prescription that authorizes a drug to be dispensed by refilling the prescription one or more times and the total quantity or amount of the drug that may be dispensed by filling and refilling the prescription does not exceed a ninety-day supply of the drug, a pharmacist who is filling or refilling the prescription may dispense a quantity or amount of the drug that varies from the quantity or amount of the dr...

Section 4729.41 | Authority to administer immunizations.

...(A)(1) A pharmacist licensed under this chapter who meets the requirements of division (B) of this section, and a pharmacy intern licensed under this chapter who meets the requirements of division (B) of this section and is working under the direct supervision of a pharmacist who meets the requirements of that division, may do any of the following: (a) In the case of an individual who is seven years of age or older...

Section 4729.42 | Authority to order, administer COVID-19 diagnostic tests.

...(A) A pharmacist may order and administer diagnostic tests for COVID-19 and tests for COVID-19 antibodies. (B) Both of the following may, under the direct supervision of a pharmacist, administer diagnostic tests for COVID-19 and tests for COVID-19 antibodies: (1) A pharmacy intern; (2) A certified pharmacy technician.

Section 4729.46 | Prescriptions for opioid analgesics to be used on an outpatient basis.

...rescription's directions for use of the drug, regardless of whether the prescription was issued for a greater amount. (2) Except as provided in division (B)(3) of this section, a pharmacist shall not dispense the opioid analgesic if more than fourteen days have elapsed since the prescription was issued. (3)(a) A pharmacist may dispense the opioid analgesic after more than fourteen days have elapsed since the prescr...

Section 4729.47 | Authority to dispense epinephrine without a prescription. professional authorized to prescribe drugs; (2) An individual acting on behalf of a qualified entity, as defined in section 3728.01 of the Revised Code. (C)(1) A pharmacist or pharmacy intern who dispenses epinephrine under this section shall instruct the individual to whom epinephrine is dispensed to summon emergency services as soon as practicable either before or after administering epinephrine. (2) A pharma...

Section 4729.49 | Terminal distributor contracts with 340B program participants.

...een a terminal distributor of dangerous drugs and a 340B covered entity shall require the terminal distributor to comply with division (C) of this section. (C) When paying a 340B covered entity for a dangerous drug dispensed to a patient, a terminal distributor shall pay to the 340B covered entity the full reimbursement amount the terminal distributor receives from the patient and the patient's health insurer, incl...

Section 4729.50 | Contracts with private entities to process applications.

...or wholesale distributors of dangerous drugs and terminal distributors of dangerous drugs. When entering into these contracts, the board shall give preference to entities that are Ohio-based companies. Any revenue received by the board from contracts entered into under this section shall be deposited into the state treasury to the credit of the occupational licensing and regulatory fund. The money may be use...

Section 4729.51 | Selling, purchasing, distributing, or delivering dangerous or investigational drugs. a licensed manufacturer of dangerous drugs, outsourcing facility, third-party logistics provider, repackager of dangerous drugs, or wholesale distributor of dangerous drugs shall possess for sale, sell, distribute, or deliver, at wholesale, dangerous drugs or investigational drugs or products, except as follows: (1) A licensed terminal distributor of dangerous drugs that is a pharmacy may make occasional sales ...

Section 4729.511 | Overdose reversal drug distributor; priorities.

...sed in this section, "overdose reversal drug distributor" means either of the following: (1) A wholesale distributor of dangerous drugs; (2) A terminal distributor of dangerous drugs that supplies overdose reversal drugs to any entity under division (B)(1) of this section. (B)(1) An overdose reversal drug distributor shall prioritize the sale, distribution, and delivery of overdose reversal drugs to all of the...