Section 3709.07 | Union of city with general health districts.
Except as provided in section 3709.071 of the Revised Code, when it is proposed that one or more city health districts unite with a general health district in the formation of a single district, the district advisory council of the general health district shall meet and vote on the question of union. It shall require a majority affirmative vote of the members of the district advisory council to carry the question. The legislative authority of each city shall likewise vote on the question. A majority voting affirmatively shall be required for approval. When the majority of the district advisory council and the legislative authority have voted affirmatively, the chair of the council and the chief executive of each city shall enter into a contract for the administration of health affairs in the combined district. Such contract shall state the proportion of the expenses of the board of health or health department of the combined district to be paid by the city or cities and by the original general health district. The contract may provide that the administration of the combined district shall be taken over by either the board of health or health department of one of the cities, by the board of health of the general health district, or by a combined board of health. Such contract shall prescribe the date on which such change of administration shall be made. A copy of such contract shall be filed with the director of health.
The combined district shall constitute a general health district, and the board of health or health department of the city, the board of health of the original general health district, or the combined board of health, as may be agreed in the contract, shall have, within the combined district, all the powers granted to, and perform all the duties required of, the board of health of a general health district.
The district advisory council of the combined general health district shall consist of the members of the district advisory council of the original general health district and the chief executive of each city constituting a city health district, each member having one vote.
If the contract provides that the administration of the combined district shall be taken over by a combined board of health, rather than the board of health of the original health district, the contract shall set forth the number of members of such board, their terms of office, and the manner of appointment or election of officers. One of the members of such combined board of health shall be a physician, and one member shall be an individual appointed by the health district licensing council, if such council is established under section 3709.41 of the Revised Code. The contract may also provide for the representation of areas by one or more members and shall, in such event, specify the territory to be included in each such area.
The appointment of any member of the combined board who is designated by the provisions of the contract to represent a city shall be made by the chief executive and approved by the legislative authority of such city. If a member is designated by the contract to represent more than one city, the member shall be appointed by majority vote of the chief executives of all cities included in any such area. Except for the member appointed by the health district licensing council, if such council is established, the appointment of all members of the combined board who are designated to represent the balance of the district shall be made by the district advisory council.
The service status of any person employed by a city or general health district shall not be affected by the creation of a combined district.
Available Versions of this Section
- November 21, 2001 – Senate Bill 136 - 124th General Assembly [ View November 21, 2001 Version ]
- September 29, 2015 – House Bill 64 - 131st General Assembly [ View September 29, 2015 Version ]
- September 30, 2021 – Amended by House Bill 110 - 134th General Assembly [ View September 30, 2021 Version ]