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Ohio Revised Code Search

Misdemeanor Crimes
Results 926 - 950 of 1,287
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Section 2945.58 | Alibi.

...Whenever a defendant in a criminal cause proposes to offer in the defendant's defense, testimony to establish an alibi on the defendant's behalf, such defendant shall, not less than seven days before the trial of such cause, file and serve upon the prosecuting attorney a notice in writing of the defendant's intention to claim such alibi. Notice shall include specific information as to the place at which the defendant...

Section 2945.59 | Proof of defendant's motive.

...In any criminal case in which the defendant's motive or intent, the absence of mistake or accident on his part, or the defendant's scheme, plan, or system in doing an act is material, any acts of the defendant which tend to show his motive or intent, the absence of mistake or accident on his part, or the defendant's scheme, plan, or system in doing the act in question may be proved, whether they are contemporaneous w...

Section 2945.63 | Child pornography offered as evidence; custody.

...(A) As used in this section: (1) "Child pornography" means any obscene material involving a juvenile, any sexually oriented matter involving a juvenile, or any material that is harmful to juveniles. (2) "Juvenile," "harmful to juveniles," "material," and "performance" have the same meanings as in section 2907.01 of the Revised Code. (3) "Sexually oriented matter" has the same meaning as in section 2919.22 of th...

Section 2945.64 | Embezzlement prima-facie evidence.

...Failure or refusal to pay over or produce public money by a person charged with the collection, receipt, transfer, disbursement, or safekeeping of such money, whether belonging to this state, a county, township, municipal corporation, or board of education, or other public money, or to account to or make settlement with a legal authority of the official accounts of such person, is prima-facie evidence of the embezzle...

Section 2945.65 | Evidence obtained as part of test to determine pregnancy.

...Evidence of the use of a controlled substance obtained as part of a screening or test performed to determine pregnancy or provide prenatal care is not admissible in a criminal proceeding against the woman who was screened or tested. This section does not prohibit criminal prosecution based on evidence obtained through methods other than the screening or testing described in this section.

Section 2945.67 | Appeal by state by leave of court.

...(A) A prosecuting attorney, village solicitor, city director of law, or the attorney general may appeal as a matter of right any decision of a trial court in a criminal case, or any decision of a juvenile court in a delinquency case, which decision grants a motion to dismiss all or any part of an indictment, complaint, or information, a motion to suppress evidence, or a motion for the return of seized property or gra...

Section 2945.71 | Time for trial.

...cord, or against whom a charge of minor misdemeanor is pending in a court of record, shall be brought to trial within thirty days after the person's arrest or the service of summons. (B) Subject to division (D) of this section, a person against whom a charge of misdemeanor, other than a minor misdemeanor, is pending in a court of record, shall be brought to trial as follows: (1) Within forty-five days after the p...

Section 2945.72 | Extending time for hearing or trial.

...The time within which an accused must be brought to trial, or, in the case of felony, to preliminary hearing and trial, may be extended only by the following: (A) Any period during which the accused is unavailable for hearing or trial, by reason of other criminal proceedings against the accused, within or outside the state, by reason of confinement in another state, or by reason of the pendency of extradition proce...

Section 2945.73 | Delay in hearing or trial.

...ement of trial, a person charged with a misdemeanor shall be discharged if the person is not brought to trial within the time required by sections 2945.71 and 2945.72 of the Revised Code. Such a discharge is a bar to any further criminal proceedings against the person based on the same conduct. (2) Regardless of whether a longer time limit may be provided by sections 2945.71 and 2945.72 of the Revised Code, a perso...

Section 2945.74 | Defendant may be convicted of lesser offense.

...The jury may find the defendant not guilty of the offense charged, but guilty of an attempt to commit it if such attempt is an offense at law. When the indictment or information charges an offense, including different degrees, or if other offenses are included within the offense charged, the jury may find the defendant not guilty of the degree charged but guilty of an inferior degree thereof or lesser included offens...

Section 2945.75 | Degree of offense - proof of prior convictions.

...(A) When the presence of one or more additional elements makes an offense one of more serious degree: (1) The affidavit, complaint, indictment, or information either shall state the degree of the offense which the accused is alleged to have committed, or shall allege such additional element or elements. Otherwise, such affidavit, complaint, indictment, or information is effective to charge only the least degre...

Section 2945.77 | Polling jury.

...When the jurors agree upon their verdict, they must be conducted into court by the officer having them in charge. Before the verdict is accepted, the jury may be polled at the request of either the prosecuting attorney or the defendant. If one of the jurors upon being polled declares that said verdict is not his verdict, the jury must further deliberate upon the case.

Section 2945.78 | Recording the verdict.

...When the verdict given is such as the court may receive, it must be immediately entered in full upon the minutes.

Section 2945.79 | Causes for new trial.

...A new trial, after a verdict of conviction, may be granted on the application of the defendant for any of the following causes affecting materially his substantial rights: (A) Irregularity in the proceedings of the court, jury, prosecuting attorney, or the witnesses for the state, or for any order of the court, or abuse of discretion by which the defendant was prevented from having a fair trial; (B) Misconduct of t...

Section 2945.80 | Written motion for new trial.

...Application for a new trial shall be made by motion upon written grounds, and except for the cause of newly discovered evidence material for the person applying, which he could not with reasonable diligence have discovered and produced at the trial, shall be filed within three days after the verdict was rendered, or the decision of the court where a trial by jury has been waived, unless it is made to appear by clear ...

Section 2945.81 | Causes to be sustained by affidavits.

...The causes enumerated in divisions (B) and (C) of section 2945.79 of the Revised Code must be sustained by affidavit showing their truth, and may be controverted by affidavits.

Section 2945.82 | New trial.

...When a new trial is granted by the trial court, or when a new trial is awarded on appeal, the accused shall stand for trial upon the indictment or information as though there had been no previous trial thereof.

Section 2945.83 | When new trial shall not be granted.

...No motion for a new trial shall be granted or verdict set aside, nor shall any judgment of conviction be reversed in any court because of: (A) An inaccuracy or imperfection in the indictment, information, or warrant, provided that the charge is sufficient to fairly and reasonably inform the accused of the nature and cause of the accusation against him; (B) A variance between the allegations and the proof thereof un...

Section 2945.831 | Motion for new trial not necessary for appellate review.

...A motion for a new trial is not a necessary prerequisite to obtain appellate review of the sufficiency or weight of the evidence in the trial of a criminal case.

Section 2947.01 | Judgment and sentence definitions.

...The definition of "magistrate" set forth in section 2931.01 of the Revised Code applies to Chapter 2947. of the Revised Code.

Section 2947.02 | Motion in arrest of judgment.

...A judgment may be arrested by the court upon motion of the defendant, or upon the court's own motion, for either of the following causes: (A) The offense charged is not within the jurisdiction of the court; (B) The facts stated in the indictment or information do not constitute an offense.

Section 2947.03 | Defects - time limits.

...A judgment shall not be arrested for a defect inform. Motions in arrest of judgment shall be made within three days after the verdict is rendered.

Section 2947.04 | Effect of arresting judgment.

...When a judgment is arrested, it places the defendant in a like position with respect to the prosecution as before the indictment or information was found. If, from the evidence at the trial, there is reason to believe that the defendant is guilty of an offense, the trial court shall order him to enter into a recognizance with sufficient surety for his appearance at the first day of the next term of such court, or the...

Section 2947.051 | Victim impact statement.

...(A) In all criminal cases in which a person is convicted of or pleads guilty to a felony, if the offender, in committing the offense, caused, attempted to cause, threatened to cause, or created a risk of physical harm to the victim of the offense, the court, prior to sentencing the offender, shall order the preparation of a victim impact statement by the department of probation of the county in which the victim of th...

Section 2947.06 | Testimony in mitigation - presentence investigation report - psychologist's or psychiatrist's reports.

...he presence of the defendant, except in misdemeanor cases in which sentence may be pronounced in the absence of the defendant. A copy of each report of a psychologist or psychiatrist may be furnished to the defendant, if present, who may examine the persons making the report, under oath, as to any matter or thing contained in the report.